CBR Stylistics
CBR Stylistics
CBR Stylistics
The praise and gratitude we say to God Almighty for the blessings and
grace in the work of the Critical Book Review's completion. During the
preparation of this paper many obstacles and difficulties we have got, but thanks
course of Stylistics. we realize, both the content and writing techniques are still
far from perfect, for that we am happy to accept constructive criticism and
Hopefully the contents in it are useful and all our efforts will get better.
The Team
TABLE OF CONTENTS.........................................................................................ii
CHAPTER I.............................................................................................................3
CHAPTER II............................................................................................................5
CHAPTER III..........................................................................................................9
A. LITERARY APRECIATION.......................................................................9
B. LITERARY CRITICISM............................................................................10
CHAPTER V..........................................................................................................12
The topic in this paper provides about critiques of 2 books. The books are about
English Morphology. We will give the strength and the weakness of the book. Stylistics is a
branch of applied linguisticsconcerned with the study of style in texts, especially, but not
exclusively, in literary works. Also called literary linguistics, stylistics focuses on the figures,
tropes, and other rhetorical devices used to provide variety and a distinctness to someone's
writing. It is linguistic analysis plus literary criticism. Stylistics is usually considered a part of
applied linguistics, the applied part referring to how a corpus / text / etc. would be analyzed
in terms of style and other features.Morphology is the study of words. Morphemes are the
minimal units of words that have a meaning and cannot be subdivided further. Morphology
has to do with the forms of meaningful units of a language. It is typically part of the
description of a language’s structure. The two can affect each other. The word choice that is
part of a style is of course a choice of morphemes. You could say “the car sped up” or “the
automobile accelerated” and mean pretty much the same thing. But other than the word “the”
you have chosen a different set of morphemes and you have changed the style.
According to Bauer (2012:7), “Morphology is about the structure of words, how word
such as dislike are made up of smaller meaningful elements such as dis and like”. As can be
seen in this definition by Baeur, this branch of linguistics is studying about the structure of
words. Besides defining about structure of words, morphology also studies about elements
that makes meaning in certain words. According to Lieber (2009:2), “Morphology is the
study of word formation, including the ways new words are coined in the language of the
world, and the way forms of words are varied depending on how they are used in sentences”.
It means that Morphology is the science that studies about the word, a word that has
innovation when used in sentences. An expert in Linguistics named Hasplemath (2002:2),
“Morphology is the study of systematic covariation in the form and meaning of words”. By
this meaning, it can be inferred that words have a system. This system is connected to another
system, or in the other words, each words is connected to other word. The words are
connected to another words and Morphology studies these connection. From of all the
definition about Morphology above, Morphology studies about words. It studies not only the
meaning, but also the structure that from each word. Words have their own structure and
Morphology tries to study is structure. Words also have a connection between one to other
word. By studying and understanding structure of words in morphology, the meaning and
connection between words are easy to understand.Morphology, it cannot be separated with
morpheme, because morpheme is the study of systematic covariation in the form and
meaning words. A small part that has a meaning and grammatical function is called
Morpheme. Morpheme is the root of word. This definition the writer give explained of
morpheme through by expert. According to Booij (2005:8), “Morpheme is the morphological
building bloks of word, are defined as the minimal Linguistics units with a grammatical
meaning”. It means that Morpheme is the smallest elements of Linguistics that deals with
grammatical meaning. According to Lieber (2009:32), “Morpheme is the meaningful units
that are used to form words”. It means that morpheme is the unit of form word which has a
lot of meaning. In the other hand, Morpheme also is smaller unit of word. It is similar with
Carstairs (2002:16). It means that morpheme is the same with original or base word.
Morpheme also can be defined as the smallest unit of language that has its own meaning.
The first book is about “An Intoduction to English Morphology: Words and their
structure” who written by Andrew Carstairs and McCarthyl in 2002. This is a textbook for
students of the English language or of English literature, not primarily for students of
linguistics. There are 160 pages, The chapter of the book discuss words as units of meaning
versus units of sentence structure, Words as pronounceable entities (‘word forms’) versus
more abstract entities (sets of word forms), Inflectionally related word forms (forms of the
same ‘word’) versus derivationally related words (different ‘words’ with a shared base). The
distinction between compound words and phrases, The relationship between the internal
structure of a word and its meaning, Productive versus unproductive word-forming processes,
Historical reasons for some of the contemporary divisions within English morphology,
especially Germanic versus Romance word formation processes.
