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dismissal of the first complaint.

Same; Evidence; Purpose of rules on discovery. If a party does

not want to avail of discovery procedures, case should be set for
pretrial, not dismissed.·The rules on discovery (Rules 24, 25, 26,
27, 28 and 29 of the Revised Rules of Court) are intended to enable
a party
VOL. 144, SEPTEMBER 23, 1986 259
Koh vs. Intermediate Appellate Court _______________

No. L-71388. September 23, 1986.

MARIA MONSERRAT R. KOH, petitioner, vs. 260

HON. JOB. B. MADAYAG in his capacity as the Presiding
Judge, of Branch CXLV, Regional Trial Court of Makati, et

Koh vs. Intermediate Appellate Court

Actions; Judgments; The court should not dismiss a case for
failure to heed a „Notice of Case Status‰ issued by a court officer in
to obtain knowledge of material facts within the knowledge of the
charge where answer was already filed and defendant admits
adverse party or of third parties through depositions; to obtain
liability. Res judicata does not apply in such case.·Petitioner has
knowledge of material facts or admissions from the adverse party
appealed by certiorari to this Court. We are constrained to affirm.
through written interrogatories; to obtain admissions from the
Indeed, with the admission in petitionerÊs Answer of the allegations
adverse party regarding the genuineness of relevant documents or
in the Complaint that due to computer error there was an
relevant matters of fact through requests for admission; to inspect
overpayment to her of the amount of US-$8,000.00, coupled with
relevant documents or objects and lands or other property in the
her offer to pay respondent Bank the amount of the overpayment in
possession or control of the adverse party; and to determine the
installments of $100.00 a month, we cannot find any justification
physical or mental condition of a party when such is in controversy.
for ruling that the order dismissing the first complaint operated as
This mutual discovery enables a party to discover the evidence of
an adjudication on the merits or constituted a bar to the secpnd
the adverse party and thus facilitates an amicable settlement or
complaint. In fact, the trial court could have, on motion, rendered a
expedites the trial of the case. All the parties are required to lay
judgment on the pleadings in the first case in favor of respondent
their cards on the table so that justice can be rendered on the
merits of the case. Trial judges should, therefore, encourage the
Same; Same; Attorneys; Negligence of counsel to respond to a proper utilization of the rules on discovery. However, recourse to
„notice of case status‰ made by a court officer is not fatal to partyÊs discovery procedures is not mandatory. If the parties do not choose
cause as case dismissed for disregard of such notice is irregular.· to resort to such procedures, the pre-trial conference should be set
True it is that respondent BankÊs counsel should have taken the pursuant to the mandatory provisions of Section 1 of Rule 20.
precaution of complying with the instructions contained in the
Same; Pre-trial; Where a counterclaim need not require an
„NOTICE OF CASE STATUS‰ if only to avoid the consequent delay
answer being compulsory, clerk of the court is duty-bound to
resulting from non-compliance; that respondent BankÊs counsel was
immediately set the case for pre-trial.·Petitioner argues that
negligent in not seeking a reconsideration or clarification of the
respondent Judge was wrong in stating that a pre-trial order should
order of dismissal, or appealing therefrom. But, fortunately for
have been issued since the last pleading had been filed, because the
respondent Bank, the omissions of its counsel are not fatal to its
„notice of case status‰ was issued on August 19, 1983, while the last
cause in view of the defective procedure which culminated in the
pleading or the answer to petitionerÊs counterclaim was filed much

later. Although, ordinarily, the last pleading which has to be filed 20 authorize the clerk of court to issue the notice of the date of the
before the court shall set the case for pre-trial under Section 1 of pre-trial and Section 2 of Rule 22 authorizes the clerk of court to
Rule 20 is the answer to the counterclaim (Itchon vs. Baligod, 17 issue the notice of the date of the trial. A writ of execution may be
SCRA 268; Pioneer Insurance & Surety Corp. vs. Hontanosas, 78 issued by the clerk of court pursuant to an order of execution signed
SCRA 447), in the case at bar, petitionerÊs counterclaim for damages by the judge. There is no rule authorizing the issuance of the „notice
resulting from the filing of the complaint did not require an answer of case status‰ in question signed by an officer-in-charge.
(Navarro vs. Bello, 102 Phil. 1019; Gojo vs. Goyola, 35 SCRA 557).
Since the counterclaim was the last pleading, the court should have PETITION to review the decision of the Intermediate
issued a pre-trial order after its submission and it was the duty of Appellate Court
the clerk of court to place the case in the pre-trial calendar under
Section 5 of Rule 20.
The facts are stated in the opinion of the Court.
Bito, Misa & Lozada Law Office for petitioner.
Same; Judgments; A „notice of case status‰ signed by a court Fernandez, Oliva, Umali & Associates and Vicente C
personnel-in-charge is not a court order. Disregard thereof does not Ramirez, Jr. for respondents.
warrant dismissal of case.·This provision is not applicable to the
case at bar. As the appellate court correctly held, the „notice of case FERIA, J.:
status‰ was not an order of the court. It was signed by Mr. E.R. Be-
The Court affirms the decision of the Intermediate
261 Appellate Court (now renamed Court of Appeals) which
dismissed the petition for certiorari filed by petitioner
against respondent Judge Job B. Madayag of the Regional
Trial Court of
VOL. 144, SEPTEMBER 23, 1986 261
Koh vs. Intermediate Appellate Court


