Heidegger Bibliography PDF
Heidegger Bibliography PDF
Heidegger Bibliography PDF
for DFJ
Begun in 1977, the year after the death of Martin Heidegger, the following bibliography is for the
use of students of his thought whose first language is English. This Bibliography of English
Translations of the Writigs of Martin Heidegger details the history of translations into English of
Heidegger’s books, essays, lecture courses, book reviews, poetry and letters (1949-2011). It begins
with a list of the volumes of the Heidegger Gesamtausgabe (= GA [1975- ] published to date, to
which the entries are keyed. The “Master Bibliography” is followed by a “Supplemental
Bibliography: Heidegger and Politics” and a bibliography of “Unpublished Translations” available
online. It concludes with two lists of the translators, the first keyed to an alphanumeric code at the
end of each entry {} and the other giving the titles of the translators’ contributions.
For the scholar’s convenience, several other bibliographies have been created. Two give the
original German titles of the translated texts: the first (II) arranged alphabetically by title, the other
(III) given by date of composition of the text. Bibliography IV gives the table of contents for each
of the published volumes of the Gesamtausgabe. Since Heidegger’s lecture courses (1915-1955)
and seminars (1927-1973) occupy a significant portion of Heidegger’s published works, two further
bibliographies have been prepared, one (V) listing the courses and seminars in chronological
order of having been offered, the other (VI) listing them by date of first publication in German. A
bibliography of video and audio materials (VII) is given last. Apart from some audio books in
English, all but one are audio recordings.
Miles Groth
April 2013
New York
Each entry presents four kinds of information about books, essays, lecture courses, book reviews
and poems by Martin Heidegger that have been translated into English:
[A] Title and translator(s): Here are given the title(s) of English translation(s) (A,B,C etc.), date
of first appearance of the translation (...), and translator(s) [...].
[B] History of the text: Occasion of composition. Texts in [B] preceded by ^ are available in an
audio or video version, listed in bibliography VII, “Video and Audio Recordings.“
[C] German source(s): Given here are a reference to the first publication in German and the
current German source(s), usually a volume in GA.
[D] English source(s): Publication references corresponding to the listing(s) in [A] (A,B,C etc.),
including the most current edition of the source(s). Titles in [D] preceded by * are bilingual.
Entries in the bibliography are alphabetized by title of the first appearance of the text or a portion
of it. This may not be the best way to proceed, but it preserves the history of the translations. On
occasion, when a text has become best known by a title published later (B5 and Q3), that title is
given in brackets before the first translation to provide the reader with help locating the text. In
one case (Z1), excerpts published earlier but now available in the first item are included within the
entry as separate items. Finally, there is the case of Nietzsche (N2). The various texts contained in
the original German two-volume text (1961) are all referenced separately but the four-volume set
corresponding to the 1961 set is given its own entry. Apart from the “Letter on Humanism” and
the “Letter to William J Richardson,” which are philosophical texts unto themselves, letters
comprise a category of their own (Part E, below). Translations of exerpts from letters and other
documents relating to Heidegger’s interest in Asian philosophy can be found in Lin Ma and Jaap
van Brakel, “Heidegger’s Comportment toward East-West Dialogue, in Philosophy East and West
56(4), 2006, pp. 519-566 (esp. pp. 536,539, 541 542, 547). Finally, many passages from Heidegger's
early dissertations and papers, reprinted in GA 1, are translated in John van Buren's The Young
Heidegger. Rumor of the Hidden King (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1994). References
are made to Theodore Kisiel and Thomas Sheehan (eds.), Becoming Heidegger. On the Trail of His
Early Occasional Wrirings, 1910-1927 (Evanston: Northwestern University Press, 2007), which was
withdrawn after publication, in the event it should become available.
References in the bibliography to GA are based on the following list of volumes published to date
(Spring 2012). The title of the volume and the date of its first publication (in a number of instances
before GA) are given. If the text first appeared as a lecture course, the date and place of the
course are given (usually SS [= Summer Semester] or WS [= Winter Semester]). The volumes marked
~ have been translated in whole or in part.
GA 9~ Wegmarken [1967]
GA 5~ Holzwege [1950]
GA 25~ Phänomenologische Interpretation von Kants Kritik der reinen Vernunft [1977]
GA 1~ Frühe Schriften [1972]
GA 55~ Heraklit. 1. Der Anfang des abendländischen Denkens. 2. Logik. Heraklits Lehre
zum Logos [1979]
GA 33~ Aristoteles, Metaphysik Θ 1-3. Von Wesen und Wirklichkeit der Kraft [1981]
GA 31~ Vom Wesen der menschlichen Freiheit. Einleitung in die Philosophie [1982]
GA 41~ Die Frage nach dem Ding. Zu Kants Lehre von den transzendentalen Grundsätzen
GA 43~ Nietzsche: Der Wilfle zur Macht als Kunst [1961 (earlier version)]
(Curd Ochwadt)
GA 34~ Vom Wesen der Wahrheit. Zu Platons Höhlengleichnis und Theätet [1988]
GA 47~ Nietzsches Lehre vom Willen zur Macht als Erkenntnis [1961 (earlier version)]
GA 68 Hegel. 1. Die Negativität. Eine Auseinandersetzung mit Hegel aus dem Ansatz in
der Negativität (1938/39, 1941). 2. Erläuterung der "Einleitung" zu Hegels
"Phänomenologie des Geistes" (1942) [1993]
(Ingrid Schüßler)
(Petra Jaeger)
(Ingrid Schüßler)
(Brigitte Schillebach)
GA 27 Einleitung in die Philosophie [1996]
(Brigitte Schillibach)
(Peter Trawny)
GA 38~ Logik als die Frage nach dem Wesen der Sprache [1998]
(Hans-Joachim Friedrich)
GA 85~ Vom Wesen der Sprache. Zu Herders Abhandlung "Uber den Ursprung der
Sprache" [1999]
(Ingrid Schüßler)
(Curt Ochwadt)
(Hermann Heidegger)
(Hartmut Tietjen)
GA 46 Zur Auslegung von Nietzsches II. Unzeitgemäßer Betrachtung "Vom Nutzen und
Nachteil der Historie für das Leben" [2003]
(Peter Trawny)
(Paola-Ludovica Coriando)
(Günther Neumann)
GA 23 Geschichte der Philosophie von Thomas von Aquin bis Kant [2006]
SS 1926/27, University of Marburg
(Helmut Vetter)
(Paola-Ludovika Coriando)
(Alfred Denker)
(Claudius Strube)
(Ingebord Schüßler)
GA 74 Zum Wesen der Sprache und Zur Frage nach der Kunst [2010]
(Thomas Regehly)
GA 86 Seminare. Hegel – Schelling [2011]
(Peter Trawny)
(Peter Trawny)
GA 83 Seminare
Platon – Aristoteles – Augustinus [2012]
Mark Michalski
3. [A] (A) "The Age of the World View" (1951) [Marjorie Grene].
(B) "The Age of the World Picture" (1977) [William Lovitt].
(C) “The Age of the World Picture” (2002) [Julian Young].
(D) “The Age of the World Picture” (2009) [Jerome Veith].
[B] "Die Begründung des neuzeitlichen Weltbildes durch die Metaphysik": Lecture
given June 9, 1938, Freiburg. Revised title (1950): "Die Zeit des Weltbildes."
[C] Holzwege (1950): GA 5 (1977), pp. 75-113.
[D] (A) Measure (Chicago) 2, 1951, pp. 269-284. Reprinted in boundary 2
(Binghamton) IV (2), 1976, pp. 1-15, and William V. Spanos (ed.), Martin
Heidegger and the Question of Literature: Toward a Postmodern Literary
Hermeneutics (1979) Bloomington: Indiana University Press, pp. 1-15 (a
reissue of the journal).
(B) The Question Concerning Technology and Other Essays (1977) New York:
Garland, 1982, pp. 115-154.
(C) Off the Beaten Track (2002) Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp.
(D) Günther Figal (ed.), The Heidegger Reader (2009) New Haven: Yale
University Press, pp. 207-223. Based on GA 5 (1977), pp. 75-96. {A3}
8. [A] Aristotle's Metaphysics Θ 1-3. On the Essence and Actuality of Force (1995) [Walter
Brogan and Peter Warnek].
[B] "Interpretationen zur antiken Philosophie / Aristoteles, Metaphysik Θ": Lecture
course given Summer Semester 1931, University of Freiburg.
[C] GA 33 (1981).
[D] Aristotle's Metaphysics Θ 1-3. On the Essence and Actuality of Force (1995)
Bloomington: Indiana University Press. {A6}
12. [A] “Augustine and Neo-Platonism” (2004) [Matthias Fritsch and Jennifer Anna Gosetti-
[B] “Augustinus und der Neuplatonismus”: Lecture course given during the Summer
Semester 1920, University of Freiburg.
[C] GA 60 (1995), pp. 157-299.
[D] The Phenomenology of Religious Life (2004) Bloomington: Indiana University Press,
pp. 113-227. {A13}
13. [A] (A) “Author’s Book Notice” (2002) [John van Buren].
(B) “Author’s Notice” (2007) [Aaron Bunch].
[B] “Selbstanzeige” [Die Kategorien- und Bedeutungslehre des Duns Scotus]: Book
notice from 1917 of the author’s Habilitationsschrift.
[C] Kant-Studien (Berlin) 21, 1917, pp. 467-468. GA 1 (1978), p. 412.
[D] (A) Supplements. From the Earliest Essays to Being and Time and Beyond
(2002) Albany: SUNY Press, pp. 61-62.
(B) Theodore Kisiel and Thomas Sheehan (eds.), Becoming Heidegger. On the
Trail of His Early Occasional Wrirings, 1910-1927 (2007) Evanston:
Northwestern University Press, pp. 77-78. {A10}
16. [A] Basic Concepts of Aristotelian Philosophy (2009) [Robert D. Metcalf and Mark B.
[B] “Grundbegriffe der aristotelischen Philosophie”: Lecture course given during the
Summer Senester 1924, University of Marburg.
[C] GA 18 (1993).
[D] Basic Concepts of Aristotelian Philosophy (2009) Bloomington: Indiana University
Press. {B10}
20. [A] "The Basic Question of Being as Such" (1986) [Parvis Emad and Kenneth Maly].
[B] Text dictated to Jean Beaufret in September 1946.
[C] A French translation is included in [D].
[D] Heidegger Studies (Berlin) 2, 1986, pp. 4-5. {B4}
21. [A] Basic Questions of Philosophy (1994) [Richard Rojcewicz and André Schuwer].
[B] "Grundfragen der Philosophie: Vom Wesen der Wahrheit (aletheia und poiesis)”:
Lecture course given during the Winter Semester 1937-38, University of Freiburg.
[C] GA 45 (1984).
[D] Basic Questions of Philosophy. Selected "Problems" of "Logic" (1994) Bloomington:
Indiana University Press. {B2}
22. [A] (A) [Being and Time]. Sein und Zeit. An Informal Paraphrase of Sections 1-53,
with Certain Omissions as Noted (1955) [Robert J. Trahern, John Wild,
Hubert Dreyfus and Cornelis de Deugd].
(B) Being and Time (1962) [John Macquarrie and Edward Robinson].
(C) "Being and Time: Introduction" (1977) [Joan Stambaugh, in collaboration
with J. Glenn Gray and David Farrell Krell].
(D) Being and Time (1996) [Joan Stambaugh].
[B] Sein und Zeit (Erste Hälfte [First Half]): Text dedicated April 8, 1926, Todtnauberg.
[C] Jahrbuch für Phänomenologie und phänomenologische Forschung (Halle) 8, 1927,
pp. 1-438. Published as a separate volume, Sein und Zeit (1927) Tübingen:
Niemeyer. GA 2 (1977, based on the 7th ed., 1953).
[D] (A) Sein und Zeit. An Informal Paraphrase of Sections 1-53 (1955) Cambridge:
Harvard Divinity School.
(B) Being and Time (1962) New York: SCM (Student Christian Movement) Press.
§§ 31-34 reprinted in Kurt Mueller-Vollmer (ed.), The Hermeneutics Reader
(1990) New York: Continuum, pp. 214-240. §§ 2-7 and an excerpt from § 40
reprinted in Richard Kearney and Mara Rainwater (eds.), The
Contemporary Philosophy Reader (1996) New York: Routledge, pp. 27-52.
First paperback edition in 2008, New York: HarperCollins, with a “Foreword”
by Taylor Carman, pp. xiii-xxi.
(C) Basic Writings (1977; rev. ed., 1993) San Francisco: HarperSanFrancisco, pp.
41-87 (rev. ed.).
(D) Being and Time. A Translation of Sein und Zeit (1996) Albany: SUNY Press. §§
6-8, 15-18, 25-27, 35-38, 39-42, 46-53, 62, and 31-34 reprinted in Manfred
Stassen (ed.), Martin Heidegger. Philosophical and Political Essays (2003)
New York: Continuum, pp. 49-69, 97-119, 152-235, and 236-64. {B5}
23. [A] “Being-There and Being True According to Aristotle” (2007) [Brian Hansford Bowles].
[B] Lecture given in December 1924.
[C] Typescript (Franz Josef Brecht): “Dasein und Wahrsein nach Aristoteles
(Interpretation von Buch VI [der] Nikomachischen Ethik).”
[D] Theodore Kisiel and Thomas Sheehan (eds.), Becoming Heidegger. On the Trail of
His Early Occasional Writings, 1910-1927 (2007) Evanston: Northwestern University
Press, pp. 218-237. {B6}
26. [A] “Cézanne” [from the series Gedachtes for René Char, last version 1974) (2009)
[Jerome Veith].
[B] Poem, last version. See {T3}.
[C] Cézanne: Aus der Reihe "Gedachtes" für René Char, L'Herne 1971, spätere Fassung
1974. Jahresgabe der Heidegger-Gesellschaft (Meßkirch) 6, 1991. GA 81 (2007),
pp. 347-348.
[D] Günther Figal (ed.), The Heidegger Reader (2009) New Haven: Yale University
Press, pp. 310-311. {C12}
27. [A] (A) "Comments on Karl Jaspers's Psychology of Worldviews (1998) [John van
(B) “Critical Comments on Karl Jaspers’s Psychology of Worldviews (2007)
[Theodore Kisiel].
[B] "Anmerkungen zu Karl Jaspers Psychologie der Weltanschauungen": Review
article, 1920.
[C] Hans Saner (ed.), Karl Jaspers in der Diskussion (1973) Munich: Pieper, pp. 70-100.
Wegmarken (1967): GA 9 (1976), pp. 1-44.
[D] (A) Pathmarks (1998) Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 1-38.Revised
version published in John van Buren (ed.), Supplements. From the Earliest
Essays to Being and Time and Beyond (John van Buren, ed.) (2002) Albany:
SUNY Press, pp. 71-103.
(B) Theodore Kisiel and Thomas Sheehan (eds.), Becoming Heidegger. On the
Trail of His Early Occasional Writings, 1910-1927 (2007) Evanston:
Northwestern University Press, pp. 116-149. {C2}
28. [A] (A) "The Concept of Time" (1992) [William McNeill].
(B) “The Concept of Time” (2007) [Theodore Kisiel].
[B] "Der Begriff der Zeit": Lecture delivered to the Marburg Theological Society on July
25, 1924.
[C] Der Begriff der Zeit: Vortrag vor der Marburger Theologenschaft Juli 1924 (1989)
Tübingen: Niemeyer. GA 64 (2004), pp. 107-125.
[D] (A) * The Concept of Time (1992) London: Blackwell.
(B) Theodore Kisiel and Thomas Sheehan (eds.), Becoming Heidegger. On the
Trail of His Early Occasional Writings, 1910-1927 (2007) Evanston:
Northwestern University Press, pp. 200-213. {C3}
29. [A] The Concept of Time [The First Draft of Being and Time] (2011) [Ingo Farin and Alex
[B] “Der Begriff der Zeit”: Text of unpublished review article written in 1924 for the
Deutsche Vierteljahrsheft für Literaturwissenschaft und Geistesgeschichte.
[C] GA 64 (2004), pp. 1-103.
[D] The Concept of Time (2011) London: Continuum. {C13}
30. [A] (A) "The Concept of Time in the Science of History" (1978) [Harry S. Taylor and
Hans W. Uffelmann].
(B) "The Concept of Time in the Science of History" (2002) [Harry S. Taylor, Hans
W. Uffelmann and John van Buren].
(C) “The Concept of Time in the Science of History” (2007) [Theodore Kisiel].
[B] "Der Zeitbegriff in der Geschichtswissenschaft": Trial lecture for the venia legendi at
the University of Freiburg im Breisgau, presented to the philosophy faculty on July
27, 1915.
[C] Zeitschrift für Philosophie und philosophische Kritik (Leipzig) 161, 1916, pp. 173-188.
Frühe Schriften (1972): GA 1 (1978), pp. 413-433.
[D] (A) Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology (Manchester) 9 (1)January
1978, pp. 3-10.
(B) Supplements. From the Earliest Essays to Being and Time and Beyond (2002)
Albany: SUNY Press, pp. 49-60.
(C) Theodore Kisiel and Thomas Sheehan (eds.), Becoming Heidegger. On the
Trail of His Early Occasional Writings, 1910-1927) (2007) Evanston:
Northwestern University Press, pp. 61-72. {C4}
32. [A] (A) Contributions to Philosophy: From Enowning (1999) [Parvis Emad and
Kenneth Maly].
