Ethck's Guide To Character Creation
Ethck's Guide To Character Creation
Ethck's Guide To Character Creation
s a Dungeon Master and avid player some of the
most fun that I have had is making characters. How to Use This Book
Most of these characters I keep Adventure This book is organized in three sections. The first part hopes
League legal and even draft out the backstory to make selecting a character race even easier. The second
for, but with more official sourcebooks being part serves to make class selection quicker than ever before,
released every year it becomes a burden to flip while the third part provides a means for quickly creating a
through numerous books to find the one personality for the character.
background, subclass, feat, or perk that is just right for a new
character. Part 1: Character Race
The goal of this book is to streamline the character
creation process. Currently only classes are available to This section is not yet completed.
Ethck's Guide to Character Creation assumes that you Section 2: Character Class
know the basics of character generation listed in the Player's Every character needs a class, and this section is devoted to
Handbook. If you have not built a character before, please see explaining the key features of each of the 12 core classes in
either the Player's Handbook or the System Reference an easy to peruse format. The goal of this section is to make
Document to understand how to build a character. choosing a character class even easier than browsing the 3-5
pages held for each class in the Player's Handbook.
Section 3: Backgrounds
This section is not yet completed.
he Barbarians is a fierce warrior of great
strength and do nothing better than Barbarian Attributes
pummeling enemies into dust. Fueled by their Hit Dice: d12
own rage, Barbarians are one of the highest Proficiencies:
damage dealing classes in the game but suffer Armor: Light and Medium. Shields.
from having much less versatility than many Weapons: Everything
other classes. Their primary ability is the
barbarian rage, which empowers their strikes and protects
them from harm. As the tank of the party, their goal is to Skills:
protect the other party members and take hits. Choose 2 from the following:
Animal Handling, Athletics, Intimidation, Nature, Perception,
and Survival
Easy to play Saving Throw Proficiencies:
Little to no spells to worry about Constitution
Lots of damage Strength
Can take a lot of damage Primary Statistics Order
You should put your stats from highest to lowest in roughly
Cons the following order: Strength -> Constitution -> Dexterity ->
Can become boring since all you do is swing your weapon. Everything else.
Does not evolve much more than swing your weapon
more times and deal more damage.
No advanced attack styles
Notable Skills
Does not typically benefit from armor Rage
Can enter rage as a bonus action, and as long as the user is
not wearing heavy armor they:
The Barbarian
Level Rages Rage Damage Have advantage on Strength rolls.
Deal extra Strength damage as noted in the Rage Damage
1 2 +2 section of the barbarian table.
2 2 +2 Have resistance to melee attacks.
3 3 +2
Can not cast spells.
4 3 +2 This primal rage ends after 1 minute, or if the Barbarian is
knocked unconscious of haven't been engaged in battle for an
5 3 +2 entire turn. You can end rage early as a bonus action.
6 4 +2 Usuable only the number of times specified in the Barbarian
7 4 +2
table before taking a long rest.
8 4 +2 Unarmored Defense
9 4 +3 While you are not wearing any armor, except for a shiled, your
armor class(AC) is equal to:
10 4 +3
11 4 +3
10 + Dexterity Modifier + Constitution Modifier
12 5 +3
13 5 +3
14 5 +3
15 5 +3
16 5 +4
17 6 +4
18 6 +4
19 6 +4
20 Unlimited +4
he Bard is an ardent performer who uses their
music to create magic. They leverage their skill Bard Attributes
with instruments and voice to inspire their Hit Dice: d8
allies to be at their best, and to bring harm to Proficiencies:
their enemies, be it through spells or through Armor: Light.
Vicious Mockery. The Bard is always skilled in Weapons: Simple weapons, hand crossbows, longswords,
many things, but at higher levels learns an rapiers, and shortswords
ever-greater number of spells and becomes a truly fearsome Tools: Three musical intruments of your choice.
Pros Choose 3.
Very versatile Saving Throw Proficiencies:
Access to spells Dexterity
Jack of all trades Charisma
Amazing support
Primary Statistics Order
Cons You should put your stats from highest to lowest in roughly
Deals little damage the following order: Charisma -> Dexterity -> Everything else.
More about buffing others, and not yourself
Difficult to roleplay Notable Skills
The Bard Bardic Inspiration
Level Bardic Inspiration Song of Rest You can inspire others through your music. Use a bonus
1 d6 -
action and choose a target within 60ft of you that can hear
you. That creature gains the use of a Bardic Inspiration Die
2 d6 d6 as listed in the Bardic Inspiration section of the Bard table.
3 d6 d6 This die can be used once in the next 10 minutes, or 600
rounds of combat, as a positive modifier for a ability check,
4 d6 d6 attack roll, or saving throw. This die must be rolled with its
5 d8 d6 intent known before the outcome of the roll is decided. Once
6 d8 d6
rolled, the die is gone. A creature can only have one Bardic
Inspiration die at a time.
