NLP English2IndianSignLanuguage 18w PDF
NLP English2IndianSignLanuguage 18w PDF
NLP English2IndianSignLanuguage 18w PDF
TEAM - 8
Table of Contents
1. Abstract 5
2. Introduction 6
2.1 Objective 6
2.2 Problem Statement 6
2.3 Existing Approaches 6
2.4 Proposed Approach 6
2.5 Scope of Investigation 7
3. Theoretical Bases and Literature Review 8
3.1 Theoretical Background of the Problem 8
3.2 Related Research of the Problem 8
3.3 Advantages/Disadvantages of those research 10
3.4 Our Solution to the Problem 10
3.5 Where Our Solution is different 10
4. Hypothesis 11
5. Methodology 12
5.1 Data Collection 12
5.2 Algorithm design 12
5.2.1 Solution Structure 12
5.2.2 Language 16
5.2.3 Tools used 16
5.3 Output Generation 16
6. Implementation 17
6.1 Code (refer programming requirements) 17
6.2 Design document and flowchart 26
7. Data Analysis and Discussion 27
7.1 Output Generation 27
7.2 Output Analysis 28
7.3 Compare Output Against Hypothesis 29
7.4 Abnormal Case Explanation 29
8. Conclusions and Recommendations 30
8.1 Summary and Conclusions 30
8.2 Recommendations for future studies 30
9. Bibliography 31
List of Figures
List of Tables
We would like to thank various online websites and communities for providing the
dataset for completion of the project. We would especially like to thank Mr. Ming-Hwa
Wang, professor of Natural Language Processing. As our teacher and mentor, he has
taught us more than I could ever give him credit for here. He has shown us at every
step what is needed to be achieved with proper guidance.
1. Abstract
Sign language is a natural way of communication for challenged people with speaking
and hearing disabilities. There have been various mediums available to translate or to
recognize sign language and convert them to text, but text to sign language conversion
systems have been rarely developed, this is due to the scarcity of any sign language
corpus. Our project aims at creating a translation system that consists of a parsing
module which parses the input English sentence to phrase structure grammar
representation on which Indian sign language grammar rules are applied. This is done
by eliminating stopwords from the reordered sentence. Stemming is applied to convert
the words to their root form as Indian sign language does not support for inflections of
the word. All words of the sentence are then checked against the words in the dictionary
containing videos representing each of the words. If the words are not found in the
dictionary, its corresponding synonym is used to replace it.
The proposed system is innovative as the existing systems are limited to direct
conversion of words into Indian sign language whereas our system aims to convert
these sentences into Indian sign language grammar in real domain.
2. Introduction
2.1 Objective
The objective of the project is to convert English text language to Indian Sign Language using
Natural Language Processing to enhance the communication capabilities of people with hearing
Sign language is a language that uses manual communication methods such as facial
expressions, hand gestures and bodily movements to convey information. This project makes
use of videos for specific words combined to translate the text language into sign language.
Although sign language is used across the world to bridge the gap of communication for hearing
or speech impaired which depend mostly on sign language for day to day communication, there
are not efficient models that convert text to Indian sign language. Their is a lack of proper and
effective audio visual support for oral communication. While significant progress has already
been made in computer recognition of sign languages of other countries but a very limited work
has been done in ISL computerization.
Work done so far in this field has been much more focused on American sign language (ASL) or
British sign language, but for Indian sign language, systems that have been developed are very
few. The underlying architecture for most of the systems are based on:
1. Direct translation: Words from source language are directly transformed into target
language words. Output may not be a desired one.
2. Statistical Machine Translation: It requires large parallel corpus, which is not readily
available in case of sign language.
3. Transfer based architecture: Grammar rules are being applied so as to define a proper
translation from one language system to another.
Few works have been done to generate a system that is based on the above concepts listed in
the existing approaches section and cater to Indian sign language. Thus we propose to develop
one for Indian sign language based on transfer based translation.
The success of this translation system will depend on the conversion of English text to Indian
sign language bearing its lexical and syntactic knowledge.
2.5 Scope of investigation
Our project aims to encompass the domain of Indian Sign Language which roughly consists of
1500 words in its dictionary. For each of these words its corresponding video will be gathered.