(B) “Ereignis” (2009) [Jerome Veith].
(C) Contributions to Philosophy (Of the Event) (2012) [Richard Rojcewicz and
Daniela Vallega-Neu].
[B] Texts from 1936-1938.
[C] GA 65 (1989).
[D] (A) Contributions to Philosophy: From Enowning (1999) Bloomington: Indiana
University Press.
(B) Günther Figal (ed.), The Heidegger Reader (2009) New Haven: Yale
University Press, pp. 177-188 (excerpt from GA 65 [1989], pp. 4-20).
(C) Contributions to Philosophy (Of the Event) (2012) Bloomington: Indiana
University Press. {C6}
33. [A] "Conversation on a Country Path about Thinking" (1966) [John M. Anderson and E.
Hans Freund].
[B] "Zur Erörterung der Gelassenheit. Aus einem Feldweggespräch über das Denken":
Text from the years 1944-45.
[C] Gelassenheit (1959) Pfullingen: Neske (8th ed., 1985), pp. 27-71. GA 13 (1983), pp.
37-74. A Japanese translation appeared in 1958.
[D] Discourse on Thinking (1966) New York: Harper and Row, 1970, pp. 58-90. {C8}
34. [A] "Conversation with Martin Heidegger" (1976) [James G. Hart and John C.
[B] "Gespräch mit Martin Heidegger": Protocol of informal discussions at the Protestant
Academy of Hofgeismar, held in early December, 1953, recorded by Hermann
Noack, corrected and completed by Heidegger in 1973.
[C] Anstösse. Berichte aus der Arbeit der Evangelischen Akademie Hofgeismar
(Hofgeismar) 1, 1954, pp. 31-37.
[D] The Piety of Thinking (1976) Bloomington: Indiana University Press, pp. 59-71. {C7}
35. [A] “Cüppers, Ad. Jos. Sealed Lips: The Story of the Irish Folk Life in the 19th Century”
(1991) [John Protevi].
[B] “Cüppers, Ad. Jos. Versiegelte Lippen. Erzählung aus den irishcen Volkleben des
19. Jahrhunderts”: Book review from December 1910.
[C] Der Akademiker (Munich) 3(2), December 1910, p. 29. GA 16 (2000), p. 9.
[D] * Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal (New York) 14-15, 1991, p. 495. {C9}
37. [A] (A) "Curriculum vitae 1915" (1988, 2007) [Thomas Sheehan].
(B) "Résumé" (1993) [Allan Blunden].
[B] “Lebenslauf”: Document written to accompany Heidegger’s qualifying dissertation
Die Kategorien- und Bedeutungslehre des Duns Scotus (1915). Reprinted GA 16
(2000), pp. 37-39.
[C] Hugo Ott, "Der junge Martin Heidegger. Gymnasial-Konviktszeit und Studium," in
Freiburger Diözesan-Archiv (Freiburg) 104, 1984, pp. 323-325. Reprinted in Martin
Heidegger. Unterwegs zu seiner Biographie (1988) Frankfurt: Campus, pp. 85-87.
GA 16 (2000), pp. 37-39 (as “Lebenslauf [Zur Habilitation 1915]).”
[D] (A) Thomas Sheehan, "Heidegger's Lehrjahre," in John Sallis, G. Moneta and
Jacques Taminiaux (eds.) The Collegium Phaenomenologicum: The First
Ten Years [Phaenomenologica 105] (1988) Dordrecht: Kluwer, pp. 78-80
(German text 116-117). Reprinted in Theodore Kisiel and Thomas Sheehan
(eds.), Becoming Heidegger. On the Trail of His Early Occasional Writings,
1910-1927 (2007) Evanston: Northwestern University Press, pp. 7-9.
(B) Hugo Ott, Martin Heidegger. A Political Life (1993) London: Basic Books, pp.
84-86. {C11}
40. [A] (A) Duns Scotus' Theory of the Categories and of Meaning (1978) [Harold J.
(B) "Signification and Radical Subjectivity in Heidegger's Habilitationsschrift"
(1979) [Roderick M. Stewart].
(C) “Supplements to The Doctrine of Categories and Meaning in Duns Scotus
[“Author’s Notice“ and “Conclusion: The Problem of Categoies”] (2007)
[Aaron Bunch].
[B] Die Kategorien- und Bedeutungslehre des Duns Scotus: Habilitationsschrift,
University of Freiburg, 1915.
[C] Die Kategorien- und Bedeutungslehre des Duns Scotus (1916) Tübingen: Mohr. GA
1 (1978), pp. 189-411.
[D] (A) Duns Scotus' Theory of the Categories and of Meaning (1978) Ann Arbor:
University Microfilms International. Dissertation reprint (DePaul University,
(B) Roderick M. Stewart, "Signification and Radical Subjectivity in Heidegger's
Habilitationsschrift," in Man and World (Dordrecht) 12, 1979, pp. 378-386 (=
(A) pp. 242-257 and LVI-LVIII).
(C) Theodore Kisiel and Thomas Sheehan (eds.), Becoming Heidegger. On the
Trail of His Early Occasional Writings, 1910-1927 (2007) Evanston:
Northwestern University Press, pp. 78-85. {D2}
41. [A] "Editor's Foreword" to Edmund Husserl, The Phenomenology of Inner Time-
Consciousness [1905]" (1964) [James D. Churchill].
[B] "Vorbemerkungen des Herausgebers ("Einleitung")": Introduction written in 1928 to
Heidegger's edition of Husserl's lectures on inner time consciousness.
[C] Jahrbuch für Phänomenologie und phänomenologische Forschung (Halle) 9, 1928,
pp. 367-368. Reprinted in Edmund Husserl, Zur Phänomenologie des inneren
Zeitbewusstseins (1893-1917) [Husserliana 9, Rudolf Boehm, ed.] (1966) The Hague:
Martinus Nijhoff, pp. XXIV-XXV. GA 14 (2007), pp. 133-136.
[D] Edmund Husserl, The Phenomenology of Inner Time-Consciousness (1964)
Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1966, pp. 15-16. {E9}
42. [A] (A) "The End of Philosophy and the Task of Thinking" (1972) [Joan Stambaugh].
(B) "The End of Philosophy and the Task of Thinking" (1977) [David Farrell Krell].
[B] "Das Ende der Philosophie und die Aufgabe des Denkens": Lecture read by Jean
Beaufret in a French translation during a colloquium on Kierkegaard in Paris, April
21-23, 1964.
[C] Jean Beaufret and François Fédier (eds.), Kierkegaard vivant (1966) Paris:
Gallimard, pp. 165-204. This French translation by the editors was followed by the
first German edition, in Zur Sache des Denkens (1969) Tübingen: Niemeyer, pp. 61-
80. GA 14 (2007), pp. 67-90.
[D] (A) On Time and Being (1972) New York: Harper and Row, 1978, pp. 55-73.
(B) Basic Writings (1977; rev. ed., 1993) San Francisco: HarperSanFrancisco, pp.
431-449 (rev. ed.) (modified version of (A)). {E1}
43. [A] The Essence of Human Freedom. An Introduction to Philosophy (2002) [Ted Sadler].
[B] “Einleitung in die Philosophie (Über des Wesen der menschlichen Freiheit)”: Lecture
course given during the Summer Semester of 1930, University of Freiburg.
[C] GA 31(1982).
[D] The Essence of Human Freedom. An Introduction to Philosophy (2002) New York:
Continuum. {E2}
44. [A] (A) The Essence of Truth. On Plato’s Cave Allegory and Theaetetus (2002) [Ted
(B) “The Projection of Being in Science and Art” (2009) [Jerome Veith].
[B] “Vom Wesen der Wahrheit. Zu Platons Höhlengleichnis und Theätet”: Lecture
course given during the Winter Semester of 1931-32, University of Freiburg.
[C] GA 34 (1988).
[D] (A) The Essence of Truth. On Plato’s Cave Allegory and Theaetetus (2002) New
York: Continuum.
(B) Günther Figal (ed.), The Heidegger Reader (2009) New Haven: Yale
University Press, pp. 104-107 (excerpt from GA 34 [1988], pp. 60-64). {E3}
45. [A] "The Eternal Recurrence of the Same" (1984) [David Farrell Krell].
[B] "Nietzsches metaphysische Grundstellung im abendländischen Denken. Die ewige
Wiederkehr des Gleichen": Heidegger's second lecture course on Nietzsche, given
during the Summer Semester 1937, University of Freiburg.
[C] Nietzsche I (1961) Pfullingen: Neske, pp. 255-472 [Part II]. Heidegger's substantially
revised text of the lectures appears as Nietzsches metaphysische Grundstellung im
abendländischen Denken. Die ewige Wiederkehr des Gleichen: GA 44 (1986).
Nietzsche I and II (1961) reprinted as GA 6.1 (1996) and GA 6.2 (1997).
[D] Nietzsche, Volume II: The Eternal Recurrence of the Same (1984) New York: Harper
and Row, pp. 3-208 [Part One]. Excerpts of an earlier version of the translation
were published in boundary 2 (Binghamton) IX (3) - X (1), 1981, pp. 25-39, under
the title "Tragedy, Satyr-Play, and Telling Silence in Nietzsche's Thought of Eternal
Recurrence." The excertpts include the epigraph to the lecture series, Section 4
("`Incipit tragoedia'"), all but the last four paragraphs of Section 8 ("The
Convalescent"), and the last two paragraphs of the concluding section
("Nietzsche's Fundamental Metaphysical Position") [= Nietzsche I (1961) pp. 255,
278-283, 302-316, 471-472]. ]. The HarperCollins paperback reprint [2 vols.] (1991) of
all four volumes of the translations (see {N2}) combines volumes I and II and
volumes III and IV. An audio (CD) version of all volumes of Nietzsche in this
translation series is available. {E4}
46. [A] "The Eternal Recurrence of the Same and the Will to Power" (1987) [David Farrell
[B] "Die ewige Wiederkehr des Gleichen und der Wille zur Macht": A two-lecture
conclusion to the first three courses on Nietzsche given at the University of Freiburg.
These lectures, written in 1939, were never presented.
[C] Nietzsche II (1961) Pfullingen: Neske, pp. 7-29 [Part IV]. This appears as Part Three of
Nietzsches Lehre vom Willen zur Macht als Erkenntnis: GA 47 (1989), pp. 275-295.
Nietzsche I and II (1961) reprinted as GA 6.1 (1996) and GA 6.2 (1997).
[D] Nietzsche, Volume III: The Will to Power as Knowledge and as Metaphysics (1987)
New York: Harper and Row, pp. 159-183 [Part Two]. The HarperCollins paperback
reprint [2 vols.] (1991) of all four volumes of the translation of Nietzsche (see {N2})
combines volumes I and II and volumes III and IV. An audio (CD) version of all
volumes of Nietzsche in this translation series is available. {E5}
48. [A] “Evening Conversation: In a Prisoner of War Camp in Russia, between a Younger
and an Older Man” (2010) [Bret W. Davis].
[B] “Abendgespräch in einem Kriegsgefangenenlager in Rußland zwischen einem
Jüngeren und einem Älteren”: Dialogue dated May 8, 1945.
[C] GA 77 (1995), pp. 203-245.
[D] Country Path Conversations (2010) Bloomington: Indiana University Press, pp. 132-
160. {E8}
51. [A] “Förster, Fr. W. Authority and Freedom: Observations on the Cultural Problem of the
Church” (1991) [John Protevi].
[B] “Förster, Fr. W. Autorität und Freiheit. Betrachtungen zum Kulturproblem der
Kirche”: Book review from May 1910.
[C] Der Akademiker (Munich) 2, May 1910, pp. 109-110. GA 16 (2000), pp. 7-8.
[D] * Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal (New York) 14-15, 1991, pp. 491-493.
Reprinted (edited) in Theodore Kisiel and Thomas Sheehan (eds.), Becoming
Heidegger. On the Trail of His Early Occasional Writings, 1910-1927 (2007) Evanston:
Northwestern University Press, pp. 13-14. {F1}
52. [A] "For Edmund Husserl on His Seventieth Birthday" (1997, 2007) [Thomas Sheehan].
[B] "Edmund Husserl zum 70. Geburtstag": Speech given on April 8, 1929, on the
occasion of the presentation to Husserl of a Festschrift in his honor.
[C] Akademische Mitteilungen (Freiburg), May 14, 1929, pp. 46-47. GA 16 (2000), pp.
[D] Thomas Sheehan and Richard E. Palmer (eds.), Psychological and Transcendental
Phenomenology and the Confrontation with Heidegger (1927-1931) (Dordrecht:
Kluwer, 1997), pp. 475-477. Revised translated in Theodore Kisiel and Thomas
Sheehan (eds.), Becoming Heidegger. On the Trail of His Early Occasional Writings,
1910-1927 (2007) Evanston: Northwestern University Press, pp. 417-420. {F2}
53. [A] Four Seminars (2003) [Andrew Mitchell and François Raffoul].
[B] Protocols prepared and edited by various individuals Jean Beaufret, Roger Munier,
François Fédier, François Vezin, Henri Mongis, and Jacques Taminiaux of several
series of seminars given in 1966, 1968 and 1969 in Le Thor, Provence, and in 1973, at
Heidegger’s home in Zähringen (Freiburg im Breisgau), first published together as
Martin Heidegger, Questions IV (Paris: Gallimard, 1976), translated from the French
by Curd Ochwadt, the editor of the German edition, in collaboration with
Beaufret, Fédier and Vezin.
[C] Vier Seminare. Le Thor 1966, 1968, 1969–Zähringen, Frankfurt: Klostermann, 1973).
GA 15 (1986), pp. 271-407. In the GA edition, two brief texts were appended by
the editor: “Die Herkunft des Denkens” and “Parmenides: aletheies eukyleos
atremos etor.”
[D] Four Seminars (2003) Bloomington: Indiana University Press. {F3}
54. [A] (A) "From the Last Marburg Lecture Course" (1971) [John Macquarrie].
(B) "From the Last Marburg Lecture Course" (1998) [William McNeill and
Michael Heim].
[B] "Aus der letzten Marburger Vorlesung": Text based on §5 of the lecture course
"Logik," given during the Summer Semester 1928 at the University of Marburg,
published as Metaphysische Anfangsgründe der Logik im Ausgang von Leibniz: GA
26 (1978).
[C] Erich Dinkler and Hartwig Thyen (eds.), Zeit und Geschichte. Dankesgabe an
Rudolf Bultmann zum 80. Geburtstag im Auftrag der Alten Marburger (1964)
Tübingen: Mohr, pp. 491-507. Wegmarken (1967): GA 9 (1976), pp. 79-101.
[D] (A) Edward Robinson (ed.), The Future of Our Religious Past. Essays in Honor of
Rudolf Bultmann (1971) London: SCM [Student Christian Movement] Press,
pp. 312-332.
(B) Pathmarks (1998) Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 63-81. Cf. §5
of The Metaphysical Foundations of Logic (1984) Bloomington: Indiana
University Press, pp. 82-99. {F4}
55. [A] (A) The Fundamental Concepts of Metaphysics. World, Finitude, Solitude (1995)
[William McNeill and Nicholas Walker].
(B) “Description of the Situation. Fundemental Attunement” (2009) [Jerome
[B] "Die Grundbegriffe der Metaphysik. Welt - Endlichkiet - Einsamkeit": Lecture course
given during the Winter Semester 1929-30, University of Freiburg.
[C] GA 29/30 (1983).
[D] (A) The Fundamental Concepts of Metaphysics. World, Finitude, Solitude (1995)
Bloomington: Indiana University Press.
(B) Günther Figal (ed.), The Heidegger Reader (2009) New Haven: Yale
University Press, pp. 79-103 (excerpt from GA 29/30 [1983], pp. 89-123). {F5}
56. [A] “The Fundamental Question of Philosophy” (2010) [Gregory Fried and Richard
[B] “Die Grundfrage der Philosophie”: Lecture courses given Summer Semester 1933
at the University of Freiburg.
[C] GA 36/37 (2001), pp. 3-80 and 267-281 (notes and drafts for the course).
[D] Being and Truth (2010) Bloomington: Indiana University Press, pp. 3-63 and 202-213.
60. [A] “Gredt, Jos. O.S.B. Elements of Aristotelian-Thomistic Philosophy, Vol. 1: Logic,
Philos. Nat. Edit. II” (1991) [John Protevi].
[B] “Gredt, Jos. O.S.B. Elementa Philosophiae Aristotelico-Thomisticae: Logica, Philos.
Nat. Edit. II.”: Book review from 1912.
[C] Der Akademiker (Munich) 4(5), March 1912, pp. 76-77. GA 16 (2000), p. 29-30.
[D] * Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal (New York) 14-15, 1991, pp. 517-519. {G3}
61. [A] "A Greeting to the Symposium in Beirut in November 1974" (1990) [Lisa Harries].
[B] "Ein Grußwort für das Symposion in Beirut November 1974": Note written in 1974 to
participants in a conference at the Goethe Institute in Beirut, Lebanon.
[C] Ekstasis (Beirut) 8, 1981, pp. 1-2. Reprinted in Günther Neske and Emil Kettering
(eds.), Antwort: Heidegger im Gespräch (1988) Pfullingen: Neske, pp. 275-76. GA
16 (2000), pp. 742-743.
