Fast Bikes - November 2014 UK PDF
Fast Bikes - November 2014 UK PDF
Fast Bikes - November 2014 UK PDF
nov 2014
issue 294
PLUS M W S 1000 RR
2015 B 9BHP AND
4 november 204
We round up the best POV cameras you can buy, and then
detail the best new and used kit around.
Subscribe .........................................101
Get your dose of sportsbike hedonism posted to you 13
times a year - and get two years for the price of one!
Used Buyer’s Guide ...........................82
The Honda CB1000R is an often overlooked bike...
Riding .............................................. 88
Lean, lean and lean. Guess what this month’s about?
Technical .......................................... 90
Know your bearings, do you? Check this out...
A-Force ............................................ 126
Al and the boys head to Assen for some crazy times!
Chaz Davies.................129
Picking up a podium is only a good thing.
Steve Parrish.....130
buy fb gear
november 204 5
Sonic Youth
hat a month it’s been. It
started in raucous form with
the launch of the new KTM
RC 390, which proved to be an utter blast.
Jumping off the bike after the first session
on track, the assembled pack of hacks were
all giggling like schoolgirls. As one, we all
started talking about our misspent youths,
trying to extract every last mile per hour in
an attempt to usurp our rivals. It’s a brilliant KTM RC 390
bike for the market, and deserves to sell by
the bucketload.
Next up was a day to the Peak District
trying to understand why the area holds the Join us on Facebook:
Join the FB Forum:
accolade of having the most dangerous
roads in Britain. I had to be disciplined FastBikes-Forum FastBikesMagazine
because it was so tempting to ditch the View Fast Bikes video content:
Get Fast Bikes for Apple iOS devices:
research and spend the day riding hard in the
National Park. It’s a great place to ride. newsstand fastbikesmag
It was then back on a plane to take up an
invitation to ride all of Moto Morini’s range. Get Fast Bikes for Android: Join us on Twitter:
The Italian manufacturer has only just pulled @FastBikesMag
itself out of bankruptcy, but the bikes
themselves are brilliant – a real tonic in a
world ever more suspicious of anything that EDITOR
makes a noise and goes fast. Simon ‘Rootsy’ Roots
Back in Blighty I then spent the next few
days compiling our Wales Ride Guide, which DEPUTY EDITOR
should have fallen out of the bag when you Benjamin ‘BJ’ Kubas Cronin
opened it. What a couple of days that was.
We could have spent a week there, taking ROAD TEST EDITOR
brilliant pictures on every corner we wanted, Alastair ‘A-Force’ Fagan
but time dictated that we could only shoot in
a couple of places per road. Even so, I think ART EDITOR
Jonny, our snapper, came up trumps. Ian ‘Lloydy’ Lloyd-Edwards
By now I couldn’t avoid the office, but
thanks to our relationship with all the big
manufacturers we got a sneaky peak of all Charlie ‘The Sheriff’ Oakman
the bikes appearing at the Intermot show.
So many doubters have said that
Print 15,381
sportsbikes are dead, but no-one appears to Subscribe Digital 2,245
and get two years of Fast Bikes The ABC combined print and digital publication
have told the likes of Kawasaki, BMW and for the price of one! p101 circulation for January - December 2013 is
Suzuki. The perfect end to a 0844 848 2852
near perfect month – if only I
hadn’t crashed the 390!
november 204 7
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:0CH75C 5 B05-C B! KC! M.03! H.! 4 :B7)3!
.C !!5 B!C.:! H7 7:H040C! 40 B5-!= H KC!C
H.! C4! H.B7HH3! 7 0!C C H.! D H77=
3!HB750C H2! H.! &7B4 7& H.B!! 47 ! HBH075
75HB73 COCH!4=
750H7B05- M.!!3 C:!! C H.B7HH3! &7KB 40330C!75 C=
:7C0H075 B52 :7C0H075 5 -!B 0H 75HB73C 0-50H075 .! .CC0C 0C 33 5!M
H0405- 5 0B !30L!BO 5 .!2C 33 0C !L!BO 5 !C0-5! H7 42! H.! /
-03! 5 .77H H7 B0 != .! &B4! .C
!!5 :!55! H7 B!405 CHB0-.H &B74 CH!!B05- .!
H7 CM05-B4 H7 B!H05 CHB!5-H. H H.! 40504K4
M!0-.H :7CC03! ;0HAC 30-.H!B H.5 H.! /8QQQAC
KBB!5H M!0-.H= !H .!0-.H 0C 37M H "8*44=
5 H!B4C 7& !>K0:4!5H 0HAC 33 377205- -77 M0H.
C!H 7& ,I44 &7B2C 5 3052/HO:! C.72 33
M0H. B!7K5 5 :B!37 1KCH4!5H= B!47
B 03 30:!BC B! KC! :B0C! 7' H.! KBB!5H 0N!B
.7KA 5 H.! / KC!C 7C. COCH!4=
H 3772C C 0& KPK20 :B740C!C H7 !30L!B -!5K05!
0N!B :7M!B 05 CHO30C. O!H C2033! :2-!=
9 !O .0:CH!BC CO .!337 H7 O7KB 5!M 02!= .0C 0C
05H!B!CH05- H7 C!! .7M H04!C .5-! $ 7B 57H#
H KC!C H.! 73 40 3!M!0-.H 0B/773! !5-05!
&B74 H.!
75CH!B D6E :K4:05- 7KH .!3H.O
H.5 &!M H04!C= KC:!5C075 0C &B74 O
B!47 CK::3O H.! B2!C M0H. 475737 B 03
30:!B 5 7C. 6=8
COCH!4= .0C 7K3
H.! 5!M KH0 B43!B= HAC 4.05! H.H 0C D*.:= KH H.0C 02! 0C 33 7KH H.! !C0-5= .! ! !4:37O! C H.! 0B!330
!BH053O 7& H.! 57M KH H.!B!AC 5-!B H.H H.! &B4! KC!C HM05 K::!B C:B CH!!3 HB!330C M.0. 7:! M0H. C:!! M!33= H BK5C 5 8"/05. &B75H B04
7K5H!B K3HKB! M033 B!!3 -05CH 0- KC05!CC :B7L0 !C &7KC &7B H.! CHB0::! 4.05!= 0 ! 5 8D/05. B!B= .!B!AC 57 :B0! O!H KH 0HAC
4KC305- 05 75 0HC .74!/4 ! H!BB0H7BO= KH 5 K:B0-.H BC M033 42! H7M5 B0 05- B!!P!= .7:! H7 ! B7K5 GDQQQ M.0. M033 C!! KH0
KH0 7!C5AH 75C0 !B H.0C H7 ! B!HB7 02! .! CH!!3 H52 0C 57H.!B !O!/H.05- &!HKB! 5 C.7MB774C :2! 7KH M0H. H.! !B ! 5
H--05- 0H M0H. H.! H!B4 @:7CH .!B0H-!A= KH0 H.7K-. 57H 0- H.! 47H7B 0C &BK-3 !57K-. H7 HHH77! 05 5 05CH5H $ H.! 02! C.7K3 ! !C03O
:K5H! 7KH B43!BC 2 05 H.! 86EQC C7 0HAC 42! H.! 8I=* 30HB!C -7 B7CC H7M5 5 2 47B! 75L!BH! H7 42! 0H J 74:H03!#
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9 & O7KAB! 7& 5 7' B7 :!BCKC075 5 M!AB! 9 7KA33 C775 B! 7KH H.! 5!M
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0BH 02! .7M= !3 H H75!3!0-. B2 &B74 IQH. B05- H !. B7K5 =
.C C7K5 ! 7KH
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B7 C.7M 0C O7KB 75!/CH7:/C.7: &7B 33 H.05-C B0 !BC H7 C!! 0& 0HAC M7BH. 7:O05- H.! 7B0-053
4K2O= 33 H.! 417B !B45 C!
45K&HKB!BC M033 74:!H0H075 $ 5 H.!
! :B!C!5H C M033 5CM!B ::!BC H7 !
:3!5HO 7& B7 B05- O!C= .! K: 7'!BC
CHBC 377205- 7KH &7B 02! HOB!C 5 !5HB0!C
C74!H.05- H7 3-% &7B )N! 7CH &!!=
14 november 204
n 56
all in
the first of over 800 laps
g off the line for
for the
nt of a baying
(and the odd beer).
favours by fall ing
the Suzuki SERT team
Anthony De lha lle
the first lap. This gave
Vincent Philippe,
an Nigon the
wasn’t over just
French public, high on life advantage, but GMT’s rac e
cial. hour racing, it’s
Yup, Le Mans is pretty spe yet. That’s the bea uty of 24
And this year’s edi tion was no different, ss, and only those left
just so bloody relentle
competition, cla im to a
with big crowds, intense standing afte r 24 hou rs can
er and some top names all vic tory...
decent(ish) weath thoroughly deserved
ent. The world
providing the entertainm
november 204 15
“That was a very tough race. I was on the ground after
24 seconds and I’m world champion after 24 hours!” said
David Checa of GMT94 (with teammates Kenny Foray and
Mathieu Gines). The team were crowned champions after a
consistent season, although the team failed to win a race.
16 november 204
The Austrian YART squad brought in their MotoGP
dream team of Michael Laverty and Broc Parkes,
accompanied by Sheridan Morais (pictured) and scored a
third in the process. As you can see, the weather wasn’t all
dreamy sunsets and rain played its part in the event.
Suzuki’s Le Mans-based SERT
team won the event by two laps.
This wasn’t enough for them to
take their fifth consecutive world
championship, however, due to
incidents and accidents through the
season. The strength of the Suzuki
was proved by the GSX-R1000
winning the superstock race, too.
november 204 17
POV cameras are now big
business. We check 'em out!
It's hard to believe just how fast this
sector has grown in just a few years. All
praise the micro processor! It's a far cry from
strapping a portable VHS video camera to your
mate's bike via ratchet straps. Now there are
such things as remote control via WiFi,
recording clarity that on the right high-
definition screen will make your eyes bleed,
and multiple ways to mount them. Want to
record how your navel reacts when riding a bike
flat out? No problemo, there will be a mount for
that! Here we have gathered many DVRs of all
shapes, sizes and of course budget constraints.
There's something here for everyone!
18 november 204
Each Air Pro iteration from iON has got This isn't a video camera, but it's a
better and better, we've been trialling wearable one that you pop
them for a couple of years now and on and leave snapping for
have always been impressed. With hours. It will take a
this latest version it's the cutting of series of still pictures
wind-noise, as well as the increased for up to eight hours on
visual clarity, that we admire most. It a single charge, and
does 1080p like the rest of them from can take literally
a 12-megapixel lens, is controlled via thousands of stills,
WiFi , and looks rather fetching in black allowing you to
and blue. document an entire day.
We've used it for road trips
and visiting races, as well
as the odd party or three.
GOPRO: HERO 3 + BLACK Just don't forget it's on
£359.99 WWW.MADISON.CO.UK when you pop to the loo...
The current king of the personal action DVR market, GoPro is the
preferred choice of many – and for good reason, they work bloody
well! This latest version isn't cheap, but it sure is cheerful. It's far
smaller than before and visual acuity has been improved by a
claimed 33 per cent. The battery will last a quarter as long as the
previous model and the WiFi has been seriously upgraded to allow
expert control from a remote control unit such as a phone or tablet, tes
via an app. It uses a 12-megapixel lens to capture images, can take
stills as per usual and will take them from 12 to 240 frames per
second. The kit includes a WiFi remote control, waterproof housing GOCLEVER: SPORT GOLD
and a glut of mounting options. Want any more? Check the website. £99.99 WWW.7DAYSHOP.COM
The GoClever DVR Sport Gold, to give its full
name, has an interesting take on marketing. It
states 'Don't GoPro, GoClever'! Ah, we see what
SONY: ACTION HDR-AS100VR they did there. At the price they sell for, they may
£319 WWW.SONY.CO.UK have a point. A sub-£100 for a 1080p DVR is
impressive. It'll record
This Sony Action Cam' is one smart bit of kit, one for 90 minutes,
that also comes with a wearable wrist-screen. support a 32Gb
You can watch the action live or recorded on it, card and has a
and control the camera remotely too, which is 2.4" touch
very de rigeur. It records in full HD at 50Mbps. display screen
Steadyshot technology smooths out any you can
wobbles and you can also use the supplied rewatch action
software to create a map view with a GPS overlay. It on. It also
comes with a separate housing to protect it, which comes with the
is waterproof, too. We've used this camera a few
usetde&d usual HDMI hook
times now, and the visual quality is truly stunning.
tes ups, USB cable,
several mounts,
waterproof case and
also a two year
DOGCAM: BULLET HD2 warranty.
Another of the more sensibly priced units, the
Bullet HD2 is crammed with many features you
find in DVRs twice the price. It records at
1080p at 30fps, and will do so for NILOX: FOOLISH DUCATI
almost two hours. It supports a 32Gb £299 WWW.DUCATIUK.COM
card, but comes with an 8Gb one These guys sponsor WSB, and also Ducati, hence
usetde&d included. There's also a locking
cradle, bar and helmet mounts for
the bespoke Foolish Ducati 1080p DVR you see
tes flat and curved surfaces, a USB
cable, mains charger and lanyard,
here. We have used these before and they have
worked well thus far. It has a wireless remote
control system, and also a removable screen you
but sadly no partridge in a pear tree. can rewatch recordings on
of you washing your
Ducati, or ogling
your Ducati, or
DRIFT: STEALTH 2 other people's
This DVR from Drift is so new we don't even have a price Alternatively,
for it yet! But we do know we want one, especially as it actually stick one
appears to be less than half the size of their previous on your Ducati and
cameras. It has a 300-degree rotatable lens, is weather go riding! Chances
resistant, can be controlled remotely by WiFi (controller are, it'll match the
isn't included though), and can record at the expected colour of your
1080p at 30fps until either the cows come home, or the bike, too, which is
battery runs out, whichever comes first. The package nice. It also comes
comes with a goggle mount, USB cables, some flat nicely kitted out as
standard with lots
adhesive mounts and a curved one, plus a universal clip
to fit them all to the unit. Looking forward to trying it! mostd of accessories.
november 204 19
ARAI: CHASER-V SCHWANTZ ‘95 The Motegi is available in either a
one piece or two piece
configuration, but
If seeing Kevin Schwantz rip it up at Suzuka we’ve decided to
this year (well, in qualifying at least) has given show off the
you all the inspiration you need to get out two-piece option
and gas it, then this new Arai colourway on because we
the Chaser-V should be perfect. The lid know it’s a
uses super fibre laminate to blend popular choice
strength and weight well. There’s plenty for all sorts of
of ventilation, including a three position reasons (and
chin vent, while the Facial Contour not just
System uses a foam spring support in because
the cheek pad to ensure a snug fit. The you’re a
interior is fully replaceable and you also Weeble…).
get a 5mm peel away layer around the Alpinestars
ears, cheeks and temple. A smart lid use 1.3mm
sporting a smart design. cowhide to
£459.99 the suit
multiple stitching at the
seams and reinforced
stretch fibre panels on
protectors on the
elbows, shoulders
This new master cylinder from Magura uses what the and knees and dual
firm call Hard Core Technology. No, it’s not some new porn density foam
site, but rather tech to reduce internal friction to padding to protect
improve feel and performance. It has been against big
OILY RAG : designed to work with the increasing number of impacts. There’s
T-SHIRTS ABS systems out there too, so a slotted also PE foam
padding at the
King Carl chest, hips,
Fogarty gets his coccyx, arms and
own range of body for further
t-shirts with new piston and stationary primary seal protection. The
brand on the block, give you a quick pressure balance in mesh liner is
Oily Rag. Er, it’s the event of the piston pumping. removable, YKK
made of 100 per The three way adjustable lever ratio zips are used
cent cotton and it’s has the effect of using a piston size throughout and there’s
got Foggy on it. 1mm either way of the selected reflective detailing to be
ratio, while the lever blade uses a seen in the dark.
£21 crashproof folded design.
.com £589.92 £629.99
It’s easy to dismiss pound shops as toot laden flea pits, but there are actually a few useful bits
contained within - and not just 59 KitKats for a quid. We’re going to pick out the best (or least worst) bitss b uy
from the shops because there are some utter bargains out there – like this three pack of funnels. They, er,
funnel liquid between one receptacle and another, and do so in style! Each one has its own little filter to
keep out big bits of gunk, and that’s about it. But at 33p each you can go crazy and not worry about
getting them covered in oil or whatever else you use with them.
20 november 204
Having invented the first back protector in 1981, Dainese
has been busy kitting the
world’s racing
superstars with head
to toe safety systems.
But the Italian firm Carrying luggage doesn’t always mean that you’ve got
has not forgotten the to give in and buy yourself a GS. The likes of Ventura do
spine, and this Manis an ace job at somehow finding space on your machine to
protector is evidence fit it all on, as is the case here with the option for the
of that. It moulds to Monster 1200. The kit is relatively simple to fit, and once
the back by the brackets are on, the pack rack slides in and you put MOTUL:
stretching and your chosen bag on top of that. Everything is held firmly SHINEAND
contracting, in place so forget about strapping anything down, and if GOSPRAY
while also you’re carrying a passenger then the bag can flip the
allowing the other way round. Job done. This is a silicone
torso to twist – based clear coat
but it never forgets spray that not only
its first job and buffs your bike up
uses the crash well, but also
absorbing leaves a long
material to lasting protective
usetde&d dissipate energy film to ensure that
tes – achieving CE Cat II
status in the process.
your hard work is
rewarded for
Shoulder and waist straps longer. It’s said to
ensure a snug fit – and it looks revive your plastics
proper smart (not that anyone as well. Smart.
will see it under your leathers…). £7.99
£149.99 £258
november 204 21
I love these gloves. They feel sturdy and give you
confidence, although it takes a while to loosen them up
and gain suppleness. We’ve heard of a few reports of
stitching failures around the fingers but I’ve never had
issues. Granted, I broke a few bones in my hand in this
crash, but no glove in the world would have halted a
Honda. I’ve probably had six crashes in various GP Techs
over the years and they’ve performed faultlessly.
The patented finger bridge (between ring and little
fingers) sacrifices little movement and feel. Once bedded
in, I’ve yet to find a comfier pair of mittens. Yes, they’re
pricey, but so is crashing. The only reason I didn’t continue
wearing these gloves post crash was the extent of the
scuffing, and I’m a massive tart...
22 november 204
As tests go, a flying Fireblade in the chops is up there
as a pretty extreme examination. But every crash can
tell us something about our kit, and this particular
incident gave all of Al’s gear a proper going over... DAINESE WAVE AIR
I like moving around on a bike (especially on track), so can’t wear a chest
protector or a big vest-type back protector. A back protector should safeguard the
lower back and coccyx, and the Wave Air does this beautifully without restriction.
I’ve gone as far as removing the shoulder straps to ensure it sits right at the bottom
of my leathers. I’ve had the same Wave since 2008 but decided to upgrade to a new
one last year. It’s small, light, a great fit and has survived numerous crashes. Love it.
cowhide with double layers in the essential Having worn it for two years, it smells of cat
ARC-ON EVO II areas. There are also (expensive) stingray skin
panels on the back of the thigh to assist with
piss; the only slight downer to this suit is the
non-removable lining, but I’ve only got myself
I’ve worn this arc-on suit for nearly two years lowside slides, and the external armour to the to blame here. All in all though, the Evo II is
now. This is an off-the-peg size 54 with some shoulders and knees do the same job. high-spec a suit that belittles its price and I’d
minor alterations to the cuff, and the fit is I’d actually crashed earlier in the day before the recommend it to anyone as a good performing
lovely. I’m not a rockstar when it comes to fit pictured biggie, as the engine cases kissed one one-piece. The owner of the company, Ian, is a
(as long as it fits), and don’t require made-to- of Anglesey’s kerbs and sent my ass down at top boy and is always on the blower for
measure. There’s a real substance to the Evo II, 60mph. Apart from damaged logos, the Evo II alterations and back-up. The made-to-measure
which doesn’t make it the lightest around. But suit showed no signs of harm. The stitching service and personalisation is second to none –
the armour is UK-based, CE-approved hasn’t suffered at all, and neither did my skin. after all, racing is all about looking good and
Forcefield stuff and it’s fantastic, covering all Only a dislocated shoulder stopped me riding going fast, but not necessarily in that order.
the impact areas. The thighs/hips are protected after this crash but one-piece leathers aren’t
by a thick foam. Arc-on uses 1.2-1.4mm designed to stop such injuries. £749.00
In this we
november 204 23
24 november 204
KTM RC 390
RC 390
hat’s the question I kept asking myself as I sped
around the rolling hills above Modena in Italy on
the RC 390's launch. Otherwise home to Ferrari,
KTM barged onto the roads in typical fashion for a morning
of frolics, before turning all attention to the track, with the
freshly built circuit just out of Modena playing host to all
sorts of slipstreaming and fairing bashing action. After all,
this is a company whose mantra is ready to race.
