Residual Life Assessment IJERTV4IS031113
Residual Life Assessment IJERTV4IS031113
Residual Life Assessment IJERTV4IS031113
ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 4 Issue 03, March-2015
1.1.3 Dye Penetrant Testing completely and thin coating of developer is sprayed. After
a further period (development time) the developer draws
This method is frequently used for the detection of the dye out of the crack, to form a visual, magnified in
surface breaking flaws in non ferro-magnetic materials. width, indication in good contrast to the background. The
The subject to be examined is first of all chemically process is purely a chemical.[9] See figure 4.
cleaned, usually by vapour phase, to remove all traces of
foreign material, grease, dirt, etc. from the surface
generally, and also from within the cracks. Next the dye
(which is a very fine thin oil usually dyed bright red or
ultra-violet fluorescent) is applied and allowed to remain in
contact with the surface for approximately fifteen minutes.
Capillary action draws the dye into the crack during this
period. The surplus dye on the surface is then removed
This method is suitable for the detection of surface and radiation which is differentially absorbed by the material
near surface discontinuities in magnetic material, mainly through which it passes; the greater the thickness, the
ferritic steel and iron.The principle is to generate magnetic greater the absorption. Furthermore, denser material gives
flux in the article to be examined, with the flux lines greater absorption. X ray and Gamma rays also have the
running along the surface at right angles to the suspected property, like light, of partially converting silver halide
defect. Where the flux lines approach a discontinuity they crystals in a photographic film to metallic silver, in
will spray out in to the air at the mouth of the crack. The proportion to the intensity of the radiation reaching the
crack edge becomes magnetic attractive poles North and film, and therefore forming a latent image. This can be
South. These have the power to attract finely divided developed and fixed in a similar way to normal
particles of magnetic material such as iron fillings. Usually photographic film. Material with internal voids is tested by
these particles are of an oxide of iron in the size range 20 to placing the subject between the source of radiation and the
30 microns, and are suspended in a liquid which provides film. The voids show as darkened areas, where more
mobility for the particles on the surface of the test piece, radiation has reached the film, on a clear background. The
assisting their migration to the crack edges. However, in principles are the same for both X ray and Gamma
some instances they can be applied in a dry powder form. radiography. In X-ray radiography the penetrating power is
The particles can be red or black oxide, or they can be determined by the number of volts applied to the X-Ray
coated with a substance, which fluoresces under black tube - in steel approximately 1000 volts per inch thickness
light. The object is to present as great a contrast as possible is necessary. In Gamma radiography the isotope governs
between the crack indication and the material background. the penetrating power and is unalterable in each isotope.
[9]See figure 5. [9]
An illustration of Radiography shows in figure 6.
1.1.4 Radiography
This technique is suitable for the detection of internal
defects in ferrous and nonferrous metals and other
materials. X-rays, generated electrically, and Gamma rays
emitted from radio-active isotopes, are penetrating
Expose time
2.1.2 Micro-voids formation at grain boundaries:-The order to find numerical correlation of the parameter with
principle is based on the fact that creep evolution of heat service and expected time of the component. In the
resistant steels is related to the appearance of cavities some research studies hardness has been measured through
time before rupture. These cavities gradually form micro- standard instruments as Vickers or Brinell indenter based,
cracks by inter-linkage and at the end come to initiate the but for in plant direct monitoring of serviced component
rupture. Size and density of the cavities increase as creep some instruments based on energy absorption during
progresses from secondary to tertiary. Cavity size is largely impact or indentation combined with ultrasonic
dependent also on material type, however it is in the range measurements are available as correlation for standard unit
of micron size (often also lower), therefore they are usually conversion. Due to this fact it is thus possible to obtain also
called “micro-voids” or ”micro-cavities”. Due to their results directly from in-service components. Actually at the
small size, they cannot be detected by conventional NDT moment although hardness measurement in plant is a
techniques such as PT, UT, MT, RT, and metallographic commonly applied technique during maintenance
