Steven Taylor - The Psychology of Pandemics - Preparing For The Next Global Outbreak of Infectious Disease-Cambridge Scholars Publishing (2019) PDF
Steven Taylor - The Psychology of Pandemics - Preparing For The Next Global Outbreak of Infectious Disease-Cambridge Scholars Publishing (2019) PDF
Steven Taylor - The Psychology of Pandemics - Preparing For The Next Global Outbreak of Infectious Disease-Cambridge Scholars Publishing (2019) PDF
The Psychology
Steven Taylor
The Psychology ofPandemics:
Preparingfor the Next Global Outbreak of I n fectious Disease
BySteven Taylor
All rights for this book reserved. No part ofthis book may be reproduced,
stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any fonn or by any means,
electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without
the prior pennission ofthe copyright owner.
Foreword.......................................................................................................................... xi
Preface .............................................................................................................................. xv
7. Conspiracy theories............................................................................................... 63
What are conspiracy theories?
Medical conspiracy theories
Causes and correlates of conspiratorial thinking
Methods for reducing conspiratorial thinking
The Psychology of Pandemics ix
There have been numerous pandemics over the past century and
earlier, typically arising from some form of influenza. Pandemic
influenza is widely considered to be one of the leading public health
threats facing the world today. Virologists predict that the next
influenza pandemic could arrive any time in the coming years, with
potentially devastating consequences. People do not have pre-existing
immunity to the pathogens causing pandemics. Effective drug
treatments are not always available. Vaccinations, if available, and
behavioral methods are first-line interventions for reducing morbidity
and mortality. Behavioral methods include hygienic practices (e.g.,
hand-washing) and social distancing methods (e.g., limiting large social
The question arises as to how best apportion healthcare resources
for managing pandemics. Such resources, by definition, are limited. It is
important that resources be apportioned to essential services and to
the development and distribution of vaccines and other methods for
halting or limiting the spread of infection. Remarkably, public health
agencies have devoted few resources for specifically dealing with the
psychological factors that influence pandemic-related emotional
reactions (e.g., fear, anxiety, distress) and behavioral problems (e.g.,
nonadherence, avoidance, stigmatization of out-groups). Healthcare
authorities neglect the role of psychological factors in pandemic
related infection even though these factors are important for many
reasons. They play a vital role, for example, in adherence to vaccination
and social distancing, both of which are vital for stemming the spread
of infection. Nonadherence to vaccination is a widespread problem
even during pandemics.
Psychological factors also play an important role in the way in which
people cope with the threat of pandemic infection and its sequelae, such
as the loss of loved ones. Although many people cope well under threat,
many other people experience high levels of distress or a worsening of
pre-existing psychological problems, such as anxiety disorders and
other clinical conditions. Psychological factors are further important
for understanding and managing broader societal problems associated
xvi Preface
Notable Pandemics
The most famous pandemic was the Bubonic Plague (e.g., 1346-
1 3 5 3), attributed to Yersinia pestis, which killed an estimated 50 million
people worldwide Oohnson & Mueller, 2002). Over the past century,
What is a pandemic? 3
The notation system for influenza, HxNx (e.g., H1Nl, H3N8) refers
to the virus's hemagglutinin (H) and neuraminidase (N) membrane
proteins. Terms such as "Swine flu" and "Asian flu" have become
standard labels for pandemics. Such names are used here because
readers will likely be familiar with them. However, as we will see later,
such terms should be used with caution. The terms "flu" and "influenza"
also can be sources of confusion. With the exception of the established
names for pandemics (e.g., "Swine flu"), the term "influenza" rather
than "flu" will be used throughout this book because "flu" is a vague,
broad term used to describe symptoms and signs that may or may not
be caused by an influenza virus (e.g., fever, cough, runny nose, muscle
aches; Doshi, 2013).
Pandemic Influenza
It has been speculated that future pandemics will arise from some
strain of Avian influenza (e.g., H5Nl or H7N9) or from combinations of
4 Chapter 1
because of staff absenteeism and because shoppers were either too ill
or too frightened to venture out to the stores (Pettigrew, 1983). The
personal financial impact of a pandemic can be as severe and stressful
as the infection itself, especially for people who are already
experiencing financial hardship. This is illustrated by the following
account of one American family during the Spanish flu pandemic.
In December 1918 influenza struck, infecting Mr. D. and then his wife
and five children. By late December he had been out of work for three
weeks due to his own illness and then that of his family. For the first few
weeks the family had managed on their meager savings and on money
sent from a relative. After that, the family became frantic and
approached the Society of the Friendless for aid. Mr. D. was unable to go
to work because he dared not leave his sick family unattended. The
situation became increasingly desperate. They had run out of coal for
heating and there was no food in the house. Having no money, Mr. D.
attempted to get credit at the grocery store but was declined.
