Inventory MGMT in Coromandal
Inventory MGMT in Coromandal
Inventory MGMT in Coromandal
Finance is one of the basic foundations of all kinds of economic activities. Financial
management is an integral part of overall management it is not a totally independent area
It concerned with the acquisition ,financing & management of assets with some overall goal
mind .Financial Management is important because it has an impact on all f the activities of
financial management.
Concept of inventory:
Inventories constitute the most significant part of current assets of a large majority of
companies in India .On an average ,inventories approximately 60 percent of current assets in
public limited companies in India ,because of the large size inventories maintained by firms ;a
considerable amount of funds is required to be committed to them .It is, therefore, absolutely
imperative to manage inventories efficiently and effectively in order to avoid
unnecessary investment ,A firm neglecting The management of inventories will be
jeopardizing its long run profitability and may fail ultimately .
Levels of inventories:
Inventories are stock of the product a company is manufacturing for sale and
components that make up the product. The various forms in which inventories exist in a
manufacturing company are: raw materials, work-in-process avoid finished goods.
Raw materials are those basic inputs that are converted into finished product through the
manufacturing process. Raw materials inventories are those units which have been purchased
and stored for future productions
.Work-in-process inventories are semi-manufactured products. They represent products that
need more work before they become finished product for sale.
Finished goods inventories are those completely manufactured products which are ready for
sale. Stocks of raw material and work-in-process facilitate production, while stock of finished
goods is required for smooth marketing operations. Thus, inventories serve as a link between
the production and consumption of goods
The levels of three kinds of inventories for a firm depend on the nature of its
business .A manufacturing firm will have substantially high levels of all three kinds of
inventories, while a retail or wholesale firm will have a very high level of finished goods
inventories and no raw material and work-in- process inventories. Within manufacturing
firms, there will be differences. Large heavy engineering companies produce long
production cycle products, therefore they carry large inventories
Financial planning seeks to quantify various financial resources available and plan
the size and timing of expenditures. Financial control refers to monitoring cash flow. Inflow
is the amount of money coming into a particular company, while outflow is a record of the
expenditure being made by the company. Managing this movement of funds in relation to the
budget is essential for a business.
At the corporate level, the main aim of the process of managing finances is to achieve
the various goals a company sets at a given point of time. Businesses also seek to generate
substantial amounts of profits, following a particular set of financial processes.
company tries to achieve. Efficient financial management ensures that this becomes possible.
Financial management is broadly concerned with the acquisition and use of funds by a
business firm. The important tasks of financial management are as follows:
Profit planning
Financial Forecasting
Financial Control
B) Financing
C) Investing
Capital Budgeting
Financial System:
The purpose of financial management is to help the decision makers to make the better
financial decisions. These decisions are made in the context of a financial system that both
constrains and facilitates them. The financial system comprises a variety of intermediaries,
markets and instruments that are related in a complex manner .It provide the principal means
by which savings are transformed in to investments. Given its role in the allocation of
resources, the efficient functioning of the financial system is critical to a modern economy.
Need for the Study
The Industry sectors and the financial system are undergoing rapidly changes
following the process of liberalization and reforms. The underlying principle behind every
reform measure re-orientation of monetary policy techniques, introduction of new money
market instruments and institutions, suggest structural changes in the financial system and
strengthening regulatory arrangements has been to make the system more competitive,
efficient and profitable.
Every performance indicator seems to reflect the impact of the reform measures.
Profitability of the industry has witnessed a steady improvement mainly as a result of these
measures, Capital adequacy ratios have crossed the norms prescribed for almost all industries.
The industries have begun to focus on minimizing their asset liability mismatches and on
risk management. Further, after the enactment of securitization Act
2002, the industries get a weapon to tackle the challenge of Non Performing Assets (NPAs).
At this backdrop, it is felt essential to study the financial performance of the Lead Acid
Division, HBL Power Systems Ltd, which is one of the representatives of the industrial
system. This is experiencing the recent reforms.
Scope of the study :
Objectives of the Study
The following are the objectives of the present study titled “Inventory Management at
Methodology of the study :
To fulfill the objectives mentioned above, the present study requires both
primary and secondary data. The primary data and the collection of secondary data
details are given as follows:
1 Primary data.
2 Secondary data.
Primary Data
Secondary data:
Limitations of the Study:
The study has been conducted is a systematic and comprehensive way so as to make the
project work an enviable one. However the topic under my study not is free from
limitations due to these factors. The following are the limitations of the present study:
2. The main source of information is the published annual reports which are not
sufficient to make a proper study.
