WSN Module 1 PDF
WSN Module 1 PDF
WSN Module 1 PDF
Sensor Nodes
Worldsens Inc. Sensor Node Crossbow Sensor Node
Sensor Node Components
Mote /sensor node
WSN Communication Architecture
Low-power embedded processor
• computational tasks on a WSN device
• processing of both locally sensed information as
well as information communicated by other
• research and development have only an eight-bit
16-MHz processor
• embedded operating systems, such as TinyOS.
• WSN devices may possess extremely powerful
embedded processors
• efficient sleep modes and dynamic voltage scaling
to provide significant energy savings.
• Storage in the form of random access and read-only
memory includes both program memory (from
which instructions are executed by the processor),
and data memory (for storing raw and processed
sensor measurements and other local information).
• quantities of memory and storage on board a WSN
device are often limited primarily by economic
considerations, and are also likely to improve over
Radio transceiver
• include a low-rate, short-range wireless radio (10–
100 kbps, <100 m).
• NEEDED improvements in cost, spectral efficiency,
tunability, and immunity to noise, fading, and
• the radio must incorporate energy-efficient sleep
and wake-up modes.
• Due to bandwidth and power constraints, WSN
devices primarily support only low-data-rate
• each device may have several sensors on board.
• sensors used are highly dependent on the
• include temperature sensors, light sensors,
humidity sensors, pressure sensors, accelerometers,
magnetometers, chemical sensors, acoustic sensors,
or even low-resolution imagers.
Geo positioning system
• it is important for all sensor measurements to
be location stamped.
• Obtain positioning is to pre-configure sensor
locations at deployment, but this may only be
feasible in limited deployments.
• network is deployed in an ad hoc manner,
such information is most easily obtained via
satellite-based GPS.
Power source
• For flexible deployment the WSN device is
likely to be battery powered (e.g. using LiMH
AA batteries).
• the finite battery energy is likely to be the
most critical resource bottleneck in most WSN
Applications of wireless sensor networks
Health Applications
• Telemonitoring of human physiological data
• Tracking and monitoring doctors and patients inside a hospital
• Drug administration in hospitals 22
Wireless Sensor Networks Applications
Home and Office Applications
• Home and office automation
• Smart environment
Automotive Applications
• Reduces wiring effects
• Measurements in chambers and rotating parts
• Remote technical inspections
• Conditions monitoring e.g. at a bearing
Wireless Sensor Networks Applications
Underwater Acoustic Sensor Networks ref.
Georgia Institute of Technology
Key design challenges
• Extended lifetime: As mentioned above, WSN
nodes will generally be severely energy
constrained due to the limitations of batteries.
• Responsiveness: A simple solution to extending
network lifetime is to operate the nodes in a duty-
cycled manner with periodic switching between
sleep and wake-up modes.
• Synergy: Moore’s law-type advances in technology
have ensured that device capabilities in terms of
processing power, memory, storage, radio
transceiver performance, and even accuracy of
sensing improve rapidly (given a fixed cost).
• Scalability: For many envisioned applications, the
combination of fine granularity sensing and large
coverage area implies that wireless sensor networks
have the potential to be extremely large scale (tens
of thousands, perhaps even millions of nodes in the
long term).
• Heterogeneity: There will be a heterogeneity of
device capabilities (with respect to computation,
communication, and sensing) in realistic settings.
• Self-configuration: Because of their scale and the
nature of their applications, wireless sensor
networks are inherently unattended distributed
• Self-optimization and adaptation: Traditionally,
most engineering systems are optimized a priori to
operate efficiently in the face of expected or well
modeled operating conditions.
• Systematic design: As we shall see, wireless sensor
networks can often be highly application specific.
• Privacy and security: The large scale, prevalence,
and sensitivity of the information collected by
wireless sensor networks (as well as their potential
deployment in hostile locations) give rise to the
final key challenge of ensuring both privacy and
Network deployment
• Deployment Issues
•Structured versus Randomized Deployment
•Over deployed versus Incremental Deployment
•Connectivity and Coverage Metrics of Interest
Structured versus randomized deployment
• randomized deployment approach is appealing for
futuristic applications of a large scale, where nodes are
dropped from aircraft or mixed into concrete before
being embedded in a smart structure.
• Randomized sensor deployment can be even more
challenging in some respects, since there is no way to
configure a priori the exact location of each device.
• Additional post-deployment self-configuration
mechanisms are therefore required to obtain the
desired coverage and connectivity.
• In case of a uniform random deployment, the only
parameters that can be controlled a priori are the
numbers of nodes and some related settings on these
nodes, such as their transmission range.
Structured placement
Many small–medium-scale WSNs are likely to be
deployed in a structured manner via careful hand
placement of network nodes. In both cases, the cost
and availability of equipment will often be a
significant constraint.
Possible methodology for structured placement :
• Place sink/gateway device at a location that provides the desired
wired network and power connectivity.
• Place sensor nodes in a prioritized manner at locations of the
operational area where sensor measurements are needed.
• If necessary, add additional nodes to provide requisite network
Network topology
• Regardless of whether the deployment is
randomized or structured, the connectivity
properties of the network topology can be
further adjusted after deployment by varying
transmit powers.
• The communication network can be configured
into several different topologies
• Single-hop star
• The simplest WSN topology is the single-hop star
shown in Figure (a). Every node in this topology
communicates its measurements directly to the
• Wherever feasible, this approach can significantly
simplify design, as the networking concerns are
reduced to a minimum.
