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HMK300E Brochure English 4 PDF

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The document discusses Gottwald Port Technology and their line of mobile harbour cranes, focusing on a new model called the HMK 300 E. Some key takeaways are that cargo traffic is growing which increases demand for cargo handling equipment, Gottwald cranes are used worldwide in various ports, and the HMK 300 E was designed based on experience with previous models to be more efficient and reliable.

The HMK 300 E has an increased lifting capacity while maintaining radius, allowing it to handle full containers without repositioning for most vessels. It has a compact chassis for maneuverability and suspension for uneven ground. The diesel-electric power system is efficient and reliable.

The HMK 300 E was designed as the successor to the highly successful HMK 280 E, incorporating years of experience and feedback into improvements to the steel structure, components, and assembly to increase service life and place it in a higher classification category.


Higher Performance and Faster Handling

Mobile Harbour Crane HMK 300 E
Mobile Harbour Crane HMK 300 E
In a Class of its Own

Worldwide cargo traffic is continuously Gottwald Mobile Harbour Cranes

growing – accordingly, professional are synonymous with:
cargo handling equipment is not only
required by port operators, but ■ Economic efficiency
expected by shipping lines. This ■ Availability
boom is illustrated in particular by the ■ Versatility
increasing number of Gottwald Port ■ Mobility
Technology Mobile Habour Cranes
supplied worldwide. There are The HMK 300 E, a diesel-electric
currently more than 800 in more 100-tonne crane, successfully
than 70 countries. launched onto the market in 2000,
also guarantees these features.
Mobile Harbour Cranes from the
world’s market leader are used in
all types of ports for all manner of
handling work. Equipped with
spreaders, grabs and other lifting
gear, the cranes handle containers,
bulk materials and general cargo.
Even in large terminals, Mobile
Harbour Cranes, due to their
flexibility, are an ideal supplement
during peak loading.

The advanced product line of

Gottwald Port Technology cranes is
continuously developing in parallel to
ship size and stevedores’ requirements
– currently with lifting capacities from
6 to 120 tonnes and radii of 8 to 56 m.
Benefitting from
Operating Experience Increased Lifting Capacity
The HMK 300 E is the successor of Due to the design of the steel The marked increased lifting capacity
the HMK 280 E, the most successful structure, the crane has now been of the crane at the same radius
Mobile Harbour Crane worldwide placed in a higher classification means the HMK 300 E is capable of
to date. Based on many years of category and guarantees a longer handling any fully laden 40 ft. contai-
experience with more than 180 service life. The diesel-electric concept ner in an operating window of
HMK 280 E cranes worldwide, this with the superior degree of efficiency 13 container rows across the vessel
crane is the result of continual and exceptional reliability continues and five rows lengthways along the
design improvement committed to to demonstrate the technological vessel without any need for repositio-
component and assembly innovations. advantage of the new crane. ning in relation to the ship. On large
ships, this crane even operates up to
the 16th row.
Chassis Hoisting Gear
The compact 7-axle chassis with small Provides good cooling and accessibility
turning radii guarantees excellent of components by means of modular
manoeuvrability. This means that the structure in an U shape. The hoisting
crane positioning next to the ship is gear comprises: High-response
possible even if space is very limited. DC motor, spring-loaded disc brake,
spur gear and rope drum.
The maintenance-free mechanical
axle suspension with up to 460 mm Slewing Gear
of vertical travel ensures, by means The slewing gear in a modular design
of balances, that the axle load is comprises: High-response DC motor,
always uniformly distributed, even vertical planetary gears and disc brake.
on uneven quays. In addition, large
wheels make it possible to travel over Hydraulic Unit
obstacles such as rails without any Driven by an AC motor, it provides
problems. energy for luffing gear and auxiliary
drives. Luffing is undertaken by
Stabilisers 2-Level Superstructure means of a hydraulic cylinder under
Gottwald Port Technology uses the The machinery house is made up of compressive load. Luffing cylinder
proven ‘H’-stabiliser design to two levels. The upper level houses and valve block are easily accessible
transfer the forces to the ground. three separate sections for the from the platform of the chassis
Where necessary, the crane stabilisers diesel-generator set, the hoisting and simplify servicing.
can be adapted to the requirements gear and the electrical equipment.
of the quay. The hydraulic unit and slewing gear
are on the lower level. All the machine
units are arranged in closed rooms in
such a way as to provide an overview
and good accessibility for servicing.

Diesel-Generator Unit
The generator driven by the diesel
engine provides sufficient power
to carry out all crane functions
simultaneously and independently
at maximum speed.
All-round Premier Concept
The HMK 300 E in Detail

All drives and components of Gottwald Mobile

Harbour Cranes are coordinated according to
state-of-the-art technology and optimised in detail –
for reliable operation and uncomplicated service.