Compounding his problems, Mr. D. lost his job because of his absence
from work. (Bristow, 2010, pp. 139-140)
Writing from Coventry in 1973, Ethel Robson recalled how at the age of
nine she was suddenly thrust into the role of sole caretaker for her
family when her eight brothers and sisters, ranging in ages from 10
months to 15 years, contracted the flu together with her mother. For
some reason, Robson writes, "I was the only one out of all the family that
didn't have the virus." Although a doctor visited twice a day, no one else
was allowed into the house, "therefore I was doing my best to help the
others:· (Honigsbaum, 2009, p. 86)
The huskies (dogs) now began to eatthe dead bodies, and the child was
a spectator of this horrible incident. So mad did the beasts become,
upon taking human flesh, that they attacked the child herself, biting her
arm. ... It was thirty degrees below zero. The little girl had used the last
of the Christmas candles to melt snow for drinking water (Pettigrew,
1983, pp. 29-30).
Economic Costs
be vaccinated) (Galvani & May, 2005; Shen et a!., 2004; Temime et a!.,
Superspreading is also shaped by other factors, including the nature
of the infectious agent and herd immunity. Herd immunity, also known
as community immunity, refers to the indirect protection from infectious
disease that occurs when a large proportion of the population becomes
immune to infection, which provides a degree of protection to people
who are not immune (Fine, Eames, & Heymann, 2011). This impedes
the spread of infection by disrupting the chains of contagion.
Superspreading is especially likely to occur for diseases that have
substantial incubation periods; that is, periods in which infected people
are contagious but asymptomatic, meaning that the person may be
unknowingly spreading disease to others. Incubation periods for
influenza may vary from person to person (Virlogeux et a!., 2016) and
may depend on the strain. During the 2009 Swine flu pandemic, the
incubation period was 1-4 days (Nishiura & Inaba, 2011; Tuite et a!.,
2010). A study conducted in China during the Avian flu epidemic found
thatthe median incubation period was 8 days (Huang et a!., 2014). Such
a long incubation period means that a person may infect many other
people before becoming symptomatic.
The 2003 SARS outbreak is an example in which superspreading
was well-documented (Shen et a!., 2004). SARS, which spreads in a
manner similar to influenza, can have an incubation period of2-10 days
(Shen et a!., 2004). In one case of SARS superspreading, a 62-year-old
woman was admitted to a Beijing hospital for treatment of diabetes
mellitus. While in hospital, her SARS symptoms became apparent (e.g.,
fever, headache) but were misdiagnosed as tuberculosis. Her clinical
condition deteriorated and she died. During her hospital stay, she had
74 close contacts, including 2 5 HCWs, 1 1 relatives, 36 co-patients in the
same ward, and 2 people who accompanied other patients on the ward.
Among these close contacts, SARS developed in 33 (45%) of the 74
people (Shen et a!., 2004). Superspreaders have also been reported for
many other outbreaks of infectious disease, such as the Middle East
Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (e.g., AI-Tawfiq & Memish, 2016;
Lau et a!., 2017).
Historically, the most famous superspreader was Mary Mallon,
dubbed "Typhoid Mary" by the news media (Soper, 1939). Typhoid is a
highly contagious infectious disease caused by Salmonella typhi. People
can be chronically asymptomatic carriers (Wain, Hendriksen, Mikoleit,
Keddy, & Ochiai, 2015). At the turn of the 20th century, typhoid
epidemics were commonplace, with no effective treatment (Soper,
10 Chapter 1
typhoid in my life, and have always been healthy," Mallon told one
reporter. 'Why should I be banished like a leper and compelled to live
in solitary confinement with only a dog for a companion?" (Brooks,
1996, p. 916)
Mallon was released on the proviso that she promised not to work
as a cook, not to handle the food of others, observe various other
precautions, and report to the New York City Department of Health
every three months (Soper, 1939). But on release, she promptly
disappeared, changed her name, and resumed working as a cook in
hotels, restaurants, and sanatoria. While working at a maternity
hospital she infected 25 people. She was later apprehended and
returned to the quarantine hospital, where she spent the remainder of
her life (Brooks, 1996).
The case of Typhoid Mary is relevant to a future influenza pandemic
in that it is possible that some people will be asymptomatic carriers of
influenza. As many as 36% of people infected with seasonal influenza
may be asymptomatic and never show symptoms, possibly due to
preexisting partial immunity (Furuya-Kanamori et aI., 2016). Such
people can inadvertently transmit the virus to other people, but not at
the same rate as symptomatic people (Bridges, Kuehnert, & Hall, 2003).
Mary Mallon adamantly denied that she was inflected with typhoid,
and so her spreading of typhoid did not appear to be intentional. But
what about the intentional spread of infection? There have been
What is a pandemic? 11
Socioeconomic Factors
The poor may have been among the first victims but the pestilence
eventually levelled populations equally ... Few saw the rich surviving
any better than the poor. (Cohn, 2010, p. 208)
There are several possible reasons why the poor were among the
first victims, including overcrowding, which increases the risk of
contagion, poor housing conditions, lack of access to clean water
(increasing the risk of secondary infection), and being in poor health
before they were struck by infection (O'Sullivan & Phillips, 2019).
