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An Overview of Internet of Things (IoT) PDF

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5, OCTOBER 2018

An Overview of Internet of Things (IoT) and Data

Analytics in Agriculture: Benefits and Challenges
Olakunle Elijah , Student Member, IEEE, Tharek Abdul Rahman, Member, IEEE,
Igbafe Orikumhi, Member, IEEE, Chee Yen Leow , Member, IEEE,
and MHD Nour Hindia, Member, IEEE

Abstract—The surge in global population is compelling a the ability to transfer data over a network without requiring
shift toward smart agriculture practices. This coupled with the human-to-human or human-to-computer interaction. A key
diminishing natural resources, limited availability of arable land, area of interest in this paper is the application of IoT in agri-
increase in unpredictable weather conditions makes food secu-
rity a major concern for most countries. As a result, the use of culture. The world population is estimated to be about 9.7
Internet of Things (IoT) and data analytics (DA) are employed to billion in 2050, as such there will be great demand for food.
enhance the operational efficiency and productivity in the agricul- This coupled with the diminishing natural resources, arable
ture sector. There is a paradigm shift from use of wireless sensor land, unpredictable weather conditions make food security a
network (WSN) as a major driver of smart agriculture to the use major concern for most countries. The world is turning to the
of IoT and DA. The IoT integrates several existing technologies,
such as WSN, radio frequency identification, cloud computing, use of IoT combined with data analytics (DA) to meet the
middleware systems, and end-user applications. In this paper, world’s food demands in the coming years [10]. It is pre-
several benefits and challenges of IoT have been identified. We dicted that IoT device installations in the agriculture sector
present the IoT ecosystem and how the combination of IoT and will increase from 30 million in 2015 to 75 million by 2020.
DA is enabling smart agriculture. Furthermore, we provide future The use of IoT and DA will enable smart agriculture which
trends and opportunities which are categorized into technological
innovations, application scenarios, business, and marketability. is expected to deliver high operational efficiency and high
yield [11], [12].
Index Terms—Agriculture, data analytics (DA), Internet of Over the years, wireless sensor networks (WSNs) has
Things (IoT), IoT ecosystems, IoT in agriculture, IoT sensors,
smart agriculture. been deployed for smart agriculture and food produc-
tion with a focus on environmental monitoring, precision
agriculture, machine and process control automation and
traceability [13]–[18]. The capability of WSN to self-organize,
self-configure, self-diagnosis, and self-heal has made it a good
HE INTERNET of Things (IoT) has found its application
T in several areas, such as connected industry, smart-
city [1], [2], smart-home [3] smart-energy, connected car [4],
choice for smart agriculture and the food industry. The WSN is
a system that comprise of radio frequency (RF) transceivers,
sensors, microcontrollers and power sources [13]. However,
smart-agriculture [5], connected building and campus [6], with the emergency of IoT there has been a paradigm shift
health care [7], logistics [8], among other domains. IoT aims to from the use of WSN for smart agriculture to IoT as the
integrate the physical world with the virtual world by using the major driver of smart agriculture. The IoT integrates several
Internet as the medium to communicate and exchange infor- technologies that already exist, such as WSN, RF identifi-
mation [9]. IoT has been defined as a system of interrelated cation, cloud computing, middleware systems and end-user
computing devices, mechanical and digital machines, objects, applications [19].
animals, or people that are provided with unique identifiers and The application of IoT in agriculture is about empowering
Manuscript received October 23, 2017; revised May 13, 2018; accepted farmers with the decision tools and automation technologies
May 31, 2018. Date of publication June 5, 2018; date of current ver- that seamlessly integrate products, knowledge and services for
sion November 14, 2018. This work was supported by the Ministry better productivity, quality, and profit. Recent surveys on the
of Education and Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) through Grant
Q.J130000.2509, 19H38, 4F818, 19H58. This work was supported in part by IoT in agriculture have focused on the challenges and con-
H2020-MSCA-RISE-2015 under the grant (690750). (Corresponding author: straints for large-scale pilots in entire supply chain in the
Olakunle Elijah.) agrifood sector [5], [20]. Some of the key issues addressed
O. Elijah, T. A. Rahman, and C. Y. Leow are with the Wireless
Communication Center, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Johor Bahru are the need for new business models, security and privacy,
81310, Malaysia (e-mail: elij_olak@yahoo.com; tharek@fke.utm.my; and data governance and ownership solution. Other related
bruceleow@fke.utm.my). survey on smart agriculture have largely focused on the use
I. Orikumhi is with the Department of Electronics Engineering,
5G/Unmanned Vehicle Research Center, Hanyang University, Seoul 04673, of WSNs [21]. While these survey papers deal with the appli-
South Korea (e-mail: johnorikumhi@yahoo.com). cation of sensor technology and challenges in the application
MHD N. Hindia is with the Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of IoT to the food supply chain, the communication technol-
of Engineering, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur 50603, Malaysia
(e-mail: nourhindia@hotmail.com). ogy were limited to conventional methods which employs low
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/JIOT.2018.2844296 range communication technologies.
2327-4662 c 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.

Fig. 1. Illustration of IoT ecosystem for agriculture.

In this paper, an extensive review of IoT in agriculture 4) In Section V, the benefits are highlighted. These include
is carried out. The review includes a survey of published the use of IoT to promote community farming, safety
articles, white paper and existing solutions. The IoT ecosys- and fraud prevention, competitive advantages, wealth
tem for agriculture is discussed in detail based on four major creation, cost reduction, operational efficiency, aware-
components which are IoT devices, communication technol- ness, and asset management.
ogy, Internet, data storage, and processing. The application 5) Section VI discusses several open issues and key chal-
of IoT and DA and how it is enabling smart agriculture is lenges in the adoption of IoT in agriculture. The issues
presented. Furthermore, the benefits, challenges, open issues, are identified and discussed under three main categories:
future trends and opportunities are discussed. a) business; b) technical; and c) sectoral.
The organization of this paper is presented as follows. 6) Section VII takes a look at the future trends and
1) In Section II, the IoT ecosystem for agriculture, which opportunities.
consist of four major components: a) IoT devices; 7) Section VIII finally concludes this paper.
b) communication technology; c) Internet; and d) data
are presented.
2) Section III covers the classification of IoT application II. I OT E COSYSTEM
in agriculture. Key areas are considered: a) monitor- In this section, an overview of the IoT ecosystem for agri-
ing; b) tracking and tracing; c) agricultural machinery; culture is presented. It consists of four major components
d) precision agriculture; and e) greenhouse production. which are: 1) IoT devices; 2) communication technology;
3) Section IV discusses the importance of IoT and DA. 3) Internet; and 4) data storage and processing. Fig. 1 illus-
Six key areas are considered which are: a) prediction; trates the IoT ecosystem. The four major components are
b) storage management; c) decision making; d) farm essential for any IoT application. The description of the IoT
management; e) precision farming; and f) insurance. components as it relates to agriculture is provided as follows.