7 d8 d6
8 d8 d6 Song of Rest
Earned at 2nd level.
9 d8 d8 You can use soothing music to heal any friendly creaatures
10 d10 d8 that hear your performance during a short rest. Each
11 d10 d8
creature gains an extra Song of Rest die hit points at the end
of the rest.
12 d10 d8
13 d10 d10 Spellcasting
Charisma is your
14 d10 d10 spellcasting
15 d12 d10 ability. At 1st
16 d12 d10
level, you
know 2 cantrips,
17 d12 d12 and have 4 known
18 d12 d12 spells, but you only have
2 1st level spell slots.
19 d12 d12 Spell Save DC =
20 d12 d12 8 + proficiency bonus + Charisma
Spell Attack Modifier =
proficiency bonus + Charisma Modifier
he Cleric is a devoted worshipper of a deity
who channels divine magic to make miracles, Cleric Attributes
and normally take up adventuring because Hit Dice: d8
their deity calls them to. Though known largely Proficiencies:
for their healing magic, many take up other Armor: Light and Medium. Shields.
duties and learn other skills in accordance Weapons: Simple weapons
with their deity's call. As the Cleric's faith
grows to ever higher levels, so does their power, and they
learn how best to do their deity's will in their adventures. Skills:
Choose 2 from the following:
History, Insight, Medicine, Persuassion, and Religion.
Pros Saving Throw Proficiencies:
Ability to Heal Wisdom
Access to spells Charisma
Versatile due to variety Primary Statistics Order
of domains. You should put your stats from highest to lowest in roughly
Easy to play. the following order: Wisdom -> Constitution = Strength ->
Everything else.
Deals little damage
"Healer" Stereotype
Notable Skills
Have to deal with finicky Gods and Goddesses Channel Divinity
Earned at 2nd level.
The Cleric Gain the ability to Turn Undead or your Domain specific
Level Channel Divinity Destroy Undead (CR) Channel Divinity skill(s). You choose which effect is produced.
1 - -
The number in the Channel Divinity section the the Cleric
table is the maximum number of times you can use the skill
2 1 - before taking a short or long rest. If your Channel Divinity
3 1 - skill requires a saving throw, the DC is equal to your cleric
spell save DC.
4 1 -
5 1 1/2 Turn/Destroy Undead
6 2 1/2
Using an action you present your faith to the undead and
each undead within 30ft that can see or hear you must make
7 2 1/2 a wisdom saving throw where the DC is your spell casting
8 2 1 DC. If it fails, it is turned for 1 minute, unless it takes
damage. Any turned creature spends its time fleeing you.
9 2 1 Destroy Undead earned at 5th level.
10 2 1 If an undead creature is successfully turned by you, and its
11 2 2
Challenge Rating (CR) is less than that listed in the Destroy
Undead (CR) column of the Cleric table, then that creature is
12 2 2 instantly destroyed.
13 2 2
14 2 3
15 2 3
16 2 3
17 2 4
18 3 4 Spellcasting
Wisdom is your spellcasting
19 3 4 ability. At 1st level, you know
20 3 4 3 cantrips, and you have2 1st level spell slots.
Spell Save DC = 8 + proficiency bonus + Wisdom Modifier
Spell Attack Modifier = proficiency bonus + Wisdom
he Druid is a fierce guardian of nature.
Protection of all things natural is the basis of a Druid Attributes
Druid, so much so that they even refuse to Hit Dice: d8
wear metal armor or adornments. With the Proficiencies:
ability to shapeshift into many different Armor: Light and Medium. Shields. NO Metal
ferocious or cuddly beasts, the Druid has the Weapons: Clubs, daggers, darts, javelins, maces,
power to be extremely versatile. As the Druid quarterstaffs, scimitars, sickles, slings, and spears
levels up, these shapeshifts get even more powerful, as does Tools: Herbalism Kit
their arsenal of spells.
Choose 2 from the following:
Pros Arcana, Animal Handling, Insight, Medicine, Nature,
Versatile Perception, Religion, and Survival
Good crowd control Saving Throw Proficiencies:
Wild Shape Intelligence
Minions Wisdom
Cons Primary Statistics Order
Wild Shape can be pretty complex to manage You should put your stats from highest to lowest in roughly
Armor Restrictions the following order: Wisdom -> Constitution -> Everything
Wild Shape
Level Max CR Limitations Example Notable Skills
2 1/4 No flying or swimming Wolf
Wild Shape
4 1/2 No flying Crocodile Earned at 2nd level.
8 1 None Giant Eagle You gain the ability to use your action to magically assume
the shape of a beast you have seen before. You can use this
feature twice. Charges are regained on a long rest. The Wild
Shape table explains the limitations for Wild Shape based on
your Druid level. Wild Shape lasts for 1/2 of your Druid levels
rounded down. You can revert earlier than those hours if you
use a bonus action to end it, fall unconscious, drop down to 0
hit points, or die.