These two very different environments kept on
supplying different answers to the quandary throughout
the day, starting immediately at the morning’s press
conference. Like the RC 125 that Alastair sampled last
month, in the flesh the RC 390 certainly looks like a small
big bike, and the bike’s design should arouse desire in a
teenager’s trouser department – although there’s not much
that doesn’t at that age. Being A2 compliant, you’re going
to have to wait until you’re at least 19 until you can get
your hands on one (unless the RC 390 cup goes ahead in
the UK for kids aged 13 and above) – which reminded me
that it’s actually a big small bike after all.
Launched separately, but just a month apart, the RC 125
and RC 390 share almost all their components – apart from
the big one in the middle. So unless you know that the
pearl coloured RC is the big 'un and the dark bike the
smaller, then you’ll be none the wiser. You get grown up
components, like 43mm WP USD forks, a radial mount
ByBre caliper, Bosch 9MB ABS, fancy LED lights, a
comprehensive dash and a set of snazzy orange wheels.
Incidentally, this does all mean that you can fit the motor
to the 125's chassis as it will slot straight in, so long as you
use a bigger bellypan…
The motor is the same as used in the Duke 390, so that
means it’s a 373cc single cylinder block using a double
overhead camshaft with finger followers for the valve
actuation. It pumps out 44bhp and doesn’t need to be (ever
so slightly) restricted because it meets the government’s
0.2kW/kg A2 power to weight ratio limit thanks to the
additional weight of the fairing. The frame has altered from
the Duke, so the RC 390 has 1.5 degrees less head angle
and a shorter wheelbase to really get it singing through the
THE BIKE'S DESIGN corners. Couple these mods to its 147kg dry weight and
you’ve got yourself everything that you associate with the
SHOULD AROUSE DESIRE Austrian anarchists.
I’ll 'fess up first, as this was the second go I’d had on
IN A TEENAGER'S TROUSER the RC 390, the first being a shot on the German based
one-make RC 390 ADAC Cup bikes earlier in the summer
(see the July issue). Stripped of practical ancillaries, the
road bikes are obviously a little heavier (12kg), but
strangely the road bike is more powerful, pumping out an
november 204 25
26 november204
The RC 390 borrows the same sized forks as the RC8 R,
at 43mm, but the internals are vastly different. The WP
set-up also has less travel than on the 390 Duke. At the
rear a WP shock has preload adjustment only.
The ByBre radial caliper looks
the business, but doesn't have
the stopping power of the parent
company's equipment.
november 204 27
Wheelbase 1,340mm
Seat Height 820mm
Dry Weight 10 litres
Fuel Capacity 147kg
01280 709500
375cc single pot
WP suspension
Bosch ABS
Lightest in class
147kg (dry)
track 8
Proper little weapon
fast road 7
Tries its heart out engine The motor comes straight from the Duke chassis The RC 390 uses the same chassis as the
hooligan 8 390, so is a 375cc short stroke single cylinder machine that RC 125, so it’s a robot welded steel trellis with different
Wheelies and skids! hits the scales at 36kg. It has a four valve head, uses a geometry and weight distribution to the 390 Duke. The
new rider 10 forged piston, has DLC coated aluminium finger followers 43mm USD forks are the same as the Duke’s, but with
What’s stopping you? (actuating the 36mm intake and 29mm exhaust valves) reduced travel and stiffer settings, while the progressive
desirability 8 and vertically stacked transmission shafts to make it as rear shock is the same. The swingarm is fashioned from
Best of the bunch compact as possible. While the engine mounting points aluminium while the clever pillion seat is made from a new
And there's the gusset... are the same as on the RC 125, it uses wider crankcases. A foam/plastic material. Brake are by Brembo’s ByBre team
balancer shaft is used to cut inherent vibrations. and grip 300mm discs with a Bosch 9MB ABS system.
The RC 390 enables you to do that, to a level, so I guess I got exactly what I deserved intervals would make me think twice.
degree, and before long the pegs and bellypan when I slipped off late in the day… At £500 more than the RC 125, it's an utter
were scraping in a desperate quest to shave a I learned that if you don’t go beyond the bargain in the KTM context. That probably
few tenths here and there all thanks to the limits of lean the RC390 can deliver so many tells you more about the price of the 125, but
motor’s enthusiasm and the chassis’ low mass. more lessons to a fresh rider. It’s the perfect against the likes of the Honda CBR500R
The throttle isn’t an on/off switch, so you do stepping stone from an A1 license and a real (£5,299) and Kawasaki Ninja 300 (£5,199 with
learn control, how to build corner speed and treat to look forward to once you’ve passed ABS), the RC 390’s £4,995 price tag is bang on
best utilise the RC’s facets. The Metzeler M5s that test – it’s also easy enough to understand the money and should Hoover up sales in a
allow this to a certain extent, but once things the basics on if you’re diving straight in with market that can only grow going forward.
start decking out that’s the point where the Direct Access. But this bike goes beyond
suspension fails to translate the warning signs, learners and should appeal to a broad swathe Verdict 8/10
both fore and aft, where at the front the tyre of riders who want a bike that looks the real IN CONCLUSION, THE RC 390 IS A SMALL BIG BIKE, AND OFFERS AN
doesn’t offer anything back and at the rear the deal but they’re not going to scare themselves ARRAY OF PERFORMANCE BEYOND ITS CAPACITY.
shock goes soggy as soon as you apply the silly on it. I’d have no qualms riding it on a + PRICE, LOOKS, PERFORMANCE
throttle. But this was all at taking the utter piss daily basis, and only the 7,500km service - SOFT SHOCK, HARD SEAT, SHORT SERVICE INTERVALS
28 november 204
f you, like us, were wondering what the briefly loved was that from 2003. A range of
hell happened to Moto Morini recently, new bikes were announced with a modular
then stay tuned. Completely out of the and muscular motor powering them all – the
blue, we had an invite to come and test the 1,187cc Bialbero CorsaCorta v-twin. These
Italian firm’s entire range, and having been bikes were a breath of fresh air, followed
smitten by the bikes in the past it was an easy quickly by the intoxicating exhalation of burnt
decision to revisit the bikes – especially with hydrocarbons from the rollicking motor. The
the venue being a late summer’s day in and bad ass Corsaro came first, quickly followed by
around the historic Italian city of Genoa. the more refined 9½, then the bonkers Corsaro
We thought the firm was still bankrupt, but Veloce, adventure-esque Granpasso, semi-sane
a little investigation work (er, typing Moto 1200 Sport and finally the fashionista’s
Morini into Google) found that the company favourite, the Scrambler. But by 2009 the frail
had been bought in 2011 and brought back to premise on which the new firm had been built
life soon after. Indeed, boom and bust had crumbled in the recession. A fire sale got
characterises Moto Morini's history. The boom rid of existing stock (at bargain prices too), and
times were good, and the firm prospered from there was another famous old marque’s
the moment of its incarnation in 1937 by resurrection crushed.
Alfonso Morini, through to the 1960s and 70s. But that wasn’t the end of that, and in 2011
But by the 1980s the brand was all but dead the firm had been sold to a pair of Milanese
and passed between neglectful owners. businessmen, Sandro Capotosti and the
The Moto Morini version we know and biggest name in Italian motorcycling,
30 november 204
november 204 31
It's a crazy
All adventure bikes should be like this – a
little bit out there… Even though the Morini
engineers have curbed the bike’s power,
there’s still masses contained within – and
it all wants to burst out. It’s more civil than
the Corsaro at low revs, then it comes on
cam at 4,000rpm and things get very
perky from there all the way to the redline They all do this, sir...
at 8,500rpm. Motor aside, it’s very light on
its feet, and it pitches into a turn with
plenty of vigour. The Pirelli Scorpion trail
tyres offer grip all the way to the peg, but
for those more relaxed moments it’s mega
comfortable with one of the best seats I’ve
ridden on, decent weather protection and
some still smart looks. It’s pretty tall, so not
everyone will fit it, but as a dynamic
package it’s right up there with the KTM
Adventure as a bike to do big distances at
proper big speed. THIS IS A BRUTE OF A BIKE, AND
Essentially the Granpasso in slightly
Not cutting edge, but still
different clothes, the Scrambler certainly bang up for a scrap!
hits the target when it comes to its design.
The military styling contains all manner of
neat touches; from the headlight protector
at the front to the natty exhausts and Ruggeromassimo Jannuzzelli (25 letters!). it, then prepare yourself for a feisty time. The
single sided saddle bag at the rear. Power is By spring the following year the production massive motor obviously has two boxing glove
virtually the same as the Granpasso, as is line in Bologna had started up again, with its sized pistons shooting up and down, and the
the chassis, although the suspension travel output up for sale via the firm’s internet site. new fuel injectors can only offer limited
has been shortened to suit. But the stand The firm is currently producing the 11½ refinement up to 3,500rpm. Busy Genoa traffic
out feature of this bike are the Metzeler (effectively the 9½), the Scrambler, the means that you sit at exactly this level on your
Karoo 3 tyres. They’re fine through town, Granpasso, the Corsaro Veloce and a new bike, escape to the hills and holding a constant
but shocking at speed with the knobblies the Rebello. All five bikes were able to be throttle is hard. At this point it is fuel injection
wandering all over the place, especially as ridden on the test – with the exception of the of a few years ago. It didn’t bother me much,
you start to carve some corners. The front Rebello, which had taken a whack a few days and its other town manners were perfectly
brake causes the tyre to lock all too easily before. But that made the choice of what bike civil, but it could be hard for some to return to
and getting the front 19-inch tyre to steer is to focus on an easy one – the Corsaro Veloce. less sophisticated low speed throttle control.
a weird experience. Stick a normal set of This is a brute of a bike, and introductions Once out of town, the motor builds massive
tyres on and it’d be a great urban warrior are gruff. Though the riding position is nice momentum stupidly quickly. On song, this is a
that will get lots of heads turning. and neutral, with a comfortable seat and easily peach of a motor with a capacious midrange
operated controls, the motor is anything but that you’ll never want to leave. It generates
simple. If you’re up for the challenge of taming huge amounts of thrust between corners,
32 november 204
which can either be directed forwards or The ride is similarly spectacular too; well these aging Brembo components work
upwards. Plump for forwards and it eats balanced and offering lots of feedback. We’re wonders – they have to at times given the
straights hungrily. Chose upwards and you’ll not talking about state of the art components trouble this bike gets you in. ABS is coming,
soon develop face ache from the mile wide grin or radical geometry, just a package that Moto Morini is working hard with Bosch, but
you’ll be wearing... worked at its inception and still works now. going au natural is a refreshing blast from the
The fuelling is much more consistent at The Marzocchi forks are adjustable, but why past on dry summer roads.
these levels, demonstrated by crisp corner exits bother when as standard they offer this much And that’s the theme with this bike – it uses
where the aptly fitted Pirelli Rosso II tyre grips feel. The slightly lazy trail figures mean that at technology that works rather than stuff that is
and goes, and also by wheelies that will climb big lean angles the feedback from the front tyre fashionable. That’s not to say the Corsaro is
and climb and climb. Yes, this is one of the best is a little muffled, but this is also down to the the same bike as before – there’s a new APTC
wheelie bikes in the world. Clutch it up and nature of nakeds and their weight distribution. slipper clutch, revised mapping, a double
the motor seems to respond softly, but the The rear Sachs shock is a peach (new bikes get Lambda sensor and new carbon fibre parts –
reality is that it’s trying to lift you plus 198 Öhlins), and copes serenely with both bumps but the core of the bike, it’s thunderous motor
kilos of bike. Then it has one of the widest and power. Eschewing looks, the bike gets a and agile chassis, remains as relevant and as
balance points I’ve ever experienced, meaning 180-rear tyre and steers all the better for it. raucous as ever.
that you can tickle it ever upward – until you It’s somewhat of a shock to see But as much as the Corsaro pulls at your
start scaring yourself silly. conventionally mounted brake calipers, but heart, your head has a say in the matter. Do
november204 33
TECHNICAL MOTO MORINI CORSARO VELOCE engine The 1,187cc Bialbero CorsaCorta v-twin chassis The lightweight tubular steel chassis is
motor is common to all modern Morinis, but changes are tweaked for use in other applications, but the Corsaro’s
made to suit each application. In this case the Corsaro gets geometry offers a rider plenty of opportunity to exploit its
the most aggressive cams, pistons and mapping, meaning potential. So does the suspension, with a chunky set of
it spits out 135bhp at 8,500rpm. The motor uses big 50mm Marzocchi forks at the front and a Sachs shock at
54mm throttle bodies, and for 2014 the bike gets new the rear (soon to be Öhlins)– all fully adjustable. The
injectors, a dual lambda probe and fresh mapping to Brembo bakes ore conventionally mounted calipers, but
improve low down power and increase fuel consumption. don’t suffer for their age or fashion status. New carbon
There is also a new APTC slipper clutch fitted, with a set of fibre parts litter the bike, but those twin pipes at the rear
Termignoni racing exhausts available as a free upgrade. are real bazookas. Pirelli Rosso II tyres are standard.
Wheelbase 1,450mm
Seat Height 830mm
Dry Weight 18 litres
Fuel Capacity 198kg
From Moto Morini
11 1/2 Here’s the thing. If you want to buy one of these bikes today you have to jump on the internet – or
The conservative looks of the 11½ mask a on a plane to the Genoa showroom. Head to the Morini website, pick a bike and press the ‘Buy Now’
machine that’s nearly as fruity as the button. It’s as simple as that. Once you’ve clicked, you get a chance to spec up your machine,
Corsaro. The bike reminds me of the old choose a colour and add any extras. Bikes are delivered around 15 days after your order in Italy (or
BMW R 1200 R in looks, but on the hoof it’s you could pick it up at the factory and take the tour), but shipping them to one of the UK’s three
nothing like the genteel old Beemer. I don’t service centres obviously takes longer and costs an extra 430 euros. You get a two year warranty,
love the design, although there are classic but to validate this service work has to be done at a service centre (North Leicester Motorcycles,
elements to it, but as with all the modern Streffords of Worcester or Moto Corsa in Dorset). Moto Morini is starting to build up a dealer
Morinis the ergonomics are intuitive and network, so expect to see bikes and some dealer demos in the flesh sometime soon.
easy. You get less power with the 117bhp
incarnation of the motor, less adjustability
in the Marzocchi and Paioli suspension and
less attitude than the Corsaro, but you
can’t hide the motor’s verve, and the you want to be spending over £12,000 on a have to wait until the dealer network expands,
suspension is actually set well. You’d never bike that’s effectively a decade old? Do you which the firm is currently working on, and
shake one off your tail down a back road, want to be ordering your pride and joy on the not moan when this streak of Italian lightning
while in urban environments the big, low internet? Do you want to be miles from passes you on the back wheel…
seat and natty mirrors ensures that you someone who can service and fix it?
have a more composed time in town. At If performance is the only thing that Verdict 8/10
just over £8,500 it's great value and it could matters and you answer yes to each of these A HUMDINGER OF A BIKETHAT HAS NOT SUFFEREDWITH AGE. AS GOOD
find many happy owners... questions, then you need to head to www. NOW AS ITWASTHEN – BUT SOMEWOULD LIKE MORE... right now and have + AMAZING MOTOR, CHARACTER, RIDE
your credit card at the ready. If not, then you’ll - DEALER NETWORK, OLD KIT, FUEL CONSUMPTION
34 november 204
A nother yea
r ro
more addit lls by, and yet
ions to the
division gra oluted naked midd dy
ce our eyes
against es
month we lished opposition. T
are his
many avail . new Monst taking in Ducati’s overcoat.
able that w There are so er 821 and brand Triu
over all 13 e’d have to CB650F to H current kin mph’s Street Triple
2 pages of turn see what th onda’s box fresh g of the cla R
them all in a n issue just party. Wit ey bring to ruled this ss. Actuall is our
one hit, th to test h over a £2 the particular y, it’s
phenomen e ch between th ,000 price release way roost since
al. Not ever oice on offer is e pair we n diffe b its o
every year y bike gets rivals to te eed a coup rence the Z800 ca ack in 2007 and alth riginal
though, an updated st them ag le of m e close, n ough
gets replace d not ever the land li ain managed
d y ma es, so we’v st and see where to knock it othing has
class we a , so when we take to chine naked ma e taken tw
o supreme The Ducati off its perch th
lways nee chines pri
d to test new the Kawasaki’ ced p
dethronin robably has the best
us far.
bikes s Z800 is a between them. g it, althou shot at
with a lot terrific litt co ming in at g h w ith the Ho
of life cram le b
med into it ike be the one such a cheap price,
s green to blind si could it
Let’s find de the reig
out! ning Brit?
36 november 204
Mi dle
november 204 37
He's making a run for
it, get him!
t was a tough ask for Honda’s
latest addition to the long-
standing CB range to outwit the
competition at the first attempt.
However, it is up against some
already outstanding machinery – and
don’t gloss over the fact you’re
reading about this bike first, because
as last places go it’s a proper fighting
one for the CB. Go on, son!
We decided to split this test
between road and track. The track
part is where we expected the Honda
to struggle, and while it didn’t set our
world on fire, it was pretty handy.
Everyone who rode it there got off
with a smile on their face.
We’ll get to that later, but let’s first
have a look at the bike itself. These
are built in Thailand, by all accounts.
Although a few bits would appear to
have been fashioned by a popular
cartoon mouse, but they’re thankfully
scarce. Like its faired CBR650F
sibling, it looks smart, and the
components don’t exude too much of
a ‘cheap’ essence, either. We did
think the brake discs looked a bit
skinny, mind you!
The overall look isn’t exuberant in
any grand way, but it's stylish enough
and is backed up by the neat exhaust
and gently sculpted swingarm. The
paint isn’t overbearing, either. It’s
simple yet attractive, and the wheels
look truly cool and like they should
be rolling a bike worth far more than
the CB’s asking price.
The engine is the same as that in
the CBR650F, yet here in the CB the
inline four makes far more of an
impression. Whether or not it’s the
naked set-up, or slightly lower
38 november 204
First off, I love the looks of the
Honda – the lines, the Euro-
style wheels and the exhaust
headers. And it's well-priced
too. The chassis feels tight and
responsive, steering quickly with
little effort, although ground
clearance can be an issue. Its
budget ways are only highlighted
when the suspension is working
hard. The set-up lacks any
progression or calm damping.
Despite the iffy on/off throttle
jerk (fuel injection issues), the
Honda is by far the best town bike
on test. It's light, easy to chuck
around at minor lean angles, the
controls feel peachy on the limbs,
and the motor dishes out plenty
of grunt in the right places. The
last few thousand revs are an
utter waste of time though!
Al's Verdict 7/10
Not the CB's usual
Honda has built a new motor for this and the Highlights tanked. Quite where the Fowlers run 4.9% APR and the delivery is often
osit and
faired CBR650F – no parts are shared with the New 649cc motor weight comes from is with a £1,381.54 dep abrupt to the point of
Hornet. Bore is the same as the RR at 67mm, 36 £150 payments, or PCP
RWU forks anyone’s guess, but much n, 36 x £10 7 being annoying, it’s
with a new stroke figure of 46mm. Honda £89 5.8 6 dow
wanted a specific torque figure, so elements CB design of old of it is hidden through the a £2,141.31 fina l most un-Honda-like,
like con-rod length and valve overlap (set at ABS as standard high bars that offer a lot of lump... frankly. These quirks
zero) were key in hitting this. Breathing holes 208kg leverage, which when permeate through much of
in the crankcase reduce pumping losses. Peak 79.8bhp combined with its chosen the bike, oddly. But it does add a
claimed power is 87bhp at 11,000rpm. geometry and half decent suspension bit of grit to the experience, a touch of
TRACK 6 means handling sits on just the right character many Hondas lack, and
Happy on a school day
The CB650F uses a steel diamond chassis with side of acceptability. while it may not have won this test,
elliptical spars that allow the bike’s width to
FAST ROAD 6 It's mint at the everyday grind. it’s certainly worthy of your attention
The tighter the better
be narrower, and thus hiding the relatively tall Though it's mildly on the soft side, and consideration nonetheless.
