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Indonesian J. Pharm. Vol. 27 No.

1 : 1 – 8
ISSN-p : 2338-9427
DOI: 10.14499/indonesianjpharm27iss1pp1
Review Article


Jeroen Kool

Division of BioAnalytical ABSTRAC T

Chemistry, Department of Traditional pipelines feeding drugs coming to the market are
Chemistry and declining. This is one of the reasons why nowadays the previous ly
Pharmaceutical Sciences, abandoned natural extract drug discovery programs are slowly
Faculty of Sciences, VU coming back. In this scenario, small molecular metabolites from
University Amsterdam, plants and single cell marine or soil organisms are gaining interest
Amsterdam, Netherland in pharmaceutical research again. Animal venoms are another
source for finding new biopharmaceutical lead molecules and
Submitted: 13-12-2015
research interest in discovering bioactive molecules from venoms
Revised: 17-01-2016
is rising. Venoms comprise often highly selective and potent
Accepted: 29-01-2016
bioactive peptides and small proteins for receptors and enzymes
that are valid drug targets. This work discusses drug discovery
*Corresponding author
research on bioactive compounds in venoms and gives older and
Jeroen Kool
more recent examples of bioactive compounds found in venoms
Email: from different animals. Common pharmaceutical targets that
j.kool@vu.nl different classes of venom toxins interact with and information on
developmental stages of several medicinal venom peptides are
also discussed.

Key words: venom, toxin, drug discovery, peptide, pharmaceutical activity

INTRODUC TION increasing stream of publications and patent

Bioactive peptides are widespread in applications relating to antimicrobial
prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms. In compounds from venoms. Examples are the
particular, animal venoms have been the origin peptide vgf-1 from venom of the Chinese
of several peptide based drugs (Koh and Kini, cobra Naja atra, which is active against
2012). Venom drug discovery programs have multidrug resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Xie
delivered drugs such as Captopril, Prialt, et al., 2003), and the peptide microporin from
Integrilin and Byetta, and many candidates are the venom of the scorpion Isometrus maculates
now progressing in clinical trials. Furthermore, that is highly effective against multiple
peptides derived from venoms are valid antibiotic resistant bacteria (Zhao et al., 2009).
pharmacological tools to study diseases Other examples include opistoporins from
(McCleary and Kini, 2013). For example, a scorpion venom (Moerman et al., 2002), the
study on the snake toxin α-bungarotoxin led to cupiennins, anoplin, parabutoporin (Remijsen et
the isolation of the nicotinic acetylcholine al., 2010), vejovine, hadririne, pandinin and so
receptor (nAChR) and a new understanding of on. The number and diversity of bioactive
the disease myasthenia gravis (Kini and Doley, peptides in venoms, and the many thousands of
2010). Captopril is an inhibitor of the animal species that produce them (including
angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE), used to various species of snake, scorpion, spider, bee,
treat high blood pressure (Laing and Moura-da- wasp and cone snail) means that venoms
Silva, 2005), which is based on compounds constitute huge libraries of potentially new
discovered in the venom of the Brazilian snake drugs and useful research tools.
Bothrops jararaca. Other venom-derived
bioactives include the highly potent analgesic VENOM TOXINS AND THEIR
hannalgesin (Pu et al., 1995) from the venom of PHARMACEUTIC AL POTENTIAL
the King cobra, and the antithrombotic drug Venomous animals use venoms, which
Aggrastat from the venom of the saw-scaled are complex mixtures consisting for the major
viper. Venoms also contain potent part of peptides and enzymes, for prey
antimicrobial peptides and there has been an acquisition, digestion and/or defense against a

