Implementation of A Piecewise Drucker-Prager Model in Abaqus
Implementation of A Piecewise Drucker-Prager Model in Abaqus
Implementation of A Piecewise Drucker-Prager Model in Abaqus
model in Abaqus
Kwangmin Lee *, Karuppasamy Pandian Marimuthu *, Hyungyil Lee *
* Department of Mechanical Engineering, Sogang University, Seoul 04107, Rep. of Korea
1. Introduction
The classical Drucker-Prager (DP) model is a pressure-dependent yield model in which yield
strength and hydrostatic pressure are linearly related (Drucker and Prager, 1952). In addition to the
linear DP model, extended DP models also have hyperbolic and general exponent forms (Abaqus,
2013). However, since existing models have a limitation that cannot be modified to fit the yielding
model of any material, a piecewise Drucker-Prager (PDP) criterion is required. Most commercial
finite element analysis (FEA) programs do not have a built-in PDP model, although a simple PDP
model where strain hardening is not implemented is available in the commercial finite element
software, Autodyn (Ansys, 2015). To establish and popularize a user subroutine for an enhanced
PDP model, more careful and detailed research about constitutive equations, integration algorithm
and consistent tangent operators of the PDP model is required.
The present study develops an elasto-plastic constitutive model, an integration algorithm based
on return mapping, and consistent tangent operators for PDP model in which strain hardening can
be considered. The return mapping method and tangent operators are developed at the intersection
where piecewise linear DP models meet. Based on the developed constitutive model and
J 2 s
linear Drucker-Prager model
smooth portion
piecewise Drucker-Prager model
Fig. 1 Schematic comparison of linear and piecewise Drucker-Prager models
Φ i , ci J 2 s ( ) i p i ci i 1, 2, , n (1)
J2 s p I I 1 1 1 0 0 0
s:s ; ; (2)
where s is the deviatoric stress, is the stress, p is the hydrostatic pressure and ci is the cohesion
of the material. The ηi and i are constants derived from approximation to the piecewise Mohr-
Coulomb (PMC) yield model (Fig. 2). The formulas for the outer edges are
2018 Science in the Age of Experience 2
6sin i 6cos i
i , i i 1, 2, , n (3)
3 3 sin i 3 3 sin i
6sin i 6cos i
i , i i 1, 2, , n (4)
3 3 sin i 3 3 sin i
piecewise Drucker-Prager
piecewise Mohr-Coulomb
(outer edge)
piecewise Drucker-Prager
(inner edge)
1 2
In the associative DP model, the yield function of Eq. (1) is employed as flow potential;
correspondingly, three distinct plastic flows are described as follows.
(i) The plastic flow on the piecewise smooth portions of the yield surface is
p Ni i 1, 2, , n (5)
where p is plastic strain rate, is the plastic multiplier and N is the flow vector. The flow vector
2018 Science in the Age of Experience 3
i 1
Ni s i I i 1, 2, , n (6)
2 J 2 s 3
(ii) At the corner where two linear DP models meet, the plastic flow is
p i Ni i 1 Ni 1 i 1, 2, , n 1 (7)
where N i and N i 1 are the flow vector of the ith and i+1th linear DP model.
(iii) The plastic flow vector at the apex singularity is a sub-gradient of the first linear DP model
flow potential Ψ1. The effective plastic strain rate, in this case, is (de Souza Neto et al., 2008)
p 1 (8)
vp 1 (9)
1 p
p v (10)
To avoid excessive dilatancy, the non-associative flow rule is also used in the present PDP
model as in the linear DP model. Since the PDP model is an approximation of the PMC model, the
PDP yield function, as flow potential, is used with the dilatancy angle i instead of the friction
angle i (i < i); that is
i , ci J 2 s ( ) i p i 1, 2, , n (11)
where i is obtained by replacing i with i in the definition of ηi given by Eq. (3) or (4). In other
words, if the outer cone approximation to the PMC criterion is applied, then
6sin i
i i 1, 2, , n (12)
3 3 sin i
1 D :
n 1 ntrial e p
where D e is an elasticity matrix. Since the flow vectors are different according to the location of
the PDP model, three explicit forms exist for the return-mapping algorithm.