810mm seat height.The aluminium swingarm HOOLIGAN 7 especially the rear (which is a Honda
is gravity die cast. Suspension is an adjustable Once you get the hang of it
trait), but this works brilliantly for the Verdict 7/10
set of 41mm RWU forks at the front and a seven NEW RIDER 9 largest variance of potential
way preload adjustable shock at the rear. Rake Smooth and safe This is a great little bike from Honda, just not ground
is set at 25.5 degrees with 101mm of trail and end-users. As ground clearance and breaking. Thankfully, not bank breaking!
DESIRABILITY 7 hero blobs would signal when
a wheelbase of 1,450mm. Wheels are new. Fresh and funky + TORQUE, LOOKS, PRICE, FUN
playtime was over on track, it never - ULTIMATELY A COMPROMISE FOR COST
november204 39
Kawasaki Z800
love this bike. No, seriously, I
really do adore it and it’s with a
heavy heart that it slots into third
place here in this test. But it's a third
that has the same score as the Ducati,
which makes it easier to swallow.
My love affair began on the launch
back in the winter of 2012 in and
around Monaco – and it didn’t hit an
abrupt end when I fell off it at one
point... Then I got to take one on
track in the UK a few months later,
and loved the shits and giggles it
generated on demand. Charlie
Oakman, of this parish, then had one
as a longtermer and he modified it
making it even better and even more
lovable. If you’ve guessed that I’m
trying to say it’s a great bike, then
you’ve guessed correctly, because it
is. And this despite it weighing as
much as a small country. It weighs
pretty much the same as its bigger
1,037cc Zed sibling, which, quite
frankly, is completely astonishing. At home on the track,
Yet it’s this very mass that seems or on the road...
whether on or off the gas. What really makes the Zed fly The 806cc engine is more an evolution than Highlights
When issue-free they still do though, is the engine. Shortish brand new, although it has been heavily Awesome styling
breathed upon. Bore and stroke is now71 Impressive new motor
rebound a bit too quickly at times gearing helps it to rev quickly, and
x 50.9mm, (was 68.4 x71mm).Throttle
and huge bumps can test them, but while it’s a tad annoying on the bodies are also larger, up 2mm to 34mm, ABS option incoming
otherwise they tend to be gravy. It’s motorway, when giving it the berries while the exhaust and intake ports have been Funky new dash
a testament to the rest of the bike’s it does add to the pulse rate increase. redesigned to match the extra capacity.The 229kg (kerb)
set-up that it barely hindered our 101bhp is a decent figure in this class, intake funnels are of two different lengths, 101bhp
fun, or took away from the Zed’s as is 76Nm of torque, so it’s no with now wider intake ducts at 41.5mm.
skill showcase. It really was a proper wonder that it pulls hard and will TRACK 7
A lot of hot green fun!
hoot, and even if this bike’s arse gladly wheelie with aplomb in the The frame is technically the same as the
wasn’t up to the usual standard, the first couple of gears. And with the previous 750's, however it has been braced
Loves being thrashed
front was absolutely rock solid. typically perfect Kawasaki throttle in several areas. This has changed the rigidity
Rarely does any other response, it’s always delivered exactly balance significantly, lending to far more HOOLIGAN 9
solid road-holding skills. A mixture of solid/ Wheelies for breaky
manufacturer provide a set-up that how you demand, so stunts are easy,
rivals a Kawasaki’s front-end and stonking corner exits are easy and
rubber mounts allows a newfound sense of NEW RIDER 9
feedback through the chassis. The swingarm is Let me hold your hand
even on a ‘budget’ bike, it’s very traversing slippery road conditions 12mm longer to meld with the shorter gearing,
impressive. For such a lump, the are also, you've guessed it, easy. while the Kayaba front fork is uprated.
Green equals mean
steering is remarkably light, fluid If there was a dictionary entry for
40 november204
What a motor! Regular four-pots
lack any character, but the Z800's
is nothing short of stunning.
Power anywhere on tap, and a
cheeky midrange provoke the
madness. It's also super-smooth
and fuels perfectly. It's another
notch up on the quality and finish
of the Honda, and easily beats the
CB in the corners – there's loads of
ground clearance. The relatively
budget components do an ace job.
Its weight is only an issue when
you're trying to push it around a
car park. As long as there are no
bumps to tackle, there's a real
sense of stability and assurance,
aided by its 230kg mass. It's a
toss-up between the Zed and the
Monster, but it still can't match
the skills of the Street Trip'.
Al's Verdict 8/10
november204 41
It's an all-new bike, but the 821
still manages to retain intrinsic
Monster DNA. Everything offers
another level of freshness,
though. The riding position is
very near to that of the older
bikes (with its annoying exhaust
position, etc) but it's certainly
more masculine to look at (and
is a bike I'd now consider), and is
backed-up by a naughty sound
on the overrun. There's a lovely
2-3,000rpm window of revs in
the midrange that really makes
the engine. Open the throttle and
the 821 gets angry. Really angry.
The chassis has sacrificed some
sharpness for a little stability and
it's a better road bike for it. Even
with all the electronic toys, it's a
Ducati for under £9k. Bargain?
Al's Verdict 8/10 YOU HAMMER THE
42 november 204
ucati’s entry here is the most Scccrrsshhh...
expensive by some margin,
especially when compared to
the Honda. However, someone
considering the CB is unlikely to
choose the Duke to start with. This
despite it being easier than ever to
walk into the Ducati club, via the
excellent PCP finance schemes.
Yet something as tasty as the
Monster 821 could very well persuade
some to take the plunge, to stretch
those wallet-walls further. Yes, it's
pricey in this company, but what you
get in return is worth every penny.
This new Monster uses a
derivative of the engine seen in last
year’s Hypermotard. It’s a hard hitter
alright, especially on road. We took it
out on track first, and while it seemed
sprightly enough the circuit masked
the speeds it's capable of. Because
when we hit the roads we found that
A minimum deposit of
£2,233 precedes 35 x £10
The Monster's a
beast on the road
payments, £415 in fees and
a final £4,244 lump sum
to make ityours.
DUCATI MONSTER 821 DARK £8,795 it’s a belligerent little sod by way of better proposition than any Monsters
being far more aggressive than you’d before them. There’s a strong
grant. Seriously, the thing’s a bloody rear-end bias in play, and while
maniac when you hammer the gasser, steering is still relatively quick, on
voraciously gobbling up revs, gears track it’s very noticeable. As is the
and demanding more, more and fact the exhaust valve cover (and
more, without even saying please. thereafter the exhaust itself) touches
It’s a real Jekyll and Hyde down quite easily, curbing your fun
character, as when you’re pootling lest you wear through them. It’s kind
around in traffic or keeping things of a shame, as the previous Monsters
relaxed, it’s as if butter wouldn’t melt. were all superb track scalpels.
But get busy and it pulls at its leash, However, the fact remains it is
with a bark so loud I have no clue better on the highways and far less
how it got past the Euro regulations. intrusive on your body. One could
The throttle also changes too, almost call it normal and, therefore,
depending on usage and aggression. it’s better for everyone. The quality of
The 821cc liquid cooled v-twinTestastretta Highlights On track, in places it was quite jerky the ride is also a step above, only
11 degree engine (referring to the reduced New 821cc engine when called upon with an almost too matched by the Triumph. You’re very
amount of valve overlap) has been prised Brembo M4.32s eager throttle response that would aware you’re rolling on decent tyres
from the Hypermotard and treated to a new
fuel injector positioning and a secondary air Glorious soundtrack upset the suspension a little. and well specced suspension. It’s a
system to improve combustion efficiencies. DTC and ABS Anything too giddy was taken care of little stiff, yes, but you acclimatise to
There’s also a new 53mm throttle body to give 179.5kg (dry) by the excellent traction control it and the rear can be adjusted further
the bike more torque.The crank uses new shell 94bhp system, but it’s unusual to have such to suit individual needs.
main bearings and a new oil pump is used. an abrupt throttle response on a Throw in the DTC and ABS, as
TRACK 7 Ducati. Except, it was only like that well as awesome Brembo brakes, and
Rubbish ground clearance...
Still retaining a trellis design, Ducati is applying on two corners, so it must be inherent you have a bike that seems cheap for
lessons learned from the monocoque Panigale,
FAST ROAD 9 to a specific point in the rev-range the price. If only it was as stunning a
Up there with the best
attachment points now move to the bike’s and the fuelling map, which is package, as what follows next...
cylinder heads. New steel tubing has near HOOLIGAN 8 otherwise as accurate as we’ve come
Turn off that TC
doubled torsional stiffness, but 1.23kg has
been lost from the front frame and 1.1 kilos has NEW RIDER 6 to expect from Ducati. Verdict 8/10
vanished from the subframe (from the 796). Chink in its armour Handling wise, the new bike Great, road-biased Monster with a bad attitude and sub
A cheaper double sided aluminium swingarm proffers skills both good and mildly £10k price tag – everyone's a winner!
is used. Brakes are Brembo M4.32 calipers. We'll have three, please... disappointing. For the road this, like + RAW ATTITUDE, LOOKS, QUALITY KIT, FAST!
the also new Monster 1200, is a far - LOST ITS TRACK SKILLS IN THE WASH...
november204 43
Triumph Street Triple R
Fowlers do PCP deals wit
a £1,556.20p deposit, and
36 x £105 payments with
£4,416 closure payment.
You knowyou want
onfession time, originally we to...
wanted the stock Street here.
Events conspired against us
(in that they kept getting sold, which
in itself says much about the stock
bike), but it’s actually worked out
better in the end. With something as
special as the Ducati in tow, and with
the Street Triple R’s price, it is far
more suited to sit here.
I’ve lost count of how often I’ve
had to write the winning piece for
this machine over the years. Split
between it and the stock version it
must be a dozen times. This means
there's the danger of repeating myself
– explaining just how and why
nobody has yet been able to match it
doesn’t get any easier!
One thing that always comes to
mind when riding one, is the term
‘package’. Racers like Chaz Davies
bang on about this. What he means
TRIUMPH STREET TRIPLE R £8,149 by this is every single bit being at one hard. The bike we had on test here
with every other, a bike which may was from Fowlers of Bristol, and as
not have the best of everything, but they had fitted new tyres we
nothing that hinders it. That’s the promised to mostly use it on the road.
Street Triple R all over, and that’s why I can’t begin to tell you how
it’s been the best – and will likely excruciating it was to not be able to
remain top dog, too. spend all day razzing it on track.
It all starts with the engine, that There’s an ST-R, there’s a racetrack
glorious inline lump we’ve come to – it's like waving a bag of an addict’s
adore and adulate. It’s a work of favourite hit in front of him, yet
genius really, and that it hasn’t had to forever out of reach. That’s how good
change much in eight years is surely a one feels on track when you’re on it.
mark of its greatness. The mix of The suspension, the brakes and
low-down urgency and drive, mixed the engine all combine to create one
with a satisfying top-end pull means glorious whole, and this feeling
it’s perfect in all conditions. permeates the experience on the road
The celebrated Daytona 675 inline triple lump Highlights With other manufacturers heading too. There’s no point where you feel
gets a new cam profile for more torque and Daytona based nutter down the triple route, it would seem like any of your own, or one of the
usability, with the redline down to 12,650rpm. Supersport chassis many deem it the perfect bike’s, deficiencies is holding you
The Keihin fuel-injection system uses three
44mm throttle bodies, with multi-spray Tons of torque configuration, and it’s hard to argue back, in any arena of use.
injectors. Sensors for throttle position, crank Radial calipers against it when you twist the ST-R’s That’s special, there’s not many
position, road speed, air pressure, and air and 167kg throttle. How the engine can be both bikes that generate such a compelling
coolant temp are all controlled by the ECU, 96bhp exciting and seemingly lazy, at the symbiosis, whether you’re popping to
as is the secondary air injection system. same time, is some feat of the shops, scything through a rain
TRACK 9 engineering. The fuelling isn’t the sodden rush hour traffic or chasing
Daytona derived antics
The aluminium twin spar frame comes directly best here, but it’s good enough due to supersport tackle on track. And that’s
from the Daytona 675, and it’s fabricated from
FAST ROAD 10 the forgiving delivery of the triple and why once more, yet again, the ST-R
See above.
both open-back and closed-back castings. therefore doesn’t count against it. wins yet another test.
Geometry is tweaked a little over the 675, so HOOLIGAN 10 Stupidly long wheelies attest to this!
My first stunter
a small increase in rake means that stability is
improved. Braking on the R is improved over the NEW RIDER 8 Then there’s the chassis, ripped Verdict 10/10
standard, and it gets radial mounted calipers. At Anyone can have a go wholesale from the 675 Daytona, Sheer brilliance from top to bottom, electronics
167kg it weighs in way under the competition, then modded towards a naked slant. schmonics, the best stays the, um, bestest!
boosting it’s power to weight ratio big time. The modern LC – fact! It is also offers near perfection, and + EVERYTHING
finding flaws in one is extremely - PRICE KEEPS CREEPING UP…
44 november 204
I remember the original Street
Triple press launch and the initial
mileage like it was yesterday. It
saw me and Rootsy (when he
worked for the darkside) tearing
up the Tarmac around Lake
Garda in utter disbelief – just
how could something so simple
be so awesome? And Triumph's
recipe has yet to be matched.
The ST-R does everything the
others do on test, plus have
an additional 10 per cent of
sporting ability in reserve.
Granted, it's a little stiff when
matched against this lot, but it
THERE'S NOT somehow works. It'll tour, it'll
commute , it'll set epic lap times
MANY BIKES THAT at a circuit, and pull mahoosive
november 204 45
DATA Honda CB650F Kawasaki Z800 Ducati Monster 821 Triumph Street Triple R
Type 649cc , l/c, 16v, DOHC, inline four 806cc, l/c, 16v, DOHC, inline four 821cc Testastretta 11 degree, 8v, l/c, v-twin 675cc, liquid-cooled, 12v, inline triple
Bore x Stroke 67 x 46mm 71 x 50.9mm 88 x 67.5mm 74 x 52.3mm
Compression 11.4:1 11.9:1 12.8:1 12.65:1
Fuelling PGM-FI EFI EFI, 34mm throttle bodies Mikuni EFI, 53mm throttle bodies Electronic fuel injection
Tested Power 80bhp @ 11,000rpm 101bhp @ 10,200rpm 93bhp @ 9,250rpm 96bhp @ 12,000rpm
Tested Torque 59Nm @ 8,000rpm 77Nm @ 8,000rpm 75Nm @ 7,750rpm 62Nm @ 8,200rpm
Frame Steel diamond Tubular steel cradle Tubular steel trellis Aluminium twin-spar
F Suspension 41mm RWU fork, unadjustable 41mm USD fork, rebound and preload adj. 43mm USD Kayaba forks, non adj. 41mm USD fork, fully adjustable
R Suspension Monoshock, preload adjustable Monoshock, rebound and preload adj. Sachs monoshock, preload and rebound adj Monoshock, fully adjustable
Front Brakes Dual piston calipers, 320mm discs, ABS Four-piston calipers, 310mm discs Brembo M4.32 calipers, 320mm discs, ABS Four-piston calipers 308mm discs
Rear Brakes Single piston caliper, 240mm disc, ABS One-piston caliper, 250mm disc Two piston caliper, 245mm disc One-piston caliper, 220mm disc
Highest peak power:
90 Z800 @ 101bhp
Dyno data supplied by:
2 4 6 8 10 12 14
rpm x 000
Dyno data supplied by:
We'll have some
jambon with that
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 fromage, ta...
rpm x 000
46 november204
There's a Monster
behind me, right?
o then, another victory for the
British charger. Congrats, old sport!
In the past we have been accused
of bias towards the bike and manufacturer,
as their 675 based naked and supersport
machines have won test after test here.
Anybody who has ridden either of them
will know this to not be some fluke, nor
element of bias simply towards being
British. If you want proof, just go back a
few years to see what we generally thought
of Triumphs, before they sorted their shit
out – they were barely talking to us! So
there’s no real incentive for us to skew any
test towards them, the fact is plain and
simple – it’s the best bike here, and in the
entire middleweight naked class, to boot.
But what of its erstwhile challengers?
Funnily enough, while the Honda may be
the furthest away from the ST-R in terms of
talent, it could the one here to challenge it
for numbers of sales. A seriously tempting
price tag takes care of that, when combined
with the functional and decent nature of the
Alastair – pants not
bike’s performance. Add in the fact that pictured, nor worn...
most Hondas hold their value very well,
and you have a rather smart purchase on
your hands. It should run forever and rarely at making bikes of any girth handle Testing,
give you any issues, and is just exciting brilliantly. They could just as easily make testing...
enough to warrant us giving it, in this something lighter handle far better, and if
company, a very good score. they managed to chop even 30kg off, the
The Kawasaki has to do one simple Triumph may not be king of the castle any
thing to challenge the Triumph, and that’s longer. As is, however, it is a really good
lose weight. Fully wet, it is 46kg heavier machine which has been backed up by
than the Trumpet at its own kerb weight, speaking to lots and lots of very happy
and that’s way, way too much. Yes, the owners since its launch. Take a tooth off the
weight seems to help the bike, but that’s rear sprocket for a far easier time on long
more down to Kawasaki’s renowned skills trips and motorways, then you’re away.
november 204 47
Fowlers of Bristol for trusting us with their spiffing Triumph Street Triple R. Check in with them for awesome flash deals
they run on their Triumphs. Also, A to the J at Ducati UK, Lamberini at Kawasaki UK, Natasha at Honda. Love you all!
48 november 204
50 november 204
Why does the Peak District own so many
‘dangerous’ roads? Time to investigate…
very once in a while, a motoring
organisation publishes a list of
the most dangerous roads in
Britain in a hope of some self-aggrandising
publicity. The papers take the bait and
list the top ten, then point the finger at us
bikers saying that we’re the ones to blame
without looking into the statistics other
than taking the most cursory of looks.
For as long as anyone can remember, five
out of the top ten roads in these lists belong to
the Peak District, with the A537 (the infamous
Cat and Fiddle) taking the ominous award
of the most dangerous road in Britain. The
stats that accompany these roads do indeed
look compelling when taken at face value,
Rootsy’s about to but numbers alone don’t tell the full story –
have a Fiddle... 83 per cent of people will tell you that…
True, the figures don’t look pretty, and
when we decided to go up to pay a visit
to the country’s first ever national park it
was the day after Jack Sanderson had been
prosecuted for videoing himself on his
ZX-6R crossing a set of double white lines,
avoiding a car and then disappearing into
the abyss. Forums and comment boxes were
full of vitriol for the act, and it sounded like
hanging was too good for poor old Jack –
notwithstanding the fact he’d just had the
fright of his life and totalled his bike.
So we went to see the horror for ourselves
– and found nothing but beautiful roads, with
obvious perils. So is there more going on than
bikers throwing themselves into drystone
walls? Or are other road users getting away
with it? Are the roads inherently risky? And do
the stats tell the whole story? Let’s find out…
The A5012 is the sec d
most dangerous roa Trees and lower visibility
in the UK are to blame for many
november 204 53
The A621’s record is ners...
despite fewer cor
wrong on this ride should the stars not align. the speed cameras watching every move. judgement on speed after that.
The speed cameras put off big speed, but you That means that it’s time to push on, and the You can build up a nice rhythm
can still have a nasty on one of the slower adjacent A54 is another road with a worrying on the road that isn’t too bonkers,
corners should you lose your concentration – as reputation. The first part out of Buxton is but to go barmy on it would be to
could someone else coming the other way. brilliant – but again tarnished by the average ignore the houses, tracks, junctions,
Where the Cat and Fiddle suffers, or suffered, speed cameras along part of its route. It’s the farms, crests and closed nature of
is with its notoriety. It attracted more than sort of road that you could get sucked into very the road as it descends downhill. If
its fair share of nutters over the years, lured quickly – especially if you’ve just filled up in you’re not familiar with the yumps
by the road’s challenge and reputation. The Buxton just before turning onto the A54. After and turns then you really are best
accidents then followed and the die was cast. these twists take you up high, the road flattens, left keeping your powder dry.
