Risk and Return Sol
Risk and Return Sol
Risk and Return Sol
6-1 a. Stand-alone risk is only a part of total risk and pertains to the risk an investor takes by
holding only one asset. Risk is the chance that some unfavorable event will occur.
For instance, the risk of an asset is essentially the chance that the asset’s cash flows
will be unfavorable or less than expected. A probability distribution is a listing, chart
or graph of all possible outcomes, such as expected rates of return, with a probability
assigned to each outcome. When in graph form, the tighter the probability
distribution, the less uncertain the outcome.
b. The expected rate of return (^r ) is the expected value of a probability distribution of
expected returns.
e. A risk averse investor dislikes risk and requires a higher rate of return as an
inducement to buy riskier securities. A realized return is the actual return an investor
receives on their investment. It can be quite different than their expected return.
f. A risk premium is the difference between the rate of return on a risk-free asset and the
expected return on Stock i which has higher risk. The market risk premium is the
difference between the expected return on the market and the risk-free rate.
g. CAPM is a model based upon the proposition that any stock’s required rate of return
is equal to the risk free rate of return plus a risk premium reflecting only the risk
remaining after diversification.
j. Market risk is that part of a security’s total risk that cannot be eliminated by
diversification. It is measured by the beta coefficient. Diversifiable risk is also
known as company specific risk, that part of a security’s total risk associated with
random events not affecting the market as a whole. This risk can be eliminated by
proper diversification. The relevant risk of a stock is its contribution to the riskiness
of a well-diversified portfolio.
k. The beta coefficient is a measure of a stock’s market risk, A stock with a beta greater
than 1 has stock returns that tend to be higher than the market when the market is up
but tend to be below the market when the market is down. The opposite is true for a
stock with a beta less than 1..
l. The security market line (SML) represents in a graphical form, the relationship
between the risk of an asset as measured by its beta and the required rates of return
for individual securities. The SML equation is essentially the CAPM, ri = rRF +
bi(RPM). It can also be written in terms of the required market return: ri = rRF + bi(rM -
m. The slope of the SML equation is (rM - rRF), the market risk premium. The slope of
the SML reflects the degree of risk aversion in the economy. The greater the average
investors aversion to risk, then the steeper the slope, the higher the risk premium for
all stocks, and the higher the required return.
o. The Fama-French 3-factor model has one factor for the excess market return (the
market return minus the risk free rate), a second factor for size (defined as the return
on a portfolio of small firms minus the return on a portfolio of big firms), and a third
factor for the book-to-market effect (defined as the return on a portfolio of firms with
a high book-to-market ratio minus the return on a portfolio of firms with a low book-
to-market ratio).
p. Most people don’t behave rationally in all aspects of their personal lives, and
behavioral finance assumes that investors have the same types of psychological
behaviors in their financial lives as in their personal lives.
Anchoring bias is the human tendency to “anchor” too closely on recent events
when predicting future events. Herding is the tendency of investors to follow the
crowd. When combined with overconfidence, anchoring and herding can contribute to
market bubbles.
b. The probability distribution for total uncertainty is the X axis from - to +.
6-4 The risk premium on a high beta stock would increase more.
If risk aversion increases, the slope of the SML will increase, and so will the market risk
premium (rM – rRF). The product (rM – rRF)bj is the risk premium of the jth stock. If bj is
low (say, 0.5), then the product will be small; RPj will increase by only half the increase
in RPM. However, if bj is large (say, 2.0), then its risk premium will rise by twice the
increase in RPM.
6-5 According to the Security Market Line (SML) equation, an increase in beta will increase
a company’s expected return by an amount equal to the market risk premium times the
change in beta. For example, assume that the risk-free rate is 6 percent, and the market
risk premium is 5 percent. If the company’s beta doubles from 0.8 to 1.6 its expected
return increases from 10 percent to 14 percent. Therefore, in general, a company’s
expected return will not double when its beta doubles.
rs when b = 1.7 = ?
rs = 5% + 7%(1.7) = 16.9%.
