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Sexual Abuse

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A study to assess the effect of orientation program with self-safety manual on practices for
prevention of sexual abuse among students of selected school of Kolkata.


God given gift, the Children are the inheritance of the world. Childhood a golden
period and a blue print of an adult is the bridge between birth and adulthood. So it has to be
taken care of well, with the fulfilment of emotional, psychological and physical needs. The
rights of children which include the right to live, the right to health care, and the right to
protection from economic and sexual exploitation, but nowadays children are being abuse
and exploited in many ways which lead to many physical, social and psychological problem.
The word „Abuse‟ is based on a Latin word “abusus” means misused. United Nation has
defined “Child sexual abuse is contact or interaction between children or interaction between
a child and an older one more knowledgeable or child and adult when the child is being used
as an object of gratification for the older child‟s or adults sexual needs”.
It is a precious time in which children should live free from fear, safe from violence and
protected from abuse and exploitation. Sexual abuse ,referred to as molestation ,is forcing
undesired sexual behaviour by one person upon another.it includes fondling a child’s genitals,
making the child fondle the adult’s genitals ,incest, rape, sodomy,exhibitionism,sexual
exploitation, or exposure to pornography.
It can happen in homes,institutions,schools,workplaces,in travel and tourism facilities,
within communities.Even though the economic, political and social conditions in India are
changing swiftly, still for women the circumstances are rare to be able to feel safe within their
bodies with the startling increase in the number of rape cases in recent years. The experiences
of abuse can therefore have a negative impact on the positive resolution of the crisis of this
developmental stage.


The increasing sexual abuse with children being exposed with no protection at home and
outside has urged this study on sexual abuse. India with 1.21 billion people constitute as the
second, most populous country in the world while children represent 40% of the whole
population. Surprisingly India has the largest number of children (375 million) in the world,
nearly 40% of its population. It is estimated by the government that 40% of Indian children
are susceptible to threats and homeless, trafficking, drug abuse, forced labour and crime 69%
of Indian children are victims to physical, emotional and sexual abuse. In New Delhi the
National’s Capitol has an over 83% abuse rates. 89% of crimes are perpetrated by family
Study conducted by ministry of women and child development government of India in 2007
regarding Sexual Abuse find out that 53.22% girls reported having faced one or more forms
of sexual abuse. Andhra Pradesh, Assam, Bihar and Delhi reported the highest percentage of
sexual abuse among both boys and girls.
The prevalence of Child Sexual Abuse in girls is consistently higher than in boys.
Sexual abuse has gained public attention in the past few decades and has become one of the
most high-profile crimes. Under the law, sexual abuse is an umbrella term describing criminal
and civil offenses in which an adult engages in sexual activity with a minor or exploits a
minor for the purpose of sexual gratification

Many children are prone to be sexually abused. It is known that such children grow up and
initiate sexual activity at an early age. Since early age of initiation of sexual activity puts
adolescents at risk of pregnancy and a myriad of social and health consequences, it is
essential that they need to be educated on these aspects. In a study from Kolkata of
adolescent girls found that many of them had poor knowledge on matters related to sexuality,
sexually transmitted diseases. They also suggested that regular surveys on sexual attitudes,
knowledge, and behaviors are essential in understanding the epidemic of sexually transmitted
diseases. Sexual abuse is the biggest kept secret in India due to societal denial, ignorance, and
silence owing to the discomfort generated out of acknowledgement.
India has the dubious distinction of having the world's largest number of sexually abused
girls; with a girl child below 16 years raped every 155th minute, a child below 10 every 13th
hour and one in every 10 children sexually abused at any point of time. The prevalence of
sexual abuse in upper and middle class was found to be proportionately higher than in lower
or in lower middle class, it found in both joint and nuclear families. Majority of the abusers
were people known to the child and strangers were a minority.

 This study will identify the level of knowledge and awareness regarding sexual
abuse among school children.
 It can be used as an effective tool for educating school children against sexual
 It can also be incorporated into school and college syllabus so that awareness
regarding consequences of sexual abuse could be disseminated before the actual
 This self-defence skill against sexual abuse is significantly effective in reducing the
incidence of sexual assaults
It refers to an extensive, exhaustive and systemic examination of publications relevant to
research project.
I. Review related to prevalence of sexual abuse.
II. Review related to awareness regarding sexual abuse.
III. Review related to effectiveness of self defence program with mannual regarding
sexual abuse.

I.Review related to prevalence of sexual abuse.