band. The drawback to the use of the unlicensed spectrum

are security issues, cost of infrastructure, and interference.
Electromagnetic interference is generated by ISM IoT devices
that interrupts radio communications that use the same fre-
quency. On the other hand, the licensed spectrum which are
allocated to the cellular network offers more efficient traffic
management, less interference, better reliability, increased
quality of service (QoS), high level of security, wider coverage
and lesser cost of infrastructure to the users. The drawback
to the use of licensed spectrum is cost of subscription for
data transmission and transmit power consumption on the
IoT devices.
2) Standard: There are so many existing standards for
wireless communications, some of which have been listed
in Table II. They can be classified into short-range and
long-range communication standards. Examples of the
short-range standards are near field communications-enabled
devices, Bluetooth, ZigBee, Z-Wave, passive and active radio
Fig. 2. Architecture of IoT device. frequency identification (RFID) systems. The short-range
standards can cover distances within 100 m. The long-range
A. IoT Devices communication standards can cover distances up to 10 s
of kilometers. The long-range communication standards are
The IoT devices consist of embedded systems which inter-
classified as the low power wide area (LPWA) (examples are
acts with sensors and actuators and requires wireless con-
LoRa, Sigfox, NB-IoT). The LPWA makes use of low power
nectivity. These IoT devices are sometimes referred to as
and can cover wide area [24], [25].
IoT sensors. Throughout this paper it is referred to as IoT 3) Application Scenario: The choice of communication
device. The architecture of a typical IoT device for agricul- technology also depends on applications of the IoT device.
ture is shown in Fig. 2. The embedded system consists of field The communication technology can either be used for IoT
programmable gate arrays or microprocessor, communication devices that acts as nodes or as backhaul networks. The
modules, memory and input/output interfaces. nodes transmit low data and cover very short distances
The sensors are used to monitor and to measure differ- with low power consumption. The backhaul network sup-
ent farm variables (example soil nutrients, weather data) and ports high data rates and can be used for very long dis-
factors that affect production. The sensors can be classified tances. Some of the communication technologies support
into location sensors, optical sensors, mechanical sensors, bi-directional link. The bi-directional link allows for forward
electrochemical sensors, and airflow sensors [22]. These error correction, handshaking for data reliability, encryption
sensors are used to gather information, such as air tem- of data, over-the-air firmware updates, and communication
perature, soil temperature at various depths, rainfall, leaf between devices. In [26], the comparison of LoRa and NB-IoT
wetness, chlorophyll, wind speed, dew point temperature, shows that each technology has its advantages and disadvan-
wind direction, relative humidity, solar radiation, and atmo- tages hence the most appropriate technology depends on the
spheric pressure. Table I provides a summary of some of application.
the sensors and their applications. There are key character- Furthermore, the choice of communication technology for
istics of IoT device that makes them suitable for agriculture the IoT device also depends on the type of topology to be
purposes. They are: 1) power efficiency; 2) memory; 3) com- deployed. There are different types of topology, such as peer-
putational efficiency; 4) portability; 5) durability; 6) coverage; to-peer (P2P) or line, star, mesh, ring, tree, and bus topology.
7) reliability; and 8) cost. In each of these topologies, an IoT device plays different roles
and different functions.1 The role can either be a personal area
B. Communication Technology coordinator (PAN) or as an end device. The functions can be
The communication technology plays a key role in the full function device (FFD) or a reduced function device (RFD).
successful deployment of IoT systems. The existing com- Fig. 3 illustrates two types of topologies and roles played.
munication technology can be classified based on standards, In the P2P topology, the PAN functions as FFD and starts
spectrum, and application scenarios. The communication stan- the communication while the end devices can either function
dard can be grouped into short-range communication standard as an FFD or RFD. The end device which acts as FFD can
and long-range communication standard. The communication have multiple connections while the end device that acts as
spectrum can be grouped into licensed and unlicensed spec-
trum. The IoT devices application scenarios can be based on 1 If an IoT device is configured as PAN, it functions as an FFD and the

sensors or backhaul network, and deployment scenarios [23]. device starts first and waits for a connection. On the other hand, if it is
configured as the end device, it can either function as FFD or RFD. In this
1) Spectrum: The unlicensed spectrum makes use of case the device starts after the PAN coordinator has started to establish a
industrial scientific and medical RF band known as ISM connection.