len, officer-in-charge. Even the warning in the notice (that if no
such manifestation has been filed after 30 days from receipt the Koh vs. Intermediate Appellate Court
case shall be archived or dismissed as the case may be) was
ambiguous. The failure of the parties to heed the warning did not Makati and respondent First Interstate Bank of California.
constitute disobedience of a lawful order of the court. Consequently, Petitioner sought to annul and set aside the order of
the order of dismissal could not have the effect of an adjudication respondent Judge denying her motion to dismiss the
upon the merits. Neither could respondent Bank be considered to complaint based on res adjudicata.
have failed to prosecute its action for an unreasonable length of On June 15, 1983, respondent Bank filed a Complaint
time, inasmuch as petitionerÊs Answer was dated August 17, 1983 against petitioner to recover the sum of US-$7,434.90 or its
and the order of dismissal was dated November 29, 1983. equivalent in Philippine Currency which, due to a
Same; Same; There is no rule authorizing a court personnel or computer error, it had overpaid to her on October 8, 1981.
branch clerk to issue a „notice of case status‰, unlike in summons, The Complaint alleged that on September 30, 1981,
execution, and the like.·Petitioner further contends that if the petitionerÊs father sent her US-$500.00 through the
ruling of the appellate court regarding the legality of the notice Metropolitan Bank & Trust Company which was the
signed by the officer-in-charge were sustained, then court processes remitting bank of respondent Bank. But due to computer
such as summons, notices of pre-trial, writs of execution and the mistake, respondent BankÊs Los Angeles Office erroneously
like can be merely disregarded by lawyers. This contention is overstated the amount to US-$8,500.00 instead of US-
without merit. Section 1 of Rule 14 expressly provides that upon the $500.00, and as a consequence respondent Bank issued and
filing of the complaint, the clerk of court shall forthwith issue the delivered to petitioner Cashier Check No. 1217681
corresponding summons to the defendant. Sections 1 and 5 of Rule amounting to US-$8,500.00 dated October 8, 1981 which
petitioner deposited to her account and subsequently been obtained through any of those modes of discovery
withdrew. which were waived, shall not be assessed against the
In her Answer dated August 17, 1983, petitioner adverse party nor awarded as part of the litigation
admitted the above-stated allegations in the Complaint and expenses.
alleged that immediately after receipt of a formal demand If, after 30 days from receipt of this notice, no such
letter to return the overpayment, she offered to pay manifestation has been filed, the case shall be archived
respondent Bank through its lawyer in installments of or dismissed as the case may be.
$100.00 a month but the offer was unreasonably rejected. Upon Order of the Court, this 19th day of August
It is significant to note that no copy of said Answer was 1983.
attached to the petition for certiorari filed by petitioner Makati, Metro Manila.
with the Intermediate Appellate Court, nor was any copy (SGD.) E.R. BELEN
thereof attached to the petition for review on certiorari Officer-in-Charge
filed with this Court. It was only in the Comment of
respondentsÊ counsel filed with this Court that a copy of No manifestation was filed by the partiesÊ lawyers. On
said Answer was attached thereto. November 29, 1983, the presiding Judge (not respondent
On August 19, 1983, Mr. E.R. Belen, Officer-in-Charge of Judge), issued the following order:
the Regional Trial Court of Makati, Branch 141, sent the
„For non-compliance with the Order (Notice of Case Status) dated
following „NOTICE OF CASE STATUS‰ to the parties
August 19, 1983, more particularly the last paragraph thereof, this
through their respective lawyers.
case is hereby dismissed.‰
G R E E T I N G S:
This order was received by respondent BankÊs counsel on
Please take notice that cases where issues have
December 28, 1983.
been joined will be scheduled for pre-trial conference
On July 4, 1984, respondent Bank, through a new
only after Rules 24, 25, 26, 27,
counsel, refiled its complaint which was assigned to Branch
143 of the Regional Trial Court of Makati presided over by
respondent Judge. Petitioner filed a motion to dismiss the
complaint on the ground of res adjudicata, as well as a
VOL. 144, SEPTEMBER 23, 1986 263 supplement thereto, which was opposed by respondent
Koh vs. Intermediate Appellate Court Bank.