People with greater economic resources have great opportunities for
seeking medical care and for avoiding infection, at least in the short
term, including fleeing infected areas until the pandemic catches up
with them. The same thing may happen during the next pandemic.
Depopulation of cities occurred in past pandemics and could occur
12 Chapter 1
during the next one. The historical record, although scant in details,
suggests that both wealthy and poor people will be at risk for
pandemic-related psychological distress.
Risk Communication
Although the WHO guidelines might appear sound and might seem
to address psychological issues in risk communication, there are
important issues that are not addressed. For example, is adherence to
health guidelines improved by messages that induce fear in the public,
or do such messages tend to backfire? Such psychological issues merit
careful consideration and are discussed later in this volume.
Pharmacological Treatments
2011; Statistics Canada, 2010; Steel Fisher et aI., 2012; Taha, Matheson,
& Anisman, 2013). In a study conducted in Switzerland during the same
pandemic, no more than 20% of the population sought vaccination
(Bangerter et aI., 2012). Psychological factors, as discussed later in this
book, are important for understanding seemingly self-defeating
behaviors such as vaccination nonadherence.
Hygiene Practices
a British study found thata quarter of rail and bus commuters had fecal
bacteria on their hands Oudah et a!., 2010). According to a systematic
review of 96 studies, a mean of 40% of people fail to wash their hands
after toilet use (Erasmus et a!., 2010). During the 2009 Swine flu
pandemic, people who viewed themselves as having a low risk of
infection were less likely to wash their hands (Gilles et a!., 2011). As
discussed later in this book, several psychological variables predict a
person's proclivity to engage in the hygiene behaviors necessary for
pandemic control.
Social Distancing
illness). Reactive closures may occur too late in an outbreak to have any
meaningful benefit (Davis et aI., 2015), whereas proactive closures can
slow the spread of infection (House et aI., 2011; Kawaguchi et aI., 2009;
Wu et aI., 2010). There has been a concern that students dismissed from
schools may congregate elsewhere, thereby undermining efforts aimed
at social distancing to mitigate disease transmission. However,
research suggests that school closure decreases the number of social
contacts among school children (Aiello et aI., 2010).
Potential adverse effects of school closure include (1) loss of access to
school nutrition programs (breakfast and lunch) for the underprivileged,
(2) lack of child-care for low-income working parents, (3) income loss
if parents have to stay home to look after their children, and (4)
disrupted learning (8erkman, 2008). These concerns are moot if
schools are simply unable to remain open during a pandemic because
of illness-related staff absenteeism. Nevertheless, if schools must be
closed then it is important to plan to mitigate the negative effects on
students and their caregivers.
As for social distancing in general, social isolation is a potential
adverse effect (Abeysinghe & White, 2010). Fortunately, however,
people can gain significant social contact and social support from social
media (e.g., Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat) (Trepte & Scharkow, 2017).
Therefore, physical isolation due to social distancing need not
necessarily lead to a significant erosion of social contact and social
The economic hardship associated with social distancing is a more
important problem. About 40% of American workers in the private
sector do not have paid sick leave (Levi et aI., 2010) and therefore suffer
economic hardship during work closure. This disproportionately
affects women, low wage-earners, and part-time workers (US Congress
Joint Economic Committee, 2010). People have also expressed
concerns about the closure of places of worship during pandemics,
citing the need for shared support and worship during times of crisis
(8aum, Jacobson, & Goold, 2009; Schoch-Spana, 2004). For these and
other reasons discussed later in this volume, many people fail to adhere
to social distancing recommendations during a pandemic. During the
2009 Swine flu pandemic, for example, a study of faculty and students
at the University of Delaware revealed that very few people (6-9%)
with acute respiratory infection actually stayed home when ill, and
many sick people (45%) attended social events even though they were
contagious (Mitchell et aI., 2011). A multinational study during the
same pandemic found that many respondents from the UK and US
Contemporary methods for managing pandemics 21
Health monitors were hired to patrol the streets watching for plague
victims. These monitors sent the plague victims to the pesthouses
[plague housesL had their belongings burned and their homes
disinfected and boarded up; very often with other family members still
inside. However, the people fought back by withholding reporting
plague cases to the authorities, risking strappado; a punishment of
having their hands bound behind their backs, and then being hung by
the wrists. People became adept at hiding their sick relatives or even co
workers, in the hope that the victim may be spared the pesthouse.
(Staiano, 2008, p. 142)
Every effort must be made to control alarm, not only among the troops
but among the public and the Press. The daily publication of statistics is
very undesirable. (Pettigrew, 1983, p. 15)
in terms of the number of people affected and the duration for which
they were affected (Cheng, 2004; Washer, 2004). For some people, the
psychological effects of SARS persisted long after they had recovered
from the virus, as discussed below.