The first book also shows the Conclusion and the summary in each Chapter, the writer
try to connecting the material chapter to other chapter and also in the conclusion the writer
puts the addition explanation for the material that have written in that chapter. Next, the book
has Exercises to the reader after the conclusion, the question concern into the material in each
chapter. As benefits, a book aimed at students of English rather than linguistics students,
references to the technical literature are kept to a minimum. the ‘Recommendations for
reading’ at the end of each chapter contain some hints for any readers who would like to
delve into this literature, as well as pointing towards more detailed treatments of English
morphology in particular.
The book has key answer in the last part of the book like a common exercises book.
The discussion of the exercises is absolutely complicated because many explanation that
given by the writer to answer the question and making sure the reader understand the real
answer. The writer shows the table, tree diagram (The process of suffix, form of words)and
the last part the book has a complete part of the book like glossary, references (without
references the book cannot be trusted) and also index (to help the reader find a material with
a simple word in Alphabetic list word in that book).
The material in this books starts with the definition of word. The words are the basic
units of language. When a baby begins to speak, the way the excited mother reports what has
happened. We would be surprised at a mother who described little Tommy’s or Sally’s first
utterance as a sentence. Sentences come later, we are inclined to feel, when words are strung
together meaningfully. There is a clear sense, then, in which words seem to be the building
blocks of language. Even as adults, there are quite a few circumstances in which we use
single words outside the context of any actual or reconstruct able sentence. Here are some
examples:warning shouts, such as ‘Fire!’ • conventional commands, such as ‘Lights!’,
Camera!’, ‘Action!’ • items on shopping lists, such as ‘carrots’, ‘cheese’, ‘eggs’. The book
provides a meaning of words, sentences and then the writer try to explain a morphology.
The area of grammar concerned with the structure of words and with relationships
between words involving the morphemes that compose them is technically called
morphology, from the Greek word morphe ‘form, shape’; and morphemes can be thought of
as the minimal units of morphology. To allow the meanings of some complex words to be
predictable, morphemes must 1. Be identifiable from one word to another and 2. Contribute
in some way to the meaning of the whole word.
The Second book is the same topic with the first book. The second book entitled
“Morphology in English: Word Formation in Cognitive Grammar” who written by
ZekyHamawand in 2011. There are two aims of the book: theoretical and practical. The
theoretical aim is to introduce students with the three theories of word meaning, highlighting
its impact on form. In the light of category theory, morphemes are argued to have multiple
meanings, which gather around prototypical examples, and so display minimal differences in
meaning. The three theories are prototype theory, domain theory and construal theory. The
practical aim is to provide students with a comprehensive description of the two essential
areas of vocabulary building: derivation and compounding. It aims to develop their skills in
analyzing morphological expressions, familiarize them with the mechanisms used in forming
composite words, and inform them of the techniques employed to account for their
Primarily, the book targets undergraduate and graduate students taking degree courses
in linguistics. It provides them with a thorough discussion of the pivotal issues involved in
the study of linguistic morphology. It informs them more fully about such productive
processes in word formation in English as derivation and compounding. Secondarily, it
targets students at English departments. It helps them to expand their vocabulary and
understand the conditions under which lexical choices are made.
The book shows as a linguistic term, morphology is the study of how words are built
of form-meaning units. Morphology is an essential subfield of linguistics. Generally, it aims
to describe the structures of words and patterns of word formation in a language. Specifically,
it aims to (i) pin down the principles for relating the form and meaning of morphological
expressions, (ii) explain how the morphological units are integrated and the resulting
formations interpreted, and (iii) show how morphological units are organized in the lexicon in
terms of affinity and contrast. The study of morphology uncovers the lexical resources of
language, helps speakers to acquire the skills of using them creatively, and consequently
express their thoughts and emotions with eloquence.