28, and 29·where applicable, necessary and or
feasible·have been resorted to by the parties.
If a party believes that those modes of discovery are 264 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED
not applicable, necessary or feasible with respect to Koh vs. Intermediate Appellate Court
him, he shall file a manifestation to that effect.
The pre-trial conference, shall be scheduled as soon On August 27, 1984, respondent Judge denied the motion
as the respective manifestations·of having resorted to dismiss and on November 27, 1984, he denied
to, or of dispensing with, those modes of discovery· petitionerÊs motion for reconsideration, on the following
have been filed by the parties. grounds:
The party, who has dispensed with those modes of
discovery shall be deemed to have waived resort (1) The dismissal was too drastic and was tantamount
thereto, and, unless for good cause shown, motion to to depriving the plaintiff of its day in court.
resort thereto, after termination of the pretrial, shall (2) Notwithstanding the failure of the parties in said
not be granted. The costs entailed by the waiving party case to comply with said notice of case status (above
in presenting evidence during trial that could have

quoted), the court (Branch 141) should have set the discretion, in denying petitionerÊs motion to dismiss Civil Case No.
case for pre-trial conference since the last pleading 7765.‰ (pp. 35-36, Record)
had been filed and there are no other conditions to
be complied with before any case is calendared for Petitioner has appealed by certiorari to this Court. We are
pre-trial under Section 1 of Rule 20. constrained to affirm. Indeed, with the admission in
petitionerÊs Answer of the allegations in the Complaint that
(3) It would be better for the defendant to have a
due to computer error there was an overpayment to her of
definite and clear-cut decision as to her liability or
the amount of US-$8,000.00, coupled with her offer to pay
nonliability, instead of winning a case on a
respondent Bank the amount of the overpayment in
installments of $100.00 a month, we cannot find any
justification for ruling that the order dismissing the first
On May 8, 1985, petitioner filed a petition for certiorari
complaint operated as an adjudication on the merits or
with the Intermediate Appellate Court praying that the
constituted a bar to the second complaint. In fact, the trial
orders denying the motion to dismiss and the motion for
court could have, on motion, rendered a judgment on the
reconsideration be set aside as null and void and that the
pleadings in the first case in favor of respondent Bank.
complaint be ordered dismissed. On May 21, 1985, the
True it is that respondent BankÊs counsel should have
appellate court, finding no merit to the petition, resolved
taken the precaution of complying with the instructions
not to give it due course. In its decision, the appellate court
contained in the „NOTICE OF CASE STATUS‰ if only to
ruled as follows:
avoid the consequent delay resulting from non-compliance;
„We concur with the above reasoning of respondent Judge. We that respondent BankÊs counsel was negligent in not
should add to that our observation that the order of dismissal of seeking a reconsideration or clarification of the order of
Judge Elbiñas in Civil Case No. 4272 (Annex F) was null and void dismissal, or appealing therefrom. But, fortunately for
for lack of legal basis. The Ânotice of case statusÊ (Annex D) was not respondent Bank, the omissions of its counsel are not fatal
an orderÊ of the court. It was, as its title indicated, only a Ânotice,Ê to its cause in view of the defective procedure which
not an order. The warning in the last paragraph of the notice culminated in the dismissal of the first complaint.
advising the parties that· The rules on discovery (Rules 24, 25, 26, 27, 28 and 29 of
the Revised Rules of Court) are intended to enable a party
ÂIf, after 30 days from receipt of this notice, no such to obtain knowledge of material facts within the knowledge
manifestation has been filed, the case shall be archived or of the adverse party or of third parties through depositions;
dismissed as the case may be.Ê to obtain knowledge of material facts or admissions from
the adverse party through written interrogatories; to
was not an order of the court. It was a warning emanating from
obtain admissions from the adverse party regarding the
E.R. Belen, the officer-in-charge (of civil cases). The failure of the
genuineness of relevant documents or relevant matters of
parties to heed the warning was not tantamount to disobedience of
fact through requests for admission; to inspect relevant
a lawful order of the court, for the Âofficer-in-chargeÊ was not the
documents or objects and lands or other property in the
court or judge.
possession or control of the adverse party; and to determine
the physical or mental condition of a party when such is in
controversy. This mutual discovery enables

