Taxation of San Beda
Taxation of San Beda
Taxation of San Beda
6. levied for a public purpose.
1. should be for a public purpose
2. the rule of taxation shall be uniform
3. that either the person or property
TAXATION – power by which the
taxed be within the jurisdiction of
sovereign through its law-making body
the taxing authority
raises revenue to defray the necessary
4. that the assessment and collection
expenses of government from among
of certain kinds of taxes guarantees
those who in some measure are
against injustice to individuals,
privileged to enjoy its benefits and must
especially by way of notice and
bear its burdens.
opportunity for hearing be provided
Two Fold Nature of the Power of 5. the tax must not impinge on the
Taxation inherent and Constitutional
1. It is an inherent attribute of limitations on the power of taxation
2. It is legislative in character THEORIES AND BASES OF TAXATION
1. Lifeblood Theory
Extent of Taxing Power Taxes are what we pay for civilized
Subject to constitutional and society. Without taxes, the government
inherent restrictions, the power of would be paralyzed for lack of the
taxation is regarded as comprehensive, motive power to activate and operate it.
unlimited, plenary and supreme. Hence, despite the natural reluctance to
surrender part of one's hard-earned
SCOPE OF LEGISLATIVE TAXING POWER income to the taxing authorities, every
1. Amount or rate of tax person who is able to must contribute
2. Apportionment of the tax his share in the running of the
3. Kind of tax government. (CIR v. Algue, Inc.)
4. Method of collection
5. Purpose/s of its levy, provided it is 2. Necessity Theory
for public purpose The power to tax is an attribute of
6. Subject to be taxed, provided it is sovereignty emanating from necessity. It
within its jurisdiction is a necessary burden to preserve the
7. Situs of taxation State's sovereignty and a means to give
the citizenry an army to resist an
TAXES – enforced proportional aggression, a navy to defend its shores
contributions from the persons and from invasion, a corps of civil servants to
property levied by the law-making body serve, public improvements designed for
of the State by virtue of its sovereignty the enjoyment of the citizenry and those
in support of government and for public which come within the State's territory,
needs. and facilities and protection which a
government is supposed to provide.
CHARACTERISTICS OF TAXES (Phil. Guaranty Co., Inc. v. CIR)
1. forced charge;
2. pecuniary burden payable in money; 3. Benefits-Protection / Reciprocity
3. levied by the legislature; Theory
4. assessed with some reasonable rule Taxation is described as a symbiotic
of apportionment; (see theoretical relationship whereby in exchange of the
justice) benefits and protection that the citizens
5. imposed by the State within its get from the Government, taxes are
jurisdiction; paid. (CIR v. Algue, Inc.)
Note: While taxes are intended for
general benefits, special benefits to
2. The credit method- although the Illustration: Value added tax. The
income or capital which is taxed in the seller is required by law to pay tax, but
state of source is still taxable in the the burden is actually shifted or passed
state of residence. The tax paid in the on to the buyer.
former is credited against the tax, levied
in the latter.(Commissioner of Internal KINDS OF SHIFTING
Revenue v. S.C Johnson and Son, Inc. et a. Forward shifting- when burden of
al., G.R No. 127105, June 25, 1999) tax is transferred from a factor of
production through the factors of
Exemption distribution until it finally settles on
Credit Method the ultimate purchaser or consumer
Focus is on the Focus is on the tax b. Backward shifting- when burden is
income or capital transferred from consumer through
itself factors of distribution to the factors
of production
NOTE: Computational illustration c. Onward shifting- when the tax is
between a tax deduction and a tax shifted 2 or more times either
credit: forward or backward
exemption shall be passed without the a. Exemptions from taxation are
concurrence of a majority of all the highly disfavored in law and are
members of Congress (ART VI. SEC 28(4) not presumed.
OF THE 1987 CONSTITUTION) b. He who claims as exemption must
be able to justify his claim by the
KINDS OF TAX EXEMPTION clearest grant of organic or statute
1. As to source law by words too plain to be
a. Constitutional – immunities from mistaken. If ambiguous, there is no
taxation that originate from the exemption.
constitution. c. He who claims exemption should
b. Statutory – those which emanate prove by convincing proof that he
from legislation is exempted.
Examples of Statutory Exemptions d. Taxation is the rule; tax exemption
Sec. 27, NIRC is the exception.
