KinanthropometryandExercisePhysiology SI 004
KinanthropometryandExercisePhysiology SI 004
KinanthropometryandExercisePhysiology SI 004
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1 author:
Kevin Norton
University of South Australia
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An analysis of risk of sudden cardiac arrest in exercise and sport facilities View project
Australian Fitness Industry Risk Management (AFIRM) Project (LP120100275) View project
All content following this page was uploaded by Kevin Norton on 16 June 2019.
Anthropometry is the measurement of human body dimension such as lengths, breadths, girths,
and skinfolds using surface landmarks for reference. Like other areas of science the procedures
and processes depend upon adherence to the particular rules of measurement as determined by
national and international standards bodies. The definitions and instructions in this chapter
are consistent with the international anthropometric standards body called the International
Society for the Advancement of Kinanthropometry (ISAK). It should be recognised, however,
that other groups exist that also have their own standards. These include the World Health
Organization (1), International Organization for Standardization (ISO) (2), and those used in
very large surveys such as the National Health Examination surveys (NHANES) (3, 4).
The anthropometric sites and profile descriptions in this chapter are based on those by Nor-
ton and colleagues (5, 6) and subsequently published by ISAK (2001–2011). Within Australia
these anthropometry guidelines have been endorsed by the Australian Sports Commission
(ASC) and Exercise and Sports Science Australia (ESSA; originally AAESS). The publication
of these anthropometry guidelines in Anthropometrica (7) were released to coincide with the
inaugural ISAK accreditation system (8) which has continued to be the basis of international
anthropometry training since.
This chapter introduces practitioners to techniques required to obtain a comprehensive
anthropometric profile on a person. The procedure should take an experienced anthropometrist
about 25 min, while an inexperienced person might require about 1 hr or more to complete
the task. The measurement sites included are those which are regularly taken for monitoring
purposes on athletes (see 9), tracking growth, development, ageing and mobility, and linking
physical activity and nutrition interventions to changes in body size, shape, and composition.
Measurements which are known to be predictive of health status in the general population are
also included (10, 11).
There are many reasons why measurements of body dimensions are taken. This chapter
describes a single ‘core’ of body sites that are most often included in an anthropometric pro-
file. Adoption of a standard profile and methodology allows comparisons to be made locally,
nationally and internationally between sample groups and also to pool data for research pur-
poses. However, there will occasionally be the need where specific and perhaps unusual anthro-
pometric measurement sites are required. Anthropometrists should not feel constrained by the
specific list of sites contained in this chapter.
The ‘subject’ is the person being measured. They must always be informed as to what measure-
ments are to be taken and also complete a consent form as part of the preliminaries of the test
protocol. There should be no pressure on any person to participate and measurements should
not be taken if they compromise the physical or emotional well-being of the subject.
Where possible a recorder should be used to assist the measurer and enter data. Ideally the
recorder will be knowledgeable in measurement techniques. The recorder will be able to verify
accuracy of site location and ensure the correct sequence of measurement sites. Despite careful
attention to the standards there is still the possibility that errors will occur in the recording of
data. This may occur due to poor pronunciation by the measurer, inattention by the recorder,
or the recorder’s failure to follow steps that are designed to eliminate such errors. Ideally, data
collection should involve one measurer and one recorder to minimise measurement error but in
large surveys a team of anthropometrists may be used to expedite data collection.
It must be remembered that the measurer and the recorder work as a team and it is the
responsibility of the recorder to help the measurer wherever necessary. The recorder repeats the
value as it is being recorded thereby enabling the measurer to do an immediate check. Where
possible, measurements should be repeated or even taken a third time. When duplicate mea-
sures are taken the average value is used. When three measures are taken the median value is
used for data analysis.
The following equipment items are essential tools for the anthropometrist.
4.4.1 Stadiometer
This is the instrument used for measuring stature and sitting height. It is usually attached
to a wall so that the subjects can be aligned vertically in the appropriate manner. A sliding
headpiece with at least 6 cm width is lowered to the vertex of the head. It is recommended
that the headpiece be constructed with a locking device. The range should be from 60–220
cm with a measurement resolution of 0.1 cm. The floor surface should be hard and solid.
See Figure 4.1.
4.4.2 Weighing scale
The traditional instrument of choice was a beam balance accurate to the nearest 100 g. How-
ever, modern quality electronic scales incorporating load cells are now more common. The
accuracy of these instruments is to within 50 g. They are easily transported and can there-
fore be used in the laboratory and the field. Calibration weights, certified by a government
department of weights and measures and totalling at least 150 kg, are required as standard
4.4.3 Anthropometry tape
A flexible steel tape calibrated in centimetres with millimetre gradations is recommended for
girths. Anthropometrists often prefer the Lufkin metal tape as illustrated. If fibreglass tapes are
used regular calibration against a steel tape is required as these non-metal tapes may stretch
over time. If any other type of tape is to be used it should be non-extensible, flexible, no wider
than 7 mm and have a stub (blank area) of at least 4 cm before the zero line. In addition to
assessing girth measurements an anthropometric tape is also required to accurately locate a
number of skinfold sites and mark distances from bony landmarks. It is preferable that the tape
is enclosed in a case with automatic retraction. See Figure 4.2.
Figure 4.2 Anthropometry tapes are shown on the left. The right image shows how to read the tape
where the zero mark is aligned with the top scale: here reading 35.6 cm
4.4.5 Anthropometer
An anthropometer is used to measure heights and lengths either directly or indirectly. The
instrument is used to measure the vertical heights between specific anatomical landmarks on
the subject and the floor or sitting surface. Estimates of segment lengths using the differences
between pairs of heights are called projected segment lengths. For example, Acromiale-Radiale
length can be obtained by subtraction of Acromiale height minus Radiale height. More recent
techniques allow direct measurement of segment lengths using a segmometer. The upper seg-
ment of an anthropometer such as the Siber-Hegner GPM anthropometer is referred to as a
large sliding caliper. It is used to measure direct segment lengths (e.g., Radiale-Stylion), large
bone breadths (e.g., Biacromial) and non-bone breadths (e.g., Bideltoid) as well as Stature and
Sitting height. See Figure 4.4.
in width. Two straight branches are attached, each approximately 7–8 cm in length. It is used to
measure segment lengths directly. Selected heights (e.g., Iliospinale and Trochanterion heights)
which can be measured from landmarks on the subject to the anthropometry box (the box
height is then added to this length) can also be made using a segmometer. The segmometer is
designed as a cost-effective alternative to the anthropometer (13), although it is not appropriate
for measuring large bone breadths. See Figure 4.5.