p Nin 1 s n 1 i I i 1, 2, , n (15)
2 J 2 s 3
n 1 2G N d n 1 K N v n 1
n 1 trial i i
G K i 1, 2, , n (16)
n 1
trial s n 1 i I
2 J 2 s 3
where G is the shear modulus, K is the bulk modulus, N d is the deviatoric component of flow
vector, and N v is the volumetric flow vector. Eq. (16) can be simplified by noting that the
following equality holds due to the definition of J2
s n 1 s n 1
J 2 s n 1 J 2 s ntrial
Then, substituting Eq. (17) into Eq. (16) provides the updated stress, expressed as
The components of updated deviatoric stress sn+1 and hydrostatic stress pn+1 are then
G trial
s n 1 1 s ; 1 K i
pn 1 p ntrial i 1, 2, , n (19)
n 1
J 2 s ntrial
np1 np P (21)
P (22)
Applying Eq. (19) to the consistency condition yields the following equation for Δγ:
Φi J 2 s ntrial
1 G i p n 1 Ki i ci n i 0
trial p
i 1, 2, , n (23)
c1 np p
1 K v 0
p ntrial p
Further, with the introduction of the discretized form of Eq. (10) for the non-associative DP model
to Eq. (24), the final return-mapping equation for the DP apex can be obtained as
r np c1 np 1 p p ntrial
1 K v 0
This is geometrically shown in Fig. 3. After the solution of Eq. (25) is obtained for vp , the
updated stress and effective plastic strain are obtained as
np1 np 1 vp
n 1 p ntrial
1 K v I
p (27)
J 2 s
K vp I
+1 n+1= pn+1 I p
in the PDP model, pn+1 can be smaller than pc even when pntrial +1 > p c , which is inappropriate return
mapping (Fig. 4a). To solve this problem, two plastic multipliers ( and ) for the ith and i+1th
i i+1
linear DP models (which may be nonzero) are used. Then, the incremental plastic strain is
p i N i i N i i 1 N i 1 (28)
where N i and N i 1 are the normal vectors to the ith and i+1th linear DP models, respectively. Recall
that the general updated return-mapping formula for the stress tensor is
1 D :
n 1 ntrial e p
1 D : N n 1
n 1 ntrial e i i
1 2G N d n 1 K N v n 1
n 1 ntrial i i
The components of updated deviatoric stress sn+1 and hydrostatic stress pn+1 are then
G i i 1
s n 1 1
J s ntrial n 1
1 (32)
1 K i i 1
i 1
pn 1 pntrial i
At the corner, the updated stresses are such that the equation of the ith linear DP model, i
and the equation of the i+1th linear DP model, i+1are simultaneously fulfilled (Fig. 4b).
These two equations have to be solved for i and i+1
Φi i , i 1 J 2 s ntrial
1 G
i i 1
i pntrial1 K (i i i 1 i 1 )
i ci np1 p
Φi 1 i , i 1 J 2 s ntrial
1 G
i i 1
i 1 pntrial1 K (i i i 1 i 1 )
i 1 ci 1 np1 p
Note that principle of this return mapping to the corner is similar to the modified DP/cap model,
although when checking plastic admissibility in the PDP model, the pressure should also be
considered with the yield function. This is because, in the modified DP/cap model, yield stress
monotonically decreases after the corner (de Souza Neto et al., 2008), but in the PDP model, yield
stress can increase.
Drucker-Prager model
i+1th linear
Drucker-Prager model
+1 pc pn+1 p
J 2 s
Drucker-Prager model
i+1th linear
Drucker-Prager model
+1 pn+1 = pc p
J 2 s n 1 J 2 s ntrial
1 G 0 (34)
Dep 2G 1 I d 2G GA DD
2 ed trial 2 ed trial i 1, 2, , n
n 1 n 1 (35)
2GAK i D I i I D K 1 K i i I I
ed trial
n 1 1
D ; A (36)
ed trial
n 1
i i i H i
D ep K 1 II i 1, 2, , n (37)
K i i H i
At the corner, due to the complexity of the formulas in the subsequent derivations, we define
several parameters as follows:
const1 G K i i ( i ) 2 H
const2 G K i i 1 i i 1H
const3 G K i 1 i i i 1H
const4 G K i 1 i 1 ( i 1 ) 2 H
where H is the hardening modulus. Then, the associated elastoplastic tangent consistent is
i i 1 i i 1
D ep 2G 1 I 2G G Q X D D
2 d n 1 2 d n 1
e trial e trial
i 1, 2, , n 1 (40)
2G Q K Y D I V I D K 1 K W Q I I
3. Constitutive programming
Abaqus (2013) provides a useful user subroutine interface called UMAT that allows one to
define complex or novel constitutive models that are not available with the built-in Abaqus
material models. UMATs are written as FORTRAN code and then linked and compiled by Abaqus
during numerical simulations.