RFD can only connect to one FFD and cannot connect to storage and processing [33]. The complexity of the data
another RFD. The star topology consists of PAN that initiates can range from structured to nonstructured data [11], [34]
the communication and accepts connection from other devices. which can be in the form of text, images, audio, and video.
The end devices can only establish connections with the PAN The data can range from historical data, sensor data, live
coordinator. streamed data, business, and market related data. The use
of cloud IoT platforms allow for big data collected from
C. Internet sensors to be stored in the cloud. This includes hosting
of application that are critical in providing services and
The advancement in the field of wireless communication
to manage end-to-end IoT architecture. Recently, edge or
systems, mobile devices, and ubiquitous services has paved
fog computing is advocated, where IoT devices and gate-
way for massive connectivity to the Internet. According to
ways carry out computation and analysis in order to reduce
Machina research report, the number of connected agricul-
latency for critical applications, reduce cost and promote
tural devices is expected to grow from 13 million at the end
QoS [35], [36].
of 2014 to 225 million by 2024 [27]. The Internet forms
There are several agriculture management information sys-
the core network layer, where paths are provided to carry
tems that have been developed to manage the various forms
and exchange data and network information between multiple
of data [33]. Examples of some of the commercially available
subnetworks. The connection of IoT devices to the Internet
platforms are Onfarm systems, Farmobile, the silent herdsman
enables data to be available anywhere and anytime. However,
platform, Cropx [37], Farmx [38], Easyfarm [39], KAA [40],
the transfer of data via the Internet requires adequate secu-
and Farmlogs [41]. This platforms provide data storage, data
rity, support of real time data and ease of accessibility. The
management, and DA. Table III provides a summary of IoT
Internet has paved way for cloud computing, where large data
solutions for agriculture.
are gathered for storage and processing. Cloud computing
involves the management of user interface, services, orga-
nizing and coordinating of network nodes, computing, and E. Summary
processing data [28]. To achieve the connectivity of heteroge-
In the deployment of IoT device, there are key techni-
neous systems and devices over the Internet, IoT middleware
cal parameters that needs to be considered. For wireless
and connectivity protocols are being developed. Examples
connectivity, the following parameters should be considered:
of the IoT middleware is the service-oriented architecture
the range of communication distance, data rate, battery life,
(SOA), cloud-based IoT middleware and actor-based IoT mid-
mobility, latency, security and resilience, and cost of gate-
dleware which have been applied to support IoT [29], [30].
way modems. Among the communication technology, the
The SOA for IoT consist of multilayer architecture. Some of
LPWA is attracting so much interest [47] especially with
the proposed IoT architecture consist of the following layers:
the emergence of NB-IoT. The NB-IoT promises interest-
sensing, accessing, networking, middleware, and application
ing features which include low device power consumption,
layers. We refer readers to [29], [31], and [32] and the ref-
ultralow device cost, simpler to implement, support of a mas-
erences therein for more details on the IoT architecture and
sive number of low-throughput devices, long distance coverage
and can support upload and download of data [48], [49].
There are several use cases of IoT in agriculture which
D. Data Storage and Processing Units have adopted the use of the IoT ecosystems discussed in
Data driven agriculture involves the collection of enor- this section. Some of these applications are discussed in
mous, dynamic, complex, and spatial data, which requires Section III.


discussed based on the following functions: monitoring,

tracking and tracing, agriculture machinery, precision
agriculture, and greenhouse production.

A. Monitoring
(a) (b) In agriculture several factors can be monitored, these factors
depend on the sector of agriculture under considerations. The
Fig. 3. Topology. (a) Peer-to-peer. (b) Star. key factors to be monitored are highlighted and discussed as
1) Crop Farming: In crop farming, there are several envi-
III. A PPLICATION OF I OT IN AGRICULTURE ronmental factors that affect farm produce. Acquiring such
There are several examples of application of IoT in data help to understand the patterns and process of the farm.
agriculture. Examples of such use case are crop and Such data includes, the amount of rainfall, leaf wetness, tem-
livestock [50], [51], machinery [52], irrigation and water perature, humidity, soil moisture, salinity, climate, dry circle,
quality monitoring [53]–[60], weather monitoring [61], soil solar radiation, pest movement, human activities, etc. [66]. The
monitoring [61], [62], disease and pest control [63], [64], acquisition of such detailed record enables optimal decision
automation and precision [65]. The application of IoT is making to improve the quality of the farm produce, minimize


risk, and maximize profits. For instance, the solar radiation consideration [70]. For example, the conductivity of milk from
data gives information about the plants exposure to sunlight buffaloes and cows can give information about the health state
from, where the farmer can identify if the plants are prop- of the animals. Other factors are temperature, humidity, yield,
erly exposed or over exposed. The soil moisture content gives pest attack, and water quality. The deployment and imple-
information on the dampness of the soil which can help in mentation solution also allow farmers to track and query the
controlling soil conditions and reduce the risk of plant dis- location of their livestock by tagging individual animal with
eases. Furthermore, timely and accurate weather forecasting RFID device, thereby preventing animal theft.
data, such as, climatic changes and rainfall, can improve the Other areas, such as storage monitoring which includes
productivity level. In addition, such data can help farmers in water, fuel, and animals feeds can also be monitored, and the
the planning stage and reduce the cost of labor. The farmers data can help the farmers to plan ahead and save cost. While
can also take corrective and preventive measures in advance several solutions have been provided in the area of monitor-
based on the data provided. The pest movement data can be ing, the adoption in small and medium scale farms are very
collected and remotely fed live to the farmers for pest con- much limited especially in developing countries due to lack
trol or used to provide advice to the farmers based on record of awareness and deployment cost. The potential to develop
tracking of pest attacks [67]. cost effective agricultural base IoT solutions is still a very
2) Aquaponics: Aquaponics is the combination of aqua- open area.
culture and hydroponics, where fish wastes are fed into plant
farms to provide the essential nutrients required by the plants. B. Tracking and Tracing
In such farms, it is important to constantly monitor the water IoT can also be applied in asset tracking to improve com-
quality, water level, temperature levels, health of the fishes, panies supply chain and logistics. IoT can provide data to
salinity, pH level, humidity, and sunlight [68]. The accurate enable agricultural companies to make better decisions, plan-
data can improve the fish and plants yield as it allows nutri- ning, intelligently connect with business partners, and save
ents transfer between the plants and fish. The data can also be time and money. Information, such as location, asset identi-
used for automation purposes with less human intervention. fication can be tracked using RFID and cloud-based global
3) Forestry: Forestry plays an important role in the carbon positioning system (GPS) [8].
cycle, and also harbor over two-thirds of world known species. Tracking and tracing of agricultural product chain allows
The factors to be monitored in a forest includes; soil and air the consumer to know the complete history of the product,
temperatures and humidity, and the different levels of gases, thereby improving the consumer’s trust on the product safety
such as carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, toluene, oxygen, and health related issues. While tracking is the ability to cap-
hydrogen, methane, isobutane, ammonia, ethanol, hydrogen ture, collect, and store data related to the supply chain from
sulphide, and nitrogen dioxide [69]. These parameters can pro- upstream to downstream, tracing allows the product to be dis-
vide early warning and alert systems against veld fire in the tinguished from downstream to upstream. Tracking and tracing
forest and also help to monitor against diseases. allows several data to be collected along the supply chain such
4) Livestock Farming: The factors to be monitored that the consumer and other stakeholders are guaranteed on
in livestock depends on the types of animals under the origin, location, and life history of a product [71], [72].