Saranavan Sheela (2009) conducted study on prevalence of sexual abuse among girls
in Bangalore and Karnataka among 348 girls revealed that 83% of the respondents had
experienced some form of child sexual abuse, about 60% of the girls had experienced some
form of abuse till the age of 15 years. Out of these 60% girls 40% were suffered in public
places and 20% had suffered abuse by close relatives.

Tulir (2006) conducted an exploratory study among 2211 school going children in
Chennai. Study indicated that overall prevalence rate of sexual abuse is 42%.Girls of all
socio economic class are equally vulnerable. Out of these 39% girls are suffered by
known people. 40% girls experienced sexual abuse before they complete their 18.the
most vulnerable age between 13-19.
Mannat Mohanjeet Singh, Shradha S. et al(2013) searched databases such as PubMed,
Google scholar, web (newspaper reports), and government websites. The relevant data was
extracted from these sources for gathering evidence on CSA and secondary data analysis was
done. The prevalence of CSA was found to be high in India as well as throughout the world.
It also has various adverse effects on the psychological, physical, behavioural, and
interpersonal well-being of the victim. Hence, stringent measures should be taken for the
prevention and control of this hidden public health issue.

II.Review related to awareness regarding sexual abuse.

Da Guang chen et al (2005) done descriptive study on Awareness of child sexual abuse
prevention education among 385parents of Grade 3 elementary school pupils in Fuxin City,
China by self-administered anonymous questionnaires. Among this sample, more than 80%
of parents approved of school CSA prevention education. However, at the same time, 47.3%
of parents expressed some concern that this education may induce the children to learn too
much about 'sex'. Overall, about 60% of parents had told their children that their 'private
parts' should not be touched by others and discussed strategies of 'Say "No!", Leave and Tell'
in dealing with CSA situations or the situations that may lead to CSA. Only 4.2% of parents
had provided books or other material about CSA prevention for their children. The parents'
CSA prevention knowledge was inadequate. The findings from this research will be useful in
developing CSA prevention education programs in schools and communities, designed to
improve parents' knowledge and practice of CSA prevention.

D. Amy Pavithra1 , Dr. A.Relton(2014) had done a study in Tirunelvelli District on

Sexual Abuse Among Adolescent School Girls .The study were Stratified Proportionate
sampling is a probability sampling technique wherein the researcher has divided the entire
class XI students into different 10 sections with total 1500 students, then randomly selected
13 students proportionately from each section. 130 respondents were selected of class XI
students of Sarah Tucker Girls Higher Secondary School Tirunelveli. Judgement sampling is
a non-probability sampling wherein the researcher judged the results of the above
respondents, divided them into sexually abused respondents and non-sexually abused
children. The researcher judged on the sexually abused respondents and selected on 3
respondents to conduct case study. The research unveiled the reason why the children never
disclosed when they were touched with sexual motive in which majority felt that they were
guilty, some were fearful and very least felt shameful, to tell their parents.

Das Palas et al. (2010) had done study on improvement in the knowledge and
attitude on health among adolescent girl students of Kolkata. 20% percent of the students
answered all the questions about reproductive health correctly before the course and 70–
100% of them at the end of four months. 95% percent of the sample thought that the
school should provide information about sexuality and 74% of the students suggested that
it should be introduced in the lower grades of secondary schools. 87% percent of the
subjects knew that the condom also offered protection against sexually abuse.

III. Review related to effectiveness of self defence program regarding sexual abuse.

B.Muneeswari (2013)48 performed a study to assess the effectiveness of planned

health teaching programme using child-to –child approach on knowledge of
selected first aid measures among school children in selected schools at
Dharapuram in Tamil Nadu, India. Quasi experimental design was adopted. The
present study was conducted at Dharapuram in Erode district, Tamil Nadu India.
The samples were 200 selected by simple random sampling method. The results
showed that (‘Z’ value =1.96) mean pre and post-tests value were 10.26 and
21.55. The study concluded that about 68.5percent of students gained adequate
knowledge after teaching programme using child-to-child approach.
Baker. A, Danunc (2009)51 conducted study related Effectiveness of Psycho-
Educational School-Based Child Sexual Abuse Prevention Training Program on
Turkish Students, . The subjects consisted of 36 students. During this period, the
control group did not receive any treatment. ANCOVA analysis showed the
students who attended the sexual abuse prevention program scored significantly
higher than the control group (p.05). The effect size of the study was calculated by
Cohen's d, and it was.80 which is satisfactory. As a result, the prevention child
sexual abuse program was effective students and this effect was lasting
eight weeks later..