Figure 4.5 Segmometer
humerus and are highly accurate (to within 0.1 mm). Branch lengths should be at least 10 cm
and an application face of 1.5 cm. See Figure 4.7.
4.4.9 Wide-spreading caliper
The measurement of anterior-posterior chest depth requires this instrument which has two
recurved branches or arms. These should extend at least 25 cm beyond the measurement scale
to allow the caliper branches to be placed over the shoulder to the correct anatomical land-
marks. See Figure 4.8.
actual height of the box used in any laboratory should be known exactly. It is useful to have a
cut-out section on one side of the box which enables the subject’s feet to be positioned under the
box during measurement of the Iliospinale height. The box is particularly useful for assisting in
the measurement of heights such as Iliospinale and Trochanterion using a segmometer. In these
cases the measured height from the box to the landmark is added to the height of the box. This
gives the true landmark height from the floor and is more efficient for the anthropometrist who
need not bend to the floor but only to the top of the box. The box is also useful when measuring
other lengths and breadths where the subject is required to be seated. See Figure 4.9.
Definition: The most anterior point on the toe of the foot when the subject is standing. It is
usually either the first or second phalanx.
Definition: The tip of the middle (third) finger. Fingernails should not be used as landmarks for
the end of fingers.
Definition: The mid-point between the brow ridges of the forehead.
Ilio-axilla line®
Definition: The imaginary line on the longitudinal axis of the body joining the observed mid-
point of the armpit with the lateral superior edge of the ilium. The subject’s arm is placed
horizontally in a lateral position.
Inguinal fold®
Definition: The crease at the angle of the trunk and the anterior thigh while the subject is in a
seated position.
Inguinal point®
Definition: The point at the intersection of the Inguinal fold® and a line from the Patellare along
the superior aspect of the thigh while the subject is seated on the edge of the box.
Definition: The lower bony margin of the eye socket.
Definition: The most posterior point on the calcaneus of the foot when the subject is
Definition: The notch immediately superior to the tragus of the ear. See Figure 4.11.
Figure 4.11 The head in the Frankfort plane with horizontal alignment of the Orbitale® and Tragion®
Definition: The most superior point on the skull when the head is positioned in the Frankfort
Definition: The point at the proximal and lateral border of the head of the radius.
Location: The subject stands in a relaxed position with the arm hanging by the side in the
mid-prone position. Palpate downward into the lateral dimple of the right elbow.
It should be possible to feel the space between the capitulum of the humerus and
the head of the radius. Mark with a short line perpendicular to the long axis of the
forearm. Slight rotation of the forearm is felt as rotation of the head of the radius.
See Figure 4.13.
Definition: The horizontal line mid-way between the Acromiale® and Radiale® landmarks.
Location: The subject stands in a relaxed position with the arms hanging by the side. Mea-
sure the linear distance between Acromiale® and Radiale® with the arm relaxed
and extended by the side. Place a small mark at the level of the mid-point between
these two landmarks. Project this mark around to the posterior and anterior sur-
faces of the arm as a horizontal line. This is required for locating the Triceps® and
Biceps® skinfold sites. See Figure 4.14.
Definition: The most distal point on the lateral margin of the inferior head of the radius.
Location: The subject stands in a relaxed position with the arms hanging by the side. The
anthropometrist lifts the wrist of the subject to locate the landmark. Using a
thumbnail the anthropometrist palpates in the triangular space identified by the
muscle tendons of the wrist immediately above the thumb. This site is also called
the anatomical ‘snuff box’. Once the snuff box has been identified, palpate in the
space between the distal radius and the most proximal aspect of the first metacar-
pal in order to correctly identify the tip of the styloid process. See Figure 4.17.
Location: The subject stands in a relaxed position with the arms hanging by the side. Palpate
the inferior angle of the scapula with the left thumb. If there is difficulty locating
the inferior angle of the scapula, the subject should slowly reach behind the back
with the right arm. The inferior angle of the scapula should be felt continuously
as the hand is again placed by the side of the body. A final check of this landmark
should be made with the hand by the side in the relaxed position. See Figure 4.19.
Definition: The midpoint of the sternum at the level of the centre of the articulation of the
fourth rib with the sternum (chondrosternal articulation).
Location: The subject assumes a relaxed standing position with the arms hanging by the
side. The landmark is located by palpation beginning from the top of the clavicles.
Using the thumb the anthropometrist should roll down from the clavicle to the
first costal space (i.e., between the first and second ribs). The thumb is then
replaced by the index finger and the procedure is then repeated down to the sec-
ond, third and fourth intercostal spaces. The fourth rib is between the last two
spaces. See Figure 4.21.
Location: The subject assumes a relaxed standing position with the right arm folded across
the chest. The left hand is used to stabilise the body by providing resistance on the
left side of the pelvis. Find the superior aspect of the iliac crest by horizontal pal-
pation with the tips of the fingers. The landmark is made at the identified edge of
the ilium which is intersected by the imaginary vertical line from the mid-point of
the axilla. See Figure 4.22.
Definition: The most inferior or undermost tip of the anterior superior iliac spine.
Location: The subject assumes a relaxed position and places the right arm across the chest.