[D] Günther Neske and Emil Kettering (eds.), Martin Heidegger and National Socialism
(1990) New York: Paragon House, pp. 253-54. {G4}
62. [A] "Hebel—Friend of the House" (1983) [Bruce V. Foltz and Michael Heim].
[B] ^“Hebel—der Hausfreund”: Expanded version of "Gespräch mit Hebel beim
‘Schatz-kästlein' zum Hebeltag,” an address given in in 1956, in Lörrach.
[C] Hebel—der Hausfreund (1957) Pfullingen: Neske (5th ed., 1985). GA 13 (1983), pp.
133-150. A CD version (2003) is available.
[D] Darrel E. Christensen et al. (eds.), Contemporary German Philosophy (1983)
University Park: The Pennsylvania State University Press, Vol. 3, pp. 89-101. {H1}
63. [A] "Hegel and the Greeks" (1998) [Robert Metcalf, John Sallis and William McNeill].
[B] "Hegel und die Griechen": Lecture given at the Heidelberg Academy of Sciences,
July 26, 1958. An earlier version presented in Aix-en-Provence on March 20, 1958,
was published in a French translation by Jean Beaufret and Pierre-Paul Sagave in
Cahiers du Sud (Paris) 47 (No. 349), January 1959, pp. 355-368.
[C] Wegmarken (1967): GA 9 (1976), pp 427-444.
[D] Pathmarks (1998) Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 323-336. {H2}
64. [A] (A) Hegel's Concept of Experience (1970) [J. Glenn Gray and Fred D. Wieck].
(B) “Hegel’s Concept of Experience” (2002) [Kenneth Haynes].
[B] "Hegels Begriff der Erfahrung": Text written in 1942-43, based on a series of seminars
devoted to Hegel's Phänomenologie des Geistes given at the University of
Freiburg. Cf. GA 86 (2011), pp. 263-433.
[C] Holzwege (1950): GA 5 (1977), pp. 115-208.
[D] (A) Hegel's Concept of Experience (1970) New York: Harper and Row, 1989.
(B) Off the Beaten Track (2002) Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp.
86-156. {H3}
65. [A] Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit (1988) [Parvis Emad and Kenneth Maly].
[B] "Hegels Phänomenologie des Geistes": Lecture course given during the Winter
Semester 1930-31, University of Freiburg.
[C] GA 32 (1980).
[D] Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit (1988) Bloomington: Indiana University Press. {H4}
66. [A] “’Heidegger, Martin’: Lexicon Article Attributed to Rudolf Bultmann” (2007)
[Theodore Kisiel].
[B] Text of a lexicon entry prepared at the request of Rudolf Bultmann at the end of
[C] Hermann Gunkel and Leopold Zscharnak (eds.), Die Religion in Geschichte und
Gegnwart. Handwörterbuch für Theologie und Religionswissenschaft (1928)
Tübingen: Mohr, Vol. 2, column 1687-88. The entry was initially attributed to
[D] Theodore Kisiel and Thomas Sheehan (eds.), Becoming Heidegger. On the Trail of
His Early Occasional Wrirings, 1910-1927 (2007) Evanston: Northwestern University
Press, p. 331. {H5}
67. [A] "A Heidegger Seminar on Hegel's Differenzschrift" [Seminar at Le Thor, 1968] (1980)
[William Lovitt].
[B] "Seminar in Le Thor 1968": Protocols of the eight sessions of the second seminar,
held August 30 - September 8, 1968, in Provence. Translated from the French text,
Questions IV (1976) Paris: Gallimard, 1990 (Questions III et IV), pp. 372-414.
[C] Cf. Vier Seminare (1977) Frankfurt: Klostermann, pp. 24-63. GA 15 (1986), pp. 286-
325. These are German translations by Curd Ochwadt of the French texts. See {F3}.
[D] The Southwestern Journal of Philosophy (Norman) XI (3), 1980, pp. 9-45. {H7}
70. [A] (A) "Hölderlin and the Essence of Poetry" (1949) [Douglas Scott].
(B) "Hölderlin and the Essence of Poetry" (1959) [Paul de Man].
(C) "Hölderlin and the Essence of Poetry" (2000) [Keith Hoeller].
(D) “Hölderlin and the Essence of Poetry” (2009) [Jerome Veith].
[B] "Hölderlin und das Wesen der Dichtung": Lecture given April 2, 1936, Rome.
[C] Das innere Reich (Munich) 3, 1936, pp. 1065-1078. Reprinted in Erläuterungen zu
Hölderlins Dichtung (1944): GA 4 (1981), pp. 33-48.
[D] (A) Existence and Being (1949) Washington: Regnery Gateway, 1988, pp. 270-
(B) Quarterly Review of Literature (Chapel Hill) 10, 1959, pp. 79-94.
(C) Elucidations of Hölderlin’s Poetry (2000) Amherst: Humanity Books, pp. 51-
(D) Günther Figal (ed.), The Heidegger Reader (2009) New Haven: Yale
University Press, pp. 117-129 (based on GA 4 [1981], pp. 33-48). {H11}
72. [A] Hölderlin's Hymn "The Ister” (1996) [William McNeill and Julia Davis].
[B] "Hölderlins Hymnen": Lecture course given during the Summer Semester 1942,
University of Freiburg.
[C] GA 53 (1984).
[D] Hölderlin's Hymn "The Ister" (1996) Bloomington: Indiana University Press. {H12}
73. [A] (A) "Homeland. Festival Address at a Centennial Celebration" (1971) [Thomas F.
(B) "Meßkirch's Seventh Centennial" (1973) [Thomas J. Sheehan].
[B] "700 Jahre Meßkirch (Ansprache zum Heimatabend)”: Speech given July 22, 1961,
[C] 700 Jahre Stadt Meßkirch (1962) Meßkirch: Aker, pp. 7-16. GA 16 (2000), pp. 574-
[D] (A) Listening (Dubuque) 6, 1971, pp. 231-238.
(B) * Listening (Dubuque) 8, 1973, pp. 41-57. {H14}
74. [A] (A) "The Idea of Phenomenology" (1970) [John N. Deely and Joseph A. Novak].
(B) "The Idea of Phenomenology" (1977) [Thomas Sheehan].
(C) "`Phenomenology'. The Encyclopaedia Britannica Article. Draft B (`Attempt
at a Second Draft')” (1997, 2007) [Thomas Sheehan].
[B] "Versuch einer zweiten Bearbeitung. Einleitung. Die Idee der Phänomenologie und
der Rückgang auf das Bewusstsein": Article written for Husserl in 1927 for the
Fourteenth Edition of the EncyclopÆdia Britannica.
[C] Edmund Husserl, Phänomenologische Psychologie [Husserliana 9; Walter Biemel,
ed.) (1962) The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff, 1968, pp. 256-263.
[D] (A) The New Scholasticism (Washington) 44, 1970, pp. 325-344.
(B) Listening (Dubuque) 12 (3), 1977, pp. 111-117. Includes a letter of October
22, 1927, to Edmund Husserl (cf. {L9}).
(C) Thomas Sheehan and Richard E. Palmer (eds.), Psychological and
Transcendental Phenomenology and the Confrontation with Heidegger
(1927-1931) Dordrecht: Kluwer, 1997, pp. 107-116. Reprinted in Theodore
Kisiel and Thomas Sheehan (eds.), Becoming Heidegger. On the Trail of His
Early Occasional Writings, 1910-1927 (2007) Evanston: Northwestern
University Press, pp. 306-328 (see also p. 383). See Sheehan’s revised
e/8-%201927%20PHENOMENOLOGY%20DRAFT%20B.pdf {I1}
75. [A] (A) “The idea of Philosophy and the Problem of Worldview” (2000) [Ted Sadler].
(B) “The Environmental Experience” (2009) [Jerome Veith].
[B] “Die Idee der Philosophie und das Weltanschauungsproblem”: Lecture course
given during the Wartime Semester 1919, University of Freiburg. Includes
“Wissenschaft und Universitätsreform” (pp. 1-6). Heidegger’s first lecture course.
[C] GA 56/57 (1987), pp. 1-117. The 2nd, revised and enlarged edition of GA 56/57
(1999) includes additional material from a transcription of the course by Franz-
Josef Brecht (pp. 215-220).
[D] (A) Towards the Definition of Philosophy (2000) London: Athlone, pp. 1-99 and
183-188. Includes preliminary remarks on “Science and University Reform”
(pp. 3-5).
(B) Günther Figal (ed.), The Heidegger Reader (2009) New Haven: Yale
University Press, pp. 33-37 (excerpt from GA 56/57 [1987], pp. 70-74). {I7}
76. [A] (A) "In Memory of Max Scheler" (1981) [Thomas Sheehan].
(B) "Max Scheler: In Memoriam" (1984) [Michael Heim].
[B] "In memoriam Max Scheler": Eulogy on the death of Max Scheler, given on May 21,
during the Summer Semester 1928, University of Marburg.
[C] Paul Good (ed.), Max Scheler im Gegenwartsgeschehen der Philosophie (1975)
Bern: Francke, pp. 9-10. Reprinted GA 26 (1978), pp. 62-64.
[D] (A) Thomas Sheehan (ed.), Heidegger. The Man and the Thinker (1981)
Chicago: Precedent Publishing, pp. 159-160.
(B) The Metaphysical Foundations of Logic (1984) Bloomington: Indiana
University Press, pp. 50-52. {I2}
79. [A] “Introduction to the Phenomenology of Religion” (2004) [Matthias Fritsch and
Jennifer Anna Gosetti-Ferencei].
[B] “Einleitung in die Phänomenologie der Religion: Lecture course given during the
Winter Semester 1920-21, University of Freiburg.
[C] GA 60 (1995), pp. 1-156.
[D] The Phenomenology of Religious Life (2004) Bloomington: Indiana University Press,
pp. 1-111. {I5}
81. [A] “Jörgensen, Joh. Travelogue: Light and Dark Nature and Spirit (1991) [John
[B] “Jörgensen, Joh. Das Reisebuch. Licht und dunke Natur und Geist”: Book review
from July 1911.
[C] Der Akademiker (Munich) 3(3), January 1911, p. 45. GA 16 (2000), p. 10.
[D] • Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal (New York) 14-15, 1991, p. 495. {J2}
83. [A] (A) Kant and the Problem of Metaphysics (1962) [James S. Churchill].
(B) Kant and the Problem of Metaphysics [Richard Taft]
(I) 4th edition text (1990)
(II) 5th edition text (1997) [Appendix II: C (b), below: Peter Warnek]
[B] "Kant und das Problem der Metaphysik": Lecture course given during the Winter
Semester 1925-26, University of Marburg.
[C] Kant und das Problem der Metaphysik (1929) Frankfurt: Klostermann (4th ed.,
1973): GA 3 (1991). The 4th German edition includes (a) “Aufzeichnungen zum
Kantbuch” (notes, from the 1930s or 1940s, in Heidegger’s copy of the 1st edition of
his book); (b) “Ernst Cassirer. Philosophie der symbolischen Formern. 2. Teil: Das
mythische Denken. Berlin 1925” (a review of Cassirer’s book, published in 1928)
(see {R6}); (c) "Davoser Vorträge: Kants Kritik der reinen Vernunft und die Aufgabe
einer Grundlegung der Metaphysik" (1929) (Heidegger's summary of three lectures
given in March 1929 at the Davos Academy) (see {K2}); (d) "Davoser Disputation
zwischen Ernst Cassirer und Martin Heidegger" (1929) (the transcript of a discussion
between Heidegger and Cassirer at the Davos Academy) (see {C1}); (e) “Zu
Odebrechts und Cassirers Kritik des Kantbuches” (reactions to reviews from 1930-
31, found in Heidegger’s 1st edition copy of the book) (see {O17}); and (f) “Zur
Geschichte des philosophischen Lehrstuhles seit 1866” (a Festschrift contribution
originally published in 1927 in Die Philipps-Universität zu Marburg 1527-1927) (see
[D] (A) Kant and the Problem of Metaphysics (1962) Bloomington: Indiana
University Press. Based on the 2nd edition (1950) of the German text, it does
not contain any of the supplementary texts. This was the translator’s
doctoral dissertation (Indiana University, 1960).
(B) Kant and the Problem of Metaphysics (1990) Bloomington: Indiana
University Press). Taft translation (I) is of the 4thedition (1973) and contains
only [C] (c) and (d). Taft translation (II) is of the 5th edition (1991) [= GA 3]
and also contains [C] (a) “Notes on the Kantbook” (pp. 175-179), (b)“Ernst
Cassirer: Philosophy of Symbolic Forms. Part Two: Mythical Thought. Berlin,
1925” (pp.180-190, translated by Peter Warnek), (e) “On Odebrecht’s and
Cassirer’s Critiques of the Kantbook” (pp. 208-212), and (f) “On the History
of the Philosophical Chair [at Marburg University] Since 1866” (pp. 213-217).
84. [A] "Kant's Critique of Pure Reason and the Task of a Laying of the Ground of
Metaphysics" (1990) [Richard Taft].
(I) 4th edition text (1990)
(II) 5th edition text (1997): “Davos Lectures: Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason and
the Task of a Laying of the Ground for Metaphysics”
[B] "Davoser Vorträge: Kants Kritik der reinen Vernunft und die Aufgabe einer
Grundlegung der Metaphysik": Summary of three lectures given in March 1929, at
the Davos Academy.
[C] Davoser Revue (Davos) 4 (7), 1929, pp. 194-196. Reprinted in Kant und das Problem
der Metaphysik (4th ed., 1973): GA (1991), pp. 271-273.
[D] Kant and the Problem of Metaphysics (1991) Bloomington: Indiana University Press,
pp. 169-171 (in the 5th edition [1997], pp. 191-192) (cf. {K1}). {K2}
85. [A] (A) "Kant's Thesis about Being" (1973) [Ted E. Klein, Jr. and William E. Pohl].
(B) "Kant's Thesis about Being" (1998) [William McNeill, Ted E. Klein, Jr. and
William E. Pohl].
[B] "Kants These über das Sein": Lecture given May 17, 1961, in Kiel.
[C] Thomas Würtenberger, Werner Maihofer, Alexander Hollerback and Erik Wolf
(eds.), Existenz und Ordnung. Festschrift für Erik Wolf zum 60. Geburtstag (1962)
Frankfurt: Klostermann, pp. 217-245. Reprinted in Wegmarken (1967): GA 9 (1976),
pp. 445-480.
[D] (A) The Southwestern Journal of Philosophy (Norman) 4, 1973, pp. 7-33.
Reprinted in Robert W. Shahan and J.N. Mohanty (eds.), Thinking about
Being (1984) Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, pp. 7-33.
(B) Pathmarks (1998) Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 337-363. {K3}
88. [A] "Language in the Poem. A Discussion on Georg Trakl's Poetic Work" (1971) [Peter D.
[B] "Die Sprache im Gedicht. Eine Erörterung von Georg Trakls Gedicht" (1959):
Revised version of "Georg Trakl. Eine Erörterung seines Gedichtes" (1953).
[C] Merkur (Munich) No. 61, 1953, pp. 226-258. Revised version in Unterwegs zur
Sprache (1959): GA 12 (1985), pp. 31-78.
[D] On the Way to Language (1971) New York: Harper and Row, 1982, pp. 159-198.
89. [A] “The Language of Johann Peter Hebel” (2009) [Jerome Veith].
[B] “Die Sprache Johann Peter Hebels”: Essay from 1955.
[C] Der Lichtgang (Freiburg) 5(7), 1955, pp. 3-4. Reprinted in Rudolf K. Goldschmit
Jentner and Otto Heuschele (eds.), Heimat Baden-Württemberg (1955)
Heidelberg: Pfeffer, pp. 324-326. GA 13, pp. 123-125.
[D] Günther Figal (ed.), The Heidegger Reader (2009) New Haven: Yale University
Press, pp. 295-297. {L27}
90. [A] (A) [Letter on Humanism:] "The Meaning of `Humanism'" (1949) [no translator
(B) "Letter on Humanism" (1962) [Edgar Lohner].
(C) "Letter on Humanism" (1977) [Frank A. Capuzzi and J. Glenn Gray].
(D) "Letter on `Humanism'" (1998) [William McNeill, David Farrell Krell].
[B] "Brief über den Humanismus": Text based on a letter to Jean Beaufret written in
[C] Platons Lehre von der Wahrheit. Mit einem Brief über den Humanismus (1947) Bern:
Francke, pp. 53-119. Wegmarken (1967): GA 9 (1976), pp. 313-364.
[D] (A) World Review (London) #2 [New Series], April 1949, pp. 29-33. This appears
to be the first translation into English of something by Heidegger.
(B) William Barrett and Henry D. Aiken (eds.), Philosophy in the Twentieth
Century. An Anthology (1962) New York: Random House, 1982, Vol. 3, pp.
270-302. Reprinted in Nino Langiulli (ed.), The Existentialist Tradition (1971)
Garden City: Doubleday, 1981, pp. 204-245 and Nino Langiulli (ed.),
European Existentialism (1997) New Brunswick: Transaction Publishers, pp.
(C) Basic Writings (1977; rev. ed., 1993) San Francisco: HarperSanFrancisco, pp.
217-265 (rev. ed.).
(D) Pathmarks (1998) Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 239-276. {L4}
91. [A] (A) Letter to William J. Richardson [“Preface”] (1963) [William J. Richardson].
(B) “Letter to Father William J. Richardson” (2009) [Jerome Veith].