Although many people will probably experience emotional distress
during the next pandemic, the picture will be more complex. People
differ in how they react to psychosocial stressors such as the threat of,
or an actual occurrence of, a pandemic. Reactions can be diverse,
ranging from fear to indifference to fatalism (Honingsbaum, 2009;
Pettigrew, 1983; Wheaton, Abramowitz, Berman, Fabricant, & Olatunji,
2012). At one end of the spectrum, some people frankly disregard or
deny the risks, and fail to engage in recommended health behaviors
such as vaccination, hygiene practices, and social distancing. At the
other end of the spectrum, many people react with intense anxiety or
fear. A moderate level of fear or anxiety can motivate people to cope
with health threats, but severe distress can be debilitating.
Fear of an impending pandemic can precede any actual pandemic
and may have to be dealt with in addition to managing the pandemic
itself (van den Bulck & Custers, 2009). The surge of patients on
hospitals can occur even when an outbreak is only a rumor. During the
2009 Swine flu pandemic, for example, consider a study conducted in
Utah. At a time when there was heightened public concern about
influenza but little disease prevalence in Utah, emergency room
departments experienced substantial surges in patient volumes, with
the volumes comparable to the increases experienced when the disease
actually reached the state (McDonnell, Nelson, & Schunk, 2012). Most
of the surge was due to pediatric visits. Young children frequently
contract diseases with flu-like features (e.g., fever, cough, congestion),
which were likely misinterpreted by their parents as possible signs of
Swine flu.
Anxiety and fear become even more prevalent when the pandemic
actually arrives. During the early stages of the 2009 Swine flu
pandemic, for example, 24% of a UK community sample reported
significant anxiety about the outbreak (Rubin, AmI6t, Page, & Wessely,
2009). In a survey of American college students during the early stages
of the same pandemic, most (83%) reported at least some degree of
anxiety about becoming infected (Kanadiya & Sallar, 2011). Some
people may develop excessive fears of death and disability, while
others may express fears of being shunned by others if they were to
become ill (Cheng, Wong, Tsang, & Wong, 2004). Some people may
become so anxious that they experience clinically significant levels of
Psychological reactions to pandemics 25
ones (Shultz et a!., 2008; Taylor, 2017). Although there are few data on
the incidence of PTSD from influenza pandemics, anecdotal reports
suggest that some survivors had repetitive, vivid, detailed recollections
of pandemic-related stressors, suggestive of PTSD reexperiencing
symptoms. Some of these occurred decades after the event, as
suggested by the following account from a 96-year-old woman who
described her repetitive, intrusive recollections of the funeral of her
mother, father, and brother in Britain during the 1918 Spanish flu
It's like a film in my head. There were the black horses with the plumes
made from ostrich feathers, then the gun carriage with my dad's coffin
covered with the union flag. My mother's coffin was in a big glass hearse
with Noel's coffin under the driver's seat. (Honigsbaum, 2009, p. 104)
Depression or severe grief can occur in people who have lost loved
ones during a pandemic. As recalled by one Spanish flu survivor, "Every
day there was someone we knew in the obituary columns" (Pettigrew,
1983, p. 16). Severe guilt may occur if a person believes they should
have saved loved ones or believes they were somehow responsible for
the spread of disease (Taylor, 2017).
As a pandemic unfolds, some people adapt to the threat and become
less anxious. However, in some cases the psychological effects can be
severe and long-lasting. Research on the SARS outbreak shows that the
psychological effects are not always short-lived, and that emotional
reactions can be severe and persistent
SARS arose from a novel strain of coronavirus, causing flu-like
symptoms with prominent respiratory distress, which in many cases
led to pneumonia. When SARS emerged in 2002-2003, little was known
about its course or optimal management Worldwide, SARS infected
over 8,000 people and about 10% died (WHO, 2004). SARS has been
described as a mental health catastrophe (Gardner & Moallef, 2015)
because of widespread psychopathology associated with the disease.
Various types of SARS-related fears predominated, including fear for
survival and fear of infecting others, and some patients developed
symptoms of PTSD. To illustrate the latter, a longitudinal (2-46 month)
study found that 44% of SARS patients developed PTSD (Hong et a!.,
2009). In another survey of Beijing hospital workers during the SARS
outbreak, about 10% developed PTSD symptoms (WU et a!., 2009).
Respondents who had been quarantined, worked at high-risk sites such
as SARS wards, or had friends or close relatives who contracted SARS,
Psychological reactions to pandemics 27
were 2-3 times more likely to have PTSD symptoms than people
without these exposures (WU et a!., 2009). Quarantine can be
distressing for many people, with some experiencing anxiety for their
safety or anger about being involuntarily confined.
For many SARS patients, psychological distress, including PTSD
symptoms, persisted well after the infection had been treated, in some
cases for years after patients had recovered from the physical effects of
the SARS virus (Gardner & Moallef, 2015). What made SARS especially
distressing was that it was (1) a novel infection with an unknown
course and treatment, (2) infection was managed with social isolation,
and (3) there were fears of spreading this poorly understood infection
to others (Maunder et al., 2006). These issues raise concerns about the
long-term psychological consequences of the next pandemic.