6-4 Predicted return = r̄ RF,t + ai + bi(r̄ M,t − r̄ RF,t) + ci(r̄ SMB,t) + di(r̄ HML,t)
= 5% + 0.0% + 1.2(10% - 5%) + (-0.4)(3.2%) + 1.3(4.8%)
= 15.96%
6-5 r = (0.1)(-50%) + (0.2)(-5%) + (0.4)(16%) + (0.2)(25%) + (0.1)(60%)
= 11.40%.
r j= (0.3)(20%) + (0.4)(5%) + (0.3)(12%) = 11.6%.
b. rA = 5% + 5%(bA)
rA = 5% + 5%(2)
rA = 15%.
c. 1. rM increases to 14%:
2. rM decreases to 11%:
Alternative Solutions:
1.2 = (bi)(0.0667)
bi = 1.2/0.0667 = 18.0.
2. bi excluding the stock with the beta equal to 0.8 is 18.0 - 0.8 = 17.2, so the beta of
the portfolio excluding this stock is b = 17.2/14 = 1.2286. The beta of the new
portfolio is:
Alternative solution: First compute the return for each stock using the CAPM equation
[rRF + (rM - rRF)b], and then compute the weighted average of these returns.
6-11 First, calculate the beta of what remains after selling the stock:
rR = 7% + 6%(1.50) = 16.0%
rS = 7% + 6%(0.75) = 11.5
d. A risk-averse investor would choose the portfolio over either Stock A or Stock B
alone, since the portfolio offers the same expected return but with less risk. This
result occurs because returns on A and B are not perfectly positively correlated (ρAB =
b. rX = 6% + (5%)1.3471 = 12.7355%.
rY = 6% + (5%)0.6508 = 9.2540%.
6-15 The detailed solution for the spreadsheet problem is available in the file Ch06-P15 Build
a Model Solution.xls at the textbook’s Web site.
Assume that you recently graduated and landed a job as a financial planner with Cicero
Services, an investment advisory company. Your first client recently inherited some assets
and has asked you to evaluate them. The client presently owns a bond portfolio with $1
million invested in zero coupon Treasury bonds that mature in 10 years. The client also
has $2 million invested in the stock of Blandy, Inc., a company that produces meat-and-
potatoes frozen dinners. Blandy’s slogan is “Solid food for shaky times.”
Unfortunately, Congress and the President are engaged in an acrimonious dispute over
the budget and the debt ceiling. The outcome of the dispute, which will not be resolved
until the end of the year, will have a big impact on interest rates one year from now. Your
first task is to determine the risk of the client’s bond portfolio. After consulting with the
economists at your firm, you have specified 5five possible scenarios for the resolution of the
dispute at the end of the year. For each scenario, you have estimated the probability of the
scenario occurring and the impact on interest rates and bond prices if the scenario occurs.
Given this information, you have calculated the rate of return on 10-year zero coupon for
each scenario. The probabilities and returns are shown below:
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You have also gathered historical returns for the past 10 years for Blandy, Gourmange
Corporation (a producer of gourmet specialty foods), and the stock market.
Historical Stock Returns
Year Market Blandy Gourmange
1 30% 26% 47%
2 7 15 −54
3 18 −14 15
4 −22 −15 7
5 −14 2 −28
6 10 −18 40
7 26 42 17
8 −10 30 −23
9 −3 −32 −4
10 38 28 75
Average return: 8.0% ? 9.2%
Standard deviation: 20.1% ? 38.6%
Correlation with the market: 1.00 ? 0.678
Beta: 1.00 ? 1.30
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a. What are investment returns? What is the return on an investment that costs
$1,000 and is sold after 1 year for $1,060?
Answer: Investment return measures the financial results of an investment. They may be
expressed in either dollar terms or percentage terms.
The dollar return is $1,60 - $1,000 = $60. The percentage return is $60/$1,000 =
0.06 = 6%.
b. Graph the probability distribution for the bond returns based on the 5 scenarios.
What might the graph of the probability distribution look like if there were an
infinite number of scenarios (i.e., if it were a continuous distribution and not a
discrete distribution)?
Answer: Here is the probability distribution for the five possible outcomes:
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A continuous distribution might look like this:
c. Use the scenario data to calculate the expected rate of return for the 10-year zero
coupon Treasury bonds during the next year.
