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Placement Test

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Name: ________________________________________________________ Date: _______________

Part one

Write all your answers on the answer sheets and return only the answer sheets.

Circle the correct letter.

1 I’m 18 and my brother is 20, so he’s ........ me.

a the oldest of

b older than

c as old as

2 Carl’s very ........ . He’s never late, and he never forgets to do things.

a reliable

b patient

c strict

3 We stayed in a lovely villa ........ the sea.

a it overlooks

b overlooked

c overlooking

4 Not until the 1980s ........ for the average person to own a computer.

a it was possible

b was it possible

c was possible

5 Jan ........ her arm on a hot iron.

a broke

b burned

c sprained

6 Tomorrow’s a holiday, so we ........ go to work.

a have to

b mustn’t

c don’t have to

7 I usually ........ swimming at least once a week.

a go

b do

c play

8 My friend Siena ........ to Russia last year.

a went

b has gone

c has been

9 This is ........ area, with a lot of factories and warehouses.

a an agricultural

b an industrial

c a residential

10 If I ........ well in my exams, I ........ to university.

a will do; will go

b will do; go

c do; will go

11 She was so upset that she burst ........ tears.

a into

b out

c with

12 Where did you go ........ holiday last year?

a for

b on

c to

13 Ocean currents ........ play an important part in regulating global climate.

a are known to

b thought to

c are believed that they

14 My cousin ........ getting a job in Bahrain.

a would like

b is planning

c is thinking of

15 I can’t ........ your hair, because I haven’t got any scissors.

a brush

b cut

c wash

16 I wish I ........ have an exam tomorrow!

a don’t

b didn’t

c won’t

17 The government plans to ........ taxes on sales of luxury items.

a increase

b expand

c go up

18 When I first moved to Hong Kong, life in a different country was very strange, but now I’m used ........

a living

b to live

c to living

19 There ........ milk in the fridge.

a is some

b are some

c is a

20 Criminals are people who are guilty of ........ the law.

a breaking

b cheating

c committing

21 Why on earth isn’t Josh here yet? ........ for him for over an hour!

a I’m waiting

b I’ve been waiting

c I’ve waited

22 “It’s pouring down, and it’s freezing.” What are the weather conditions?

a high winds and snow

b heavy rain and cold temperatures

c thick cloud but quite warm


23 ........ feeling OK? You don’t look very well.

a Do you

b You are

c Are you

24 Daniel’s hair is getting far too long; he should ........ soon.

a cut it

b have cut it

c have it cut

25 Mandy works for a computer software company. She got ........ recently, and so now she’s an area

a made redundant

b promoted

c a raise

26 I can’t hear you – it’s ........ noisy in here.

a too

b too much

c too many

27 Jamal has just sent me ........ to arrange plans for this weekend.

a blog

b an email

c a website

28 I promise I’ll call you as soon as I ........ .

a I arrive

b I arrived

c I’ll arrive

29 Photographers and designers need to be very ........ .

a creative

b fit

c annoying

30 The global financial crisis, ........ is forcing lots of small businesses to close, does not look set to end

a it

b that

c which

31 There ........ a terrible accident if the pilot hadn’t reacted so quickly.

a had been

b was

c would have been

32 “Are you ready to order?” “Not yet – I’m still looking at the ........ .”

a bill

b menu

c service

33 “My job is never boring.” The speaker’s job is always ........ .

a interesting

b popular

c difficult

34 I’ve been working here ........ about the last two years.

a during

b for

c since

35 “It leaves from Platform 2 at 4.15.” The speaker is talking about ........ .

a an airline flight

b a train

c a taxi

36 I went to a lovely ........ last Saturday. The bride was my best friend when we were at school.

a anniversary

b marriage

c wedding

37 “I’ve got a headache.” “Maybe you ........ to take an aspirin.”

a should

b ought

c don’t

38 The patient had an ........ to insert metal pins in his broken leg.

a injection

b operation

c X-ray

39 She won a seat in parliament at the last ........ .

a general election

b opinion poll

c referendum

40 I’m surprised you didn’t get upset. If someone said that to me, ........ really angry.

a I’m

b I was

c I’d be


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40

Part Two
Write all your answers on the answer sheets and return only the answer sheets.

You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 1-13, which are based on the reading passage below.

Section A

The sense of smell (or olfaction) is our most primitive sense and is located in the same part of our brain that
effects emotions, memory, and creativity. Our sense of smell allows us to identify food, mates, and danger,
as well as sensual pleasures like perfume and flowers/nature. Sudden scents, like smelling salts, will jolt the

The senses of smell and taste, two of the five senses identified by Aristotle, are called “chemical senses” and
are sometimes regarded as one sense rather than separate senses. About 80% of what we taste is actually
due to our sense of smell. Without the sense of smell, we would only be able to recognize five tastes: sweet,
salty, sour, bitter, and savory. A food’s flavor can be altered by simply changing its smell, while keeping its
taste the same. In fact, our sense of smell becomes stronger when we are hungry.