SARS was also associated with psychotic symptoms during the acute
and early recovery phases (Gardner & Moallef, 2015). These symptoms
were linked to steroid treatments, which are used to manage the
cytokine release syndrome ("cytokine storm") that can arise from
severe infections (Channappanavar & Perlman, 2017). The occurrence
of SARS-related psychosis raises concerns that such symptoms might
occur during the next pandemic. Indeed, severe influenza can be
associated with the cytokine release syndrome (Liu, Zhou, & Yang,
2016), which would be managed with steroids, with short-term psychosis
being a potential adverse effect Psychosis is not simply distressing to
the individual; terrifying psychotic experiences can be traumatizing,
leading to, or exacerbating, symptoms of PTSD (Taylor, 2017).
It is important to understand what leads people to become
excessively distressed during outbreaks of severe infectious disease.
This can help predict who is likely to need psychological services when
the next pandemic arises. Understanding the causes of excessive
distress can also be useful in developing optimal psychological
treatments for affected individuals. There are various kinds of risk
factors, including personality factors discussed in Chapter S.
When faced with danger, such as a serious health threat, people can
be highly irrational in their decision making (Ariely, 2014). If the next
pandemic proves to be highly lethal and refractory to available vaccines
and antiviral medications, people desperate to protect themselves and
28 Chapter 3
loved ones will increasingly turn to quack cures and dubious folk
remedies. There is a long history of such nostrums for influenza,
including wearing necklaces of garlic, inhaling carbolic acid vapors, and
consuming pine tar (Bristow, 2012; Petrovska & Cekovska, 2010;
Simpson, 1985). Similarly, during the 2003 SARS outbreak, there were
numerous folk remedies, all of which were ineffective. These included
diets of turnips, vinegar, kimchee, or spicy foods, and even smoking
cigarettes (Cheng, 2004).
During the Spanish flu of 1918, folk remedies included cotton bags
containing camphor, worn on a cord around the neck (Arnold, 2018b).
There were all sorts of recipes for poultices. A poultice is a soft, usually
heated, moist mass of material, usually consisting of plant material or
flour, that is placed on the body (e.g., on the chest) to relieve soreness
or inflammation, and held in place with a cloth.
Get away from the stuffy, overcrowded street cars, with their danger of
contagion. Ride a bicycle through the pure, fresh air. With an easy
running, long-lasting C.C.M. Bicycle, cycling will be a pleasure as well as
a benefit. (Pettigrew, 1983, p. 113).
Factors that play a role in anxiety proneness also likely play a role
in motivating the pursuit of quack cures. People who are prone to
excessive worry or anxiety, as discussed later in this volume, are likely
to desperately try a range of nostrums, no matter how dubious, to avoid
becoming infected. We can expect to see a rise of quack cures, folk
remedies, and superstitious health-related behaviors during the next
Popular opinion did not accept that cholera was a hitherto unknown
disease, but considered instead that an attempt was being made to
reduce the numbers of the poor by poisoning them. Riots, massacres
and the destruction of property took place across Russia, swept through
the Habsburg empire, broke out in Konigsberg, Stettin and Memel in
1831 and spread to Britain the next year. (Evans, 1992, p. 158)
Psychological reactions to pandemics 33
If the pandemic is severe, the hardest job won't be coping with the
disease. It will be sustaining the flow of essential goods and services,
and maintaining civil order. ... Even though we hope riots, panics and
other sorts of civil disorder will not be common, it is important to be on
guard. (Sandman, 2009, p. 323)
During the next pandemic, truck drivers and other food service
delivery agents may refuse to enter infected cities, thereby leading the
inhabitants to either starve or flee. Indeed, something similar happened
during the Bubonic Plague, in which farmers refused to deliver their
produce to infected cities (Cohn, 2010).
There are several other plausible scenarios in which, during the
next pandemic, panic and civil unrest could arise because of the spread
of unfounded rumors via social media (Walker, 2016):
Personality Traits
Negative Emotionality
Overestimation of Threat
Intolerance of Uncertainty
Two Woodstock, Ontario, girls, working in the town of Paris [in Ontario]
shared a room at the YWCA. One evening when the epidemic was at its
height they attended a lecture together and then returned to their room.
In the morning Claire Hunter called to her friend, "Vera, I'm going
downstairs to breakfast." There was no reply so she went ahead. After
eating she went back upstairs to get her purse and called her roommate
again. There was still no answer. "I pulled down the sheets. She was
dead and cold. The doctor said she had died around tvvo in the
morning-the 'flu had got to her quick." (Pettigrew, 1983, p. 18)
susceptible to infection than the average person (Ji, Zhang, Usborne, &
Guan, 2004).
