HMK300E Brochure English 4 PDF
HMK300E Brochure English 4 PDF
HMK300E Brochure English 4 PDF
Diesel-Generator Unit
The generator driven by the diesel
engine provides sufficient power
to carry out all crane functions
simultaneously and independently
at maximum speed.
All-round Premier Concept
The HMK 300 E in Detail
Diesel-generator unit
Hydraulic unit
Hoisting gear with DC motor,
spur gear and rope drum
Cable reel on the boom head Tower cab
Additional cab
on the chassis
Tower/Boom Cabs
The torsionally stiff plate girder All crane functions are controlled
structure ensures that the forces are from the tower cab. Optimum height
distributed equally from the boom on the tower guarantees an excellent
to the tower. In order to be able to view; ergonomic shape provides
safely, quickly and comfortably access unrivalled comfort. The crane can
cabs and components, the inside of be travelled and propped from an Special Features
the tower is fitted with steps, ladders additional cab positioned on the Gottwald Mobile Harbour Cranes
and platforms. chassis, if required. can, of course, be adapted to
special customer needs. In the case
The triangular lattice boom is Control System of the HMK 300 E, the following
constructed in a robust tube design. The new Gottwald Port Technology features have already been
A specially-designed rope geometry Visumatic® control system has been incorporated.
between the tower and the boom founded on decades of experience in
provides a horizontal load path. The building Mobile Harbour Cranes and ■ 5 m long tower extension for
cable reel is positioned on the boom consists of off-the-shelf components high viewing position
head in such a way as to provide tested and tried for port technology. ■ External power supply for
good cable guidance. The system is based on state-of- reducing operating and engine
the-art bus technology, whereby a maintenance costs
multitude of data can be transferred ■ Auxiliary power unit for
simultaneously, securely and quickly. mains-independent functional
Visumatic® also features: capability of the crane when
■ Display of all the crane functions ■ Cab with second seat for a
on the monitor stevedore checker
■ Menu-guided selection of various
operating modes
■ Statistic evaluation of handling
performance, operating hours
and maintenance status
HMK 360
Capacity [t]
30 HMK 170
0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48 52 56
Radius [m]