Answer: The expected rate of return, r , is expressed as follows:
r = Pi r i .
i =1
Here pi is the probability of occurrence of the ith state, ri is the estimated rate of
return for that state, and n is the number of states. Here is the calculation:
r = 0.1(-14.0%) + 0.2(-4.0%) + 0.4(6.0%) + 0.2(16.0%) + 0.1(26.0%)
= 6.0%.
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d. What is stand-alone risk? Use the scenario data to calculate the standard
deviation of the bond’s return for the next year.
Answer: Stand-alone risk is the risk of an asset if it is held by itself and not as a part of a
portfolio. Standard deviation measures the dispersion of possible outcomes, and for a
single asset, the stand-alone risk is measured by standard deviation.
σ 2 = 2 = pi (ri - r̂i )2 .
i =1
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e. Your client has decided that the risk of the bond portfolio is acceptable and
wishes to leave it as it is. Now your client has asked you to use historical returns
to estimate the standard deviation of Blandy’s stock returns. (Note: Many
analysts use 4 to 5 years of monthly returns to estimate risk and many use 52
weeks of weekly returns; some even use a year or less of daily returns. For the
sake of simplicity, use Blandy’s 10 annual returns.)
t =1
rˉAvg =
(rt − rAvg ) 2
t =1
Estimated σ = S =
T −1
Using Excel, the past average returns and standard deviations are:
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f. Your client is shocked at how much risk Blandy stock has and would like to
reduce the level of risk. You suggest that the client sell 25% of the Blandy stock
and create a portfolio with 75% Blandy stock and 25% in the high-risk
Gourmange stock. How do you suppose the client will react to replacing some of
the Blandy stock with high-risk stock? Show the client what the proposed
portfolio return would have been in each of year of the sample. Then calculate
the average return and standard deviation using the portfolio’s annual returns.
How does the risk of this two-stock portfolio compare with the risk of the
individual stocks if they were held in isolation?
Answer: To find historical returns on the portfolio, we first find each annual return for the
portfolio using the portfolio weights and the annual stock returns:
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Following is a table showing the portfolio’s return in each year. It also shows the
average return and standard deviation during the past 10 years.
Stock Returns
Year Blandy Gourmange Portfolio
Notice that the portfolio risk is actually less than the standard deviations of the
stocks making up the portfolio.
The average portfolio return during the past 10 years can be calculated as average
return of the 10 yearly returns. But there is another way—the average portfolio return
over a number of periods is also equal to the weighted average of the stock’s average
r‾Avg,p = w i rAvg,i
i =1
This method is used below:
r‾Avg,p = 0.75(6.4%) + 0.25(9.2%) = 7.1%
Note, however, that the only way to calculate the standard deviation of
historical returns for a portfolio is to first calculate the portfolio’s annual
historical returns and then calculate its standard deviation. A portfolio’s
historical standard deviation is not the weighted average of the individual
stocks’ standard deviations! (The only exception occurs when there is zero
correlation among the portfolio’s stocks, which would be extremely rare.)
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g. Explain correlation to your client. Calculate the estimated correlation between
Blandy and Gourmange. Does this explain why the portfolio standard deviation
was less than Blandy’s standard deviation?
Answer: Loosely speaking, the correlation (ρ) coefficient measures the tendency of two
variables to move together. The formula, shown below, is complicated, but it is easy
to use Excel to calculate the correlation.
(ri, t − ri, Avg )(rj, t − rj, Avg )
t =1
Estimated ρi,j = R =
(ri, t − ri, Avg ) 2 (r j, t − r j, Avg ) 2
t =1 t =1
Using Excel, the correlation between Blandy (B) and Gourmange (G) is:
Est. ρB,G = 0.11
Answer: The standard deviation gets smaller as more stocks are combined in the portfolio,
while rp (the portfolio’s return) remains constant. Thus, by adding stocks to your
portfolio, which initially started as a 1-stock portfolio, risk has been reduced.
