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VAHO 113 (CAT 2010) : Sr. No. Word Root Meaning Root Meaning

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VAHO 113

VAHO 113 (CAT 2010)

Sr. No. Word Root Meaning Root Meaning
1 acrimonious acer bitter ------- -------
2 benign bene good ------- -------
3 egocentric ego I centrum center
4 decadent cadere fall de down
5 reclusive clus close ------- -------
6 flourishing florere to flower ------- -------
7 gregarious greg flock ------- -------
8 malignant mal bad ------- -------
9 amiable amare love ------- -------
10 altruistic alter another ------- -------
11 apocryphal apo away ------- -------
12 aberrant errare wander ------- -------
13 tawdry St Audry
14 dubious du two ------- -------
15 unrequited quiescere to rest ------- -------
16 de facto facere to do ------- -------
17 brevity brevis short ------- -------
18 anarchy arch rule ------- -------
19 pithiness ------- ------- ------- -------
20 creed cred belief ------- -------
21 trauma ------- ------- ------- -------
22 chagrin Fr Shagreen ( a rough leather used to polish things)
23 conciliatory cilia eyelid ------- -------
24 acrid acer bitter ------- -------
25 amazonish Amazon warriors
26 assuaging suavis sweet ------- -------
27 bonafide bon good fidere trust
28 execrable sacr holy ------- -------
29 precursor currere run pre before
30 virtuoso vir man ------- -------
31 cadence cedere fall ------- -------
32 precocious coctum cook ------- -------
33 herald ------- ------- ------- -------
34 demagogue demos people agog lead
35 deride rid laugh ------- -------
36 adjure jur right ------- -------
37 malinger mal bad ------- -------
38 eulogize logy word eu good
39 efface facere to do ------- -------
40 ridicule rid laugh ------- -------
41 amoral mor feelings ------- -------
42 unscrupulous ------- ------- ------- -------
43 ethical ethos character ------- -------
44 hypochondria khondros cartilage hypo
VAHO 113

45 tendentious tendere see ------- -------

46 utilatarian uti to use ------- -------
47 abstemious temum liquor ------- -------
48 sober ------- ------- ------- -------
49 anomalous nomos law ------- -------
50 gluttonous ------- ------- ------- -------
51 cadaverous cedere fall ------- -------
52 indigent agere to drive ------- -------
53 acute acu sharp ------- -------
54 doltish ------- ------- ------- -------
55 discerning cernere perceive ------- -------
56 anesthetic aesth feelings ------- -------
57 comatose komat sleep ------- -------
58 fastidious ------- ------- ------- -------
59 ameliorate melior better ------- -------
60 avert vert turn ------- -------
61 cloister claus close ------- -------
62 exacerbate acer bitter ------- -------
63 segregate greg flock ------- -------
64 mollify moll soft ------- -------
65 unanimity anima spirit ------- -------
66 discord cord heart ------- -------
67 ambivalence vallere weigh ambi both
68 aura ------- ------- ------- -------
69 cupidity Roman mythology
70 ruse ------- ------- ------- -------
71 entice ------- ------- ------- -------
72 inveigle occulus eye ------- -------
73 exculpate culpa blame ------- -------
74 convict vincere conquer ------- -------
75 ensconce condere perceive ------- -------
76 entrench ------- ------- ------- -------
77 abstruse trudere push ab away
78 profound fundus bottom ------- -------
79 apogee geo the earth apo away
80 zenith ------- ------- ------- -------
81 decry crier cry ------- -------
82 disparage parare to show ------- -------
83 effusive fus pour ------- -------
84 fulsome full+some
85 circuitous circum around ------- -------
86 tortuous tort twist ------- -------
87 diatribe tribein to rub ------- -------
88 tirade tirare tire out ------- -------
the study
89 genealogy gen birth ology of
90 pedigree ped foot ------- -------
VAHO 113