Mrs. Sumanpreet Kaur(2017)donePre-experimental Study to Assess the

Effectiveness of Structured Teaching Programme on Knowledge regarding Awareness about
Sexual Abuse among the Adolescents studying in selected School of District Gurdaspur,
Punjab. Purposive Sampling technique was adopted to draw the sample, with sample size of
60 adolescents. The present study revealed that the knowledge of adolescents was higher in
the post test as compare to pretest. In which (20% ) adolescents were having good knowledge
followed by(50%) adolescents were having average knowledge and remaining (30%) who
were having poor knowledge before providing STP. Whereas after providing STP 88.4.%
adolescents were having good knowledge followed by 11.6% average knowledge and none
had poor knowledge.
 To assess the pre-test knowledge regarding awareness about sexual abuse among
students of selected school of Kolkata.
 To conduct orientation program with self-safety manual on practice for prevention of
sexual abuse among students of selected school of Kolkata.
 To assess the post test knowledge on effectiveness of orientation programme on
practice for prevention

Research Variables
 Prevalence of sexual abuse.
 Students
 Self study manual
 Orientation program

Operational definition:

1. Assess: It refers to determine the knowledge of students regarding sexual abuse.

2. Effectiveness: It refers to significant gain in knowledge regarding sexual abuse and

its prevention among school students.
3. Knowledge: Facts, information through education: the theoretical understanding
of sexual abuse and its prevention.
4. Orientation programme: It refers to systematically developed program to impart
knowledge regarding sexual abuse and its prevention among students at selected school
5. Prevention: The action of stopping something (sexual assault) from happening or

6. Sexual abuse: Sexual abuse referred to as molestation ,is forcing undesired behaviour
by one person upon another.

7. Students: Students (both boys and girls) of 8th & 9th class of selected school kolkata.

8. School; It refers to selected government school.

Conceptual frame work

Inclusion criteria:
 Students (both boys and girls) of 8th & 9th class
 Students those who are willing to participate in the study.

Exclusion criteria:

 Students who are learning disabilities.

 Students who had attended orientation program regarding sexual abuse &its
 Students who are absent during data collection.

Hypothesis will be generated based on the findings of the study.

Research methodology

 Research approach : Quantitative research approach

 Research design : pre-experimental one group protest post-test study
 Population : Students (both boys and girls) of 8th & 9th class .

 Sampling technique: Random sampling
 Setting : Selected government school
 Sample size : 50 students

Tools for data collection

Tool 1: Self structured questionnaire to assess the pre-test knowledge of students

regarding awareness about sexual abuse.
Tool 2:. Self structured questionnaire for sociodemographic data
Tool 3: Self structured questionnaire to assess the post test knowledge on
effectiveness of orientation programme.

Validity of tool

Tool will be validated by experts from psychiatric department, mental health nurse,
social worker and nursing expert.

Pilot Study

Pilot study will be carried out at similar selected government. The data collection will
be analysed to assess the feasibility of the study.

Plan for data collection

 The objectives of the study will be explained and written consent will be taken from
the participant.
 Interview technique will be used to check the awareness about sexual abuse and its

Plan for data analysis

 Descriptive and inferential statistics.

Ethical clearance
Ethical clearance is obtained from the ethical committee of the institution.
Permission for conducting study was taken from respective school principle. Informed
Consent was obtained from each student who were willing to participate in study after
discussing with each of them the purpose of the study and all related matters for the research
purpose. All the students were informed that obtained data is confidential and only used for
research purposes. They were informed about their right to refuse from participating in the
study. Anonymity of study subject and confidential of information was maintained throughout
the data collection procedure. Keeping in mind the legal rights of the subject only those
subjects who were willing to participate were included in the study.

1. Global Prevalence of Child Sexual Abuse2009, www.journalistsresource.org/ studies/com

reviewed on 15/11/2011 2004.
2. Ministry of women and child development. Sexual abuse, http://wcd.nic.in/
3. Indian child abuse statistics. May 2007. www.skeptic.skepticgeek.com .
4. Sheela Saravanan, Violence against Women in India, Institute of Social Studies Trust,
http:// www.isst-india.org/reviewed on 2/3/2007
5. Sumanpreet Kaur. A Pre-experimental Study to Assess the Effectiveness of
Structured Teaching Programme on Knowledge regarding Awareness about Sexual Abuse
among the Adolescents,Punjab.2017.
6. Jake Sinclair ,M.D.,Lee Sinclair,Evans Otieno.Study on self defence program Reduces the
incidence of sexual assault in Kenyan Adolescent Girls.2013.p.no:1-7


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