We develop the UMATs for linear, bilinear and piecewise DP model for implementing the
plastic behavior of pressure dependent materials, and those are available in Mendeley Data’s
‘UMATs for linear, bilinear and piecewise Drucker-Prager models, Lee et al. (2018)’.
4.1 FE model
A three-dimensional (3D) FE model with single 8-node elements is created for single element
triaxial test simulation by using commercial software Abaqus 6.13 program (Abaqus, 2013). The
boundary conditions about the xy-plane, xz-planes and yz-planes are applied on five surfaces to fix
the element. Pressure is applied to the single extra surface of the xy-plane.
o 1 tan yc (41)
where is friction angle of the material. The numerical results are then compared with the
constitutive equations of the linear DP model for various materials, as shown in Fig. 5. The result
shows that after yielding begins, the von Mises stress from the UMAT models is identical to
that of the linear DP models.
Table 1 Material properties of pressure dependent materials obtained from the literature
material Young’s modulus E (GPa) Poisson’s ratio yc (GPa)a (°)a
Starphire 72.1b 0.222b 2.00 49
Borofloat 62.2 0.195b 1.75 52
c c
Zr65Cu15Al10Ni10 83.0 0.369 1.80 14
Mg58.5Cu30.5Y11 53.9d 0.318d 0.94 29
Rodríguez et al, 2012; b Dannemann et al., 2012; c Plummer et al., 2011; d Zheng et al., 2006
16 8
14 7
starphire Mg58.5Cu30.5Y11
12 model 6 model
v GPa)
v GPa)
8 4
6 borofloat 3
4 2
2 1
0 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10
p (GPa) p (GPa)
(a) (b)
Fig. 5 Comparison results of UMAT code with linear DP model for several
materials; (a) ceramic glasses, (b) bulk metallic glasses
The Young’s modulus E is 62.3 GPa, and the Poisson’s ratio is 0.2. The comparison of results
from the UMAT code with the DP constitutive equation for failed borosilicate glass is shown in
Fig. 6a. The results show that after yielding begins, from UMAT model are identical to that of
the bilinear DP model for failed boro-silicate glass.
The second example is for an extended Mohr-Coulomb model (Shafiq and Subhash, 2016),
which is a generalized constitutive model for brittle ceramics that is expressed as
HEL a be HEL (43)
where is shear stress, HEL is equivalent shear stress at the Hugoniot elastic limit (HEL) given by
HEL = HEL / 2, a = 1.15, b = -1.06 and k = 1.78. Then multiplying both sides of Eq. (43) by 2, we
obtain the extended Drucker-Prager (EDP) model, expressed as
v HEL a be HEL (44)
The two pressure-dependent material properties obtained from the literature are listed in Table 2.
The result of the UMAT code and the constitutive equation for EDP model is compared in Fig. 6b.
The result shows that after yielding starts, the from the UMAT model are identical to that in the
EDP model for SiC and soda-lime glass.
v GPa)
2 8
6 soda-lime glass
1 4 model
0 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
p (GPa) p (GPa)
(a) (b)
Fig. 6 Comparison results of UMAT code; (a) bilinear DP model for failed
borosilicate glass, (b) EDP model for SiC and soda-lime glass
5. Summary
This study has derived constitutive equations for a piecewise Drucker-Prager (PDP) model and
has developed integration algorithm based on the notion of return mapping to the smooth portion,
apex, and corners. A consistent tangent operator with the developed integration algorithm was
formulated for each return mapping case. The PDP model is then applied in commercial finite
element code (using Abaqus) by developing a user material subroutine (UMAT). This UMAT for
PDP model is verified through finite element analysis (FEA) of a hydrostatic test with a single
6. Acknowledgment
This research was supported by the Basic Science Research Program through the National
Research Foundation of Korea (NRF-2017R1A2B3009706).
7. References
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2. Ansys 16.0 release documentation, “Theory and Modelling Guide,” ANSYS, Inc.,
Canonsburg, PA, 2015.
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cracking,” International Journal of Solids and Structures, Vol. 32, pp. 329−340, 1995.