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In the real world, stocks are positively correlated with one another--if the
economy does well, so do stocks in general, and vice versa. Correlation coefficients
between stocks generally range from +0.5 to +0.7. The average correlation between
stocks is about 0.35. A single stock selected at random would on average have a
standard deviation of about 35 percent. As additional stocks are added to the
portfolio, the portfolio’s standard deviation decreases because the added stocks are
not perfectly positively correlated. However, as more and more stocks are added,
each new stock has less of a risk-reducing impact, and eventually adding additional
stocks has virtually no effect on the portfolio’s risk as measured by σ. In fact, σ
stabilizes at about 20 percent when 40 or more randomly selected stocks are added.
Thus, by combining stocks into well-diversified portfolios, investors can eliminate
almost one-half the riskiness of holding individual stocks. (Note: it is not completely
costless to diversify, so even the largest institutional investors hold less than all
stocks. Even index funds generally hold a smaller portfolio which is highly
correlated with an index such as the S&P 500 rather than hold all the stocks in the
The implication is clear: investors should hold well-diversified portfolios of
stocks rather than individual stocks. (In fact, individuals can hold diversified
portfolios through mutual fund investments.) By doing so, they can eliminate about
half of the riskiness inherent in individual stocks.
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i. 1. Should portfolio effects influence how investors think about the risk of
individual stocks?
Answer: Portfolio diversification does affect investors’ views of risk. A stock’s stand-alone
risk as measured by its σ or CV, may be important to an undiversified investor, but it
is not relevant to a well-diversified investor. A rational, risk-averse investor is more
interested in the impact that the stock has on the riskiness of his or her portfolio than
on the stock’s stand-alone risk. Stand-alone risk is composed of diversifiable risk,
which can be eliminated by holding the stock in a well-diversified portfolio, and the
risk that remains is called market risk because it is present even when the entire
market portfolio is held.
Answer: If you hold a one-stock portfolio, you will be exposed to a high degree of risk, but
you won’t be compensated for it. If the return were high enough to compensate you
for your high risk, it would be a bargain for more rational, diversified investors. They
would start buying it, and these buy orders would drive the price up and the return
down. Thus, you simply could not find stocks in the market with returns high enough
to compensate you for the stock’s diversifiable risk.
j. According to the Capital Asset Pricing Model, what measures the amount of risk
that an individual stock contributes to a well-diversified portfolio? Define this
Answer: Market risk, which is relevant for stocks held in well-diversified portfolios, is defined
as the contribution of a security to the overall risk of the portfolio. It is measured by
a stock’s beta coefficient. The beta of Stock i, denoted by bi, is calculated as:
bi = i iM
A stock’s beta can also be estimated by running a regression with the stock’s
returns on the y axis and the market portfolio’s returns on the x axis. The slope of the
regression line gives the same result as the formula shown above.
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k. What is the Security Market Line (SML)? How is beta related to a stock’s
required rate of return?
The SML asserts that because investing in stocks is risky, an investor must expect
to get at least the risk-free rate of return plus a premium to reflect the additional risk
of the stock. The premium is for a stock begins with the premium required to hold an
average stock (RPM) and is scaled up or down depending on the stock’s beta.
l. Calculate the correlation coefficient between Blandy and the market. Use this
and the previously calculated (or given) standard deviations of Blandy and the
market to estimate Blandy’s beta. Does Blandy contribute more or less risk to a
well-diversified portfolio than does the average stock? Use the SML to estimate
Blandy’s required return.
Answer: Using the formula for correlation or the Excel function, CORREL, Blandy’s
correlation with the market (ρB,M) is:
ρB,M = 0.481
bi = i iM = (0.481) = 0.6
M 0.201
Blandy’s beta is less than 1, so it contributes less risk than that of an average
Suppose the risk free rate is 4% and the market risk premium is 5%. The required
rate of return on Blandy is
ri = rRF + bi (RPM)
ri = 4% + 0.60(5%) = 7%
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m. Show how to estimate beta using regression analysis.
Answer: Betas are calculated as the slope of the “characteristic” line, which is the regression
line showing the relationship between a given stock’s returns and the stock market’s
returns. The graph below shows this regression as calculated using Excel.