Immunity from all Immunity from civil Local Taxes, fees, or charges shall
criminal, civil and liability only be assessed within five (5) years from
administrative the date they became due. In case of
liabilities arising fraud or intent to evade the payment of
from non payment
taxes, fees or charges the same may be
of taxes
assessed within ten (10) years from
Applies only to past Prospective discovery of the fraud or intent to
tax periods, hence application evade payment. They shall also be
retroactive collected either by administrative or
application judicial action within five (5) years
from date of assessment (Sec. 194. LGC)
As a rule, taxes are imprescriptible TAX ENFORCEMENT AND
as they are the lifeblood of the ADMINISTRATION
government. However, tax statutes may
provide for statute of limitations. SOURCES OF TAX LAWS (Key: SPEC2TRA
The rules that have been adopted BLT)
are as follows: 1. Statutes
a.) National Internal Revenue Code 2. Presidential Decrees
The statute of limitation for 3. Executive Orders
assessment of tax if a return is filed is 4. Constitution
within three (3) years from the last day 5. Court Decisions
prescribed by law for the filling of the 6. Tax Codes
return or if filed after the last day, 7. Revenue Regulations
within three years from date of actual 8. Administrative Issuances
filling. If no return is filed or the return 9. BIR Rulings
filed is false or fraudulent, the period to 10. Local Tax Ordinance
assess is within ten years from discovery 11. Tax Treaties and Conventions
of the omission, fraud or falsity.
The period to collect tax is within REQUISITES OF TAX REGULATIONS
three years from date of assessment. In 1. Reasonable
the case, however, of omission to file or 2. Within the authority conferred
if the return filed is false or fraudulent, 3. Not contrary to law
the period to collect is within ten years 4. Must be published
from discovery without need of an
assessment. NOTE: Administrative regulations must
always be in harmony with the
b.) Tariff and customs code provisions of the law. In case of
It does not express any general discrepancy between the basic law and
statute of limitation; it provided, the implementing rule or regulation, the
however, that ‘’ when articles have former prevails.
entered and passed free of duty or final
adjustment of duties made, with NON-RETROACTIVITY OF BIR RULINGS
subsequent delivery, such entry and General Rule: Rulings are not
passage free of duty or settlement of retroactive if they are prejudicial to the
duties will, after the expiration of one taxpayer. (Sec. 246, NIRC)
(1) year, from the date of the final Exceptions:
payment of duties, in the absence of 1. Where the taxpayer deliberately
fraud or protest, be final and conclusive misstates or omits material facts
upon all parties, unless the liquidation from his return or any document
of import entry was merely tentative.” required of him by the BIR.
(Sec 1603,TCC) 2. Where the facts subsequently
gathered by the BIR is materially
c.) Local Government Code different from the facts on which
the ruling is based.
17. Authority to assign or reassign INCOME – all wealth, which flows into the
internal revenue officers and taxpayer other than as a mere
employees of the BIR to other or return of capital.
special duties connected with the
enforcement or administration of CAPITAL – resource of person, which
the revenue laws (Sec. 17) can be used in producing goods
and services.
GENERAL? All wealth, which Fund or property
flows into the which can be used
NO. The institution or
taxpayer other than in producing goods
commencement before a proper court of as a mere return of or services
civil and criminal actions and capital.
proceedings arising under the Tax
Reform Act which shall be conducted by Flow of Wealth Fund or property
legal officers of the BIR is not in dispute.
An appeal from such court, however, is Source of wealth Wealth
not a matter of right. It is still the
Solicitor General who has the primary REQUISITES FOR INCOME TO BE TAXABLE
responsibility to appear for the 1. There must be a gain or profit.
government in appellate proceedings. 2. The gain must be realized or
(Commissioner vs. La Suerte Cigar and received.
Cigarette Factory, GR No. 144942, July 3. The gain must not be excluded by
4, 2002) law or treaty from taxation.
under the provisions of the income tax GR No. L-9996, October 15,
law: 1957; Oña vs. Commissioner, GR
1. Income tax for individual under Sec. No. L-19342, May 25, 1972)
24 and 25 (to cover the period 2. If the heirs, without contributing
beginning January to the time of money, property or industry to
death); improve the estate, simply
2. Estate income tax under Sec. 60 if divide the fruits thereof
the estate is under administration or between/among themselves, a
judicial settlement. co-ownership is created, and
individual income tax is imposed
on the income received by each
of the heirs, payable in their
A. During the Pendency of the capacity. (Pascual vs.
Settlement Commissioner, GR No. L-78133,
General Rule: An estate under October 18, 1988; Obillos vs.
judicial settlement is subject to Commissioner, GR No. L-68118,
income tax in the same manner as October 29, 1985)
individuals. Its status is the same as
the status of the decedent prior to ESTATES NOT UNDER JUDICIAL SETTLEMENT
his death. Pending the extrajudicial
Exceptions: settlement, either of the following
1. The entitlement to personal situations may arise:
exemption is limited only to 1. If the heirs contribute money,
P20,000. property, or industry to the estate
2. No additional exemption is with the intention of dividing the
allowed. profits between/among themselves,
3. The distribution to the heirs an unregistered partnership is
during the taxable year of estate created and the estate becomes
income is deductible from the liable for the payment of corporate
taxable income of the estate. income tax; or
Such distributed income shall 2. If the heirs, without contributing
form part of the respective money, property or industry to the
heirs’ taxable income. estate, simply divide the fruits
Where no such thereof between/among themselves,
distribution to the heirs is made a co-ownership is created and
during the taxable year that the income tax is imposed on the income
income is earned, and such received by each of the heirs,
income is subjected to income payable in their separate and
tax payment by the estate, the individual capacity.
subsequent distribution thereof
is no longer taxable on the part TRUST – A right to the property, whether
of the recipient. real or personal, held by one person for
the benefit of another.