To locate the Iliospinale®, palpate the superior aspect of the ilium and follow
anteriorly and inferiorly along the crest until the prominence of the ilium runs
posteriorly. The landmark is the lower margin or edge where the bone can just be
felt. Difficulty in appraising the landmark can be assisted by the subject lifting the
heel of the right foot and rotating the femur outward. Because the sartorius muscle
originates at the site of the Iliospinale®, this movement of the femur enables palpa-
tion of the muscle and tracing to its source. See Figure 4.24.
axillary border intersects with the horizontal line of the superior border of the
ilium at the level of the marked Iliocristale®.
Location: The subject assumes a relaxed position with the arms hanging by the side to facili-
tate the location of the anterior axillary border. The subject places the right arm
across the chest after the anterior axillary border has been identified. Run a tape
from the anterior axillary border to the marked Iliospinale® and draw a short line
at the level of the marked Iliocristale®. Next run the tape horizontally from the
marked Iliocristale® to intersect with the first line. The fold runs medially down-
ward at about a 45° angle and is determined by the natural ford of the skin. This
skinfold was originally named suprailiac by Heath and Carter (17), but is now
known as the Supraspinale® (18). It is the skinfold used when the Heath-Carter
somatotype is being determined. See Figure 4.25.
Figure 4.25 The Supraspinale skinfold site®. The oblique dashed line is from the marked Iliospinale®
towards the anterior axillary border and the horizontal dashed line is at the level of the marked
Definition: The most superior point on the greater trochanter of the femur, not the most lat-
eral point.
Location: The subject assumes a relaxed standing position and places the right arm across
the chest. The site is identified by palpating the lateral aspect of the gluteal muscle
with the heel of the hand while standing behind the subject. It is advisable to sup-
port the left side of the subject’s pelvis with the left hand while applying pressure
with the right hand. Once the greater trochanter has been identified, the measurer
should palpate upwards to locate the lowest point on the thigh where the superior
surface of the trochanter can be felt when strong pressure is applied. (Note: This
site can be difficult to locate in persons with thick adipose tissue over the greater
trochanter.) See Figure 4.27.
Tibiale laterale
Definition: The most superior point on the lateral border of the head of the tibia.
Location: The subject assumes a relaxed standing position with the arms hanging by the side.
This is often a difficult landmark to correctly locate due to thick lateral ligaments
that run across the knee joint. Palpate the site using a thumb or fingernail and the
following guidelines. Locate the joint space bounded by the lateral condyle of the
femur and the antero-lateral portion of the head of the tibia. Press inwards firmly
in order to locate the superior and lateral border of the head of the tibia. It is often
useful to have the subject flex and extend the knee several times to ensure that the
correct position has been located. The mark should be made approximately one-
third of the distance along the border moving in an anterior-posterior direction.
See Figure 4.28.
Location: The subject sits on the edge of the box with the leg straight out and heel on the
ground. The measurer palpates the patella from both the lateral and medial sides.
The posterior surface is palpated through the patella tendon. The subject then
slowly flexes the knee to 90° while the measurer’s thumbnail maintains contact
with the posterior superior border. The site is marked when the knee is at a 90°
angle. See Figure 4.31.
Figure 4.32 The Front thigh skinfold site® being located (left panel) and after marking
Sphyrion tibiale
Definition: The inferior aspect of the distal tip of the medial malleolus.
Location: The subject is seated on the box with the right leg resting over the left knee so that
the medial aspect of the lower leg is more readily marked. This landmark may be
located most easily by palpation with the thumbnail from beneath the medial mal-
leolus. It is the distal tip, not the outermost point, of the medial malleolus of the
tibia. Once located, it is marked with a short line perpendicular to the long axis
of the leg. See Figure 4.34.
details of the equipment required, and description of measurement method. They are also listed
according to their ID No. on the Anthropometry proforma.
4.7.1 General instructions
Anthropometrists should strive to minimise systematic errors and this is demonstrated by low
technical errors of measurements and close agreement with criterion measurers. It is essential,
therefore, that the standard protocols outlined in this chapter are followed strictly.
The precise assessment of anthropometric measurements can be difficult and therefore
extreme care is required. In general there is not enough attention paid to an accurate measure-
ment technique and consequently reproducibility cannot be obtained. The description of the
measurement procedures seems quite simple but a high degree of technical skill is essential for
consistent results, especially when applied under field test conditions.
■■ Prior to measuring, the anthropometrist should develop the appropriate technique. This
has been shown to reduce the level of error in repeated measurements and among investi-
gators (19, 20, 21). Repeated measures on at least 20 subjects should be made in order to
establish reproducibility and comparison of measurements against an experienced anthro-
pometrist will help to establish accuracy and expose any weaknesses in technique (8).
■■ The right side of the body is typically used for unilateral measurements irrespective of the
preferred side of the subject (22). It is sometimes impracticable to use the right side due to
injury (swelling, casts, etc.) and at other times it is desirable to compare the two sides of
the body following injury and/or rehabilitation, in which case the left side may be used.
Comparisons between the left and right sides of the body have indicated that there is either
no significant difference in skinfold thickness (23) or that the differences, although statisti-
cally significant, are of no practical significance (24) even when the subject’s musculature
and bone have hypertrophied on one side such as in tennis players (25, 26, 27). Varia-
tions from standard procedures, however, should be recorded on the proforma sheet. For
example, if time permits, left-dominant subjects may be measured on their dominant side
for somatotype analysis as originally described by Carter and Heath (17).
■■ If possible two–three measurements should be taken at each site with the average value
being used in any further calculations if two measurements are taken, and the median value
used if three measurements are taken. It is especially important for the beginner to repeat
measurements so that confidence and reproducibility can be established. Where possible
an assistant should be used to record values and help standardise measurement techniques.
■■ Sites should be measured in succession to avoid experimenter bias. That is, a single com-
plete data set is obtained before repeating the measurements for the second and then third
time. This may also help to reduce the effects of skinfold compressibility. They should be
measured in the same order as listed on the proforma so that the assistant is familiar with
the routine and errors are minimised.