Volume 27 Issue 1 (2016) 1

Pharmaceutical Properties of Venom Toxins

predator. From a historical point of view, development, also many of them fail reaching
venoms from snakes for example have been the market with as main causes lack of efficacy,
used for arthritis and gastrointestinal problems toxicity effects, or economic reasons.
as well as conditions such as pain and Snake venoms are continuously being
rheumatism to polio. Other examples comprise explored for new peptides and proteins with
venoms from spiders for treatment of for medicinal properties for a wide range of
example asthma and cancer. Besides snakes, syndromes and diseases (Pu et al., 1995; King,
many other organisms produce various forms 2011; Diochot et al., 2012; Earl et al., 2012; Koh
of toxins for defensive and/or offensive and Kini, 2012; Vink et al., 2012). One source
situations. These organisms include jellyfish, of venom toxins relevant to both medicine and
scorpions, centipedes, anemones, and some as pharmacological tools are cone snail venoms
venomous fish species (Lewis and Garcia, (Lewis and Garcia, 2003; Twede et al., 2009,
2003). These venom cocktails provide a rich Essack et al., 2012; Vetter and Lewis, 2012).
source of bioactive peptides with many diverse The biggest success was the market approval of
potential therapeutic effects. From these, Prialt (Ziconotide) for treatment of patients
chemotherapeutic, anticoagulant, antidiabetic, with severe chronical pain. Ziconotide is a
thrombolytic, immunosuppressive, anticancer, peptide drug initially discovered in Conus
antihypertensive, antibacterial, antiarrhythmic, magus which actions by blocking the spinal
and analgesic compounds can be named (Lewis cord resided N-type calcium ion channel
and Garcia, 2003; Xu et al., 2006; Khunsap et Cav2.2 (Pope and Deer, 2013). Other
al., 2011; Koh and Kini, 2012). A review from conopeptides have been discovered that target
2014 thoroughly discusses toxins from venoms sodium ion channels and several receptors
in drug discovery and development pipelines (Vetter and Lewis, 2012). When focusing on
(Harvey, 2014). pharmacological tools, a-bungarotoxins and
The composition of venom varies across conotoxins are important compounds in
species. Venomous animals that immobilize or studying subtype selectivity between nicotinic
kill prey by venom injection followed by venom acetylcholine receptors, by selectively blocking
mediated digestion, contain neurotoxins and/or them (Lewis et al., 2012). The pharmacological
highly active digestive enzymes. The toxins in sites of five of the voltage-gated sodium
snake venoms among others are toxins that channels for example were defined by venom
target neurotransmitters and ion channels, and toxins (Klint et al., 2012). Sea anemones are
toxins targeting the muscular, cardiovascular other marine species with venom toxins that
and immune system (Koh et al., 2006). Bees, have potential medicinal properties. For
wasps and ants use their venom for defense example the synthetic peptide derived from the
when they are threatened, inducing sea anemone Stichodactyla helianthus. This
inflammatory, immunological, pain inducing, peptides blocks the potassium ion channel
headache, and/or swelling as responses after Kv1.3 very selectively and as such has potential
injection. (King and Spangfort, 2000). Besides medicinal effects in autoimmune diseases
venoms, some organisms (mostly parasites) try and/or MS (Beeton et al., 2011; Chi et al., 2012).
to avoid attention of their host and as such use Saliva from parasitic species is per
their venom (more often called saliva) to locally definition not a real venom, but it is a biological
prevent immune responses, and use local matrix with high potential for finding novel
anesthetics to prevent getting their presence bioactive compounds for drug discovery
noticed. Additionally, anticoagulants are pipelines. In saliva from parasites, compounds
injected to prevent coagulation of host blood with anti-coagulation properties are found
(Motoyashiki et al., 2003). A comprehensive which for example aids in treatment of
review from 2014 on toxins, and their analogs, cardiovascular diseases (Stibraniova et al., 2013).
derived from venoms in drug discovery is Arthropods have anti-coagulating (such as anti-
thoroughly described by Harvey (Harvey, platelet proteins), anti-inflammatory, and
2014). Many toxin derived compounds in the vasodilating proteins in their saliva. This allows
have entered clinical trials (King, 2011). But the them to feed from the host for longer periods
same as in traditional small molecule drug of time without getting noticed by the host, and

