WFRP Legion 5
WFRP Legion 5
WFRP Legion 5
There is a tree. No, I lie; there are three trees. The watched it grow from the rock for a hundred years.
first is an oak tree, and it is ancient. The bark of its Its roots went deep.
broad, knotted trunk is deeply lined and holed with
age; its many twisting branches spread wide and There is a blackened wound in the trunk. With axe
shadow the earth beneath. Hugging one side of the and flame, a woman once sought to destroy the tree
oak is the second tree, a rose tree, and it too is for a wrong it had done her and her loved ones, but
ancient. Its hard, talon-studded stems are inches in she met frightful resistance and was driven away,
diameter; they climb and coil up the oak’s trunk and never to return. The Murder Tree can protect itself,
along its branches; roses bloom scarlet among the you see, and there are those who would come to its
oak’s green leaves. The third tree aid or travel forth to do its
is an apple tree, growing from a bidding.
deep crack in the oak’s trunk. It
too rises against the trunk up A party of travellers slept
through the canopy, its white beneath the branches of the tree.
flowers becoming small, bitter Even the one who sat guard
crab apples in autumn. Mistletoe shared in their dreams of a
flourishes among the branches. terrible battle fought long ago.
The travellers dreamt they fought
The apples of the Murder Tree in the battle, and the wounds they
can be made into cider. It is foul dreamt they took followed them
and dry and bitter, but if you drink into the waking world. They
enough of it you are granted remembered a hidden temple
visions of death: your own death, dedicated to blood, containing a
the death of others, perhaps even prize worth risking death for, but
a vision of Morr himself, or none knew what the prize was.
maybe Khaine. Who would wish Signs and landmarks in the
to see such things? The paranoid, perhaps? The dream were the clues to the location of the temple.
cautious? A Necromancer? Those who simply need Perhaps the travellers still search for the temple;
to know what will be in order to avoid it, or at least perhaps they are yet to dream of it.
try? But would the knowledge be worth the side-
effects? There is a Beastwoman. She is called Makragg
Bloody-Thighs. She has curled sheep-horns and the
There is a story: if you dance backwards around the legs of a goat, making her a Caprigor Truegor. She
Murder Tree seven times when Morrslieb is full, is also a shaman, leading a small pack of bloody-
chanting the name of your enemy, then your enemy fanged Brays. The Murder Tree is sacred to her and
will be slain. But maybe something else is required she leads her pack to it in pilgrimage once a year.
by the ritual before it can truly work, and if so, what, She rips her flesh on the rose thorns and allows her
and is this black magic worth the price? pack to lap at her bleeding wounds. Her blood
excites them to kill her and eat her flesh, but they
A young Dwarf came from Middenheim. He picked fear her too much to give in to their temptation.
a fallen acorn from the dirt and carried it back with Makragg knows this, and the knowledge of her
him to the City of the White Wolf. The Dwarf planted power over them makes her ambitious for power
the acorn in the rocky side of the Fauschlag. He over yet more followers. She knows there are