But now the policing of the road has put but the 50mph limit is still in force. The cameras The third rocking road out of
many off, and those that do ride it do so with end after a few miles, so you make your own Buxton is the A5004 to Whaley
bridge – and this one is free of the
THE ADJACENT A54 IS ANOTHER ROAD WITH average speed cameras, even though it’s still
in the top ten list, sitting in ninth. It offers a
A WORRYING REPUTATION... ” tight and twisty section at the top, then a big
straight followed by more open bends towards
54 november204
Be prepared for
anything coming
the other way The road’s popularity
since the cameras have
gone in has waned
the bottom of the hill. It’s a wide road with good bend. But it’s not hard to envision someone
surfacing generally, and not as many crests as making a late braking manoeuvre and getting
the A54. The accidents seem to happen at the collected by substandard driving or riding.
top, on the twistier section, with three biker With Buxton ticked, it was time to head
deaths recorded between 1999 and 2010. Again, south to Matlock via the A5012 from Pikehall.
it’s easy to see how this can happen with blind This road gets a lot of traffic as it runs out of
corners and crests packed into a few miles of Matlock Baths, a village synonymous with
riding. There’s little in the way of housing up bikes. But approach it from the west side and
here, nor roads off the main one, so its easy to you struggle to understand how it makes
conclude that over enthusiasm played a part. it on the dangerous roads list. It’s largely
But riding this section also showed unspectacular in every sense until you get into
how innocent parties can get mixed up in the trees at Grangemill when the reasons for its
someone else’s mistake. A car coming the status as second most dangerous road in the UK
other way ran wide out of a turn, in a lazy start to become evident. Accidents on this road
way where a driver hasn’t ready the road are said by Eurorap to have a higher incidence
properly. I was 50 yards from it, approaching of bikers involved than even the Cat and Fiddle.
this right-hander on the left-hand side of the Beyond this point, the trees get ever closer
november 204 55
The A5004 is a crackeby
POLICY MAKERS CAN’T and not blighted
average speed cam
Whoever the engineer was that designed
the roads in the Peaks was clearly a
motorcyclist, because the roads here are
amazing. I’ve been to more technical
places, like in Wales and the Dales, but I
find the roads in the Peaks are generally
well surfaced, open and pretty wide. And
I think that this is what sucks people
in. I’m no slouch, but I’ve seen guys But don’t see a lack
steaming past us and when you go at of cameras as a carte
blanche to go bananas...
that speed there’s not much room
for error. They tend to be
in groups of two or three, as the road runs down towards Matlock. And maybe that goes to show how difficult it
and I’ve seen them going There aren’t many out and out corners, is to predict an accident. Although it’s hard to
over double white lines in just mild twists and turns, and a lot of build a true picture of a road by using numbers
an attempt to keep up or to the road runs double white lines. This alone, the danger of any well maintained
get past a car to leave the can make overtakes a desperate affair road, like these are, is down to the users – be
corner clean. I wish they’d if you’re stuck behind something slow, them bikers or otherwise. If you could close
just hold back for 10 seconds, so you have to be certain that it’ll stick. the roads, stick up some straw bales and let
just to make sure nothing’s Matlock attracts hoards of bikers loose then they would be amazing, some
coming the other way or a car over most sunny weekends, so the of the best routes in the UK. But we have to
isn’t going to creep out from a laws of averages suggest that the share the road with everyone else; slow or
lay-by, but their balls appear to prevalence of biker accidents will fast, skilled or not, concentrating or otherwise.
be bigger than their brains. Up increase. Add this to the flow of And what would be safe speeds on a bike are
here, you’ve got to know where the road, the number of junctions made riskier by not knowing what’s round the
and when to go quickly. So you along it, reduced visibility and next corner – or indeed, what’s behind you.
can forget it if you’re going out differing road conditions and I had a blast riding up in the Peaks, I didn’t
on a sunny Saturday afternoon you can see why you have go ballistic, but it was in no way a boring
because the roads are busy and to ride this road with your guard up. ride. Any moments were generated by poor
the police are out. You’ll get car after car After surviving the A5012, our last driving around me, and Jack Sanderson
because this is the garden for two big destination was the A621 between Baslow and or someone like him could be round the
cities on either side. So we tend to get Totley. This ranks fourth in the list, and to be next corner. It doesn’t matter if it’s a bike,
up early and head off for a ride at 6 or 7 honest it’s hard to see why. The road is wide, a car or a lorry, they’re all going to hurt.
in the morning. We’re done by lunchtime vision is generally good and there’s not too Yes, the accident rate is falling and
and get the best of the place. The average much in the way of challenging corners along draconian measures are working. Talking
speed cameras have killed the Cat and the way. Two thirds of accidents involved a to some interested parties based up in the
Fiddle. You get groups of lads doing three motorcycle between 2007 and 2011 with run- Peaks, it’s clear that road users have to take
corners at a time, then they just stop to ons the most frequent cause of an accident. I responsibility for their actions. Policy makers
lower their speeds. I used to see people know the road well and other than some tight can’t ignore the statistics, nor the press
do full runs all day, but not now. stuff after the Owler Bar roundabout it’s hard they generate, so it’s down to us to lead by
to imagine anything other than rider or driver example and ride these brilliant roads well.
error being the cause of these tragic events. Do that and few can complain…
56 november 204
Blood, Sweat
he Red Bull Romaniacs Hard Enduro to everyone. On a personal level, a Romanian Like any racer, it’s my own fault of course.
is an event your mother-in-law will tree pierced my face so deeply I could feel my The Red Bull Romaniacs is an annual Extreme
never understand, what with massive skull as I picked the wood out. I hit a fence post Enduro, one of a several annual extreme events
dogs as big as your bike chasing you for a with my arm flat out in fourth so hard it blitzed that pitches riders not so much against each
mile, slopes so steep you need ropes to lower a my watch to oblivion. I smashed my knee so other, but against the terrain. The Romaniacs
bike down, crashing to slow yourself, hills so hard against a tree a cartoon-style golf ball is four days plus a ‘prologue’, which takes
tough one person in 300 manages to scale it, grew under my armour. I had a flat-out in top place over man-made obstacles and features
falling off mountain ledges where no-one can lock-to-lock tank slapper that tugged so hard a giant helter skelter, a hanging forest of fern
see you, getting lost in the fog, broken bones, it pulled my glove off. And I suffered a broken branches, a pile of boulders, a see-saw, a
nearly drowning and bears. “Why would you scaphoid. These are the more memorable 12-foot drop – that sort of thing. It’s a bit of
do that?” Good question, mother-in-law. ways the Romaniacs got me. It’s still a good fun designed to sort out a starting order for
And that was just the general stuff happening question, mother-in-law, I’ll give you that. the first day in the Carpathian mountains
58 november204
and Bear
No vampires, just b
extreme madness in
ears, broken bones
Transylvania’s Romd five days o
aniacs event
november 204 59
– as well as entertain the locals in the minutes of this before the ordeal is over.
Transylvanian town of Sibiu. From there the One of the differences in an international
event heads out into the mountains for four event like the Romaniacs is getting to the start
days of sadistic and relentless hard work. line first place. Obviously it’s a long way to
It’s difficult to put just how tough the Romania, and there’s a massive entry fee to
Romaniacs gets out in the mountains into some worry about, but a similar one day event in the
sort of context for a sportsbike rider, but I’ll UK is easy to enter with a rock up and ride vibe.
give it a go. Imagine setting off from the Brands The Romaniacs needs an international licence
Hatch start line and then as you get to the top from the ACU, for a start, which needs a full
of Paddock Hill the Tarmac drops away so medical, which in turn isn’t cheap. You can’t do There’s no points off
steeply that you physically can’t ride down it. it half arsed because you might as well throw for a dab here...
You have to stop, get off your bike and slide the your money down the river; you’ve got to be fit
bike sideways down, all while trying to stop it and your bike has to be in good nick too. The Who put
that there?
accelerating itself into a crumpled mess at the regulations require every competitor has a GPS
bottom. Then, when you get to the bottom of (to check you’re not cutting the course as much
the hill (which has grown by about 100 times, as a guide), survival blankets, a mirror to attract
by the way), the run back up to Druids is so attention from helicopters, a flare pack to attract
slippery and steep you have to zig-zag your attention or to scare bears, a torch, a lighter
way up a few feet at a time. Or the other option and all the spares and spanners you think you
is basically to carry it up. Oh, and the hill is need to fix a bike miles from civilization.
probably a mile high, so all this will take you Small crashes are inevitable, so replacing a
an absolute age and every ounce of energy you broken clutch or gear lever is a not uncommon
have. Sometimes, with a bit of confidence, those repair. One crash that’s easy to do and is
downhills are rideable, but they can quickly constantly on your mind is dropping off the
get out of hand leaving you with no option but high trails that run along the mountain top
to deliberately crash to save yourself from a ridges down and out of sight. Tracks regularly
certain death by tree. You can try and use the tip-toe along narrow mountain ridges which
trees to slow yourself down, but it’s a tactical are dead easy to just get wrong. Hit a rock or
risk – hence the close shave with my eye. tree root and chuck yourself off the side, and
Think I’m exaggerating? I’m not. These you may not hurt yourself, but it could be a
are the norms in ‘The World’s Toughest Hard real pickle to get out of. It happened to another
Enduro Rallye’ as the crazy ass organisers of the supreme Brits taking part this year,
like to call it. The Romaniacs is established Eurotek KTM rider Paul Bolton. The working
among the Extreme Enduro events around class hero and professional northern road
the world as the toughest multi-day event sweeper eventually finished fourth but proved
because of all the above, mixed among hours mishaps happen to even those at the front.
60 november204
62 november204
As if a Kawasaki Z1000 isn’t
cool enough, Christopher went
and made his even cooler!
read a
d the looks, I’d
as ak i Z1 00 0 because I love a bu nc h of videos
w ched
bought the Ka Bikes and wat art
views in Fast e! I had to st
load of the re be , an d ha d to ha ve on
er bi ts on
Tu lv
of them on Yo
u can’t stand si
ri gh t aw ay though, as I y si lver pa rts as I
modifying it man
t removing as on fibre whe
els. I
so I set abou e current carb
motorcycles, g ad di ng th to it to o, and
possibly coul
d, includin ca lip ers I st ill need to fit no t done
w get next. I’m
ol discs and ne bars I want to
have some co fib re LS L ly en ds !
me carbon g never real
have seen so , the modifyin
th is bi ke by a long shot
Akrapovic ex
CHAS re wheels
BST carbon sets
Lightech rear
ASV levers
Rizoma m irr
Rizoma lux cap servoir
Rizoma fuel t and rear brake fluid re
Rizoma fron mushrooms
Rizoma cras ator cover
Ev otech ra di ld
gh wind shie
Kawasaki hi le seat cowel
asak i sing
GI Pro gear
The war between these great biking powers continues, and spreads here into the
adventure market. This competition has turned the class very fruity indeed...
dventure bikes have come a long way models favouring Tarmac are being released
in recent years. We wouldn’t have – like the new Suzuki V-Strom. Launched in a
been seen dead on one until recently, whirlwind of marketing hype, Suzuki spent a
because when you tried to ride one hard, gazillion yen on an augmented reality app to
ending up dead might have been the final sell it. To be fair, it’s been a while since Suzuki
outcome. Now manufacturers have launched a model with any significance, so
slowly realised that 99 per cent why not splash the cash. Talking of money,
of adventure riders just want at £13,799, the KTM 1190 Adventure R
big tanks, comfort, demands a big chunk of it, but it’s true to the
and won’t venture firm’s off-road history, and adds a gigantic
off-road, so hybrid dollop of badass. With 131bhp and lots of
electronics, the 1190 offers a real adventure...
KTM 9/10
72 november 204
Up she goes...
bells and
To be fair to both bikes, they’re
packed with all the latest gizmos
and electronics. The rider aids aren’t
necessarily performance-enhancing
aids or highside-savers, but they’re
not the bad aids that hinder riding,
which is the main thing. You can leave
the ABS on without running into a
corner or it intruding on the fly.
Although we purposely didn’t try to crash
this bike, the 2014 range of Adventures
come with Bosch’s new MSC system,
riding position and ergonomics which basically stops you crashing under
braking, anytime, anywhere. The 1190
also comes furnished with traction
I’m either precisely the wrong height to quoted seat heights feels much greater. control, anti-wheelie, heated grips, and
ride an adventure bike, or adventure bikes You can see yourself stood up on the KTM, the TPMS (Tyre Pressure Monitoring
are badly designed. Both screens produce attacking sand dunes, very much like System) is also pretty handy for lazy
horrendous wind noise and buffeting to Stéphane Peterhansel – only in a much buggers. The KTM’s only negative is the
the helmet above 60mph – hardly ideal for crashier fashion. The Suzuki offers a far tedious manner in which you have to
long journeys. After five miles of my eyes more conventional approach, like a more toggle through your required settings
threatening to vibrate from their sockets relaxed naked bike. The bars are thinner, every time the engine stops running.
and ears resonating to smithereens, I gave closer to the torso and slightly more natural. Although less complex, the V-Strom’s
in and rode like the hunchback of Bath, The V-Strummer also boasts an adjustable dash is harder to read, digest and
shielding my head in a racy posture. And seat, that lowers by 30mm or grows by understand. Like the KTM, the Suzuki’s
when you attempt to peer through the top 35mm. I’d be happy with another 35mm. electronics aren’t intrusive, and only
of the screens, it’s like looking through Eddie Aren’t there pills for that? The KTM’s dirt or sodden conditions will trigger.
‘The Eagle’ Edwards’ jam jars. Rant over. bars and pegs are also adjustable.
Abnormally short pilots, or anyone under
6ft, will struggle with the KTM. It’s a SUZUKI 8/10 SUZUKI 8/10
tippy-toe operation even for my regular
height. The 40mm difference between KTM 8/10 KTM 10/10
november 204 73
The adventure bike handbook states
that it must feature a v-twin motor.
In engine terms, if the Suzuki was a
Galaxy chocolate bar, the KTM would be
a chilly choc with popping candy – and
loads of nuts. It’s bloody ridiculous.
The Austrian firm’s ‘Ready to Race’
mantra is evident on the entire range,
not just on the fully-faired brethren.
With the electronic nasties turned off
(don’t get me started) you can’t help but
loft the front wheel. The throttle works
both ways and the 1190 can be ridden
relatively smoothly, but the motor’s
entire range is littered with lashings
of lairy power. The 1190’s attitude is
livened by shorter gearing, too, but
it’s a pain in the cock at the bottom of
the revs, struggling to fuel perfectly.
Come to think of it, the panniers
might have an imperative function.
Lofting the KTM’s front wheel at any
opportunity is part of its forte. To the
untrained eye of a copper, panniers are
a sure fire Gareth klaxon, so you might
get away with hoisting mingers. The
KTM’s slipper clutch is a useful addition
and takes the edge off corner entry.
The Suzuki’s effort is a little lethargic in
comparison; smoother, slower and less
angry, which will please some. Granted,
the V-Strom is missing 150cc, but the
delivery is serene for a big-bore v-twin
and very linear, although the top half of
the power gets a kicking at 6,000rpm.
It’s also massively more accommodating THE SUZUKI IS SMOOTHER,
at slower speeds than the KTM, yet
doesn’t wheelie in third gear (points off). SLOWER AND LESS ANGRY,
KTM 9/10
74 november 204
SUZUKI 10/10
The Adventure is
KTM 8/10
strangely rear biased...
november 204 75
The redesigned 1,037cc motor is a 90-degree Highlights The 1,195cc lump is that of the RC8R’s, but Highlights
twin. Inside, new pistons boast optimised rigidity Based on 1988 DR750 retuned for the Adventure. It uses four-valve By name, by nature
and weight, and feature thinner piston rings with All the toys heads and KTM engineers have gone to town, Bosch MSC
15 per cent less tensile force for lower friction. with twin plug ignition (spark plugs are different
The cylinder heads have also been fettled to Road-biased sizes) for emissions and consumption, flow- Über naughty
accommodate twin-spark ignition, and the 20L tank optimised ducts and DLC-coated cam followers. TC, ABS, TPMS, WTF
cylinders themselves reduce friction and improve 228kg Forged pistons do the sucking and blowing, with 217kg
heat transfer.The SET (Suzuki ExhaustTuning) 89bhp a super-short design, and all pistons skirts are 131bhp
exhaust features an ECM-controlled butterfly. hard anodised.There’s also a slipper clutch.
It’ll end in tears Only a bit slower than RC8
The frame is 13 per cent lighter then the old The frame itself is a chrome-molybdenum
bike, with changes to rigidity balance to improve
FAST ROAD 8 steel tubular structure, weighing only 9.8kg,
Stable and assured Avoid big lean....
handling.There’s also a new subframe.The plus the additional orange crash bars. It
V-Strom uses 43mm KYB forks and shock, HOOLIGAN 3 features laser-cut tubes for perfect clearances, HOOLIGAN 8
She’s a big softy and the welds are robot jobs. KTM-owned Turn off electronics, wheelie away
while the wheels are 10-spoke made from
cast aluminium.The windscreen has nine NEW RIDER 5 WP suspension (what else) looks after each NEW RIDER 2
different positions and was designed in a See above – newbie heaven end, and comes with 220mm of travel. The Too big, too naughty
windtunnel – probably by Frankie Dettori. DESIRABILITY 4 Adventure R’s wheels favour off-road riding DESIRABILITY 5
Brakes areTokico monoblocks, with ABS. Montego Countryman – meh with a 21-inch front and an 18-inch rear. Take it or leave it
Highest peak torque:
KTM @ 112Nm
83 POINTS 86 POINTS antics. Adventure bikes are dull and boring, and
then there’s the KTM 1190 Adventure R...
76 november 204
The day job...
78 november 204
got to want to win.
Why else are you doing it? There was nothing
better than at the Ulster when Steve was in the
top five, that’s fucking exciting. Whereas when
things haven’t gone so well, it’s more of a
fingers-crossed and hope approach, and I don’t
want to go racing like that. I want to do it
gentlemanly, and sportingly as a fellow racer,
but I do want to get on that podium. I’ve
imagined a podium at the TT before we got
there, and I welled up just thinking about it.
The Prodigy frontman loves his bikes and now fronts a race team... You can never sum up passion and desire and
the want to do it. People ask me, ‘why are you
doing this, you’re not even riding’, and I don’t
INTERVIEW: FAGAN I bought a big motorhome with a garage. think people understand. I’m a nomadic person
PIC S: IOMT T.COM/FB A RCHI V E We were all set for the TT. The drivers then that likes to change from scenario to scenario,
said it’s got too much of an overhang to get from racetrack to racetrack, from venue to
I’ve been a biker for years but I’m still doing onto the boat, so I lost my absolute fucking venue, and that somehow fuels me. But around
the music. balls on that and had to buy a lorry. I thought, that has to be something incredibly exciting.
We’ve got a new album coming out next year. ‘let’s not get into a motorhomey, hybrid,
So I’m still working, but when we’re in the multi-use thing’. We need the tools for all the I thanked Steve Mercer for letting us be a
recording period we have a bit of downtime, jobs and we need to do it right. part of his TT.
which gave me time for racing and trying out There are only so many jockeys that can pedal
with the Hottrax endurance series. It’s something I enjoy doing. round. You can’t just pick someone up and
I love being in the team. It reflects very much throw them on a bike, it’s so specialist, and the
We got fourth in the first year. in being in the band. I like that environment - riders are so specialist. Steve is so punk rock the
Me and Ben Neeves (brother of the notorious I’m not a solo player. People say that racing is way he takes no prisoners, he takes no shit. But
Michael Neeves) won it in the next year, and quite solitary in some respects, that a racer is he’s polite, funny, and an awesome character.
then we went up to National level. My work quite a solitary creature, but when I did But when it comes to racing a motorbike, he’s
started again so I knew I couldn’t commit to it, endurance racing it was very team-like. driven beyond madness.
but I had a determination to win it and wanted
to go back. I could see there was a bit of I’m actually quite a gentle character...
history; I’d ridden, the guys had seen me race
back in the day, there were two bikes and
I LOVE THE ROADS Well, when I’m not doing stuff like racing or
doing the band. That’s why I like to light up
riders, all the bits that go with it and I was
sorting absolutely everything out so Ben and
FOR WHAT THEY when I get on stage, or get on a bike, or part of
the team. It lights my fire...
Steve Mercer could just turn up and ride. And
then I realised that we were trying to win it. I
was running the team in that I was ordering
the tyres, doing everything bar the spannering.
I had the people who did all the hotels and
race entries, and I did all the workshop stuff,
running the bikes down to Crescent.
At first I was a little humbled in the BSB
I’d done three years of racing with Hottrax. paddock.
I had that determination to win the nationals Because I was a newcomer, and having James
and I suddenly saw a picture where I was Rispoli. He’s not British, people can’t relate to
gaining the right to enter another paddock, him personally through the UK scene. I just
there’s a little bit of heritage behind me. wanted it to become a successful year, a safe
year, a good foundation for what’s to come.