DO NOT DIVIDE THE PROPERTY) 1. A trust, the income of which is to be
1. If the heirs contribute to the accumulated
estate money, property, or 2. A trust in which the fiduciary may, at
industry with intention to divide his discretion, either distribute or
the profits between/among accumulate the income.
themselves, an unregistered
partnership is created and the RULES ON TAXABILITY OF THE INCOME OF A
estate becomes liable for the TRUST
payment of corporate income 1. The income of the trust for the
tax. (Evangelista vs. Collector, taxable year which is to be
2. Stock Dividends
GROSS INCOME General rule: Not subject to tax
because it does not constitute
DEFINITION: Means all income derived income; it represents transfer of
from whatever source, including but not surplus to capital account. (Sec.
limited to the following (Sec. 32) 73B, 1997 NIRC)
a. Compensation; Exceptions:
b. Gross income from profession, trade a. Sec. 73B, 1997 NIRC
or business; (1) there is redemption or
c. Gains form dealings in property; cancellation
d. Interests; (2) the transaction involves
e. Rents; stock dividends, and
f. Royalties; (3) the “time and manner” of
g. Dividends; the transaction makes it
h. Annuities; “essentially equivalent to a
i. Prizes and winnings; distribution of taxable
j. Pensions; dividends”. (see
k. Partner’s share in the net income of Commissioner vs. Court of
the general professional partnership Appeals, Court of Tax
Appeals & ANSCOR, GR No.
See Annex D for detailed discussion 108576, Jan. 30, 1999)
of items. b. the recipient is other than the
shareholder (Bachrach vs.
KINDS OF DIVIDENDS Seifert, GR No. L-2659, October
1. Cash and Property Dividends 12, 1950)
2. Connected with the taxpayer's Good faith does not require that the
trade, business or practice of taxpayer be an “incorrigible optimist”
profession; but on the other hand, he may not be
3. Must not be sustained in a unduly pessimistic.
transaction entered into between
related parties; F. DEPRECIATION
4. Actually ascertained to be worthless
and uncollectible as of the end of DEPRECIATION – the gradual diminution in
the taxable year.; and the service or useful value of tangible
5. Actually charged off in the books of property due from exhaustion, wear and
accounts of the taxpayer as of the tear and normal obsolescence.
end of the taxable year. The term also applies to
amortization of intangible assets, the
EQUITABLE DOCTRINE OF TAX BENEFIT use of which in trade or business i s of
A recovery of bad debts previously limited duration.
deducted from gross income constitutes
taxable income if in the year the REQUISITES FOR DEDUCTIBILITY
account was written off, the deduction 1. The allowance for depreciation
resulted in a tax benefit. (Tax Benefit must be reasonable.
Rule) 2. It must be for property use or
employment in trade or business or
out of its not being used
Illustration: temporarily during the year.
Case A Case B Case C 3. The allowance must be charged off
Net within the taxable, year.
income 4. Schedule on the allowance must be
before attached to the return.
write off
for bad P10,000 (P 9,000) P 5,000 PROPERTY HELD BY ONE PERSON FOR LIFE
Accounts The deduction shall be computed as
written off if the life tenant was the absolute owner
as bad of the property and, as such the expense
debts 3,000 2,000 6,000 shall accrue to him.
Final Net
(Loss) P 7,000 (P11,000) (P1,000) PROPERTY HELD IN TRUST
Bad debts Allowable deduction shall be
recovery apportioned between the income
in a subse-
quent year 3,000 2, 000 6, 000 beneficiaries, and the trustees in
TAXABLE accordance with the pertinent provisions
INCOME of the instrument creating or in the
upon the absence of such provisions, on the basis
bad debt
recovery P3,000 P -0- P5,000
of the trust income allowable to each.
1. Intangible Exploration and
development drilling cost in
petroleum exploration shall be
treated either as:
a. revenue expenditures; or
b. capital expenditures
2. The total amount deductible for
exploration and development
expenditures shall not exceed 50% of
net income from mining operation.
The excess shall be carried forward
to the succeeding year until fully
A. Deductible B. Deductible
In Full Subject To
3) Recipient is an 3) Recipient is an
accredited non- accredited domestic
government corporation or
organization, association
organized/ operated organized/operated
for (purposes): for (purposes):
tax on the employee which shall be
Entire Income withheld and paid by the employer on a
Less: Exclusions and Income subject quarterly basis.
to Final Tax (e.g. Passive
Income) FRINGE BENEFIT means any good,
Gross Income service, or other benefit furnished or
Multiply by: Tax Rates (%) granted by an employer, in cash or in
kind, in addition to basic salaries, to an
Net Income Tax Due individual employee (except rank and
file employees) such as, but not limited
GIT APPLIES TO to the following:
1. Housing
1. Non-resident alien not engaged in 2. Expense Account
trade or business (25%); and 3. Vehicle of any kind
2. Non-resident foreign corporation. 4. Household personnel, such as maid,
(32%) driver and others
5. Interest on loan at less than market
Tax Rates: Please refer to Annex A rate to the extent of the difference
and B. between the market rate and actual
rate granted.