In the event of a pandemic, the unrealistic optimism bias can have
deleterious effects. It may lead people to underestimate their
susceptibility to risk, thereby reducing attention to risk information
and leading them to neglect to perform preventive health behaviors
such as seeking vaccination (Kim & Niederdeppe, 2013). During the
Swine flu outbreak in 2009, the unrealistic optimism bias was
associated with lower intentions to perform hand washing and hand
sanitization (Kim & Niederdeppe, 2013). The unrealistic optimism bias
can be resistant to change in the face of disconfirming information
(Sharot, Korn, & Dolan, 2011), although this is not invariably the case
(Jefferson, Bortolotti, & Kuzmanovic, 2017).
Related to the unrealistic optimism bias is the sense of
invulnerability. That is, the sense that one is unlikely to be affected by
threats such as serious infectious disease. People with an inflated sense
of invulnerability are (1) less likely to experience anxiety in response
to stressful life events (Kleiman et a!., 2017); (2) more likely to take up
smoking or drug use (Hill, Duggan, & Lapsley, 2012; Morrell, Lapsley, &
Halpern-Felsher, 2016; Ravert et a!., 2009); (3) more likely to drink and
drive (Chan, Wu, & Hung, 2010; Ravert et a!., 2009); and (4) less likely
to intend to seek vaccination, even for pandemics such as Swine flu
(Taha et a!., 2013).
During the next pandemic, people with strong unrealistic optimism
bias or a strong sense of invulnerability will probably be less worried
than other people and possibly more likely to spread infection by failing
to seek vaccination and by neglecting to perform basic hygiene
behaviors such as handwashing.
Over the past few months I've been under a lot of stress because of my
job. I haven't been feeling well. I feel achy all over and sick in my
stomach. I don't sleep well. I sweat at night and feel tired all the time. I
wony that I've got that bird flu evetyone's been talking about. I went to
the doctor but he wasn't any help. He said it was just nerves and told me
to relax. I also have pain on my right side around my ribs. The doctor
said it's just a strained muscle. I'm scared that he doesn't take me
seriously. I couldn't stop worrying so I went to a walk-in clinic but the
doctor told me the same thing as the other doctor. She said that I should
try not to wony so much and gave me a prescription for pills to help me
relax. I'm frightened of taking pills because I always get bad side effects.
When I got home, I checked my symptoms on Google. That really
terrified me. I learned that people some people die from the flu. I've
been monitoring my temperature throughout the day. I might have a
fever but I can't be sure. My throat feels scratchy. I'm too scared to get a
flu shot because I heard it can make you sick. I live alone but I've been
wearing a protective facemask and gloves around the apartment, just to
be on the safe side. I wash my hands a lot with hand sanitizer. I'm afraid
to go out. With all this talk of flu, I'm getting too scared to ride the bus
to work because there are germs everywhere from people coughing into
their hands and then touching things.
Phillips, & Burns, 2016; Salkovskis & Warwick, 2001; Taylor &
Asmundson, 2017). These models are also relevant to understanding
other emotional reactions to pandemics. Such models propose that
several cognitive and behavioral factors play a role in shaping the
severity of health anxiety: Misinterpretations of health-related stimuli,
maladaptive or distorted beliefs, memory and attention processes, and
maladaptive behaviors.
Focus of Attention
I'm afraid to go to the clinic, like if you are sick, like if you have colds,
you would avoid going to see the doctors, because who knows,
somebody before you has seen the doctors and left something, and then
you go to see the doctors and you might [get] SARS. (Lee, 2014, p. 130)
Disgust Sensitivity
The concept of the BlS has important implications for the naming of
diseases. Terms such as "Swine flu" and "Asian flu" have become
standard labels for pandemics. However, such labels should be used
with caution because of the important psychological implications of
naming pandemics after animals, geographic regions, or nationalities.
Such naming conventions can lead to misconceptions among the public
62 Chapter 6
• Health officials know that cell phones cause cancer but are doing
nothing to stop it because large corporations won't let them:
20% agreed.
• The global dissemination of genetically modified foods by the
Monsanto corporation is part of a secret program, called Agenda
21, launched by the Rockefeller and Ford foundations to shrink
the world's population: 12% agreed.
• Public water fluoridation is really just a secret way for chemical
companies to dump dangerous byproducts of phosphate mines
into the environment: 12% agreed.
• Doctors and the government still want to vaccinate children
even though they know these vaccines cause autism and other
psychological disorders: 20% agreed.
spread by word-of-mouth but now are spread by the mass media and
social media. Rumors, as they pass with retelling, tend to become
shorter and simpler (e.g., details are omitted), sharpened (e.g., some
details are accentuated or exaggerated), and altered in a way that
matches cultural stereotypes, expectations and biases (All port &
Posttnan, 1947; DiFonzo & Bordia, 2007). Rumors and their management
are issues of practical importance because unchecked rumors can lead,
for example, to widespread fear, hostility and suspicion, and social
Rumors may be true, false, or somewhere in between. Some rumors
may involve urban myths or stories that might seem highly plausible.
