A Comparative Criteria Method For Telecommunicatio
A Comparative Criteria Method For Telecommunicatio
A Comparative Criteria Method For Telecommunicatio
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The basic dimensions of the towers with different signing steel structures [9, 15].
topological designs are the same (Fig. 1). The basic height For reasons of clarity, each topological concept is
of a tower is 30 m and the structural elements are designed labeled as TP X in Fig. 2, where X represents the sequen-
to withstand the various load combinations. The width to tial number of the design. The towers of the first two topo-
height ratio of the towers is b/h = 1/10. If the lowest seg- logical designs are made out of small numbers of structural
ment is removed, we have a tower of 20 m height, while beams that are relatively large scale. In the other topologi-
the used structural members do not change. If both lower cal designs there are a larger number of members. Filling
segments are removed, we have towers of 10 m height. At beams are added to the designs in order to reduce the dif-
the top of the tower the width is 1 m; this is in order to fraction lengths. The effect of different diffraction lengths
ensure satisfactory antenna signal coverage. can be further observed as some of the tower designs differ
The towers are affected by different loads, such as in terms of the element lengths (case TP 3/TP 4 and
the dead weight of the structure, the useful load (the load TP 5/TP 6).
of the telecommunications antennas), the ice load, the wind
load and the various combinations of these loads. Two 3. Loads
different useful loads have been investigated, i.e., antennas
of 400 and 800 kg. A uniform ice thickness created by The loads are divided into four categories (Fig. 3):
freezing rain on nonround structural elements must be tak- self-weight weight of the technological equipment, ice
en into account [12]. The thickness of the ice envelope and weight and wind loads. Many loads have an effect on each
the speed of wind depend on the environmental conditions other, so the influence of the load also has to be consid-
of the building site. Two different ice thicknesses have ered. The result is nine different load cases for each steel
been taken into account, i.e., ice envelope thicknesses of lattice tower.
18 and 30 mm. For the purposes of comparison, there are
two possible wind zones: the zone with mean wind speeds
up to 25 m/s and the zone with mean wind speeds up to
30 m/s. This is in accordance with the national annex for
Slovenia [13]. These wind loads can occur in the head-on
and diagonal directions and their impact can be increased
as a result of the influence of the increased surface area
due to the ice deposits.
a b c d e
Fig. 3 Calculation model (a) and actions of the tower: self-
weight (b), antenna self-weight load (c), wind an-
tenna load (d, e)
7mt 5 hT
s c fT AT dB 0 6 h
The load case combinations are divided into the mance under designed loads where no plastic deformation
ultimate limit states (ULS) and the serviceability limit occurs and they are a matter of structural application. The
states (SLS). Every combination is determined as a concur- proper function of the antenna services of a telecommuni-
rent effect of the loads with the compliance of influential cations tower is affected by the rotation angle of the at-
factors [9], as described in Table 2. tached telecommunications antennas (the signal quality
Before the calculation of the towers is carried out depends on these angles). Telecommunications technology
the reliability level of the structures has to be determined. advances, so it is advantageous to have versatile and
Different levels of reliability are adopted for the ULS veri- adaptable towers. The minimization of the rotation angle
fications of the towers, depending on the possible econom- provides an opportunity to adapt the tower to expansion
ic and social consequence on their collapse. Therefore, a and adaptation to different kinds of antennas. The rotations
consequences class (CC) and a reliability class (RC) have are checked at each point of the antenna mount and they
to be determined. occur in two directions, x and y. The angles of rotation
Telecommunications towers have a medium con- are compared with each other:
sequence on economic and social life as they have a role in
the information flow in modern societies. All the structures x ; y ; x2 y2
being calculated are in CC of CC2. The RC class of a
structure is determined using the reliability index β, which
is associated with CC; therefore the reliability class is The construction mass is important for any tower