(7) FINAL INCOME TAX 6. Membership fees, dues and other
expenses borne by the employer for
of P100,000 – FT of 10%
b. On sale of land/building held as The excess of the The excess of the
capital asset gains from sales/ losses from sales or
On the gross selling price, or the exchanges of capital exchanges of capital
current fair market value at the assets over the assets over the gains
time of sale, whichever is higher gains from such from such sales or
– FT of 6% sales/ exchanges. exchanges.
(Reyes, Virgilio. Income Tax Law and
Accounting – A New Approach, 2002)
IN GENERAL a. Sale or exchange between
related parties;
CONCEPT OF CAPITAL ASSETS b. Wash sales by non-dealers of
securities and when not subject
Under the tax code, there is no to the stock transfer tax;
definition for the term "capital assets". c. Exchanges not solely in kind in
What it gives is the meaning of ordinary merger and consolidation; and
assets: d. Sales or exchanges that are not
at arms length.
a. Ordinary assets (Sec. 39, NIRC)
a. Stock in trade of the taxpayer or REQUISITES FOR RECOGNITION OF
other properties of a kind which CAPITAL GAIN/LOSS
would properly be included in
the inventory of the taxpayer; 1. The transaction must involve
property classified as capital
b. Property held by the taxpayer asset; and
primarily for sale to customers in
the ordinary course of business; 2. The transaction must be a sale
or exchange or one considered as
c. Property used in trade or equivalent to a sale or exchange.
business and subject to
d. Real property used in trade or
b. Capital Assets include all property
held by the taxpayer whether or not Holding Capital gains and
connected in trade or business but Period losses are
not including those enumerated The percentages recognized to the
above (#1) as ordinary assets. of gain or loss to be extent of 100%.
taken into account (There is no
shall be the holding period)
a.100% - if the
The gain derived The loss incurred capital assets has
from the sale or from the sale or been held for 12
exchange of capital exchange of capital mos. or less; and
assets. assets. b.50% - if the
capital asset has
been held for
more than 12
Non- Capital losses
= 50,000/200,000 = 25%
Collections in 2000=P100,000 taxpayer must be
Income for 2000 entitled to benefits
= P100,000 x 25% = P25,000 under (1) hereof sales of
dealers in personal
(2) Sales of realty and casual property
sales of Personalty in computing income for
In cases of: the year of change or
a. casual sale or other any subsequent year:
casual disposition of amounts actually
personal property received during any such
(other than year on account of sales
inventory on hand of or other dispositions of
the taxpayer at the property made in any
close of the taxable prior year shall not be
year) for a price > excluded.
P1,000, or
b. sale or other 4. Allocation of
disposition of real income and deductions
property, if in either Applicable to: cases of 2 or
case the initial more organizations, trades
payments do not or businesses (incorporated
exceed 25% of the and organized within the
selling price Philippines) owned or
How may income be controlled directly
returned: same as in /indirectly by the same
sales of dealer in interest
personal property above Commissioner is authorized
Initial payments: to distribute, apportion or
payments received in allocate gross income or
cash or property other deductions between or
than evidences of among such organization,
indebtedness of the trade or business, if he
purchaser during the determines that such
taxable period in which distribution, apportionment
the sale or other or allocation is necessary in
disposition is made. order to prevent evasion of
taxes or to clearly reflect
(3) Sales of real the income of any such
property considered as organization, trade or
capital asset by individuals business.
Individual who sells of
property, considered as TAX
capital asset and is
otherwise qualified to TAX RETURN – This is a report made by
report the gain under (2) the taxpayer to the BIR of all gross
above may pay the income received during the taxable
capital gains tax in year, the allowable deductions including
installments under rules exemptions, the net taxable income, the
and regulations to be income tax rate, the income tax due,
promulgated by the Sec. the income tax withheld, if any, and the
of Finance. income tax still to be paid or
(4) Change from accrual to
installment basis
1. Individual whose gross income does 2002; RMC 01-03]
not exceed total personal and
additional exemptions; Requisites:
2. Individual with respect to pure 1. The employee receives purely
compensation income derived from compensation income (regardless of
sources within the Philippines, the amount) during the taxable year.
income tax on which has been 2. The employee receives the income
correctly withheld; only from one employer during the
3. Individual whose sole income has taxable year.
been subjected to final withholding 3. The amount of tax due from the
income tax; employee at the end of the year
4. Individual who is exempt from equals the amount of tax withheld
income tax. by the employer.
