1 - Cadence (2014)
1 - Cadence (2014)
1 - Cadence (2014)
MECHANICS 1 - When previous play ends, all Skill Players look to sideline immediately to get Personnel and Huddle or Tempo Call.
2 - OL get to LOS and get set as soon as ball is set for play.
3 - WR/RB/TE look at sideline to live signalers for formation, motion, protection, and play.
4 – RB will look to RB signaler to get any RB adjustments
5 - QB get tempo, formation, motion, protection, and play from the sideline.
6 - QB tell the O-Line tempo and play call.
Our Snap Count is simple and basic…A WORD, NUMBER sequence with multiple variations
“Green 13 Bash, 392.” - “Green 13 Bash, 392.” -
GREEN Standard On One Cadence
“Ready…. Set-Go!”
“Yellow 13 Bash, 392.” - “Yellow 13 Bash, 392.” -
YELLOW Standard On Two Cadence
“Ready.... Set-Go! Go!”
“Scarlet 13 Bash, 392.” - Scarlet 13 Bash, 392.” - “Ready. Set-Go!”
SCARLET Double Cadence (Look back to Sideline & Play it if left on) –
“Gold, Gold. Ready…. Set-Go!”
SILVER Quick Cadence “Silver 13 Bash, 392.” - “Silver 13 Bash, 392.” - “Ready.... Set!”
GRAY Motion Cadence “Gray, Gray, Gray” - “28 Push, 360” - “GO!” (on QB indicator)
Tempo to snap the ball
“JET” “JET 12” - “JET 12” - “Ready…. Set-Go!”
“Green 12 Book” - “Green 12 Book” -
“LOOKBACK” Check With Me
(Look back to Sideline for Audible.) – “Ready…. Set-Go!”
“Charlie 12 Book” - “Charlie 12 Book” - “Ready…. Set-Go!”
“CHARLIE” No Play Dummy Cadence
(Look back to Sideline for Play)
(Stopping the Game Clock)
“CLOCK” “Clock” – “Clock” – “Go!”
On First Sound
1. The snap count and operation are WEAPONS. It needs your full attention DAILY.
2. You DO NOT need a coach to practice the snap count… MASTER IT!
3. Crowd noise is a problem that is well understood. PROJECT your voice. WORK on it!
1. On “SCARLET”, we will use a dummy cadence first, look to the sideline and go back to Green.
2. The “SCARLET” cadence will be signaled in along with the play. It is not an implied cadence.
3. The dummy cadence means that we will be FAKING a “GREEN” cadence.
4. It is critical that all the players use the same procedure as if we are going “GREEN”.
EX: “Scarlet 13 Book. 400.” - “Scarlet 13 Book. 400” - “Ready…. Set-Go!”
*** If the Defense jumps, a “FIRE” call will be made. A “FIRE, FIRE” call is when the Center
catches the Defense jumping off sides and snaps the ball. The receivers run Fades on the
outside and working hitches on the inside. The line and RB will block 301 protection.
5. After the dummy cadence, all the skill position players will look back to the sideline when
the QB Looks back.
6. We are GATHERING INFORMATION. Keep your poise and use your eyes to gain knowledge. We
use the dummy cadence to check the play versus disguising defenses, to steal 5 yards from
the defense, to slow aggressive defensive fronts down, to handle disguise coverage, Fire
Zones, Blitzes, and Stemming Fronts.
7. This is a valuable weapon that we must get good at! – Rehearse IT!
8. The play can be checked or left on.
- If the play is left on, the QB says “Gold-Gold” to tell the line that the original play call is
“Golden”. The Center follows the Gold call with the 2nd “Ready. Set-Go!” and the play is run.
- If the play is checked, the QB goes through his Audible procedure and the cadence goes
back to being On One (“GREEN”).
QB & Skill Players look back to the sideline. (13 Book is left on).
1. JET TEMPO is a tempo that can be called at any time that is to be executed as fast as humanly
2. The QB and all skill position players will receive the “JET” signal from the live signaler.
3. The QB will repeatedly begin barking “JET! JET! JET!” so the offensive line hurries up and gets
4. In addition to the “JET” signal, the live signaler will also be signaling the play. The dummy
signalers will be signaling the formation that the skill position players should be sprinting to.
5. The QB relays the play to the offensive line by then yelling “JET + PLAY! JET + PLAY! JET + PLAY!”
6. As soon as everyone is set, the ball is snapped on “Ready. Set-Go!”
“JET! JET! JET!” - “JET 92! JET 92! JET 92!” - “Ready.... Set-Go!”
1. JET CHECK Tempo is the tempo that we use to simulate JET and get the defense to show their
2. The operation is exactly the same as JET tempo.
3. The live signaler will give the JET signal but with a number that is not in the offense. Like regular
JET Tempo, the dummy signalers will give the formation that the skill positions will sprint to.
4. The acting is critical to the success of the play. The defense must be convinced that we will snap the
ball in order for this tempo to be executed.
5. The dummy cadence will sound like JET Tempo, but will include a number not in our offense. This
number will be between 30 and 39 because there is no play in our Offense that is in the 30's.
EX: “JET 31! JET 31! JET 31!”