■■ Measurements should not be taken after training or competition, sitting in a sauna, swim-
ming, or showering since exercise, warm water, and heat produce hyperaemia (increased
blood flow) in the skin with a concomitant increase in skinfold thickness. These activities
can also affect body mass and girth measures.
4.7.2 Basic measurements
1. Body mass®
Body mass is the quantity of matter of the body when weighed in a standard gravitational field.
Nude mass can be measured by first weighing the clothing which is to be worn during measure-
ment and subtracting this from the mass. Generally the mass in minimal clothing is of sufficient
accuracy. Check that the scale is reading zero then the subject stands onto the centre of the
scales without support and with the weight distributed evenly on both feet. The head is up and
the eyes look directly ahead.
Note: Body mass exhibits diurnal variation of about 1 kg in children and 2 kg in adults (28,
29). The most stable values are those obtained routinely in the morning 12 hr after food and
after voiding. Since it is not always possible to standardise the measurement time, it may be
important to record the time of day when measurements are made. See Figure 4.35.
2. Stature®
Stature is the linear distance between the vertex and inferior aspect of the feet.
There are three general techniques for measuring stature: free standing, stretch, and recum-
bent. The last may be used for infants up to 2–3 yr or adults unable to stand and will not be
considered here. The other two methods give slightly different values.
the day (30, 31, 32). The effect of the diurnal variation can be minimised by using the stretch
stature technique. Repeated measures should be taken as near as possible to the same time of
day as the original measurement.
In the laboratory a stadiometer should be mounted on a wall and used in conjunction with a
right-angled head board which is at least 6 cm wide and which can be placed firmly on the
subject’s head while fixed to the stadiometer. The floor surface must be hard and level.
The stadiometer should have a minimum range of measurement of 60 cm to 220 cm. The
accuracy of measurement required is 0.1 cm. It should be checked periodically against a stan-
dard height such as a Siber-Hegner GPM anthropometer. In the field, when a stadiometer is
not available, a girth tape fixed to a wall and checked for height and vertical positioning, may
be used in conjunction with a 90° head board such as a large carpenter’s set square. As a ‘last
resort’ method, a piece of paper taped to a wall may be used to identify the height, using a
headboard. Assessment of the height can then be completed using a steel tape. This method is
not acceptable in a laboratory.
The stretch stature method requires the subject to stand with the feet together and the heels, but-
tocks and upper part of the back touching the scale. The head when placed in the Frankfort plane
need not be touching the scale. The Frankfort plane is achieved when the Orbitale® (lower edge of
the eye socket) is in the same horizontal plane as the Tragion (the notch superior to the tragus of
the ear). When aligned the vertex is the highest point on the skull as illustrated. See Figure 4.36.
3. Sitting height
Sitting height is the height from the table or box (where the subject sits) to the vertex when the
head is held in the Frankfort plane.
A stadiometer and anthropometry box
The stretch stature technique is the preferred method for measuring sitting height. The subject
is sitting on the anthropometry box in an erect position while the measurer places the hands
along the jaw of the subject with the fingers reaching to the mastoid processes. The subject is
instructed to take and hold a deep breath, and while keeping the head in the Frankfort plane the
measurer applies gentle upward lift through the mastoid processes. See Figure 4.37.
stretched horizontally.
An anthropometric tape is used to measure the arm span.
To prevent potential errors due to a large chest, the subject stands with his or her back to the
wall, feet together and heels, buttocks and upper back touching the wall. It is often useful to
use a corner of a room for one end of the measurement, thus only one mark needs to be made
on the wall/board. The subject is instructed to take and hold a deep breath and measurement is
made at end-inspiration. See Figure 4.38.
In the standard ISAK Full profile there are 8 skinfold measurements. A further skinfold site –
the Mid-axilla skinfold site – is listed at the end of this section which may be useful when using
specific body density prediction equations (33, 34).
■■ Prior to measuring, ensure that the skinfold calipers are accurately measuring the distance
between the centre of its contact faces by using the short blades of an engineer’s vernier
5. Triceps®
The Triceps® skinfold is raised with the thumb and index finger on the marked Triceps skinfold
site®. The fold is parallel to the long axis of the upper arm.
The marked skinfold site should palpated to gauge the musculature and level of adipose tissue
prior to measurement. For measurement, the arm should be relaxed and elbow extended by
the side of the body in a mid-prone position. The anthropometrist stands behind the subject.
See Figure 4.39.
6. Subscapular®
The Subscapular® skinfold is raised with the thumb and index finger on the marked Subscapular
skinfold site®. The fold runs obliquely downwards as determined by the natural fold lines of
the skin.
The marked skinfold site should palpated to gauge the musculature and level of adipose tissue
prior to measurement. The subject should assume a relaxed position with the arms hanging by
the side. The anthropometrist stands behind the subject. See Figure 4.40.
The subject stands with the arm relaxed and elbow extended. The fold is located on the most
anterior aspect of the surface of the right arm. The marked point for the Biceps® skinfold is in
the midline of the muscle belly over the anterior surface over the biceps at the level of the Mid-
acromiale-radiale® line. See Figure 4.41.
8. Iliac crest®
This skinfold is raised immediately superior to the Iliocristale® at the marked Iliac crest skinfold
The subject abducts the right arm to the horizontal or places the arm across the chest. The
natural fold of the skin runs slightly downwards toward the medial aspect of the body. See
Figure 4.42.
9. Supraspinale®
The skinfold is measured at the marked Supraspinale skinfold site®.
The subject assumes a relaxed position with the arms hanging by the sides. The marked Supra-
spinale skinfold site® is typically about 5–10 cm above the Iliospinale® depending on the size
of the adult subject, and may be much less in a young child. The fold runs medially downward
and anteriorly at about a 45° angle. See Figure 4.43.