There are several factors that can be tracked which include yields, minimize environmental impact, and reduce cost [80].
the growing environment, production conditions, pest factors, Precision agriculture relies on various technology, which
management factors, storage conditions, transportation, and include sensor nodes [81], [82], GPS and big DA to achieve
time to market. These factors can also pose direct or poten- improved crop yield. The smart decision achieved from the
tial health risk to consumers. The significant factors which DA also results in less waste of resources, such as water in
affects the growing environment are the soil, air, and water. irrigation systems, fertilizer, pesticides, etc. Precision agricul-
The production conditions are influenced by the application of ture presents new challenges for researchers in the area of
herbicides, fertilizers, pesticides. In addition, the type of feeds robotics, image processing, meteorological data sensing, etc.
and vaccines administered to livestock can be tracked since With the GPS and GNSS, farmers are able to locate precise
they could directly cause health safety issues. Agricultural location and map sites with several data variables, which are
products can generally be affected by pest along the entire then used by variable rate technology to optimally distribute
process, which could affect the quantity and quality of the farm resources, such as seeding, spraying, and other services.
product, tracking the products can help the farmers to improve Although precision agriculture technology can improve yield,
the production and supply chain. it is essential to provide solutions that are easy to use by the
A tracking and tracing systems should basically include: farmers and also provide training to enable small and medium
information input, storage, transfer, process, and output. The scale farmers benefit from the systems.
input information includes the data of the entire life cycle
of the product, the geographical origin, the current position, E. Greenhouse Production
destination, and the stakeholders involved in the entire sup- Greenhouse also known as glasshouse technology is a tech-
ply chain [73]. The systems should also include memory to nique, where plants are grown under controlled environment.
store the information over a period of time for research and It offers the benefit of growing any plant in any place at any
development purposes. The information transfer refers to the time by providing suitable environmental conditions. Several
process of unifying and standardizing the entire information. studies have been carried out on the application of WSNs
The tracking and tracing system should also be able to process in greenhouse to monitor environmental conditions [83]–[85].
the data collected and finally output it to everyone involved Recent works have shown how IoT can be applied to green-
along the supply chain. The use of RFID in tracking from the house in order to reduce human resource, save energy, increase
production stage, processing, transportation, storage, distribu- efficiency in greenhouse-site monitoring, and direct connection
tion, sales and after sales services is highlighted in [74]. It of greenhouse farmers to customers [61], [66], [86].
provides the ability to collect, store, and analyze data over a
long distance at a quick speed. IV. I OT AND DATA A NALYTICS IN AGRICULTURE
C. Agricultural Machinery Accurate data analysis in farming plays a major role in
improving the operational efficiency and increasing productiv-
IoT-based agricultural machinery can help improve crop ity. DA has been categorized into types based on requirement
productivity and reduce grain losses. By proper mapping, use of IoT applications [87]. This includes real-time analytics,
of GPS and global navigation satellite systems (GNSSs) the off-line analytics, memory-level analytics, business intelli-
machinery can be operated in autopilot mode [52], [75]. The gence level analytics, and massive analytics [87]–[89]. The
machines which include vehicles, unmanned aerial vehicles data consist of sensor data, audio, images, and video. Image
(UAVs) and robots can be remotely controlled based on the processing has been extensively used in agriculture for vari-
available information collected via the IoT system for pre- ous purposes ranging from detection of disease in leaf, stem,
cise and efficient application of resources to required farm and fruit [90], quality of fruits [91], and weed detection and
areas [76]. The machinery can also collect data and such irrigation [76], [90], [92]–[94]. Recently, the combination of
data can help farmers in mapping their field for planning image processing and IoT in agriculture is being carried out
programs, such as fertilizing, irrigation, nutrition [77]. For to achieve higher quality produce and reduce crop failure. This
example, CLAAS, an agricultural machinery manufacturer has involves the use of drones to capture aerial images at regular
implemented IoT on their equipment, enabling their machin- interval as well as monitoring of environmental factors using
ery to be operated in auto pilot mode [78]. Another solution is the IoT devices [76], [92], [94]. There are several DA meth-
the Precisionhawk’s UAV sensors, which can provide farmers ods which has been discussed in detail in [95]. The methods
information, such as wind speed, air pressure, among other are categorized into classification, clustering, prediction, and
parameters [79]. The solution can also be used for imagery association rule. The discussion of these methods is outside
and mapping of agricultural plots. the scope of this paper. We discuss the importance of DA
in agriculture and how DA can help in insurance, prediction,
D. Precision Agriculture storage management, decision making, farm management, and
Precision agriculture can simply be defined as the col- precision farming.
lection of real-time data from farm variables2 and use of
predictive analytics for smart decisions in order to maximize A. Prediction
2 Examples of farm variables are weather, soil and air quality, crop maturity IoT provides big data that can be studied over time to esti-
and even equipment, and labor costs and availability. mate the present environmental conditions. The data collected

