Report On Index of Industrial Production of Manufacturing Sector From APRIL 2008 TO MARCH 2010
Report On Index of Industrial Production of Manufacturing Sector From APRIL 2008 TO MARCH 2010
Report On Index of Industrial Production of Manufacturing Sector From APRIL 2008 TO MARCH 2010
APRIL 2008 TO MARCH 2010
Prepared for
Prepared by
Kinjal Adodra
Noorinder Singh
Ronak Deswal
Jugal Shah
December 3, 2010
Major affected areas……………………………………5
Introduction of monetary policy……………………….6
Introduction of fiscal policy…………………………….7
Major changes in IIP……………………………………8
Line Graph of IIP………………………………………..9
Line Graph of manufacturing sector………………….9
What is IIP: IIP is an Index which details out the growth of various sectors in an
economy. Indian IIP constitutes mainly of sectors like mining, electricity,
manufacturing and general.
In case of India the base year has been fixed at 1993-94 hence the same would be
equivalent to 100 points.
IIP: as per classification by economic activity, thee IIP is broadly split into three
segments- Mining, Manufacturing and Electricity with weights of 10.47 %, 79.36%
and 10.17 % respectively. The manufacturing sector is further split into 17 sub
segments with ‘basic chemicals and chemical products’ and ‘Machinery and
equipment other than Transport equipment’ have the maximum weightage of
14% and 9.6% respectively.
GDP fell in February 2008 majorly due to subprime crisis which occurred in USA.
In economics, a recession is a general slowdown in economic activity over
a sustained period of time, or a business cycle contraction. Production as
measured by Gross Domestic Product (GDP), employment, investment spending,
capacity utilization, household incomes and business profits all fall during
Major affected areas:
IT Enabled Services sector was the hit since a majority of Indian IT firms derive
75% or more of their revenues from the United States as US market Crashed
and it had an impact on Indian IT companies. They started Job cutting for the
purpose of cost cuttings.
Due to unemployment the demand for domestic goods decreased which led to
fall in production.
The Manufacturing sector suffered negative growth as there was decline in
production due to which there was increase in marginal cost and total cost.
There was slowing mainly in construction, transport, communication, trade,
hotel and restaurant subsectors.
Indian Exports decline due to US Market crash which led to decrease in
demand of domestic goods in foreign market
Bank credit demand decreases > due to uncertainty business confidence fell
down> dampened demand has dented the corporate margins. Simultaneously,
Bank was vigilant to give loans to industries because of industry slowdown.
Production Decrease> IIP remain stagnant and registered negative growth
(mainly manufacturing) > Investment demand decreased.
Fiscal and monetary policies have helped India in
dodging the recession and sustaining the economy.
Business statistics textbook