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n. 1. Suppose the risk-free rate goes up to 7%. What effect would higher interest rates have
on the SML and on the returns required on high-risk and low-risk securities?
Here we have plotted the SML for betas ranging from 0 to 2.0. The base case
SML is based on r RF = 4% and r M = 5%. If interest rates increase by 3 percentage
points, with no change in risk aversion, then the entire SML is shifted upward
(parallel to the base case SML) by 3 percentage points. Now, r RF = 7%, r M = 12%,
and all securities’ required returns rise by 3 percentage points. Note that the market
risk premium, r m − r RF , remains at 5 percentage points.
n. 2. Suppose instead that investors’ risk aversion increased enough to cause the
market risk premium to increase to 8%. (Assume the risk-free rate remains
constant.) What effect would this have on the SML and on returns of high- and
low-risk securities?
Answer: When investors’ risk aversion increases, the SML is rotated upward about the y-
intercept, which is rRF. Suppose rRF remains at 4 percent, but now rM increases to 12
percent, so the market risk premium increases to 8 percent. The required rate of
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return will rise sharply on high-risk (high-beta) stocks, but not much on low-beta
o. Your client decides to invest $1.4 million in Blandy stock and $0.6 million in
Gourmange stock. What are the weights for this portfolio? What is the
portfolio’s beta? What is the required return for this portfolio?
Answer: The portfolio’s beta is the weighted average of the stocks’ betas:
bp = 0.7(bBlandy) + 0.3(bGour.)
= 0.7(0.60) + 0.3(1.30)
= 0.81.
There are two ways to calculate the portfolio’s expected return. First, we can use
the portfolio’s beta and the SML:
rp = rRF + bp (RPM)
= 4.0% + 0.81%(5%) = 8.05%.
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Second, we can find the weighted average of the stocks’ expected returns:
rp = w i ri
i =1
= 0.7(7.0%) + 0.3(10.5%)
= 8.05%.
p. Jordan Jones (JJ) and Casey Carter (CC) are portfolio managers at your firm.
Each manages a well-diversified portfolio. Your boss has asked for your opinion
regarding their performance in the past year. JJ’s portfolio has a beta of 0.6 and
had a return of 8.5%; CC’s portfolio has a beta of 1.4 and had a return of 9.5%.
Which manager had better performance? Why?
Answer: To evaluate the managers, calculate the required returns on their portfolios using the
SML and compare the actual returns to the required returns, as follows:
Portfolio Manager
Portfolio beta = 0.7 1.4
Risk-free rate = 4% 4%
Market risk premium = 5% 5%
Portfolio required return
7.50% 11.00%
Portfolio actual return = 8.50% 9.50%
Over (Under)
1.00% -1.50%
Performance =
Notice that JJ’s portfolio had a higher return than investors required (given the
risk of the portfolio) and CC’s portfolio had a lower return than expected by
investors. Therefore, JJ had the better performance.
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q. What does market equilibrium mean? If equilibrium does not exist, how will it
be established?
Answer: Market equilibrium means that marginal investors (the ones whose trades determine
prices) believe that all securities are fairly priced. This means that the market price of
a security must equal the security’s intrinsic value (intrinsic value reflects the size,
timing, and risk of the future cash flows):
Market price = Intrinsic value
Market equilibrium also means that the expected return a security must equal its
required return (which reflects the security’s risk).
𝐫̂ = r
If the market is not in equilibrium, then some assets will be undervalued and/or
some will be overvalued. If this is the case, traders will attempt to make a profit by
purchasing undervalued securities and short-selling overvalued securities. The
additional demand for undervalued securities will drive up their prices and the lack of
demand for overvalued securities will drive down their prices. This will continue until
market prices equal intrinsic values, at which point the traders will not be able to earn
profits greater than justified by the assets’ risks.
r. What is the Efficient Markets Hypothesis (EMH) and what are its three forms?
What evidence supports the EMH? What evidence casts doubt on the EMH?
Answer: The EMH is the hypothesis that securities are normally in equilibrium, and are
“priced fairly,” making it impossible to “beat the market.”