For words which do not fall in this dictionary, they would be replaced by their synonyms
considering duplicacy of words as well as their parts of speech.
Translation of one spoken language to another spoken language is complex task if both the
languages have different grammar rules. The complexity is increased many folds when source
language is spoken language and the target language is sign language.
The target audience for this system is not limited to hearing impaired individuals as
communication for hearing impaired people in common places like railway stations, bus stands,
banks, hospitals etc is very difficult because a vocal person may not understand sign language
and thus won’t be able to convey any message to hearing impaired person. Thus, it is targeted
to all those who wish to learn this translation, to facilitate better communication.
3. Theoretical Bases and Literature Review:
According to 2011 census of India, there are 63 million people which sums up to 6.3% of
the total population, who are suffering from hearing problems. Out of these people, 76-89% of
the Indian hearing challenged people have no knowledge of language either signed, spoken or
written. The reason behind this low literacy rate is either the lack of sign language interpreters,
unavailability of Indian Sign Language tool or lack of researches on Indian sign language.
In spite of the modern computer system being so advanced, there is a paucity of research in
developing machine translation (MT) system on sign language particularly in India. Some of the
MT systems used for other sign languages are:
are various facts associated with sign language, a natural language, which most of us are
unaware. Some of them are listed below:
● NOT the same all over the world
● NOT just gestures and pantomime but do have their own grammar.
● Dictionary is smaller compared to other languages.
● Finger-spelling for unknown words.
● Adjectives are placed after the noun for most of the sign language.
● Never use suffixes
● Always sign in present tense
● Do not use articles.
● Do not uses I but uses me.
● Have no gerunds
● Use of eyebrows and non-manual expressions.
● NOT been invented by hearing people.
The one handed signs are represented by static as well as dynamic movement of one hand.
The static and dynamic movements are then classified into manual and non-manual signs.
Two handed signs use both the hands for gesturing. It can be further classified into Type 0 and
Type 1.
Type 0 signs are those where the signer makes use of both the hands
Type 1 signs are those where the use of one hand (dominant) is more compared to the other
hand (non-dominant)
Indian Sign Language Grammar
This language has its own grammar and is not same as the manual representation of spoken
English or Hindi. Certain distinct features that it has are:
1. Number representation are done with hand gestures for each hand.
2. Signs for family relationships are preceded by male or female.
3. In interrogative sentence, all the WH questions are placed in the back of the sentence.
4. It also consists of many non-manual gestures such as mouth pattern, mouth gestures,
body postures, head position and eye gaze.
5. The past, present and future tense is represented by signs for before, then and after.
The advantage of using the video technique is that it is more effective and can convey
the message in the most effective way. Whereas, the other approaches are using the
images which are way less effective as compared to videos.
The module for translation will help hearing disabled people to understand in an efficient
and easy way by providing them with a video to convey them the message of text.
Our solution is different as we are using the technique of videos while other techniques
are using the images for message conveyance. Also the stopwords have been removed
so text processing efforts are also reduced.
4 Hypothesis
Translation from source language to target language requires bilingual dictionary. Thus, we will
be creating one such dictionary that contains the english word and its equivalent Indian sign.
The counterpart for the English word could be in the format of images, videos or coded sign
language text (gloss). All the approaches have their own pros and cons but the video approach
is well suited as it has an edge over other systems. A comparison of all the media has been
given in the table as shown below:
Because videos provide much realistic content as compared to image and coded text so we
preferred using videos.
If time permits we wish to develop a system based on synthetic animations as it requires less
memory consumption, can easily be reproduced, is supported by translation system and follows
an avatar based approach which can be easily customized.
5 Methodology
5.1 Data Collection
Parts of Speech Tagging
[Figure 2]
2. Grammar rules for conversion from English to ISL
Since both spoken language and sign language have different grammar rules. The
complexity to translate them is increased many folds. Comparison between ISL and English
grammar is listed below:
English Grammar Indian Sign Language Grammar
English grammar is well structured and a lot ISL is invented by deaf and a little work has
of research work has been carried out to been done to study the grammar of this
define the rules for it. English grammar language. The structure of sentences of ISL
follows the subject-verb-object order. follows the subject-object-verb order[13].