3. The figures in the balance sheet are furnished according to the guidelines issued
by the Reserve Industry of India from time to time. Thus the Study Looses its
significance as the figures over the period may not be comparable.
Fertilizers are of immense value to man. They help the growth of agriculture
production. India is primarily an agricultural or an agro based country. Hence, it provides
an immense role in providing support to millions of people of the country.
The use of fertilizers enables the plant to increase the crop production by absorbing
greater amount of nutrients present in the soil. Hence, the fertilizers sector is one of the vital
sectors in the economy of the country.
Of late, a large number of private and public sector fertilizer plants have come up in
the country. These plants engage themselves in the production of several simple and complex
fertilizers such as urea, ammonium, phosphate and other complex nitrogenous and phosphate
fertilizers, which play a strategic role in catering to the needs of the various sectors of the
Today, India is the largest producer of milk, fruits, cashew nuts, coconuts and tea in
the world. The second largest producer of wheat, vegetables, sugar and fish and the third
largest producer of tobacco and rice. The per capita availability of food grains has risen
in the country from 350 grams in 1951 to about 500 grams per day now despite the increase
in population from 350 millions to 1250 millions.
Some of the major fertilizers making companies are Nagarjuna Fertilizers and
chemicals Ltd., Coromondel Fertilizers Ltd., are the major Phosphoric plants in the country.
In fact, all the other fertilizer Nagarjuna Fertilizers and Chemicals Ltd., Coromandel
Fertilizers Ltd., are the major Phosphoric plants in the country. In fact, all the other fertilizer
plants in the country are either nitrogenous or Potash based.
The food grain production in India in 1950 rose because of expansion in area. In 1960,
growth rate was very poor which resulted in large-scale imports. The development,
production and use of better seeds increased the productivity of wheat In 1970 and rice in
1980. The eighties was also a period of green revolution, which enabled India to become self
sufficient in food grain production and even a marginal exporter. In the nineties, however the
annual growth rate in production has fallen to 1.66% from 3.54 % recorded in the Eighties.
This is matter of serious concern for the country as this growth rate is just matching to
annual growth rate of population and 26.10 % of the population in the country is still living
below the poverty line.
Fertilizers may be classified into: (a)
Natural Fertilizers
(b) Artificial Fertilizers
Natural fertilizer is nothing but "Compost and manure". The action of soil bacteria
in breaking down dead organism and dung of animals· into nitrogenous compound easily
available by very good source of 'Natural Fertilizer'. When large areas of land brought
under cultivation and natural fertilizer are inadequate to compensate the soil of its rapid
decreasing nutrient values, artificial Fertilizers have to be added to the soil.
The three types of nutrients are required for proper growth N,P, and K. however,
Indian soil is not very seriously deficient in Potassium. It is estimated that India at
present needs a minimum of 6,00,000 tones of nitrogen per year, 23,40,000 tones of P205
per year, 13,10,000 tones of K 20 per year. The present production capacity is only about
50% of our requirements and the remaining is being imported from other countries.
With increased consumption, it is obvious that India must greatly increase the
production capacity of Fertilizers.
The first fertilizer factory in India was established at Ranipath, Tamil Nadu by
EID Parry Ltd., in 1906 to produce super phosphate from the acidulation of crushed
bones with an annual capacity of 6,400 tons. This was followed by Dharma Maorajrji
Chemical Company Factory at Ambernath in Maharastra in 1924 and DCM at Delhi in
1964, both produced any Super Phosphate. The first production of nitrogenous
fertilizers viz., Ammonium Sulphate was in 1993 as a by-product in the Tata Iron and
Steel Company at Jamshedpur. This was followed in 1941 by production of small
qualities of Ammonium Sulphate at Belagula, Mysore.
The acute shortage of food immediately after the Second World War necessitated
a fresh look at the ways of increasing production of food grains in the country. In this
process, the needs for fertilizers as an essential input for increased yields were realized.
As a result the Government of India started a fertilizer plant in Sindri. India was the
fourth larges producer of Nitrogenous fertilizers in the world. It was ranked 8th in the
phosphate fertilizers.
The development of fertilizer industry in India has been synonymous with rapidly
growing agriculture. About 50% of the increase in crop productivity in recent times
can be credited to the use of fertilizers.
To advise and educate the farmers about the use of fertilizers and ensure the supply of
qualitative products, a number of soil testing laboratories have been set up. These helped
the farmers in judicious use of fertilizers.
Earlier, the government used to fix the selling prices of fertilizers providing for
distributor’s margins, in 1977, the Government introduced a retention price scheme
for nitrogenous fertilizers, which was lager extended to other fertilizers.
