Barcoding Animal Life
Barcoding Animal Life
Barcoding Animal Life
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Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B (Suppl.) 270, S96–S99 (2003) S96 Ó 2003 The Royal Society
DOI 10.1098/rsbl.2003.0025
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DNA divergences P. D. N. Hebert and others S97
Table 1. Mean and standard deviation of the percentage sequence divergences at COI for 13 320 congeneric species pairs in 11
animal phyla.
(The percentage of sequence divergence estimates falling in a particular range is also shown. n indicates the number of congeneric
pairs examined in each group.)
phylum n mean s.d. 0–1 1–2 2–4 4–8 8–16 16–32 321
10 000 in their COI genes. In fact, more than 98% of species pairs
no. of congeneric species pairs
the usual limits of intraspecific divergence in mitochon- proteins (Schmidt et al. 2001). Comparative studies of the
drial genes derives from phylogeographic analyses. Two patterns of genetic diversity in mitochondrial and nuclear
results of these studies are particularly important. First, genomes have additionally provided evidence for the
intraspecific divergences are rarely greater than 2% and depletion of mtDNA diversity via selective sweeps, per-
most are less than 1% (Avise 2000). Second, when higher haps mediated by the rise of mitochondrial variants with
divergences are observed, these variants ordinarily occur more effective nuclear interactions (Ballard 2000; Gerber
as geographical isolates, reflecting their origin in past epi- et al. 2001). These sweeps do not need to occur with high
sodes of gene pool fragmentation. Moreover, many of frequency to ensure the clear delineation of sister species.
these high divergences involve cases of taxonomic uncer- Given a mean species longevity of 5 million years, the
tainty where lineages share a species epithet, but their occurrence of sweeps at average intervals of 500 000 years
actual status is unclear (Avise & Walker 1999). Collec- would eliminate ancestral polymorphisms while allowing
tively, these phylogeographic studies do establish that the accumulation of large amounts of shallow diversity, a
intraspecific divergences are ordinarily well below those pattern congruent with that seen in nature. Interactions
that separate congeneric species pairs. Hence, COI diver- between mitochondrial and nuclear genomes should also
gences can serve as an effective tool in species recognition. ensure that horizontal transfers are ordinarily fatal. Of
Moreover, the fact that some ‘species’ show higher diver- course, cases of mitochondrial transfer have been detected
gences does not compromise the use of COI sequences between some closely allied animal species (e.g. Glemet et
for their identification. In fact, just the opposite, it allows al. 1998), but these may reflect situations in which key
delineation of the regional lineages that comprise them. nuclear genes were also introgressed, restoring func-
Concern has been expressed that efforts to base identifi- tionality to the misplaced mitochondria.
cation systems on mtDNA markers would fail because of The present results indicate that an identification sys-
the prevalence of horizontal transfers of mitochondria tem for animal life based on the COI gene will be highly
between divergent lineages and because closely allied effective. Although COI divergences appear too low to
species would regularly share mitochondrial polymor- regularly enable species diagnosis within the cnidarians,
phisms that were millions of years old (Mallet & Willmot generic-level identifications in these organisms remain a
2003). The present study suggests that such complications prospect. More importantly, the mitochondrial genomes
are rare. In fact, the clear delineation of most congeneric of closely allied species in other phyla, those that comprise
species pairs indicates a surprising ferocity of lineage prun- the bulk of animal diversity, regularly show sufficient
ing. The restricted levels of intraspecific mitochondrial sequence diversity to enable their discrimination. Even if
divergence that result from this pruning are critical to COI analysis simply generated robust generic assign-
taxon diagnosis and they may have a simple explanation. ments, its application would winnow the 10 million animal
Horizontal transfers of mtDNA and the persistence of species down to a generic assemblage averaging less than
ancestral polymorphisms require the autonomy of mito- 10 species, delivering a resolution of 99.9999% of animal
chondrial genomes. But, there is growing evidence that diversity in the process. As the present study has estab-
mitochondrial and nuclear genomes are linked in a pas de lished that species-level identifications are ordinarily
deux of surprising intimacy, best evidenced by studies on achieved, COI analysis actually provides a taxonomic sys-
cybrids. For example, despite the close genetic similarity tem that is chasing the last digit of animal diversity.
of their nuclear genomes, orang-utan mitochondria
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placed in a human cell background (Barrientos et al. This work was supported by grants from NSERC and the Canada
2000). Even chimpanzee and gorilla mitochondria show Research Chairs programme to P.D.N.H. We thank Teri Crease,
Jinzhong Fu, Bob Ward and Jonathan Witt for their thoughtful com-
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