English language uses various forms of verbs ISL does not use any inflections ( gerund,
and adjectives depending upon the type of suffixes, or other forms ), it uses the root form
the sentence. Also, a lot of inflections of the of the word.
words are used in English sentences.
English language has much larger dictionary Indian sign language has a very limited
dictionary, approximately 1800 words[10].
Question word in interrogative sentences is at In Indian sign language, the question word is
the start in English always sentence final
Therefore ISL grammar rules, require all the verb patterns (20 patterns) being shifted after the
corresponding noun occurrence. Some of the rule conversion are given in the following table
subject + verb + NP V NP PP She made (NP (PRP She ) she coffee for all
direct object + coffee for all of ) of us made
preposition us (VP (VBD made
+prepositional )
object (NP (NN coffee )
(PP (IN for ) (NP
(NP (DT all ) )
(IN of ) (NP
(PRP us
3. Elimination of Stop Words
Since ISL deals with words associated with some meaning, unwanted words are
removed these include various parts of speech such as TO, POS(possessive ending),
MD(Modals), FW(Foreign word), CC(coordinating conjunction), some DT(determiners like a, an,
the), JJR, JJS(adjectives, comparative and superlative), NNS, NNPS(nouns plural, proper
plural), RP(particles), SYM(symbols), Interjections, non-root verbs
Removing Stopwords
[Figure 3]
4. Lemmatization and Synonym replacement
Indian sign language uses root words in their sentences. So we convert them to root
form using Porter Stemmer rules. Along with this each word is checked in bilingual dictionary, if
word does not exist, it is tagged to its synonym containing the same part of speech.
Stemming of Words
[Figure 4]
5. Video Conversion Stage
After the completion of above stages we get the ISL transformed text , the program will
then find matches from the dataset available for each of the word. This will be based on the
basic string matching algorithm between the processed input text and labels of videos. Finally a
display of set of videos as a sequence one after the other can be seen on the screen.
5.2.2 Language
We will be using Python(version 3) for the development of the project. Also, we will be
using many libraries of python for implementation of the project.
6. Implementation
6.1 Code
English text to Isl text conversion code:
import sys
import argparse
from nltk.parse.stanford import StanfordParser
from nltk.tag.stanford import StanfordPOSTagger, StanfordNERTagger
from nltk.tokenize.stanford import StanfordTokenizer
from nltk.tree import *
from nltk import word_tokenize
from nltk.corpus import stopwords
from nltk.stem import WordNetLemmatizer
from nltk.stem import PorterStemmer
import nltk
# o=parser.parse(s.split())
# "***********subtrees**********"
parenttree= ParentedTree.convert(parsetree)
for sub in parenttree.subtrees():
for sub in parenttree.subtrees():
if(sub.label()=="NP" and dict[sub.treeposition()]==0 and dict[sub.parent().treeposition()]==0):
if(sub.label()=="VP" or sub.label()=="PRP"):
for sub2 in sub.subtrees():
if((sub2.label()=="NP" or sub2.label()=='PRP')and dict[sub2.treeposition()]==0 and
# print stop_words
lemmatizer = WordNetLemmatizer()
ps = PorterStemmer()
for w in parsed_sent:
# w = ps.stem(w)
islsentence = ""
for w in lemmatized_words:
if w not in stop_words:
islsentence+=" "
import nltk
import os
import sys
text = nltk.word_tokenize(input_text)
final_clip = concatenate_videoclips(arg_array)
<script src="//"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<script defer src=""></script>
<link rel='stylesheet' href='../English2ISLGenerator-master/css/one.css'>
<div id="toolbar" style="height:100px">
Text to Indian Sign Language Conversion
<button class="mdl-button mdl-js-button mdl-button--icon mdl-button--colored"
style="margin-left:1450px;margin-top:50px" formaction="main.php" >
<i class="material-icons">home</i>
<div id="content" data-0="padding-top: 192px;" data-192="padding-top: 190px;"
if (isset($filename)){
echo '<center style="padding-top:30px">';
echo '<video width="1080" height="480" controls autoplay>';