To make adequate quality of fertilizers available to farmers in time, Government
also gave a freight subsidy, which covered the movement of fertilizers to the block head
quarters.Due to ample mishandling political interference, Government gave up all those
plans and gave permissions for decontrol of Phosphate and Potassium fertilizers to the
block headquarters.
During the 8th plant in 1992-98, production came very close to 100% capacity
utilization in spite of the problems of sickness and raw material constraints. There would
have been no shortfall in production during the 8 th plan but for the failure of planned
capacity addition of seven lakh tones for nitrogen and 2 lakh tones for phosphate
due to feed stock supply constraints (natural gas)
The major objective of 9th plant (1997-2002) strategy is to frame long term
feed stock and price policies for fertilizers and the steady tapering off of subsidies. It
also aims to encourage inflow of fresh investments and bring about an increase in
fertilizer consumption. To realize optimum application, the large price disparity
between the different nutrients to rely optimum applications will also have to be
corrected. Infrastructure will have to be strengthened to ensure smooth rail movement of
fertilizers and port handling of imported nutrients.
The lack of coherent fertilizer policy made difficult by the political uncertainties
created by coalition compulsion at the Centre, is telling on the health of this vital
industry, through production wise it has a better year in 1997-98 than in the previous
year. This underlined the need for the comprehensive fertilizer policy. As a response to
this, a high power committee recommended scrapping of unit wise retention price cum
subsidies scheme for both urea and complex fertilizers to facilitate balanced application
by farmers. The pricing methodology was based on long-range marginal cost principle to
enhance production efficiency. This pricing formula was also proposed to increase new
investments and efficient use of feedstock.
With 83.9% self sufficient in fertilizers at present and with establishment of new
plans and expansion of existing once it should not be difficult to meet the projected
demand 16.6% by the end of 9th plan with less and less imports.
Under Section -83 of the Act, every package shall bear thereon a label
securely affixed. A definite plan and conspicuous declaration made in accordance
with the provisions of the chapter in respect of name, address, net quantity, month and
year of manufacture, common or genetic name of the commodity unit sale price etc.
Coromandel manufactures a wide range of fertilizers and markets around 2.9 million
tons making it a leader in its addressable markets and the second largest phosphate fertilizer
player in India.
The Crop Protection business produces insecticides, fungicides and herbicides and
markets these products in India and across the globe. Coromandel is the second largest
manufacturer of Malathion and only the second manufacturer of Phenthoate.
Coromandel has also ventured into the retail business setting up more than 425 rural
retail centers in the agri and lifestyle segments.
The Company clocked a turnover of Rs.9668 crores (USD 2.2 billion) in 2008-09.Coromandel
was ranked among the top 20 best companies to work for by Business Today and was also
voted as one of the ten greenest companies in India by TERI, reflecting its commitment to the
environment and society.
Coromandel is a part of the Rs.15,907 crore (USD 3.14 billion) Murugappa Group.
It should have:
3. Profitable operations
To Enhance the prosperity of farmer through the supply of quality farm input & related
services to ensure value for money
To ethical norms in all dealings with shareholders, employees, customers,
suppliers, financial institutions and government.
Value for money to customers through quality products and services.
Our people with respect and concern provide opportunities to learn, contribute
and advance, recognize and reward initiative, innovativeness and creativity.
An organizational climate conducive to trust, open communication and team
spirit a style of operation, benefiting our size, but reflecting moderation and humility.
Environment effectively for harnessing opportunities.
Responsibilities to various sections of society thereby preserve environment.
In an accelerated manner, consistent with values and benefits, by continuous organization
INTEGRITY: We value professional and personal integrity above all else. We achieve our
goals by being honesty and straightforward with all our stakeholders. We earn trust with every
action, every minute of every day.
PASSION: We play to win. We have a healthy desire to stretch, achieve personal goals and
accelerate business growth. We strive constantly to improve and be energetic in
everything that we do.
QUALITY: We take ownership of our work. We unfailingly meet high standard of quality in
both what we do and the way we do it. We take pride in excellence.
RESPECT: We respect the dignity of every individual. We are open and transparent with
each other. We inspired and enable people to achieve high standard and challenging goals. We
provide everyone equal opportunities to progress and grow.
RESPONSIBILITY: We are responsible corporate citizens. We believe we can help make a
difference to our environment and change lives for the better. We will do this in a manner
that befits our size and also reflects our humidity.
To enable the farmers “grow more” by producing and supplying highly nutritious
complex fertilizers at minimum cost.