Steve Mercer was riding for us . You can’t enter anything new and know all of
And that naturally took us straight into the TT the tricks of the trade. You can’t have all the
paddock and onto the roads. I love the roads. I T’s crossed and the I’s dotted.
love the roads for what the sport stands for. I
love the fact we have to hold onto the sport I know the foundation of the team is very
preciously, because if it was ever to stop, it strong.
would never start again. It’s a very precious I’ve got good people. I could not do this
thing. And even more so with the riders. I also without Grant and Paul, it just wouldn’t
love the ballsiness and the bravery of the happen. It’s a massive job, there’s a lot of
riders, and I love the mental challenge, and the financial implications, but that doesn’t mean a
TT dreaming...
actual mechanical challenge of it. shit unless you’ve got a good team.
november 204 79
Staff Bikes................................102
Riding ...................................................88 It’s been another busy month for the fleet, with plenty of action on
the roads and in the workshop. Plus we say hello to another termer!
We love lean. But can there be too much of a good thing here?
Kawasaki ZX-6R Ducati Panigale KTM 1290 Super Duke R BMW
Technical.......................................90 S 1000 R Triumph Street Triple R Yamaha MT-09 Suzuki GSX-R750
We pop down to JHS Racing to get our bearings...
november 204 81
not to like?
...and this, too!
november 204 83
Type 998cc, liquid-cooled, 16v, inline four Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Bore x Stroke 75 x 56.5mm
Compression 11.2:1
Fuelling Electronic fuel-injection
Tested Power 123bhp @ 10,000rpm
Tested Torque 99Nm @ 7,700rpm
Wheelbase 1,445mm
Seat Height 825mm
Dry Weight 217kg
Fuel Capacity 17-litres
Honda sell a stack of official extras for the CB1000R
including screens, huggers, undertrays and crash
protectors. If possible, buy a bike with Honda
aftermarket parts fitted as the fit and colour matching
is far better than on items from third party firms.
Honda has recently been running a series of finance
incentives on the CB1000R in an effort to shift stock.
If you are looking at buying a newer bike, always get
an HPI check done to ensure there is no outstanding
As with any bike that has a singlesided swingarm,
always check the CB’s eccentric adjustor moves freely
and isn’t seized up through road grit and chain lube
getting into the system. Ask the owner the torque
setting for the pinch bolt as over tightening can
damage the hub.
84 november204
insurance guide
rider 1 35, 5 yrs NCD, licence 5yrs,
0 points, garaged, BS31 code, 8,000
miles per year, no pillion cover, no
tpft excess comp excess
november204 85
running costs
Service interval:
Minor 4,000 miles
Major 8,000 miles
Valve clearances 16,000 miles
Service cost (main dealer):
Minor £130.00
Major £270.00
Valve clearances £390.00
Right fairing: £24.76
RH Engine casing: £227.15
Brake lever: £51.88
Thanks to Fowlers of Bristol: 0117 9770466
And on the web:
86 november 204
ean angles are sometimes a great mystery to are required to lean the bike over further, not the
riders. I often hear the questions “Am I other way around.
ANDY leaning over too far?” or “Am I leaning over When you watch the GP riders and WSB riders
IBBOTT too much?” or “How far can I lean over before I
crash?” or “How far can I lean over before I get my
with their bikes reet over then you would think
that is what you need. But I can assure you, if
knee down?” those riders could go around that corner at that
SCHOOL DIRECTOR & LEVEL 4 COACH All these questions are valid but the answers to speed with LESS lean angle they would. Why?
AndyIbbottstartedriding the questions are not always clear cut. For Because they could use that lean to go even faster.
motorbikesat14years-old, example, am I leaning over too far? Too far for It is a fine balance of lean/speed/traction that a
andthey’vebeenhisliving what? In most cases it is too far for traction or grip. rider of that level is always trying to balance, and it
since1992,whenhebecame This is one of the main concerns of most riders, is the same for us mere mortals too. However, we
acourier.In’94hedecidedto and rightly so are limited a lot of
becomeabikejourno,and because if you get it the time by one
joinedFastBikes.Toimprove wrong you are The less you lean the more factor, lean angle,
going to crash. And
yet there’s an equal
amount of riders
stable the bike feels... ” or to be exact, our
perception of lean
HebecameafulltimeCSS who want to lean the bike over further because This is why for track riding getting your knee
coachattheendof1999,and they want to get their knee down or they believe down is a good thing. It allows you to judge the
nowheadstheUK,Europe,and that the more you lean over the faster you go. limit of lean that you have. This is, of course, 100
theFarEastschools.Having This is a big issue. Yes, the faster you go the per cent different to ‘getting your knee down’
sufferedanastystroke,Andy more lean angle you are required to use. However, where the purpose is just to scuff up your sliders
isbackinthethickofthings to go fast you do not need to use your entire lean for better pub cred. ‘Getting your knee down’
attheSchool–andlovingit! angle up. In fact, the LESS you lean the better! riders are generally slower than those who use the
Better? Yes. Better because the less you lean the knee to judge lean angle. I have seen many a
more traction you have available to you. The less roundabout hero actually go slower around a
you lean the better the bike’s suspension will corner or roundabout than Vincent Vertical on his
work. The less you lean, the more stable the bike Goldwing Plod Along!
will feel. There’s two different mindsets, you see. For
All these points are key if you want to go faster. example, when I worked for this fine mag in the
Then, if and when you go faster that’s when you mid Nineties I would get through a set of sliders in
88 november 204
If you've got a riding problem, whether it's on road or track, get in touch with
Andy Ibbott; his knowledge will set you free:
november 204 89
Theworkshopdealswith t the end of the day, bearings are all about in your engine! When you fire up your engine, your oil
everything,fromscootersto the loads and forces put upon them – and light should eventually go off as your oil pressure has
superbikes.Havingbuiltand where those loads and forces are coming from. risen and is feeding the main bearing. When the oil
workedonraceSuzukiSVs So you’ve got your wheel bearings, steering head pressure reduces, that bearing surface can come into
andTriumph675sJameshas bearings, main/big-end bearings and shock linkage contact with the crankshaft and wear itself out very
awealthofknowledgewith bearings. Your chain and sprocket also forms part of a quickly, as it’s made from very soft material and will
thesebikes,butelsewhere bearing surface. There are rollers in between each flat cause massive damage.
James’knowledgeisas link and pin, which come in contact with the sprocket. Then you’ve got the familiar ball race bearings,
extensiveasitgets.Sofrom So, what about types? Most big-end bearings and which are generally used on older single cylinder
tyrefittingtoMOTs,fromdyno main bearings on modern machines are pressure fed, air-cooled engines and two-strokes. With these, you
worktosuspension,James so they’re what we call a white metal shell, which is a have an inner bearing face, an outer bearing face, with
reallydoesdoitall.Andherehe copper shell coated in white metal. And that bearing ball bearings set between the two held in a little cage.
is,passingonhisyearsinthe doesn’t come in to contact with anything hard, like the That cage may be plastic, brass or tin (depending on
businesstoFastBikesreaders! crankshaft – it uses a film of oil as the load area, so it’s the application) and the outer and inner rotate
not a normal type independently on
bearing. It’s all about
oil pressure, which is Always have nice oil in the ball.
A taper roller
why you should
always have nice oil your engine! ” bearing is
commonly used in
90 november 204
If you don’t know the difference between yokes and yolks, Dzus and Zeus,
or suspension and suspenders – email the experts :
november 204 91
2015 BMW S 1000 RR LAUNCH
It’s launch time, and we kick things off with a biggy
– the much revised 199bhp BMW S 1000 RR!
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this month i have mostly been… “Stacking the miles on, and on...”
swear months get shorter… It was only the thick layer of flies all over my visor.
week one of our schedule when I The trip back was, er, efficient, too. With
disappeared oop north on the Beej on a borrowed RSV4 Factory, he had rice
i ffrom new: £8,999
Kawasaki, and now it’s the death throes the legs in a few parts on the way back, Insurance group 15
of week four and my cunning plans have but it was nothing a dropped cog couldn’t Modifications Price
gone awry. That’s not to say it’s been a pull back. With bikes like the ZX-6R and GB Racing protection bundle £212.56
slack month on the Zed – because I’ve the 675, there’s no reason whatsoever GB Racing bullet sliders £66.60
been racking up the miles. It’s just that why you should see them as anything but HM quickshifter £416.75
my hopes for more mods have taken a the real deal and able to keep up with Scorpion Serper exhaust £349.00
beating in the face of some small whatever you like on the road. Renthal Intellilevers (pair) £181.44
upheavals. The bike was also engaged in some R&G Racing exhaust holder £68.49
The sharp eyed among you will have more sedentary work, namely ferrying me R&G Racing tail tidy £66.99
noted that the magazine has changed too and from the airport for this month’s Metzeler Sportec M7 RR £240.00
hands, and the new organ grinders are launches. I love travelling to and from an
based up in Lincolnshire – the interesting
bit, too. So one our way up for a meet and
greet it was an opportunity to have a bit With bikes like the ZX-6R you
of a scratch. I was on my own on the way
up, and happened across some cracking
roads once I’d got off the A46 – no
should keep up with anything...”
wonder the area breeds such good road airport on a bike because I get plenty of powered by two AA batteries
racers; Steve Plater, Gary Johnson, Guy extra time in bed and then don’t have to masquerading as a front light, but the
Martin, Ivan Linten, et al (although I’m fuss on the way home, either. Again, an beam on the Kawasaki is pretty good. My
not too sure who this al guy is...). adventure bike wouldn’t hold many more route home now starts off at dusk, and
I was just a little too late to check-in at advantages in this situation as I’d still by the time I’m home over an hour later
Horncastle’s bike night as I came across a have to strap a bag onto it, but not be as I’m glad that the unclassified roads I have
load of riders returning from the event – nimble as I currently am on a supersport to head down are as well lit as they are.
many with poorly adjusted front lights, weapon. It’s the only way to fly... That’s not to say the fun is over for
which is a bug bear on many bikes when it I mentioned front lights earlier, and another year, as I’m clinging to all the
gets to this time of year. No matter, I normally this is the time of the year when reports of an Indian summer – with all
couldn’t have travelled much further for we’re presented with seemingly a torch that that entails...
t’s been a long old wait, but finally the Charlie Charles eventually found one we firm jet-wash to put the kibosh on any
Ducati and I have done something could use. Fair play to him and Al, I wasn’t lingering dust. But what would a good
together. Following the workmen- about when they used it and they took wash be, without a corresponding polish?
dust debacle that put her out of action, care of the Ducati just fine, delving into all Out came the MucOff polishing kit and I
it’s been over a month since we’ve done her nooks and crannies, blowing upon her set to work. I did notice though, that now
anything together, and ’Gale is getting both gently and forcefully. Cheers boys, she’s nearing two years old she could do
sniffy about it. Frankly, I already get you know how to treat a lady. with some protection. I’m terrified of
enough of that kind of malarkey, and However, that didn’t quite account for damaging the panels any further than the
don’t need any more, so as soon as we a lot of the dust, some of it was stubborn, usual wear and tear, so will be pestering
were able to find a portable compressor some tucked away so deep it would the life out of 3M for a nice covering. If
we set to work. require keyhole surgery, if you’ll pardon you haven’t seen this stuff, it is brilliant
For those unaware, the issue was that the expression, to sort out. And I was very as it saves your bodywork from scratches
some workmen had sawed and drilled keen to do it all properly, so following her and nicks by covering all the most
stacks of MDF and other materials right intricate blow job, I set about her first vulnerable areas in a sturdy clear
next to our bikes without covering them, with a Hoover. Must say, whoever comes plastic-like coating which is applied by
covering them in a thick pall of ultra-fine up with a quiet Hoover, will rule the hand. Anyway, clean over, polished and
dust. Cheers for that! We didn’t want to planet. But it was necessary to suck out dried, it’s now time to finally get back out
move anything without being able to as many leftover particles as I could on her while we still have some summer
blow most of it off first, and Charles before going to town on a wash. Next up left. Hi ho ’Gale, away!
8 MONTHS (FBK287) 0 2 9 4 1 ODOMETER
ast month was a mile-munching and saves around 1.5kg in weight. You
period for the Super Duke R. This also get to see more of KTM’s beautiful Price from new: £13,999
month has been more of a sharing engineering in the swingarm/wheel area. Insurance group 17
exercise. That Rootsy chose the KTM to The can takes two minutes to fit, Modifications Price
circumnavigate Wales in this month’s which is a good and a bad thing. There’s
Akrapovic can £672.32
ride guide says it all – I didn’t see the one bolt into the pillion peg and a clamp
SD-R for a few weeks but I’ve got a free linking the can to the collector box. The
set of Maxxis tyres out of the deal! cat, like most bikes these days, isn’t in
The new Dunlop Sportsmart II is the the can, so that means marginal power
first OE tyre I’ve been happy to keep on a gains, if any. Although I’ve yet to dyno
longtermer for a while now. It’s epic test, the Akra’ can shares near identical
fast-road rubber and highly bores to that of the OE arrangement.
recommended, but now the winter There’s more of a rasp towards the top of
weather is coming, the Maxxis Diamonds the rev range though.
might be a wise move. Some will say £672.32 is a lot of coin
I finally got my hands on an exhaust for no performance gains but, as
for the SD-R. KTM’s Power Parts mentioned previously, there’s a lot to be
catalogue is brimming with sexy bolt-on said for scrapping that OE can, and it’s
goodies, including this official Akrapovic made from titanium – which ain’t cheap.
slip-on silencer. While it’s no prototype Just before writing this, I said goodbye
from The Beast, it looks eleventeen to the SD-R again this month. She’s gone
billion times better then the original can, up to Pipewerx for some fitting, and
hopefully they’ll design and manufacture
That Rootsy chose the KTM to circumnavigate something funky. The boys were saying a
link pipe from the headers straight to the
Wales for the ride guide says it all...” end can (scrapping the cat) wouldn’t be
too much bother. Here’s hoping!
this month i have mostly been… “Getting luggaged up and getting gone...”
ith Rootsy sub-letting out sees the front wheel, back wheel and Price from new: £8,049
my MT-09, he sacrificed his often both wheels off of the ground at Insurance group: 15
ownership of the ST-R and times. Me? I’m far less antisocial, but still
handed the keys back to me to stop my like the occasional handful to heighten Modifications Price
sulking. It has done the job as my smile the senses. All in all, it’s a cracking Arrow slip on silencer £499.99
has returned, though added to it is a commuter and delivers whether you want Triumph bellypan £160.00
quizzical expression born out of a peaceful and subdued ride or the Triumph flyscreen £149.00
confusion. With the time I’ve spent capability to wind it right up and snarl and Triumph engine covers £124.00
getting to know and improve the MT, is spit like a mad dog. Rizoma Proguard £77.50
the Street still my ‘within reach’ choice? However, if the ST-R is a mad dog then running total £1,010.44
Before my MT time I would have had the MT-09 is positively rabid, foaming
no hesitation to say the bike I would from the mouth and straining at the an MT, stick in an Öhlins rear and
purchase right now, without hesitation, leash. The OE ride and jolty throttle lost a Andreani cartridges and still have change
was this, the Street Triple R. As a package lot of points against Triumph’s triple, but from the cost of the Triumph. These
it’s perfect and will satisfy the appetite these things are now being addressed. At modifications level the playing field it’s
for any type of rider. Rootsy’s commute £1,100 less than the Triumph you can buy dominated since it appeared. Which
would I choose? So far, I am not sure…
The big question here is will the What I am sure of is making the most
of the Triumph while I have it. Famed, as I
he more observant of you will see Motorcycle Monthly’s Bruce Wilson Price from new: £6,949
that Fast Bikes Magazine has has entered the Dark Dog Moto Tour, a Insurance group: 14
been purchased by Mortons week long tour of France that takes in
Media Group, a publisher that brings you 3,000kms, 19 special stages and speed Modifications Price
a huge number of specialist titles – and circuit competitions for the 200 odd Akrapovic full system £967.99
brings me a problem. More bloody competitors. When told, I thought, Gilles clutch lever £107.99
journalists all desperate to ride my staff “Good for you. Why are you telling me Gilles brake lever £107.99
MT-09. Yay... this?” Then it became obvious. Bruce had Gilles rearsets £489.49
Having given the MT a £900 entered on my bike. So the MT is currently LED flashers (front) £48.49
suspension boost last month it has off on an adventure which I will try and LED flashers (rear) £48.49
become quite a popular ride for the Fast detail next month, but it’s a bit of a pisser Licence plate holder £98.99
Bike boys. This has seen a few evening – especially as I have things to do to it. Engine protectors £170.99
‘swops’ ranging from the staff array of Look after it, Dangerous Bruce... Seat cover £128.99
ZX-6Rs, 1290 Dukes and Panigales, right Having successfully addressed the Radiator side covers £70.99
through to the cheeky RSV4 that has suspension I turn my attention to the Andreani fork cartridges £372.00
been hanging around after the last test. other problem; a ride-by-wire throttle Öhlins YA 335 Shock £499.91
All have been offered as an evening prize that can be properly snatchy in ‘A’ and running total £3,112.31
for me letting the guys have a run home standard modes and which had our
on the beautifully suspended MT. designer Ian keeping the MT in a stifled free upgrade for those that want the
The feedback has been cracking. Mr ‘B’ (Rain) mode to steady his ride. Well, response a little softer.
Fagan stated, “It’s transformed the bike this has been recognised and there’s a Despite being used to it now on my
no end,” and word has obviously reached map now available from Yamaha UK that daily commute, I will take the MT into
our all new northern colleagues... is out there in the Dealer network as a Phoenix Yamaha in preparation for the
next issue to let you know how this
change in ECU diagnostics affects the MT.
It’s an optional modification, if you’re
loving it snappy then leave it that way, if
not then head to your local dealership –
while you are there check the headlamp
loom too, this may need replacing as on
some models it can be pulled tight on full
lock. The last thing I need is that failing,
especially given I am already travelling
with a clear visor again ‘just in case’...
So these bits need sorting, not to
mention the Rizoma collection I
promised you last issue. I can’t wait to get
these champagne bolt-ons added to the
MT. If you were expecting to see these in
this issue please feel free to send all
complaints to Bruce Wilson, Motorcycle
Monthly, Mortons Publi...
6 MONTHS (ISSUE 288) 0 2 4 6 0 ODOMETER
this month i have mostly been… “Waving bye bye…” Price from new: £11,390
Insurance group: 17
o, our time together is up - me, Anyway, the general consensus
the FB massive, and the BMW seems to be the same coming from Modifications Price
S 1000 R Sport have had a ball. dealers to their owners, which is that they R&G Engine case bundle £229.99
It’s been a fun few months for all of us don’t currently have a fix, but are working R&G eazi pads £25.99
here, and the BMW has seen more bums on it. We’d expect it to be sorted before R&G cotton reels £19.99
than a cinema seat and has rolled a long, so maybe there will be a recall or an R&G fork protector £30.75
decent amount of miles in many, many update the next time it gets a service. running total £306.72
different conditions. But before I sum up The other thing worth mentioning is
our time together, some housekeeping.
Last issue I made note of a stalling
problem, usually when going down the The electronic suspension on the
gears pulling in the clutch. A couple of
others running the same bike this year
were experiencing the same. The chaps at
BMW is utter genius...”