2 Volume 27 Issue 1 (2016)

Jeroen Kool

without blood clotting occurring around the metalloproteinases disrupt platelet adhesion
area of feeding (which allows detachment from and aggregation (Santos-Martinez et al., 2008).
the host after feeding). These compounds
possess very interesting properties from a Pro- and anti-coagulant agents
biopharmaceutical point of view. An added Many snake venoms have thrombin like
advantage of lead compounds developed from enzymes which show similarity to thrombin, an
salivary proteins is that they are often anti- important enzyme in the coagulation
immunogenic and antigenic. This reduces cascade (Valeriano-Zapana et al., 2012), while
probability of immunogenic side effects prothrombin activators are also found in snake
(Schwalie and Schultz, 2009, Stibraniova, venoms with comparable functions as Factor X
Lahova et al., 2013). Other effects known to be (Tans and Rosing, 2001; Joseph and Kini, 2004,
exerted by compounds in saliva from certain Segers et al., 2006). Thrombin inhibitors and
ticks and mosquitos are vasodilation, migration activators have also been identified in snake
of leukocytes, platelet aggregation, coagulation venoms, and these inhibitors can act as
(Mizurini et al., 2013), angiogenesis, and potential anti-coagulation agents (Matsui et al.,
complement activation. One specific class of 2000). After the bleeding of a wound stops the
salivary proteins are the evasins from tick clot must dissolve again, which is facilitated by
saliva, and aegyptin from moquito saliva (Calvo fibrinolysis for which the serine proteinase
et al., 2007; Deruaz et al., 2008; Deruaz et al., plasmin is responsible. In this process, fibrin is
2013; Mizurini et al., 2013). Evasins are converted into soluble products. Dissolving
chemokine-binding proteins. Evasin-1 binds to clots has potential therapeutic applications and
CCL3, CCL4 and CCL14, evasin-3 binds to as such fibrin(ogen)olytic enzymes (e.g. serine
CXCL8 and CXCL1, and evasin-4 binds to proteinases and metalloproteinases) from snake
CCL5 and CCL11 (Deruaz et al., 2008), while venoms are interesting to study from a
other proteins have also been found with pharmaceutical point of view (Lu et al., 2005).
chemokine modulating activity (Hajnicka et al., For hypertension, the angiotensin converting
2001). Examples of potential medical uses enzyme (ACE) is a major target (treatment of
involving evasins are evasin-1 for treatment of hypertension and heart failure), and is of
idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (Russo et al., interest in cardiovascular diseases and diabetic
2011) and evasin-4 for treatment of post- nephropathy (Kearney et al., 2005). Next to
infarction myocardial survival (Braunersreuther, many ACE inhibiting compounds identified in
Montecucco et al., 2013). Aegyptin, found plants (Somanadhan et al., 1999), venoms
in saliva from a mosquito, is a collagen comprise another source of candidate peptides
binding protein that inhibits the aggregation with ACE inhibiting potential. Captopril in this
and adhesion of platelets (Calvo et al., 2007, regard is the best known example of an ACE
Mizurini et al., 2013). inhibiting drug derived from snake venom.
Many proteins found in tick and mosquito
PHARMACEUTIC AL TARGETS OF saliva targeting coagulation, such as thrombin
VENOM TOXINS and factor Xa inhibitors (Lai et al., 2004), and
Antiplatelet agents platelet aggregation inhibitors (Sun et al., 2006),
Targets of anti-platelet compounds in are interesting study for their potential as anti-
some venoms include thrombin, ADP coagulation agents. Yet other targets of tick
receptors, integrins and metalloproteinases. salivary proteins are T-cells, B-cells, dendritic
Disintegrins from several snake venoms cells and complement factors C3 and C5 in a
function as agonist (thereby preventing the immunosuppressive manner (Hajnicka et al.,
binding of fibrinogen) (Bledzka et al., 2013). 2011; Wikel 2013).
Integrin α2β 1 for example is responsible for
platelet adhesion and agonistic lectin-like Antibacterials, antifungals and
proteins have been found in venoms from antivirals
snakes (Arlinghaus and Eble, 2012). Some Certain wasps procreate by injecting
three-finger toxins have anti-platelet activity their offspring into parasitized species and to
(Chanda et al., 2013), while venom derived prevent infection, defensin-like antimicrobial

