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The Game of Persuasion

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The Game of Persuasion

tudents will engage in a persuasive argument about a meaningful topic.


Students will: 

1. Work in small groups to brainstorm persuasive ideas and organize them

into a cohesive argument they will present to the class.
2. Learn vocabulary terms associated with persuasion.


1. Chart paper or chalkboard

2. Markers
3. Transparencies
4. Overhead projector
5. Five 3x5 index cards for each student
6. Class set of dictionaries (enough for students to use with a partner)
7. Stapler or tape for adhering index cards to a Word Wall or bulletin board
8. Powerful Words Printable (PDF) from Genre Writing Lessons Focused
Step-by-Step Lessons, Graphic Organizers, and Rubrics That Guide
Students Through Each Stage of the Writing Process


1. Prepare a transparency for the Powerful Words printable.

2. Copy class set of the Powerful Words.
3. Type up the following arguments to assign to each group:
o Dropout Dora — Your friend Dora has lost interest in school and
her grades are suffering. As a result, she'll be repeating 9th grade.
Dora has decided to quit and work more hours as a waitress to
support herself. She says she'll eventually get her diploma on her
own. Compose a logical argument convincing Dora to stay in
school, with reasons why it is to her benefit.
o Your parent is considering a job in Seattle, Washington. If your
parent takes the job, it would mean that your family would relocate
during Thanksgiving break. For you, this would mean adapting to a
new town, a new school, and new friends. Your parent has asked
for your help in making this decision. Compose a logical argument
to either support moving or support staying where you are.
o Century High School is considering eliminating study hall from the
school schedule. While this would force you to take another class
and earn additional credits, it would eliminate time to study. Either
persuade the school board to eliminate Study Hall or keep it on the
o High school athletes must maintain a passing grade in each class
to be eligible to participate in sports. Some teachers and coaches
believe that requiring a minimum 60% grade in each class isn't a
high enough standard. Therefore, it's been suggested that athletes
should have a minimum of 70% in each class at the end of each
week to be eligible to play. Compose an argument to either support
raising the grade requirement or to keep it at the current
o Many schools in California have changed their school calendar so
that they are now year-round schools. They still have time off in the
summer, but they don't have the traditional 3-month break. Some
Illinois schools are considering following in California's footsteps.
Compose an argument either in support of the year-round school
calendar or in support of continuing the traditional school calendar.
4. Divide your class into teams of 4-5, depending on your class size.
Designate a recorder and speaker for each team or have the students
choose these roles. Assign an argument to each group.
5. Decide on a signal to let the groups know when their work time and
presentation time is finished.
6. Arrange classroom seating to accommodate group work and discussion.
Have chart paper and markers available for each group.
7. Create a Word Wall or bulletin board with the 39 words from the Powerful
Words printable. Students will later post definitions written on 3x5 index
cards next to the words.


1. Powerful Words Printable (PDF)

Day 1
Step 1: Begin the lesson with this statement: "Raise your hand if you usually win
an argument, any argument — with your siblings, parents, friends,
boyfriend/girlfriend, and so on." Ask those who raised their hands: "Why do you
think you win? What do you do or what techniques do you use to win your
arguments?" Generate a brief discussion. Include ideas like everyone doesn't
think the same way and has different viewpoints of various topics. Give an
example by stating your favorite season of the year or favorite flavor of ice cream
and asking students to share theirs. Then ask: "What is the word for trying to
convince someone to change his or her mind about something?" Elicit from
students the wordpersuade. Write the word and the definition on chart paper or

Step 2: Explain to students that they're going to engage in an argument today in

small groups. Each group will be given an argument and their job is to discuss
and generate ideas for persuasion. Review the activity with the students:

 Each group will have a recorder and a speaker. The recorder will write
down the team's arguments and the speaker will present those arguments
in order to persuade the audience to believe in the same way.
 They must work together as a team to produce the best ideas for their
 They will have 20 minutes to work together. The speaker will have 3
minutes to present.
 A signal will indicate when the group time is up and when the presenter's
time is up.

Step 3: Assign groups, recorders, and speakers. Allow 20 minutes to work. Upon
completion, invite speakers to present their argument to the class. Afterwards,
process the arguments by asking students what they learned while listening to
each argument and whether or not they sided with the speaker's perspective.
Why or why not?

Day 2

Step 4: Begin by reviewing the activity from the previous day and the concept of
persuasion. Ask students to share some examples of when people tried to
persuade them or times when they tried to persuade someone else. You may
also want to point out the following:

 Commercials and advertisements try to persuade you to buy things.

 People running for an official position try to persuade you to vote for them
by convincing you that they are the best person to meet your needs.
 Your teacher tries to persuade you into doing your best in school by
promising you that better things in life come to those who are educated.

Point out that some of the speakers from the argument activity used particular
words that persuaded us to think a certain way. Have students recall some words
or phrases that the speakers used. Tell students that they will learn some terms
or "powerful words" that can be used for persuasion.

Step 5: Distribute the Powerful Words printable to each student. Using the
Powerful Words transparency, review the vocabulary list with the students.
Explain that these are "powerful words" that good speakers or writers would use
to persuade other people to do something that they want them to do. Explain to
students that they will be writing their own persuasive business letter in class,
and that they will be required to use at least five "powerful words" in their letter.
Ask students to draw a star next the five words they would like to use. They can
add to or delete from this list later, if needed.

Step 6: Show your students the Word Wall with the 39 "powerful words"
displayed. Distribute five index cards to each student. Ask them to write this
information on each card clearly: their name, one of their words, its definition, and
their own sample sentence using the word. Distribute dictionaries to each student
or pair of students. Ask for volunteers to look up the definitions and write
sentences for words that students have not chosen. Walk around the room,
monitoring the students, and check to see which words have not been chosen.
Assign those words to the volunteers. When all students have finished, review
each word with the class by asking one student who chose that word to read their
definition and sample sentence aloud. Have them staple their cards to the Word

Step 7: Throughout the unit, choose one of the words from the Word Wall and
ask for a volunteer to come and read the definition and sample sentence out
loud. This will help reinforce students' comprehension of the "powerful words."


Students who do not work well in groups can present either a verbal or written

1. Repeat Day 1 and have the students come up with the opposite viewpoint
from what they presented the first time. Swap the recorder and speaker
roles. Encourage students to use "powerful words" in their arguments.
2. Instead of using all 5 scenarios on Day 1, choose two or three and have
one group support the argument while another group supports the
opposite viewpoint. Introduce the idea of a debate. Have the class vote on
which speaker was the most convincing.

Written Outcome: Check the sample sentence on each student's index card for
understanding of the word.

1. Participate in a small group activity
2. 5 "powerful word" definitions and sample sentences


1. Students can work on the Online Activity Making Connections with

Transitional Words - Mini Lesson 1 to continue their study of persuasive
2. For homework, ask students to brainstorm a topic that is meaningful to
them and write a persuasive paragraph supporting their argument.


1. Were the students engaged in the small group activity?

2. Did the arguments presented to the small groups generate enough
enthusiasm from the students?

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