Brgy. Daquioag Marcos , Ilocos Norte
To apply for a position that fits my qualification, skills, trainings, and experiences.
Sex: Male
Age: 17
Date of Birth: November 1,2002
Place of Birth: Laoag, Ilocos Norte
Civil Status: Single
Citizenship: Filipino
Religion: Born Again
Weight: 56
Height: 5'6
Blood Type:
playing guitar
playing basketball
playing online games
Marcos National High School- Main Campus
Marcos National High School- Main Campus
Contact number: 09562270241
Address: Brgy. Daquioag, Marcos Ilocos Norte
January 10,2020
I am Joshua Tamayo Gaddi, enrolled in Marcos Nation High School as a Grade 11 Humanities and Social
Science (HUMSS ) student. I am writing you thus letter as a gesture of my desire to become one of the
scholars of our beloved province.
I believe the Provincial Government of Ilocos Norte through you able relationship value so much
education for it eradicates mediocrity and illiteracy among Ilocanos. As a student I have proven that
education really plays a vital role in my life for it will help me to aid my fellows and for me to become
successful in my future field of edeavour.
Knowing your benevolence and kind heart for the ilocano students, I would like to apply to become one
of the recipients of the scholarship of the Senior High School and IP Scholarship of the PGIN. If my
applications will be granted, the support will help me to aid my financial needs in our school. I earnestly
believe that the scholarship grant will really help us.
Respectfully yours,
Joshua T. Gaddi
Scholarship Applicant
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region I
Schools Division of Ilocos Norte
Marcos National High School
School ID 30020
Marcos, Ilocos Norte
The prescribe uniform must wear from Mondays and Thursdays every week and the official School
Identification Cards must also wear at all times from Mondays to Fridays every week. The consequence
of not wearing prescribe uniform, will bring cleaning materials such as broom, dustpan etc.
A common Filipino qoute, “libre lang mangarap,” tells us “it’s free to dream”. But Joy and Ethan realize,
as they try to make their love work, that dreams aren’t free. When you make a choice, you must give up
Joy and Ethan’s mutual romance story mirrors the same sentiments that their individual stories have:
choices, responsibilities, and dreams.
Perhaps that’s the reason why the romance element works against the backdrop of an OFW story. In this
sense, Hello, Love, Goodbye isn’t just a love story, nor is it just an OFW story—it’s a story about finding
yourself, and loving yourself in the process. This universal message is something that will strike a chord
with audiences.
Hello, Love, Goodbye‘s message is simple: give yourself the chance to do what you want, get back up
from disappointments, be courageous enough to love and choose whether you want to leave or stay.
The film doesn’t portray Bernardo and Alden as people to pity—it portrays them as human beings, with
stories and experiences that empower them to ultimately choose how to pave their own way for their
futures—with or without each other.
Joy, and thousands of other OFWs around the world, endure these hardships to provide for their family
back home—a message that the film strongly reinforces. We watch as Joy’s friend reminds her cousin to
be smart with her money so she can have enough to send back to the Philippines, as the same friend
tells her father that she’ll stay two more years because they need the money.
Domestic helpers only earn as little as HK$4,520 (US$576) per month, while working long hours. In Joy’s
words, if you stop working, your family will starve. Making sacrifices is almost always a given—a harsh
reality if you’re an OFW because you have a responsibility to your family back home. This responsibility
that Joy carries is one that resonates with many other OFWs.
Similar to Still Human, which also featured a Filipino domestic helper, Joy has a degree in nursing. In
fact, nursing is a common degree among Filipinos with the hope of working overseas for better pay than
what they can get back home. As it turns out, nursing is actually the dream that Joy wants to pursue,
and being a domestic helper is just a stepping stone to that goal.
Then Ethan comes into her life. While a movie following the plight of domestic helpers and OFWs
doesn’t really need a romance story, the love story still has a purpose. Ethan’s character contrasts with
Joy’s. While Joy is hardworking, determined, and knows what she wants in life, Ethan is a happy-go-lucky
guy who jumps from one relationship to the next and doesn’t know what he wants in life.
But his character’s free-wheeling life also echoes Joy’s self-questioning of whether choosing ourselves
over our family makes us a disappointment, or selfish.
Joy laments the lack of choice she has in life. As the family’s breadwinner, her family doesn’t know what
she has to endure on a daily basis. A nursing graduate that cleans the toilet and eats leftover food—“I’m
more than this job, I’m more, and I want to be more,” Joy says.
Surely, this sentiment reflects the many dreams of other overseas Filipino workers. They have dreams
but they also have responsibilities that hold them back. Joy and Ethan’s romance show the heavy
burdens and choices OFWs face on a daily basis. Even something as minor as buying a snack or not is
difficult, because every dollar spent is a dollar you could have saved to give back to your family.