This book provides a sketch of morphology and the areas that are involved in its
Word formation
Derivation Compounding
Affixation Non-affixation
There are lots of thing that can be appreciate to the first book. The first book is about
“An introduction to English Morphology: Words and their structure”. The book is really good
for us who are still learning the linguistics in English department. We absolutely like with the
way the reader provides the complete information of morphology. The writer successfully
tells the history of the morphology with introduce the basic thing that we should know like in
our daily conversation or habit. The book can improve the knowledge of student in an
exercises paper in each last chapter. The question can improve the critical thinking of the
students and if the students confuse of the questions, the student can be seen the key answer
(the answer made perfectly by the writer). The writer shows the table, tree diagram (The
process of suffix, form of words) in the discussion of the exercises.
The book has an explanation clearly because the writer uses the understandable
language for the students like us. The amount of the book is 160 pages and has 10 units and
we think it is much enough to learn the morphology with this book. The cover is interesting
because there is a bright color. We really like read the way the writer try to connecting the
material in that chapter to the conclusion of the chapter. The writer wants to make sure that
the student cannot be misunderstanding of the material.
For part of ‘Recommendations for reading’ at the end of each chapter contain some
hints for any readers who would like to delve into this literature, as well as pointing towards
more detailed treatments of English morphology in particular. This is a good way to deep
more knowledge in particular, we really appreciated. Like other common book the last part of
the book has glossary, references (without references the book cannot be trusted) and also
index (to help the reader find a material with a simple word in Alphabetic list word in that
The way the writer starts to introducing the morphology is really different with the
second book. The writer starts from the definition of words, how the words can be impact on
us in our daily life and then go to the types the meaning and then go to the morphology.
Meanwhile the second book starts with the language and linguistics and then go to
morphology, after that the writer give the related study with words and another components.
Both of books have a different way to tell the study of morphology and we think that both of
books is good. The second book is more particular explanation because it has 305 pages and
we have a long time to finish it.
The second book also has the exercises to stimulate the brain of the students, in every
topic has exercises, there are a simple exercises that is related into the words to improve the
writing skill of the students. Like the student asking to fill the word meaning, part of speech,
word class and other component parts. The exercises are interesting. The second book also
has a summary in each chapter like the first book. The second book shows the appendices,
there a lots of knowledge there like theories of morphology with two difference conception,
the status, the approaches and others.
For the last part of the second book the writer puts the list of books for other
references to the student’s knowledge that can related to linguistics (Cognitive linguistics,
Cognitive grammar General grammar) and also that can be related into morphology (in
formal linguistics and cognitive linguistics) This list is really useful for the students who
wants to make a research about morphology because there a lot of references that given by
the writer and the writer share the references in each topics.
In The first book, there are some parts in writing that are not neat and not pleasing to
the eye. At the end of the book there are no images that are colored like at the beginning and
also remain uneven in the middle so that they fall apart, in this book also there are not
indentation in several paragraphs that make it no neat to make a new paragraph.
The material of this book quite good but there is no references to support the content
of the book and shows the evidence that the material updated like the second book show the
book references that suggested to reader that must read after read that book.
The second book, in the second book also there are some parts not neat and not
pleasing in the writing. The some part of the new paragraphs there aren’t indentation (a space
left at the edge of a line of writing), it is the rules when write the new paragraphs and then in
the first and the last of book there are some empty paper that has not useful so it is make
wasting papers.
The Books consists of many things Morphology process and morphology structures,
in this book we learned to make a word with the good formation of words that used
grammatical process that make a form word, like prefix and suffix that compiled a morpheme
as a basic word that make be a new word in different meaning, and we also learned to
compound two words be one word with different meaning. Overall, this books so good and
recommended to read it, but there is some part that must fix to make the books to be perfect,
the writers or editing must check again after write that books like neatness in writing, this
books should be make indentation in every new paragraphs so that make the style writing will
be neat to see, and then not put the black paper that wasting paper of book.
Hamawand, Z. (2011). Morpholog in English, Word Formation in Cognitive Grammar. India: Newgen
Imaging Systems Pvt Ltd, Chennai, India.