echo '<source src="my_concatenation.mp4" type="video/mp4">';
echo 'Your browser does not support the video tag.';
echo '</source></video>';
echo '</center>';
$vars = array_keys(get_defined_vars());
foreach($vars as $var) {
} ?>
<form action="" method="post" name="myform" id="myform">
<div class="mdl-textfield mdl-js-textfield mdl-textfield--floating-label"
<INPUT class="mdl-textfield__input" TYPE = "Text" NAME = "username" >
<label class ="mdl-textfield__label" for="inputText"
style="font-size:20px;padding-left:20px">English text: <?php
if(!empty($_POST['username'])){echo $isl;}?> </label>
<button type="submit"class="mdl-button mdl-js-button mdl-button--fab
mdl-js-ripple-effect mdl-button--colored " id="Video"
<i class="material-icons" >arrow_forward</i>
$isl = "";
$pyscript = '';
$englishinput = $_POST['englishtext'];
$cmd = "$python $pyscript $englishinput";
$isl = exec("$cmd");
<?php require_once("include.php"); ?>
<title>ISL : Avatar Page</title>
<meta http-equiv="Access-Control-Allow-Origin" content="*">
<meta http-equiv="Access-Control-Allow-Methods" content="GET">
<script src="//"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet"
<link rel="stylesheet"
<script defer src=""></script>
<link rel='stylesheet' href='../English2ISLGenerator-master/css/one.css'>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/cwasa.css" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/allcsa.js"></script>
<script language="javascript">
// Initial configuration
var initCfg = {
"avsbsl" : ["luna", "siggi", "anna", "marc", "francoise"],
"avSettings" : { "avList": "avsbsl", "initAv": "marc" }
// global variable to store the sigmal list
var sigmlList = null;
<button class="mdl-button mdl-js-button mdl-button--icon mdl-button--colored"
style="margin-left:1450px;margin-top:50px" formaction="main.php" >
<i class="material-icons">home</i>
<div id="content" data-0="padding-top: 192px;" data-192="padding-top: 190px;"
<div style="padding-top:80px">
<div id="loading" class="container"><div class="row text-center"><span
style="background-color:#ebf8a4; padding: 8px 20px;">Loading ... Please
<!-- left side division starts here -->
<div style="width:40%; padding:15px; float:left; margin-left:14%;">
<label class="mdl-textfield__input" for="inputText">The text to animate: <?php
if(!empty($_POST['englishtext'])){ echo $isl;}?> </label><br>
<button type="button" class="btn btn-primary" onclick="yahoo();" id="a">Generate Play
<button type="button" id="btnClear" class="btn btn-default">Clear</button>
<div id="dom-target" style="display: none;">
//$output = "42"; //Again, do some operation, get the output.
echo htmlspecialchars($isl); /* You have to escape because the result
will not be valid HTML otherwise. */
<div id="menu2">
Words will be displayed here
<div id="menu3">
Alphabets will be displayed here
<div id="menu4">
Number will be displayed here
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/player.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
Load json file for sigml available for easy searching
$.getJSON("js/sigmlFiles.json", function(json){
sigmlList = json;
// code to check if avatar has been loaded or not and hide the loading sign
var loadingTout = setInterval(function() {
if(tuavatarLoaded) {
console.log("Avatar loaded successfully !");
}, 1000);
7. Data Analysis and Discussion
For a given english text the system aims at generating its equivalent sign language depiction.
Our system generates these outputs in the following two ways:
1. Video generation - Output from the ISL conversion phase of input sentence is passed to
video generation phase wherein for each of the words in the sentence are looked up in
the database for its corresponding video file and then these files are all concatenated to
to produce a more structured, informative and easy to understand visual depiction of
Indian Sign Language.
2. Synthetic Animation generation - In this approach the ISL converted text is checked for
its corresponding SigML file wherein these files are generated by a process called
Hamnosys to SigML conversion to generate a markup language that is compatible with
JASIgning tool to generate equivalent synthetic animations.