Figure 4.43 Location of the Supraspinale skinfold site® (left) and measurement of the Supraspinale®
skinfold (right)
The subject assumes a relaxed standing position with the arms hanging by the sides. It is par-
ticularly important at this site that the measurer is sure the initial grasp is firm and broad since
often the underlying musculature is poorly developed. This may result in an underestimation
of the thickness of the subcutaneous layer of tissue. (Note: Do not place the caliper inside the
navel.) See Figure 4.44.
subject’s leg is resting straight by placing the right foot on a box or by being seated. The skinfold
measurement is taken while the leg is extended. If the fold is difficult to raise, the subject may
be asked lift the underside of the thigh to relieve the tension of the skin. When subjects have
particularly tight skinfolds, a recorder (standing on the medial aspect of the subject’s thigh) can
assist by raising the fold using two hands so that there is about 6 cm between the fingers of the
right hand raising the fold at the correct anatomical landmark and the left hand which raises a
distal fold. The caliper is then located between the recorder’s hands, 1 cm from the recorder’s
thumb and forefinger. See Figure 4.45.
Figure 4.45 Measurement of the Front thigh® skinfold with subject assistance (left) and with additional
assistance (right)
The subject is either seated or has the right foot placed on a box with the right knee at about
90°. The calf muscle should be relaxed while a fold parallel to the long axis of the leg is raised
on the medial aspect of the calf at a level where it has maximal circumference (marked when
body mass is evenly distributed on both legs while in a standing position). See Figure 4.46.
This skinfold is optional as it does not form part of the contemporary Full profile. However, it
is important for several body density prediction equations and was originally part of the Full
profile when first developed (6). It is a vertical fold on the Ilio-axilla line® at the level of the
marked Xiphoidale of the sternum.
The Xiphoidale is found at the lower extremity of the sternum. The landmark is the inferior
tip of the xiphion. It is located by palpation in the medial direction of the left or right costal
arch toward the sternum. These arches (which form the infrasternal angle) articulate at the
xiphosternal joint. It is usual practice to have the subject lift the right arm at about 90° to the
body with the subject’s hand resting on their head. Elevating the arm further than this may
cause the skin to become difficult to grasp. See Figure 4.47.
13. Head
The girth of the head is obtained in the Frankfort plane, perpendicular to the long axis of the
head. It is measured at the level immediately above the Glabella (mid-point between the brow
ridges) while the subject is seated or standing.
The tape needs to be pulled tight to compress the hair. Use of the middle fingers at the side of
the head is often necessary to prevent the tape from slipping over the head. Do not include the
ears and ensure that there are no hairpins, clips, or similar items in the hair during the measure-
ment. See Figure 4.48.
It is important not to pull the tape tight in this region since the tissues are compressible. The
tape is held perpendicular to the long axis of the neck which may not necessarily be in the hori-
zontal plane. Do not include hair in the measurement. See Figure 4.49.
The subject assumes a relaxed position with the arms hanging by the side of the body. The tape
should be positioned perpendicular to the long axis of the humerus while the muscles of the
arm are relaxed. See Figure 4.50.
The subject assumes a relaxed position with the left arm hanging by the side of the body. The
measurer stands to the side of the subject and with the tape loosely in position asks the subject
to partially flex the biceps to identify the point where the girth will be maximal. Loosen the
tension on the casing end, then ask the subject to “clench your fist, bring your hand toward
your shoulder so your elbow’s at about 90° – and fully tense the biceps and hold it” while the
measurement is made. See Figure 4.51.
The subject assumes a relaxed position with the left arm hanging by the side of the body. The
right elbow is extended and right forearm supinated. The measurer stands in front of the sub-
ject. Using the cross hand technique it is necessary to slide the tape measure up and down the
forearm and make serial measurements in order to correctly locate the level of the maximal
girth. It usually occurs just distal to the elbow. See Figure 4.52.
18. Wrist
The Wrist girth is the minimum girth measurement perpendicular to the long axis of the fore-
arm and distal to the styloid processes.
The subject assumes a relaxed position with the left arm hanging by the side of the body. The
right elbow is slightly extended, the right forearm supinated and hand relaxed. The measurer
stands in front of the subject. Manipulation of the tape measure is required to be sure the
minimal girth is obtained and the tissues should not be compressed by excessive tension of the
tape. See Figure 4.53.
The measurer stands to the right of the subject. The subject is standing relaxed while slightly
abducting the arms allowing the tape to be passed around the chest. The subject should breathe
normally and the measurement is taken at the end of a normal expiration (end tidal) with the
arms relaxed at the sides. Care is required to ensure that the tape does not deviate from the
correct plane, particularly around the subject’s back. See Figure 4.54.
20. Waist®
The Waist® girth is taken at the level of the narrowest point between the lower costal (rib)
border and the iliac crest. The girth is measured perpendicular to the long axis of the trunk.
The subject assumes a relaxed standing position with the arms folded across the thorax. The
measurer stands in front of the subject to correctly locate the narrowing of the waist. The mea-
surement is taken at the end of a normal expiration. If there is no obvious narrowing then the
measurement is taken at the mid-point between these two landmarks. See Figure 4.55.
The measurer stands at the side of the subject to ensure the tape is held in a horizontal plane
when measuring this girth. The subject stands with feet together and arms folded across the
thorax. The subject should not tense the gluteal muscles. See Figure 4.56.
Figure 4.56 Measurement of the Gluteal (hip)® girth showing a side and front view
22. Thigh
The girth of the thigh is taken 1 cm below the level of the gluteal fold, perpendicular to the
long axis of the thigh.
The subject stands in a relaxed position with the feet slightly apart and mass equally distributed
on both feet and arms folded across the thorax. It is usually helpful to have the subject stand
on a box or stool for this measure. The measurer passes the tape around the lower portion of
the thigh and then slides the tape up to the correct plane. Minimal pressure is applied to the
tape. See Figure 4.57.