BMW got back in touch saying it was that even though we had our initial also phenomenal, this is a bike worth
being looked into, but they may have an reservations about the Nankang tyres we every single penny you spend on it.
idea what was causing it, and when they fitted, the more miles we put on them However, and as much as I do enjoy it, it
knew they’d get back to us. the better they became. has highlighted for me the fact I’m not
Since the mag’ has been out, quite a As for the bike itself, the electronic ready to go fully naked just yet.
few of you guys out there who own them suspension is utter genius in all but very Everything it is good at, I find sportsbikes
have been in touch and it seems you’re all specific circumstances, because are just as good at.
having the same problem. Like some of otherwise the art of suspension set-up On a recent long journey the BMW was
us, many have adapted their own riding may as well be redundant in the BMW’s sinking a lot more fuel into the tank on
to adjust to it so they aren’t going down a case, it works that well. Serious talent will each fill-up than the sportsbike
gear in certain situations, meaning it find fault with it, the rest of us mortals accompanying it, while my neck and
doesn’t cut out. We did the same thing... will just remain amazed at its abilities. shoulders felt as though they’d had a
It’s a sign of how we expect our bikes The engine is as good as you’d expect proper work out. It’s fine if you slow down
to be so complete these days that things too, and even if the electronics are a little a touch, granted, but maybe I’m still a
like that demand a fix, rather than an overbearing at times, you can always turn couple of years away from fully
adaptation. Remember what bikes used them off. The mechanical grip the chassis embracing the naked philosophy just yet.
to be like and you’ll recall we all had to is capable of, and the rest of the control When I eventually do though, the BMW
adjust ourselves to their own particular apparatus, is so good you don’t need will definitely be one of my first ports of
foibles. What a modern world we live in. them most of the time. The brakes are call. What a bike…
Rootsy - loving
the BMW...
o three months have passed miles. I decided to take the bike as the
since I was first introduced to weather was going to be good. The route
the GSX-R750, and it’s now is a majority of A and B roads and this is
nearly time for it to go back. It has been where the Gixer excels. The trip was really
an interesting period for me (see last enjoyable and, due to being able to safely
month’s article for details), and my get past slower moving traffic, was much Price from new: £9,899
opinions on what makes a good bike have quicker than taking the car. Before I Insurance group: 16
changed. I was curious to see what the collected the bike Benjamin had
750 had to offer and after a period of commented on the economic fuel me enough because I’ve had a litre bike
familiarisation, we have gelled together. consumption of the bike, but I was for so long, but please don’t let that put
It’s a fantastic road bike; you only surprised to see the light come on after you off. It‘s still fantastic, won’t go wrong,
need read the September issue of FB 130 miles – I can get that out of my won’t chuck you off should you get a bit
magazine to discover what the FB guys GSX-R1000! Speaking of the litre bike, clumsy with the throttle and is perfectly
think of this bike. It really is the perfect I’ve been so impressed with the abilities suited to road riding. The front end is
tool if your riding is solely road based. of this 750 that I can’t wait to see what sublime and instils confidence, but for
Unfortunately, I don’t just ride on the the new GSX-R1000 is like; I think there me it doesn’t have quite enough shove
road, I also really enjoy getting on track could even be the possibility of a and its looks haven’t really changed
and I know as soon as you started to push purchase (loving the new WSB-rep enough over the years. If it was my bike
this bike it would show some limitations. colours!) if it’s as good as I hope. then modifications I’d be looking at
I was called down to Poole with work, So would I buy this bike? I don’t think would be a double bubble screen, a
which is a return journey of roughly 140 it’s for me. It’s pricey and doesn’t excite free-flow air filter plus an exhaust to give
it some more bark and a tail tidy.
A great face Summing up I’d say this is a terrific
for radio? road bike that is equally happy on the A
and B roads as it is commuting through
city traffic but may be too bland for
some. I know there is a dedicated 750
following and I’m sure they, like me,
would love to see a remodelled and
reworked bike for 2015; something that
would give the European manufacturers
something to think about...
Pete’s been
busy then...
ight then, where do I start? So myself were genuinely surprised at how
I’ve had the Multistrada for six fast it is when you really pushed it. The
weeks now and as I have said suspension still blows my mind and put a
before, I wasn’t looking forward to it due big smile on my face every time I went
to it not being my type of bike – and due past a superbike when the roads got bad.
to the lack of leg length on my part! I even took the Doris away for the
But I’ve used it almost every day since weekend on it. We thought we might as
I have had it and all I can say is what a well try this touring lark whilst I had the
bike! It’s completely won me over, it’s the perfect tool for the job. It was great; the Price from new: £16,995
Swiss army knife of the bike world. I’ve panniers have loads of space in them, the Insurance group: 17
used it for everything – going to do the top box has a pad for the pillions to rest
shopping, visiting customers, Sunday ride on and the riding position was perfect for
outs with the boys, I went to see BSB on the long ride. The engine has bags of
it and just taken it for an afternoon torque, which made two up overtaking a
thrash on my own. It does everything so breeze, and then when you’re cruising
well and I think all of my mates and along it’s lovely and smooth. and its quirky looks, it’s really grown on
The jury’s out on the touring thing, but me and I am genuinely going to really
the bike has really opened my eyes and miss it. It’s done everything I’ve asked of
like the old dear says, you shouldn’t judge it – and more. All I can say after 1,500
a book by its cover. The other thing I miles is it’s a great bike and if you’re in
noticed was how many looks it gets and the market for this sort of thing, you have
especially off GS owners. If you’re reading to try one before you look at any rivals.
this and you own a GS, you bought the So what next ? Well, a trip back to
wrong bike I’m afraid! Silverstone to collect the bike I was really
Then last week I had a message from looking forward to trying, the 899
Benjamin to say it needed to go back to Panigale. Upon arrival I was greeted by
Ducati, to pick up the next bike. Now I Jinx and the 899 in the best colour
thought before I got this bike that the day scheme possible on a superbike,
it went back couldn’t come soon enough, gorgeous satin white offset with red
but now the time has come I feel wheels, it really sets this bike off. But
massively gutted. I really do love this bike more on that next month...
1 MONTH (ISSUE 294) 0 0 6 6 0 ODOMETER
ello, my name is Ian and I’m the the R6. First impressions are what a little
lucky winner of the R6 longterm beauty it is. The longtermer is the blue
test. Well, somebody has to do and black combination with the matching
it. So first off, and most importantly, a metallic blue wheels that look fantastic.
massive thank you to Fast Bikes, From every angle it’s still the best looking
Yamaha, BikeSure Insurance and BikeTrac sports 600 out there, and in the flesh Price from new: £9,299
for an amazing opportunity – and for you’d be hard pushed to disagree. Insurance group: 15
trusting me with the bike and the blog. Then the panic came about how I was
Right, let’s get going. going to fit on it. I’m 6’ 3” and this bike
Getting the train down from London looked like it was built with Jorge’s Cracking on towards London on some
on Saturday morning to pick up the bike measurements in mind. Five minutes single carriageway roads, passing traffic
from FB HQ I was thinking about all the later, fighting through the Bath midday certainly is a cerebral and focused affair. I
reviews of the R6 to date. It’s supposed traffic, all this is forgotten. It’s comfy. found myself in the wrong gear on a good
to be a track focused revvy little monster Yes, actually comfortable. If you really few occasions waiting for the surge of
which, let’s face it, couldn’t be more want to know pain, go sit on a Ducati 848! power – which was about 3,000rpm
unsuitable for London and general road A brisk pace behind Benjamin (on an away. It really does rev to 17k, and what a
based riding, which is the majority of RSV4 travelling the same way) up the rush of power it has at the top. Not arms
what I do. But I’ve never bought or owned A303 kept me on my toes, to say the out of the sockets quick, but a mad
a bike for the right reasons so why should least. You can’t believe that an engine can screaming rush that makes all your
I start now ? rev that high, take that much abuse. And senses sharpen up. Make no mistake, it’s
After a warm welcome from Benjamin, what an addictive power delivery it has. a quick bike. Wind blast is fine and at
up goes the FB garage shutter to reveal It’s very unsettling at first as, true to motorway speeds there seems to be the
perfect balance of wind pressure on your
chest to lighten the load on your wrists.
TheYamahareallydoes rev to 17,000rpm, and Sitting down with a brew, writing this
whatamad,screamingrush of power up the top! ” and thinking about the first day on the
R6 I’ve got to say I’m impressed and more
than pleasantly surprised. What I hope to
form, it’s a little barren on power low do is tell you what the bike is like to live
down – and in the midrange – so you have with day to day, find any annoying niggles
to get used to keeping it on the boil. This and hopefully give you some useful
is not a criticism, more a reminder that information if you are thinking of buying
it’s a 600, and for Yamaha to squeeze one of these – or are even just interested.
122bhp out of it at the top end there has Over and out for now, speak soon, and
to be a compromise somewhere. safe riding everyone.
Project Bikes
25 MONTHS (FBK 271) 2 2 6 7 3 ODOMETER
iddling on the ZX-6R stalled for a there were stacks of designs and
while recently. The reason was materials to choose from, but I eventually
simple. I couldn’t get a bloody plumped for the plain titanium round Price bought: £1,000
exhaust bolt off. The design of the ZX’s carbon edge GP model – after much
can means that it bolts on to a boss. Two deliberation. We’ve been nothing but Modifications Price
of the three bolts came off with little impressed by Pipewerx’s gear, and quality Yuasa battery £28.95
drama. The third was an utter bastard of levels are only going up. Well priced, a Shock Factory shock £350.00
a thing that ended up bending one of my dream to fit, it looks great on – and the Carbon dipped Wheels £220.00
allen keys. sound? Ah, there’s the thing... Pipewerx Can £225.00
Resorting back to JHS James’s advice, I Only dragged out for occasional use, Dunlop Road Smart II £220.00
bathed it in penetrating fluid, then stuck the battery that I bought for it a year ago Wemoto front wheel 15.60
some heat on it, but to no avail (although has completely died. I tried three Wemoto rear wheels £24.00
with so much penetrating fluid on it, the different chargers and none could breath Kyoto wave discs £235.86
application of heat threatened the any life into it. So that worked out at Brenta brake pads £21.19
obvious conflagration…). I couldn’t get an about £10 a start all told… I bought the running total £1,340.60
impact driver on it because the link pipe battery off eBay, so I’ve learned my
was in the way, so I was at somewhat of
an impasse. In the end it came off
eventually with some good old fashioned THE BATTERY HAS DIED, WORKING
brute force. I got my brother round to look
at it, and that scared it into submission.
Taking the bolt out brought half the
thread with it, so it really was stuck in… lesson there. Time to invest… of new wave discs from Wemoto (well, I
And for why, I hear you ask? Well, I And I’m hoping that you saw the couldn’t put the rusty old set on, could I),
thought that I’d get the old Micron can off feature on the ZX’s wheels two months it was all a bit of a squeeze to get back on,
which had seen better days, and go for a ago. It was great to get them on, replete but get on they did.
more modern manufacturer – in the form with a set of RoadSmart rubber that I got And the end result is a static dream.
of Pipewerx. I jumped on the internet and fitted up at a tyre changer near me (www. There are still a few bits I’d like to change I was or swap, but the wheels and discs look
worried about the fitting process, but the amazing on it. I’m planning a last little
carbon finish and lacquer seems pretty hurrah for it this autumn, meaning that I
tough stuff meaning that it all still looks need to get it MOT’d, and that means
great. I thought it prudent to change the re-routing the indicators and sorting the
wheel bearings at the time, so a set of rear brake light out. What should be little
Wemoto items went it. As did a set of jobs are proving to be anything but, but
brake pads from the afore mentioned isn’t that what we all love about bikes?
supplier of all things bikes. The calipers
weren’t in a terrible state, and none of the contacts:
pistons were seized. It was just a case of AQUAGRAPHIX – WWW.AQUAGRAPHIX.CO.UK
No wonder it didn’t If any can can, cleaning them up and fitting the pads in.
want to come out... this can can... DUNLOP – WWW.DUNLOPMOTORCYCLE.EU
Given they were now chomping on a set WEMOTO – WWW.WEMOTO.COM
New wheel
(covering), new
bearings, new
discs, new pads...
Melandri Mystery
s things stand, nobody is sure what Marco Melandri is
doing next year. Aprilia want him on their new MotoGP
project, but following a visit to the Misano GP, Marco
stated he doesn’t want to be simple grid filler. With the
greatest of respect to Aprilia, that’s likely what will happen
should he take the job. In WSB he’s yet to win a title, but he’s
winning races and is a frontrunner almost every weekend.
That’s hard to let go of, understandably, but then the lure of GP
is strong, too. Current gossip has Team Alstare taking over
the factory Aprilia status in WSB and possibly
rehiring Leon Haslam. Melandri would come
with a big pay request, and we’ve heard Aprilia
say that without a big sponsor to pay his
wage, Marco may not stay in WSB. That gives
credence to the Alstare rumour, too, as they
don’t tend to pay out stacks of cash without
serious financial backing from somewhere.
onderful, brilliant news from over the the series great again. And, of course, get Yanks
pond – DMG will no longer be running back into the hot seats of international racing.
the AMA championship! You could There are a lot of details to be decided yet, a lot of
almost hear the cheers over here in Blightly when money to be brought in and many manufacturers
this was announced, as under DMG’s tenure, AMA to be tempted back into the AMA fold, but if
has become a faint shadow of its former glory. anybody can do it, Rainey can. AMA reached the
Now, there’s a new sheriff in town, and that’s GP pits this year running just six rounds. Yes it’s a big
legend Wayne Rainey. The lack of Americans in country to run a series at, but still, there’s an
both MotoGP and WSB prompted Wayne and his opportunity for it to be great once more, and we
partners, including former Team Roberts boss fully expect Rainey to take it, and roll with it. Good
Chuck Aksland, to try and wrest control and make luck all, bring back the glory days!
t’s currently tough times for the Crescent Suzuki squad, a solid choice best option by far. Another year on his contract. He is also at loggerheads
Lowes twins, a far cry from the for a first year in the class we’d the same bike, now he knows the with the team, as they don’t listen to
closing stages of last season as venture. There has been encouraging tracks, could either see success him by all accounts, and won’t
both homed in on major motorcycling signs from the lad thus far, we know blossom or earn an even better ride. change anything to suit him. It’s a
titles, beating stiff competition on he’s got the talent to run at the front, The grass is always greener, as they tough position to be in, he’d hold all
the way to them, with the future but a mixture of injuries, bike say. There was word of him maybe the cards were he winning. A solution
nothing but bright. Sam had won gremlins and over exuberance has joining brother Sam in Moto2, but isn’t clear right now, though him
World Supersport from Kenan gotten the better of him all too often. seeing how that’s going right now, joining Alex in WSB would be ace,
Sofuoglu, the supersport supremo, There’s no doubt WSB is a big step we always doubted it. Sam wouldn't it? The Crescent twins!
and Alex had wrested BSB from triple up in overall talent covering the meanwhile, won his world title, Whatever happens, we do hope they
champion Shane Byrne. Alex signed entire grid, too, so sometimes even moved to Moto2, looked great in get things sorted for Sam pretty
to move up to WSB with the Voltcom tenth place doesn’t come easily for testing but has since only shown sharpish, don't you?
STAT Who’s
ATTACK World Champion!
2 from 70
Jerez Double Win
Adding some
perspective to Rossi’s
Leading British Supersport NOT GOING TO IF
Misano win, that how
many races he’s won
out of the total he’s
raced, since his Sepang
victory in 2010 for
What the hell’s going on, Josh?! NOT DEBRIEF ME
numbers to view,
those, fo sho… Xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Out to lunch right now
Been in this column way too Sam Lowes, on Moto2 woes
Millar To MotoGP
ow then, Jack Millar has moved direct
from Moto3 to MotoGP with LCR
Honda alongside Cal Crutchlow. That’s
a 200bhp jump! Millar’s popularity grew
apace with his initial race results this year, a
stack of wins iced with some hilarious victory
goon riding. Who doesn’t love that kind of
thing? Dorna love a global sport, love to fill
their events, and minus Casey Stoner the
attendance at the Oz round has been down.
Millar should remedy that problem, should he
take to it. Although it’s a gamble by both he MOLE: HATES DISCRIMINATION
and Honda, frankly. There’s no other Aussie
out there right now that could fill Casey’s
shoes like Jack potentially could - good luck!
PitShadow & Remember last month when I
e’re yet to hear it officialy, but could Jonny Rea be about to expected of him on his MotoGP
sign for Team Green? The rumours that he is to ride debut? That really wound me up,
alongside Tom Sykes in WSB, and end a career long as he was essentially saying
affiliation with Honda in the process, have been deafening over the last what others in this GP paddock
few months. It has quietened down a notch since Loriz Baz was denied tend to think, which is that
an easy passage into MotoGP due to his height, and team’s Superbike racers aren’t up to it.
unwillingness to adjust bikes to suit him. There’s also the fact that It’s bullshit of the highest order.
Michael van der Mark’s move up to WSB with Ten Kate, means there’s So, when I got back from Misano I chortled away to hear him radically
only one seat left there now and Sylvain Guintoli has been mooted for that change this view, when he had a WSB racer visiting his chatterbox and
ride. Leon Haslam looks to be off, too, so only Guinters and Rea could really fit. sat right next to him. Suddenly what Leon achieved was always
Should Jonny move to Kawasaki, it’d be a bit of a shame as it would mean he’s expected, which is funny as that’s not what he had said at all. As it
tired of Honda’s promises. No MotoGP move despite the loyalty, no full factory happens, the last time this particular WSB racer was in the same box as
support in superbikes either. How long is someone of his talent to wait? said commentator a few years ago, things got pretty heated as the
loudmouth tried to essentially assassinate WSB talent live on air, and
force this poor fellow to agree with him and thereby validate his skewed
view. He didn’t, incidentally, he stuck to his guns like a top man does.
This time around, Mr commentator was far nicer about superbike riders
and was fawning to the point of being sickly, but at least he kept his
irresponsible and snotty opinions to himself for once. There’s one big
reason why superbike riders don’t have the success in GP they may be
capable of, and that’s getting a top ride for more than a couple of years.
One of the very top ones. In living memory only two have achieved it.
One was Ben Spies, who was a race winner and podium contender until
his year of utter hell saw him fall spectacularly from grace. The other
was Nicky Hayden, drafted directly from AMA, who given enough time
did manage to win the MotoGP title. And for anyone who says he didn’t
really win it, rather Rossi lost it, grow up and stop being stupid, you’re
probably the same type who takes their shirt off at football matches…
Top racers can all ride bikes to their limits, you need the best of
everything to make things gel properly, then shit begins to happen right.
Don’t have that top equipment and support, and you’re forever trying to
RATE-A-SERIES – WHERE THE ACTION’S AT… overcome deficiencies of one sort or another, most especially in GP. In
superbikes a rider can make a big difference on occasion, if that weren’t
true you wouldn’t have so many different race winners every there year
on year. But here? Nope, you need the best for success, and your best
chance is rising through the GP ranks as you’re then already in the circus,
rather than outside it trying to buy a ticket.
Once in a top seat, you’re usually loathe to lose it, although Valentino
Rossi worked a bit of genius getting his Yamaha ride back, didn’t he? It
was fantastic to see him win again, even if the race was extremely dull
to behold. That’s only his second win in roughly four years of racing,
something I never thought I’d ever hear myself considering. But long
may it go on, I remember feeling similar when Eddie Lawson took the
first win on the Cagiva 500, which perhaps shows my age a touch. In the
1990s, Eddie was as big in the racing world as Rossi, and none of his fans
MOTOGP 6/10 WSS 10/10 BSB – 9/10 wanted to admit he was past it. It’s the same now with Rossi fans,
Misano – A Rossi Win! Jerez - Supersport, – Shakey last turn win although things do move on, evidenced by the fact those who recently
Woo! But one long race of the year over Kiyo at Assen! embraced the sport having no clue why folk bang on about someone
boring race… contender! Game on! coming to the end of his career. It’s all about Marquez, isn’t it?
BMW S 1000 RR...”
hen a rider loses his job and can’t find another, anything, and a lot of people need experience to be fast on
sometimes they get a year off to go play golf, get something, I’ve managed to be fast right away. It’s not all
the brolly girl pregnant, or get fat. Then there are doom and gloom, it’s actually been quite interesting and
those who make something of the opportunity to I’ve learned a lot about what I want from bikes,” he said.
further their careers, and one such example is Britain’s Which is good, as your split with Crescent looked
own Leon Camier. Left high and dry at the end of 2013, worse when Eugene Laverty won the first race on your
things were looking down for the 2009 BSB champion. But bike in Australia, briefly at any rate.
he’s come back swinging, haven’t you, Leon? “Yeah, It’s a funny one as the bike works well at Phillip
“This year hasn’t been the end of the world,” said Leon. Island. I rode it there last year and was quickest all
“I was thinking at the beginning things had gone really through testing, then had a crash, they rebuilt it and there
badly. But I’ve still managed to ride some good bikes and Leon’s luck has come was a problem with the electronics and we couldn’t work
be competitive. Considering I’ve not had testing with good this year! out why we were so slow until afterwards. For Eugene,
since that win it’s been the same as me pretty much with
sixth and seventh places. Alex Lowes has tried to push it
too, and they’ve had some massive crashes trying to
override the thing and force it to happen. When you ride
it, it feels good, with decent potential, but for some reason
it just doesn’t do anything quite good enough anymore,
it’s lacking that last little bit. Me and Paul Denning had a
bit of a misunderstanding with the situation, but he does a
brilliant job pulling it all together. When I rode it we had
no full-time electronics guys, no split throttle body system,
the bike was behind the pack technology-wise. But now
they have all that, and it’s cured many of the issues I had
with it. Otherwise the bike is sort of limited to where it is,
it doesn’t have too much more left in it, Suzuki need to
bring a new bike out.”
