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Project On Yoga Camp

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OBSERVED BY – MR. MANOJ KUMAR (yoga therapist/vpci)


PUKHRAMBAM BIRPRADASH | MDNIY DYSc - 2015102 | July 15, 2016


This project report discusses a one-month free yoga camp conducted by me in accordance with the
curriculum of Diploma in Yoga Sciences (DYSc 2015-16) under Morarji Desai National Institute of

Project report begins with a brief introduction to yoga. Report explains how, why and where the
camp was set up. Report also talks about the aims and objectives of the camp. I have also
addressed the topic of why the camp is needed in present times. Report also talks about the yogic
practices that I taught each day.

This is followed by the registration forms of the people who participated and then their feedback
forms after the end of camp. There are also pictures from the camp followed by students’

Report ends with my personal experience of the camp and in general conclusion of the same.

I have taken efforts in this project. However, it would not have been possible without the
kind support and help of many individuals, organizations and above all God . I would
like to extend my sincere thanks to all of them.

I thank God for giving me good health and intentions for carrying out the camp. I could
not have done anything without his blessings.

I am highly indebted to Mr Doren singh and Mr Rahul for their guidance and constant
supervision as well as for providing necessary information regarding the project &
also for their support in completing the project.

I would like to express my gratitude towards my parents & members of MDNIY

especially our director, for their kind co-operation and encouragement which
helped me in completion of this project.

My thanks and appreciations also go to my colleagues and people who have willingly

helped me out with their abilities.

Table of contents

INTRODUCTION OF YOGA…………………………………………………………………………………….1

INTRODUCTION OF THE CAMP……………………………………………………………………………2

AIM N OBJECTIVE OF THE CAMP………………………………………………………………………….3

NEED FOR THE CAMP…………………………………………………………………………………………….4

DAY WISE CAMP SCHEDULE………………………………………………………………………………….5

REGISTRATION FORM…………………………………………………………………………………………….6

FEEDBACK FORM…………………………………………………………………………………………………….7

PHOTOS OF THE CAMP………………………………………………………………………………………….8

ATTENDANCE OF THE PARTICIPANTS…………………………………………………………………9

SELF EXPERIENCE……………………………………………………………………………………………………10


Derived from the Sanskrit word yuj, Yoga means union of the individual consciousness or soul
with the Universal Consciousness or Spirit. Yoga is a 5000-year-old Indian body of knowledge.
Yoga is considered as a philosophical school in Hinduism. Yoga, in this context, is one of the six
āstika schools of Hinduism (those which accept the Vedas as source of knowledge)

Though many think of yoga only as a physical exercise where people twist, turn, stretch,
and breathe in the most complex ways, these are actually only the most superficial
aspect of this profound science of unfolding the infinite potentials of the human mind
and soul.

The science of Yoga imbibe itself the complete essence of the Way of Life, including - Gyan
Yoga or philosophy, Bhakti Yoga or path of devotional bliss, Karma Yoga or path of blissful
action, and Raja Yoga or path of mind control.

The ultimate goal of Yoga is moksha (liberation).

According to Jacobsen, Yoga has five principal meanings:

• Yoga, as a disciplined method for attaining a goal;

• Yoga, as techniques of controlling the body and the
• Yoga, as a name of one of the schools or systems of
philosophy (darśana);
• Yoga, in connection with other words, such as "hatha-,
mantra-, and laya-," referring to traditions specialising
in particular techniques of yoga;
• Yoga, as the goal of Yoga practice.

One of the beauties of the physical practice of yoga is that the poses support and sustain
you no matter how old or young, or fit or frail, you come to your mat. As you age, your
understanding of asana becomes more sophisticated. You move from working on the
external alignment and mechanics of the pose to refining the inner actions to finally just
being in the asana.
Yoga has never been alien to us. We have been doing it since we were a baby! Whether it is the Cat
Stretch that strengthens the spine or the Wind-Relieving pose that boosts digestion, you will always
find infants doing some form of yoga throughout the day. Yoga can be many things to many people.