To maximize, the efficiency of both the men and machinery through continuous
up gradation of technology and providing training investment.
Niche Marketing
Widespread sales network
Marketing by intermediaries
The wide gap between demand and supply in Indian fertilizer market
Giving more emphasis the use of complex fertilizer for balanced fertilization.
Government subsidy reduction on urea for facilitating the use of complex fertilizer.
Huge consumption of urea cover complex that is offered at lessor cost in the market.
Tynerance of the Agricultural sector by the present government.
Almost complete dependence on import of raw materials which will effect the
company performance if the import prices are increased
The plant is situated in 500 acres of site about 5 km from the harbour. The site is
located on the east coast of Visakhapatnam and has been leased from
Visakhapatnam port trust for a period of 50 years with renewal options, at the port;
Coromandel International Limited operates its own bulk freight raw material
unloading berth, which is an added advantage as they import many for Coromandel
International Limited Company.
The plant uses a lot of seawater in the process for cooling purpose Vizag being a
seacoast provides the facility. Coromandel International Limited is serving the
farming community of India for the past 3 decades by producing around 1 million tonnes
of complex Fertilizers per annum and catering to the needs of agricultural society.
2. First in India achieved to install a large sulphuric acid plant based on DCDA
technology to control sulphur dioxide emission.
3. First in India achieved successfully to implement total recycling of seawater
for its effluent recirculation system attached to phosphoric acid plant.
4. First in India achieved to install a terminal for import and handling of molten
sulphur in environment friendly project.
Functional Areas
2. Marketing
3. Finance
4. Human Resources
The plant has planned to undertake manufacturing of single super phosphate with
estimated production volume of 0.7 lakh tones per annum. The basic raw materials used
for manufacturing are phosphoric acid, urea and ammonia. They buy naphtha to make
ammonia from HPCL. Rock phosphate is imported from USA and Sulphur is imported
from USA and gulf countries.
1. 1. Coromandel International Limited sells its product under the brand name
“GROMOR’. 1. Gromor (28:28:0) urea ammonium phosphate is one of the best
products of Coromandel International Limited . It has a unique granule
configuration Urea Prill Coated with ammonium Phosphate, which ensures nitrogen
availability to the crop over a longer duration of time.
Gypsum By-products Cement Industries –As a Retarder in
Cement manufacture. Farmers in
AP,Orissa,West Bengal, Madya
Pradesh use this product as a
neutralizer for Acidic Soils
Quality Policy:
Non-Fertilizer Activities:
2. Sale of Fertilizer raw material such as sulphur, rock phosphate, potash etc.
3. Finance:
Coromandel International limited laid its foundation stone in 1964 with an
investment of 50 crore and leading presently with a turnover of about 613 cores and
yields 10% growth rate on turnover and 27-30% of returns per year and spends
around 20 to 30 lakh per month as salaries to the employees.
3. Tax planning
As per the balance sheet stated on 31st March 2001 the fixed assets of the
company cost around 250 cores and, has gained a net profit of around 46.87 cores for
the year 1998-99. Except for a couple of years Coromandel International Limited is
being continuously a profit based company.
Plants of CIL:
Ammonia Plant:
Ammonia plant of 357 tonnes per day capacity was designed and constructed
by M/S Kellogg of USA. The basic raw material is Naphtha which is obtained from
Hindustan Petroleum refinery, Visakhapatnam.
Urea plant:
Urea plant which has an operating capacity of 400 tonnes per day, based on
the CPJ - Allied, the process, the design and construction were done by M/s Nucamin,
Nunmate of USA.
The urea pills then send to complex plant for manufacture of urea. Ammonia
phosphate 28:28:0.
The Urea plant has been shut down due to the shutdown of Ammonia plant.
Sulphuric Acid plant of CFL has an operating capacity of 1300 tonnes per day.
This was designed and constructed by M/s Simon Carves (India).
The plant was designed and constructed by M/s Dorroliver, USA. The original
designed capacity of the plant was 255 tonnes per day, which was increased to 325
tonnes per day during revamp in 1975. The plant is now producing on an average
above 350 tonnes of phosphate.
Complex plant:
The complex plant utilizes ammonia, phosphoric acid, urea to make Ammonia
phosphate 28:28:0. Where as for manufacturing complex NPK 14:35: 14, ammonia
and phosphoric acid are used along with Potash, which is a bought out raw material,
mixed with the outer feed stocks in the complex plant. In case of manufacture of
16:10:0, 20:20:0 Ammonia phosphoric acid and sulphuric acid are used as feeds.
