Franke-Arnold 2004 New J. Phys. 6 103
Franke-Arnold 2004 New J. Phys. 6 103
Franke-Arnold 2004 New J. Phys. 6 103
Recent citations
- Universal entanglement loss induced by
angular uncertainty
Giacomo Sorelli et al
It is a fundamental principle of quantum theory that we cannot establish, with arbitrary precision,
all the physical properties of any system. This idea has its most concise quantitative statement
in the uncertainty principle, which places a lower bound on the product of the underlying
uncertainties associated with a chosen pair of observable quantities. The original uncertainty
relation, due to Heisenberg, states that the product of the uncertainties in position and momentum
for a particle is bounded by Planck’s constant [1]: xp h̄/2. This inequality has played
a b
x _ px
∆x ∆px =h/2
c d
∆φ ∆
−2π −π 0 π 2π −4 −2 0 2 4
φ 1_
∆φ∆ = |1-2π P(π)|
1/2π 1.0
0.5 0.8
0.0 0.0
-π π -10 -5 0 5 10 0.4
Angular position Angular momentum
0.0 0.0
-π π -10 -5 0 5 10
Angular position Angular momentum
Measurement apparatus
for angular momentum
Input beam
Pinhole Detector
Although now unrestricted, the √ statistical uncertainty in angular position remains finite and
readily calculable [5]: φ = π/ 3. It is clear, for these states, that the uncertainty product is
φL = 0. For other states, where the range of angular position is restricted, it is impossible to
know precisely the angular momentum; for small angular uncertainties, the uncertainty principle
tends to φL = h̄/2. Between these extremes, there is a minimum uncertainty-product that
varies monotonically from 0 to h̄/2 as the angular uncertainty increases [6]. The general form of
the uncertainty principle is a consequence of Robertson’s generalization to any pair of observables
of Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle [1].
In the present paper, by precise measurements on an apertured light beam, we demonstrate
for the first time a manifestation of this angular position, angular momentum uncertainty
principle. If we place any restriction on the angular position, such as by passing the light beam
through an angular aperture (a ‘cake-slice’), a distribution of angular momentum states results
(see figure 2). We have identified and experimentally verified the form of the aperture that
corresponds to the intelligent states for angle and angular momentum.
Light beams carry both linear and angular momenta, which manifest at the macroscopic
and single-photon levels. Angular momentum comprises spin and orbital components that are
associated with circular polarization and helical-phase fronts respectively. At the photon level,
the spin angular momentum can take one of two values, ±h̄ per photon, corresponding to left-
and right-handed circularly polarized light. In contrast, the orbital angular momentum can take
one of an unbounded range of values, h̄ per photon [7], where the integer relates to the
azimuthal phase structure of the helically phased beam, exp(iφ). At the macroscopic level,
both forms of angular momentum can be transferred to particles, causing them to spin about
their own axes and orbit about the beam axis, respectively [8]. For single photons, both spin and
orbital angular momenta have been shown to be well behaved and to have interesting quantum
properties [9, 10].
All physical properties of cylindrical systems are periodic functions of an angular position.
For this reason, we must restrict the values of the angle observable to lie within a 2π radian range,
and the corresponding angular momentum component Lz can only take on discrete values h̄. The
angle operator, φ̂θ , will have eigenvalues, φ, lying in the range θ to θ + 2π, with a common choice
being −π φ < π. This dependence on the choice of angular range is denoted by subscript
θ in the angle operator. For states with finite uncertainty in angular momentum, the relation
between uncertainty in angular position φθ and uncertainty in angular momentum Lz has
the form [6]
φθ Lz 21 h̄|1 − 2πP(θ)|, (1)
where Lz = h̄ and P(θ) is the angular probability density at the boundary of the chosen
angular range. The intelligent states, |ψ, obey the equation
where θ φ < θ + 2π and λ is a real constant [11]. By taking its overlap with the state
−1/2 −iφ
| = (2π) e |, we can convert equation (2) into a differential equation,
i + ¯ + iλ(φ − φ̄θ )
(φ) = 0, (3)
¯ and φ̂θ = φ̄ denote the mean values of angular momentum and angular
where L̂z = h̄
position, respectively. The solution of this equation is given by the wavefunction
(λ/π)1/4 iφ ¯ λ
(φ) = √ e exp − 2 (φ − φ̄) ,
erf(π λ)
where θ φ < θ + 2π. This function is normalized so that θ dφ|
(φ)|2 = 1. Since we are
seeking to identify the states giving a finite uncertainty in angular momentum, we require that
the wavefunction has no discontinuities, i.e.
(θ) =
(θ + 2π). Consequently, ¯ needs to be an
integer and the mean value of φ must lie at the centre of its allowed range of values, so that
φ̄ = θ + π. With these restrictions, the truncated Gaussian described by equation (4) is the only
realizable intelligent state for angular position (see figure 1(c)).
From equation (4), the corresponding uncertainty in angular position is
1 2 πλ exp(−π2 λ)
φ = √ 1− √ . (5)
2λ erf(π λ)
Here, we have dropped the subscript in φ and selected 0 as the mean value of the angle, so that
−π φ < π. We can calculate the angular momentum amplitudes for our intelligent states by
(λπ)−1/4 +∞
dk sinc(kπ) e−(−−k) /(2λ) ,
= √ (6)
erf(π λ) −∞
which is the convolution of a Gaussian with a sinc function (see figure 1(d)). The corresponding
uncertainty in the measured value of the angular momentum quantum number is
= λφ. (7)
Taking the product of equations (5) and (7), we confirm that these states do satisfy the
equality, i.e.