Consider the following input sentence to which the generated ISL, video output and animation
output are as follows:
Animation Generated Output:
The given input text undergoes parsing using the StanfordParser to identify the subject, verb
and object in the given sentences and which according to Indian Sign language grammar
requires its verb and object positions to be swapped. This process fairly returns proper results
and after this we require the system to lemmatize each of the words as sign language does not
follow tense, however lemmatization follows a corpus and we chose wordnet corpus which not
necessarily stem each of the verb forms, due to which there is a requirement to modify video
and sigml files to support this issue. The generated output is then checked for stopwords and
they are eliminated if present. After which the ISL sentence is then passed through two methods
to generate sign language
Each of these methods were being analysed and we came up with the following analysis for
each of them:
1. Video
○ The process of finding the relevant videos and creating a collaboration of these
videos is a time taking task.
○ The video output couldn’t ensure consistency due to the lack of research going
on this field.
○ All words not necessarily find their equivalent word file, thus such words are
2. Synthetic Animation
○ The process of mapping the sigml notations to generate animation is
comparatively less time consuming
○ This ensures consistency as the entire sentence is enacted by the same
character throughout.
○ However, these animations do not provide a realistic feel as is provided by
○ Finger spelling are used for those words which are not present in the database.
Our approach with the use of animation and light weight videos improves the overall
performance by pre-processing the input text using NLP techniques and making use of the
relevant term from the input sentence. Furthermore, we have used visual depiction for the entire
input sentence and not for a particular word that is depicted in many of the previous projects.
This ensures that our system is more robust and useful during live conversation.Videos and
synthetic animations do provide a realistic appeal to the output. This system can be used readily
and requires less prior knowledge about sign language.
Since much research hasn’t been done on Indian Sign Language grammar, there are few words
and types of sentences which still haven’t found their respective translation.
Exclamation words like Oh! Alas! Or Hurray! don’t have a direct translation in the Indian sign
language, however these are words that are based on facial cues and expressions and thus
need to be handled.
Imperative sentences such as “Book the flight”, however they can be converted into ISL
grammar format resulting in “Flight Book”, they cannot be expressed in the imperative format
owing to the sentence structure.
Also words having more than one parts of speech, example book has both verb and noun form
cannot be handled well by the conversion system, since the original input sentence after being
parsed and processed is converted into ISL grammar format which does not have a parsing
structure, which indeed becomes difficult to identify the nouns and verbs from a given sentence,
eventually causing the wrong form of the sentence being selected.
However, since less research has been carried out in this field, there are many pitfalls that
needs to be worked on and some scenarios which needs to be thought of.
8.1 Summary and Conclusions
In this project, we have tried to develop a system that would be helpful for the disabled people
having communication difficulties by developing a system that would help them in expressing
themselves clearly and easily.
Our model successfully converts the entire input sentence into a single visual rather than
depicting different words through a GIF/ picture giving the model a much realistic and lively
appeal. Much more development on this track can be done as the ISL dictionary is still small
and needs to grow eventually.
As the ISL is new and not much development has been done on this topic, many new videos for
different words can be added to the dictionary to widen its scope and help people communicate
better using this language. Moreover, text to speech integration can be performed in the project
to enable better communication strategies which will allow users to convert text to Indian Sign
Language with manually entering the input sentence.
9 Bibliography
● Goyal, L., & Goyal, V. (n.d.). Automatic Translation of English Text to Indian Sign
● Zouhour Tmar, Achraf Othman & Mohamed Jemni: A rule-based approach for
building an artificial English-ASL corpus
● Teranai Vichyaloetsiri & Pongpisit Wuttidittachotti: Web Service framework to
translate text into sign language:
● P. Kar, M. Reddy, A. Mukherjee, A. M. Raina. 2017. INGIT: Limited Domain
Formulaic Translation from Hindi Strings to Indian Sign Language. ICON.
● Dictionary | Indian Sign Language. (n.d.). Retrieved July 15, 2016, from
● Zeshan, U., Vasishta, M. N., & Sethna, M. (2015). Implementation of Indian Sign
Language in educational settings. Asia Pacific Disability Rehabilitation Journal,
16(1), 16- 40
● S. Cox, M. Lincoln, J. Tryggvason, M. Nakisa, M . Wells, M. Tutt, S. Abbott. 2002.
Tessa, a system to aid communication with deaf people. Fifth international ACM
conference on Assistive technologies.
● M. Vasishta, J. Woodward and S. DeSantis. 2011. An Introduction to Indian Sign
Language. All India Federation of the Deaf (Third Edition).