4. The employee's spouse also complies
SUBSTITUTED FILING – is when the with all three (3) conditions stated
employer’s annual return may be above.
considered as the “substitute” Income 5. The employer files the annual
Tax Return (ITR) of employee inasmuch information return (BIR Form No.
as the information provided in his 1604-CF)
income tax return would exactly be the
(Oct 2002 ENCS) version to each AN ITR FOR LOAN O R CREDIT CARD
INDIVIDUALS NOT QUALIFIED FOR SUBSTITUTED Banks may require the submission of
FILING (STILL REQUIRED TO FILE) BIR Form No. 1700 (for employees not
entitled to substituted filing of ITR).
1. Individuals deriving compensation However, for employees entitled to
from two or more employers substituted filing of ITR, the submission
concurrently or successively during of the Joint Certification will suffice.
the taxable year.
2. Employees deriving compensation JOINT CERTIFICATION - It is a sworn
income, regardless of the amount, statement made by the employer and
whether from a single or several employee, which serve the following
employers during the calendar year, purposes:
the income tax of which has not 1. It contains the employee's consent
been withheld correctly (i.e. tax due that BIR Form No. 1604CF may be
is not equal to the tax withheld) considered his substituted return, in
resulting to collectible or refundable lieu of BIR Form No. 1700, which the
return. employee no longer filed.
3. Employees whose monthly gross 2. It contains the employer's
compensation income does not certification that he has reported
exceed P5,000 or the statutory the employee's income to the BIR
minimum wage, whichever is higher, and that he has remitted the taxes
and opted for non-withholding of tax on the employee's income, as
on said income. indicated in BIR Form No. 1604-CF.
4. Individuals deriving other non- 3. It serves as proof of financial
business, non-profession-related capacity in case the employee
income in addition to compensation decides to apply for a bank loan or a
income not otherwise subject to credit-card, or for any other
final tax. purpose, as if he had in fact filed a
5. Individuals receiving purely BIR Form No. 1700.
compensation income from a single
employer although the income tax of INDIVIDUALS REQUIRED TO FILE AN
which has been correctly withheld, INFORMATION RETURN
but whose spouse falls under 1 to 4
above. Individuals not required to file an
6. Non-resident aliens engaged in trade income tax return may nevertheless be
or business in the Philippines required to file an information return
deriving purely compensation pursuant to rules and, regulations
income, or compensation income prescribed by the Secretary of Finance
and other non-business, non- upon recommendation of the
profession-related income. Commissioner.
Time For Filing (Pay as you file system) parent shall be included in the
return of the parent, except:
April 15 – for those earning sole a. when donor’s tax has been paid
compensation income or solely business, on such property, or
practice of profession or combination of b. when transfer of such property is
business and compensation. exempt from donor’s tax
Multiply by: Tax rate (Sec. 84) 3. Shares, obligations or bonds issued
Estate Tax due by any foreign corporation eighty-
Less: Tax Credit [if any] (Sec. 86[E] or five per centum (85%) of the
110[B] business of which is located in the
Estate Tax Due, if any
4. Shares, obligations or bonds issued
by any foreign corporation, if such
shares, obligations or bonds have
GROSS ESTATE acquired a business situs in the
A decedent’s gross estate includes 5. Shares or rights in any partnership,
(Sec. 85) business or industry established in
the Philippines.
RESIDENT ALIEN ALIEN DECEDENT Intangible personal property, with a
DECEDENT situs in the Philippines, of a decedent
who is a non-resident alien shall not
1. Real property 1. Real property
wherever situated situated in the form part of the gross estate if
Philippines. (reciprocity clause) (Sec. 104)
included in the gross estate if the 3. The transmission from the first heir,
beneficiary is: legatee or donee in favor of another
a. the estate of the decedent, his beneficiary, in accordance with the
executor or administrator will of the predecessor; and
(regardless whether the designation All bequests, devices, legacies or
is revocable or irrevocable); or transfers to social welfare, cultural and
b. a third person other than the estate, charitable institutions no part of the net
executor or administrator where the income of which inures to the benefit of
designation of the beneficiary is any individual; Provided, that not more
revocable. than 30% of the said bequests, legacies
or transfers shall be used by such
6. TRANSFERS FOR INSUFFICIENT institutions for administration purposes.
The value to be included in the gross DEDUCTIONS ON GROSS ESTATE
estate is the excess of the fair market APPLICABLE TO
value of the property at the time of the RESIDENT ALIENS AND CITIZENS
decedent’s death over the consideration (REVENUE REGULATIONS 2-2003)
received. This is applicable in cases of
transfer in contemplation of death,
The following are deductible from
revocable transfer and transfer under
the gross estate of citizens and resident
general power of appointment made for
a consideration but is not a bona fide
1. Expenses, losses, indebtedness,
sale for an adequate and full
taxes, etc. (ordinary deductions)
consideration in money or money’s
2. Transfer for public use
3. Vanishing deduction
4. Family home
5. Standard deduction equivalent to
All transfers, trusts, estates,
one million pesos (P1,000,000)
interests, rights, powers and
6. Medical expenses
relinquishment of powers made,
7. Amounts received by heirs under RA
created, arising, existing, exercised or
4917 (Retirement Benefits)
relinquished before or after the
8. Net share of the surviving spouse in
effectivity of the NIRC.
the conjugal or community property
Property relations between Husband
The property relations between the
spouses shall be governed by contract A. Funeral Expenses
(marriage settlement) executed before The amount deductible is the lowest
the marriage. among the following:
1. actual funeral expenses
In the absence of such contract, or if 2. 5% of the gross estate
the contract is void: 3. P200,000.
