Risk Priority Number PDF
Risk Priority Number PDF
Risk Priority Number PDF
Table of Contents
Agenda ............................................................................................................................................ 7
Page 1 of 71
Using Proportional Scales ............................................................................................................. 33
Questions? .................................................................................................................................... 58
Contact Information...................................................................................................................... 71
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Risk Priority Number: A Method for Defect Report Analysis
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presentation, and again at the end of
the presentation.
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Our first presenter is Miss Julie B.
Cohen, and she has been the SEI for
10 years.
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A Generic Example – Comparing Four Defects
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How do we judge importance?
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severity; and it allows risk to be
shown from different viewpoints.
Generally based on processes that were developed from reliability and cost
• Severity: a rating of the adverse impact of the defect –
a measure that reflects the negative consequence to the users
or developers
• Occurrence: how often the defect is encountered and/or how long it takes to recover
functionality – a measure that reflects a different element of the impact of the defect
• Detection: how easy it is to spot the defect is when it occurs –
a measure that reflects the risk of unmitigated consequences if the defect is not
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general explanation. The Risk
Priority Number method comes from
the failure modes and effects analysis
world. And a colleague, Bob
Ferguson, also helped us develop this
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RPN General Explanation -2
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RPN General Explanation -3
RPN includes:
• Rating scales characterizing elements of:
• Severity,
• Occurrence
• Detection
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overall Risk Priority Number or the
overall risk to the system.
Polling Question
Polling Question
Would you like us to explain the basic premise of RPN in greater detail?
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look at the results. And based on the
feedback, we'll go on from there.
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Expected Range of Application
Development, operation, and sustainment contexts are all candidates for adapting RPN
to support decision making on which defects to fix first
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might help you to decide which
defects if removed would contribute
most to the value proposition your
new product offers.
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finally as you come to preliminary
results if you're able to show the
progression of evolution that you've
seen in the methodology, that helps
a great deal in getting people to
understand and buy in to the activity
that you're engaged in.
A major weapon system in early fielding is looking for a way to plan the contents of
releases comprised of DR fixes
• Diverse user community with legitimate competing priorities
• Limited funding for future work (many DRs will never be fixed)
• Program office motivated to maximize system utility/value
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Reports that exist against a system
that is in the early process of fielding.
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Example Usage 1
Example Usage 1
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And then a coach; someone who
helps to kind of listen carefully to the
local knowledge and really channel
that into a set of measurement scales
that can result in consistent
judgments being made and good
decision making being supported.
Example Usage – 2
Example Usage – 2
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smooth transition. We wanted folks
to be involved and to offer
adjustments to the methodology; to
propose alternative ways of
weighting different components or to
experiment with different scales.
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Risk Priority Number: A Method for Defect Report Analysis
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Sample Scales
Sample Scales
The following example covers scales developed to fit a specific context, with active
involvement of stakeholders.
Severity 20%
System Impact Occurrence
Issues 50%
10% 20%
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The Severity scale now is made of up
a number of different components.
And the operational impact, given the
nature of the system and the
experience of its users, operational
impact was viewed as the most
important consideration in judging
the risk inherent in allowing a defect
to persist in the system.
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I think most of us can relate to the
notion of an automobile and how well
it serves us. If you've driven a car, if
you've owned a car, you understand
that first level displayed on the slide:
A minor system malfunction.
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Rating Scales – Severity - Operational Impact
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And so these kinds of differences, as
you talk about: it may increase the
workload of the operator slightly or it
is certain to cause a mission failure.
The conversation that instigates,
that you have about the defect, is
really the essential component here.
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This shows-- the system is smiling at
you, like everything's fine, but in fact
behind the scenes there's something
gone awry and you're not able to
know it.
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Rating Scales – Occurrence
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frequency of occurrence with the
amount of time required to restore
the system back to the original point.
And so there's an example scale
here. Okay?
Polling Question 2
Polling Question 2
We discussed two scales that equated to Severity – you could use additional scales for
other forms of severity and you could also use multiple scales for detection or occurrence.
Would you like to see more examples of these types of scales or continue on to how these
scales are used?
More examples
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multiple scales for detection of
occurrence. Would you like to see
more examples of these type of
scales or continue onto how these
scales are used? So your options are
more examples or continue on. And
we'll give you about 15 seconds to
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Will Hayes: And so in the backup
slides, part of the package that you'll
be able to download, there are other
scales available. Those are the
things we would've covered had we
decided to divert to that.
Proportional Ordinal
1 1
1.5 2
2 3
4 4
8 5
24 6
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It's easier for me to consistently
judge if something is twice as long or
twice as large as another thing than
if I have to make some more fine-
grained distinctions of is this 10
percent greater or 15 percent
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RPN – An Example – Weighted Average
Note: The four values could also have just been multiplied together, using different scales
to adjust for importance
**024 Okay?
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Polling Question 3
Polling Question 3
Would you like us to discuss the use of proportional scales and ways to combine the
scales or continue with a discussion of how to use the RPN numbers
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impact on a project that is much
larger than any single defect impact?
Often out of control projects must
address the minor defects first in
order to really see the state of the
project. I don't see how the RPN
approach would help this situation.
How would we address that?
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Will Hayes: So I think Tom's
question is a good one. It shows
that perhaps the number of lines of
code required to address a defect or
the length of the paragraphs required
to explain it isn't always going to be
directly tied to the risk inherent in
allowing that defect to persist.
