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Welcome to your new adventure!
Your time volunteering in Cub Scouting will
be rewarding and fun, and the information
here will help you get off to the right start.
With the proper training, resources, and
enthusiasm, you have the ability to make a
positive difference in the lives of Cub Scouts.
A den is a small group of youth—an ideal size is eight, but you
may have more or less. Dens are formed with Cub Scouts of the
same school grade and gender. In Lion (kindergarten) and Tiger
(first grade) dens, each Cub Scout is required to have a parent or
other caring adult with them at all meetings and activities. As a Lion
or Tiger den leader, you will not be the only adult; there will always 4. After your den leader application has been approved,
be an adult with each Cub Scout. log in to Scoutbook.com as Den Leader. Use the same
username and password as the my.Scouting.org account that
Having adult partners present at all meetings and activities is a you set up for training. Logging in to Scoutbook.com as Den
requirement because, at this age, children are still developing Leader will give you access to all the required meeting plans
control over their emotions and often need a caring adult to for delivering the Cub Scouting program, and this access will
guide them, especially during new experiences. always be right at your fingertips.
The Lion and Tiger den uses a shared leadership model. The 5. Become acquainted with your Cubmaster and the pack
den leader works with a different family each month to deliver committee. These volunteer leaders will see that you have
the adventure for that month. the information and materials you need to prepare for and
conduct den meetings and activities.
As a den leader of either Lions (kindergarten) or Tigers (first
6. Wear the Cub Scout leader uniform. The uniform is a
graders), you simply use the free online tool Scoutbook and
method of the Scouting program. Wearing the uniform
the Cub Scout handbook to provide the Cub Scout program.
properly is important in setting a good example. You can
Scoutbook provides step-by-step instructions on how to
purchase a uniform through a local Scout shop or through
prepare for and conduct den meetings and activities centered
around different adventures.
7. Prepare for your first meeting. Using Scoutbook and
logging in as Den Leader, review the resources for your
BEFORE THE FIRST MEETING first den meeting. Tigers usually work on the Bobcat badge
during their first meeting.
1. Register your position with the pack. Fill out the Boy
Scouts of America (BSA) adult application and attach
your Youth Protection completion certificate. (See no. 2.) WITHIN THE FIRST MONTH
This form will register you with the BSA and give the BSA
permission to initiate a background check for approving 1. Complete all of the online training modules for CS19 Den
you as a leader. If you are already a registered leader Leader training. Once you have done this at my.Scouting.
in the pack, you still need to complete this step so your org, you are considered trained and eligible to wear the Trained
position can be approved by the pack committee and patch, worn below the Den Leader position patch.
chartered organization representative. 2. Get acquainted with the families in your den. Hold a family
2. Complete Youth Protection training and print the orientation meeting outlining the structure of den meetings
certificate of completion. Youth Protection training, and den outings, the time and location for meetings, and
found online at my.Scouting.org, will teach you the BSA’s your den’s role during the monthly pack meetings. Using the
policies for safely and appropriately interacting with youth. shared leadership model, where you work with a different
If you are already registered and have completed Youth family each month, will help you do this.
Protection training within the past two years, you do not
need to take the training again.
3. Complete the “Before Your First Meeting” online training
modules for CS19 Den Leader training. The online training,
found at my.Scouting.org, will begin building the foundation
you need to become an effective and successful leader.
3. Get acquainted with the children in your den. Establish • Attend the pack leaders’ meetings.
a den code of conduct so that everyone will know what you • Ensure Cub Scouts earn their badge of rank and continue
expect of them. See the den leader guide for details. in Cub Scouting.
4. Attend the monthly pack committee meetings held by • Coordinate shared leadership among the families in the den.
your pack committee chair. These meetings are led by
the pack committee chair and are where pack plans Rotate responsibilities monthly to ensure that each
are made. family has the opportunity to be the host team, planning and
executing the den meeting and activities.
5. Attend the monthly pack meeting with the members of
your den and their families. In this meeting, Cub Scouts Assistant Cub Scout Den Leaders
are recognized for the adventures they have completed The assistant den leaders share the responsibilities of the
since the last pack meeting. They may be asked to Cub Scout den leader and may assist with record keeping
participate by performing flag ceremonies, displaying such as tracking advancement or handling other details of den
projects completed with your den, or acting out skits operation. Each den should have at least one assistant den
or run-ons. leader and more if needed.
6. Attend the monthly district Cub Scout leaders’ Assistant den leaders must be 21 years of age or older,
roundtable. You will receive program ideas and become which helps ensure that there are two registered adult leaders
acquainted with den leaders from other packs who will who are 21 years of age or older at every meeting or activity.
share ideas and experiences with you. Your Cubmaster or Additional assistant den leaders may be recruited to provide
pack committee chair can tell you when and where the additional support as needed.
roundtables meet.