As part of the Diploma in Yoga Sciences (DYSc) curriculum at Morarji Desai

National Institute of Yoga, 2015-16, I had to set up a one-month free camp at any
location of my choice. I chose a place which is near to my house – Vallabhbhai
patel chest institute . The camp was conducted from 6th June – 5th July 2016 and
was open for everyone irrespective of age, gender, caste, religion, etc. Timing of
my camp was morning 10:00 am to 12:00 am.

The camp was conducted every day from 6th June to 5th July. People from all age groups -
whether kids, youngsters, middle aged or old aged were welcomed at the camp with open
arms. Males and Females of all age groups were a part of the camp.


venue– vallabhbhai patel chest institute auditorium

ADDRESS – NEAR Delhi university , NEW DELHI – 110009
TIMINGS – 10:00 AM TO 12:00 AM


1. To make people aware about traditional yoga.

2. To make people aware about Yoga in general, especially one month before
International Day of Yoga – 21 June 2016
3. To introduce concepts like Samkhya philosophy, so people understand that the
goal of yoga or life is Moksha and the root cause of all misery is avidya or

4. To help people get out of misery and sorrows.

5. To make people understand their common mistakes while practicing yoga
along with teaching them the correct method.

6. To help in resolving the diseases of most people, using yoga.

7. To clear the many misconceptions people, have about yoga, eg, that yoga is just
about asana and pranayam.

8. To complete camp as part of DYSc curriculum.


 Yoga improves posture, increases the intake of oxygen and enhances the
functioning of all body systems like respiratory, digestive, endocrine,
reproductive, excretory systems etc.
 It’s effects on the emotions are equally beneficial by calming down the

 Yoga also cures behavioral disorders, nervous breakdown and manic


 Asanas enhance muscle strength, coordination, flexibility, agility and range

of motion

 Yoga gives you the capacity to face up the life’s challenges. When you
respect your body, you tend to do things that will enhance its vitality.

 Yoga helps to maintain the acid alkaline ratio. Which is crucial to good
health. It should be 80% alkaline and 20 % acidic. Over acidity can be harmful
for bones and tissues, leading to fatigue, dulled mind, headache, depression
and arthritis.

 Yoga is highly recommended for the people in competitive, stressful and

working environment.

 After a good practice of yoga the mind becomes vibrant.

 Much healing can be done but it takes practices and consistency.

 In Yoga, one should concentrate on a total awareness of our energy and

how it flows. One should learn how body and mind works together

 The benefits of Yoga are numerous, including physical fitness, stress control
general well-being. Mental clarity and greater self-understanding. People of all
ages can practice yoga, even physically challenged people can also adopt.

 Yoga can be seen not only as a way to getting into shape but also as a tool to

 Practice yoga ultimately leads towards long term health and well-being.

It has become a trend practicing yoga nowadays but without knowing the right way,
right step n with no proper guidance. A lot of people practice yoga by following
someone on television. However, in this process they end up learning wrong methods
and techniques, which ultimately, cultivates into wrong habits and eventually they
practice yoga in the wrong way. The only way to correct such people is by the means of

A one on one interaction with students, helps teacher to understand their mistakes better
and give them a more personalized experience. Confidence of the teacher is also boosted.
Many youngsters and even other age groups are not aware of yoga. Free camp provides
great opportunity to increase awareness about yoga in general. Even those that practice
yoga are not aware about traditional yoga and its goal of Moksha. Free camp helps in
delivering lectures on Sankhya Philosophy, Patanjali Yoga Sutras and other traditional
texts which reflect the true nature of yoga.
There are many misconceptions about yoga – ex. Yoga is not a religion, yoga was
designed to make us more physically fit and less stressed, yoga is always a spiritual
practice, etc.
This free camp helps in eliminating all these misconceptions surrounding yoga.

Every individual suffers from one or the other disease which can be fully prevented
and cured with the help of yoga. Free camp helps in this endeavor to make a society
that is disease free and physically plus mentally fit.

Yoga is the only science in the world that questions our existence and gives solution to
our miseries. Yoga gives us a way to reach enlightenment and thereby end the vicious
cycle of birth and death. Free camp helps in bringing about this awareness.