Ammonia : 1, 05,000MT/Yr
Phosphoric : 1, 13,050MT/Yr
Complex(28:28:0) : 4,00,000MT/Yr
From the very beginning Coromandel proved to be a boon to the Indian farmers.
It brought to India the world-class production facilities with a new generation of fertilizer
products. Coromandel vision had started playing a vital role in the resurgence of Indian
Gromor 28:28:0 is one of the best of its kind in the world. It has unique granule
configuration where in a urea prill at the centre is coated with ammonia phosphate, which
ensure nitrogen availability to the crop over a longer duration of time.
The Fertilizers and Chemicals Travancore Ltd (FACT).
The FAI Best Production Performance Award – 2006 for the Phosphoric Acid
Plant at Vizag,
Award for 2005-06 Best Energy Conservation in the Fertilizer sector received
by Vizag Plant on December 14 2006, National Energy Conservation Day.
The FAI Best Video Film Award – 2006 for the film on ‘Gromor Sulphur’ for
the 5th time.
National Award (1st Prize) for House Journal – 2006 from The Public
Relations Society of India, New Delhi, received for ‘The Voice’ ( house
journal ) for the 2nd consecutive year.
National Award (2nd Prize) for Video Film – 2006 from The Public Relations
Society of India, New Delhi received by Marketing Department (Fertilizers )
for the film “Cheetah” (Helping Hand)
British Council ‘Five Star’ rating for Safety Management System in 1998.
First prize for safety, among the 162 fertilizer companies in the International
Fertilizer Industries Sectional Contest.
Several other awards from the Central and State Government and other
institutions like AP Pollution Control Board, Jawaharlal Nehru Award for
Pollution Control and Energy Conservation.
Inventory is a list for goods and materials, or those goods and materials themselves,
held available in stock by a business. It is also used for a list of the contents of a
household and for a list for testamentary purposes of the possessions of someone who has
died. In accounting inventory is considered an asset.
It is concerned with keeping enough product on hand to avoid running out while at
the same time maintaining a small enough inventory balance to allow for a reasonable
return on investment. Proper inventory management is essential to the financial health of
the corporation; being out of stock forces customers to turn to competitors or results in a
loss of sales. Excessive level of inventory, however, results in large inventory carrying
costs, including the cost of the capital tied up in inventory.
Raw materials
Finished parts
Work in progress
Finished goods
Finished parts: finished parts which may either be brough out parts or pieces brough out
parts are those finished parts sub-assemblies or assemblies which are purchased from
outside suppliers piece are those parts which are manufactured at the company own plant
from the basic raw materials
Tools: These are comprise of standard tools and hand tools standard tools used on
machine such as saws drills remers etc and the hand tools are drill guns hammers mallets
Machinery spares: Are those which are used to maintain the machine without any
problem so that there wont be unnecessary breakdowns these spares include consumable
spares replacement spares ratable spares ,insurances spares.
The rapidly changing needs of customers and resulting margin reductions are
forcing distributors to explore innovative methods to cut cost, increase customer
service, and maximize resource utilization. Inventory is the largest asset that a distributor
has to manage to maximize return on assets, increase profitability and gain competitive
advantage in the market place forecasting, and setting statistical reorder point and buy
quantities. The program involves interactive exercises and games as well as a case-
study based learning experience.
value which every manufacturing firms need to account for the financial reports so
various firms follow various method of inventory valuation .Few are mention below:
Ordering costs: such cost also know as acquisition are set up costs this category of
cost is associated with the acquisition or ordering of inventory .Firms have to place
orders with suppliers to replenish inventory of raw materials. the expenses
involved are referred to as ordering cost A part from placing
Orders outside the various department has acquired materials from stores.
Any expenditure involved her is a part of the ordering cost Included in the ordering
costs involved in preparing a purchase order or requisition from and receiving
inspecting and recording the goods received to ensure both quantity and quality.
Carrying cost: The second broad categories of cost associated with inventory with
inventory are the carrying costs .They are involved in maintaining or carrying
inventory .the cost of holding inventory may be divided into two categories those
that arrives due to storing the inventory .The main components of this categories are
storage cost i.e tax depreciation insurance maintenance if the building ulities of
inventory against fire and theft .Services cost such as labor for handling inventory
clerical and accounting cost
Stock –out costs: They are invisible yet very import costs which a company has to
incur if there is a stock out resulting in a loss of production these costs are in the
from of loss of profit on lost of goods will adverse impact on future order and
temporary adverse effects on machinery because of lack of use etc
Benefits of inventory
A. Benefits in
If the purchasing of raw materials and other goods is not tied to production
/sales affirm can purchase a large quantity that as warranted by usage in
production i\or the sales level firms can purchase good before anticipated price
increases. this will lead to a decline in the cost of production .Inventory serves as
hedge against price increases as well as shortages of raw materials.