investigation is required. [4] see figure 8. inspection (especially in combination with replica) the
most of the published studies are based on laboratory
2.1.3 Carbide evolution:-Many significant studies have measurement made on test specimens with standard
been conducted on the evolution of carbides present in hardness measurement techniques.[4]
steels due to creep exposure. Separation and coarsening of
carbides is in general an index of material degradation due 2.2.3 Risk-Based Inspections (RBI):-The risk-based
to creep exposure. The most important carbides are M3C inspection (RBI) methodology was introduced by Chinese
Essentially cementite Fe3C but often including other petrochemical enterprises from the beginning of this
metallic elements (in particular Mn), the content of these century, it has been put into practice fruitfully on the
other elements is controlled by element tendency to pressure-bearing systems of over 30 petrochemical plants,
partitioning among ferrite matrix and affinity to carbon for and the safety and economy of enterprise production have
carbide formation. improved. In the past several outstanding problems found,
helped in the development of RBI in China, for example,
2.1.4 Inter-particle distance:-The concept is strictly related with respect to the problem of acceptable risk, the principle
to phenomenon of carbide coarsening and grain boundary of "equal risk level", and similarly, the determination of
area the microstructure transformation correspond in an inspection cycle, effectiveness of online inspection,
inter-particle distance growth that can be statistically relationship with statutory regulations and technical
(roughly or more precisely) estimated. specifications, software introduction and improvement,
2.2 Techniques Applied For Investigation On In-Service etc., are used to get the definite suggestions.[4]
The most of the studies done on correlation of material 1. Using Damage Parameter
microstructure and creep exposure have been performed by
means of metallographic specimen obtained from creep In high pressure and high temperature components,
specimen after tests. A large improvement of the headers & steam pipes, the consequential damage
investigation on actual in service components has been mechanism is creep, which manifests itself in the form of
obtained with the replica technique. cavities in the microstructure. The morphology (shape
characteristics and orientation) of the cavities shows the
2.2.1 Replica investigation:-The technique is essentially the status of the component in terms of its remaining life. The
application of metallographic specimen preparation phenomenon of creep is guided by the factors such as
(grinding, polishing, and etching) to a limited area of the temperature, stress, time and material properties. Given a
component that is required to investigate and the material that is subjected to constant temperature and stress
reproduction of the so prepared surface on a thin foil of (pressure), creep damage evident in the microstructure will
polymeric material. If microstructure evolution is the target be a function of time (expended life fraction).
of replica examination, the removal of a thin layer of
surface material (about 0.3-0.5 mm thickness reduction) is Fatigue Usage Fraction:-
recommended so to avoid the external layer of
The maximum stress developed due to thermal pressure.
decarburized material. The reproduction of prepared
Take alternating stress range (S range), with the lower limit
surface on plastic material is achieved by the softening of
zero towards the max in the shut down condition, fatigue
polymeric thin foil with adequate solvent followed by
life usage fraction is obtained from S-N curve as
hardening of the same plastic material due to solvent
evaporation. Replica can be observed with the utilization of Uf= n/N
an optical microscope, where standard magnification
ranges from50 to 500 x ( 1000 x magnification can be Where, n is the actual number of stress cycles
achieved but often difficulties can be matched on focus experienced by the component, and N is the maximum
optimization of replica surface). number of stress cycles that the component can
2.2.2 Hardness:-Since the first study developed for the
assessment of residual life in high temperature serviced S-N Curve :-These curves represent the relationship
components, attention has been paid to hardness value in between the stress Range and corresponding fatigue life
„N‟ measured in terms of number of stress cycles to failure. X – oxide scale thickness in mils
To develop these curves, fatigue tests are conducted in
P – T (20 + log t ) [ Larsen miller parameter ]
laboratory on representative samples. For each stress range
different values of number of cycles till failure are T – temperature in 0 R (0 F + 460 )
obtained. S-N curves have been developed based on data of
full size specimen of different types of connections. See t- time in hour
figure 9. Tr = t × Texp
Where Tr = reaming time in hours, Texp = running hours