Volume 27 Issue 1 (2016) 3

Pharmaceutical Properties of Venom Toxins

peptides are present in the venom of these variety of species. Venom toxins are known to
wasps (Ye et al., 2010). Other antibacterial very specifically and often very potently (in
peptides found in venoms comprise the different modes; e.g. agonistic or antagonistic
peptides pilosulin 3 and 4 found in a jumper manner) target different ion channels such as
ant (Inagaki et al., 2004), although these voltage-gated potassium, sodium, and calcium
peptides also possess allergenic properties. channels, and also ligand-gated nicotinic
Venom and/or saliva from many honeybees acetylcholine receptors (Dutertre and Lewis,
have antifungal activity. Also, the larvae of 2010). In venom cocktails they mainly act as
some bees have antibacterial and antifungal neurotoxins, but individually many are highly
secretions to protect their bee hives (Ergin et selective and potent and as such are considered
al., 2006). Melittin for example, a protein found as biopharmaceutical candidates and/or
in honeybee venom, has antiviral properties pharmacological tools (Joseph and Kini, 2004;
against different viruses such as HIV-1 and the Barber et al., 2013; Brady et al., 2013, Min et al.,
herpes simplex virus (Wachinger et al., 1998). 2013; Kularatne and Senanayake, 2014; Tsetlin,
As this compound is also hemolytic and an 2015). The neurotoxin alpha-cobratoxin for
allergen, the interest in its medicinal properties example might be interesting in relation to
are limited, but it does stay a valid starting point multiple sclerosis (Reid, 2007). Another
for development of more suitable derivatives. example, Prialt, was developed from a
conotoxin and is a potent drug against severe
Anticancer agents chronical pain.
Bee venom has several desirable
pharmacological effects such as anti- CONCLUSION
inflammatory, antimutagenic, radioprotective, Venoms are a promising source for
and anticancer effects. For the reported finding novel bioactives targeting several
anticancer effects, induction of apoptosis and enzymes and receptors involved in disease.
necrosis, and growth inhibition can be named Drug discovery approaches focussing on
(Jang et al., 2003; Hu, Chen et al. 2006; Han et venom derived bioactives demand a different
al.; 2007). The venom derived phospholipase workflow than traditional small molecule drug
A2 crotoxin interacts with the epidermal discovery and development pipelines. Venom
growth factor receptor and showed activity in a derived biopharmaceutical lead compounds are
phase I clinical trial, next to showing activity in discovered and developed in a way that
several cell lines. Apamin, which is yet another combines both traditional small molecular drug
bee venom toxin, can activate p53 in certain discovery, biopharmaceutical research, and
tumors which can lead to a reduction in tumor traditional natural extract drug discovery
growth (Orsolic, 2012). Integrins are suggested programs (i.e. from plants). For venoms, the
as drug targets for cancer cell adhesion, discovery and identification aspect is in part
migration and angiogenesis inhibition. In the similar to traditional natural extract drug
example of contortrostatin, a disintegrin from discovery programs. With venom derived drug
snake venom, it proved effective in inhibiting discovery, however, straightforward medicinal
tumor growth, angiogenesis and metastasis in peptide synthetic approaches can be used to
ovarian and breast cancer. Additionally, other optimize leads pharmacologically and
disintegrins targeting integrin α1β 1 have toxicologically, which is often more
demonstrated reduction of angiogenesis and complicated in case of small molecules
metastasis (Koh and Kini, 2012). identified from plant extracts. Furthermore,
bioactive peptides and proteins can be over-
Ion channel targets expressed and produced in large fermentors
Major targets of venom toxins are ion that are also applied standard
channels, which are also important biopharmaceutical development processes. In
pharmaceutical targets for among others case of venom peptides, genetic modification
neurodegenerative and pain related diseases. allows structural modification of the peptides
Animal toxins targeting ion channels are mainly for pharmacological optimization purposes. By
short to medium sized peptides found in a large rationally modifying amino acids of these

4 Volume 27 Issue 1 (2016)

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