Income Taxation Banggawan - Chapter 1
Income Taxation Banggawan - Chapter 1
Income Taxation Banggawan - Chapter 1
1. As a State Power – To enforce proportional contribution for public purpose.
2. As a Process – Process of levying taxes by the legislature of state.
3. As a mode of cost distribution – State allocate its cost to its subjects
Note: Those who have more should be tax more even if they benefit less from the Government. Those who have less
shall contribute less even if they received more benefits from the Government.
2. International comity – all nations are deemed equal with one another regardless of race
religion culture economic condition or military power
Note: No country is powerful than the other. Hence, governments do not tax the income and properties of other
3. Public Purpose – Tax is intended for the common good.
4. Exemption of the government – government properties and income from essential public
functions are not subject to taxation. However, income from properties and activities
conducted for profit including income from government owned and controlled
corporations are subject to tax.
5. Non-delegation of the taxing power – The legislative taxing power is vested exclusively
in congress and is non-delegate pursuant to the doctrine of separation of the branches
of the government ensured a system of checks and balances.
B. Constitutional Limitations
1. Observance of due process of Law – tax laws should neither be harsh nor
2. Equal protection of law – No person shall be denied the equal protection of the
3. Uniformity rule in taxation – The rule of taxation shall be uniform and equitable.
4. 4. Progressive system of taxation – tax rates increase as the tax base increases.
5. Non-imprisonment for non-payment of debt or poll tax – no one shall be imprisoned
because of his poverty, and no one is imprisoned for mere inability to pay debt.
6. Non-impairment of obligation and contract – tax exemptions granted under contract
should be honored and should not cancel by a unilateral government action.
7. Free worship rule – the government adopts free exercise of religion and does not subject
its exercise to taxation.
Note: the properties and revenues of religious institutions such as tithes or offerings are not subject to tax.
9. Non-appropriation of public funds or property for the benefit of church, sect or system of
religion – the government should not favor any particular system of religion by
appropriating public funds or property support thereof.
10. Exemption from taxes of the revenues and assets non-profit, non-stock educational
institutions – This exemption, however, applies only on revenues and assets that are
actually, directly, and exclusively devoted for educational purposes.
11. Concurrence of a majority of all members of Congress for the passage of a law granting
tax exemption – The constitution requires the vote of the majority of all members of
congress in the grant of tax exemption.
Note: In the approval of exemption law, an absolute majority, or the majority of all congress, not a relative majority
or quorum majority, is required. However, in the withdrawal of tax exemption, only a relative majority is required.
12. Non-diversification of tax collections – tax collections should be used only for public
purpose. It should never be used for private purpose.
13. Non delegation of the power of taxation – Taxation power as part of Law-making is
vested exclusively in Congress.
14. Non-impairment of the jurisdiction of the Supreme Court to review cases – all cases
involving taxes can be raised to and be finally decided by the Supreme Court of the
15. The requirement that appropriations, revenues, or tariff bills shall originate exclusively in
the House of Representative
16. The delegation of taxing power to local government units
Situs is the place of taxation. It is the tax jurisdiction that has the power to levy taxes
upon the tax object.
Vague tax laws – are construed against the government and in favor of the tax payers. A vague
tax law means no tax.
Vague exemption tax – construed against the tax payer and in favor of the government. A vague
exemption tax law means no exemption law.
Double taxation occurs when the same taxpayer is taxed twice by the same tax
jurisdiction for the same thing.