• However, the limitation of this topology is its poor
scalability and robustness properties. For instance,
in larger areas, nodes that are distant from the
gateway will have poor-quality wireless links.
• Multi-hop mesh and grid
• For larger areas and networks, multi-hop
routing is necessary.
• Depending on how they are placed, the nodes
could form an arbitrary mesh graph as in
Figure (b)or they could form a more
structured communication graph such as the
2D grid structure shown in Figure (c).
• Two-tier hierarchical cluster
• Perhaps the most compelling architecture for WSN
is a deployment architecture where multiple nodes
within each local region report to different cluster
heads .There are a number of ways in which such a
hierarchical architecture may be implemented.
• This approach becomes particularly attractive in
heterogeneous settings when the cluster-head
nodes are more powerful in terms of
• Within each cluster there could be either
single-hop or multi-hop communication.
• Once data reach a cluster-head they would
then be routed through the second-tier
network formed by cluster-heads to another
cluster-head or a gateway.
Connectivity in geometric random graphs
• The connectivity (and coverage) properties of
random deployments can be best analyzed using
Random Graph Theory.
• There are several models of random graphs that
have been studied in the literature.
• A random graph model is essentially a systematic
description of some random experiment that can be
used to generate graph instances.
• These models usually contain a tuning parameter
that varies the average density of the constructed
random graph.
• The Bernoulli random graphs, G(n,p) studied in
traditional Random Graph Theory are formed by
taking n vertices and placing random edges
between each pair of vertices independently with
probability p.
• A random graph model that more closely represents
wireless multi-hop networks is the geometric
random graph
• In a geometric G(n,R) randomgraph, n nodes are
placed at random with uniform distribution in a
square area of unit size (more generally, a
d-dimensional cube). There is an edge (u,v)
between any pair of nodes u and v, if the Euclidean
distance between them is less than R.
• Figure illustrates G(n,R)for n=40 at two different R values.
When R is small, each node can connect only to other
nodes that are close by, and the resulting graph is sparse;
on the other hand, a large R allows longer links and results
in a dense connectivity.
Connectivity in G(n, R)
• Figure shows how the probability of network connectivity varies as
the radius parameter R of a geometric random graph is varied.
Depending on the number of nodes n, there exist different critical
radii beyond which the graph is connected with high probability.
These transitions become sharper (shifting to lower radii) as the
number of nodes increases.
• Figure shows the probability that the network is connected with
respect to the total number of nodes for different values of fixed
transmission range in a fixed area for all nodes. It can be observed
that, depending on the transmission range, there is some number of
nodes beyond which there is a high probability that the network
obtained is connected.
Monotone properties in G(n, R)
• A monotonically increasing property is any graph property
that continues to hold if additional edges are added to a
graph that already has the property. A graph property is
called monotone if the property or its inverse are
monotonically increasing.
• Nearly all graph properties of interest from a networking
perspective, such as K-connectivity, Hamiltonicity,
K-colorability, etc., are monotone.
• all monotone properties are satisfied with high probability
within a critical transmission range that is
Connectivity in G(n, K)
Connectivity and coverage in Ggrid(n, p, R)
• In this model n nodes are placed on a square grid
within a unit area, p is the probability that a node is
active (not failed), and R is the transmission range
of each node. For this unreliable sensor grid model,
the following properties have been determined:
Connectivity using power control
• Adjust the connectivity properties of the deployed
• This parameter is the radio transmission power
setting for all nodes in the network.
• Power control is quite a complex and challenging
cross-layer issue
• Increasing radio transmission power has a number
of interrelated consequences –some of these are
positive, others negative:
• It can extend the communication range, increasing
the number of communicating neighboring nodes
and improving connectivity in the form of
availability of end-to-end paths.
• For existing neighbors, it can improve link quality
(in the absence of other interfering traffic).
• It can induce additional interference that reduces
capacity and introduces congestion.
• It can cause an increase in the energy expended.
• Most of the literature on power-based topology
control has been developed for general ad hoc
wireless networks, but these results are very much
central to the configuration of WSN.
some key results and proposed techniques here.
• providing minimum energy paths may require some
nodes in the network to have high transmission
powers, potentially limiting network lifetime due to
partitions caused by rapid battery depletion of
these nodes
• under more dynamic conditions this may not be an
issue, as load balancing may be provided through
activation of different nodes at different times.
Minimum energy connected network construction (MECN)
• A graph topology is defined to be a minimum power
• if for any pair of nodes there exists a path in the graph that
consumes the least energy compared with any other
possible path. The construction of such a topology is the
goal of the MECN (minimum energy communication
network) algorithm.
• Each node’s enclosure is defined as the region around it.
• energy-efficient to transmit directly without relaying only
for the neighboring nodes.
• The MECN topology control algorithm first constructs the
enclosure graph in a distributed manner, then prunes it
using a link energy cost-based Bellman–Ford algorithm to
determine the minimum power topology.
• Let C(u, v) be the energy cost for a direct
transmission between nodes u and v in the MECN-
generated topology. It is possible that there exists
another route r between these very nodes, such
that the total cost of routing on that path
C(r)<C(u,v); in this case the edge (u,v) is redundant.
• The small minimum energy communication network
(SMECN) distributed protocol, while still
suboptimal, provides a provably smaller topology
with the minimum power property compared to
• The advantage of such a topology with a smaller
number of edges is primarily a reduced cost for link
Minimum common power setting (COMPOW)