The Use of Medical Cannabis To Treat Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
The Use of Medical Cannabis To Treat Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
The Use of Medical Cannabis To Treat Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
I. Introduction
Currently, there are approximately 500 suicides a month in patients with Post
Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and over three hundred thousand backlogged
disability claims involving PTSD and depression. n1. Those suffering from PTSD also
have a reduced quality of life, an increased number of hospitalizations, high frequency of
depressions and alcohol drug abuse, and suffer in social, family, and work life. n2. For
patients who are treated, many have poor responses to psychotherapy and
pharmacological treatment and often turn to alcohol and drugs. n3.
Recent studies demonstrate the potential benefits of the use of cannabis for
PTSD. These studies confirm that extinction of aversive memories and the adaptation to
stress responses are in part, controlled by endocannabinoids. n4. There are two
cannabinoid receptors in the brain, CB1 and CB2. These receptors are activated by:
endocannabinoids, which are synthesized internally in the body, cannabinoids derived
from the cannabis plant (such as THC), and synthetic cannabinoids that are synthesized in
a laboratory. This natural system works much like our natural GABA system. Just as we
produce our own endocannabinoids, we produce our own internal GABA, and we use
synthetic benzodiazapines that bind to the receptors. Likewise, we have cannabinoid
receptors, and we should be using cannabis to modulate them. Cannabinoids can act as a
therapeutic target for the treatment of diseases associated with the inappropriate retention
of aversive memories, such as PTSD. n5 Furthermore, because of the effects of the
cannabis on the stress response, it is likely that potential patients treated with
cannabinoids may also benefit from the stress-reversing effects of the drug. n6
While the state of Arizona has acknowledged and approved the use of cannabis
for many physical illnesses such as multiple sclerosis and chronic pain, it has failed to
acknowledge the use of cannabis for psychological disorders such as PTSD, in which the
medical benefits of cannabis are scientifically proven. This reflects unfounded
discrimination on mental illness and psychological disorders. As Nancy Pelosi stated in a
recent address on health care, “Illness of the brain must be treated just like illness
anywhere else in the body.” n7. Recently, the federal government has expressly
acknowledged this in its passage of the Mental Health Parity and Equalization Act of
2008, mandating that health care providers provide equal treatment for mental
disorders/substance abuse disorders as it does for any other physical illness. n8 The
stereotype that psychological illnesses are any less debilitating or credible than physical
illnesses is unacceptable and has no basis in science or reality. In both cases people are
sick and need care; in both cases there are treatments that can relieve them of pain. When
people receive the necessary treatment, people have the potential to get better and be
productive and independent citizens. n9.
Over the past few years, remarkable advances have been made in our
understanding of the endocannabinoid system and its molecular and physiological
functions. n15. The potential therapeutic value of cannabinoid modulation is highlighted
by the dense expression of the cannabinoid CB1 receptor in regions known to be
significant for anxiety and emotional learning, particularly the basolateral amygdala
(BLA). n16.
The disruption of sleep is often one of the most debilitating parts of PTSD and
patients are often unable to find relief through pharmaceutical treatment. n25.
Particularly, nightmares and sleep disorders are frequent symptoms of PTSD, with some
patients experiencing even more severe problems such as violent or injurious behaviors
during sleep, sleep paralysis, and hypnagogic and hypnopompic hallucinations. n26, n27.
These findings are extremely significant because they not only illustrate the many
benefits of cannabis on PTSD symptoms, but also that cannabis can be an effective
option for patients who are unable to find relief with the currently accepted treatments.
Dr. Tod Mikuriya, psychiatrist, author, and former marijuana research for the National
Institute of Health, emphasized the importance of treating sleep deficits in those with
PTSD when he explained, "PTSD often involves irritability and inability to concentrate,
which is aggravated by sleep deficit. Cannabis use enhances the quality of sleep through
modulation of emotional reactivity. It eases the triggered flashbacks and accompanying
emotional reactions, including nightmares. The importance of restoring circadian rhythm
of sleep cannot be overestimated in the management of PTSD.” n31.
Many PTSD patients have poor responses to psychotherapy and often turn to
alcohol and drugs. n44. Moreover, many suffer from chronic pain and become addicted to
opiate pain medications. n45. Due to continuous problems such as depression, anxiety,
secondary alcoholism, and substance abuse that PSTD patients suffer from and the
numerous poor responses to pharmacological and psychological treatments, alternative
treatments such as cannabis are imperative.