On marriages contracted before August
3, 1988, the system of conjugal It includes the following:
partnership of gains shall govern; 1. Mourning apparel of the surviving
On marriages contracted on or after spouse and unmarried minor children
August 3, 1988 (effectivity of the of the deceased, bought and used in
Family Code of the Philippines), the the occasion of the burial.
system of absolute community of 2. Expenses of the wake preceding the
property shall govern. burial including food and drinks.
3. Publication charges for death
Exempt Transmissions (Sec. 87) notices.
1. The merger of usufruct in the owner 4. Telecommunication expenses in
of the naked title; informing relatives of the deceased.
2. Fideicommisary substitution;
2. The total amount of the credit shall NOTE: The filing of a notice of donation
not exceed the same proportion of is not required, unlike in estate tax
the tax against which such credit is where notice of death is required.
taken, which the decedent’s net gift
situated outside the Philippines Place for Filing of Return and payment
taxable under the NIRC bears to his of the Donor’s Tax
entire net gift.
1. Resident
Formula of Tax Credit Limit With an authorized agent bank, the
Revenue District Officer, Revenue
1. For donor’s taxes paid to one Collection Officer or duly
foreign country authorized Treasurer of the city or
municipality where the donor was
NG situated Tax domiciled at the time of the
in a foreign country X PDT = Credit transfer, or if there be no legal
Entire net gift Limit residence in the Philippines, with
the Office of the Commissioner.
(NG - Net Gifts; PDT - Phil. Donor's Tax) 2. Non-resident
Filed with the Philippine Embassy
2. For donor’s taxes paid to two or or Consulate in the country where
more foreign country he is domiciled at the time of the
transfer, or directly with the
NG outside the Phil. X PDT = Tax Office of the Commissioner.
Entire net gifts Credit
Limit Tax rate
The allowable tax credit is the If the donee is a stranger, the rate of
lower amount between the tax credit tax shall be 30% of the net gifts.
limit under (a) and (b). If the donee is not a stranger,
the rate shall be from 2% to 15% of the
net gifts.
See Annex W - Donor’s Tax
Time for Filing of Return and payment
of the Donor’s Tax
The donor’s tax return is filed and C. TAX REMEDIES
the donor’s tax due is paid within thirty UNDER THE NIRC
(30) days after the date the gift is made.
The return shall be under oath in
duplicate setting forth: I. TAX REMEDIES OF THE
1. Each gift made during the calendar GOVERNMENT
year which is to be included in
computing net gifts;
2. The deductions claimed and
1. They enhance and support the
3. Any previous net gifts made during
government’s tax collection.
the same calendar year;
2. They are safeguards of taxpayer’s
4. The name of the donee;
rights against arbitrary action.
5. Relationship of the donor to the
donee; and
Tax collection cannot be restrained by
6. Such further information as may be
court injunction (Sec. 218, 1997 NIRC)
required by rules and regulations
made pursuant to law.
Justification: Lifeblood Theory
a. Abatement of penalties on
Compromise involves a reduction of assessment confirmed by the
the taxpayer’s liability, while lower court but appealed by the
abatement means that the entire tax taxpayer to a higher court
liability of the taxpayer is cancelled. b. Abatement of penalties on
ABATEMENT withholding tax assessment under
meritorious circumstances
The Commissioner may abate or cancel c. Abatement of penalties on
a tax liability when delayed installment payment
under meritorious circumstances
1. The tax or any portion thereof d. Abatement of penalties on
appears to be unjustly or assessment reduced after
excessively assessed; [Sec. 204(B), reinvestigation but taxpayer is
1997 NIRC]. still contesting reduced
a. When the filing of the assessment; and
return/payment is made at the e. Such other circumstances which
wrong venue; the Commissioner may deem
b. When the taxpayer’s mistake in analogous to the enumeration
payment of his tax is due to above. (Sec. 3, Rev. Reg. 13-2001)
erroneous written official advice
of a revenue officer; 3. The Commissioner may also, even
c. When the taxpayer fails to file the without a claim therefor, refund or
return and pay the tax on time credit any tax where on the face of
due to substantial losses from the return upon which payment was
prolonged labor dispute, force made such payment appears clearly
majeure, legitimate business to have been erroneously paid
reverses, provided, however, the (Sec. 229, 1997 NIRC)).
abatement shall only cover the
surcharge and the compromise
penalty and not the interest (2) DISTRAINT
imposed under Sec. 249 of the
Code; DEFINITION: It is the seizure by the
d. When the assessment is brought government of personal property,
about or the result of taxpayer’s tangible or intangible, to enforce the
non-compliance with the law due payment of taxes. The property may be
to a difficult interpretation of said offered in a public sale, if taxes are not
law. voluntarily paid. It is a summary remedy.
e. When the taxpayer fails to file the
return and pay the correct tax on Nature of the Warrant of Distraint or
time due to circumstances beyond Levy
his control, provided, however,
the abatement shall only cover The warrant is a summary procedure
the surcharge and the compromise “forcing” the taxpayer to pay. The
penalty and not the interest receipt of a warrant may or may not
imposed under Sec. 249 of the partake the character of a final decision.
