Communicative Activities Tefl
Communicative Activities Tefl
Communicative Activities Tefl
1. Reaching a consensus
In this activity students are told that they are going on holiday and
have todecide what ten objects to take with them. They will have to reach
aconsensus on these objects, divided into some stage :
1. All the students are asked to write down the ten items they would
2. When all the students have completed their lists they areput intopairs.
Each pair has to negotiate a new list of ten items. This willinvolve each
member of the pair changing their original list to someextent.
3. When the pairs have completed their lists two pairs arejoinedtogether
to negotiate a new list that all four students can agree to.
4. Groups can now be joined together and the lists renegotiated.
5. When the teacher thinks the activity has gone on for longenough
asession is conducted with the whole class in which eachgroup explains
and justifies its choices.
This activity, which can be used from the elementary level upwards,is
greatfun and produces a lot of English. Of course there is no
particularreasonfor selecting New York as the destination. Other places
can beused.
2. Discussion
c. The debate
There is still room for the formal debate-where two sides argue a
case wh
ich is the put to the vote. The activity is suitable for more advanced
classes. Student are given a controversial proposition. They are then put
into two groups which the proposition. When the arguments are ready the
teams alect a proposer and a seconder who make formal speeches to
argue their case.All the end other student s can take then part with short
interventions.At the end of the discussion the teacher can organise a free
vote to see whether the propositin wins or not.
4. Relaying instructions
In this activity, students have to give each other instructions. The
succes of the activity depends on whether the students to whom the
instruction are given perform the tasks successfully. On the other words,
were the instruction the rights ones and were they understood.
a. Exercises
In given exercise, divide into two stage :
1. The teacher writes down the names of a number of common exercises
or better still has drawing of them.
2. Students have to get their colleagues to do the exercises using only
b. Making models
Making models divided into two stage :
1. A small group of students is given material to make model.
2. The original group now has to instruct another group of groups so that
they can duplicate the original model. It is necessery for the original
model to be hidden from the second group or another group at this
c. Describe and draw
5. Communication games
Student are told they are going to work in pairs. In each pair student
A is given the following pictures and told not to show them to student B.
c. Story reconstruction
d. Poem reconstruction
The same principle (of reconstruction) can be applied to simple
poems. Students have to reassemble lines which they are given. The
activity mixes reading, listening and discussion.
6. Problem solving
a. Desert dilemma
Student are given a complex situation and told to work out a means of
b. Fast food
We will look at three simple activities that are quick and easy to organise :
a. Your name
The teacher puts the students in pairs and asks them to tell each other :
c. Musical assosiation
In this activity the teacher encourages the students to use the title
of a song to provoke discussion of feelings and memories, etc.
We will look at :
1. Relaying instruction
Just as in, one group of student has information for the performance of a
task, and they have to get another group to perform the same task by
giving them written instructions.
Students write items for a news broadcast which they organize for
In much the same way as the news broadcast, students can be asked to
join together to write a brochure about the place they live in or are
studying in.
c. The advertisement
3. Co-operative writing
In this section we will look at more activities where students actually write
things together ; where the process of co –operation is as important as
the actual fact of the writing itself. In the first two of these activities there
is a definite game – like quality present.
One of the best uses for the computer in language teaching is as a word
4. Exchanging letters
a. Writing message
The most basic form of letter writing is the message. This can be used at
beginner levels to generate written questions and answer.
In this activity students write complaining letters about goods they have
bough after seeing an advertisement. The student representing the
company who make the goods then have to reply to these letters.
5. Writing journals