Face Presentation
Face Presentation
Face Presentation
-on vaginal examination the face is aplapated Assist the woman to assume the knee-
the examniners fingers enter the mouth easy chest position.
and bonyjaws are felt. Push the arm above the pelvic brim and
hold it there until a contraction pushes
DIAGNOSIS the head into the pelvis.
Chin serves as as the referece point in Proceed with management for normal
describing the position of he head. Childbirth.
It is necessary to distuinguish only chin- 2.If the procedurefails or cord prolapses, deliver
anteriorpositions in which the chin is by CS.
anterior in relation to the maternal
pelvis from chin posterior positions.
Prolonged labor is common.
Descent and dlivery of the head by
flexionmay occur in the chin-anterior
In the chin-posterior position however
the fully extended head is blocked by DEFINITIONS
the sacrum. This prevents descent and
labouris impossible caesarean section ABNORMAL LIE where the ong axis of
the fetus is not lying along the long axis
Shoulder Presentation of the mothere’s uterus.
-Occurs as a result of transverse lie or 1. TRANSVERSE
oblique lie. 2. OBLIQUE
-Predisposing factors= placenta previa, Longitudal (may be either cephalic or
high parity, pelvic umor and uterine anomaly. breech) is NORMAL.
-Delivery should be CS.
-On abdominal examination neither the
head and the buttocks can be felt at the
symphysis pubis and the head is usuallyfelt in
the flank.
-On Vaginal examination a shoulder may
befelt but not always. Delay in diagnosis risk
cord prolapse and uterine rupture.
MALPOSITIONS Especially in good uterine contraction,
spacious pelvis, average size fetus
If arrest of labour occur in second stage
of labour
1. Emergency CS
2. Ventouse delivery.
Outlet contraction
*diminution of the interischial tuberous
diameter to 8 cm. or less
*sub-pubic angle < 90˚
*mobility of coccyx