Figure 4.57 Measurement of the Thigh girth showing posterior view (left) and lateral view (right)
23. Mid-thigh
This is the right thigh girth taken perpendicular to the long axis of the thigh at the level of the
marked Mid-trochanterion-tibiale laterale site.
The subject stands in a relaxed position with the feet slightly apart and mass equally distributed
on both feet and arms folded across the thorax. It is usually helpful to have subjects stand on
a box or stool for this measure. The measurer passes the tape around the lower portion of the
thigh and then slides the tape up to the correct plane. Minimal pressure is applied to the tape.
See Figure 4.58.
The subject stands in a relaxed position with the weight evenly distributed. It is useful to have
the subject stand in an elevated position, for example, on a box or stool. The elevated position
will make it easier for the measurer to align the eyes with the tape. The measurement is taken
from the lateral aspect of the leg. See Figure 4.59.
25. Ankle
The minimum girth of the ankle is taken at the narrowest point superior to the Sphyrion tibiale.
It is measured perpendicular to the long axis of the leg.
The subject stands in a relaxed position with the weight evenly distributed. It is useful to have
the subject stand in an elevated position, for example, on a box or stool. The elevated position
The subject stands erect with the palms slightly off the thighs. One arm of the caliper or
segmometer is held on the Acromiale® while the other arm is placed on the Radiale®. Where
subjects have large deltoid muscles an anthropometer must be used to avoid curvature of the
segmometer. The measurement scale is held parallel to the long axis of the arm. See Figure 4.61.
27. Radiale-Stylion
This is the length of the forearm. It is the distance between the marked Radiale® and Stylion
The subject stands erect with the palms slightly off the thighs. One caliper or segmometer arm
is held against the Radiale® and the other arm is placed on the Stylion landmark. The caliper is
positioned so that it runs parallel to the long axis of the radius. See Figure 4.62.
28. Mid-stylion-dactylion
This is the length of the hand. The measurement is taken as the distance from the marked Mid-
stylion site to the Dactylion with fingers outstretched (but not hyperextended).
The subject places the hand in a supinated position (palms facing up) and the fingers extended.
One end of the caliper is placed on the marked Mid-stylion line while the other end is positioned
on the most distal point of the third digit. See Figure 4.63.
The subject stands with feet together and the lateral aspect of their right leg against the box. The
base of the caliper is placed flush on top of the box and the caliper oriented vertically upwards
with the moving arm positioned at the marked Trochanterion site. (Note: The height of interest
is the height from the floor to the Trochanterion landmark. If a box is used this is obtained by
adding the box height to the Trochanterion-box height.) See Figure 4.65.
The distance is measured while the subject stands on the box in a relaxed position, weight
evenly distributed and with the arms folded across the thorax. One end of the caliper is placed
on the marked Trochanterion and the other end is placed to the marked Tibiale laterale site.
See Figure 4.66.
The distance is measured while the subject stands in a relaxed position, weight evenly distrib-
uted and with the arms hanging by the sides. It is usual practice to have the subject stand on the
box while the base of the caliper is on the top of the box and the moving arm is placed on the
marked Tibiale laterale site. The caliper should be held in the vertical plane. The height from
the Tibiale laterale to the top of the box is then measured. See Figure 4.67.
The subject should be seated on the box for this measurement with the right ankle crossed over
and resting on the left knee. One end of the caliper is placed on the marked Tibiale mediale site
and the other end positioned on the marked Sphyrion site. See Figure 4.68.
34. Biacromial
This is the distance between the most lateral points on the acromion processes.
The subject stands in a relaxed position with the arms hanging at the sides. This site is
measured with the arms of the large sliding caliper placed on the most lateral points of the
acromion processes. On the right side, this usually does not correspond to the previously
marked Acromiale® landmark, which is typically superior, medial, and anterior to these
lateral points. The measurer stands behind the subject and should bring the anthropometer
blades in to the acromion processes at an angle of about 30° pointing upwards. Firm pres-
sure should be applied to compress the overlying tissues. Measurement is taken at end-tidal
expiration. See Figure 4.69.
The subject assumes a relaxed standing position with the arms folded across the thorax. Mea-
surement is taken at the end of a normal expiration. Subjects should relax and not contract the
abdominal muscles which would reduce this measurement. See Figure 4.70.
36. Biiliocristal
The linear distance between the most lateral points on the iliac tubercles (crests). This is not
necessarily the same location as the Iliocristale® which is on the Mid-axilla line®).
The subject assumes a relaxed standing position with the arms folded across the chest. The
branches of the anthropometer are kept at about 45° pointing upwards and the measurer stands
in front of the subject. Firm pressure is applied by the measurer to reduce the effect of overlying
tissues. See Figure 4.71.
The subject stands with the weight equally distributed on both feet and arms hanging by the
sides. The caliper should be kept parallel to the long axis of the foot and minimal pressure is
applied. It is more convenient for the measurer if the subject stands on the box during this
measurement. See Figure 4.72.
The measurer stands in front of the subject who may be either seated or standing. Care must be
taken to avoid inclusion of the Pectoral or Latissimus Dorsi muscles. The 30° angle prevents the
caliper from slipping between the ribs. The measurement is taken at the end of a tidal expira-
tion. See Figure 4.73.
of the Mesosternale.
The measurer uses the recurved branches of the wide-spreading caliper over the right shoulder
of the subject who is seated in an erect position and is instructed to breathe normally. The rear
branch of the caliper should be positioned on the spinous process of the vertebra at the hori-
zontal level of the Mesosternale. The front branch of the caliper is placed on the Mesosternale
landmark. Measurement is taken at end-tidal expiration and only very light pressure is applied.
See Figure 4.74.