[B] "Ein Vorwort. Brief an Pater William J. Richardson:" Letter written in early April, 1962,
[C] “Preface,” William J. Richardson, Heidegger. Through Phenomenology to Thought
[Phaenomenologica 13] (1963) The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff, 1974, pp. IX-XXIII. GA
11 (2006), pp. 143-152.
[D] (A) * [C] pp. VIII-XXII. Reprinted as “Preface” in Filosofia Unisinos (Sao Leopaldo)
5(8), 2004, pp. 11-18.
(B) Günther Figal (ed.), The Heidegger Reader (2009) New Haven: Yale
University Press, pp. 298-304. {L16}
92. [A] “Library of Valuable Novellas and Stories, vol. 9, O. Hellinghaus, ed.” (1991) [John
[B] “Bibliothek vertvoller Novellen und Erzählungen. Herausgegeben von Prof. Dr. O.
Hellinghaus. Bd. IX”: Book review from 1913.
[C] Der Akademiker (Munich) 4(3), January 1913, p. 45. GA 16 (2000), p. 31.
[D] * Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal (New York) 14-15, 1991, p. 519. {L24}
94. [A] Logic as the Question Concerning the Essence of Language (2009) [Wanda Torres
Gregory and Yvonne Unna].
[B] “Logik als die Frage nach dem Wesen der Sprache”: Lecture course given Summer
Semester 1934, University of Freiburg.
[C] GA 38 (1998).
[D] Logic as the Question Concerning the Essence of Language (2009) Albany: SUNY
Press. {L31}
95. [A] "Logos (Heraclitus, Fragment B 50" (1975) [David Farrell Krell and Frank Capuzzi].
[B] "Logos (Heraklit, Fragment 50)": Essay written for a Festschrift.
[C] Kurt Bauch (ed.), Festschrift für Hans Jantzen (1951) Berlin: Mann, pp. 7-18.
Reprinted in Vorträge und Aufsätze III (1954) Pfullingen: Neske, 1978, pp. 3-25. GA
(2000), pp. 211-234.
[D] Early Greek Thinking (1975) New York: Harper and Row, 1985, pp. 59-78. {L25}
97. [A] (A) "Martin Heidegger: An Interview" (1971) [Vincent Gualiardo and Robert
(B) "Martin Heidegger in Conversation" (1977) [B. Srinirasa Murthy].
(C) "Martin Heidegger in Conversation with Richard Wisser" (1990) [Lisa Harries].
[B] ^"Martin Heidegger im Gespräch:" Transcript of a conversation between Martin
Heidegger and Richard Wisser on September 17, 1969, filmed for broadcast on
television [ZDF].
[C] Richard Wisser (ed.), Martin Heidegger im Gespräch (1970) Freiburg: K. Alber, pp.
67-77. Reprinted in Günther Neske and Emil Kettering (eds.), Antwort. Martin
Heidegger im Gespräch (1988) Pfullingen: Neske, pp. 21-28. Available on CD: Von
der Sache des Denkens. Vorträge, Reden und Gespräche, Munich: Der Hörverlag,
2000. A DVD of the documentary is available: “Martin Heidegger im Denken
Unterwegs” (Baden-Baden: Südwestfunk VHS 1975; DVD 2004)
[D] (A) Listening (Dubuque) 6, 1971, pp. 34-40.
(B) Richard Wisser (ed.), Martin Heidegger in Conversation (1977) New Delhi:
Arnold-Heinemann/Rakesh Press, pp. 38-47.
(C) Günther Neske and Emil Kettering (eds.), Martin Heidegger and National
Socialism (1990) New York: Paragon House, pp. 81-87. {M1}
98. [A] “Memorial Address” (1966) [John M. Anderson and E. Hans Freund].
[B] ^"Gelassenheit. Bodenständigkeit im Atomzeitalter": Address given October 30,
1955, on the 175th anniversary of the birth of the composer Conradin Kreuzer,
Meßkirch. An LP recording of the address was issued by Telefunken in 1955.
Available on CD: Von der Sache des Denkens. Vorträge, Reden und Gespräche,
Munich: Der Hörverlag, 2000.
[C] Gelassenheit (1959) Pfullingen: Neske, pp. 9-28. GA 16 (2000), pp. 517-529. A
Japanese edition appeared in 1958.
[D] Discourse on Thinking (1966) New York: Harper and Row, 1970, pp. 43-57. Reprinted
in Manfred Stassen (ed.), Martin Heidegger. Philosophical and Political Essays
(2003) New York: Continuum, pp. 87-96. {M3}
99. [A] (A) ^The Metaphysical Foundations of Logic (1984) [Michael Heim].
(B) “The Problem of Being and Time” and “Transcendence” (2009) [Jerome
[B] "Logik”: Lecture course given during the Spring Semester 1928, University of
[C] GA 26 (1978).
[D] (A) The Metaphysical Foundations of Logic (1984) Bloomington: Indiana
University Press. A sound version (2005) for the blind is available.
(B) Günther Figal (ed.), The Heidegger Reader (2009) New Haven: Yale
University Press, pp. 33-37 and 68-78 (excerpts from GA 26 [1978], pp. 170-
177 and 239-252). {M5}
100. [A] "Metaphysics as History of Being" (1973) [Joan Stambaugh].
[B] "Die Metaphysik als Geschichte des Seins": Essay written in 1941, Freiburg.
[C] Nietzsche II (1961) Pfullingen: Neske, pp. 399-457 [Part VIII].
[D] The End of Philosophy (1973) New York: Harper and Row, pp. 1-54. {M6}
102. [A] "Modern Natural Science and Technology" (1977) [John Sallis].
[B] "Neuzeitliche Naturwissenschaft und moderne Technik": Letter written April 11,
1976, to the participants of 10th American Heidegger Conference, held May 14-
16, 1976, DePaul University, Chicago, Illinois.
[C] Research in Phenomenology (Pittsburgh) 7, 1977, pp. 1-2. Reprinted in John Sallis
(ed.), Radical Phenomenology (1978) Englewood Cliffs: Humanities Press). GA 16
(2000), pp. 747-748.
[D] * [C] pp. 3-4. {M8}
104. [A] “More founding than poetry . . .” (1977) [J. Glenn Gray].
[B] Untitled poem, addressed to those who commemorated Heidegger’s 85th
birthday, September 26, 1974.
[C] Walter Strolz, “Ein Gedächntiswort,” in Zum Gedenken an Martin Heidegger 1889-
1976 (1977) Meßkirch: Stadt Meßkirch, p. 22. GA 16 (2000), p. 741.
[D] * J. Glenn Gray, “Heidegger on Remembering and Remembering Heidegger,” in
Man and World 10(1), 1977, p. 78. {M11}
107. [A] Nietzsche (1979-1987) [Frank A. Capuzzi, David Farrell Krell, Joan Stambaugh].
(1) Volume I: The Will to Power as Art (1979). See "The Will to Power as Art" for
details ({W12}).
(2) Volume II: The Eternal Recurrence of the Same (1984). See "The Eternal
Recurrence of the Same" and "Who Is Nietzsche's Zarathustra?" for details
({E5} and {W9}).
(3) Volume III: The Will to Power as Knowledge and as Metaphysics (1987). See
"The Will to Power as Knowledge," "The Eternal Recurrence of the Same"
and "Nietzsche's Metaphysics" for details ({E4}, {N3} and {W13}).
(4) Volume IV: Nihilism (1982). See "European Nihilism" and "Nihilism as
Determined by the History of Being" for details ({E6} and {N4}).
All four volumes were reprinted in the two-volume paperback edition Nietzsche
(1991) San Francisco: HarperCollins, which combines volumes I and II, III and IV,
respectively. Three parts of the original two-volume Nietzsche, published in 1961
(Pfullingen: Neske), were not included in this translation. They had been previously
translated by Joan Stambaugh and published in The End of Philosophy (1973) New
York: Harper and Row, pp. 1-83. See "Metaphysics as History of Being" {M6},
"Sketches for a History of Being as Metaphysics" {S3}, and "Recollection in
Metaphysics" {R3} for details. An audio (CD) version of all volumes of Nietzsche in
this translation series is available. {N2)
109. [A] "Nihilism as Determined by the History of Being" (1982) [Frank A. Capuzzi].
[B] "Die seinsgeschichtliche Bestimmung des Nihilismus": Essay written during the years
1944-46 in conjunction with the author's study of Nietzsche.
[C] Nietzsche II (1961) Pfullingen: Neske, pp. 335-398 [Part VII]. Nietzsche I and II (1961)
reprinted as GA 6.1 (1996) and GA 6.2 (1997).
[D] Nietzsche, Volume IV: Nihilism (1982) New York: Harper and Row, pp. 197-250 [Part
Two]. The HarperCollins paperback reprint [2 vols.] (1991) of all four volumes of the
translation of Nietzsche (see {N2}) combines volumes I and II and volumes III and
IV. An audio (CD) version of all volumes of Nietzsche in this translation series is
available. {N4}
111. [A] (A) “Of the Origin of the Work of Art (first elaboration)” (2008) [Markus
(B) “On the Origin of the Work of Art. First Version” (2009) [Jerome Veith].
[B] First version (1935) of a lecture subsequently given to the Kunstwissenschaftliche
Gesellschaft at the University of Freiburg on Noveber 13, 1935.
[C] “Vom Ursprung des Kunstwerkes: Erste Ausarbeitung,” in Heidegger Studies (Berlin),
1989, pp. 5-22.
[D] (A) Epoché. A Journal for the History of Philosophy (Charlottesvile) 12(2), 2008,
pp. 329-347.
(B) Günther Figal (ed.), The Heidegger Reader (2009) New Haven: Yale
University Press, pp. 130-150. {O15}
112. [A] (A) "On the Being and Concept of Φύσις in Aristotle's Physics B, 1" (1976)
[Thomas Sheehan].
(B) "On the Essence and Concept of Φύσις in Aristotle's Physics B, 1" (1998)
[Thomas Sheehan and William McNeill
[B] "Vom Wesen und Begriff der Φύσις. Aristoteles Physik B,1": Essay written in 1939 for a
seminar entitled "Über die Φύσις bei Aristoteles," given the First Trimester 1940,
University of Freiburg.
[C] Il Pensiero (Milan) 3(2) and 3(3), 1958, pp. 131-156, 265-290. Reprinted in
Wegmarken (1967): GA 9 (1976), pp. 239-301.
[D] (A) Man and World (Dordrecht) 9, 1976, pp. 219-270.
(B) Pathmarks (1998) Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 183-230.
113. [A] “On Ernst Jünger [(1) and (2)]” (2009) [Jerome Veith].
[B] Two texts on Ernst Jünger from 1939-40.
[C] GA 90 (2004): [III, “Von Ernst Jünger 1939/40” and IV, “Ernst Jünger 1939/40”], pp.
[D] Günther Figal (ed.), The Heidegger Reader (2009) New Haven: Yale University
Press, pp. 189-200, 201-206. {O16}
114. [A] (A) "On the Essence of the Ground" (1962) [Jean T. Wilde and William Kimmel].
(B) The Essence of Reasons (1969) [Terrence Malick].
(C) "On the Essence of Ground" (1998) [William McNeill].
[B] "Vom Wesen des Grundes": Essay for a Festschrift celebrating the 70th birthday of
Edmund Husserl. The third edition (1949) of the book was supplemented with a
[C] Festschrift. Edmund Husserl zum 70. Geburtstag. Ergänzungsband zum Jahrbuch für
Philosophie und phänomenologische Forschung (1929) Halle: Niemeyer, pp. 71-
100. Published with a "Vorwort" as Vom Wesen des Grundes (1949) Frankfurt:
Klostermann. Reprinted in Wegmarken (1967): GA 9 (1976), pp. 123-175.
[D] (A) Jean T. Wilde and William Kimmel (eds.), The Search for Being (1962) New
York: Twayne, pp. 507-520. Includes the "Preface" (1949) and the text of the
essay only through the end of Part One ["The Problem of the Ground"].
(B) * The Essence of Reasons (1969) Evanston: Northwestern University Press.
(C) Pathmarks (1998) Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 97-135. {O6}
115. [A] On the Essence of Language. The Metaphysics of Language and the Essencing of
the Word. Concerning Herder’s Treatise On the Origin of Language (2004) [Wanda
Torres Gregory and Yvonne Unna].
[B] “Vom Wesen der Sprache. Die Metaphysik der Sprache und die Wesung des
Wortes. Zu Herders Abhandlung “‘Über den Ursprung der Sprache’”: Notes for a
graduate seminar given during Summer Semester 1939, University of Freiburg.
[C] GA 85 (1999).
[D] On the Essence of Language. The Metaphysics of Language and the Essencing of
the Word. Concerning Herder’s Treatise On the Origin of Language (Albany: SUNY
Press, 2004). {O5}
116. [A] (A) "On the Essence of Truth" (1949) [R.F.C. Hull and Alan Crick].
(B) "On the Essence of Truth" (1977) [John Sallis].
(C) "On the Essence of Truth" (1998) [John Sallis and William McNeill].
[B] "Vom Wesen der Wahrheit": Lecture written in 1930.
[C] Vom Wesen der Wahrheit (1943) Frankfurt: Klostermann. A concluding note (§9)
was added for the second edition (1949). Reprinted in Wegmarken (1967): GA 9
(1976), pp. 177-202.
[D] (A) Existence and Being (1949) Washington: Regnery Gateway, 1988, pp. 292-
(B) Basic Writings (1977; rev. ed., 1993) San Francisco: HarperSanFrancisco, pp.
115-138 (rev. ed.).
(C) Pathmarks (1998) Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 136-154.
117. [A] “On the Essence of Truth” (2010) [Gregory Fried and Riochard Polt]
[B] “Vom Wesen der Wahrheit,” Notes and drafts for the lecture course given Winter
Semester 19933-34, University of Freiburg.
[C] GA 36/37 (2001), pp. 83-264 and 285-298.
[D] Being and Truth (2010) Bloomington: Indiana University Press, pp. 67-201 and 214-
224. {O20}
118. [A] “On the Essence of Truth [Pentecost Monday, 1926]” (2007) [Theodore Kisiel]
[B] “Vortrag gehalten von Prof. Martin Heidegger am Pfingstmontag 1926 in Marburg
vor der Akademischen Vereinigung.”Lecture for Pentecost Monday, 1926, given
at the Marburg Academic Association.
[C] Manuscript, Helene Weiss Archive (Stanford University). No German text.
[D] Theodore Kisiel and Thomas Sheehan (eds.), Becoming Heidegger. On the Trail of
His Early Occasional Writings, 1910-1927 (2007) Evanston: Northwestern University
Press, pp. 277-288. {O8}
119. [A] “On the History of the Philosophical Chair Since 1866” (1997) [Richard Taft]
[B] “Zur Geschichte des philosophischen Lehrstules seit 1866”: An account of the
development of the Marburg School of Kant studies
[C] Die Philipps-Universität zu Marburg 1527-1927 (1927) Marburg: N.G. Elwert’sche
Verlagsbuchhandlung, pp. 681-687. GA 3 (1991), pp. 304-311
[D] Kant and the Problem of Metaphysics [5th ed.] (1997) Bloomington: Indiana
University Press, pp. 213-217. {O18}
120. [A] “On the Nature of the University and Academic Study” (2000) [Ted Sadler].
[B] ¨Über das Wesen der Universität und das akademischen Studiums”: Lecture course
given during the Summer Semester 1919, University of Freiburg
[C] GA 56/57 (1987), pp. 205-214
[D] Towards the Definition of Philosophy (2000) London: Athlone, pp. 173-181. {O1}
121. [A] “On Odebrecht’s and Cassirer’s Critiques of the Kantbook” (1997) [Richard Taft].
[B] “Zu Odebrechts und Cassirers Kritik des Kantbuches”: Notes found in Heidegger’s
copy of the first edition of Kant und das Problem der Meatphysik on reviews of the
book published by Ernst Cassirer (in Kantstudien [Berlin] 1-2, 1931, pp. 1-26) and
Rudolf Odebrecht (in Blätter für deutsche Philosophie [Heidelberg] 6(1), 1931-32,
pp. 132-135).
[C] Kant und das Problem der Metaphysik (1929): GA 3 (1991), pp. 297-303.
[D] Kant ant the Problemm of Metaphysics [5th ed.] (1997) Bloomington: Indiana
University Press, pp. 208-212. {O17}
122. [A] (A) “On a Philosophical Orientation for Academics” (1991, 2007) [John Protevi].
(B) “On a Philosophical Orientation for Academics” (2007) [John Protevi and
Theodore Kisiel].
[B] “Zur philosophischen Orientierung für Akademiker (März 1911)”: Essay written in
[C] Der Akademiker (Munich) 3(5), March 1911, pp. 66-67. Reprinted in GA 16 (2000),
pp. 11-14.
[D] (A) * Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal (New York) 14-15, 1991, pp. 497-50
(B) Theodore Kisiel and Thomas Sheehan (eds.), Becoming Heidegger. On the
Trail of His Early Occasional Writings, 1910-1927 (2007) Evanston:
Northwestern University Press, pp. 14-16. {O2}
123. [A] “On the Question Concerning the Determination of the Matter for Thinking” (2010)
[Richard Capobianco and Marie Göbel].
[B] “Zur Frage nach der Bestimmung der Sache des Denkens”: Expanded version of a
lecture given October 30, 1965, in Amriswil, in honor of Ludwig Binswanger.