91 heterogneous hetero different gen kind

92 homogeneous homo similar gen kind
93 incessant cess stop in not
94 unremitting mittere to send ------- -------
95 conjecture ject throw ------- -------
96 surmise mettere to put ------- -------
97 proclivity cliv n ------- -------
98 predilection ------- ------- ------- -------
99 progeny gen race ------- -------
100 offspring ------- ------- ------- -------
101 levity levis lift ------- -------
102 flippancy ------- ------- ------- -------
103 depravity ------- ------- ------- -------
104 concord cord heart ------- -------
105 loquacious loqu speak ------- -------
to be
106 taciturn tacere silent ------- -------
107 unilateral latus side uni one
108 bilateral latus side bi two
109 preamble ambulare walk ------- -------
110 finale finis limit ------- -------
111 defunct funct perform ------- -------
112 obsolete ------- ------- ------- -------
113 amity amare love ------- -------
114 malice mal bad ------- -------
115 progress gress step ------- -------
116 retreat trahere pull ------- -------
117 euphoric eu good ------- -------
118 ecstatic ------- ------- ------- -------
119 circumspect circum around specere to look
120 impetuous petere to go ------- -------
121 abhor horrere shudder ------- -------
122 detest testis witness ------- -------
123 culprit culpa blame ------- -------
124 perpetrator pater father ------- -------
125 apocalyptic apo away ------- -------
126 canonical ------- ------- ------- -------
127 doctrinaire docere to teach ------- -------
128 dogmatic dog opinion ------- -------
129 hypothesis ------- ------- ------- -------
130 atrophy ------- ------- ------- -------
131 acumen acu sharp ------- -------
132 circumlocution circum around loqu speak
133 babel a city in the bible
134 approval ------- ------- ------- -------
VAHO 113

135 parochial ------- ------- ------- -------

136 cessation cess stop ------- -------
137 medley medius middle ------- -------
138 shanghai toponym
139 propitiate ------- ------- ------- -------
140 cooperate opera work ------- -------
141 seclude clus close ------- -------
142 abate ------- ------- ------- -------
143 jeopardize ------- ------- ------- -------
144 abjure jur law ------- -------
145 incorporate corp body ------- -------
146 eke ------- ------- ------- -------
147 parody odein to sing ------- -------
148 cursory currere run ------- -------
149 digression gress step ------- -------
150 desultory salire jump ------- -------
151 spartan Greek mythology
152 demure ------- ------- ------- -------
153 egregious greg flock ------- -------
154 corpulence corp body ------- -------
155 egoism ego I ------- -------
156 counterfeit counter against ------- -------
157 genuine ------- ------- ------- -------
158 hypocritical crit judge ------- -------
159 hackneyed ------- ------- ------- -------
160 vituperative ------- ------- ------- -------
161 euphemism eu good ------- -------
162 amorous amare love ------- -------
163 adventitious venire come ------- -------
164 amateurish amare love ------- -------
165 dexterous ------- ------- ------- -------
166 gauche ------- ------- ------- -------
167 caustic caut burn ------- -------
168 credulous cred believe ------- -------
169 judicious jud law ------- -------
170 crestfallen ------- ------- ------- -------
171 grotesque ------- ------- ------- -------
172 condensation ------- ------- ------- -------
173 verbiage verbum word ------- -------
174 redundancy unda wave ------- -------
175 verbosity verbum word ------- -------
176 provocative voca speak ------- -------
177 pacifying pac peace ------- -------
178 nonchalance ------- ------- ------- -------
179 insouciance ------- ------- ------- -------
180 apathy pathos feelings ------- -------
181 indifference ferre carry ------- -------
VAHO 113

182 lethargic ------- -------

183 indolent dolere sad ------- -------
184 sluggish from the animal slug (slow)
185 slothful ------- ------- ------- -------
186 diligent agere drive ------- -------
187 magniloquent magnus big loqu speak
188 pretentious ------- ------- ------- -------
189 grandiloquent grandis great loqu speak
190 overblown ------- ------- ------- -------
191 straightforward ------- ------- ------- -------
192 egalitarian aequal equal ------- -------
193 garrulous ------- ------- ------- -------
194 dilettante ------- ------- ------- -------
195 disconsolate sol one ------- -------
For more information on roots visit :www.wordoful.com
To know about toponyms and eponyms visit:www.cafezika.blogspot.com

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