In the summary field, in front of the initial summary insert ##[ISO Country Code]##[Error
Like à ##DE##110##[Summary]
[100] license
[900] Monitoring
[999] other
VPP\Sevice\POS\logs - logs
VPP Installation Support @ 3DS
Tel: +49 (89) 200 275-223
Email: 3DEXcite.POSSupport@3ds.com
Operating Hours: 9am – 5pm CET
To avoid restart after each patch, generate an empty txt file in VPP\RTPUpdatePool with the file
name admin.txt
rttposgui - a task that shows the updater screen. It can be closed and the update will be still
running in the background.
If the updater is stuck it might restart itself several times so there are a few rttposgui (even up to
10-15) tasks running. This task pushes itself in every 10 sec to the forderground, so it has to be
stopped to be able to use the workstation.
If there are only a few tasks or the connection via G2A is slow:
- open task manager (winkey -> either typing in the name and picking from the list or righ click
on the task bar)
- stop each task from the list (confirmin both pop-up windows)
- if updater windows comes to forderground get back to task manager or pop-up window with
... KEY ... -> Host name, MAC - Volume serial (since updater 1.6 it is 1111-1111), Service tag,
Licence date (22220222)
Possible problems:
- incorrect service tag: it changes rarely. More probable that the mother board was changed and at
the first boot the serveice tag wasn't given manually in the BIOS.
If a new licence is requested the old/wrong one should be deleted first (VPP\poslicence)
Teaser video is in a small window: videos are now html5 instead of flash, Internet Explorer must
be 11 or higher
Black/empty DOS window in the background and hanging updater (especially for models which
are not installed): known error, updater has to be restarted manually
Manual sync downloads all patches from the server/master, those models too which are not
installed. The same for manual update, every model will be updated which has new patches in the
- %temp%
- registry
- "exp.*" files in \VPP\
Updater may state update as finished due to weak internet connection (eg. in the middle of
downloading patches or after installing a patch which is not the latest one) -> simply manually
reastart update.
- Deleting the directories POS and Pocketsoft from registry (Software and Wow...)
- Start installer
core <-> loader/delta view communication: port 4141 (it was 4242 at NL before, but this port was
disabled by network policy)
slave -> master login: port 5865 and slaves uses its UID
C:\VPP\system\slaveinfo.xml - containing the slave settings, will be only used to be sent to the
maintenance portal. It can't be deleted in case there is a problem with the list of the slaves, the
VPP creates it again.
VPP start with delay - to make sure it has a connection (valid IP) when VPP starts: replace the
VPP starter shortcut in startup with C:\VPP\manager\VPP_delay
BMWi content update: set the version to 1.7.3 in registry and it will only load from 3.0 - it
doesn't need to be patched fully, because there is a new game engine and the old database will be
The mentioned file is incomplete. Replace it from another VPP or delete and let it download
Replace corrupt file from master or download the patch files for the update version which failed.
Copy missing file from another VPP (preferably from master). If machine is standalone ?
must be tested: Delete the files with this name (rtx, xml...) and restart update.
The version in the registry is not consistent, check both RTT AG folders and in Pocketsoft folder.
Correct the wrong entry so all 3 entries have the same version number.
The new „download patches during the day“–feature required to disable the update function in
the day-runtime-window for master VPP.
You will see an error44 while trying to update during the day, even when the patch tool is used
manually and you will find an errorlog entry like:
2016/03/10, 17:10:41, rttUpdateControllerPOS, INFO, _PrePatch, timenow: 17:10:00
2016/03/10, 17:10:41, rttUpdateControllerPOS, INFO, _PrePatch, update installation inside runtime window: cancelled
To patch during the day, please use an admin.txt in the updatepool folder.
2013-11-29 07:15:01,051 FATAL RTTPosCore.PosCore - Could not Start Core because of errors during the init phase!
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
Check time/date if correct.
Change preload model in manager.
0% loading bar
Usually for BMW, even a newly installed VPP generates the problem. There is also an error
message in the core.log saying there was a problem with the init check or so -> replace database.