MG6851-Principles of Management Question Bank
MG6851-Principles of Management Question Bank
MG6851-Principles of Management Question Bank
PART-A (2 Marks)
1. Explain the overall decision making process. Explain the process followed in normal
2. Explain the various decision making techniques and the factors influencing it.
3. Explain the process of MBO. What are the benefits & limitations of MBO? How will you
overcome the limitations?
4. (i)Explain the steps involved in strategic planning process. (ii)Distinguish
between strategic planning & operational planning
5.What are the principles for formulating policy in a modern organization? Explain the
essentials of formulating policies.
6. List the various techniques used in business forecasting. Explain any two in detail.
7. Distinguish between programmed & non-programmed decisions & discuss in detail about
the modern approaches to decision making under uncertainties.
8. Explain the principle of planning & discuss the various types of organizational plans with its
merits & demerit.
9. Explain briefly about the major kinds of strategies with examples.
10.Why planning is regarded as the primary function of management. Explain the various
steps in planning.
PART-A (2 Marks)
1. What is organizing?
2. Define span of management/span of control
3. Give the main difference between the formal and informal organization. Give examples.
4. List out the steps involved in organizing.
5. Discuss “Departmentation”. What is SBU?
6. What are the different bases of departmentation? Compare departmentation by function &
7. Define decentralization. What are its advantages?
8. How do you measure managerial effectiveness?
9. Define staffing. What are the selection process errors?
10. What is meant by performance appraisal?
11. What is career planning & career development?
12. What is human resource planning?
13. What do you understand by effective organizing?
14. What is functional departmentation?
15. What is on the job training?
16. What is departmentation by process and by product?
17. Mention the three categories of span of management.
18. What is staff authority?
19. Compare Line and staff authority.
20. How can we define power?
21. What is meant by Delegation of Authority? What is over delegation & under delegation?
1. Explain briefly about the various types of Departmentation. Explain its need &
2. (i)Explain briefly about the various types of Organizational structures. (ii)List
out the difference between Formal and Informal organization.
3. Discuss the span of management/managerial effectiveness. Explain the factors that
influence the effective management.
4. (i)Explain briefly about the overall selection process.
(ii)Explain about the human resource planning.
5. Delegation is the ability to get result through others – Discuss. Explain the steps &
guidelines while delegating authority.
6. Define Matrix organization why matrix organization is used? Discuss the advantages &
problems. Give guidelines for making Matrix management effective?
7. Explain the concept of decentralization along with its merits & demerits. How can
decentralization be effective?
8. Discuss the merits and demerits of a line and staff organization with examples. Compare Line
with line & staff organization.
9. Explain the various methods of training.
10. Describe the various types of performance appraisal.
PART-A (2 Marks)
1. Define Leading
2. Define directing.
3. What are the differences between creativity and innovation?
4. What is „noise‟ in a communication system?
5. What is non-verbal communication?
6. List out the various effective media in communication.
7. List the differences between verbal and non-verbal communication.
8. Define Communication. What is meant by downward communication?
9. What do you understand by grape vine communication?
10. State the important rules for effective communication.
11. Why is management by wandering around considered effective communication?
12. State the important characteristics of directing
13. What are the components of communication process?
14. What are the steps involved in creative process?
15. Differentiate innovation and invention.
16. What is meant by Brain Storming?
17. What are the elements of organizational culture?
18. What are the types of organizational culture?
19. What is cultural diversity?
20. What are the sources of culture?
21. Define organization culture.
1. What are the elements of organizational culture? How will you manage cultural diversity?
2. (i)Good communication is the foundation of Sound management. Comment.
(ii) Why is management by wandering around considered effective communication?
3. Discuss in detail about the Creativity and Innovation.
4. Discuss oral and non-verbal communication? Explain them in detail.
5. Define communication. Explain the process of communication.
6. (i)Discuss the effect of electronic media in communication process.
(ii)Write a brief note on barriers to communication & communication network.
7. Explain the different types of communication. Discuss its relative merits and demerits.
8. Explain the importance of communication. Explain the different forms of communication process.
9. Define the barriers involved in effective communication. Explain few suggestions to
overcome them.
10. What is organizational culture? Explain in detail about the various types of culture.
PART-A (2 Marks)
1. Define Controlling. What is critical point control?
2. What are the steps involved in the control process?
3. What is globalisation?
4. What do you mean by Z theory?
5. What do you understand by flexi budget & variable budget?
6. What is meant by maintenance control?
7. What is MNC? Give an example.
8. State some key words of cost control.
9. Mention the application of operation research productivity management?
10. What is budgetary control?
11. Define Productivity.
12. What are the factors affecting productivity?
13. What are the factors to be considered for product design?
14. What is quality control?
15. What is meant by preventive control?
16. What is MIS?
17. Give some examples for New Control Technique.
18. What is PERT and CPM?
19. What are the traditional techniques of control?
20. List any four types of control.
1. What are the steps involved in the process of controlling? What are the characteristics of
2. Explain in detail the various budgetary & non budgetary control techniques.
3. Discuss in detail about the tools & techniques used for improving Productivity. Discuss the future
of operations research.
4. Explain how computers are useful in controlling organizational issues.
5. What are requirements for effective control? What are the characteristics of controlling?
6. What are the basic steps in planning the system in operations management?
7. Explain the term operations management & the major managerial activities involved in it.
8. Describe the various types of budgets.
9. PERT is a management technique of planning and control. Explain.
10. Explain the types of control.