Section B

Aromas, scents and fragrances, good and bad smells, are all odors or odorants. An odor is a chemical
dissolved in air, generally at a very low concentration, which we perceive by the sense of smell or olfaction.
Odors are also called “smells,” which can refer to both pleasant and unpleasant odors. In contrast, “stench”
and “stink” are used specifically to describe an unpleasant odor. The terms “fragrance”, “scent,” or “aroma”
are used primarily by the air treatment companies like Prolitec as well as food and cosmetic companies to
describe a pleasant odor. The term “perfume” is used to refer to fine fragrances or wearable scents.

Humans are able to distinguish over 10,000 different odor molecules. When inhaled, these odor molecules
travel into the nose and interact with odor receptors. The odor receptors then transmit the information to
the olfactory bulb, which is located in the brain’s limbic system. The limbic system also controls memory and
emotions, and is connected to the pituitary gland and hypothalamus area that controls the release of
hormones that affect our appetite, nervous system, body temperature, stress levels, and concentration.

Section C

While there is no theory that explains olfaction fully, one theory is that millions of axons or nerve fibers
cover the circumference of the olfactory bulb. Depending on which nerve fibers interact with or capture the
odor molecules, a pattern of activity is generated which cause the perception of a unique smell. Another
theory is that odor receptors function like a key-lock system. If the airborne molecules of a certain chemical
can fit into the lock, the nerve cell will respond.

Some odors are perceived as pleasant like flowers, perfumes, and cooking aromas. Some odors are called
malodors because they are perceived as an unpleasant stench or stink. Malodors are like pleasant odors in
that they are caused by specific combinations of chemicals. The perception of all odors is subjective and
based on cultural conditioning or emotional state.

Section D

Since the olfactory system is located in the brain, the sense of smell is closely tied to memory, mood, stress,
and concentration. For example, at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York, doctors use
fragrance to reduce anxiety during medical testing. Doctors from Duke University Medical Center are
treating women in menopause with fragrances to alleviate depression and mood swings. This use of scent to
affect mood or behavior is called aromatherapy.

Anosmia is the loss of one’s sense of smell. The inability to smell can lead to loss of appetite, libido, and
depression linked to smell memories. Anosmia is sometimes an early symptom of Alzheimer’s and
Parkinson’s Disease as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s are degenerations of systems associated with the Limbic

The human olfactory system adjusts over time and has trouble detecting both bad and good odors provided
they are not too strong. This is called olfactory adaptation and it usually takes an hour to become adapted to
an odor or scent. For example, people working in a scented environment often adapt to the scent and lose
their ability to detect it even if people entering the space can readily perceive it.

Questions 1-5

The reading passage has four sections, A-D.

Which section (A, B, C or D) contains the following information?

NB You may use any letter more than once.

1. problems that can occur if you do not have a sense of smell

2. the external and internal parts of the body involved in the perception of smell

3. tastes that you can still identify if you lose your sense of smell

4. health problems that are being treated with fragrances

5. a definition of the term 'odor'

Questions 6-13

Choose the correct letter A, B, C or D.

6. According to the first paragraph, humans' sense of smell

A is not very developed

B enables us to recognise friends

C can warn us of danger

D is more developed in people with good memories

7. Aristotle recognised smell and taste as

A a single sense

B the most important senses

C separate senses

D chemical senses

8. According to the third paragraph, an odor is a term

A used to describe good and bad smells

B used by cosmetic companies

C invented by Prolitec

D referring only to perfume

9. According to the fourth paragraph, the limbic system is responsible for

A humans' emotions, memory and sense of smell B the hypothalamus area of the brain C human's
appetite, body temperature and nervous system D humans' emotions, memory and appetite

10. One theory of olfaction claims we perceive a smell when

A odor molecules are produced by the olfactory bulb

B nerve fibres are cut

C a chemical is recognised by an odor receptor

D we are feeling emotionally sensitive

11. Malodors are

A similar to the smells of flowers and perfumes

B unpleasant smells that are produced when certain chemicals combine

C smells that are the same to people from different cultures

D smells that make people feel happy or sad

12. According to the last paragraph, we do not perceive a smell

A when it is weak

B after we are exposed to it for a period of time

C if a new smell is introduced

D if other people say they cannot perceive it

13. What is the best title for the reading passage?

A The science of smell

B Life without a sense of smell or taste

C Good and bad smells

D Smells can cause disease


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