Code; If it is an indication of a final decision,
f. Late payment of the tax under the taxpayer may appeal to the CTA
meritorious circumstances (ex. within 30 days from service of the
Failure to beat bank cut-off time, warrant.
surcharge erroneously imposed,
etc.) (Sec. 2, Rev. Reg. 13-2001) Duties of the officer serving the
warrant of distraint:
2. The administration and collection 1. Make an account of the personal
costs involved do not justify the properties distrained;
collection of the amount due [Sec. 2. Sign the list of personal
204(B), 1997 NIRC]. properties distrained to which
Service of Warrant of Distraint
(Sec. 208) III
Posting of Notice
(Sec. 209, NIRC)
With respect to:
1. Personal property – Notice specifying the time and place
(a) upon the owner of the goods, of sale and the articles distrained. The
chattels, or other personal posting shall be made in not less than
property; or two (2) public places in the city or muni-
(b) upon the person from whose cipality where the distraint is made.
possession such properties are One place for posting of such notice is at
taken. the Office of the Mayor of such city or
2. Stocks and other securities municipality.
(a) upon the taxpayer; and
(b) upon the president, manager,
treasurer or other responsible
officer of the corporation,
company or association which IV
issued the said stock and Sale of Property Distrained
3. Bank accounts shall be garnished by
serving a warrant of distraint –
(a) upon the taxpayer; and The taxpayer’s property may be placed
(b) upon the president, manager, under constructive distraint when he
treasurer, or other responsible
officer of the bank. 1. is retiring from any business subject
Note: Upon receipt of the warrant of to tax;
distraint, the bank shall turn over to the 2. is intending to –
Commissioner so much of the bank a. leave the Philippines,
accounts as may be sufficient to satisfy b. remove his property therefrom,
the claim of the government. c. hide or conceal his property,
4. Debts and credits – 3. is performing any act tending to
(a) persons owing or having in his obstruct the proceeding for
possession the debts; collecting the tax due or which may
(b) or under his control such credits; be due from him (Sec. 223, 1997
or NIRC).
(c) upon his agent.
The advertisement shall be made at 15% per annum from the date of sale
within 20 days after the levy, and the to the date of redemption. (Sec. 214,
same shall be for a period of at least 30 NIRC).
days. It shall be effectuated by:
a. posting a notice at the main entrance Forfeiture to the Government
of the municipal building or city hall
and in a public and conspicuous If there is no bidder in the public
place in the barrio or district in which sale or if the amount of the highest bid
the real property lies; and is insufficient to pay the taxes, penalties
b. by publication once a week for 3 and costs, the real property shall be
weeks in a newspaper of general forfeited to the Government.
circulation in the municipality or city
where the property is located (Sec. Further Distraint and Levy
213, CTRP).
The remedy of distraint and levy
may be repeated if necessary until the
full amount of the tax delinquency due
including all expenses is collected from
IV the taxpayer. Otherwise, a clever
Sale taxpayer who is able to conceal most of
the valuable part of his property would
escape payment of his tax liability by
sacrificing an insignificant portion of his
Distraint vs. Levy holdings.
DEFINITION: For tax remedy purposes, Defenses which are precluded by final
these are actions instituted by the and executory assessments
government to collect internal revenue
taxes. It includes filing by the 1. Invalidity or illegality of the
government with the probate court assessment; and
claims against the deceased taxpayer. 2. Prescription of the government’s
right to assess.
When resorted to?
1. When a tax is assessed but the
assessment becomes final and The judgment in the criminal case
unappealable because the taxpayer shall not only impose the penalty but
fails to file an administrative shall also order the payment of taxes
protest with the CIR within 30 days subject of the criminal case as finally
from receipt; or decided by the Commissioner (Sec. 205,
2. When a protest against assessment is NIRC).
filed and a decision of the CIR was
rendered but the said decision Where to file
becomes final, executory, and
demandable for failure of the 1. Court of Tax Appeals – on criminal
taxpayer to appeal the decision to offenses arising from violations of
the CTA within 30 days from the NIRC or TCC and other laws
receipt of the decision. administered by the BIR and the
BOC, where the principal amount of
NOTE: Judicial action may be resorted taxes and fees, exclusive of charges
to even before assessment although and penalties claimed is One million
impractical, as stated in Sec. 203, 1997 pesos and above.