An urban myth is illustrated in the following incident, which occurred
during the 1918 Spanish flu pandemic, which occurred during World
War I.
Note that there are many similarities between rumors and conspiracy
theories. In some ways, a conspiracy theory is an extreme, highly
specific form of rumor. Methods for managing rumors are discussed in
Chapter 9.
Observational Learning
News Media
Noticeably absent from most media coverage was the fact that SARS
was not easily communicable, nor was it fatal in the majority of cases
(Muzzatti, 2005). As a side note, the SARS outbreak was curiously self
limiting. The coronavirus causing SARS disappeared from the human
population as abruptly as it had arrived, before a vaccine or cure could
be found (Lee, 2014).
During the 2004-2007 outbreak of Avian flu, the news media was
criticized for exaggerating the risk and lethality of infections by using
emotionally toned language, making misleading comparisons between
the Avian flu and the deadlier Spanish flu, the misuse (selective use) of
statistics, along with questionable estimates of death toll and cost of
infectious outbreaks (Abeysinghe & White, 2010).
When the 2009 Swine flu pandemic proved to be not as lethal as
initially feared, some commentators blamed the media (and health
officials) for exaggerating the threat (Bonneux & Van Damme, 2010;
Keil, Schbnhbfer, & Spelsberg, 2011). However, an analysis of media
reports suggests a more nuanced interpretation. Klemm, Das, and
Hartmann (2016) conducted a systematic review of previously
Social psychological factors 73
Social Media
How might social media be better used for health promotion during
times of pandemic? Sharma et al. (2017) called for better curation of
public health-related social media posts during times of health crises;
that is, refraining from passing on sensational, speculative, or
misleading information. But this would work only if the public
voluntarily agreed not to circulate such news items. Imposed
censorship of such material by moderators of social media sites would
likely contribute to the spread of conspiracy theories. Sharma et al.
(2017) suggested that misleading health information could be tagged
(e.g., Facebook posts can be tagged) to indicate that it contains
misleading, questionable, or unverified health information. Whether
this would be feasible or successful remains to be seen.
Some researchers have recommended that health campaigns focus
on recruiting influential Twitter accounts for retweeting accurate,
health-promoting information (Yun et aI., 2016). Tang et al. (2018)
suggested enlisting alternative spokespersons such as celebrities. This
seems problematic. The majority of media celebrities are not content
experts and might just as easily pass on misleading information. There
is also concern that the reliance on celebrities could undermine health
literacy among some members of the general public. Health literacy
refers to a person's knowledge, motivation, and competence to access,
understand, critically appraise, and apply health information for their
healthcare (S0rensen et aI., 2012). People should be encouraged to seek
out authoritative, reliable information sources rather than blindly
accepting someone's advice simply because that person is some kind of
public, and ifthe virus recedes and a pandemic never materializes, these
critics will consider themselves proved right - as if the fact that your
house didn't burn down this year proved the foolishness of last year's
decision to buy insurance against fire. (Sandman, 2009, p. 323)
Managing Rumors
are indispensable for providing the public with information that refutes
unfounded rumors (DiFonzo & Bordia, 2007). An unintended and
perhaps unavoidable side effect of rumor refutation initiatives is that
formal efforts to debunk rumors may, in fact, communicate rumors to
people who have not yet heard them.
What can members of the general public do to prevent their
perceptions from being biased by rumors circulated by the news media
and in the social media? One option is to limit one's exposure to news
coverage, to avoid sensational sources, and to give more credence to
warnings and advice available from the websites of health authorities
such as the WHO and CDC. Warnings and unsubstantiated rumors
forwarded from friends or colleagues should be regarded with
Targeting Superspreaders
most expressed purity concerns; that is, concerns that the vaccine or its
mode of administration was impure, or receiving the vaccine would
make the person impure. Two individuals, for example, believed
(erroneously) that the influenza vaccine contained cells derived from
aborted human fetuses. Although all the exceptions were approved by
the hospital, the study pointed to an opportunity to improve
vaccination uptake in these refusers. This could be done by correcting
misconceptions, and by consulting with religious leaders on issues of
whether vaccination is a source of impurity (Antommaria & Prows,
What proportion of the general population would adhere to
mandated but unenforced (and unenforceable?) vaccination? As we
saw earlier in this volume, some people react to threats against their
autonomy with intense psychological reactance, and as noted earlier in
this chapter, some people have strongly held anti-vaccination beliefs.
Such individuals are likely to resist any efforts at forcing them to be
vaccinated. In comparison, other people are conformists in regard to
healthcare in that they are obedient to authority and/or seek approval
by adhering to the norms of their peer groups. Multiple factors are at
play in shaping conformity versus reactance, and little is known about
the prevalence of conformity versus reactance to the guidelines
presented by healthcare authorities. However, research shows that the
introduction of mandatory vaccination for HCWs leads to an increase
in vaccination rate (Antommaria & Prows, 2018; Frederick et aI., 2018;
Leibu & Maslow, 2015). Barriers to getting vaccinated, such as injection
phobia, can be overcome by the methods described earlier.