[C] Franz Larese and Jürg Janett (eds.), Zur Frage nach der Bestimmung der Sache
des Denkens (1984) St. Gallen. GA 16 (2000), pp. 620-633. First published in a
Japanese translation in 1968 by Koichi Tsujimura, including a Vorwort by
Heidegger. The Vorwort was first published in Hartmut Buchner (ed.), Japan und
Heidegger (1989) Sigmaringen: Thorbecker, pp. 230-231. GA 16 (2000), p. 695.
[D] Epoché: A Journal for the History of Philosophy 14(2), 2010, pp. 213-223. {O19}
125. [A] "On the Way to Being. Reflecting on Conversations with Martin Heidegger" (1970)
[Zygmunt Adamczewski].
[B] Record by Zygmunt Adamczewski of conversations with Heidegger in Freiburg and
Todtnauberg, October 1968.
[C] German text unpublished.
[D] John Sallis (ed.), Heidegger and the Path of Thinking (1970) Pittsburgh: Duquesne
University Press, pp. 12-36. {O9}
126. [A] (A) "Only a God Can Save Us: Der Spiegel's Interview with Martin Heidegger"
(1976) [Maria P. Alter and John D. Caputo].
(B) "Only a God Can Save Us Now" (1977) [David Schendler].
(C) "`Only a God Can Save Us': The Spiegel Interview with Martin Heidegger"
(1981) [William J. Richardson].
(D) "Der Spiegel Interview with Martin Heidegger" (1990) [Lisa Harries].
(E) “Der Spiegel Interview with Martin Heidegger” (2009) [Jerome Vieth].
[B] "Nur noch ein Gott kann uns retten": Transcript of an interview with Heidegger
audiotaped on September 23, 1966, published in 1976.
[C] Der Spiegel (Hamburg) May 31, 1976, pp. 193-219. Reprinted in Günther Neske and
Emil Kettering (eds.), Antwort. Martin Heidegger im Gespräch (1988) Pfullingen:
Neske, pp. 81-114. GA 16 (2000), pp. 652-683 (version not edited for publication in
the magazine; see editor’s note in GA 16 [2000], pp. 815-818).
[D] (A) Philosophy Today (Celina) 20 (4), 1976, pp. 267-284. Reprinted in Richard
Wolin (ed.), The Heidegger Controversy. A Critical Reader (1991)
Cambridge: MIT Press, 1993, pp. 91-116, and in Manfred Stassen (ed.),
Martin Heidegger. Philosophical and Political Essays (2003) New York:
Continuum, pp. 24-48.
(B) Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal (New York) 6 (1), 1977, pp. 5-27.
(C) Thomas Sheehan (ed.), Heidegger. The Man and the Thinker (1981)
Chicago: Precedent Publishing Company, pp. 45-67.
(D) Günther Neske and Emil Kettering (eds.), Martin Heidegger and National
Socialism (1990) New York: Paragon House, pp. 41-66.
(E) Günther Figal (ed.), The Heidegger Reader (2009) New Haven: Yale
University Press, pp. 313-333. Based on GA 16 (2000), pp. 107-117, this is said
to be based on “the complete version” of the interview, “rather than the
edited version ultimately published in Der Spiegel” (p. 313). {O10}
128. [A] (A) "The Onto-theo-logical Nature of Metaphysics" (1960) [Kurt F. Leidecker].
(B) "The Onto-theo-logical Constitution of Metaphysics" (1969) [Joan
[B] "Die onto-theo-logische Verfassung der Metaphysik": Concluding lecture for a
seminar during the winter semester 1956-57 on Hegel's Science of Logic, given on
February 24, 1957, in Todtnauberg.
[C] Identität und Differenz (1957) Pfullingen: Neske, pp. 35-73. GA 11 (2006), pp. 51-79
[D] (A) Essays in Metaphysics. Identity and Difference (1960) New York:
Philosophical Library, pp. 33-67.
(B) * Identity and Difference (1969) New York: Harper and Row, pp. 42-74. A
CD version (2005) for the blind is available. {O12}
129. [A] (A) "The Origin of the Work of Art" (1965) [Albert Hofstadter]
(B) “The Origin of the Work of Art” (2002) [Julian Young]
[B] ^"Der Ursprung des Kunstwerkes": Lecture given November 13, 1935, in Freiburg.
Expanded to a series of three lectures given November 17 and 24, 1936, and
December 1, 1936, in Frankfurt. A Zusatz was added in 1956. The first version of the
lecture appears in this bibliography as {O15}.
[C] Holzwege (1950): GA 5 (1977), pp. 1-74. A sound-book audio version (1977) is
available (Reclam 1977).
[D] (A) Albert Hofstadter (ed.) Philosophies of Art and Beauty (1965) New
York:Random House, pp. 647-701 (without “Addendum”). Reprinted in
Poetry,Language, Thought (1971) New York: Harper and Row, 1975, pp. 17-
87,with “Addendum.” Complete version reprinted in revised edition of
Basic Writings (1993) San Francisco: HarperSanFrancisco, pp. 139-212.
(B) Off the Beaten Track (2002) Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 1-
56. {O13}
132. [A] (A) [The Pathway] "The Field Path. A Meditation" (1950) [NN].
(B) "The Pathway" (1967) [Thomas F. O'Meara].
(C) "The Pathway" (1973) [Thomas Sheehan].
(D) "The Fieldpath" (1986) [Berit Mexia].
[B] ^"Zur Zuspruch des Feldweges": Essay written in 1949. Revised title: "Der Feldweg"
[C] Hamburg Sontagsblatt (Hamburg) 2 (43), October 23, 1949, 5-23, and earlier in the
year in several privately published editions. Published under the revised title in Wort
und Wahrheit (Vienna) 5, 1950, pp. 267-69. GA 13 (1983), pp. 87-90. Available on
CD: Von der Sache des Denkens. Vorträge, Reden und Gespräche (Munich: Der
Hörverlag, 2000).
[D] (A) World Review (London) #11 [New Series], January 1950, pp. 5-6.
(B) Listening (Dubuque) 2, 1967, pp. 88-91. Reprinted in Manfred Stassen (ed.),
Martin Heidegger. Philosophical and Political Essays (2003) New York:
Continuum, pp. 77-79.
(C) * Listening (Dubuque) 8, 1973, pp. 32-39. Reprinted in Thomas Sheehan
(ed.), Heidegger. The Man and the Thinker (1981) Chicago: Precedent
Publishing Company, pp. 69-72, and in Thomas Frick (ed.), The Sacred
Theory of the Earth (1986) Berkeley: North Atlantic Books, pp. 45-48 (English
(D) Journal of Chinese Philosophy (Dordrecht) 13, 1986, pp. 455-457. {P2}
133. [A] (A) “Per mortem ad vitam (Thoughts on Johannes Jörgensen’s Lies of Life and
Truth of Life)” (1991) [John Protevi].
(B) “Per mortem ad vitam (Thoughts on Johannes Jörgensen’s Lies of Life and
Truth of Life)” (1991) [John Protevi and John van Buren].
[B] “Per mortem ad vitam (Gedanken über Jörgensens Lebenslüge und
Lebenswahrheit)”: Book review essay written in March 1910.
[C] Der Akademiker (Munich) 2(5), March 1910, pp. 72-73. GA 16 (2000), pp. 3-6.
[D] (A) * Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal (New York) 14-15, 1991, pp. 487-491.
(B) Supplements. From the Earliest Essays to Being and Time and Beyond (2002)
Albany: SUNY Press, pp. 35-37. {P3}
134. [A] Phenomenological Interpretation of Kant's Critique of Pure Reason (1997) [Parvis
Emad and Kenneth Maly].
[B] "Phänomenologische Interpretation von Kants Kritik der reinen Vernunft": Lecture
course given during the Winter Semester 1927-28, University of Marburg.
[C] GA 25 (1977).
[D] Phenomenological Interpretation of Kant's Critique of Pure Reason (1997)
Bloomington: Indiana University Press. {P4}
137. [A] (A) "Phenomenology and Theology" (1976) [James G. Hart and John C.
(B) "Phenomenology and Theology" (1998) [William McNeill, James G. Hart and
John C. Maraldo].
[B] "Phänomenologie und Theologie": Lecture given March 9, 1927, in Tübingen. A
“Vorwort" was added in 1970 for the first German publication of the lecture.
[C] Archives de Philosophie (Paris) 32, 1969, pp. 356-395 (with a French translation by
the editors of the journal and Marcel Méry). Published in Phänomenologie und
Theologie. Rudolf Bultmann gewidmet in freundschaftlichem Gedenken an die
Marburger Jahre 1923 bis 1928 (1970) Frankfurt: Klostermann, pp. 9-10, 13-33.
Reprinted in Wegmarken (1967): GA 9 (1976), pp. 45-67.
[D] (A) The Piety of Thinking (1976) Bloomington: Indiana University Press, pp. 3-21.
(B) Pathmarks (1998) Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 39-54. {P7}
138. [A] “Phenomenology and Transcendental Philosophy of Value” (2000) [Ted Sadler]
[B] “Phänomenologie und tranzendentale Wertphilosophie”: Lecture course given
during the Summer Semester 1919, University of Freiburg
[C] GA 56/57 (1987), pp. 119-203
[D] Towards the Definition of Philosophy (2000) London: Athlone, pp. 103-171. {P28}
139. [A] Phenomenology of Intuition and Expression (2010) [Tracy Colony]
[B] Phänomenologie der Anschauung und des Ausdrucks: Lecture course given
during the Summer Semester1920, University of Freiburg
[C] GA 59 (1993)
[D] Phenomenology of Intuition and Expression (2010). New York: Continuum. {P8}.
140. [A] (A) “The Philosophical Foundations of Medieval Mysticism” (2004) [Matthias
Fritsch and Jennifer Gosetti-Ferencei].
(B) “On Schleiermacher’s Second Speech, ‘On the Essence of Religion’”
(2007) [Theodore Kisiel].
[B] “Die philosophischen Grundfragen der mittelalterischen Mystik”: Lecture course
announced for the Winter Semester 1918-19, University of Freiburg, but not given.
[C] GA 60 (1995), pp. 301-337.
[D] (A) The Phenomenology of Religious Life (2004) Bloomington: Indiana University
Press, pp. 229-254.
(B) Theodore Kisiel and Thomas Sheehan (eds.), Becoming Heidegger. On the
Trail of His Early Occasional Writing, 1910-1927) (2007) Evanston:
Northwestern University Press, pp. 86-91 (excerpt, GA 60 [1995], pp. 319-
322). {P27}
142. [A] Plato's Sophist (1997) [Richard Rojcewicz and André Schuwer].
[B] "Interpretation Platonischer Dialoge (Sophistes, Philebus)”: Lecture course given
during the Winter Semester 1924-25, University of Marburg.
[C] GA 19 (1992).
[D] Plato's Sophist (1997) Bloomington: Indiana University Press. {P10}
144. [A] ^" . . . Poetically Man Dwells . . ." (1971) [Albert Hofstadter].
[B] " . . . dichterisch wohnet der Mensch . . .": Lecture given on October 6, 1951, in
[C] Akzente. Zeitschrift für Dichtung (Munich) 1, 1954, pp. 57-71. Reprinted in Vorträge
und Aufsätze II (1954) Pfullingen: Neske, 1978, pp. 61-78. GA 7 (2000), pp. 189-208.
[D] Poetry, Language, Thought (1971) New York: Harper and Row, 1975, pp. 213-229.
Reprinted in Manfred Stassen (ed.), Martin Heidegger. Philosophical and Political
Essays (2003) New York: Continuum, pp. 265-78. Excerpts (pp. 213-216 and 227-227
of 1971) published in Canadian Journal of Psychoanalysis (Montreal) 10(2), 2002,
pp. 233-236. A CD version (2005) for the blind is available. {P12}
145. [A] (A) "Postscript" to "What Is Metaphysics?" (1949) [R.F.C. Hull and Alan Crick].
(B) "Postscript" to "What Is Metaphysics?" (1998) [William McNeill].
[B] "Nachwort zu `Was ist Metaphysik?'": Postscript to the inaugural lecture (1929),
added in 1943 for the 4th edition of the lecture. Revised in 1949 for the 5th edition.
See {W6}.
[C] Was ist Metaphysik? (1929) Frankfurt: Klostermann, 1949, pp. 43-52. Reprinted in
Wegmarken (1967): GA 9 (1976), pp. 303-312.
[D] (A) Existence and Being (1949) Washington: Regnery Gateway, 1988, pp. 349-
361 (revised version). Reprinted in Walter Kaufmann (ed.), Existentialism
from Dostoevsky to Sartre (1956, rev. ed., 1975) New York: New American
Library, 1984, pp. 257-264 (beginning with revised edition).
(B) Pathmarks (1998) Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 231-238.
150. [A] (A) “Prefatory Remark to a Repetition of the Address” (1949) [Douglas Scott]
(B) “Preface to a Repetition of the Address ‘Homecoming’” (2000] [Keith
[B] “Vorbemerkung zur Wiederholung der Rede”: Introductory remarks to the lecture
given on June 21, 1943, University of Freiburg. The text consists of two paragraphs
followed by what was published as the Preface to the 1st Edition (1944) of
Erläuterungen zu Hölderlins Dichtung. It appeared following the text of the address
“"Heimkunft / An die Verwandten.”
[C] Erläuterungen zu Hölderlins Dichtung (1944) Frankfurt: Klostermann, pp. 31-32. The
text was omitted beginning with the 2nd Edition (1951) and restored in the 4th
edition (1971). GA 4 (1981), pp. 193-194.
[D] (A) Existence and Being (1949) Washington: Regnery Gateway, 1988, pp. 233-
(B) Elucidations of Hölderlin’s Poetry (2000) Amherst: Humanity Books, pp. 221-
223. {P17}
154. [A] (A) "Principles of Thinking" (1976) [James G. Hart and John C. Maraldo].
(B) Lecture I, The Principles of Thinking (2012) [Andrew W. Mitchell].
[B] "Grundsätze des Denkens": Revised version of the first of five lectures given at the
Univesity of Freiburg, SS 1957. Published in 1958 in honor of the 75th birthday of
Viktor Emil von Gebsattel (see {B11}).
[C] Jahrbuch für Psychologie und Psychotherapie (Freiburg) 6, 1958, pp. 33-41. GA 79
(1997), pp. 81-96.
[D] (A) The Piety of Thinking (1976) Bloomington: Indiana University Press, pp. 46-58.
(B) Bremen and Freiburg Lectures (2012) Bloomington: Indiana University Press,
pp. 77-91. {P21}
155. [A] (A) "The Problem of the Categories" (1979) [Roderick M. Stewart]
(B) “Conclusion: The Problem of Categories” (2002) [Roderick M. Stewart and
John van Buren].
[B] “Schluss: Das Kategorienproblem”: Conclusion to Die Kategorien- und
Bedeutungslehre des Duns Scotus (see {D2}).
[C] Die Kategorien- und Bedeutungslehre des Duns Scotus (1916) Tübingen: Mohr, pp.
341-353. Frühe Schriften (1972): GA 1 (1978), pp. 399-411.
[D] (A) "The Problem of Categories," in Man and World (Dordrecht) 12, 1979, pp.
(B) Supplements. From the Earliest Essays to Being and Time and Beyond (John
van Buren, ed.) (2002) Albany: SUNY Press, pp. 62-68. {P22}
157. [A] (A) "The Problem of Reality in Modern Philosophy" (1973) [Phillip J. Bossert].
(B) “The Problem of Reality in Modern Philosophy” (2002) [Phillip J. Bossert and
John van Buren].
(C) "The Problem of Reality in Modern Philosophy" (2007) [Aaron Bunch].
[B] "Das Realitätsproblem in der modernen Philosophie": Heidegger's first published
[C] Philosophisches Jahrbuch der Görresgesellschaft (Fulda) 25, 1912, pp. 353-363.
Frühe Schriften (1972): GA 1 (1978), pp. 1-15.
[D] (A) Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology (Manchester) 4, 1973, pp.
(B) Supplements. From the Earliest Essays to Being and Time and Beyond
(2002) Albany: SUNY Press, pp. 39-48.
(C) Theodore Kisiel and Thomas Sheehan (eds.), Becoming Heidegger. On the
Trail of His Early Occasional Writings, 1910-1927 (2007) Evanston:
Northwestern University Press, pp. 20-29. {P24}
158. [A] (A) “The Problem of Sin in Luther” (2002) [John van Buren].
(B) “The Problem of Sin in Luther” (2007) [Brian Handsford Bowles and Theodore
[B] “Das Problem der Sünde bei Luther”: Student transcript of a two-part talk given in
Rudolf Bultmann’s seminar on “The Ethics of St. Paul,” on February 14 and 21, 1924.
[C] Bernd Jaspert (ed.), Sachgemäße Exegese: Die Protokolle aus Rudolf Bultmanns
Neutestamentlichen Seminaren 1921-1951 (1996) Marburg: Elwert, pp. 28-33.
[D] (A) Supplements. From the Earliest Essays to Being and Time and Beyond (2002)
Albany: SUNY Press, pp. 105-110.
(B) Theodore Kisiel and Thomas Sheehan (eds.), Becoming Heidegger. On the
Trail of His Early Occasional Writings, 1910-1927 (2007) Evanston:
Northwestern University Press, pp. 189-195 (translation edited by Theodore
Kisiel). {P25}
159. [A] “Psychology of Religion and the Subconscious” (1991) [John Protevi].
