Kubla Khan
Kubla Khan
Kubla Khan
A damsel with a dulcimer 6. The poem has been interpreted many ways. Some
In a vision once I saw: consider it a straightforward portrayal of Coleridge’s
It was an Abyssinian maid, opium-induced hallucination; others believe it to be
And on her dulcimer she play'd, 40 about the beauty of creation. Consider several
Singing of Mount Abora. possibilities. What is your interpretation?
Could I revive within me,
Her symphony and song,
To such a deep delight 'twould win me,
That with music loud and long, 45
Explain how Coleridge seems to indicate man's desire to
return to Eden, and also how Nature always thwarts man's
3. What are some contrasting images the poem presents? What effects do
they have?
4. There appears to be a big shift after line 30. What happens and what
do you think causes it?
5. Find one theme the poem has. Be able to justify your opinion. This
may be difficult!