φ = 21 |1 − 2πP(π)|. (8)
It is interesting to note that the intelligent states for angular position are truncated Gaussians
of equation (4) with a discontinuity in the gradient at ±π. The presence of discontinuity is perhaps
surprising, but it does not violate the condition for inequality. The minimum uncertainty-product
states, in contrast, exhibit no such discontinuity.
The basis of our experiment is the understanding that if a light beam with a single value of
orbital angular momentum is passed through an angular aperture, the angular momentum of the
transmitted beam will take on a range of values (see figure 2).
Helically phased light beams are readily generated using diffractive optical components,
often termed computer-generated holograms. A frequently used design is similar to a diffraction
grating, but one that features an holo pronged fork dislocation at its centre [12]. After illumination
with a plane wave, the first-order diffracted beam has an exp(iholo φ) phase structure and an
orbital angular momentum of holo h̄ per photon. Such holograms also work more generally,
such that when the incident beam is already helically phased, e.g. exp(ibeam φ), the diffracted
beam has a phase structure exp(i(beam + holo )φ). When beam + holo = 0, the diffracted beam
has planar phasefronts. Such a system can be used to test for a particular orbital angular
momentum state since only a planar diffracted beam can be made to pass through a subsequent
pinhole [10].
For accurate measurements, it is essential that both the apex of the aperture and the
dislocation within the hologram be centred with respect to the illuminating beam. Consequently,
rather than aligning mechanical components, both the aperture and analysing hologram are
produced on a spatial light modulator. In principle, separate modulators could be used for the
aperture and the analysing holograms; however, it is convenient, in our case, to combine these
elements onto a single plane and thereby display them on a single device. The input beam
is derived from a 100 mW, 532 nm laser, which is modulated with a mechanical chopper to
allow phase-sensitive detection of the light transmitted through the pinhole and, hence, a large
dynamic range in the measured angular momentum components. The angular amplitude of the
illuminating beam is defined in (4). An angular width for the aperture is picked at random and
orientated with a random azimuthal position. The number of dislocations within the analysing
hologram is then changed over a wide range of values to deduce the normalized distribution
New Journal of Physics 6 (2004) 103 (
∆ = 1.43 ∆φ = 0.35
-10 -5 0 5 10
∆ = 0.467 ∆φ = 1.04
-10 -5 0 5 10
∆ = 0.175 ∆φ = 1.56
-10 -5 0 5 10
of the orbital angular momentum components of the beam for that particular aperture width.
Over several hours, many hundreds of aperture widths can be evaluated and the corresponding
distribution of orbital angular momentum states measured.
In our experiment, the incident beam is a Gaussian laser mode with zero angular momentum.
Figure 3 shows three angular apertures, the measured distribution of angular momentum
components and the statistical best fit to the distribution function |ψ()|2 , obtained from (6).
Figure 4 shows the observed product φ plotted against φ, compared with the theoretical
prediction of (8).
Each of the individual measurements is subject to error both in φ, due to the non-linearity
of the spatial light modulator, and in , due to noise in the detection system. For small values of
φ, the total power transmitted through the aperture is low, giving a poor signal-to-noise ratio in
the measured components and resulting in an overestimate of . For large values of φ, the
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0
Angular uncertainty (∆φ)
angular momentum distribution is dominated by a single value; however, noise for other values
again leads to a similar overestimation of .
In addition to supporting the predictions of our theoretical analysis, figure 4 illustrates
the detailed
√ behaviour of the angular form of the uncertainty relationship. For no aperture,
φ = π/ 3 and, as expected, we find that the orbital angular momentum is precisely defined,
i.e. = 0. For very small apertures, P(π) tends to zero and φ ≈ 1/2. The most interesting
behaviour occurs for intermediate aperture widths when the wings of the Gaussian do not decrease
to zero within the 2π range of the distribution. Under these conditions, we see that φ reduces
from 1/2 as φ increases.
We note that a similar uncertainty relationship exists between photon number and phase of
an electromagnetic field [13], which has been explored experimentally [14]. In this case, however,
the fact that the photon number has a minimum value (i.e. zero) means that exact intelligent states,
other than the pure photon-number states, do not exist [15]. In this paper, we have observed for
the first time the uncertainty relationship governing angular position and angular momentum and
have both derived and demonstrated the corresponding intelligent states.
Clearly, experimental results were obtained in the present study from light beams comprising
many photons in the same orbital angular momentum state and, hence, are strictly applicable to
classical beams only. However, the experiment is fundamentally one in which the measured
intensity values arise through interference effects in linear optics. In agreement with other
such interference experiments, we can infer that the intensity distribution measured for the
many-photon result is proportional to the probability that would be measured if the experiment
was repeated with single photons. Consequently, the angular uncertainty relationship between
optical orbital angular momentum and the angular aperture applies both in the quantum and
classical regimes. This is as anticipated, since the theoretical description relies on linear optics
and, thus, is identical for single photons and classical beams.
This work was supported by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, the Royal
Society and the Royal Society of Edinburgh.
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