B. Benefits in
Finished goods inventory serves to uncouple production and sale .That
enable production at a rate different from that of cost .That is production can be
carried on at a higher at lower than the sales rates in brief since inventory permits
least cost production scheduling production can be carried on more efficiently.
C. Benefits in
The maintenance of inventory also a help a firm to enchance its sales
efforts ,A firm will not be to meet demand instantaneously there will be a lag
depending upon production process If the firm has inventory actual sales will not
have to depend on lengthy manufacturing process. A related aspect is
that inventory serves as competitive marketing tools to meet customers demands
inventory ensures the continued patronage of customers.
Inventory controls
ABC analysis
XYZ analysis
VED analysis
HML analysis
FSN analysis
It is an inventory application of the Pareto principal which states that there are a
“critical few and trivial man.” Idea is to establish inventory policies that focus
resources on the few critical inventory parts and not on many trivial ones. In this
technique, the items of inventory are classified according to value of usage.
The higher value items have lower safety stocks, because the cost of production is
very high in respect of higher value items. The lower value items carry higher
safety stocks. ABC analysis divides the total inventory list into three classes A, B,
and C using the rupee volume, as follows:
Items in class 'A' constitute the most important class of inventories so far
as the proportion in the total value of inventory. The 'A' items consists of
15% of the total items, accounts for 80% of the total material
The numbers are just indicative and actual break-up will vary from situation
to situation. The above categorization is represented in the table given below:
%of value
Class of items %of items
A 15 80
B 35 15
C 50 5
XYZ Analysis:
VED Analysis:
It is not ready to available in market and the vital for for plant operations.
Can be replaced
Lead time for procurement is around 2-3 months.
The items is available at market
Lead time for procurement is also not much (around the month)
Cost will not much
HML Analysis:
This analysis is based on cost of items H,M,&L alphabets represent items having
cost medium cost and lower cost.
Under this the quality and rate of consumption are to be taken in to consideration
‘F’ stands for fast moving items ‘S’ stand for slow moving items and ‘N’ stands for
non-moving items.
NON-Moving item
All items held in stock will be subject to non –moving analysis the items for
different non-moving period like over 3 years ,over 5 years and 10 years so as to
critically analysis the possibility of utilization of these items at other wise for
declaration non- moving especially those items which have not moved for more than
5 years .materials management department with the concerned technical department
will jointly do this analysis and separate list will be prepared i.e group wise e,for non
moving items beyond 5 years on an annual basis code groups and indented again
until the existing stock are ulitiized every effort will be made to keep as low as
practicable because this is non –productive inventory which is blocking the capital
storage space needing preservation and up keeping efforts and result in extra
inventory y carrying cost the company reduce the non moving inventory by regular
review for utilization or by declaring as surplus obsolete.
Any organization engaged in production repair or construction is oblinged to stock a
large number of items of store it is essential to maintain accurate stock records
of these items and also to know their location in store warehouse the normal way of
identifying an article is by simple description but this method is far from
satifactory the best way is to list out the various items classifying or grouping them
in some is sufficient to identify the items each code number is unique and represents
one single items by this management of stock will be easier there are three
types of coding system are i.e alphabetical alphanumeric and numerical records with
the help of data processing machines are able to give any output using e codes.
Standardization of product s
Standardization of business practical.
Automatic Replacement Systems
For few items in the stock that frequently moving and are usually of low value and
required by more than one department are subjected to ARES.ARS is completely
controlled by materials control department ;they actually fix a minimum, maximum
and recorder level , so as soon as these items reaches reorder level material
control department will monitor it and indent is prepared immediately for
procurement of these items.
management :
Stores are used for receiving ,storage and supply of the goods,it plays a major role in
inventory management ,stores are the center of activity of materials in motion , an
efficient system must aim at good systems and procedures efficient O&M and
smooth and speedy receipts and issues .The main objective of stores will be to
provide efficient service to all operating functions such as production construction,
repair and maintenance. These are usually two sections in stores
Custody section usually takes care of storage and preservation of the incoming goods
where as issue /receipt section confirms of right input according to the order
and issues the same according to the requirements .