[B] “Religionspsychologie und Unterbewusstsein”: Essay from 1912.
[C] Der Akademiker (Munich) 4(5), March 1912, pp. 66-68. Reprinted in GA 16 (2000),
pp. 18-28.
[D] * Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal (New York) 14-15, 1991, pp. 503-517. {P26}
161. [A] (A) The Question of Being (1958) [William Kluback and Jean T. Wilde].
(B) "On the Question of Being" (1998) [William McNeill].
[B] “Zur Seinsfrage”: Essay written in 1955 for a volume dedicated to Ernst Jünger.
Original title "Über `die Linie' .” Jünger's paper “Die Linie” had been published d in
a Festschrift for Heidegger, Anteile. Martin Heidegger zum 60. Geburtstag (1950)
Frankfurt: Klostermann, pp. 245-284.
[C] Freundschaftliche Begegnungen. Festschrift für Ernst Jünger zum 60. Geburtstag
(1955) Frankfurt: Klostermann, pp. 9-45. Published as a separate voume, Zur
Seinsfrage (1956) Frankfurt: Klostermann. Reprinted in Wegmarken (1967): GA 9
(1976), pp. 385-426.
[D] (A) * The Question of Being (1958) New York: Twayne. Reprinted in Manfred
Stassen (ed.), Martin Heidegger. Philosophical and Political Essays (2003)
New York: Continuum, pp. 120-151 (English translation only).
(B) Pathmarks (1998) Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 291-322.
162. [A] (A) [The Question Concerning Technology] "Martin Heidegger's The Question
about Technic. A Translation and Commentary" (1973) [Edwin Michael
(B) "The Question Concerning Technology" (1977) [William Lovitt].
[B] Revised and expanded version of "Das Ge-Stell," the second of four lectures first
presented in the series "Einblick in das was ist,” given December 1, 1949, at the
Bremen Club. Subsequenbtly given as "Die Frage nach der Technik" on November
18, 1953, at the Bavarian Academy of Fine Arts, Munich.
[C] Gestalt und Gedanke (Munich) 3, 1954, pp. 70-108. Reprinted in Vorträge und
Aufsätze I (1954) Pfullingen: Neske, 1978, pp. 5-36. GA 7 (2000), pp. 5-36.
[D] (A) Martin Heidegger's The Question about Technic. A Translation and
Commentary (1973) Ann Arbor: University Microfilms. Translator’s
dissertation (McMaster University, 1973).
(B) The Question Concerning Technology and Other Essays (1977) New York:
Harper and Row, 1982, pp. 3-35. Reprinted in Basic Writings (1977; rev. ed.,
1993) San Francisco: HarperSanFrancisco, pp. 311-341 (rev. ed.), and in
Manfred Stassen (ed.), Martin Heidegger. Philosophical and Political Essays
(2003) New York: Continuum, pp. 279-303. {Q3}
163. [A] “Recent Research in Logic” (2007) [Theodore Kisiel]
[B] “Neuere Forschungen über Logik”: Review essay
[C] Literarische Rundschau für das katholische Deutschland (Freiburg) 38 (10-11-12),
October-November-December 1912, cols 465-472, 517-524 and 565-570. GA 1
(1978), pp. 17-43.
[D] Theodore Kisiel and Thomas Sheehan (eds.), Becoming Heidegger. On the Trail of
His Early Occasional Writings, 1910-1927 (2007) Evanston: NorthwesternUniversity
Press, pp. 31-44 (paraphrase of parts 1-2 and summary of a portion of part 3). {R1}
168. [A] (A) "Review of Ernst Cassirer's Mythical Thought" (1976) [James G. Hart and
John C. Maraldo].
(B) “Ernst Cassirer: Philosophy of Symbolic Forms. Part Two: Mythical Thought.
Berlin, 1925” (1997) [Peter Warnek].
[B] "Besprechung: Ernst Cassirers Philosophie der symbolischen Formen. 2. Teil: Das
mythische Denken [1925]": Book review published in 1928.
[C] Deutsche Literaturzeitung (Berlin) 21, 1928, pp. 1000-1012. Reprinted in Kant und
das Problem der Metaphysik (4th ed., 1973). GA 3 (1991), pp. 255-270.
[D] (A) The Piety of Thinking (1976) Bloomington: Indiana University Press, pp. 32-45.
(B) Kant and the Problem of Metaphysics (1997) Bloomington: Indiana
University Press, pp. 180-190 (based on the 5th expanded edition of
Heidegger’s text). {R6}
169. [A] Schelling's Treatise on the Essence of Human Freedom (1985) [Joan Stambaugh].
[B] "Schellings Abhandlung über das Wesen der menschlichen Freiheit": Lecture
course given during the Summer Semester 1936, University of Freiburg, with
excerpts from the manuscripts of an advanced seminar on Schelling (Summer
Semester 1941) (pp. 165-189) and selected seminar notes on Schelling from the
years 1941 to 1943 (pp. 189-194).
[C] Schellings Abhandlung über das Wesen der menschlichen Freiheit (1971) Tübingen:
Niemeyer. GA 42 (1988). The seminar material has been published in GA 49 (1991).
[D] Schelling's Treatise on the Essence of Human Freedom (1985) Athens: Ohio
University Press. {S1}
171. [A] "Sketches for a History of Being as Metaphysics" (1973) [Joan Stambaugh].
[B] "Entwürfe zur Geschichte des Seins als Metaphysik": Notes on Nietzsche written in
[C] Nietzsche II (1961) Pfullingen: Neske, pp. 458-480 [Part IX]. GA 6.2 (1997), pp. 417-
[D] The End of Philosophy (1973) New York: Harper and Row, pp. 55-74. {S3}
172. [A] Sojourns. The Journey to Greece (2005) [John Panteleimon Manoussakis].
[B] Text written in Greece, 1962.
[C] Aufenthalte (1989) Frankfurt: Klostermann.
[D] Sojourns. The Journey to Greece (2005) Albany: SUNY Press. {S4}
173. [A] "Summary of a Seminar on the Lecture ‘Time and Being'" (1972) [Joan Stambaugh].
[B] "Seminar Protokoll zu Heideggers Vorlesung ‘Zeit und Sein'": Transcript of a six-
session seminar given September 11-13, 1962, in Todtnauberg, on the lecture “On
Time and Being” (see (T5)), written by Alfredo Guzzoni and edited by Heidegger.
[C] Zur Sache des Denkens (1969) Tübingen: Niemeyer, pp. 27-58. GA 14 (2007) 31-64.
[D] On Time and Being (1972) New York: Harper and Row, 1978, pp. 25-54. {S5}
174. [A] “The Teacher Meets the Tower Warden at the Door to the Tower Stairway” (2010)
[Bret W. Davis].
[B] “Die Lehrer trifft den Türmer an der Tür zum Turmaufgang”: Dialogue written in
[C] GA 77 (1995), pp. 161-202.
[D] Country Path Conversations (2010) Bloomington: Indiana University Press, pp. 105-
131. {T8}
179. [A] “Traditional Language and Technological Language” (1998) [Wanda Torres
[B] “Überlieferte Sprache und Technische Sprache”: Lecture given July 18, 1962,
Comburg (Schwäbische Hall).
[C] Überlieferte Sprache und Technische Sprache (1989) St. Gallen: Erker Verlag.
[D] “Traditional Language and Technological Language,” in Journal of Philosophical
Research (Notre Dame) 23, 1998, pp. 129-145. {T6}
181. [A] "The Understanding of Time in Phenomenology and in the Thinking of the Being-
Question" (1979) [Thomas Sheehan and Frederick Elliston].
[B] "Über das Zeitverständnis in der Phänomenologie und im Denken der Seinsfrage":
Essay written in 1968 in commemoration of the 30th anniversary of the death of
Edmund Husserl.
[C] Helmut Gehrig ,ed.), Phänomenologie — lebendig oder tot? (1969) Karlsruhe:
Badenia, p. 47. GA 14 (2007), pp. 145-149.
[D] The Southwestern Journal of Philosophy (Norman) 10 (2), 1979, pp. 199-201. {U1}
182. [A] “Vita, with Accompanying Letter to Georg Misch” (2007) [Theodore Kisiel].
[B] Handwritten text, dated June 30, 1922.
[C] Vita only in GA 16 (2000), pp. 41-45
[D] Theodore Kisiel and Thomas Sheehan (eds.), Becoming Heidegger. On the Trail of
His Early Occasional Writings, 1910-1927 (2007) Evanston: Northwestern University
Press, pp. 104-109 (letter, pp. 104-106; vita: pp. 106-109). {V1}
183. [A] "The Want of Holy Names" (1985) [Bernhard Radloff].
[B] "Der Fehl heiliger Namen": Essay written in 1974, dedicated to Hugo Friedrich.
[C] Contre Toute Attente (St. Julien du Sault) 2/3, 1981, pp. 40-55 (with a French
translation by Roger Munier and Philippe Lacoue-Labarthe). GA 13 (1983), pp. 231-
[D] Man and World (Dordrecht) 18, 1985, pp. 261-267. {W1}
185. [A] (A) "The Way Back into the Ground of Metaphysics": Introduction [1949] to
"What Is Metaphysics?" (1956) [Walter Kaufmann].
(B) "Introduction to ‘What Is Metaphysics?'" (1998) [William McNeill].
[B] "Einleitung zu `Was ist Metaphysik?'. Der Rückgang in den Grund der Metaphysik”:
Introductory essay for the inaugural lecture (1929), written for the 5th edition (1949)
of the lecture (see {W6}).
[C] Was ist Metaphysik? (1929) Frankfurt: Klostermann, pp. 7-23. Reprinted in
Wegmarken (1967): GA 9 (1976), pp. 365-383.
[D] (A) Walter Kaufmann (ed.), Existentialism from Dostoevsky to Sartre (1956; rev.
ed., 1975) New York: New American Library, 1984, pp. 265-279 (beginning
with the revised edition). Reprinted in William Barrett and Henry D. Aiken
(eds.), Philosophy in the Twentieth Century. An Anthology (1962) New York:
Random House, 1982, Vol. 3, pp. 206-218. Excerpt of Kaufman edition (pp.
211-212), reprinted in Richard Ellmann and Charles Feidelson (eds.), The
Modern Tradition. Backgrounds of Modern Literature (New York: Oxford
University Press, 1965), pp. 879-880.
(B) Pathmarks (1998) Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 277-290.
186. [A] (A) "The Way to Language" (1971) [Peter D. Hertz].
(B) "The Way to Language" (1993) [David Farrell Krell].
[B] "Der Weg zur Sprache": Essay based on a lecture first given on January 23, 1959.
Original title "Die Sprache,"
[C] Gestalt und Gedanke (Munich) 4, 1959, pp. 137-170. Reprinted with a few changes
in Unterwegs zur Sprache (1959): GA 12 (1985), pp. 227-257.
[D] (A) On the Way to Language (1971) New York: Harper and Row, 1982, pp. 111-
(B) Basic Writings (1977; rev. ed., 1993) San Francisco: HarperSanFrancisco, pp.
397-426 (rev. ed.). {W3}
187. [A] (A) ^"What Are Poets For?" (1971) [Albert Hofstadter].
(B) “Why Poets?” (2002) [Kenneth Haynes].
[B] "Wozu Dichter?": Lecture given December 29, 1946, in remembrance of the 20th
anniversary of the death of Rainer Maria Rilke
[C] Holzwege (1950): GA 5 (1977), pp. 269-320
[D] (A) Poetry, Language, Thought (1971) New York: Harper and Row, 1975, pp. 91-
142. A CD verison (2005) for the blind is available.
(B) Off the Beaten Track (2002) Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp.
200-241. {W4}
188. [A] What Is Called Thinking? (1968) [Fred D. Wieck and J. Glenn Gray].
[B] ^"Was heißt Denken?”: Lecture course given during the Winter Semester 1951-52
and Summer Semester 1952, University of Freiburg.
[C] Was heißt Denken? (1954) Tübingen: Niemeyer. GA 8 (2002). In May 1952, Bavarian
Radio broadcast Heidegger's reading of an address entitled "Was heißt Denken?"
which contained material that had served as the basis of the opening lectures of
the course and some that was not presented (see GA 8 [2002], pp. 5-23 and 253
ff.). The address appeared in Merkur (Berlin) 6, 1952, pp. 601-611. GA 7 (2000), pp.
127-143. Available on CD: Von der Sache des Denkens. Vorträge, Reden und
Gespräche (Munich: Der Hörverlag, 2000), 1(2).
[D] What Is Called Thinking? (1968) New York: Harper and Row, 1976. Excerpts
reprinted in Richard Zaner and Don Ihde (eds.), Phenomenology and Existentialism
(1977) New York: G.P. Putnam, pp. 326-332 [Part II, Lecture V] and Basic Writings
(1977; rev. ed., 1993) San Francisco: HarperSanFrancisco, pp. 369-391(rev. ed.)
[Part I, Lecture I; Part II, Lecture II, excluding the "Summary and Transition," under
the title "What Calls for Thinking?"]. Part II, Summary and Transition of Lectures I, III,
and IX and excerpt from Lecture XI (pp. 122-25, 143-47, 214-15, 244) reprinted in
Manfred Stassen (ed.), Martin Heidegger. Philosophical and Political Essays (2003)
New York: Continuum, pp. 80-86. {W5}
189. [A] (A) "What Is Metaphysics?" (1949) [R.F.C. Hull and Alan Crick].
(B) "What Is Metaphysics?" (1977) [David Farrell Krell].
(C) "What Is Metaphysics?" (1998) [William McNeill and David Farrell Krell].
(D) “Martin Heidegger’s Inaugural Lecture at Freiburg University. A Reading of
Heidegger’s ‘What Is Metaphysics?’” (2001) [Thomas Sheehan].
[B] ^"Was ist Metaphysik?": Heidegger's inaugural lecture to the faculties of the
University of Freiburg, given on July 24, 1929. The text was expanded for the Fourth
Edition (1943) of the work with the addition of a "Nachwort" (see {P13}). The
"Nachwort" was revised and an introduction, "Einleitung. Der Rückgang in der
Grund der Metaphysik,” was added for the Fifth Edition (1949) (see. See {W2}).
[C] Was ist Metaphysik? (1929) Frankfurt: Klostermann. Reprinted in Wegmarken (1967):
GA 9 (1976), pp. 103-122. A sound book (Klostermann, 1981) is available.
[D] (A) Existence and Being (1949) Washington: Regnery Gateway, 1988, pp. 325-
349. Reprinted in James L. Jarrett and Sterling M. McMurrin (eds),
Contemporary Philosophy (1954) New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, pp.
448-458. Reprinted in Walter Kaufmann (ed.), Existentialism from Dostoevsky
to Sartre (1956; rev. ed., 1975) New York: New American Library, 1984, pp.
242-264 (beginning with the revised edition). Reprinted in Twentieth
Century Philosophy and Religion [Great Books of the Western World, Vol.
55, ed. Mortimer Adler] (2nd ed., 1990) Chicago: Encyclopedia Britannica,
Inc., pp. 296-310. Reprinted with "footnotes deleted and postscript omitted"
in Diane Barsoum Raymond (ed.), Existentialism and the Philosophical
Tradition (1991) Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall, pp. 251-264.
(B) Basic Writings (1977; rev. ed., 1993) San Francisco: HarperSanFrancisco, pp.
93-110 (rev. ed.).
(C) Pathmarks (1998) Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 82-96.
(D) The New Yearbook for Phenomenology and Phenomenological Research
(Seattle) 1, 2001, pp. 181-201. A translation of the first edition (1929) text,
with textual differences compared to (C) and Heidegger’s marginal notes
to the several editions of the work. {W6}
190. [A] (A) What Is Philosophy? (1958) [William Kluback and Jean T. Wilde].
(B) "Philosophy--What Is It?" (1962) [Jean T. Wilde and William Kimmel].
(C) What Is That--Philosophy? (1991) [Eva T.H. Brann].
[B] "Was ist das -- die Philosophie?": Lecture given in Cérisy-la-Salle in August 1955.
[C] Was ist das -- die Philosophie? (1956) Pfullingen: Neske. GA 11 (2006), pp. 3-26
[D] (A) * What Is Philosophy? (1958) New York: Twayne, 1989.
(B) Jean T. Wilde and William Kimmel (eds.), The Search for Being (1962) New
York: Twayne, pp. 493-507 (revised excerpt [pp. 41-97] of (A)).
(C) What Is That--Philosophy? (1991) Annapolis: St. John's College. {W7}
191. [A] What Is a Thing? (1967) [W.B. Barton, Jr. and Vera Deutsch].
[B] "Grundfragen der Metaphysik": Lecture course given during the Winter Semester
1935-36, University of Freiburg.
[C] Die Frage nach dem Ding. Zu Kants Lehre von der transzendentalen Grundsätzen
(1962) Tübingen: Niemeyer. GA 41 (1984).
[D] What Is a Thing? (1967) Washington: Regnery Gateway, 1985. A slightly modified
translation of Section B 5 (a-f3) (pp. 66-108), "The Characteristics of Modern
Science in Contrast to Ancient and Medieval Science," is reprinted in Basic Writings
(1977; rev. ed., 1993) San Francisco: HarperSanFrancisco, pp. 271-305 (rev. ed.),
under the title "Modern Science, Metaphysics, and Mathematics."{W8}
193. [A] (A) "Why Do I Stay in the Provinces?" (1977) [Thomas Sheehan].