6. The Cadence of “Ready…. Set-Go!”will be used.
7. The QB and all the skill position players will look to the sideline and get the play.
8. The QB will relay the play call to the Offensive Line using a normal “GREEN” cadence.
9. If the Defense jumps, a “FIRE” call will be made.
“JET! JET! JET!” - “JET 31! JET 31! JET 31!” - “Ready…. Set-Go!”
(QB & All the skill position players look to the sideline)
1. If the Defense ever jumps Off Sides, the Center can snap the ball and call “Fire! Fire!”
2. The purpose is to utilize a free play as a chance to take a shot down field.
3. In a “Fire! Fire!” Call, the line will always slide right in 301 protection.
4. All Outside Receivers will run Fades, and all Inside Receivers will run Working Hitches.
5. The object is not to throw the Hitch, but to take a shot downfield at the fades, knowing that we will
have 5 yards and the down back if it is incomplete.
“JET! JET! JET!” - “JET 31! JET 31! JET 31!” - “Ready…. Set-Go!”
1. If we have to audible the play at the line of scrimmage, the QB will step up to the Offensive Line
and say the number “555” to indicate the audible. The number following the “555” will be the play
2. If ever an audible occurs, the snap count automatically goes back to “GREEN”.
ex: “555 – 93. 555 – 93. Ready. Set-Go!”
3. If the QB feels like the line is ready to come off the ball or in the middle of his cadence, he can use
the word “Easy” to alert the Offensive Line to the upcoming change.
ex: “Easy. Easy. Easy. 555 – 93. 555 – 93. Ready. Set-Go!”
1. If we are playing a defense that checks when we check, we will use a Fake Check to identify first
and then call another play after the defense shows their hand.
2. The play will begin with either a JET CHECK, CHARLIE cadence or “SCARLET”. The signaler will
signal in the Fake Check procedure.
3. All skill position players and most importantly the QB will do a great job of acting to give the
illusion that we are checking the play convincing the defense that we have checked ourselves into a
better play. The QB will Fake Check the play to a game plan determined code word.
4. The defense might check themselves into a different defense or remain static. The skill position
players will look to the sideline and receive the actual play from the signaler.
5. The QB will call the play at the line of scrimmage and the play will be run accordingly.
“JET! JET! JET!” - “JET 31! JET31! JET 31!” - “Ready. Set-Go!”
(QB & All the skill position players look to the sideline and receive the fake check signal)
(QB & All the skill position players look to the sideline)
1. Within the Offense, there are certain concepts that are better plays when checked in the correct
direction. “To the G. Away from the Shade.” is a phrase that describes which technique we would
like to check the play to given the option. To do this, we will use concept names within the cadence
to alert the Offensive Line what concept we are using, then check the play at the line of scrimmage
in the desired direction and run it.
2. We will use either a Scarlet Cadence or a Jet Check Tempo to execute this. If we are using Scarlet
Cadence, the play will be signaled in as “Formation. Concept Check. Scarlet Cadence.
- The QB will say “Scarlet Book. 360.” - “Scarlet Book. 360.” - “Ready…. Set-Go!”
- The QB will check the play to the G or away from the Shade and the Cadence go to Green
and move either the Tailback or the Tight End/Fullback if needed.
“Green 13 Book. 500.” - “Green 13 Book. 500” - “Ready…. Set-Go!”
1. CLOCK! CLOCK! will announce to the offensive unit during a Hurry, Hurry situation that we are
going to spike the football to stop the game clock!
2. We will not take this procedure for granted. We will practice this procedure, and we will be 100%
on executing a Clock – Clock situation!
3. The QB will announce to the Offensive Unit we will be spiking the football (“Clock – Clock”). The
offensive unit will run to the line of scrimmage and the quarterback will go under center.
4. The offensive Skill Players will align on the line of scrimmage. The quarterback will make sure all
the offensive players are aligned for one count. The cadence will be “GO!” The QB will spike the
ball to stop the clock! (Avoid spiking the ball on the OL’s heels.)
1. COBRA! COBRA! will announce to the offensive unit that we are going to use a quarterback sneak
play to obtain a first down!
2. The QB will announce to the Offensive Unit we will be running a sneak (COBRA – COBRA). The
offensive unit will run to the line of scrimmage and the quarterback will go under center.
3. The offensive receivers will align on the line of scrimmage. The quarterback will make sure all the
offensive players are aligned for one count. The cadence will be “Ready….Set-Go!” The QB and
offensive unit will execute a QB sneak to obtain a first down!
4. The RB will align @ 3 Yards & Power through the same A-Gap as the QB.
(The QB must make sure every one is set / WR’s on the LOS)
No play is called. The QB will call a cadence and if the defense does not
jump the QB will continue to try to draw the defense off sides until the
play clock runs out or until a timeout is called from the SIDELINE or take a
delay of game.
No play is called. The QB will call a cadence and if the defense does not
jump the QB will continue to try to draw the defense off sides. At 17
seconds left on the play clock, the QB and all skill position players will
look over to the sideline and get a play signaled in. The QB will go
through his normal cadence on “GREEN” to tell the Offensive Line the
play called.
4 Yards