RC2. This results in a partial factor for the permanent ac- comparison because it effects the construction pricing as
tions γG = 1.1 and partial factor for the variable actions well as the transport and storage costs. As a result, we
γQ = 1.4. The reduction factor of wind pressure k = 0.5 (ice strive to minimize the construction mass. The mass of each
class G3) has to be accounted for when a combination of tower is obtained by summing the mass of each structural
ice and wind loads is applied to the structure. member. The towers are divided into segments of different
heights and the members are divided into vertical, diagonal
4. Comparison criteria and filling beams
n n m n m
The comparison of the steel lattice towers with msum msegm,i mel , j ,i lel , j ,i qL,el , j ,i
different topological designs was carried out on the basis i 1 i 1 j 1 i 1 j 1
of various criteria such as:
1) the criteria of ultimate limit states, The economic comparison of the towers is a crite-
2) the criteria of applicability, rion based on different costs. The cost of the material is
3) the mass criteria, directly linked with the construction mass. The cost of
4) the economic criteria. production depends on the topological complexity and the
The ULS criteria present the criteria of the load dimensions of the tower. Next are the cost of storage and
capacity of the cross-sections. It is necessary to satisfy the transport. This criterion depends on the size of each tower
condition of the axial, shear and bending load capacities segment as well as its geographical and orthographical
and any possible combinations of these internal forces. The location. In this case it has been assumed that no helicopter
designed load capacity depends on the compactness class transport is required as this greatly increases the costs. The
of the cross-section (in our case all the cross-sections are transportation is only by trucks and the transport distance
of 3rd class). The condition of Von Mises yield criterion is, in all cases, the same. Finally, the telecommunications
must be satisfied tower has to be assembled and placed on the mounting
2 2 2
x ,Ed z ,Ed x ,Ed
C Cmat material C prod production
fy / M0 fy / M0 fy / M 0
2 2
Cst&tr storage/transport Casm assembly
z ,Ed Ed
3 1.0
fy / M0 fy / M 0 It is assumed that that all the members of the an-
tenna towers are made of the same material. The criterion
of the material price therefore depends only on the con-
Some structural members are affected by a com-
struction mass. Some 10% of the used material represents
bination load of compression with bending internal forces
production waste.The manufacturing costs are dependent
and have to satisfy the following criteria
on the complexity of the production processes and on the
number of manufactured members and include the costs
N Ed M y ,Ed M y ,Ed M M z ,Ed
k yy k yz z ,Ed 1.0 related to trimming, CN and CNC treatments and the pro-
y N Rk M y ,Rk M z ,Rk cedures for weather protection (galvanizing and painting).
M1 M1 M1 The same production processes are used for all the towers.
Therefore, the parameter of manufacturing costs is deter-
N Ed M y ,Ed M y ,Ed M M z ,Ed mined on the basis of the members and their characteris-
k zy k zz z ,Ed 1.0 tics.
z N Rk M y ,Rk M z ,Rk
LT The raw material has to be in storage prior to the
M1 M1 M1 production and after the various processes the members
have to wait for transportation to the building site. The
The SLS are defined by the functional perfor- necessary complexity of the storage facility system is de-
pendent on the number of different members, the length ever, the designs TP 5 and TP 6 achieve the smallest val-
and the mass. The transport is dependent on the mass and ues of the limit state for the lower heights.
the load dimensions (as well as the transport distance). The A close look at the graph in Fig. 5 reveals a saw-
towers have appropriate dimensions for transport (it is not shaped appearance for each topological design. This is
necessary to use large-scale transportation vehicles). mainly a consequence of the two different wind loads ap-
The antenna towers need to be assembled and plied to the towers. It is clear that different wind speed has
placed on the placement location. It is necessary to pay little impact on the tower TP 3 and a great influence on the
attention to the tower’s foundation in order to achieve the tower TP 4.
required construction conditions. The assembly cost is de-
pendent on the time and the complexity. The assembly in
the production facilities and at the building site is calculat-
ed separately. Some parts need additional machining be-
fore assembly.