Preservation :
Proper material storage it very important and it is carried out very effectively by the
in the by concerned for carrying out an effective preservation programs factors such
as economic aspects , period of idleness of a port, condition of the part nature of the
exposed surface as well as applicability of specific protective to be applied are
considered and make sure that they do not exceed the cost of the part to be preserved
some of the procedures followed are as follows.
All ferrous spares are given analysis protective cost of paying /varnish
and stored.
Precision spares like instruments ,electronic and electrical spares, ball
and roller bearing are covered in polythene bags, enclosing moisture
absorbent chemicals like silica gel etc.,
Precision spares are maintained in dust free air –conditions rooms with
out sunlight and moisture.
French chalk powder is sparkled whenever possible an rubber items like
tires, tubes hoses, v belts etc.,
Items like electrodes are kept intact in original packing and kept in dry
storage room with heaters to avoid excess of moisture affecting the coating.
Sintered bush bearings are soaked in warm oil for 24hrs once in analysis year.
Pipes over 2.are flushed /cleaned with dry air in these cases protective
paints the exterior painting .
Vertical stocking of grin dining wheels with partitioning in between
is necessary so that the faces do not come in to contact with each other.
Strip heaters in all high voltage motors, LT motors should be provided to
avoid moisture entering in to the motors.
Copper parts are protected against ingress of ammonium salts.
Silver and lead parts are cleansed with fresh water.
Compressors and turbines of multistage pumps are rotated on their
bearing every quarter to prevent staging/clogging.
Anti-rodents and insecticides measures are taken on regular basis.
Shaft gears and impellers are stored horizontally after painting
with dewatering protecting films such as rasgards and rust line etc…
Fasteners and screws that are kept in the racks are treated with
hard preservation Film.
Perishables spares like v belts with a low shelf life are identified and the FIFO
method of issues are practiced.
Carrying cost these costs are important elements for the optimum
level inventory decisions.
Such cost is also known as acquisitions are set up costs.This category of costs is
associated with the acquisition or ordering of inventory .Firms have to place orders
with suppliers to replenish inventory of raw materials .The expenses involved are
referred to as ordering cost. Apart from placing orders outside the various
departments have acquire materials from the stores .Any expenditure involved here is
anaylsis part of the ordering cost. Included in the ordering cost are costs involved in:
preparing a purchases order or requisition form land receiving ,inspecting , and
recording the goods received ti ensure both quantity and quality .
The second broad categories of cost associated with inventory are the carrying
costs .They are involved in maintaining or carrying inventory. The cost of holding
inventory may be divided into two categories those that arrives due to storing the
inventory .The main components of this category are: storage cist, i.e., tax
depreciation, insurance, maintenance of the building utilities: insurance of inventory
against fire and theft.
Controls over inventory in stock. There are several proven methods for inventory
control . They are listed below, from simplest to most complex.
Visual control enables the manager to examine the inventory visually ti
determine if addtioal is required .In very small business where this method is used
,records may not be needed at all or only for show moving or expensive items.
As a business grows ,it may find a need for analysis more sophisticated and
technical form of inventory. Today,the use of computer systems and technical form
of inventory is far more feasible for small business than ever before ,both through the
widespread existence of computer service organizations and the decreasing cost of
small-sized computers. Often the justification for such analysis computer- based
system is enhanced by the fact that company accounting and billing procedures can
also be handled on the computer .
Sales& distribution department ensure that ,finished goods reach the right
place at right time and at right cost
Sales& distribution depatment consider both sales and prodcction while preparing a
dispatch plan,S&D department also make sure cross check the monthly stock
reconciliation report sent by RMO from every region so,that details about a the
closing stock at each center are know so any variation in the closing stock will lead to
all little variation in the dispatch plan when compared to sales plan.
Purchasing system
Inventory control is very essential for any organization an organization represents aggregate
o those items which are either held for the sale on ordinary course of business or are in the process of
production of goods and services in case KPR fertilizers raw materials department procures the
required raw materials where as central stores and materials department take care of spares consumed
during the production and sales distribution are responsible for managing the finished goods. The
main tools used by the company for the inventory control in stores for managing the spares are:
ABC Analysis
XYZ Analysis
15 Fuel-4116522 24,613.00 0 - 18
18 PP Thred-54728 24,91,400.00 0 - 19
Annual Consumption for the year 2012-13
Items constituting 70% of the total annual consumption by value are classified as
A class items .The items are MECH EQPT Spares Building Material ,Miscellaneous,
Iron & steel The next 20% of the annual consumption value are classified as ‘B’ class
The remaining 10% of the value are classified as ‘C’ class items are
items ,Fire items and security, lab chem. & apparatus, tools and jigs and EDP.