(B] “Creative Lanscape: Why Do We Stay in the Provinces? (1994) [Thomas
[B] "Schöpferische Landschaft: Warum bleiben wir in der Provinz?": Essay written in the
fall of 1933.
[C] Der Alemanne (Freiburg), March 7, 1934, p. 1. GA 13 (1983), pp. 9-13.
[D] (A) Listening (Dubuque) 12 (3), 1977, pp. 122-124. Reprinted in Thomas
Sheehan (ed.), Heidegger. The Man and the Thinker (1981) Chicago:
Precedent Publishing Company, pp. 27-30, and in Manfred Stassen (ed.),
Martin Heidegger. Philosophical and Political Essays (2003) New York:
Continuum, pp. 16-18.
(B) Vice Versa (Montreal) 43 (1993), pp. 35-36, as “Why Do I Remain in the
Provinces?” Reprinted in Anton Kaes, Martin Jay and Edward Dimendberg
(eds.), The Weimar Republic Sourcebook (1994) Berkeley: University of
California Press, pp. 426-428. {W10}
194. [A] (A) “Wilhelm Dilthey’s Research and the Struggle for a Historical
Worldview”(2002) [Charles Bambach].
(B) “Wilhelm Dilthey’s Research and the Current Struggle for a Historical
Worldview” (2007) [Theodore Kisiel].
[B] “Wilhelm Diltheys Forschungsarbeit und der Kampf um eine historische
Weltanschauung”: Walter Bröcker’s transcript of a lecture series given April 16-21,
1925, in Kassel.
[C] Frithjof Rodi, “Wilhelm Diltheys Forschungsarbeit und der Kampf um eine historische
Weltanschauung,” in Dilthey-Jahrbuch 8, 1992-93, pp. 123-30, 143-180. (Cf. GA 16
[2000], pp. 49-51.)
[D] (A) Supplements. From the Earliest Essays to Being and Time and Beyond (2002)
Albany: SUNY Press, pp. 147-176.
(B) Theodore Kisiel and Thomas Sheehan (eds.), Becoming Heidegger. On the
Trail of His Early Occasional Writings, 1910-1927 (2007) Evanston:
Northwestern University Press, pp. 241-274 (excerpt, translating [C] pp. 143-
180). {W11}
195. [A] (A) "The Will to Power as Art. First Section: ‘Nietzsche as Metaphysical Thinker’"
(1973) [Joan Stambaugh].
(B) "The Will to Power as Art" (1979) [David Farrell Krell].
[B] "Nietzsche: Der Wille zur Macht als Kunst”: Heidegger's first lecture course on
Nietzsche, given during the Winter Semester 1936-37, University of Freiburg. First
Section: "Nietzsche als metaphysicher Denker."
[C] Nietzsche I (1961) Pfullingen: Neske, pp. 11-254 [Part I], First Section, pp. 11-15. A
substantially revised version of the text has been published in GA 43 (1985), pp. 3-7.
Nietzsche I and II (1961) reprinted as GA 6.1 (1996) and GA 6.2 (1997).
[D] (A) Robert C. Solomon (ed.), Nietzsche. A Collection of Critical Essays (1973)
New York: Doubleday, pp. 105-108.
(B) Nietzsche, Volume I: The Will to Power as Art (1979) New York: Harper and
Row. The HarperCollins paperback reprint (1991) of all four volumes of
Nietzsche combines Volumes I and II. Section 15, “Kant’s Doctrine of the
Beautiful: Its Misinterpretation by Schopenhauer and Nietzsche” (GA 6.1
[1997], pp. 106-114), was reprinted in Peter Sedgwick (ed.), Nietzsche. A
Critical Reader (1995) Oxford: Blackwell, pp. 104-110. An audio (CD) version
of all volumes of Nietzsche in this translation series is available. {W12}
197. [A] (A) "The Word of Nietzsche: ‘God Is Dead'" (1977) [William Lovitt].
(B) “Nietzsche’s Word: ‘God Is Dead’” (2002) [Kenneth Haynes].
[B] "Nietzsches Wort ‘Gott ist tot'’”: Lecture written in 1943, based on the Nietzsche
courses (1936-40) at the University of Freiburg.
[C] Holzwege (1950): GA 5 (1977), pp. 209-267.
[D] (A) The Question Concerning Technology and Other Essays (1977) New York:
Harper and Row, 1982, pp. 53-112.
(B) Off the Beaten Track (2002) Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp.
157-199. {W14}
200. [A] (A) "Documents from the Denazification Proceedings Concerning Martin
Heidegger" (1991) [Jason M. Wirth].
(B) "Letter to the Rector of Freiburg University, November 4, 1945" (1991)
[Richard Wolin].
[B] Letters, written November 4, 1945, and December 15, 1945, following Heidegger's
appearance before the denazification committee.
[C] Letter of November 4, 1945: Karl Augustus Moehling, Martin Heidegger and the
Nazi Party: An Examination (Ph.D. dissertation, Northern Illinois University, 1972),
Appendix B, pp. 264-268; letter of December 15, 1945: Archiv für Christlich-
Demokratische Politik (St. Augustin). Reprinted in GA 16 (2000), pp. 397-404 and
409-415 (as “Antrag auf die Wiederstellung in die Lehrtätigkeit (Reintegrierung)”
and “Erläuterungen und Grundsätzliches”).
[D] (A) * Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal (New York) 14 (2)-15 (1), 1991, pp.
535-556. (Contains letters of November 4, 1945, and December 15, 1945.)
(B) Richard Wolin (ed.), The Heidegger Controversy (1991) Cambridge: MIT
Press, 1993, pp. 61-66. (Contains only letter of November 4, 1945.) {S-D1}
201. [A] “The Jewish Contamination of German Spiritual Life–Letter to Victor Schwoerer”
(2003) [Manfred Stassen].
[B] “Brief an Victor Schwoerer vom 02.10.1929": Letter to deputy secretary general of
the Notgemeinshcaft der deutschen Wissenschaft, Victor Schwoerer.
[C] Ulrich Sieg, “Die Verjudung des deutschen Geistes,” in Die Zeit, #52, December 22,
1989, p. 50.
[D] Manfred Stassen (ed.), Martin Heidegger. Philosophical and Political Essays (2003)
New York: Continuum, p. 1. {S-J1}
204. [A] (A) "The Rectorate 1933/34: Facts and Thoughts" (1985) [Karsten Harries].
(B) "The Rectorate 1933/34: Facts and Thoughts" (1990) [Lisa Harries].
[B] "Das Rektorat 1933/34. Tatsachen und Gedanken (1945)": Essay written in 1945.
[C] Hermann Heidegger (ed.), Die Selbstbehauptung der deutschen Universität / Das
Rektorat 1933/34. Tatsachen und Gedanken (1983) Frankfurt: Klostermann, pp. 21-
43. GA 16 (2000), pp. 372-394.
[D] (A) The Review of Metaphysics (Washington) 38, 1985, pp. 481-502.
(B) Günther Neske and Emil Kettering (eds.), Martin Heidegger and National
Socialism (1990) New York: Paragon House, pp. 15-32. {S-R1}
205. [A] (A) "The Self-Assertion of the German University: Address, Delivered on the
Solemn Assumption of the Rectorate of the University [of] Freiburg" (1985)
[Karsten Harries].
(B) "The Self-Assertion of the German University" (1990) [Lisa Harries].
(C) "The Self-Assertion of the German University" (1991) [William S. Lewis].
(D) “Rectorship Address. The Self-Assertion of the German University” (2009)
[Jerome Veith].
[B] "Die Selbstbehauptung der deutschen Universität": Heidegger's rectorial address,
given May 27, 1933.
[C] Die Selbstbehauptung der deutschen Universität. Rede, gehalten bei der
feierlichen Übernahme des Rektorats der Universität Freiburg i. Br. am 27.5.1933
(1933) Breslau: Korn. Reprinted in Hermann Heidegger (ed.), Die Selbstbehauptung
der deutschen Universität / Das Rektorat 1933/34. Tatsachen und Gedanken (1983)
Frankfurt: Klostermann, pp. 9-19. GA 16 (2000), pp. 107-117.
[D] (A) The Review of Metaphysics (Washington) 38, 1985, pp. 470-480. Reprinted in
Manfred Stassen (ed.), Martin Heidegger. Philosophical and Political Essays
(2003) New York: Continuum, pp. 2-11.
(B) Günther Neske and Emil Kettering (eds.), Martin Heidegger and National
Socialism (1990) New York: Paragon House, pp. 5-13.
(C) Richard Wolin (ed.), The Heidegger Controversy. A Critical Reader (1991)
Cambridge: MIT Press, 1993, pp. 29-39. A newspaper article (Freiburger
Zeitung (Freiburg), May 29, 1933, p. 1) reporting on the address was
translated in Dagobert Runes (ed.), German Existentialism (1965) New York:
Philosophical Library, pp. 148-50 (translation by the editor). See {S-S2}.
(D) Günther Figal (ed.), The Heidegger Reader (2009) New Haven: Yale
University Press, pp. 108-116. {S-S1}
206. [A/B] Speeches and newspaper articles from the period May 27, 1933 to February 1,
(A) Dagobert Runes (1965).
(B) William S. Lewis (1988).
[C] (1) "Schlageterfeier der Freiburger Universität [University of Freiburg's Schlageter
Celebration]," speech [May 26, 1933], in Der Alemanne (Freiburg), May 27, 1933, p.
6; (2) "Arbeitsdienst und Universität [Labor Service and the University]," newspaper
article, Freiburger Studentenzeitung, June 20, 1933, p. 1; (3) "Die Universität im
Neuen Reich [The University in the New State]," speech [June 30, 1933], in the
Heidelberger Neueste Nachrichten, July 1, 1933, p. 4; (4) "Deutschen Studenten
[German Students]," newspaper article, Freiburger Studentenzeitung, November 3,
1933, p. 1; (5) "Deutsche Männer und Frauen! [German Men and Women!],"
newspaper article, Freiburger Studentenzeitung, November 10, 1933, p. 1; (6)
“Ansprache am 11. November 1933 in Leipzig,” speech [November 11, 1933],
published in Bekenntnis der Professoren an den deutschen Universitäten und
Hochschulen zu Adolf Hitler und dem nationalsozialistischen Staat. Überreicht vom
Nationalsozialistischen Lehrerbund [Pledge of German University Professors and
High School Teachers to Adolf Hitler and the National Socialist State. Given by the
National Socialist Teachers' Association] (Dresden), November 11, 1933, pp. 13-14;
(7) "Das Geleitwort der Universität [Prefatory Word from the University]," newspaper
article, published in 150 Jahre Freiburger Zeitung (Freiburg), January 6, 1934, p. 10;
(8) "Der Ruf zum Arbeitsdienst [Call to Labor Service]," newspaper article,
Freiburger Studentenzeitung, January 23, 1934, p. 1; and (9) "Nationalsozialistische
Wissensschulung [National Socialist Education]," speech [January 22, 1934],
published in Der Alemanne (Freiburg), February 1, 1934, p. 9. All reprinted in Guido
Schneeberger (ed.), Nachlese zu Heidegger. Dokumente zu seinem Leben und
Denken, mit zwei Bildtafeln (1962) Bern: Suhr, (1) pp. 47-49, (2) pp. 63-64, (3) pp. 73-
75, (4) pp. 135-36, (5) pp. 144-46, (6) pp. 148-50, (7) p. 171, (8) pp. 180-181, and (9)
pp. 198-202. GA 16 (2000) reprints (1) [pp. 759-760, as “Gedenkworte zu Schlageter
(26. Mai 1933 vor der Universität”], (2) [pp. 125-126, as “Arbeitsdienst und
Universität”], (3) [pp. 761-762, as “Die Universität im neuen Reich (30. Juni 1933)”],
(4) [pp. 184-185, as “Zum Semestergeinn vgl. Universitätsführer Wintersemestere
1933/34”], (5) [pp. 188-189, as “Aufruf zur Wahl (10. November 1933”], (6) [pp. 190-
193, as “Ansprache am 11. November 1933 in Leipzig”], (7) [p. 227, as “Das
Geleitwort der Universität [150 Jahre “Freiburger Zeitung”]], (8) [pp. 238-239, as
“Der Ruf zum Arbeitsdienst”], and (9) [pp. 232-237, as “Zur Eröffnung der
Schullungkurse für die Notstandsarbeiter der Stadt an der Universität (22. Januar
1934)”]. {W10}.
[D] (A) German Existentialism (1965) New York: Philosophical Library, pp. 21-42.
Includes excerpts of six of the texts in [C]: (2)-(4), (6), and (8)-(9); and
extracts from twelve newspaper articles reporting on Heidegger. Item (9)
reprinted in Manfred Stassen (ed.), Martin Heidegger. Philosophical and
Political Essays (2003) New York: Continuum, pp. 12-15.
(B) New German Critique (Ithaca) 45, Fall 1988, pp. 96-114. Reprinted in
Richard Wolin (ed.), The Heidegger Controversy. A Critical Reader (1991)
Cambridge: MIT Press, 1993, pp. 40-60. {S-S2}
Included here are, first, volumes of collected correspondence followed by entries containing a
series of letters to an individual and, finally, single letters to individuals, each set arranged
alphabetically by the addresse’s name.
A number of unpublished letters appear in Heinrich Wiegand Petzet, Encounters and Dialogues
with Martin Heidegger, 1929-1976 (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1993), translated by
Parvis Emad and Kenneth Maly, and Hugo Ott, Heidegger. A Political Life (London: Basic Books,
1993)1, translated by Allan Blunden. Excerpts from other previously unpublished letters and
archival material have been published in the papers of Theodore Kisiel and in his fundamental
source for Heidegger scholarship, The Genesis of Heidegger's Being and Time (Berkeley: University
of California Press, 1993); Thomas Sheehan's paper, "Heidegger's Lehrjahre," in John Sallis, G.
Moneta and Jacques Taminiaux (eds.), The Collegium Phaenomenologicum. The First Ten Years
(Dordrecht: Kluwer, 1988), pp. 77-137;2 Thomas Sheehan and Richard E. Palmer (eds.),
Psychological and Transcendental Phenomenology and the Confrontation with Heidegger (1927-
1931) (Dordrecht: Kluwer, 1997);3 and Theodore Kisiel and Thomas Sheehan (eds.), Becoming
Heidegger. On the Trail of His Early Occasional Wrirings, 1910-1927 (Evanston: Northwestern
University Press, 2007).4 A number of letters to Medard Boss are published in {Z1}, pp. 235-291.
a. Collections
207. [A] Letters 1925-1975. Hannah Arendt and Martin Heidegger (2004) [Andrew Shields].
[B] Correspondence between Heidegger and Arendt from February 10, 1925 to July
30, 1975.
[C] Ursula Ludz (ed.), Hannah Arendt / Martin Heidegger. Briefe 1925 bis 1975 (1998)
Frankfurt: Klostermann.
[D] Letters 1925-1975. Hannah Arendt and Martin Heidegger (2004) New York:
Harcourt. {L23}
Letters to Matthäus Lang, May 30, 1928 (p. 52); Karl Jaspers, July 14, 1923 (p. 183), July 1, 1935 (p.
37), May 16, 1936 (p. 267), April 8, 1950 (p. 24), and February 19, 1953 (p. 36) (all in {H6} (A)); Viktor
Schwoerer, October 2, 1929 (p. 378) (see {S-J1}); and Josef Sauer, March 17, 1912 (pp. 70-71). See
also pp. 29-30, 77, 95, 157, 195, 214-15, 238, 239, 249 and 333.
See {L12} [D](A).
Includes fragments from letters to Karl Löwith, Karl Jaspers, Georg Misch and Elisabeth
Blochmann (pp. 17, 25, 140-142).
See {H6} [D](B), {L12} [D](C), {L18} [D](C), {L20} [D](C)-(D), {L29}.
[C] “Mein liebes Seelchen!” Briefe Martin Heideggers an seine Frau Elfriede 1915-1970
(2005) München: Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt.
[D] Letters to His Wife 1915-1970(2008) Cambridge: Polity Press. {L28}
b. Selections
210. [A] (A) "Letters to Elisabeth Blochmann" (1991) [Frank W.H. Edler].
(B) Excerpt of letters September 12, 1929 and Januaray 19, 1933 (1993) [Allan
(C) May 1, 1919: Martin Heidegger to Elisabeth Blochmann (2007)[Theodore
[B] Letters from the Heidegger-Blochmann correspondence,1919-1933.
[C] Joachim Storck (ed.), Martin Heidegger—Elisabeth Blochmann. Briefwechsel 1918-
1969 (1989) Marbach: Deutsche Schillergesellschaft, pp. 31-33 (letter #22), pp. 36-
39 (letter #25), pp. 45-46 (letter #32), pp. 49-50 (letter #35), pp. 52-53 (letter #37),
pp. 55-58 (letters #40 and #42), pp. 60-63 (letters #46 and #47), pp. 69-70 (letter
#57), pp. 73-74 (letter #61), pp. 76-77 (letter #64).
[D] (A) Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal (New York) 14 (2) - 15 (1), 1991, pp.