Table 3
Lowering of the limit states criteria with a reduction in the height of the tower
Topological design
Ultimate limit states criterion
TP 1 TP 2 TP 3 TP 4 TP 5 TP 6
30 m height average value 0.958 0.974 0.969 0.964 0.965 0.948
average decline, % 7.0 14.504 10.4 13.9 16.3 4.4
20 m height
average value 0.891 0.833 0.866 0.830 0.808 0.905
average decline, % 17.4 37.0 29.0 36.2 41.4 38.6
10 m height
average value 0.791 0.614 0.684 0.615 0.565 0.583
The angle of rotation of the antenna was ob- the height of the tower the rotation angles also decrease a
served. It mainly depends on the wind’s effect on the struc- great deal. It is clear that the TP 2 towers reach the highest
ture, which impacts in different directions. The wind ve- values of rotation for all heights. On the other hand, the
locity is dependent on the height of the tower and therefore tower designs TP 4 and TP 6 have small angular rotations.
with lower towers there is an impact of lower wind veloci- When constructing a tower, control of the SLS
ty. A comparison based on the criteria of angular rotation values is necessary. In our case the telecommunications
is shown in the graph in Fig. 6. In the case of the rotations antennas have a maximum allowed rotation φmax = 0.75° at
of telecommunications towers at the antenna mounts, this a maximum wind speed of vmax = 120 km/h to ensure suffi-
presents the serviceability of the structure. When reducing cient data transmission.
Table 5
Change in the construction mass per meter of height
Topological design
Construction mass
TP 1 TP 2 TP 3 TP 4 TP 5 TP 6
30 m height average value, kg/m 164.0 77.4 118.0 134.4 132.0 135.7
average decline, % 22.0 16.3 21.1 20.8 25.2 23.8
20 m height
average value, kg/m 128.0 65.0 93.0 106.6 98.3 103.5
average decline, % 44.1 33.0 40.2 45.8 46.5 47.7
10 m height
average value, kg/m 91.5 51.8 70.0 73.0 70.5 71.1
greater heights.
It is advantageous to achieve the lowest ratio of
tower price per meter of height. For all the tower designs
this increases with an increase in the height. However, the
towers with different topological designs do not exhibit
similar increases. Thus, at a height of 20 m there is an in-
crease in the range between 11 and 30%; at a height of
10 m, this difference is even more pronounced, i.e., the
increase ranges between 28 and 55% (Table 6).
For greater heights the best economic assessment
goes to the TP 2 towers, but at smaller heights the TP 5
and TP 6 towers have the lowest tower price per meter of
height. On the other hand, the TP 5 towers also have high
costs at greater heights (unfavorable). Therefore, in an
economic comparison there is no clear winner when it
comes to the most suitable design for the tower.
The comparison of the economic criteria showed
Fig. 8 Comparison of economical criteria that there are similarities between the mass comparison
and the economical comparison when observing towers
For the tower comparison based on the economic with a low height. At greater heights the overall cost of the
criteria presented in Fig. 8 it is clear that the tower’s price structure is influenced by the cost of man hours and the
per meter of height increases when the height of the towers processing technology, which also has an influence on the
is increased. The TP 1 towers have the least favorable eco- complexity of the production. This effect is revealed as an
nomic evaluation. On the other hand, the TP 2 tower has increased structural (topological) complexity of the tower’s
the most economical most favorable design. Despite hav- design and its influence increases with the height of the
ing a good economic evaluation for low heights, the tower tower.
designs TP 5 and TP 6 appear to lose their advantage at
Table 6
Change in the price of the tower per meter of height
Topological design
Economical evaluation TP 1 TP 2 TP 3 TP 4 TP 5 TP 6
30 m height average value, €/m 506.89 375.41 467.54 474.72 488.76 460.81
average decline, % 29.5 11.7 22.0 24.2 28.2 29.4
20 m height
average value, €/m 356.92 330.89 363.74 359.40 350.40 324.95
average decline, % 47.6 27.9 43.9 43.8 55.5 52.5
10 m height
average value, €/m 264.54 270.07 261.32 266.17 217.65 218.69