Figure 4.74 Measurement of the A-P chest depth from an anterior view and posterior view
The subject assumes a relaxed standing or seated position. The right arm is raised anteriorly to
the horizontal and the forearm is flexed at right angles to the upper arm. With the small slid-
ing caliper gripped correctly, use the middle fingers to palpate the epicondyles of the humerus,
starting proximal to the sites. The bony points first felt are the epicondyles. The caliper face is
placed directly on the epicondyles so that the arms of the caliper point upward at about a 45°
angle to the horizontal plane. Maintain firm pressure with the index fingers as the value is read.
Because the medial epicondyle is lower than the lateral epicondyle the measured distance may
be somewhat oblique. See Figure 4.75.
41. Bi-styloid
The breadth of the wrist between the lateral radial and medial ulnar styloid processes is
The subject assumes a seated position with the right hand pronated and resting on the right
knee. With the small sliding caliper gripped correctly, use the middle fingers to palpate the sty-
loid processes. The caliper face is placed directly on the styloid processes so that the arms of the
caliper point downwards at about a 45° angle to the horizontal plane. Maintain firm pressure
with the index fingers as the value is read. See Figure 4.76.
The subject assumes a relaxed seated position with the right leg flexed at the knee to form a
right angle with the thigh. With the caliper in place use the middle fingers to palpate the epicon-
dyles of the femur beginning proximal to the sites. The bony points first felt are the epicondyles.
Place the caliper faces on the epicondyles so that the arms of the caliper point downward at
about a 45° angle to the horizontal. Maintain firm pressure with the index fingers until the value
is read. See Figure 4.77.
Figure 4.77 Locating the femoral epicondyles by palpation (left) and measurement of the Biepicondylar
femur® (right)
This is the linear distance between the most lateral aspects of the relaxed deltoid muscles.
The subject stands relaxed with arms hanging by the sides and palms resting against the thighs.
Bideltoid breadth is measured using the large sliding caliper. Minimal pressure must be applied
to the site by the measurer so that no indentation of the skin occurs. The blades of the anthro-
pometer should be angled pointing slightly upwards. See Figure 4.78.
The linear distance between the most lateral aspects of the Trochanteria.
The subject assumes a relaxed standing position with the feet together and arms resting across
the chest. The anthropometrist should stand in front of the subject and the blades of the anthro-
pometer should be positioned on the most lateral aspects of the Trochanteria. The blades should
be angled slightly upwards from the horizontal. (Note: This is not at the same level as the previ-
ously marked Trochanterion landmark.) See Figure 4.79.
The aims of this practical are to:
1 calculate body density and % body fat values using anthropometric prediction equations
2 demonstrate the variation in predicted % body fat values using different anthropometric
prediction equations.
Based on the measurement sites taken, the subject’s gender, and (sometimes) other demographic
information such as age and level of physical activity, an analysis can be performed to predict
body density (BD) and percent body fat (%BF) using a number of compatible equations selected
from the literature.
Table 4.3 shows several prediction equations that can be used to estimate BD and then %BF.
It details several BD prediction equations for males and females that have been sourced from
the scientific literature. It is not a complete list but identifies some of the more commonly used
prediction equations. The equations are sex-specific and involve a number of different anthro-
pometric measurements. These equations may result in a range of BD and %BF predictions for
any particular individual. This laboratory will demonstrate the variation in prediction scores.
All of the listed equations use independent anthropometric variables whose sites are equivalent
with the guidelines presented in this chapter. In some instances the original descriptions use slightly dif-
ferent terminology although the landmarks are the same. The required anthropometry measurements
differ depending on the specific equations but most require the restricted profile measures in order to
calculate BD and %BF. The conversion of BD to %BF is achieved using the following formula:
Use volunteers and record the required anthropometry measurements so that you can enter the
raw data into the prediction equations. Use a spreadsheet to calculate BD and corresponding
%BF values using at least three different male or female equations. Summarise the final values
to show a mean value and the range of scores that are calculated. You can also check your
answers using the on-line Exercise Science Toolkit software (
Why are there differences in predicted values? Discuss the possible reasons that have con-
tributed to the differences in the predicted %BF among the equations.
The aims of this practical are to:
1 calculate the percent technical error of measurement (%TEM) following duplicate mea-
sures of a (a) skinfold, (b) girth, and (c) breadth measurement
2 use the %TEM values to determine the 95% confidence interval around single anthropom-
etry measures
3 use the %TEM value to determine if a true change has occurred between two anthropom-
etry measures following an intervention.
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Kevin I. Norton
Table 4.3 (Continued)
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Reference Anthropometry variables Equation Notes BD %BF
® Sloan, Burt, and triceps and iliac crest BD = 1.0764 − 0.00081(X1) − 0.00088(X2) where: X1 = iliac crest skinfold
Blyth (1962) (51) skinfolds (mm), X2 = triceps skinfold (mm)
® Thorland et al. triceps, subscapular, and 2 where: X = ∑ 3 skinfolds (triceps,
BD = 1.0987 − 0.00122(X) + 0.00000263(X)
(1984) (34) iliac crest skinfolds subscapular, iliac crest in mm)
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The technical error of measurement is a quantification of the level of error associated with
Kevin I. Norton
anthropometry skills. It is used to check an error range for different types of anthropometry
variables (skinfolds, girths, lengths, and breadths). There are two types of TEM calculations, a
within-person TEM called intra-tester TEM and a between-person TEM called an inter-tester
TEM. Generally the intra-tester TEM is smaller than the inter-tester TEM. This is because a
particular tester typically follows a similar procedure when assessing anthropometry measure-
ments and these might differ slightly among different testers, although we aim to make these
The calculated intra-tester TEM can also be used from time to time to see if the error
range is changing as skills develop in anthropometry measurements. Additionally, a specific
tester’s TEM can be used to determine the 95% confidence interval (CI) around a single
measure they take on a person. In this case, for example, the tester can generate a confidence
interval around an anthropometry measure and can use the CI to determine if a true change
has occurred between the test sessions. This change might occur because of some type of
intervention such as a training program or a change in diet. We want to be confident a true
change has occurred in response to the intervention rather than just because of an inconsistent
or poor technique.