Diesel-generator unit

Hydraulic unit
Hoisting gear with DC motor,
spur gear and rope drum

Air-conditioned electric compartment

Slewing gear and locking device

Cable reel on the boom head Tower cab

Additional cab
on the chassis

Tower/Boom Cabs
The torsionally stiff plate girder All crane functions are controlled
structure ensures that the forces are from the tower cab. Optimum height
distributed equally from the boom on the tower guarantees an excellent
to the tower. In order to be able to view; ergonomic shape provides
safely, quickly and comfortably access unrivalled comfort. The crane can
cabs and components, the inside of be travelled and propped from an Special Features
the tower is fitted with steps, ladders additional cab positioned on the Gottwald Mobile Harbour Cranes
and platforms. chassis, if required. can, of course, be adapted to
special customer needs. In the case
The triangular lattice boom is Control System of the HMK 300 E, the following
constructed in a robust tube design. The new Gottwald Port Technology features have already been
A specially-designed rope geometry Visumatic® control system has been incorporated.
between the tower and the boom founded on decades of experience in
provides a horizontal load path. The building Mobile Harbour Cranes and ■ 5 m long tower extension for
cable reel is positioned on the boom consists of off-the-shelf components high viewing position
head in such a way as to provide tested and tried for port technology. ■ External power supply for
good cable guidance. The system is based on state-of- reducing operating and engine
the-art bus technology, whereby a maintenance costs
multitude of data can be transferred ■ Auxiliary power unit for
simultaneously, securely and quickly. mains-independent functional
Visumatic® also features: capability of the crane when
■ Display of all the crane functions ■ Cab with second seat for a
on the monitor stevedore checker
■ Menu-guided selection of various
operating modes
■ Statistic evaluation of handling
performance, operating hours
and maintenance status

Slip ring assembly for

external power supply

Cab with second seat

Gottwald Mobile Harbour Cranes
The Right Solution for Every Application

HMK 300 E 11.02/02 UK S+S

HMK 300 E Technical Data
Four-Rope Grab Cranes Capacities heavy lift 100 t
This crane is available as a four- standard lift 63 t
rope grab crane with the name Working speeds hoisting/lowering 70 m/min
slewing 1.35 rpm
HMK 330 EG. Equipped with a
luffing 60 m/min
second hoisting and slewing gear,
travelling 80 m/min
the professional grab crane is able to Hoisting height above ground level 40 m
handle up to 1,200 t/h of bulk goods. below ground level 12 m
Dimensions propping base 13.0 m x 12.0 m
crane in travel mode (approx.) 15.7 m x 8.7 m
Weight (approx.) 420 t
Diesel engine at 1,500 rpm (50 Hz) 701 kW
at 1,800 rpm (60 Hz) 847 kW
Chassis number of axles 7
steerable 6
driven 3

HMK 300 E Capacities

Operation Heavy lift Standard lift Motor grab
Radius on ropes [t] on hook [t] on hook [t] on ropes [t]
[m] (75%) (66%) (66%) (50%)
11-22 103.6 100.0 63.0 50.0
24 103.6 88.0 63.0 50.0
26 95.6 81.0 63.0 50.0
28 87.6 73.9 63.0 50.0
30 81.6 68.6 63.0 50.0
32 75.6 64.2 63.0 49.4
34 70.6 59.0 59.0 44.9
36 65.6 54.6 54.6 41.1
38 61.6 51.9 51.9 37.7
40 58.1 48.0 48.0 34.8
42 54.2 44.6 44.6 32.1
Customer Support
44 50.8 41.5 41.5 29.7
Gottwald Port Technology’s portfolio 46 47.6 38.7 38.7 27.6
also includes customer support. 48 44.8 36.2 36.2 25.7
Global service network including 50 41.6 33.4 33.4 23.9
spare part stocks, field service, spare
Mobile Harbour Cranes for Container Handling
parts, full service contracts and Gottwald Port Technology’s range of Mobile Harbour Cranes for con-
24-hour call-out are all part of the tainer handling includes the 63 t crane HMK 170, the 100 t cranes
comprehensive range of services, HMK 260 and HMK 300 as well as the 120 t crane HMK 360.
guaranteeing continual success for 120



HMK 360
Capacity [t]

Gottwald Port Technology GmbH

P.O. Box 18 03 43 • 40570 Düsseldorf, Germany 60 HMK 300
Phone: +49 211 7102-0 • Fax: +49 211 7102-651
info@gottwald.com • www.gottwald.com 50
HMK 260
Subject to change without notice


30 HMK 170



0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48 52 56
Radius [m]

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