In today’s times, where people are bombarded with name, fame, popularity, politics,
conflicts, terrorism, etc. the knowledge of yoga becomes imperative to develop a
spiritual society capable of handling mental stress.

All mental illness like bipolar disorder, depression, anxiety, hypertension, alcohol or
drug addiction, etc. can successfully be prevented as well as cured by yoga without the
use of any analgesic drug. This increases the need for a yoga camp all the more.

The definition of health with respect to WHO “Health is a state of complete physical,
mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity”. Yoga
is the answer to this definition and hence this camp is needed more than ever.
Day 1

Introduction to yoga, Astanga-yoga, sat-karma, sukshma-vyayam, sthula-vyayam.

 Prayer
 Shat-karma- kapalbhati
 Suksma vyayama- bhuddhi tatha drita s.v
Griva s.v
Bhuja bandha s.v
Kohini s.v
Kara-prstha s.v
Kara-tala s.v
Jangha s.v
 Sthula vyayama- Hrid Gati
 Surya-namaskara
 Asanas- dandasana,tadasana, ardha matsyendra,savasana
 Pranayama - Nadi sodhan


 A new Prayer
 Shat-karma- kapalbhati + jala neti
 Suksma vyayama- bhuddhi tatha drita s.v
Griva s.v
Bhuja bandha s.v
+ a new 5 vyayama
 Sthula vyayama- rekha gati
 Surya-namaskara
 Asanas- Dandasana,tadasana, ardha matsyendra,savasana
+ 5 new asana
 Pranayama - Nadi sodhan + brahmari


Follow the same routine

To make sure they are doing it well and in proper steps.


Follow the same routine

To make sure they cultivate a habit of doin the right way.

Day 5

Still continues the same routine.

Now they are properly doing the asanas, pranayama and other practices.
Day 6

 A new Prayer
 Shat-karma- kapalbhati + jala neti +sutra neti
 Suksma vyayama- pre practices
Sit and neck rotation
Hand exercises
Legs exercises
Kati s.v
Jangha s.v
Pindali s.v
 Sthula vyayama- sarvanga pusti
 Surya-namaskara
 Asanas- trikonasana, ardha chakrasana,gomukasana,
Setuband-sarvang asana, savasana
 Pranayama - Nadi sodhan + brahmari

Day 7

 A new Prayer
 Shat-karma- kapalbhati + jala neti +sutra neti
 Suksma vyayama- pre practices
Sit and neck rotation
Hand exercises
Legs exercises
Kati s.v
Jangha s.v
Pindali s.v
+ 5 new practices
 Surya-namaskara
 Asanas- trikonasana, ardha chakrasana,gomukasana,
Setuband-sarvang asana, savasana
+ 5 new asanas
 Pranayama - Nadi sodhan + brahmari

Day 8

Follow the same routine

To make sure they are doing it well and in proper steps

Day 9

Follow the same routine

To make sure they are doing it well and in proper steps

Day 10

Still continues the same routine.

Now they are properly doing the asanas, pranayama and other practices.

Day 11
 A new Prayer
 Shat-karma- kapalbhati . jala neti n sutra neti are done twice a week
 Suksma vyayama- pre practices
Sit and neck rotation
Hand exercises
Legs exercises
Kati s.v
Jangha s.v + 3 new practices
 Asanas- uttan manduk asana,
trikonasana, ardha chakrasana,gomukasana,
Setuband-sarvang asana, savasana
+ 5 new asanas
 Pranayama - shitali pranayama , shitkari pranayama, Nadi sodhan


 A new Prayer
 Shat-karma- kapalbhati
 Suksma vyayama- pre practices
Sit and neck rotation
Hand exercises
Legs exercises

 Asanas- ardha halasana, uttan manduk asana,

trikonasana, ardha chakrasana,gomukasana,
Setuband-sarvang asana, savasana
+ 5 new asanas
 Pranayama - shitali pranayama , shitkari pranayama, Nadi sodhan

Day 13
Follow the same routine.

We make them aware of the breathing pattern along with the steps.