While many studies, and many State Departments of Health, cite cannabis use as
substance abuse in PTSD patients, they ignore the positive effects of cannabis on the
brain and the reality that patients may not be abusing cannabis, but using it as an
alternative, effective treatment. Abuse can occur with any drug, including medically
prescribed Oxycontin or Vicodin as well as an over the counter drug like Tylenol. But the
possibility that these drugs can be abused does not make them illegal. The possibility that
some people might abuse cannabis should not make it illegal, when, like these other
drugs, it is scientifically proven to effectively treat a condition. In fact, “it is generally
appreciated that the use of cannabinoids is related to their positive modulatory effects on
brain-rewarding processes along with their ability to positively influence emotional states
and remove stress responses.” n46.
The differing effects of cannabis and other drugs of abuse on the brain highlight
the difference between using a drug as an effective treatment versus substance abuse.
Chronic administration of the major drugs of abuse including opiates, alcohol, nicotine,
and cocaine has been reported to suppress hippocampal neurogenesis in rats. n47. Unlike
these major drugs that inhibit neurogenesis, studies demonstrate that cannabis promotes
hippocampal neurogenesis. n48. This suggests a role of hippocampal neurogenesis in the
initiation, maintenance, and treatment of drug addiction.
The specific effect of the cannabinoid system on the fear response is significant
and suggests the potential for long-term relief. n49. Current acceptable treatments such as
behavior therapy, on the other hand, are ineffective for many. While behavior therapy for
human anxiety disorders is often effective, extinction-like treatments require repeated cue
exposures and are vulnerable to reversal by a number of environmental factors,
particularly stress. n50. Thus, cannabis has the potential to be an effective alternative to
often-ineffective behavior therapy and extinction treatment. n51.
IV. New Mexico: Taking the lead in treating PTSD with cannabis.
New Mexico has taken the lead in explicitly allowing people with PTSD to have
access to marijuana under its medical marijuana law. PTSD accounts for more patients
than any other of the state’s 16 eligible debilitating conditions approved for medical
marijuana treatment. n54. After a review of the evidence of the effectiveness of
marijuana in treating PTSD, health professionals in New Mexico agreed that medical
marijuana could be beneficial for patients with PTSD. On the other hand, health officials
in Colorado are denying veterans and other patients suffering from PTSD a legitimate,
safe, treatment alternative.
The chief medical officer of the Colorado health department said, “There is no
evidence of efficacy of marijuana for treatment of PTSD in the medical literature.” n50.
This statement is outright false, inconsistent with evidence-based medicine and
demonstrates ignorance of the hundreds of medical studies on the efficacy of marijuana
for PTSD treatment. To deny the enormous body of medical literature is outrageous and
offensive to the suffering PTSD patients who are now the victims of the health
department’s ignorance. Dr. Eve Elting, a New Mexico physician, emphasized the
offensiveness of the Colorado Health Department when she said, “It’s bad enough they
have something that makes life so challenging. On top of that they’re discriminated
against, made to feel like they’re doing something wrong.” n55.
V. Conclusion
To deny those with PTSD suffering from psychological trauma and terrifying
flashbacks access to a natural herb that is scientifically proven to provide them with relief
is simply outrageous. By allowing PTSD to be treated with medical marijuana, physicians
can help patients treat their condition with cannabis and assist the patient in using
cannabis in a manner that is safe and most effective for the particular patient. Physicians
can be re-assured that there is an ample body of medical literature that supports the
beneficial use of cannabinoids. Studies teach us that we have our own cannabinoid
receptors in our internal cannabinoids, and these should be modulated as they are proven
to reverse effects of stress and help with retention of aversive memories, promote
neurogenesis, and can reduce nightmares, fear, anxiety, mood disorders and other PTSD
symptoms. The importance of the endocannabinoid system and the large body of medical
literature supporting the beneficial use of cannabis should be acknowledged. Without the
acceptance of cannabis to treat PTSD, patients who cannot find relief with
pharmaceuticals and psychotherapy are forced to turn to the streets to have access to
cannabis. They are denied the very important role of the doctor in helping them treat their
condition. These patients will often turn to substance abuse and many turn to suicide.
We are sending millions of our citizens to Iraq and Afghanistan, and many are
coming back afflicted with PTSD and other psychological trauma. n60. We should give
them all of the tools available to regain their health. The enormous volume of scientific
research and data proves that the use of medical marijuana for PTSD is safe and effective.
To deny patients access to a treatment whose efficacy is well founded with scientific
evidence is callous and discriminatory at best.
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n5. Marsicano G, Wotjak CT, Azad SC, Bisogno T, Rammes G, Cascio MG,
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