Don’t hesitate to ask for help. There are many people

who want to help you provide the finest possible Cub Scout THE CUB SCOUT DEN MEETING
experience for the families in your den. As a registered Cub Den meetings for Lions are once a month; Tiger den meetings
Scout leader, you will also receive Scouting magazine, which are typically held twice a month. The meeting day, time, and
includes information to assist you as a leader. Also refer to location are set by the den leader and should be the same day of
www.scouting.org/programs/cub-scouts/. By the time you have the week to prevent confusion. Den meetings last approximately
completed the steps outlined here, you will be well on your way one hour. Leadership responsibilities are shared by the den leader,
to becoming a successful den leader. assistant den leader, and families in the den.
The den meeting program includes the following parts, detailed
YOU, THE DEN LEADER for each adventure in the den leader guide for your position:
You were selected as a den leader and approved by the 1. Before the Meeting. The den leader, assistant den leader,
pack committee because of your abilities and character. By and den chief make final preparations, while the denner helps
making the commitment to serve as a den leader, you have set up the meeting place.
accepted the following responsibilities: 2. Gathering. As Cub Scouts arrive, they join in a game or
• Plan, prepare for, and conduct den meetings with the activity with help from the host adult partner for that month.
assistant den leader and a different family each month. The den leader and assistant den leader collect dues, take
attendance, and check on completion of requirements.
3. Opening. The den participates in a simple opening ceremony
such as a song, yell, pledge to the flag, or uniform inspection.
4. Talk Time. Leaders discuss den activities and plans and
make announcements.
5. Activities. Cub Scouts do activities related to the completion
of the den’s current adventure.
6. Closing. The den leader gives reminders and shares a
closing thought, and the den holds a brief inspirational
closing ceremony.
7. After the Meeting. The den leader, assistant den leader, and
den chief discuss plans for the next week’s meeting, while
the host adult partner with the Cub Scouts puts the room back
in order.
The uniform is a method of the Cub Scouting program. It IN RETURN?
identifies youth and adults as part of a team and provides a sense
of belonging to the den, the pack, and the Boy Scouts of America. • The opportunity to create the foundation for a strong
It also instills a sense of pride as the uniform is where awards and lifelong bond with your child.
achievements are displayed. Most Cub Scout-age children love • Make new friends with families in your community.
wearing their Cub Scout uniform. Uniforms should be worn to all • A monthly gathering of fun and fellowship with pack
den meetings, pack meetings, and special pack activities. families, sharing their pride in their child’s accomplishments.
Lions—an official Lion T-shirt and hat. Lions may choose • The opportunity to meet your child’s peers and their parents
to wear official blue Cub Scout uniform shorts, pants or skorts, and to enable your child to form healthy friendships.
Cub Scout belt, blue and gold socks, gold neckerchief, and Lion • A sense of pride as you watch the Cub Scouts receive
neckerchief slide. There are several options for Lions to allow for recognition for their accomplishments.
flexibility. The Lion den should as a group be uniformed to achieve
the purpose of building a sense of belonging. • An opportunity to share your ideas and experiences with other
adults who share your interest in and concern for youth.
Tigers—the navy blue Cub Scout uniform shirt, navy • Watching Cub Scouts grow and mature as they strive to
blue pants, shorts or skort, the blue web belt, and the orange live up to the Scout Oath and Scout Law.
neckerchief, slide, and cap.
• The opportunity to help youth learn good citizenship
and shape them into young adults who have strength of
WHAT DO YOU INVEST IN character and are sensitive to the needs of others.

CUB SCOUTING? • The satisfaction of being a member of a worldwide

organization and pride in being publicly identified as a part
• One meeting each week for either a den meeting, pack of this organization by wearing the uniform, which is a
meeting, or pack committee meeting. visible means of showing that you believe in and stand for
its ideals and objectives.
• Time spent communicating with families in your den.
• One meeting each month for the Cub Scout roundtable. You will discover many other dividends that will enrich your life
as you dedicate your time, talent, and enthusiasm to Cub Scouting.
• Time spent in reviewing den meeting plans in the den
leader guide and gathering materials. All leaders bring to Cub Scouting their own talents, skills,
• Time spent in Cub Scout leader training. backgrounds, and interests. Your key to becoming an effective
leader is to use your own abilities and interests, along with what
• Cost of the Cub Scout leader uniform. you learn about Cub Scouting, to plan and conduct the best
• Registration fee. possible program for the families in your den. What happens in
This adds up to a small investment, compared to the dividends the life of each child during the formative years will determine
you will receive. And, of course, the more you invest, the more you to a great extent the kind of adult they will become. What a
and your Cub Scout you can expect to receive in return. tremendous opportunity and challenge for you, the den leader!


1325 West Walnut Hill Lane
P.O. Box 152079
Irving, Texas 75015-2079 510-233
www.scouting.org 2019 Printing

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