Follow the same routine including some new Asanas and pre practices.
A proper breathing pattern is being developed.

Day 15

Continue with the same yogic practices

And also discuss with their problems regarding their health.

Day 16

 A new Prayer---- om chanting plus shantipath

 Shat-karma- kapalbhati and variations.
 Suksma vyayama- pre practices
Sit and neck rotation
Hand exercises
Legs exercises

 Asanas- salabasana,ardha halasana, uttan manduk asana,

trikonasana, ardha chakrasana,gomukasana,
Setuband-sarvang asana, savasana
+ 5 new asanas
 Pranayama - shitali pranayama , shitkari pranayama, Nadi sodhan


 Meditation- breath meditation.

Day 17

Follow the same pre practices and asanas.

Introduced new dhyan--- yogic deep breathing.

Day 18

Focus on international yoga day protocol.

 Shantipath
 Pre practices
right and left neck bending
right and left neck twisting
forward and backward neck bending
neck rotation
shoulder movement.
Shoulder rotation.
Knee movement
Trunk twisting

 Asanas- Tadasana, vriskasana, pada hastasana,

ardha chakrasana, ardha halasana,
uttan mandukasana,
trikonasana, vajrasana, vakrasana,
makrasana, bhujangasana, salab asana,
pavana muktasana ardha chakrasana,gomukasana,
Setuband-sarvang asana, savasana
 Pranayama - shitali pranayama , Nadi sodhan, Bhramari, dhyan
 Sankalp and Shantipath.

Day 19

Continue focusing on international yoga day protocol as performed in day 18.

Day 20

Continue focusing on international yoga day protocol as performed in previous day.

Day 21

Samkhya philosophy

What is Samadhi?

Patanjali yoga sutra explanation

Purushartha chatushtaya

Nishkaam karma

Previous asana practice

Om chanting
Day 22


Chitta vritti

Chitta bhoomi


Antarayas bhavas


Ishwara and aum

Mudras and their significance

Day 23-26

Discussion of diseases – their theory and yogic management.

Diseases covered include –

3. HEART AND CIRCULATORY SYSTEM (includes High BP, Cholesterol)
7. ARTHRITIS (includes Joint Pain, Knee Pains)

Registration form
Feedback form.
Photos of the camp
Attendance ----
Experience of the camp----

I have leart a lot from this camping… One-month yoga camp has proven to be
extremely fruitful for me.
The experience has been so wholesome, can’t describe it fully in words. This camp
has increased my confidence manifolds and made me believe in myself as a teacher
of yoga. I addressed so many problems of people and gave them solutions to the
diseases they had. All those who had been doing yogic practices incorrectly, got to
know the correct method.

It was extremely motivating to see so many people change and make efforts to
learn something new. I got the incredible opportunity of teaching traditional yoga
as opposed to popular yoga.

In a nutshell, I am much more confident as a teacher now than ever before. I can
now handle most people with ease and also fulfill all their requirements. This
camp has made me believe in me and my decision to adopt yoga as the way of life.

I am now confident that this is what I want to do my whole life.


One-month free camp has proven to be beneficial to both me as well as the

students who participated. I am a much more confident teacher now. The students
have a better understanding of what traditional yoga is. Many students were
following wrong methods and that were corrected. Many misconceptions of yoga
must have been removed.

There is a general consensus that yoga leads to mental, social, physical and
emotional well-being of a person. Meditation and dhyana practices taught have
helped anxious or depressed beings in their journey. Flexibility of many individuals
increased over time with the course. Many diabetic, thyroid, uric acid,etc patients
had their values
return back to normal
after the 1 month

All the aims and

objectives of the
camp have been

fulfilled sincerely by
almost all students.
Benefits of yoga – in
mental health and
physical health were observed by every
student during the camp.

The last day of the camp had everyone wishing it never ended. They all wanted the
camp to go on. This shows how yoga has won the battle.

Even though my camp ended, but people who joined me now go to Sushil Ji’s camp for
practice. YOGA won. We won.
Let us all realize our main motive in life – Moksha (Samadhi) and let us all follow yoga
that will lead us to it.

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