Program Description:
"MONORAIL13" is a spreadsheet program written in MS-Excel for the purpose of analysis of either S-shape or
W-shape underhung monorail beams analyzed as simple-spans with or without overhangs (cantilevers).
Specifically, the x-axis and y-axis bending moments as well as any torsion effects are calculated. The actual and
allowable stresses are determined, and the effect of lower flange bending is also addressed by two different
D(ratio) =
Bottom Flange Bending per CMAA Specification No. 74 (2004): (Note: torsion is neglected) D(allow) =
Pw Z Pw
Point 2 Point 1 ta
Point 0 tw/2 bf
Mrx =
Y-axis Stresses for Simple-Span: S.R. =
fby = 2.11 ksi fby = My/Sy Y-axis Stresses for
fwns = 1.16 ksi fwns = Mt*12/(Sy/2) (warping normal stress) fby =
fby(total) = 3.27 ksi fby(total) = fby+fwns fwns =
Fby = 33.03 ksi Eqn. F6-1 Controls fby <= Fby, O.K.
Fby =
Combined Stress Ratio for Simple-Span: Fby =
S.R. = 0.387 S.R. = fbx/Fbx+fby(total)/Fby S.R. <= 1.0, O.K.
Fcr =
Vertical Deflection for Simple-Span: Use: Fby =
Pv = 6.500 kips Pv = P+Wh+Wt (without vertical impact) Combined Stress Ra
D(max) = 0.1094 in. D(max) = Pv/2*(L-(S/12))/2/(24*E*I)*(3*L^2-4*((L-(S/12))/2)^2)+5*w/12000*L^4/(384*E*I)
S.R. =
D(ratio) = L/1865 D(ratio) = L*12/D(max) Vertical Deflection fo
D(allow) = 0.4533 in. D(allow) = L*12/450 Defl.(max) <= Defl.(allow), O.K.
D(max) =
Bending Moments for Overhang: D(ratio) =
Mx = 19.65 ft-kips Mx = (Pv/2)*(Lo+(Lo-(S/12)))+w/1000*Lo^2/2 D(allow) =
My = 1.58 ft-kips My = (Ph/2)*(Lo+(Lo-S/12)) Bending Moments fo
Mx =
Lateral Flange Bending Moment from Torsion for Overhang: (per USS Steel Design Manual, 1981) My =
e = 6.100 in. e = d/2 (assume horiz. load taken at bot. flange) Lateral Flange Bend
at = 53.354 at = SQRT(E*Cw/(J*G)) , E=29000 ksi and G=11200 ksi e=
Mt = 1.41 ft-kips Mt = Ph*e*at/(d-tf)*TANH(Lo*12/at)/12 at =
Mt =
X-axis Stresses for Overhang: X-axis Stresses for
fbx = 3.67 ksi fbx = Mx/Sx Design Chapter
Lr = 31.31 ft. (Eqn. F2-6, max. value of Lb for inelastic LTB) kc =
Fbx = 22.84 ksi Eqn. F2-2 Controls fbx <= Fbx, O.K.
rts =
Y-axis Stresses for Overhang: c=
fby = 1.36 ksi fby = My/Sy R1 =
fwns = 2.43 ksi fwns = Mt*12/(Sy/2) (warping normal stress) R2 =
fby(total) = 3.79 ksi fby(total) = fby+fwns Lr =
Fby = 33.03 ksi Eqn. F6-1 Controls fby <= Fby, O.K.
fbx =
Combined Stress Ratio for Overhang: Is Lb<=Lp?
S.R. = 0.276 S.R. = fbx/Fbx+fby(total)/Fby S.R. <= 1.0, O.K.
Fbx =
Vertical Deflection for Overhang: (assuming full design load, Pv without impact, at end of overhang) Fbx =
Pv = 6.500 kips Pv = P+Wh+Wt (without vertical impact) Fbx =
D(max) = 0.0554 in. D(max) = Pv*Lo^2*(L+Lo)/(3*E*I)+w/12000*Lo*(4*Lo^2*L-L^3+3*Lo^3)/(24*E*I) Fbx =
D(ratio) = L/650 D(ratio) = Lo*12/D(max) Use: Fbx =
D(allow) = 0.0800 in. D(allow) = Lo*12/450 Defl.(max) <= Defl.(allow), O.K.
S.R. =
Bottom Flange Bending (simplified): Y-axis Stresses for
be = 7.680 in. Min. of: be = 12*tf or S (effective flange bending length) fby =
am = 3.355 in. am = (bf/2-tw/2)-(k-tf) (where: k-tf = radius of fillet) fwns =
Mf = 5.513 in.-kips Mf = Pw*(am-a) fby(total) =
Sf = 0.524 in.^3 Sf = be*tf^2/6 Fby =
fb = 10.52 ksi fb = Mf/Sf Fby =
Fb = 32.40 ksi Fb = 0.90*Fy fb <= Fb, O.K.
Fcr =
Use: Fby =
S.R. =
Bottom Flange Bending per CMAA Specification No. 74 (2004): (Note: torsion is neglected) Vertical Deflection fo
Pv =
Local Flange Bending Stress @ Point 0: (Sign convention: + = tension, - = compression)
sxo = -8.60 ksi sxo = Cxo*Pw/ta^2 D(ratio) =
szo = 0.87 ksi szo = Czo*Pw/ta^2 D(allow) =