University of California Santa Barbara Resolution Agreement With Department of Education
University of California Santa Barbara Resolution Agreement With Department of Education
University of California Santa Barbara Resolution Agreement With Department of Education
\\/ i thout adrnini ng to an.y violation of" la \V, in order to resolve the cornpl iancc concerns idcntifi cd
by the U.S. Department of l.ducaticm, Office for Civil Rights (OCR), in the investigation of the
above-referenced complaint filed against the University of California Santa Barbara (the
Lnivcrsity) pursuant to Title IX of the Education Amendments 01" 1972 (Tille IX). and its
implementing regulation. the University agrces to take the actions in this Resolution Agreement
1. Plan
A. The llnivcrsity will develop and implement a plan (the Plan) III address: I) how to
ensure that Tille IX in vest igations wi 11 be resolved ina reasonably prompt manner,
particularly in situations in which a respondent has been subject to an interim
suspension; 2) ensuring that the University is tracking promptness from the date a
report is received, as opposed 10 solely the date an investigation is initiated; J) how
the University will communicate effectively with respondents when a student has
received an interim suspension but where a formal investigation has not yet been
initiated; and 4) a protocol rot" how the University will consistently implement the
provision or Section IOS.OS or the Lnivcrsity of California s Sexual Violence and
Sexual Harassment policy to provide a "prompt hearing on the Interim suspension."
I. Hy November 0 1,20 (S, the Lriivcrsity will submit to OCR a draft of the Plan
required by Section LA. for OCR's review and approval. Within 30 days 0(·
OC R' s approval () r the P Ian, the U ni vcrsity wi II distribute the final Plan to al I
relevant starr and provide documentation to OCR that it has distributed the
Plan. The University wil] subsequently provide OCR with documentation
sufficient to demonstrate that the Lriivcrsity has effectively implemented the
n. Training
A. By December 31, 20U( the University will provide training to all Title IX staff on the
approved Plan described in Section I.A.
8. Reporting Requirements:
I. Within 30 days ofOCH's approval of the Plan. the University will identify an
individual with relevant experience to conduct the training required by Section
II.A and provide the name, title, and qualifications of this individual and a
copy of the agenda and training materials for OCR's review and approval.
2. Within 30 days of completing the training, the University will provide OCR a
report that includes documentation that demonstrates the training occurred,
including the date of the training, the namc(s) or the traincrts}, sign-in sheets
with participant names and titles, a list or Title IX Office staff, and a copy of
the final materials used by the Lnivcrsity in the training.
111. Monitoring
The University understands that by signing this Agreement, it agrees to provide data and other
information in a timely manner. Further the University understands that during the monitoring
of this Agreement, OCR may visit the LniVl:rsity, interview staff and students and request such
additional reports or data as are necessary for OCR 10 determine whether the University has
fulfilled the terms ofthis Agreement. Upon completion of the obligations under this Agreement,
OCR shall close and dismiss this case.
The University understands and acknowledges that OCR may initiate administrative enforcement
or judicial proceedings to enforce the specific terms and obi igations of this Agreement. Before
initialing administrative enforcement (34 c'F.R. §§ 100.9, 100.] 0), or judicial proceedings to
enforce this Agreement, OCR shall give the Lnivcrsity written notice of the alleged breach and
sixty (60) calendar days to cure the alleged breach.
1")(6, (b)(7XC)
j)avid Marshall, UCSf3 Executive Vice Chancellor Date