Weak-form efficiency says that investors cannot profit from looking at past
movements in stock prices--the fact that stocks went down for the last few days is no
reason to think that they will go up (or down) in the future. This form has been
proven by empirical tests, even though people still employ “technical analysis.”
Semistrong-form efficiency says that all publicly available information is
reflected in stock prices, hence that it won’t do much good to pore over annual reports
trying to find undervalued stocks. This one is (I think) largely true, but superior
analysts can still obtain and process new information fast enough to gain a small
Strong-form efficiency says that all information, even inside information, is
embedded in stock prices. This form does not hold--insiders know more, and could
take advantage of that information to make abnormal profits in the markets. Trading
on the basis of insider information is illegal.
Most empirical evidence supports weak-form EMH because very few trading
strategies consistently earn in excess of the CAPM prediction, with two possible
exceptions that earn very small excess returns: (1) short-term momentum and (2)
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long-term reversals.
Most empirical evidence supports the semistrong-form EMH. For example, the
vast majority of portfolio managers do not consistently have returns in excess of
CAPM predictions. There are two possible exceptions that earn excess returns: (1)
small companies and (2) companies with high book-to-market ratios.
In addition, there are times when a market becomes overvalued. This is often
called a bubble. Bubbles are hard to burst because trading strategies expose traders to
possible big negative cash flows if the bubble is slow to burst.
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Web Appendix 6B
Calculating Beta Coefficients With a Financial Calculator
Solutions to Problems
6B-1 a. rY (%)
rM (%)
-30 -20 -10 10 20 30 40
b = Slope = 0.62. However, b will depend on students’ freehand line. Using a calculator,
we find b = 0.6171 ≈ 0.62.
b. Because b = 0.62, Stock Y is about 62% as volatile as the market; thus, its relative risk is
about 62% that of an average stock.
c. 1. Stand-alone risk as measured by would be greater, but beta and hence systematic
(relevant) risk would remain unchanged. However, in a 1-stock portfolio, Stock Y
would be riskier under the new conditions.
d. 1. The stock's variance and would not change, but the risk of the stock to an investor
holding a diversified portfolio would be greatly reduced, because it would now have
a negative correlation with rM.
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2. Because of a relative scarcity of such stocks and the beneficial net effect on portfolios
that include it, its “risk premium” is likely to be very low or even negative.
Theoretically, it should be negative.
Kr 100
Kr Y
Kr M
We can also say on the basis of the available information that Y is smaller than M;
Stock Y’s market risk is only 62% of the “market,” but it does have company-specific
risk, while the market portfolio does not, because it has been diversified away. However,
we know from the given data that Y = 13.8%, while M = 19.6%. Thus, we have drawn
the distribution for the single stock portfolio more peaked than that of the market. The
relative rates of return are not reasonable. The return for any stock should be
ri = rRF + (rM – rRF)bi.
Stock Y has b = 0.62, while the average stock (M) has b = 1.0; therefore,
A disequilibrium exists—Stock Y should be bid up to drive its yield down. More likely,
however, the data simply reflect the fact that past returns are not an exact basis for
expectations of future returns.
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f. The expected return could not be predicted with the historical characteristic line because
the increased risk should change the beta used in the characteristic line.
g. The beta would decline to 0.53. A decline indicates that the stock has become less risky;
however, with the change in the debt ratio the stock has actually become more risky. In
periods of transition, when the risk of the firm is changing, the beta can yield conclusions
that are exactly opposite to the actual facts. Once the company's risk stabilizes, the
calculated beta should rise and should again approximate the true beta.
6B-2 a.
r i (%)
Stock A
Stock B
r M (%)
5 10 15 20 25 30 35
29.00 − 15.20
SlopeA = BetaA = = 1.0.
29.00 − 15.20
20.00 − 13.10
SlopeB = BetaB = = 0.5.
29.00 − 15.20
ri SML
E(r M) = 14%
r RF = 9%
A stock is in equilibrium when its required return is equal to its expected return.
Stock C’s required return is greater than its expected return; therefore, Stock C is not in
equilibrium. Equilibrium will be restored when the expected return on Stock C is driven
up to 19%. With an expected return of 18% on Stock C, investors should sell it, driving
its price down and its yield up.
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