ABC Analysis for the year 2013-14
15 Fuel-4116522 24614.00 0 - 18
18 PP Thred-54728 24,91,400.00 0 - 19
Items constituting 70% of the total annual consumption by value are classified as A
class items .The items are MECH EQPT Spares Building Material ,Miscellaneous,
Iron & steel The next 20% of the annual consumption value are classified as ‘B’
The remaining 10% of the value are classified as ‘C’ class items are
items ,Fire items and security, lab chem. & apparatus, tools and jigs and EDP.
ABC Analysis for the year 2014-15
15 Fuel-4116522 24,613.00 0 - 18
18 PP Thred-54728 24,19,400.00 0 - 19
Item name Annual Cumulative(Rs) Cumulative%
MECH EQPT Spares 10362073.00 1032073.00 29.62
Items constituting 70% of the total annual consumption by value are classified as A class
items .The items are MECH EQPT Spares Building Material ,Miscellaneous, Iron & steel
The next 20% of the annual consumption value are classified as ‘B’ class items
The remaining 10% of the value are classified as ‘C’ class items are
,Fire items and security, lab chem. & apparatus, tools and jigs and EDP.
55 Items Group Wise Cost per unit Units Annual consumption Rank
Item name Annual Cumulative(Rs) Cumulative%
MECH EQPT Spares 14447831.00 14447831.00 42.70
Items constituting 70% of the total annual consumption by value are classified as A
class items .The items are MECH EQPT Spares Fules-4116522,pp Thread-54728,
The next 20% of the annual consumption value are classified as ‘B’ class
items .The items are Iron and steel General Bearings, Instruments spares.
The remaining 10% of the value are classified as ‘C’ class items are
Miscellaneous, Lubricants, Fasteners ,Chemicals, Fire items and security, lab chem. &
1 Mechanical(Mech- 208 91.316 429 26.137 1653 13.059 2290 130.512
59 Department No of Valu.e No of Value No of Value No of value
items items items items
19 De-foamer 10 0.570 12 0.570 14 0.274 36 0.685
XYZ Analysis for stock for the year 2014-15 Department No. of Value No .of Value No.of Value No.of Value
Items Items Items Items
XYZ Analysis of the company:
which were worth about 2.50 crores so after XYZ analysis around 630 items of worth
around 1.76 crores were classified as ‘X’ class similarly there are around 938 items in
items worth of around 1.76 crores where as there were 938 Y class items contributed
to A value of around 4,38 crores and 3005 Z class items .This contributed to 2.44
Some items get expired beyond a particular time limit .so these items are
to be used before they get expired so such items are controlled using FIFO for
effective utilization company ulitizes this technique for almost all the spares available
in the stock.
The existence of a need based philosophy like marketing resides with the truth
of self sufficiency. In other words, as on individuals is self sufficient or capable of
satisfying all his / her needs with depending on any one, it’s the same in the case in
the country. No country can live in a complete isolation. Whenever inequality arises
there an opportunity is created for the resourceful person /country to encase the
The need and importance of inventory varies in direct proportion to the idle
time cost of men and machinery and urgency of requirement. If men and machinery in
the factory could, wait and so could customers, materials would not lie in want for
then and no inventories need to be carried. But it is highly uneconomical to keep men
and machinery waiting and the requirements of modern life are so urgent that cannot
wait for materials to arrive after the need for them has arisen. Hence, the organization
needs to carry the inventories.
In 2012 due to decrease in the value of product ‘A’ the consumption value
has decreased.
Due to increase in demand for their products the maximum stock level is in the
increasing trend.
The implementation of 1+2 plan helps the company for cost cutting.
The raw material turnover ratio is very high and decreased in the later years
due to effective control.
The finished goods turnover ratio is high is shows the efficiency of
business operations.
Inventory turnover period is decreasing which means the stock remains in the
store for lesser period.
The companies by strictly following inventory management techniques like
EOQ, ABC, MRP analysis they can increase its profits.
By supplying the finished products at reasonable prices to the customers and
thus increase its period of existence in the market.
It is suggested to calculate EOQ for items of each raw material and maintain
the ordering cost and carrying cost profile for effective management of
There has been a phenomenon growth in the financial position in company over
the last five years which has been the result of the reforms and liberalization in the
economy. This increase also let to serve competition among the companies .these
companies have properly designing the investment and lending policies. Otherwise they
have to face sever financial troubles. In the light of competition these companies have to
plan and implement suitable, appropriate policies in order to strengthen their financial
variability which is seen through the financial statement and its analysis.
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