And the spilt was a pity as you and Paul got on?
“I understand Paul’s decision from his point of view.
We went testing, and I came back from holiday
after the final round and I said I’d come
and do the next test if I was riding the
bike in 2014. We needed to agree on
the phone what the situation was, as I
didn’t want to test it for another rider
to race, there was no point. So we
agreed on the phone, and I let all my
other options go. We tested and it all went
really well, then afterwards I got a phone call
saying they had signed Eugene. I understand the
decision, there were some financial reasons
behind it that made a difference for Paul, but
still it was a shit situation as we let everyone
else down. We had to go crawling back to
them to see if a deal was still a possibility,
but it was too late by then. I had an
option with the Ioda ride in MotoGP
on a factory Aprilia. It all looked
good, then it went tits up. I
kept getting told it would
be the next test I rode
the bike, then the
next, and then it
didn’t happen. A
shit situation, yes,
but it is what it is
I guess.”
But you
ended up on
Barrier’s BMW
Evo WSB bike
after he hurt
himself, and went
pretty well.
“It was quite funny to
be honest, when we went to
Imola on the EVO bike we were quicker in
the race than both Suzukis, Toni Elias and Leon
Haslam. I got punted off early doors, so had to
catch up, but I was lapping faster than all of them.
Everyone was really peaking at that race, it was good
for us. I was doing well in the EVO series, but I missed
Donington when I split my bicep, which put me back a
few races. BMW Italy were trying to find some money to
I FEEL FOR JONNY REA, HE HAS BEEN SO racing is the future for sure. When Öhlins get
their heads around it things will get serious,
LOYAL TO HONDA OVER THE YEARS...” we were testing the standard Sachs ones.
Already the front end was amazing, the
amount of brake pressure you could put on to
actually win. They don’t appreciate the level time we saw a GP bike blow up? It happened the thing was mad, it just kept absorbing it,
of riders in WSB generally, though there are to Ben, and he won their first ever WSB title, pushing the tyre into the ground and turning.
superbike guys who’s style wouldn’t suit GP, but it meant nothing when he needed it to. One hundred percent, this is the future for
and vice versa. I think Eugene will be strong The biggest loyalty you get shown is usually racing and road, no doubt,” he concluded.
though, and if Jonny got a crack he would be from sponsors, lots have to me like Spidi and So then, a busy year, which no doubt will
too. When things move to Michelin, that X-LIte in recent years, and others. That said, earn him a fulltime ride in 2015. By the time
might shake things up. It’ll be a clean slate and BMW could have binned off Sylvain for me as you read this Leon may have raced the last few
a good time to join GP”. we could have won the series, but they rounds in BSB, or WSB, or perhaps even
Mr Rea has been waiting a long time for his decided to honour it when he returned. That MotoGP. Many are clamouring for his services
GP chance, hasn’t he? was fair enough, I was impressed by that, a lot and considering the experience he’s picked up
“I feel for Jonny, waiting so long with of teams wouldn’t have done that, they would in 2014, it’s not hard to see why. Good luck,
Honda. I learned early on that loyalty doesn’t have screwed him over for their own gain, so chap, and have a great 2015!
always count. Some manufacturers who make fair play to them I say.”
out it’s a family sport and you’re a part of that And then on to the German IDM series for
family, talk absolute shit, they’ll screw you BMW, why was that?
over soon as they feel they need to. Look at “Yeah, I did some development work for
Ben Spies and Yamaha, a bit of bad luck and it BMW in the IDM series on their clever
all goes totally wrong, but when was the last suspension. I think electronic suspension in
hen Assen was introduced to the ‘British’ superbike won’t come anywhere near the rush you get from tipping into Rusken-
calendar, I was the first to jump on the massive bandwagon hoek at 165mph in top cog, kissing the limiter as you bounce off the
of scepticism that swept the paddock. But, having now inside kerb. You need monstrously huge testicles for some of the
been involved in the whole circus atmosphere, jumping on the Stena corners. Even the Gert Timmer chicane is gert lush!
Line to the Hook of Holland and spanking the P&H Motorcycles 899 I’d never raced at Assen. Benjamin and myself had been there on a
around one of the best circuits in the world, I’ve been converted. And it trackday earlier in the year riding standard 899 Panigales, but sampling
takes less time to get to than Knockhill... it at race pace was another matter. I thought I knew my way around, but
Still peaking from the last race at Cadwell Park, the penultimate when you’re entering corners with another 10-20mph with some of the
round of the Ducati TriOptions Cup rolled into Assen; aka, the Cathedral best riders in the UK, it proved to be in another dimension. There were
of Speed. I’m not religious, but there’s something deeply special about basics we could prepare for, like running a longer wheelbase for
this place. I don’t care what new drug the kids are taking these days – it high-speed stability, and lowering the bike after Cadwell as there aren’t
any jumps at Assen. And we needed rear-end grip by the ton.
We were on the pace instantly, ending the free practice in fifth, and
only marginally slower than my teammate and championship leader,
Leon Morris. With little wrong in set-up and gearing, it was only track
time, stretching the cable and pushing the boundaries that was going to
get me further up the grid.
Props to my other teammate, Dennis Hobbs for giving me a tow in
qualifying and teaching me a few lessons. Pushing for a win was going
to be trickier than bedding Sharon Stone, but I showed good pace and
could help my team clinch the championship in some form by getting
involved with rival protagonists and pinching points. Me and Dennis
stumbled upon each other during qualifying. He looked over his
shoulder, tapped on his seat, gave a thumbs up, and I got a chubby one.
The lap was full of errors and botty-clenching moments, desperately
trying to keep up with Hobbs, but the next time I saw my pit board, it
read P3. P3? Booooooom! I came in to check rear tyre pressure and was
till P3. I went out for another stint and was still P3. As the chequered
Gas it!
flag went out, I was still P3. Was I really going to land my debut front
row start at this most special of circuits?
I WANTED TO ROLL THE DICE IN front and rear rubber, won the race as I wallowed to a miserable 17th.
What should have been an easy top-five turned into dropped
THE CONDITIONS ON TRACK...” championship points and a miserable ferry crossing home.
I’ve got to mention the P&H Motorcycles/Carl Cox boys for their
continued graft. The results at Assen and their grafting have clinched
from Guiver and Nutt. the championship; only Dennis and Leon can win the 2014 Ducati
One of the benefits of having Niall MacKenzie as the ambassador for TriOptions Cup, as 13 points separate the pairing as we head into the
the series is the help we receive from ‘Spuds’. He’s always there for final round at Silverstone, so the depressing ferry turned into a
set-up queries or is out standing on a corner spotting, dishing out Jägermeister drinking session and mild celebrations all round. Even
advice. We talked through my grip issues and came to a rough solution Kiyonari was mingling with fans on the boat, sinking pints and
for race two. But Niall’s help was made largely useless, as the rain provoking banter. He was even one of the last men standing!
clouds surrounded Assen and smothered the circuit with their tears. The 899s have provided some of the closest, most intimate racing at
As the pit lane opened, most of the grid had full wets fitted. BSB this season. Make sure you check-in at Silverstone, because it’s
Two-thirds of the track was bone-dry, the other third was piss-wet. The about to reach an explosive crescendo. Once again, thanks to Vanworx,
majority shoved in a dry rear tyre on the grid, but I thought a gamble South West Karting and White Dalton for their support. It’s gutting to
might work, hoping to capitalise on the wet sections and, as it had been think it’s taken three quarters of a season to get near the front boys and
declared a wet race, hoping it would rain again. I should have known somewhere where I believe we can run, but that’s racing...
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podium for
Chaz and
i guys, another month rolls by and finally I have the wild blue
some racing to tell you about after our ludicrously yonder...
long summer break. Our first race back was at
Jerez, which is really not one of my favourite circuits. But
before Jerez I did a video with comedian Alan Davies for a
road safety campaign, at Castle Combe. It was a good fun
couple of days, and I learned to look ahead more than I
currently do. Yes, we do that in racing, but this is about
spotting hazards, scanning for potential issues, and so on.
Our instructors were great at it, they noticed stuff so fast it
was pretty impressive.
But on to Jerez, and the podium! It was good to stand
up there for a change and make progress. We really
suffered from grip issues there, but my overall race pace
was 20 seconds faster than it was last season, and a lot of
that I found in myself by adjusting my style. Grip is our
issue, that’s what kept me from being right up front at the
end of the race. At the start it was fine and I could stick
with race winner Marco Melandri easily, until the grip
dropped and we got to the final turn. He’d drag a good few
tenths every time on me there, and that was that. It’s a
shame as for the first eight laps the bike was mint, but
right now the tyre goes off quite dramatically and that’s
something we need to work on, the missing ingredient. I
was fourth in race two after a crap start, and couldn’t quite
catch Tom Sykes after a bunch of battles breaking through.
Folk have asked how our new and tighter race schedule
affects us. Aside from finishing a lot earlier, we’re on track in traffic and passed by bikes every five seconds!
for warm-up by 8.30am and then the first race is at While there it was good to see Ducati finish so close to
10.30am. If you get on the podium then you have all the the winner and great to see Rossi win again too. I think he
media debriefs and stuff to attend. Then you have your had that race covered, no matter what else went on.
team debrief to squeeze in, and you end up having lunch Funnily enough, I then went to Rossi’s off-road ranch
at the same time. You need to get something in you on Tuesday, which was fricking awesome. It’s something
quickly, but you have just enough time to take your suit special, he’s done it right and fair play to him. You can see
off, then have to put it back on again. Nothing much to how his ranch has brought his riding on. I watched videos
whinge about, it’s just a little more hectic to deal with. of him off-road a couple of years ago, and he looked like
After our race I went to Misano for a break and the GP. most road racers do on the dirt, which is uncomfortable.
Spending so much time at home Now he is very, very fast and the
during summer I wasn’t
bothered about going back this I WENT TO two-kilometre track is very well done
indeed. Almost everyone was
time, so I grabbed a Diavel off
Ducati to get from the beach to ROSSI’S RANCH AND there, even Marquez
turned up with his full
the track on. I even had Michael
Laverty on the back at times, IT WAS AWESOME! on trick Honda
off-roader and
riding pillion bitch, bitch! It’s a
good way to travel, and beats IT GOT SERIOUS support. It got a
bit serious and
the traffic going to the circuit.
Speaking of which, on the BETWEEN HIM AND dicey by the
end of the
Saturday I was going to cut
between two cars going into the MARQUEZ BY day, the lap
record was
track, and there was loads of
space between them. As I went
to go through, the car on the
THE END...” lowered by
and I think
right closed the gap off when they saw me coming. You Marquez beat Vale in the end,
bugger, I thought! I gave him a bit of a ‘WTF’ gesture and but only just. I’m certainly
got some gestures back in return. Then I realised that the looking forward to going
gesturer was in fact Paul Bird, Michael’s boss! He back there sometime.
double-took when I flipped my visor up and he twigged Until next month, folks,
who it was! I think he was getting fed up with being stuck take care!
ell, I guess there’s only
one place to start this
month, and that’s with
Valentino Rossi winning again. As soon
as he comes back, everyone is happy.
I’ve always said I thought he could win
races, I just don’t think he can win a
championship again, not a MotoGP
title anyway. But it was superb wasn’t
it? He rode brilliantly, had the crowd
behind him and he has definitely
changed his style this year to keep up
with the kids. Out of all the other guys,
he’s the one who has reacted best,
including to the latest tyres, while the
rest have stuck to their guns and taken
ages to get their shit back together. A
couple of things went in his favour
with Jorge choosing a wrong tyre,
Pedrosa being out to lunch and
Marquez falling off, but you need
to be fast to be in the position to This was about as far as
take advantage of others’ day Steve got all weekend...
days, and Rossi was. Had
Lorenzo chosen the right tyre configurations to be competitive.
we may have had a bit of a race, Going back to MVDM, his contract with
but then even if it was a bit Honda is apparently to send him to MotoGP
boring seeing him win again is in the third year after two with Ten Kate in
amazing, it even made the Stavros, ab WSB, but we’ve heard that before. I think there
normal papers! to get colla out will be clauses he needs to meet in there for
Talking of boring races, that to happen, but I do hope so as we haven’t
how about some amazing ones? The latest British had a fast Dutchman in a long time. We’re still
supersport race from Assen was mind-boggling, have you waiting on whether Marco Melandri will choose to prop
seen Luke Stapleford’s style? It’s ridiculous! It looks like up the GP grid, or keeping winning in WSB, and Loriz Baz
he’s watched Marquez, then added another dollop of has been told he’s too tall for a GP bike! It looks as though
crazy to it. Bloody hell, he chucks the thing in and climbs the WSB exodus to GP isn’t going to happen, especially if
off it with his foot up way off the peg. The first time I saw Jonny Rea goes to Kawasaki alongside Tom Sykes. There’s
it I thought he was falling off! But then, he’s fast isn’t he? lots of exciting movement in racing about to happen, you
Randy Mamola used to do the same, granted, but mainly lot reading this will probably know more than me. I’m
because his legs were too short and these guys are doing it looking forward to commentating on it all, that’s for sure.
on purpose. Absolutely loving that series right now, five or Speaking of TV, my old partner Charlie Cox is nice and
six of them are constantly up for a busy these days, as director of the
win, usually on the last corner!
Then there’s World Supersport I DID ABOUT Metro newspaper would you
believe? People used to bash him
from Jerez, did you see that? What
a stonker, utter lunacy with TWO LAPS AT all the time, but what nobody ever
realises is he’s a smart cookie
smashing and bashing, pushing
and shoving. I feel for Jules Cluzel, I GOODWOOD ALL alright, and likely getting paid
more in a month that the BBC did
reckon he’d of won that race if his
MV Agusta had been working WEEKEND, THE BIKE in a year. Good luck to him I say.
I did manage to get to the
properly, but it kept jumping out of
gear, and that’s the title decided. I
must say that considering new
KEPT SEIZING...” Goodwood Revival, but may as
well have not taken my leathers.
Our bike kept seizing, I did about
champion Michael van der Mark only needed to finish, for two laps all weekend, and always came back on a trailer.
him to keep scrapping for the win was great to see. Good event though, I got arrested for arresting people
Supersport the world over proves you don’t need a while directing traffic, as I was dressed as a period copper!
single engine to have amazing races, unlike Moto2 which Worked really well, people took notice of me and did
has been a bit dreary all year. Lesser power allows rider to whatever I said, though I did get into a little bit of trouble.
get away with a bit more, and therefore other makes and Anyway, see you all next month!
All the best roads, corners and scenery Wales has to offer!
Great b
y roads
Happ rider wales 3
hese trips are fast
becoming the highlight of
my year. Yes, going to
exotic tracks and locations is epic, but
there are so many sublime routes on
our doorstep that we often overlook
them. It all kicked off three years ago when
we did our trip to the French Alps – a
spectacular smorgasbord of mountain roads.
Then we did a lap of Ireland, which produced
some surprising routes. Last year we went to
Scotland, and that was a real eye opener. On that
supplement’s cover we declared the land to own
the best roads, the best corners and the best
scenery in Britain. But do you know what, I’m 14 MAXXIS
not so sure that’s right after this undertaking...
The reality of time and money means that
while we make regular incursions into Wales, we
don’t spend that much time there. This trip was
an opportunity to right that wrong as we set
about finding the ten best routes there. We spent
two days compiling these roads, some we knew
and others that we didn’t, but we could have shot
a week’s worth of beautiful photography on
almost any bend along these routes.
As you’ll see, Wales looks great as a backdrop, 15 MAP
but the riding itself is even better. From start to
finish, we were presented with an array of
different roads, with every type of corner
conceivable. We went in mid-September and got
glorious weather, almost deserted roads and the
opportunity to really discover whether these are
the best roads in Britain. It’s a close run thing,
with Wales and Scotland vying for the
title. Why not make your own mind
up and have a blockbuster day out! 19 TRACKS
Tel:01225 442244 Fax:01225 732275
Editor:Simon ‘Rootsy’ Roots, Email: Independent publisher since 1885 Media Centre, Mortons Way, Horncastle, Lincolnshire, LN9 6JR
Design:Ian Lloyd-Edwards Join us on Facebook: The publisher accepts no responsibility for unsolicited manuscripts or photographs. If you are sending material to us for publication, you are strongly advised to make copies and to include a stamped
Photography: Jonny Gawler FastBikesMagazine addressed envelope. Original material must be submitted and will be accepted solely on the basis
Maps: Contains Ordnance Survey data that the author accepts the assessment of the publisher as to its commercial value. © Mortons
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4 wales
In association with
06 B4235/B4598 22 A44
08 B4560 24 A4120
10 A4061/A4107 26 A4212/B4391
12 A4069 28 A4086
20 A483/B4358/A483 30 A452/A525 wales 5
or most of us, Wales isn’t very far away. come and ride round the country, probably. Yes,
Whether it be the bits at the top for those it rains, but pick the right time and you’ll be able
of us in the North West, the middle bit for to ride for days with the sun on your back and a
the Brummies, or South Wales for anyone near smile on your face.
the M4, a trip to the principality is easily possible We’ll keep a welcome in the hillside, so they
in a day. To see the best of the country, why not say, and on the whole the locals are pretty
take a few days off and explore everything it has friendly, with plenty of bike mad Welsh to stop
to offer – there’s more than you’d think... and talk to at the popular bike haunts. The police,
But why would you go in the first place? Well, however, take a dim view of treating the roads as
that big bit of rock that sticks out of the side of a racetrack, especially historically in the North,
England has an awful lot of varied riding to offer. so use your head to avoid a confrontation – Araf
From the Black Mountains and Brecon Beacons means slow…
in the south, to the rollercoaster routes in the We took the chance to visit this fabled land in
middle and the majestic views in and around September, and had a rocking time compiling this
Snowdonia national park, there’s plenty to tempt list. It’s not a massive country, so you can cover
us into a trip – and the roads are fantastic. the most important routes over a weekend, but
There are no expensive ferries to take, only the remember that there’s lots more to discover
toll booths of both Severn crossings to contend (especially if you’re of an off-road persuasion).
with – and they’re free for bikes. So that’s like the But if we’ve missed any out, let us know and
Welsh Government actively encouraging us to we’ll head there as quickly as we can.
6 wales
In association with
With bikes being free on the Severn crossings,
and no ferries to consider, all you’re paying for is
your petrol, which makes Wales a better solution
for many. Scotland’s great, but it isn’t half a long
way away if you’re of a southerly persuasion.
A sat nav isn’t crucial as Wales isn’t that big in
the grand scheme of things. But there are a few
little short cuts and junctions worth taking, so
make sure you note them down in advance so
you don’t miss out.
Three forces are responsible for policing in Wales,
and while treatment should in theory be equal,
each force has their own priorities – and for a
while North Wales’s was to catch speeding
bikers. The infamous bike-hating chief constable
Richard Brunstrom (aka the Mad Mullah of the
Traffic Taliban) has since retired, but there are
still regular purges on speeding hotspots by all
forces. Check on each individual forces’ website
for camera locations or the GoSafe website at
ROAD: B4235/B4598
DISTANCE: 25.6 MILES boasting big banks and blind crests forcing you to
keep a steady nerve as you click between second,
ilence prevailed over our first photospot third and fourth. The road surface is good, there’s
of the trip, on the B4235 just out of not much in the way of habitation on this route,
Chepstow, until a quartet of three and traffic is almost absent in the week, meaning
aftermarket piped Beemer RRs and a KTM RC8 R you don’t have to risk many overtakes on
shattered the silence in beautiful style. You could whatever counts for a straight round here.
hear them coming for miles off, revs rising and After you’ve pottered through Usk, the B4598
falling with each passing turn – sonically denoting to Abergavenny is faster and more open, but the
what a ragged ribbon of road this really is. They reward at the end of that route is a cup of tea at
eventually flew past in a blur of colour and noise, the Oasis café at the bus station – or a new biker
riding hard towards Usk – and I was about to friendly venue called the Steel Horse café
join them. Game on! on the B4598 itself. What a way to
Only a few miles from the original LOOK kick off the journey…
(and now decidedly shabby) Severn
OUTwiFdely known by :
Bridge, this was supposed to be a Though not
the area, the
those outside of
gentle introduction to the country’s of the fun that
police are aware
s road. Some
roads, but instead this rollercoaster can be had on thi esafe B
route provided a day’s worth of thrills use it as their Bik
en t route...
in the space of about half an hour. It
really is a stunning road, made all the more
pretty by the sun setting off the early turning
leaves; and made all the more enticing by it
seemingly being closed to traffic....
