Makalah Case 2 Grave Disease
Makalah Case 2 Grave Disease
Makalah Case 2 Grave Disease
• Keadaan yg disebabkan akibat kelenjar tiroid memproduksi hormon tiroid
secara berlebihan
• Tirotoksikosis à gejala klinis yg disebabkan akibat peningkatan kadar
hormon tiroid dalam darah
Klasifikasi Hipertiroidisme
• Hipertiroidisme Primer
excess TH yg disintesis & disekresi o/ kel. Tiroid
Etiologi : Grave’s disease (60-80%), toxic multinodular goiter,
solitary hiperfunctioning noduler, adenoma sel folikular
• Hipertiroidisme Sekunder
Etiologi : TSH-Secreting pituitary adenoma
• Graves’ disease is an autoimmune disease that leads to a generalized
overactivity of the entire thyroid gland (hyperthyroidism). It is the most
common cause of hyperthyroidism in the United States. (AMERICAN
• Graves' disease is a disorder of the immune system that causes the thyroid
gland to become overactive. It is an autoimmune disorder, which means
the body's immune system mistakenly attacks the body's own cells
instead of protecting them from outside invaders.
• Graves’ disease is triggered by a process in the body’s immune system. In
Graves’ disease these antibodies (called the thyrotropin receptor
antibodies (TRAb) or thyroid stimulating immunoglobulins (TSI)– they
cause the cells to work overtime. The antibodies in Graves’ disease bind
to receptors on the surface of thyroid cells and stimulate those cells to
overproduce and release thyroid hormones.
• Typically, Graves disease is a disease of young women, but it may occur
in persons of any age.
• It is most common in people ages 20 to 40 years.
• Graves’ disease is more common in women than men.
Faktor resiko
• Like all autoimmune diseases, it occurs more commonly in patients with
a positive family history.
• It is more common in monozygotic twins than in dizygotic twins.
It is precipitated by environmental factors like stress, smoking, infection,
iodine exposure, and postpartum
Gejala Klinis
The majority of symptoms of Graves’ disease are caused by the excessive
production of thyroid hormones by the thyroid gland .
• Palpitations
• nervousness,
• Hyperkinesia
• Diarrhea
• excessive sweating, intolerance to heat, and preference for cold.
• weight loss without loss of appetite.
• Thyroid enlargement
• hand tremors
• trouble sleeping
• muscle weakness,
• Eye disease
- Graves’ disease is the only kind of hyperthyroidism that can be associated
with inflammation of the eyes, swelling of the tissues around the eyes and
bulging of the eyes (called Graves’ ophthalmopathy or orbitopathy).
- Eye symptoms most often begin about six months before or after the
diagnosis of Graves’ disease has been made. In some patients with eye
symptoms, hyperthyroidism never develops and, rarely, patients may be
- We do not know why, but problems with the eyes occur much more often
and are more severe in people with Graves’ disease who smoke cigarettes
The eye signs of Graves disease have been classified by Werner
Penegakkan Diagnosis
2. Pemeriksaan Fisik
3. Pemeriksaan Penunjang
• Thyroid function tests to diagnose hyperthyroidism
• The initial test for diagnosis of hyperthyroidism is the thyroid-
stimulating hormone (TSH) test.
Tata Laksana
• Treatment consists of rapid symptoms control and reduction of thyroid
hormone secretion.
• A beta-adrenergic blocker should be started for symptomatic patients,
specifically for patients with heart rate more than 90 beats/min, patients
with a history of cardiovascular disease, and elderly patients.
• Atenolol 25 mg to 50 mg orally once daily may be considered the
preferred beta blocker due to its convenience of daily dosing, and it is
cardioselective (beta-1 selective).
• Propranolol 10 mg to 40 mg orally every six to eight hours, due to its
potential effect to block peripheral conversion of T4 to T3. If a beta
blocker after that, calcium channel blockers like diltiazem and verapamil
can be used to control heart rate.
There are three options to reduce thyroid hormone synthesis. These
options are:
• Antithyroid drugs which block thyroid hormone synthesis and release
• Radioactive iodine (RAI) treatment of the thyroid gland
• Total or subtotal thyroidectomy.
• Tiroidektomi
− Terapi bagi pasien yang kontraindikasi atau menolak pengobatan dengan
obat anti tiroid dan iodine radioaktif.
− Pembedahan direkomendasikan bagi pasien dengan multinodular goiter
atau goiter yang sangat besar
− Dapat dibedakan menjadi dua metode berikut:
a. Tiroidektomi total→dilakukan pengangkatan seluruh bagian kelenjar
tiroid. Dengan tidak adanya kelenjar tiroid yang memproduksi hormon
tiroid, pasien perlu mengonsumsi pengganti hormon tiroid oral seumur
b. Tiroidektomi sub-total → hanya dilakukan pengangkatan sebagian
kelenjar tiroid sehingga pasien tidak perlu mengonsumsi hormon tiroid
karena kelenjar tiroid yang tersisa masih dapat memproduksi hormon tiroid.
• Many patients remain well after a single course of anti-thyroid drugs, but
recurrence can happen at any time. Radioactive iodide is very effective,
but often results in abnormally low levels of thyroid hormones
(hypothyroidism). Surgery also can cause low levels of thyroid hormones.
• Membutuhkan follow-up seumur hidup