Attitudes toward mandatory vaccination are not static, they may
change over time. Although some people may be initially resistant to
the idea of mandatory vaccination, they may come to gradually accept
the idea. In North America, most HeWs appear to be in favor of
condition-of-service influenza vaccination policies (Gruben et al.,
2014), although a small study suggested that mandatory vaccination
would not be strongly supported in the UK (Stead et aI., 2019).
Ultimately, "nudges" or incentives (e.g., in the form of public education
programs) may be the optimal way of increasingvaccination adherence
in the general population, whereas mandated vaccination-assuming
there is an effective vaccine-may be important and even necessary for
people such as HCWs and perhaps workers in other sectors.
98 Chapter 10
Public a n n O l l n elUent
of screen a n d t reat
program and 1 1 h r
t c lellhone hc l llline
Sc rcc l l in u 1")1 me d ic a l
cli nics, f)littrll1ddes, or S c rec l l i n q a n d
I n h�rllel hc:lsecl ,ulvice o H ered h y
� e l l reI erre,l hel l, l i n e
s(:re(� I.iII(J
Clinical Interview:
rac - to- lace or
I n ternet based
Ileferral to a me n ta l
health specialist for
evidence ll,)sed
f c.lLC lO f ace o r
102 Chapter 11
Screening Methods
Brief screening tools for mood and anxiety disorders are important
for improving mental healthcare in medical settings, such as in primary
care, because HeWs typically do not have the time or training to
administer diagnostic interviews. Thus, the use of validated screening
instruments is an important first step in integrating care for mood and
anxiety disorders into existing primary healthcare services (Ali, Ryan,
& De Silva, 2016). Efficient screening is the cornerstone for treating
pandemic-related emotional problems. Brief screening instruments
have been developed for use in primary health clinics. For example, the
4-item, computer-administered Patient Health Questionnaire-4 has
good levels of reliability and validity for assessing depression and
general anxiety, and has established cut-off scores for identifying
patients in need of a more detailed evaluation (Cano-Vindel et al.,
2018). A brief, psychometrically sound screen for PTSD is the 4-item
Primary Care PTSD screener (Breslau, PetersOll, & Schultz, 2008;
Spoont et a!., 201S).
An issue for further investigation is whether it is clinically useful to
assess maladaptive avoidance. This refers to the avoidance of places,
people, or activities that is excessive, given the objective danger, and
leads to impairments in functioning. An example is avoiding the
workplace even though it is not currently a place of infection and is not
considered hazardous by health authorities.
Another question for further investigation concerns the value of
screening for vulnerability factors that may lead to pandemic-related
distress. People with high levels of PVD, for example, are at heightened
risk of becoming distressed during a pandemic. This vulnerability can
be measured by the 1 S-item PVDS. The merits of including this scale in
a screening battery remain to be examined.
• Stay informed about how to keep safe. Seek out information from
a credible source such as the WHO or CDC, or a local health
agency. Follow the guidelines of public health agencies. This
might involve staying at home or avoiding public gatherings. Be
wary of unsubstantiated rumors. Remember that the media tend
to sensationalize things, such as by focusing on the bad news
(e.g., people who become sick) and neglecting the more
mundane good news (e.g., the many people who didn't get sick).
Limit your exposure to websites or TV programs that fuel your
• Keep things in perspective. For centuries people have survived
hardships. Most people are resilient; most people bounce back
and adapt to changes. Do not dwell on worst-case scenarios.
Remember, things will get better.
• Stay healthy. A healthy lifestyle, including proper diet, exercise,
sleep, and rest, is a good defense against illness. Avoid alcohol
and other intoxicating substances. Practicing good hygiene, such
as handwashing and covering coughs, will minimize the spread
of infection to you and others. Get vaccinated. A healthy body can
have a positive impact on your thoughts and emotions, enabling
you to make better decisions and help you deal with the flu's
uncertainties. Take time to relax. Maintain your normal routine
as far as you can.
• Build resilience. Resilience is the process of adapting and coping
in the face of adversity. Draw on skills that you have successfully
used in the past to cope with life's challenges. Use those skills to
help manage your concerns about the flu's uncertainties.
• Have a plan. Having a plan to cope with hardships can lessen
your anxiety. In case health officials recommend that you stay at
home, keep at least a two-week supply of non-perishable, easy
to prepare food, water, and other important household and
other supplies, including medical supplies. Consider options for
working from home. Plan for how you might care for sick family
members. Establish an emergency family communication plan.
Plan on how you might spend your time if schools or businesses
are closed. Plan to stay at home if you are ill.
• Communicate with your children. Discuss the flu in an open, age
appropriate manner with your children. Address your children's
concerns. Remember that children take their cues from adults; if
they see that you're upset then they will become upset As far as
Treating pandemic-related emotional distress 105
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