across different types of networks sensors can be studied using agricultural decision-making systems have been developed to
DA and smart algorithm can be developed to predict the envi- enable farmers to make informed decision regarding their
ronmental changes and provide data driven solutions. Although farms and livestock [100]. The DA provides decision on tech-
IoT data can help in controlling various aspects of a farm, such nical guidance to farmers, pests and diseases control and
as the irrigation systems, the data can also be used to predict recommendation from remote expert guidance systems.
and warn farmers against disease or extreme weather condi-
tions, such as flood or drought [64]. For instance, in forestry, D. Farm Management
the sensors can be used to monitor fire outbreak or predict the Integrated farm management system allows an entire farm to
region in a forest that provides high risk of fire outbreak. This be monitored. Data are collected through a network of sensors
information can help the firefighters to take preventive mea- including the on-body sensors in animals with a sole purpose
sures on the exact location. Other area of prediction includes of driving productivity. Three key factors which include risk
early warning against natural disasters to improve emergency management, cost, and productivity yield need to be managed
response [96]. with real time information and properly optimized to maximize
productivity [13]. DA plays a major role to present the farmers
B. Storage Management and stake holders with large data that can be carefully studied
A large number of agricultural products are usually lost to avoid unnecessary risk or implement preventive measures
due to poor storage management system. While tempera- to improve productivity. DA also allow various farms to be
ture, moisture and other environmental factors greatly affect connected and managed on a single platform, where infor-
the contamination of food products, insects, microorganism, mation on scientific advances, production, marketing, farm
rodent, etc. can affect the quality and quantity of the food management, recommendations and other related topics are
products [97]. The use of IoT and DA in storage management disseminated to maximize productivity, yield, and revenue.
systems can help to improve agricultural product storage [98].
Sensors can be deployed to monitor the storage facilities and E. Precise Application
environmental conditions. The data are sent to the cloud and DA using measured data from sensors can enable precise
analyzed. A self-automated decision system, which relies on application of chemicals and fertilizers to specific areas of the
the analyzed data can be deployed to adjust the environmen- farm, this can improve the productivity while reducing the
tal conditions. Moreover, a warning alert can be initiated to farming cost. Although precision farming systems have been
farmers when extreme conditions are reached or if pest are deployed in farms in advanced countries, developing countries
reported in the storage facility. In India, it is reported that are beginning to adopt the technology especially in research
about 35% to 40% of the fresh product are lost after harvest- farms [14]. However, the deployment cost, technology and
ing due to several factors which includes spoilage or pest [97]. awareness still limits the deployments of IoT-based precision
In [99], a cold storage management system is designed based farming systems in developing countries. In addition, most of
on IoT technology, where the storage facility is operated at a the farms in developing countries are small scaled farms as
controlled temperature. Although IoT can improve the agricul- such, most farmers do not see the need to apply such tech-
tural storage facility, security should be embedded into such nology. Developing appropriate precision farming solutions
system to avoid product theft in case of power outages. for small farms still remains an open area for researcher and
designers. Another advantage of DA in precision farming is its
C. Decision application in steering machinery using GPS and location data
Decision making requires reliable information which can be to precise locations in the farm thereby improving the farming
obtained from sensors data. The large data obtained from sen- efficiency when compared with human driven machines. This
sor offers learning opportunities to improve decision making in can save time, fuel and operational cost.
constantly changing environmental conditions, such decision
making can be over a short, medium, or long term. Automated F. Insurance
decisions can be made from the IoT system when certain Farmers are usually exposed to extreme weather conditions
conditions are reached, therefore requiring less or no human which could lead to poor harvest. However, with the imple-
interventions. Such automated decision could range from reg- mentation of IoT technology farmers can be insured with their
ulating the temperatures to the control of water supply from crops and livestock. A network of sensors can be deployed,
an irrigation system. For instance, in greenhouses the use of and monitoring can be achieved by remote unmanned stations.
machine learning can help determine optimal conditions under The data can be sent to the cloud and analyzed. The insur-
which to grow a certain crop by observing the data acquired ance policy can be embedded with a warning systems, where
from sensors relating to nutrients, yield, growth, transpiration, extreme weather conditions are predicted and the insured farm-
color, taste, and retransplantation, light temperature pest levels ers are alerted by text messages. This can enable the farmers
and air quality. take precautionary approach to protect their farms. An added
Policy making decision by government and all the stake- advantage of DA in insurance is the fact that the insurance
holders can also be enhanced by the amount of informa- companies have access to the data from the remote farms
tion obtained from DA, therefore it is important that the and can initiate an automated payout thought the IoT mobile
data is accurate, concise, complete, and in time. Several payments systems when extreme conditions are observed.

This can eliminate the need for lengthy claim process, where surveillance schemes via IoT can serve as a guide
the insurance company needs to ascertain the extent of damage in agriculture interventions. Such interventions can be
by visiting the farms. prevention of spread of diseases, veld fire outbreaks,
compensation schemes and resource allocations. In addi-
tion, farmers can take advantage of IoT and DA to take
V. B ENEFITS accurate and timely decisions in terms of farm manage-
There are several benefits that can be derived from the use of ment and farm processes. The ability to automatically
IoT in agriculture. Some of the benefits have been mentioned document health status of livestock or crop will pro-
in the discussion of application of IoT in Sections III and IV. vide efficient and effective diagnosis and prescription of
However, we reiterate and summarize some of the benefits as medicine by veterinary or agriculture officer to farmers.
follows. This will help reduce loss. Also, with the use of IoT,
1) Community Farming: The use of IoT can help promote supply chain of agri-food can be optimized. The use of
community farming especially in the rural areas. The the IoT in the supply chain will help to provide real time
IoT can be leveraged to promote services that allows balancing between the demand and supply.
the community to have a common data storage, share 7) Awareness: IoT is expected to drive low cost applica-
data and information, increase interaction between the tions and access to wireless network services in the
farmers and agriculture experts [101]. Also, through the agriculture sector. To this end, information on markets,
use of mobile apps and IoT facilities equipment can be prices, services can be accessed via mobile apps. Also,
shared within the community via free or paid services. government services and regulatory standard regarding
2) Safety Control and Fraud Prevention: The challenge in different farm produce can be made readily available. In
the agriculture sector is not just limited to sufficient pro- addition, consumers who are interested in organic prod-
duction but also the ability to ensure safe and nutritious ucts and fresh products can easily locate farmers or be
food supply. There have been several reports in food alerted when fresh products are available.
fraud which includes adulteration, counterfeit, artificial 8) Asset Management: IoT will enable real time monitoring
enhancement [102]. This fraud poses health challenge of farm assets and machinery against theft, replacement
and can have negative economic impact [103], [104]. of parts, and for timely routine maintenance.
Some of the components of food fraud discussed
in [104] are product integrity, process integrity, peo- VI. O PEN I SSUES AND K EY C HALLENGES
ple integrity, and data integrity can be addressed using
There are several challenges that are associated with deploy-
IoT technology. IoT can be used to provide logistics
ment and application of IoT. Some of the challenges identified
traceability and qualitative traceability of food [105].
in the literature are security and privacy, data convergence
3) Competitive Advantages: The increase in demand for
and ownership, lack of interoperability, heterogeneity of IoT
food and the use of innovative technology is expected to
devices, uncertainty in business models [5], [107]. We dis-
make the agriculture sector very competitive. Also, the
cuss issues under three main headings which are business,
enabling of data driven agriculture using IoT will open
technical, and sectoral issues.
new direction in trading, monitoring, and marketing. The
ability to lower costs, reduce wastage in application of
farm inputs, such as fertilizer and pesticides increase A. Business Issues
productivity. The use of real-time data for decision mak- The profit margin in the agriculture sector is very thin
ing will provide the competitive advantage needed for and as such there is the need to balance the tradeoff
farmers who adopt the IoT ecosystem. between the deployment of IoT enabling technology ver-
4) Wealth Creation and Distributions: The deployment of sus the potential profits. Hence, we discuss business issues
IoT will provide new business models, where the single related to the IoT deployment by considering cost and business
farmers can avoid the exploitation of “middle men” and models.
can be in direct relationship with the consumers [10] 1) Cost: There are several cost associated with the deploy-
leading to higher profit. ment of IoT in agriculture which can be categorized into setup
5) Cost Reduction and Wastage: One of the perceived cost and running cost. The setup cost includes purchase of
advantages of IoT is the ability to monitor remotely hardware (IoT devices, gateways, base station infrastructure).
devices and equipment [106]. The application of IoT The running cost involves continuous subscription for use of
in agriculture will help to save time and money in centralized services or IoT platforms which provides data col-
inspecting large fields compared to personnel physically lection, management of IoT devices, sharing of information
inspecting the field either via use of vehicles or walking. among other services. Other additional running cost are cost
The ability to know when and where to apply pesticides incurred from exchange of data between IoT devices, gate-
or insecticides using IoT will reduce cost and wastage. way and cloud server, energy, and maintenance. According
6) Operational Efficiency: The operational efficiency not to Turgut and Boloni [108] the success of IoT has to sat-
only relates to farmers but to decision makers related isfy two conditions which are: 1) the customers are persuaded
to agriculture sector, such as government and non- that the IoT devices provide a value that exceeds their phys-
governmental agencies. Data gathered from agriculture ical and privacy costs and 2) the businesses involved in

