2016 IT601 DBMS Old
2016 IT601 DBMS Old
2016 IT601 DBMS Old
Theory / B. Tech / IT / SEM - VI / Code – IT 601 / 2015-16
Paper Name: Database Management System (Old Syllabus)
Full Marks: 75 Time Allotted: 3 hours
The figures in the margin indicate full marks. Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
[MCQ Type Questions][Compulsory]
1. Choose the correct alternative of the following questions. Answer all questions. 10 x 1 = 10
[Short Answer Type Questions]
Answer any four of the following
Answer any four of the following
4 x 5 = 20
2. a) Define primary Key.
b) Describe how BCNF differs from 3NF? 2+3
3. a) Differentiate between Strong entity set and weak entity set.
b) What is the difference between conflict equivalence and view equivalence? 2+3
4. Explain two phase locking protocol. 5
5. a) Compare Database Management System and File Management System.
b) Explain Aggregation. 3+2
6. Explain the following terms with examples
i) Natural Join ii) Aggregate functions 2.5 + 2.5
7. a) “Primary Key is one type of integrity constraint” – Explain.
b) Write all possible sequences of states of Transactions (using diagram). 2+3
Group – C
[Long Answer Type Questions]
Answer any three of the following
3 x
15 = 45
8. a) Draw the E-R diagram for a Hospital Management System.
b) Consider the following relations with primary keys underlined.
Salesperson (SNo, Sname, Designation)
Area (ANo, Aname, ManagerNo)
Product (PNo, Pname, Cost)
SAP (SNo, ANo, PNo)
(I) Define the schema in SQL specify the attributes, and keys assuming that ManagerNo is a
foreign key.Specify the constraint that the cost of a product cannot be greater than Rs.10000/-.
(II) Answer using SQL
(i) Get the names of all the products that are sold.
(ii) Get the product numbers which are marketed by at least two sales persons.
(iii) Get the names of all salespersons who are not Managers. 7 + (2+6)
9. a) Given below are two sets of FDs for a relation R (A, B, C, D, E). Are they equivalent?
i) A → B, AB → C, D → AC, D → E
ii) A → BC, D → AE
b) Define the following operations of relational algebra and give an example each
(i) Rename (ii) Natural Join
c) What is functional dependency?
d) Suppose we are given relation R with attributes A, B, C, D, E, F, and the FDs,
A → BC, E → CF, B → E ,CD → EF
Compute the closure {A,C}+ under this set of FDs. 6 + (2 + 2) + 2 + 3
Time T1 T2 T3
t1 : read(Y)
t2 : read(Z)
t3 : read(X)
t4 : write(X)
t5 : write(Y)
t6 : write(Z)
t7 : read(Z)
t8 : read(Y)
t9 : write(Y)
t10 : read(Y)
t11 : write(Y)
t12 : read(X)
t13 : write(X)
12. a) Insert the keys below in the order stated into an initially empty B-tree of order 3.
Show all intermediate steps
1, 7, 6, 2, 11, 4, 8, 13, 10, 5, 19, 12, 18