The Kalas
The Kalas
The Kalas
We shall now have a quick look at the different sciences or Kalas known to
have existed, those that come under the category of Vedas.
The first that calls for mention is the encyclopaedic Sastra which goes by
the name of Akshara-laksha. The authorship of this science is attributed to
Sage Valmiki. All kinds (325 to be exact) of mathematics including modern
geometry, algebra, trigonometry, physics or applied mathematics; minerology,
hydels; the method of measuring air, heat and even electricity; geography
etc., are said to have been treated. This work comprehends earlier
discoveries by Sage Kashyapa, Ganapati, Soorya, Brihaspati, Jaimini,
Hanuman and others
This work consists of 50 chapters. The first half deals with mathematics and
the second half is about the Shaktis that make up the world.
The next science of importance is Sabda Sastra. One Kandika Rishi wrote
this. It deals with sounds, echoes of moving and non-moving objects in
creation. It also deals in five chapters with capturing or mechanically
reproducing sounds, measuring their pitch, velocity, etc.
Sage Garga has written on Sakuna Sastra, the determination of good and
bad effects from the sounds of birds, words of human beings etc. (in other
words, omens).
Shilpa Sastra is said to have been written by Sage Kashyapa and it consists
of 22 chapters. 307 varieties of Shilpas including 11 types of constructions
like temples, palaces, halls etc., are detailed. Earlier writers on this subject
are Viswakarma, Maya, Maruti, Chayapurasha, etc., whose thoughts have
been incorporated in the above.
Supa-Sastra deals with the science of cooking. One Sukesa is the first
author of this science. 108 varieties of preparations, from condiments and
pickles to sweetmeats, cakes, puddings, and 3032 kinds of dishes meant for
people living in different parts of the world are mentioned.
The science of Kala or Time was written by Lord Karttikeya. Its division into
definite periods, their classification into auspicious and inauspicious moments,
the deities that preside over each are dealt with in this work.
Samudra Raja, or the Lord of the Ocean is the original author of Samudrika
Sastra. He noted down the auspicious marks on the body of Lord Vishnu
while the latter was resting on Aadisesha in the ocean. This science was later
developed by Sages like Narada, Varaha and Mandavya and Lord Kartikeya.
Palmistry belongs to this sastra.
Aswini Kumaras are credited with writing the science of Dhatuvada which, in
7 chapters treats of natural as well as artificial Dhatus or primary substances,
their combinations and transmutations. Alchemy or converting copper into
gold etc. is dealt with in this work.
Bhima is credited with having composed the science of fine arts called
Chitrakarma Sastra. It consists of 12 chapters and expounds nearly 200
kinds of drawings. There is a section in which students are taught to recreate
the figure of a person after seeing a single hair or nail or a bone of that
The revered Valakhilyas are credited with writing the science on Parakaya
Pravesha i.e., entering into one body from another body, and it teaches 32
kinds of Yogas and the eight-fold Siddhis (super-human capabilities), Anima,
Mahima etc.