563-577. Excerpts from letters in [C]: #25 (September 20, 1930, Freiburg),
#32 (December 20, 1931, Freiburg), #35 (May 25, 1932, Freiburg), #37 (June
22, 1932, Freiburg), #40 (December 19, 1932, Freiburg), #42 (January 19,
1933, Freiburg), #46 (March 30, 1933, Freiburg), #47 (April 12, 1933,
Freiburg), #57 (August 30, 1933, Todtnauberg retreat), #61 (September 19,
1933, Meßkirch), and #64 (October 16, 1933, Freiburg).
(B) Hugo Ott, Martin Heidegger. A Political Life (1993) London: Basic Books, pp.
377-78. Letters of September 12, 1929 and January 19, 1933 (letters #22 and
#42 in [C]).
(C) Theodore Kisiel and Thomas Sheehan (eds.), Becoming Heidegger. On the
Trail of His Early Occasional Writings, 1910-1927 (2007) Evanston:
Northwestern University Press, p. 366 (excerpt of letter of May 1, 1919, [C], p.
16). {L18}
c. Single Letters
214. [A] Letter from Martin Heidegger [to Albert Borgmann] (1970) [Albert Borgmann].
[B] "Gruß und Dank an die Teilnehmer der Heidegger-Konferenz in Honolulu auf Hawai
[sic] 17.-21. November 1969 (Brief an Albert Borgmann)": Letter written July 4, 1969,
to participants at a conference on "Heidegger and Eastern Thought," University of
Honolulu, Hawaii, November 17-21, 1969. All but the concluding paragraph of the
German text was read.
[C] GA 16 (2000), pp. 721-722.
[D] Winfield E. Nagley, "Introduction to the Symposium and Reading of a Letter from
Martin Heidegger," Philosophy East and West (Honolulu) 20, 1970, p. 221. {L7}
215. [A] Letter to Medard Boss [excerpt] (1963) [Ludwig B. Lefebre].
[B] Excerpt from a letter, no date. The passage does not appear among the letters
included in {Z1}. It is likely from a letter written earlier than 1957.
[C] Medard Boss, Psychoanalyse und Daseinsanalytik (1957) Bern: Huber.
[D] Medard Boss, Psychoanalysis and Daseinsanalysis (1963) New York: Basic Books, p.
36, n. 4. {L21}
220. [A] Letter to J. Glenn Gray and Joan Stambaugh [excerpts] (1973) [Joan Stambaugh].
[B] "Brief an J. Glenn Gray and Joan Stambaugh": Responses written in the summer of
1970 to questions posed by the co-editors of the projected English Works of Martin
[C] German text unpublished.
[D] The End of Philosophy (1973) New York: Harper and Row, pp. xi-xiv. {L10}
221. [A] "Heidegger's Letter to the Boss's Daughter [Elisabeth Husserl]" (1988) [Russell A.
Berman and Paul Piccone].
[B] "Brief Martin Heideggers an Elisabeth Husserl": Letter of April 24, 1919, to Elli Husserl.
[C] "Brief Martin Heideggers an Elisabeth Husserl," in Aut Aut (Scandicci) 223-24,
January-April, 1988, pp. 6-11. Includes an Italian translation by Renato Cristin.
[D] Telos (New York) #77, Fall 1988, pp. 125-127. {H8}
222. [A] Letter to Edmund Husserl (2007) [Theodore Kisiel and Thomas Sheehan].
[B] Excerpt of letter of April 14, 1922.
[C] Karl Schuhmann (ed.), Husserliana. Briefwechsel [Part 3] (1994) Dordrecht: Kluwer,
Vol. 4, pp. 136-137.
[D] Theodore Kisiel and Thomas Sheehan (eds.), Becoming Heidegger. On the Trail of
His Early Occasional Writings, 1910-1927(2007) Evanston: Northwestern University
Press, pp. 369-370. {L29}
223. [A] (A) "Letter to Edmund Husserl" (1977) [Thomas Sheehan].
(B) "Heidegger's Letter and Appendices [to Draft B of the Encyclopaedia
Britannica article `Phenomenology']" (1997) [Thomas Sheehan].
[B] "Brief an Edmund Husserl vom 22. Oktober 1927": Letter written October 22, 1927, to
accompany "The Idea of Phenomenology" (see {I1}).
[C] Edmund Husserl, Phänomenologische Psychologie [Husserliana 9] (1962) The
Hague: Martinus Nijhoff, 1968, pp. 600-601. GA 14 (2007), pp. 129-130.
[D] (A) Listening (Dubuque) 12 (3), 1977, pp. 118-119.
(B) Thomas Sheehan and Richard E. Palmer (eds.), Psychological and
Transcendental Phenomenology and the Confrontation with Heidegger
(1927-1931) Dordrecht: Kluwer, 1997, pp. 136-137. {L9}
224. [A] (A) Letter to Father Engelbert Krebs (1998) [Thomas Sheehan]
(B) Letter to Father Engelbert Krebs (1988) [Allan Blunden].
(C) July 14, 1914: Martin Heidegger to Engelbert Krebs (2007) [Thomas
[B] Letter of July 14, 1914. Ott gives the date of the letter as July 19, 1914.
[C] Hugo Ott, Martin Heidegger. Unterwegs zur seiner Biographie (1988) Frankfurt:
Campus, p. 83.
[D] (A) Thomas Sheehan, "Heidegger's Lehrjahre," in John Sallis, G. Moneta and
Jacques Taminiaux (eds.) The Collegium Phaenomenologicum: The FirstTen
Years [Phaenomenologica 105] (1988) Dordrecht: Kluwer, p. 113.
(B) Hugo Ott, Martin Heidegger. A Political Life (1993) New York: Basic Books, p.
(C) Theodore Kisiel and Thomas Sheehan (eds.), Becoming Heidegger. On the
Trail of His Early Occasional Writings, 1910-1927 (2007) Evanston:
Northwestern University Press, pp. 351-352. {L12}
225. [A] (A) Letter to Father Engelbert Krebs (1988) [John van Buren].
(B) Letter to Englebert Krebs (1993) [Thomas Sheehan].
(C) Letter to Engelbert Krebs (1993) [Allan Blunden].
[B] "Brief an Engelbert Krebs": Letter written January 9, 1919.
[C] Bernhard Casper, "Martin Heidegger und die Theologische Fakultät Freiburg 1909-
1923," Freiburger Diözesan-Archiv (Freiburg) 100, 1980, pp. 534-541. Reprinted in
Hugo Ott, Martin Heidegger. Unterwegs zu seiner Biographie (1988) Frankfurt:
Campus, pp. 106-107.
[D] (A) John van Buren, “The Young Heidegger,” McMaster University, 1989, pp.
573-574. This is the author’s doctoral dissertation.
(B) Charles Guignon (ed.), Cambridge Companion to Heidegger(1993)
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, p. 70.
(C) Hugo Ott, Martin Heidegger. A Political Life (1993) New York: Basic Books, p.
81-83. {L13}
227. [A] "A Letter from Martin Heidegger [to Arthur H. Schrynemakers" (1970) [Arthur H.
[B] "Grußwort an das Symposion über Heideggers Philosophie an der Duquesne-
Universität in Pittsburgh (15.-16. Oktober 1966)”: Letter written September 20, 1966,
for the American Heidegger Conference, Duquesne University, Pittsburgh.
[C] John Sallis (ed.), Heidegger and the Path of Thinking (1970) Pittsburgh: Duquesne
University Press, pp. 9-10. GA 16 (2000), pp. 650-651.
[D] * [C] pp. 10-11. {L6}
The translators are keyed to entries identified by a alphanumeric code found at the end of each
entry {} in the bibliography.
Adamczewski, Zygmunt O9
Alexander, Edwin Michael Q3
Alter, Maria P. O10
Anderson, John M. C8, M3
Arendt, Hannah A8
Askay, Richard P15, Z1
Aylesworth, Gary E. B1, H6
Bambach, Charles W11
Barlow, John P9
Barrett, William L8
Barton, Jr., W.B. W8
Baur, Michael P6
Berman, Russell A. H8
Blunden, Allan C5, C11, G1, J3, L12, L13, L18, O3
Borgmann, Albert L7
Bossert, Phillip J. P24
Bowles, Brian Hansford B6, P25
Brann, Eva W7
Brogan, Walter A6
Braunstein, Phillip Jacques A12, I6
Bunch, Aaron A10, D2, P24
Campbell, Scott M. B8
Capobianco, Richard O19
Caputo, John D. O10
Capuzzi, Frank A4, E6, L4, L25, M9, N2, N3, N4
Churchill, James S. E9, K1
Colony, Tracy P7
Crick, Alan O7, P13, W6
Dahlstrom, Daniel I4
Davis, Bret W. A11, E8, T8
Davis, Julia H12
Davis, Steven L15
de Deugd, Cornelis B5
de Man, Paul H11
Deely, John N. I1
Deutsch, Vera W8
Dreyfus, Hubert B5
Ebel, Christine L19
Edler, Frank L18
Eldred, Michael Z1
Elliston, Frederick U1
Emad, Parvis B4, C6, H4, M7, P4
Farin, Ingo C13
Foltz, Bruce V. H1
Fox, Melissa J. L20
Freund, E. Hans C8, M3
Fried, Gregory F6, I3, O20
Fritsch, Matthias A13, I5, P27
Gill, Gerry P23
Glasgow, R.D.V. L28
Göbel, Marie O19
Gosetti-Ferencei, Jennifer Anna A13, I5, P27
Gray, J. Glenn B5, H3, L4, M11, W5
Gregory, Wanda Torres L31, O5, T6
Grene, Marjorie A3
Groth, Miles A1, A2, U-L1, U-W1
Grugan, Arthur A. L19
Gualiardo, Vincent M1
Hamburg, Carl H. C1
Harries, Karsten S-R1, S-S1
Harries, Lisa G4, M1, O10, S-R1, S-S1
Hart, James G. C7, P7, P21, P23, R6
Haynes, Kenneth W14
Heim, Michael F4, H1, I2, M5
Hertz, Peter D. D1, L3, N1, W3, W15
Hoeller, Keith A9, G2, H11, H13, P11, P15, P16, P17, P18, R4, R5, T3
Hofstadter, Albert B3, B7, L1, O13, P12, T1, T2, W4
Hull, R.F.C. O7, P13, W6
Kalary, Thomas M7, P29
Kaufmann, Walter W2
Kenny, Brian Z1
Kimmel, William O6, W7
King, Elizabeth L20
Kisiel, Theodore C2, C3, C4, H5, H6, H10, L18, L20, L29, O2, O8, P6, P25, P27,
Q1, R1, V1, W11, W16
Klein, Jr., Ted E. K3
Kluback, William Q2, W7
Krell, David Farrell A5, B5, E1, E4, E5, L4, L25, N2, W3, W6, W9, W12
Lang, Berel L19
Lefebre, Ludwig L21
Leidecker, Kurt F. O12, P20
Lewis, William S. S-S1, S-S2
Lilly, Reginald P18, P19
Lohner, Edgar L4
Lovitt, William A3, H7, Q3, S2, T7, W14
Macquarrie, John B5, F4, L17
Magnus, Bernd W9
Malick, Terrence O6
Maly, Kenneth B4, C6, H4, P4, T7
Manheim, Ralph I3
Manoussakis, John Panteleinon S4
Maraldo, John C. C7, P7, P21, P23, R6
Mayr, Franz Z1, P15
McNeill, William C3, F4, F5, H2, H12, K3, L4, O4, O6, O7, P7, P9, P13, P14, P23,
Q2, W2, W6
Meklenberg, Frank S-O1
Metcalf, Robert B9, H2
Mexia, Berit P2
Mitchell, Andrew B11, D3, F3, G5, P20, P21, T1, T7
Manoussakis, John Panteleimon S4
Metcalf, Robert D. B10
NN L4, P2, S-L1
Murthy, B. Srinirasa M1
Novak, Joseph A I1
O'Hara, R. Philip L20
O'Meara, Thomas F. H14, P2
Osers, Ewald E7, G1
Pambrun, Robert M1
Peck, John E7
Piccone, Paul H8
Pohl, William K3
Polt, Richard F6, I3, O20
Protevi, John C9, F1, G3, J2, L24, O2, P3, P26
Radloff, Bernhard W1
Raffoul, Francois F3
Richardson, William J. E7, L5, L16, O10
Robbins, Harold J. D2
Robinson, Edward B5
Rojcewicz, Richard B2, B9, C6, E10, P1, P5, P10
Runes, Dagobert S-S2
Sadler, Ted E2, E3, I7, O1, P28
Sallis, John H2, M8, O7
Schendler, David O10
Schrynemakers, Arthur H. L6
Schrynemakers, Therese C10
Schuwer, André B2, P1, P10
Scott, Douglas H11, P17, R5
Seibert, Charles A7, H9
Seigfried, Hans R2
Sheehan, Thomas C10, C11, F2, H6, H14, I1, I2, L2, L9, L11, L12, L13, L29, L30, O4,
P2, P9, U1, W6, W10
Shields, Andrew L23
Skinner, Alex C13
Slade, Francis C1
Stambaugh, Joan B5, E1, L10, M6, M10, N2, O12, O14, P20, R3, S1, S3, S5, T5,
W12, W13
Stassen, Manfred S-J1
Steiner, Gary L20
Stewart, Roderick D2, P22
Taft, Richard C1, K1, K2, N5, O17, O18
Tanzer, Mark B. B10
Taylor, Harry S. C4
Thompson, Iain U-H1
Trahern, Robert J. B5
Uffelmann, Hans W. C4
Unna, Yvonne L31, O5
Vallega-Neu, Daniela C6
van Buren, John A10, C2, C4, L13, O11, P3, P6, P22, P24, P25
Veith, Jerome A3, A7, A9, C6, C12, E3, F5, G5, H11, I7, L16, L 26, L27, M5, N3,
O10, O15, O16, P6, P20, T1, S-S1
Walker, Nicholas F5
Warnek, Peter A6, K1, R6
Wieck, Fred D. H3, W5
Wild, John B5
Wilde, Jean T. O6, Q2, W7
Wirth, Jason M. S-D1
Wolin, Richard L14, L20, S-D1
Young, Julian A3, A5, O13
Zisselsberger, Markus O15
Adamczewski, Zygmunt
"On the Way to Being. Reflecting on Conversations with Martin Heidegger" (1970)
"Martin Heidegger's The Question about Technic. A Translation and Commentary" (1973)
Alter, Maria P.
"Only a God Can Save Us: Der Spiegel's Interview with Martin Heidegger on September 23, 1966"
Anderson, John M.
Arendt, Hannah
Askay, Richard
Aylesworth, Gary
Bambach, Charles
“Wilhelm Dilthey’s Research and the Struggle for a Historical Worldview” (2002)
Barlow, John
Baur, Michael
Berman, Russell A.
Blunden, Allan
Borgmann, Albert
Bossert, Phillip J.
Brann, Eva
Bunch, Aaron
Campbell, Scott M.
Capobianco, Richard
“On the Question Concerning the Determination of the Matter for Thinking” (2010).
John Caputo
"Only a God Can Save Us: Der Spiegel's Interview with Martin Heidegger" (1976)
Capuzzi, Frank
Churchill, James S.
Colony, Tracy
Crick, Alan
Dahlstrom, Daniel
Davis, Bret W.
Davis, Julia
Davis, Steven
de Deugd, Cornelis
[Being and Time]. Sein und Zeit. An Informal Paraphrase of Sections 1-53, with Certain Omissions
as Noted (1955)
de Man, Paul
Deely, John N.
"The Idea of Phenomenology" (1970)
Deutsch, Vera
Dreyfus, Hubert
[Being and Time]. Sein und Zeit. An Informal Paraphrase of Sections 1-53, with Certain Omissions
as Noted (1955)
Ebel, Christine
"An Exchange of Letters between Emil Staiger and Martin Heidegger" (1990)
Edler, Frank
Eldred, Michael
Elliston, Frederick
"The Understanding of Time in Phenomenology and in the Thinking of the Being-Question" (1979)
Emad, Parvis
Farin, Ingo
The Concept of Time [The First Draft of Being and Time] (2011)
Foltz, Bruce V.
Freund, E. Hans
Fried, Gregory
Fritsch, Matthias
Gill, Gerry
Glasgow, R.D.V.
Göbel, Marie
“On the Question Concerning the Determination of the Matter for Thinking” (2010).
Gray, J. Glenn
Grene, Marjorie
Groth, Miles
Grugan, Arthur A.
Gualiardo, Vincent
Hamburg, Carl H.
Harries, Karsten
Harries, Lisa
Hart, James G.
Haynes, Kenneth
Heim, Michael
Hertz, Peter D.
Hoeller, Keith
Hofstadter, Albert
"The Origin of the Work of Art" (1965)
"Building Dwelling Thinking" (1971)
"Language" (1971)
" . . . Poetically Man Dwells . . ." (1971)
"The Thing" (1971)
"The Thinker as Poet" (1971)
"What Are Poets For?" (1971)
The Basic Problems of Phenomenology (1982)
Hull, R.F.C.
Kalary, Thomas
Mindfulness (2006)
“Poverty” (2011)
Kaufmann, Walter
Kenny, Brian
Kimmel, William
King, Elizabeth
Kisiel, Theodore
Kluback, William
Lang, Berel
"An Exchange of Letters between Emil Staiger and Martin Heidegger" (1990)
Lefebre, Ludwig B.
Letter to Medard Boss [excerpt] (1963)
Leidecker, Kurt F.
Lewis, William S.
Speeches and newspaper articles from the period May 27, 1933 and February 1, 1934 (1988)
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