It all goes bananas about 200 yards off the
A466’s turn off to Usk, and the corners are A
relentless until you hit the junction onto the
busier A472 that takes you into town. The route
is lined with forests and fields, with corners
8 wales
In association with
OUTrepFuteOdRto:be on
The road is
jurisdiction of
the border of the
BEAUFORT– Dyfed-Powys an
d Gwent police
forces, although
that does
with creatures less attuned to the green
cross code. The moorland steadily
not mean chases
end at
the country line…
climbs with some relatively gentle kinks
before the world drops beneath you after a
DISTANCE:16.8MILES few miles and you’re presented with the
amazing ribbon of road you’re about to undertake.
t may be fairly short, especially the most A series of sharp corners leaves you in no doubt
interesting bit over the big hill in the middle, but that you’re right in the middle of the action, and
this road over the beginnings of the Brecons is what with a polished surface in part, you have to
perfectly formed – although chucking down some navigate these turns wisely and feel for the grip
fresh Tarmac over a few corners wouldn’t hurt… available – not charge hard straight away and
As you climb up out of Beaufort and the major discover a dodgy surface. The views are immense up
road building that’s happening on the trunk route here, especially at a perfectly placed car park that is
A465, you’re greeted by the first cattle grid of the trip, in a prime location for a quick snap. Then it’s on
meaning that you may be sharing the road ahead with the show before your tyres cool, heading down
10 wales
In association with
ROUTE wales 11
you quickly pick up the spirit of the ride after the
town as the hairpins continue on the south side.
There’s a choice to make here, which is to keep
on the A4061 to sample a few more tight turns
(and beyond if you venture onto the A4093), but
HIRWAUN – PORT if you switch to the A4107 towards Port Talbolt
ROAD: A4061/A4107
then you manage to fit in a more relaxed road
towards the coast, but still with its fair share of
LO O K challenges.
DISTANCE: 30 MILES OUT FatOtheRtop: . So of This is more than an entertaining way
An ice cream getting between the M4 in the south
ds prove to be
s you ride down the many of these roa people to and the more northerly A465, it’s a proper
frustrating slow A465 popular enough good run in its own right, although it’s
at the top of the Valleys, park up and flog bumpy in places and the whole road could
ok out
refreshments. Lo
you see a big lump of rock to as they pull out... do with a new surface sometime soon –
your south that promises much. don’t hold your breath though…
And after a blast up the A4061 you get
your reward in the form of some fast turns through
the trees and then a wide hairpin enticing you to
carve through it. And that’s just the beginning...
Mind, though, as the surface isn’t brilliant,
with a few bumps just in the wrong place. This is
a turn that takes a few goes to get right, but at
least you get to see what’s coming the other side.
Then you charge up to the summit, where again B
there’s an aptly placed car park for you to gaze
down at the scenery before you. If you press on
then you come across a few more miles worth of
great turns with rock on one side and big drop
offs on the other before you get to Treherbert.
The slow trundle through town follows, but
12 wales
In association with
ROAD: A4069
his has to vie for the title, among a few
select others, of the best road in Britain. In
lots of ways this route over the Black
Mountains is much like the B4560 and has a similar
look and feel to it, but the A4069 offers more
corners, possesses a better road surface and looks
seriously stunning while you’re on the hoof.
Speaking of animals (or their parts), you not only
have to contend with the ubiquitous sheep as you
head over the hill, but there are ponies on the
moorland too. But not all the fauna is land based,
and riding alongside a pair of gracefully gliding Red
Kites was a pretty special experience. While they
hunt for their prey in the grass way below the road
line, you can get on with hounding down the next
turns – and it doesn’t take long to find them.
The corners come thick and fast as you head up
to a not quite giddy height of nearly 500 metres,
with a great variety of turns packed in. There are
some quick flicks as well as some more substantial
corners with a few extra degrees of turn when you
think there won’t be, and then a tricky hairpin bend
that no matter how many times you go round, it
always feels clumsy. If you’re heading north, you’ll
tick the hairpin off and race downhill. Once past a
dry stoned walled bridge, you may think that the
fun’s over as you cross the cattle grid, but you
need to keep your wits about you
LOOK through to Llangadog itself.
OUT FcanOpoRpu:pon houses There are more trees here, a few
and a couple of roads –
Little springs point,so
the roadatalmos ou ldb e whereas on the mountain you only
rideasif apuddle of any have to worry about animals,
sittingonthe ap
trecce, oncoming traffic and your own
corner(for your firs
B at least…). bravado. The road from here looks
straight on the map, but is far from it,
with curve after curve taking up all
available brain power.
It’s an epic road, all of it, and one that you could
happily camp out on all day. It gets busy at the
weekends, and don’t be surprised to see the police
making sure that no-one gets ideas above their
station. Get anything wrong and you’re going to
A end up at the bottom of a very steep and stony hill,
so make sure you focus, because a road this good
deserves 100 per cent of your attention. wales 15
e shod our longterm KTM 1290 Super
Duke R on a set of new Maxxis
SuperMaxx Diamond tyres (look out
for the MA3DS title on them), and they proved to
offer a great blend of grip, reassurance and
stability on this booming bike. The tyre’s USP is
the obvious diamond shoulder tread pattern – but
there’s more to them than meets the eye.
The use of the shoulder pattern is clear – to
give enhanced grip and feel at the edge,
especially so when conditions aren’t as clement
as you’d hope for. You can feel the tyres move
onto this part of the rubber when you start to
reach some interesting angles, and while a little
strange the first time round, you soon get used to
this reaction from the tyre – and, indeed, look for
it as a judge of angle. But the advantages of a
pattern like this are clear when it’s wet. While
other tyres become nigh-on slick in this area, the
SuperMaxx Diamonds come into their own.
They’re not quite a race wet, but they’re as close
as you’re going to get with a road tyre, and
they’re not the compromise you might think they
would be in the dry. The new tyres have a 10 per
cent larger footprint at 35 degrees (no, you’re not
Marquez – this is the real world), but corner
camber angle is upped by 10 degrees. Elsewhere,
the tyres have a new Ultra tread compound
which helps dry traction, both under acceleration
at the rear and braking at the front. The sidewalls
have been stiffened so improve handling
consistency – an important facet when you
combine the shoulder’s tread pattern.
We’ve seen a set of the exact same tyres fitted
to the KTM for £170 for the pair. That’s
impressive value for a tyre that is enormously
adept on the road. For more information and
details of stockists, head to
16 wales
-ROAD: A483/B4358/A483
ROAD: B4560
-ROAD: A4069
In association with
In association with
ROAD: A4212/B4391
A4120 A
In association with
With Snowdonia
as a backdrop,there’s
no finerplaceto
watch racing... ”
ales is home to three tracks you can curve at the end of the back straight.
use – and soon to be base to a very Llandow is the final track you can currently
important fourth – as well as a use for a trackday, and the circuit holds its own
unique track in the middle of a municipal park. events there on a regular basis. We use this track
Anglesey is our first port of call, as we’ve as it makes a cracking test circuit, what with its
chosen this track in the past to host our massively mix of corners and the Tarmac’s undulations. If
important Sportsbike of the Year test on two you’re expecting cracking catering and a
occasions. The track offers a phenomenal mix of sumptuous pit complex, you’d better think again,
stupidly fast corners and really technical slow but what the track lacks in facilities it makes up
ones, making it an insane workout for man and for in value for money and entertainment.
machine. It may seem like it’s a million miles The Circuit of Wales should be in operation in
away, but it’s only an hour and a half down the 18 months to two years time, and that really will
A55 – which is dual carriageway throughout. The be a track to behold, but until it’s built the last
track is also used for plenty of race meets, and location we can watch motorsport at is at
with Snowdonia as a backdrop there’s no finer Aberdare. One weekend every July, the town’s
place to watch the thrills and spills. park is opened up to racing, with all manner of
Pembury is the next big track on the list, and machinery thundering round the mile long tight
again this Welsh circuit has lots of reasons to visit and twisty circuit. It’s well worth a visit just to
(and was reputed to be one of Ayrton Senna’s see insane action happening in a park!
favourite tracks). It seems longer than its 1.5 mile contact:
length, and once you’ve got the super tight first
corner out of the way the rest of the track really WWW.PEMBREYCIRCUIT.CO.UK
flows. The two standout corners are the massive WWW.LLANDOW.COM
lefthand turn of Dibeni, which takes ages to turn WWW.CIRCUITOFWALES.COM
into one flowing turn, then the ballsy Woodlands WWW.ABERDARE-PARK-ROAD-RACES.CO.UK wales 21
OUT FOR: scattered about, but nothing that
LLANDOVERY Doub lewhitelines,ast
plenty of them he here’s
you’respottedcros nd if
interrupts the enjoyment of what’s
you’llbe introuble
justspeed the Po
lice is
becoming an awesome ride –
especially if you take a left at
Beulah and head off on the B4358.
DISTANCE: 54.1 MILES This is the short cut that lops off
Builth Wells, and like any good short cut
his route is the stuff of legend, and a firm it adds an element of adventure to
favourite here at Fast Bikes. It’s the sort of proceedings – as well as some pretty views.
road that starts off innocuously enough, Like the rest of the route, the gradients are
but then before you know it you’re flicking your gentle, but with curves in all the right places it
steed this way and that, like you’re riding a means that you’re never on a level plane for too
Newton’s Cradle, in a frantic attempt to steer it long. The scenery is green and pleasant, but not so
through the bends that come relentlessly. pretty as to put you off, meaning you can
We’ve normally just done the Crossgates to concentrate on the vanishing points that never
Newtown section, but seeing as we’d just done the seem to let up.
A4069 and found ourselves in Llandovery we You’re not in Crossgates for long, and once you
picked up the A483 and headed north. The fabled go past the sinister ANPR cameras (monitoring
road starts off in sensible fashion, but the corners road tax evasion and trying to spot any sheep
soon come jumping out at you. It’s nothing too rustlers) we’re back on the road that we know and
fearsome to begin with, but as the miles quickly love – as this is the route onto the road if you come
click off the rhythm of the road becomes nothing into mid-Wales on the A44. This road gets better
but brilliant. There are junctions and houses the further along you go, and before long the
fourth and fifth gear corners turn into second and
third ones, with the last few miles into Newtown
being exhilaration defined. The surface isn’t what
it once was, and the shell gripped corners have lost
much of their shell in places, but by and large
there’s nothing to upset a road biased set-up.
The road does has a reputation, and we’ve seen
speed camera vans in operation on other visits.
Google the road and its association with accidents
is obvious, so there’s plenty to make you keep you
on your toes. It can get frustratingly busy at times
(for mid-Wales) as it is a trunk road heading north
east, so pick your moment as towards Newtown
the chances to legally overtake become rare. The
road forges northward to Chester (and southward
down to Swansea), but by Newtown you should
have had your fill – and a new favourite road will
have been etched to your brain… wales 23
ales has some cracking roads that
span the country in one direction or
another (we’ve just read about the
A483, but also the A5, A487 and A470), but the
A44 just about takes the title as being the best of
these. It cuts through the middle of Wales and
takes on the topography – for better or worse.
Starting on the border at Kington, you may
wonder what all the fuss is about, but you’ll soon
come across an amazing set of bends halfway
between here and Crossgates. It’s a special little of the run. With a set of magnificent corners
section that hugs the side of the hills, meaning carving through the impossibly green hillside,
you’ll have a lot on your plate for a mile or so. there is a slight sense of this being almost TT-like.
Things calm a little after that, and that’s a With a good road surface, wide carriageways and
reflection of the road itself, as there are some dead light(ish) traffic, this section can be joyous. The
straight sections that you have to control your scenery is pretty impressive, although not so much
natural urges on (for fear of encountering a law so that tourists are gawping and taking pictures
enforcement vehicle at some point), before some everywhere, leaving you to flow through here.
laugh-laden sections that make it all worth it. If you’re after a long ride through to the seaside
After Rhayder, the road becomes the A470, with then you’ve just found it. It’s not a balls out
a few turns here and there, but nothing much road by any stretch of the imagination,
to write home about. Then at Llangurig O K but there are some great stretches to
you jump back on the A44 for the final :
OUTtarFgeOtedRby the play on. Hit Aberystwyth for a tea, a
25 miles into Aberystwyth where the road is mooch or even the night (there are
Th e
pretty fields turn into a much more e 120 bikers stacks of B&Bs) and you’ve then
Police, and in Jun
macho backdrop. Again, things start re sto pp ed with the police given yourself all sorts of options to
we tted a
straight enough, then descend into a finding 71 had com for go home – including one often
traffic offence, 39
myriad of turns over the middle section speeding... overlooked route back…
24 wales
In association with
BRIDGE waterfall things here, Mynach Falls,
so stop and have a gawp – it’s all very
pretty. If you’re not that fussed then make your
DISTANCE: 15.7 MILES way north form here, taking in some brilliant
bends along the way. Take the B4343 if you want
e stayed the night in Aberystwyth, the journey to last a little longer (or jump off the
surviving to tell the tale, and would A44 here if you’re heading westward) where the
have headed north first thing the next road falls down a hill before climbing back up.
morning had I not checked my emails. I was There is a fair amount of tourist traffic heading
tipped off about another road in the area – the this way, so look out for camper vans and the odd
A4120 – saying that between this and the A44 it tourist bus heading to the falls.
formed the local Aber-TT track (cheers Byrn!).
So with aching limbs from the day before, we
set out on this unknown road, and once we left the
town behind us, we were treated to an absolute
cracker. It’s got a wealth of different turns – and A
hardly any straights to its name – meaning my
morning work out was done by the time we
reached the A44 again.
There’s only one or two hamlets up here on this
side of the valley to the A44, so traffic was almost
absent, although there are a few junctions to roads
that are heading north to join it. The views are ROUTE
pretty special over the valley, and the road itself
follows the path of the Vale of Rheidol railway and
it feels like it’s clinging to a contour line.
26 wales
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28 summer 203
In association with
ROAD: A4212/B4391
at its most northerly tip, but the
rest of the road, though
spectacular, doesn’t offer too much
DISTANCE: 183 MILES in the way of cornering thrills. That’s
why you need to turn right onto the B4391.
trap yourself in, things are about to get As we turned onto it, we saw some new
very busy. Bala is a stop off for many on Jaguars being put through their paces (the cars,
a ride through the area, and the big not the animals) and this gives you some sort of
draw is the A4212 around the Celyn lake. True, indication of what’s about to follow. Cross over
the cattle grid and you are presented with a strip
of grey Tarmac between the rambling moorland
on either side. Combining a heady mixture of
tighter turns that then pinged off crests at their
exit, with other fast turns requiring pinpoint
accuracy, the B4391 is an absolute riot to ride.
You’ve got to keep your eyes peeled for
sheep, and sheep shit is a genuine hazard in the
wrong place. Otherwise the surface was one of
the grippiest of the trip and we hardly came
across any traffic coming the other way – Jaguars
notwithstanding. But there were two cars of
interest we did see, that of an unmarked police
Skoda estate and a patrol car that followed about
15 minutes later. So the police know this road is
a playground for some, so keep your wits about
you and hold back if you have a hunch.
I had no idea this road was so good. Not
many talk about it on the internet, partly
because so many miss it by sticking on the
A4212. But this road really is
something special, with only one
road coming off it and some LOOK
impressive scenery for those OUT FOR:
riding at a pace to enjoy it. You’reclosetoSno
cou wdon
B4391willlargely ough the
be avoided by
caravaners andc
roads aroundthe rs, the
be saturatedwith
ROAD: A4086
DISTANCE: 18.1 MILES OUTrouFndOheRre:would
red to called
probably be prefer s lots of
walkers, but there’ boots
ust when you think things ddy
couldn’t get better, the A4086 them in their mu
; give
and walking sticks
comes along to blow your socks them a wide berth
off. If you’re heading to the coast or on
towards Anglesey it’s tempting to stay on
the A5 on your way up, but if you peel off onto the
A4086 at Capel Curig then the return on your
riding investment is huge.
The first few miles offer plenty of promise of
what’s to come, but you actually have to turn right
onto the road (rather than go straight on, on the
A498) to get the best of the action on offer. This is
the Llanberis Pass (as in a pass at Llanberis, it
doesn’t pass Llanberis), and is a spectacular piece
of road in whatever context you want to judge that
by – just don’t look down...
The blast to the top is interrupted by some
corners that seem to go off the edge of the world,
and you can’t help but respect what little room
you have up here. Then you’ve got the natural
stopping point at the top (with a handily placed
café) for a stunning setting with a brew in hand.
The road down snakes its way past big boulders
and vans parked up with disgorged rock climbers
already dangling off the edge of the mountains to
each side. The dry stone wall denotes the patch of
Tarmac you’re to stay in (and keeps a lot of the
animals at bay), and really focuses the mind.
However, there’s plenty to see here, and that’s true
whatever vehicle you’re in, so watch out for
tourists crossing onto your side of the road at
almost any point – I encountered two...
Once you’ve got to Llanberis (with its railway to
take you up to the top of Snowdon), you’ve had
the best of the road, but if you hook a left you can
go behind Wales’ biggest peak and blast back on
the A4085. This is the low side of the land, and the
road itself isn’t anywhere near as spectacular or
flowing, but it’s a different option to get you back
– and if you travel on it further south you will be
agog at the fact that this is actually classified as an
A-road at all.
The road is more than a stretch of Tarmac, it’s
one of those routes that becomes a journey in its
own right. You won’t forget it anytime soon…
30 wales
In association with
It’s a spectacular
piece of road,justdon’t
look down... ”
road, then why
If you like the
there. The
not stay the night
ero sa café has rooms, so
u can catch the last and
y while
first light of the da
on your bike…
aving just peaked, literally, roundabout at the A5104 and you get a nadgery
on the Llanberis Pass, we’d run on the Nant Y Garth Pass (the A525) through
psychologically done the trip, but in the to Ruthin – although the closer you get to town the
back of our minds we had one more road to make fewer corners there are to enjoy. Otherwise do a
it ten – the Horseshoe Pass. Late, tired and aching, quick U-turn and repeat the fun until you run out
it would have been tempting to skip this last road, of fuel – and if you’re in need of the human fuel,
but because it was a minor diversion from our stop at the Ponderosa café at the summit of the
route on the A5 home we couldn’t turn it down pass where you can take in the stunning views.
– especially with a name like Horseshoe Pass. You’ll be in good company as bikers flock to the
Llangollen is a busy town, but once you find the café for all the right reasons…
A452 heading north the traffic seriously thins out.
You climb up through woods and then the drama
of the environment takes a turn for the better as B
the road negotiates itself through the landscape.
This is what we came for; a series of tight bends
that slowly climb their way up and over the hill/
mountain side.
We’re back in sheep country now, and there’s a
lot of them on the road between the cattle grids,
meaning take heed and watch for any flashing
lights from road users coming the other way. They
seemed feistier than other sheep in Wales too,
more ready to stand their ground, so you’ve been A
The fun carries on during the descent, but
32 wales
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We couldn’t turndown
this route, especially witha
name like that... ”
In association with
hat’s our top ten, and we’re pretty
confident in our judgement here. But
that’s not to say that there’s no road
stock left in Wales – because nothing could be
further from the truth! Though most of it may be
better accessed by a deftly set-up naked machine
or big supermotard (as well as Wales having
some of the best offroad trails in the world),
there’s still plenty of chances to let rip on a
sportsbike – and here are some of our favourites. West, St David’s and Fishguard as well as some
B-road belters, like the B4329 and B4313.
Chepstow to Monmouth
The A466 offers a decent alternative if you don’t Llanwdra to Lampeter
fancy the B4235 for whatever reason. It follows This could make an alternative route to
the river Wye through some pretty scenery, all the Aberystwyth via the A485, offering all sorts of
while offering some great corners. Alternatively, twists and turns along its not inconsiderable
the B4293 is a decent ride too, make a round trip! length.
Mid Wales
Just pick a B-road anywhere between Welshpool,
Oswestry and Llangollen and you can entertain
yourself for hours and get lost between the banks.
A lap of Anglesey offers a chance to see the whole
island in one hit. A round route on the A4080 and
A5025 is worth undertaking. It’s certainly more
interesting than just blasting up the A55…
Off the A5
Up in North Wales there are a few options to cut
between the A5 and the A55. The A548, A543
and A494 are some of the best as it’s quiet, and
In short, araf!
the roads not as straight as they look on the map.
34 wales
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