VOL. 144, SEPTEMBER 23, 1986 265 266

Koh vs. Intermediate Appellate Court

„Since the order of dismissal was null and void, it did not have the Koh vs. Intermediate Appellate Court
force of a judgment. It did not constitute a bar to the refiling of the
bankÊs complaint. Respondent Judge did not err, or abuse his
a party to discover the evidence of the adverse party and
thus facilitates an amicable settlement or expedites the Koh vs. Intermediate Appellate Court
trial of the case. All the parties are required to lay their
cards on the table so that justice can be rendered on the in-charge. Even the warning in the notice (that if no such
merits of the case. manifestation has been filed after 30 days from receipt the
Trial judges should, therefore, encourage the proper case shall be archived or dismissed as the case may be) was
utilization of the rules on discovery. However, recourse to ambiguous. The failure of the parties to heed the warning
discovery procedures is not mandatory. If the parties do not did not constitute disobedience of a lawful order of the
choose to resort to such procedures, the pre-trial conference court. Consequently, the order of dismissal could not have
should be set pursuant to the mandatory provisions of the effect of an adjudication upon the merits. Neither could
Section 1 of Rule 20. respondent Bank be considered to have failed to prosecute
Petitioner argues that respondent Judge was wrong in its action for an unreasonable length of time, inasmuch as
stating that a pre-trial order should have been issued since petitionerÊs Answer was dated August 17, 1983 and the
the last pleading had been filed, because the „notice of case order of dismissal was dated November 29, 1983.
status‰ was issued on August 19, 1983, while the last Petitioner cites the case of Arellano vs. Court of First
pleading or the answer to petitionerÊs counterclaim was Instance of Sorsogon (65 SCRA 45) in support of her stand.
filed much later. Although, ordinarily, the last pleading However, in said case, the Court upheld the order of
which has to be filed before the court shall set the case for dismissal for failure of respondent Barreta to serve any
pre-trial under Section 1 of Rule 20 is the answer to the answer to petitioner ArellanoÊs interrogatories. The
counterclaim (Itchon vs. Baligod, 17 SCRA 268; Pioneer dismissal was based on Section 5 of Rule 29 which provides
Insurance & Surety Corp. vs. Hontanosas, 78 SCRA 447), that if a party fails to serve answers to interrogatories
in the case at bar, petitionerÊs counterclaim for damages submitted under Rule 25, after proper service of such
resulting from the filing of the complaint did not require an interrogatories, the Court on motion and notice may
answer (Navarro vs. Bello, 102 Phil. 1019; Gojo vs. Goyola, dismiss the action or render judgment by default.
35 SCRA 557). Since the counterclaim was the last Petitioner further contends that if the ruling of the
pleading, the court should have issued a pre-trial order appellate court regarding the legality of the notice signed
after its submission and it was the duty of the clerk of court by the officer-in-charge were sustained, then court
to place the case in the pre-trial calendar under Section 5 of processes such as summons, notices of pre-trial, writs of
Rule 20. execution and the like can be merely disregarded by
Petitioner invokes the provisions of Section 3 of Rule 17 lawyers. This contention is without merit. Section 1 of Rule
which reads as follows: 14 expressly provides that upon the filing of the complaint,
„Failure to prosecute.·If plaintiff fails to appear at the time of the
the clerk of court shall forthwith issue the corresponding
trial, or to prosecute his action for an unreasonable length of time,
summons to the defendant. Sections 1 and 5 of Rule 20
or to comply with these rules or any order of the court, the action
authorize the clerk of court to issue the notice of the date of
may be dismissed upon motion of the defendant or upon the courtÊs
the pre-trial and Section 2 of Rule 22 authorizes the clerk
own motion. This dismissal shall have the effect of an adjudication
of court to issue the notice of the date of the trial. A writ of
upon the merits, unless otherwise provided by court.‰
execution may be issued by the clerk of court pursuant to
an order of execution signed by the judge. There is no rule
This provision is not applicable to the case at bar. As the authorizing the issuance of the „notice of case status‰ in
appellate court correctly held, the „notice of case status‰ question signed by an officer-in-charge.
was not an order of the court. It was signed by Mr. E.R. WHEREFORE, the decision of the appellate court is
Belen, officer- affirmed, with costs against petitioner. This decision is
immediately executory.

VOL. 144, SEPTEMBER 23, 1986 267


Koh vs. Intermediate Appellate Court


Fernan, Alampay, Gutierrez, Jr., and Paras, JJ.,


Decision affirmed and immediately executory.

Notes.·Failure to comply with Section 17, Rule 14 of

the Rules of Court in the services of summons, is a fatal
defect and results in the annulment of the proceedings
taken (Castillo vs. Court of First Instance of Bulacan, Br.
IV, 127 SCRA 632.)
Case should not be dismissed where summons
wrongfully served. Alias summons should be issued (Linner
& Fisher GMBH vs. Intermediate Appellate Court, 125
SCRA 522.)
The purpose of summons is to give notice to the
defendant or respondent that an action had been
commenced against him. The defendant or respondent is
thus put on guard as to the demands of the plaintiffs or
petitioners. (Ablaza vs. Court of Industrial Relations, 126
SCRA 247.)



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