The generally accepted intra-tester TEM for the various types of anthropometry measure-
ments are: 5% for skinfolds and 1% for other anthropometry measures.
The generally accepted inter-tester TEM for the various types of anthropometry measure-
ments are: 7.5% for skinfolds and 1.5% for other anthropometry measures.
In this laboratory students will calculate their TEM using a skinfold, a girth, and a breadth
measurement. Each of these will be measured in duplicate on at least five people. The pairs of
data will then be entered into a spreadsheet to calculate the intra-tester TEM using the equa-
tions listed below. You can also check your answers automatically using the on-line Exercise
Science Toolkit software as part of the Body Composition module.
4 Sum1 / N1 = Mean1
Sum2 / N2 = Mean2
5 Enter your Trial 1 and Trial 2 values to create two lists with all values in Trial 1 and all cor-
responding values in Trial 2. Since they are pairs of measurements taken on each volunteer
each pair should be aligned next to one another across the columns.
6 Sum all the individual values in the list to give an overall sum, that is:
all trial 1 values + all trial 2 values = SumTot
7 Next determine the overall grand mean value:
SumTot / (N1+N2) = GrandMean
8 Sum each line squared of the combined List (i.e., where all Trial 1 and Trial 2 values are
listed in one column):
(line X of List)2 + (line X+1 of List)2 + (line X+2 of List)2 . . . etc.
(in the spreadsheet example this would be the sum of 10 values) = SumSquaredTot
9 Now use this sum of squared values (SumSquaredTot) to calculate the sum of squares total
SumSquaredTot − (SumTot2 / [N1*2]) = SST
10 Now calculate the sum of P squared values (SumPSquared [to calculate SSB]) using the
following method:
Repeat with each value in the Trial 1 column
Add line 1 of Trial1 + line 1 of Trial2 = P1
Add line 2 of Trial1 + line 2 of Trial2 = P2
11 Square all the P values and add the squared values together:
P12 + P22 + P32 . . . etc. = SumPSquared
(SST−SSB) / N1 = MSW
14 Calculate the mean squares between (MSB)
SSB / (N1−1) = MSB
15 The square root of MSW = TEM (in the units used in the original raw data, for example,
mm for skinfolds and cm for girths):
square root (MSW) = TEM
TEM = Technical error of measurement (use 3 decimal places for TEM)
16 The percent TEM is more meaningful and is what we want to calculate to check against
% TEM = (TEM / GrandMean*100)
(use 1 decimal place for %TEM)
Report the TEM and %TEM for the chosen skinfold measure, girth, and breadth variable. Did
your %TEM fall within the guidelines?
Measure an anthropometry site after completing the %TEM calculations for that site.
Calculate the 95% CI to determine the Lower confidence interval to Upper confidence interval.
Write in words what this 95% confidence interval means.
Record your first measure (Value 1) = the ‘measurement on the first occasion’
Record your second measure (Value 2) = the ‘measurement on the second occasion’
Now, if LCL ≤0 and UCL ≥0 then you can conclude ‘Since the confidence interval (LCL–UCL)
includes zero then we cannot be sure a real change has occurred’.
However, if LCL <0 and UCL <0, or LCL >0 and UCL >0 then you can conclude ‘Since
the confidence interval (LCL-UCL) does not include zero then we are 95% sure a real change
has occurred’.
Once you calculate your %TEM for a specific anthropometry site then take two measurements
one week apart on the same person. Has a real change occurred?
1 World Health Organization (WHO) (1995) Physical Status: The Use and Interpretation of
Anthropometry. WHO Technical Report Series 854. WHO: Geneva.
2 International Organization for Standardization (ISO) (2017) ISO 7250–1:2017. Basic
human body measurements for technological design, Part 1: Body measurements definitions
and landmarks.
3 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. National Health and Nutrition Examina-
tion Survey (NHANES): Questionnaires, Datasets and Related Documentation. Centers
for Disease Control and Prevention: Hyattsville, MD.
4 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2009) National Health and Nutrition Exami-
nation Survey (NHANES): Anthropometry Procedures Manual. Centers for Disease Con-
trol and Prevention: Hyattsville, MD.
5 Norton K, Whittingham N, Carter L, et al. (1994) Measurement techniques in anthropom-
etry. Chapter 1, in Norton K, Olds TS (eds.) Anthropometry and Anthropometric Profiling.
NOLDS Sports Scientific: Sydney, pp. 1–32.
6 Norton K, Whittingham N, Carter L, et al. (1996) Measurement techniques in anthro-
pometry. Chapter 2, in Norton K, Olds TS (eds.) Anthropometrica. UNSW Press: Sydney,
pp. 25–75.
7 Norton K, Olds TS (eds.) (1996) Anthropometrica. UNSW Press: Sydney.
8 Gore CJ, Norton K, Olds TS, et al. (1996) Accreditation in anthropometry: An Australian
model. Chapter 13, in Norton K, Olds TS (eds.) Anthropometrica. UNSW Press: Sydney,
pp. 395–411.
9 Tanner RK, Gore CJ (2013) Physiological Tests for Elite Athletes, 2nd ed. Human Kinetics:
Champaign, IL.
10 Petursson H, Sigurdsson JA, Bengtsson C, et al. (2011) Body configuration as a predictor
of mortality: Comparison of five anthropometric measures in a 12 year follow-up of the
Norwegian HUNT 2 study. PLOS ONE, 6(10): e26621.
11 Srikanthan P, Seeman TE, Karlamangla AS (2009) Waist-to-hip ratio as a predictor of all-
cause mortality in high-functioning adults. Annals of Epidemiology, 19(10): 724–731.
12 Carlyon R, Gore C, Woolford S, et al. (1996) Calibrating Harpenden skinfold callipers.
Chapter 4, in Norton K, Olds TS (eds.) Anthropometrica. UNSW Press: Sydney, pp. 97–120.