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Resource Available
Resource Available
For a more complete discussion of the examples presented here, please download the
white paper available at the following URL:
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Sample Data Description
Five Functions
• Communications
• Navigation
• Planning
• Propulsion
• Security
Assume DRs will be fixed in increments of 3,000 Source Lines Of Code (SLOC) each
(Note: SLOC is used as a proxy for cost)
Even with this small sample there are hundreds of combinations!
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One way to look at the sample data
Higher impact,
lower cost area
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500
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Four Analysis Methods
System Risk List DRs by RPN and draw a line at - Addresses system level risk first - Doesn’t specifically address
the 3000 SLOC; Best used for pure - Fairly easy to use functionality groups
maintenance (regression testing - Doesn’t specifically address user rankings
User rankings List DRs by user rankings and draw - Addresses user rankings - May fix DRs with lower overall system
a line at 3000 SLOC; - Fairly easy to use risk earlier; Doesn’t address system value
- Doesn’t specifically address
functionality groups
- Need to address differences between users
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able to get from following this
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well. So you might as well go to
Navigation next.
First Build - 4 of 9 Top 3 User Rankings, All Comm DRs, First 2 Navigation DRs ;
All 3 Users have at least 1 DR fixed
Risk Priority Number
October, 2014 32
© 2014 Carnegie Mellon University
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Second Analysis Method – System Risk
400 A8 B9 A4
A6 B10
B3 C10 C4 A5 A2
200 A7 C9 B5
A1 B7 B2 C3
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500
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Top 10 RPN DRs
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Third Analysis Method – User Ranking
Priority 1-3
Priority 4-6
Priority 7-10
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500
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Top User Ranked DRs
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Hybrid Method – Start with User Ranking
Based solely on User Rankings you would fix all the users’ top 2 DRs - BUT
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Hybrid Method – Then Consider Functionality
Based solely on User Rankings you would fix all the users’ top 2 DRs - BUT
There are only 3 Propulsion DRs total and 2 were top-3 priority list – the total
SLOC for all three is 1450 so you might consider doing those first
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Hybrid Method – Determine What Else To Include
Based solely on User Rankings you would fix all the users top 2 DRs - BUT
There are only 3 Propulsion DRs total and 2 are in this list – the total
SLOC for all three is 1450 so you might consider doing those first
You could then add in 6 of the 7 Navigation DRs and still be under the 3000 SLOC budget
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Hybrid Method – Final Listing
Based solely on User Rankings you would fix all the users top 2 DRs - BUT
There are only 3 Propulsion DRs total and 2 are in this list – the total
SLOC for all three is 1450 so you might consider doing those first
You could then add in 6 Navigation DRs and 1300 SLOC (2750 total SLOC)
Note: You could add additional DRs to get to 3000 SLOC; or you could have considered adding
Communication DRs next instead of Navigation
Risk Priority Number
October, 2014 40
© 2014 Carnegie Mellon University
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strategy that supplements and aids in
the decision process; not one that
replaces it.
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Other uses
Other uses
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And RPN can still be looked at with
respect to functionality and total cost
to fix. So in a development
environment you could still use this.
You would need to tailor your rating
scales. You would probably need to
tailor your weightings. But you could
still use the same methodology.
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Suggestions for DoD Usage
Need to develop:
• Definitions for severity which may include different categories
• Definitions for detection which may include different categories
• Methods for dealing with occurrence measures
• Scaling factors
• Computation methods
• Data collection methods
• Process for using RPN values
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If contractors are involved, you
would want them to understand what
you're doing and why you're doing it
as well.
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already have some sort of a form
that they use to collect defect data.
This could be added to that form. If
you're doing it online it could be
made even easier.
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We're getting a number of questions
on if the slides are available and if an
archive will be available of the
presentation? A PDF copy of the
slides are in the Materials tab now
that you can walk away with today.
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security update you have to reboot
the system because a security update
doesn't install correctly. So for the
user that's actually installing that
update-- right?-- that might be their
highest priority; because every time
they do it they have to reboot their
system and it's a pain for them to
have to do that and it takes them a
half a day to do it.
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Julie Cohen: So I'll start with that
one Shane. Many times users aren't
really thinking about the overall risk
to the system. They're either
thinking about their own workload;
they're thinking about the risk to
their particular mission and not
necessarily to the entire system. And
so they have a very specialized view.
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workflow in mind as they're looking
at this defect.
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with the system of interacting
performance measures.
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priority number? Have you
considered extending this from risk to
opportunity- opportunities as well?
Detection might be
how visible is it to the
users that you have advanced this
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If you think of concepts like weighted
shortest job first, that we see in the
Agile world, that's the same kind of
thinking that we're doing here.
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So good question, good point.
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A two part question from Siva
asking: In your experience have you
come across a situation where the
team might have possibly ignored
most important risks while focusing
so much on computing the RPN?
That's the first question.
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severity is what it is, if you can't
detect it, that automatically helps
somebody understand well if you
can't tell when it's happened and you
have to walk through five more steps
until you know that you have this
defect back there; and so two more
hours have gone by before you even
realize that you had the defect five
steps ago-- it can really help to
explain to somebody how you came
to that severity rating.
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Shane McGraw: Oh you know
what? Let me go back to it. Okay
part two was: How do you decide the
minimum number of risks to be
addressed, based on RPN? In other
words, how do you define the cutoff
number for RPN?
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I just discussed, I think it can also
help in the conversation as to why
defects are important, why a user
feels like this defect is a top defect.
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Contact Information
Contact Information
Customer Relations
Email: info@sei.cmu.edu
Telephone: +1 412.268.5800
SEI Phone: +1 412.268.5800
SEI Fax: +1 412.268.6257
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