IoT will successfully make money. The first condition can about on-field parameters and other sensitive intellectual prop-
be expressed as erties. This can compromise the competitive advantages of
  private farm owners. The IoT security and privacy issues
Vs − Cpri − Chuser − Cpay > 0 (1) have been discussed extensively in [106], [109], and [110].
where Vs is the perceived value of the user, Cpri is the cost of According to the interview-based studies carried out by
loss of privacy, Chuser cost of hardware and associated services Asplund and Nadjm-Tehrani [106] on the attitudes and per-
and Cpay is the payment for service charge and the second ception of IoT, security was considered a major obstacle in
condition can be expressed as the deployment of IoT. There are several security issues that
  needs to be addressed at different level of the IoT ecosystem.
Vinfo + Rpay − Chbusiness > 0 (2) In agriculture, the IoT devices are vulnerable to physical
tampering, such as theft or attacks by predators and animals,
where Vinfo is the value of information received, Rpay is the change of physical address or link [110], [111]. In addition,
direct payment received, and Chbusiness is the business’s share for the IoT devices, it is difficult to implement complex and
of hardware and maintenance costs. From (2) while the value sophisticated algorithms due to limited memory, communica-
of information received is meant for provision of the services tion capabilities, and low energy consumption. The gateway
needed by the user, this can be commercially exploited by the can be prone to congestion attack, denial of service (DoS),
service provider in the course of service provision. Although and forwarding attacks. The security and position of location
some of the IoT platform providers provide free subscrip- information and IoT enabled location-based service which are
tion services with limited functionality, limited number of IoT used for precision farming are exposed to attacks, such as
devices that can be connected and limited amount of data device capture attack [109], [110], [112]. In the device cap-
that can saved. More functionality and services attract higher ture attack, an attacker captures the IoT device and extracts
subscription fees. cryptographic implementations and enjoy unrestricted access
2) Business Models: Farmers would be interested in busi- to the information stored in the device’s storage. Other higher
ness models that supports revenue generation from the data communication layers can be vulnerable to DoS attacks, wire-
accumulated from their farm using IoT technologies. Most less signal jamming, and man in the middle attack [110]. In
of the existing IoT platforms service providers, provide free addition, the cloud servers can be prone to data tampering,
limited services and full services with different level of sub- unauthorized services which can affect automated processes
scriptions. The data provided are exploited by the IoT service in the farms. Other security treats that can affect the cloud
providers and this remains an area of contention by farmers infrastructure are session hijacking, cloud access control and
for control and ownership of their data. database issues, hijacking attacks, logon abuse, and DoS [110].
3) Lack of Adequate Knowledge: The lack of adequate
3) Choice of Technology: There are several IoT technolo-
knowledge of IoT and its application especially among farmers
gies that have been developed recently, some of which are still
located in rural areas is a major factor slowing the adoption
going through pilot test. The right choice of IoT technology
of IoT in agriculture. This is common in the developing coun-
is a big challenge because a lot of investment is required for
tries where majority of the farmers are often found in the rural
deploying new technologies. Currently, it is difficult to tell
areas and are mostly uneducated. The farmer’s inability to use
which of the new IoT technologies will dominate the market.
information could be a major barrier if human interventions
Many factors need to be considered, such as support for roam-
are not available [12].
ing, suitability of technology to small-scale, medium-scale and
large-scale, suitability to different geographical location, soil
B. Technical Issues types and climatic conditions.
1) Interference: The deployment of massive IoT devices for 4) Reliability: The IoT devices are expected to be deployed
agricultural and other purposes will cause interference prob- in out-door environment. This will expose the devices to harsh
lems especially with the IoT devices using the unlicensed environmental conditions which may lead to degradation of
spectrum, such as ZigBee, Wi-Fi, Sigfox, and LoRa (see deployed sensors with time as well as communication failures.
Table II). The interference caused can lead to loss of data The physical safety of the deployed IoT sensors and systems
and reduce the reliability of the IoT ecosystem. The tech- must be ensured in order to protect the costly equipment from
nology to make IoT devices using the unlicensed spectrum severe weather conditions, such as flood and hurricanes.
interference proof will add to cost of the device. On the other 5) Scalability: Billions of IoT devices are expected to be
hand, the use of IoT devices operating with licensed spectrum deployed in the agriculture sector. Existing gateways and pro-
is expected to eliminate unnecessary interference. However, tocols will need to support large number of IoT devices/nodes.
due to limited pilot assignment in the cellular band, the reuse For example, the Sigfox gateway can support up to 106 ,
of nonorthogonal multiple access scheme or frequency reuse Ingenu 104 , and LoRa 104 nodes, respectively. This will
can still cause interference amongst IoT devices using cellular require intelligent IoT management system for each node and
licensed spectrum. identification numbers.
2) Security and Privacy: There are several security issues 6) Localization: There are several factors that needs to
that needs to be addressed at different level of the IoT be considered for deployment of IoT devices. Such factors
ecosystem. The lack of adequate security may lead to loss include the ability for the IoT device to support place and
of data, bridge of privacy, and access to raw information play functionality, i.e., be placed anywhere and connected to