NIRC, “… and no proceeding in court 2. Regional Trial Court, Municipal
without assessment for the collection of Trial Court, Metropolitan Trial
such taxes shall be begun after the Court – on criminal offenses arising
expiration of such (3year) period.” from violations of the NIRC or TCC
It should be noted that no civil and other laws administered by the
or criminal action for the recovery of BIR and the BOC, where the principal
taxes shall be filed in court without the amount of taxes and fees, exclusive
approval of the Commissioner. of charges and penalties claimed is
less than One million pesos or where
The city may levy the taxes, fees, SITUS OF LOCAL TAXATION
and charges which the province or
municipality may impose. A. Situs According to the Cases
The tax rates that the city may levy With respect to excise tax, the
may exceed the maximum rates tax is upon the performance of an act,
allowed for the province or enjoyment of a privilege or the engaging
municipality by not more than 50% in an occupation. The power to levy such
except the rates of professional and tax is not dependent on the domicile of
amusement taxes. the taxpayer, but on the place in which
the act is performed or the occupation is
(D) BARANGAYS engaged in; not upon the location of the
(SEC. 152, LGC) office, but the place where the sale is
perfected. (Allied Thread Co., Inc. v.
Barangays may levy the following taxes, City Mayor of Manila, L-40296)
fees, and charges which shall accrue
exclusively to them: With respect to sale, it is the
place of the consummation of the sale,
associated with the delivery of the
a. Taxes – On stores or retailers things which are the subject matter of
with fixed business the contract that determines the situs of
establishments with the gross the contract for purposes of taxation,
sales or receipts for the and not merely the place of the
preceding calendar year of perfection of the contract. (Shell Co.,
P50,000 or less (for barangays in Inc. v. Municipality of Sipocot,
the cities) and P30,000 or less Camarines Sur 105 Phil 1263)
(for barangays in municipalities)
b. Rate = not exceeding 1% of such B. Situs According to Sec. 150, LGC
gross sales or receipts.
50% accrues to the general fund date it is due until it is paid, but in no
of the city or municipality case shall the total interest on the
concerned; and unpaid amount or portion thereof
50% accrues to the barangay exceed thirty-six (36) months.
where the tax is collected.
Collection of Local Revenues by the
Collection Of Local Taxes Treasurer – (Sec. 170 LGC)
All local taxes, fees and charges
Tax Period and Manner of Payment – shall be collected by the provincial, city,
(Sec. 165, LGC) municipal or barangay treasurer, or their
Unless otherwise provided, the duly authorized deputies.
tax period shall be the calendar The provincial, city or municipal
year. treasurer may designate the barangay
Such taxes, fees, and charges treasurer or his deputy to collect local
may be paid in quarterly taxes, fees or charges.
installments. In case a bond is required for the
purpose, the provincial, city or
Accrual of Tax – (Sec. 166, LGC) municipal government shall pay the
Unless otherwise provided, shall premiums thereon in addition to the
accrue on the first day of January of premiums of the bond that may be
each year. required under the Code.
However, new taxes, fees or
charges, or changes in the rates
thereof, shall accrue on the first LOCAL TAX REMEDIES
day of the quarter next following
the effectivity of the ordinance
imposing such new levies or rates.
Unpaid realty taxes attach to the Claim for exemption must be filed
property and is chargeable against the with the assessor together with
person who had actual or beneficial use sufficient documentary evidence to
and possession of it regardless of support claim
whether or not he is the owner. To
impose the real property tax on the WHEN: within 30 days from the date of
subsequent owner which was neither the declaration of property.
owner nor the beneficial user of the
property during the designated periods IF PROPERTY IS DECLARED FOR THE FIRST
would not only be contrary to law but TIME – (SEC.222)
also unjust. (Estate of Lim vs. City of If Declared for the first time, real
Manila, GR No. 90639, February 21, property shall be assessed for back
1990) taxes:
For not more than 10 years prior to
date of initial assessment
PROCEDURE Taxes shall be computed on the basis
of applicable schedule of values in force
STEP 1: DECLARATION OF REAL during the corresponding period.
(SEC. 202-203) ROLLS (SECS. 205, 207)
File a sworn declaration with the
All declarations shall be kept and
- once every 3 years during
filed under a uniform
the period from January 1
classification system to be
to June 30.
established by the provincial, city
For newly acquired property –
or municipal assessor.
WHEN: Must file with the assessor within
60 days from date of transfer
WHAT: Sworn statement containing the STEP 3: APPRAISAL AND
fair market value and description of the VALUATION OF REAL PROPERTY
property. (SECS. 212-214, 224-225)
For improvement on property
WHEN: Must file within 60 days upon Determination of fair market value
completion or occupation (whichever (FMV)
comes earlier) For land
WHAT: Sworn statement containing the Assessor of the province/city or
fair market value and description of the municipality may summon the
property. owners of the properties to be
affected and may take depositions