the rest of the world with no (or minimal configuration or connections and chains of simple conditional statements are
deploying additional devices, such as gateways) [113]. Other currently being used. It is important to note that some of
factors are the best position to place the IoT device that will these methods may not provide widely enabled interoperability
provide adequate information and reliability without causing among IoT devices due to scalability. More work is expected
interference (or minimal interference). In addition, the abil- in promotion of open standards to achieve greater operability
ity to support IoT device roaming for nomadic IoT devices among billions of IoT devices and services.
and deployment of static IoT devices in location without prior
knowledge of the mobile IoT technology/infrastructure needs D. Summary
to be considered.
The open issues and challenges discussed in this section can
7) Optimization of Resources: Farmers need resources opti-
serve as a factor for the slow adoption of IoT in the agriculture
mization mechanism to determine how many gateways, IoT
sector if not well addressed. More reports are needed on the
devices, amount of transmitted data, size of cloud storage are
monetary benefits of adopting IoT in agriculture. The issues
needed in order to have a breakthrough in profit margins. This
of privacy and security will continue to remain a top priority
is particularly challenging due to different farm sizes and dif-
for farmers, although this is expected to change over time as
ferent type of sensors needed to monitor farm variables for
people become use to IoT and its services. Also, as the cost of
specific crops or livestock. This will require development of
IoT devices and cost of data storage, processing, and transfer
complex algorithm and mathematical models to be able to
reduces with time small and medium scale farmers will be
determine optimal resource allocation while minimizing cost
able to deploy the IoT systems.
and maximizing agriculture produce and profits.


C. Sectoral Issues
From our studies and review of current trends in the appli-
1) Regulatory Challenges: Regulation and legal frame- cation of IoT in agriculture, we present the future trends
works regarding the control and ownership of farm data based on the following areas: 1) technological innovations;
between farmers and data companies needs to be sorted out. 2) application scenarios; and 3) business and marketability.
The regulations may differ from countries to countries in
terms of resource allocation (i.e., spectrum for cellular IoT),
technical challenges, competition, data privacy, and security. A. Technological Innovation
Different regulations across regions or countries may affect the More and more IoT solutions will continue to emerge and
application of IoT in use cases, such as tracking and agri-food this will introduce new and disruptive technologies especially
supply. in the agriculture sector. Some of the areas identified are
2) Interoperability: There are ongoing works on proto- discussed as follows.
cols and standards needed for billions of IoT devices to 1) Deployment of LPWA Technologies: The LPWA is
interoperate. This involves technical, syntactic, semantic, and expected to dominate the agriculture sector as this offers so
organization interoperability [5], [9], [114]. The technical many advantages, such as low power and long-range com-
interoperability involves the development of protocols and munication. The release of the 3GPP NB-IoT standard and
infrastructure that enables the IoT devices to communi- adoption by many telco operators will attract many research
cate [115]. It is usually associated with the hardware/software interests in investigating the use of NB-IoT communication
components of the IoT ecosystem. The syntactical interop- technologies. This will enable large-scale pilot test of IoT in
erability is associated with data formats, such as extensible agriculture [5].
markup language (XML), java script object notation (JSON), 2) Universal Platform: The development of IoT platform
comma separated variables, electronic data interchange as for agriculture purpose will shift from just specific crops or
standard syntax for data sharing [5]. The semantic interop- livestock to a universal platform (also known as generic plat-
erability deals with the interpretation of contents exchanged form) that can support any kind of crop and livestock. This
between human. The organizational interoperability is the abil- will allow a system that can be easily modified to support a
ity to effectively communicate and transfer data successfully variety of applications ranging from managing and monitoring
across different infrastructure, geographic region and cultures. of crops and livestock to selling of products to local stores and
Thus, a key requirement here is that all systems provide export consumers. Such system will be free of any geographical and
facilities or API access that return standard formats, typi- regional limitations and can serve as the enabler for many IoT
cally XML or JSON, and where possible legacy systems are in agriculture.
provided with appropriate interchange gateways. 3) Security: The security of IoT device and end-to-end data
According to [116], interoperability can be achieved using security will continue to attract more research interest. More
three methods which are: 1) partnerships among product and research work is needed in the development of IoT device that
service developers; 2) open and close standards, and 3) adap- can support new security schemes, such as advanced sign-
tors and mediator services. In order to achieve interoperability, cryption algorithm [119]. The signcryption combines digital
groups, such as openconnectivity [117] are promoting interop- signature and data encryption to prevent eavesdropping and
erability in IoT. In addition, the use of adapter services, such unauthorized modification on sensitive information. Security
as if this then that [118] that allows users to create powerful measures to prevent physical attackers and intruders from

the IoT devices need to be investigated and new schemes and multiplexing techniques for exchange of data from hun-
developed. dred to thousands of sensors to a central location. This will
4) Spectral and Energy Efficiency: Different technologies, be particularly needed for transmission of images and video
such as ultranarrowband channels (Sigfox and Telensa) and data when NB-IoT cellular communication are employed.
spread spectrum (LoRa and Ingenu) are adopted in order to Multiplexing will also help in merging data from different
achieve the LPWA requirements [120]. As more LPWA com- farms to a single location providing backup, security and
plaint solutions are being rolled out, new technologies that management from a single-point.
can support higher data, long distance coverage, high path-loss 9) Real Time Monitoring: As hundreds of different types
link budget, and extended battery life are required. Majority of sensors are to be deployed in the field for real time monitor-
of the cellular NB-IoT systems currently support frequency ing, a simple network management protocol must be devised to
bands which operates frequency division duplex modes. More support communication between objects and server with less
work is expected in bands that operate the time division duplex overhead possible. Current protocols are specially designed
modes. This will open up other research challenges, such as for network appliances and may cause heavy data traffic
pilot contamination [121]. and overhead on the network as well as increase the power
Although LPWA aims to achieve ten years battery life, requirements for the IoT devices.
energy efficient mechanism are still needed for IoT devices
as the efficiency is highly dependent on the node usage [122]. B. Application Scenarios
There exist several algorithms that have been developed for Currently, software platforms, IoT devices are being devel-
energy efficiency in WSN, such as clustering and in-network oped and research is ongoing on communication technologies
processing algorithms [122]–[124]. Other energy efficient that can deliver low cost IoT deployments. Most of the cur-
schemes for IoT, such as ability to predict the sleep interval rent work are on prototyping and testing based on small scale.
of IoT devices-based upon their remaining battery level, their Large-scale pilots are needed to evaluate the usability and use-
previous usage history, and quality of information required for fulness of IoT technologies in agriculture [5]. Future work will
a particular application as proposed in [125] can be further see more of large-scale pilot in the entire supply chain and
studied. The application of optimal wireless power transfer agri-food applications not only in the developed country but
enabled IoT transceiver architectures, simultaneous wireless as well as developing countries in Asia and Africa.
information and power transfer in IoT, energy harvesting IoT
devices is expected to attract research interest. C. Business and Marketability
5) Quality of Service: Existing study on the QoS of IoT
shows that QoS is required in every layer of the IoT archi- 1) Cost Reduction: The optimized power consumption of
tecture [126], [127]. The ability to ensure that a device that the IoT devices, reduction in physical size, and massive pro-
needs to send critical data will be able to do so using IoT with duction is expected to drop the cost of IoT solutions for
any of the communication technology is still an open research agriculture. Future work will see development of cheaper
area. The use of NB-IoT communication technology promises sensors, research on combination of different deployment sce-
high QoS compared to LoRa [26]. More work needs to be narios, exploring the use of combined licensed and unlicensed
done in providing mechanism that guarantees QoS throughout communication technology in order to minimize setup and
the different IoT network layers. operating cost.
6) Artificial Intelligence and DA: More work is expected 2) Policies and Regulations: More work on policy enforce-
in the use of artificial intelligence to model crop growth ment and standardization in the use of IoT in agriculture are
and disease management based on farm data and climatic expected to be carried out. Involvement of government level
information. Example is the use of machine learning for recog- or agriculture department must be ensured when working on
nition of disease from images uploaded via smartphones [128]. policies and regulation regarding IoT in agriculture which may
DA algorithms that can process large amount of data at a differ from region to region as discussed in Section VI-C. This
much faster rate compared to the IoT communication time are will facilitate early adoption of IoT in agriculture.
expected to be developed.
7) Privacy-Preservation: End-to-end privacy-preservation VIII. C ONCLUSION
methods that allow the extraction of knowledge from data An overview of IoT and DA in agriculture has been pre-
while preserving the privacy of individuals have been pro- sented in this paper. Several areas related to the deployment
posed to solve the issues relating to IoT data privacy of IoT in agriculture have been discussed in detail. The sur-
violations [129]–[131]. Examples of the proposed methods vey of literature shows that there are lots of work ongoing in
designed to guarantee a certain level of privacy while max- development of IoT technology that can be used to increase
imizing the utility of the data have been classified based operational efficiency and productivity of plant and livestock.
on data life-cycle phase at which the privacy-preservation The benefits of IoT and DA, and open challenges have been
is ensured [132]. The application of the proposed privacy- identified and discussed in this paper. IoT is expected to offer
preservation methods and how it can further enhance the IoT several benefits to the agriculture sector. However, there are
penetration in the agriculture sector can be further researched. still a number of issues to be addressed to make it affordable
8) Data Compression: As massive IoT devices are con- for small and medium-scale farmers. The key issues are secu-
nected there will be need to develop advanced compressing rity and cost. It is expected that as competition increases in the

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Olakunle Elijah (S’07) received the B.Eng. degree Chee Yen Leow (S’08–M’12) received the B.Eng.
from the Federal University of Technology Minna, degree in computer engineering from Universiti
Minna, Nigeria, in 2003, the M.Sc. degree in Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), Johor Bahru, Malaysia,
micro-electronics and computing from Bournemouth in 2007, and the Ph.D. degree from Imperial College
University, Poole, U.K., in 2008, the postgrad- London, London, U.K., in 2011.
uation degree in advance microelectronics from Since 2007, he has been a member of academic
Bolton University, Bolton, U.K., in 2010, and the staff with the Faculty of Electrical Engineering,
Ph.D. degree from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, UTM. He is currently a Senior Lecturer with the
Johor Bahru, Malaysia, in 2018. faculty and a Research Fellow with the Wireless
He is currently conducting research in the field of Communication Centre, Higher Institution Centre of
wireless communications and IoT with the Wireless Excellence, and UTM-Ericsson Innovation Centre
Communication Centre, Higher Institution Centre of Excellence, and UTM- for 5G. His current research interests include cooperative communication,
Ericsson Innovation Centre for 5G, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. He was a MIMO, drone communication, physical layer security, convex optimiza-
Field Engineer with Kuyet Nigeria Ltd., Lagos, Nigeria, in 2006. From tion, communications theory, wireless power transfer and communication,
2011 to 2013, he was the MD/CEO with Mircoscale Embedded Limited, nonorthogonal multiple access, and 5G.
Abuja, Nigeria. His current research interests include embedded systems, wire-
less communication, massive MIMO, interference mitigation, heterogeneous
network, IoT with data analysis, and 5G.

Tharek Abdul Rahman (M’14) received the B.Sc.

degree (Hons.) in electrical engineering from the
University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, U.K., the M.Sc.
degree in communication engineering from the MHD N. Hindia (M’13) received the Ph.D.
University of Manchester Institute of Science and degree from the Faculty of Engineering in
Technology, Manchester, U.K., and the Ph.D. degree Telecommunication, University of Malaya,
in mobile communication from the University of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, in 2015.
Bristol, Bristol, U.K. He is currently involved with research in the
He is currently a Professor of wireless commu- field of wireless communications, especially in
nication with the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, channel sounding, network planning, converge
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Johor Bahru, estimation, handover, scheduling, and quality
Malaysia, where he is the Director of Wireless Communication Centre, of service enhancement for 5G networks. He is
Faculty of Electrical Engineering, and currently conducting research related currently a Post-Doctoral Fellow from the Faculty
to mobile communications, antenna, and propagation. He has been conducting of Engineering in Telecommunication, University
various short courses related to mobile and satellite communication to the of Malaya. Besides that, he is involved with research with the Research
telecommunication industry and government agencies, since 1988. He is also Group in Modulation and Coding Scheme for Internet of Things for Future
a Consultant for many communication companies and an active member in Network. He has authored or co-authored a number of science citation index
several research academic entities. He has authored over 300 scientific papers journals and conference papers.
in journals and conferences and obtained many national and international Dr. Hindia has participated as a Reviewer and a committee member of a
awards. number of ISI journals and conferences.

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