While you are transfromed, the following rules apply:
Your statistics are replaced by those of the beast you are,
except for your Intelligence, Wisdom, Charisma scores,
and your proficiencies, alignment, and personality.
When you revert back to your natural form, you return to
the hit points you havd before then. If you revert because
you were lowered to 0 HP in beast form, any leftover
damage spills over to your natural form.
You can't cast spells. Your ability to speak or take actions
that require your hands are limited.
You retain the benefit of any features granted by
Class,Race, or other source if your new form is capable of
doing so.
You decide whether your equipment falls off to the ground
when you transform, if it merges into your new form, or if
it is worn by the form.
Wisdom is your spellcasting ability. At 1st level, you know 2
cantrips, and you have 2 1st level spell slots.
Spell Save DC = 8 + proficiency bonus + Wisdom Modifier
Spell Attack Modifier = proficiency bonus + Wisdom
he Fighter is the epitome of the elite soldier.
With a wide variety of fighting styles, the Fighter Attributes
Fighter truly knows how to make any weapon Hit Dice: d10
shine. The fighter can take lots of damage, and Proficiencies:
deal that damage right back to their foes. At Armor: All armor, shields
the Fighter levels up, these elite warriors learn Weapons: Simple weapons, martial weapons
to deal even more damage with their weapons.
Choose 2 from the following:
Pros Acrobatics, Animal Handling, Athletics, History, Insight,
High damage Intimidation, Perception, and Survival
Difficult to kill Saving Throw Proficiencies:
Combat Tactics Strength
Easy to play Constitution
Cons Primary Statistics Order
Not versatile at all You should put your stats from highest to lowest in roughly
Doesn't change much the following order: Strength -> Constitution -> Dexterity ->
Everything else. (Put dexterity first if making a dexterity
based fighter.)
Fighting Style
You adopt a particular style of fighting as your specialty. Notable Skills
Choose one of the following options. You can’t take a Fighting
Style option more than once, even if you later get to choose Second Wind
again. You have a limited well of stamina that you can draw on to
Archery: You gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls you make protect yourself from harm. On your turn, you can use a
with ranged weapons. bonus action to regain hit points equal to 1d10 + your fighter
Defense: While you are wearing armor, you gain a +1 level. Once you use this feature, you must finish a short or
bonus to AC. long rest before you can use it again.
Dueling: When you are wielding a melee weapon in one
hand and no other weapons, you gain a +2 bonus to
damage rolls with that weapon.
Great Weapon Fighting: When you roll a 1 or 2 on a
damage die for an attack you make with a melee weapon
that you are wielding with two hands, you can reroll the
die and must use the new roll, even if the new roll is a 1 or
a 2. The weapon must have the two-handed or versatile
property for you to gain this benefit.
Protection: When a creature you can see attacks a target
other than you that is within 5 feet of you, you can use
your reaction to impose disadvantage on the attack roll.
You must be wielding a shield.
he Monk is a graceful soul but is not unwilling
to harm others. Monks tend to use their Monk Attributes
greater levels of maneuverability to simply Hit Dice: d8
outclass their opponent. No need to spill blood Proficiencies:
with swords when the monk can disarm their Weapons: Simple weapons, shortswords.
opponent barehanded. At higher levels, the Tools: One Artisan's tools, or intrument.
Monk learns to truly harness the power of Ki
to devastate their foes, sometimes without even lifting up a
weapon. Skills:
Choose 2 from the following:
Acrobatics, Athletics, History, Insight, Religion, and Stealth
Pros Saving Throw Proficiencies:
No Armor Strength
Ki Dexterity
Maneuverability Primary Statistics Order
You should put your stats from highest to lowest in roughly
Cons the following order: Dexterity -> Wisdom -> Everything else.
Can be complicated to play correctly
Glass Cannon Notable Skills
The Monk Ki
Level Martial Arts Ki Points Unarmored Movement Earned at 2nd level.
1 1d4 - -
Can use "magical" ability of Ki. Spend Ki points to use Ki
abilities. Regain Ki by meditating during rests. Some Ki
2 1d4 2 +10ft abilities:
3 1d4 3 +10ft Flurry of Blows: Use 1 Ki point to make 2 unarmed
4 1d4 4 +10ft strikes as a bonus action.
5 1d6 5 +10ft Patient Defense: Use 1 Ki point to Dodge as a bonus
6 1d6 6 +15ft Step of the Wind: Use 1 Ki point to Disengage or Dash as
7 1d6 7 +15ft a bonus action. Jump distance is doubled for the turn.
8 1d6 8 +15ft
Ki Save DC = 8 + Wisdom modifier + proficiency bonus.
9 1d6 9 +15ft Martial Arts
You gain the following while unarmed or using monk
10 1d6 10 +20ft weapons:
11 1d8 11 +20ft
Use Dexterity for attack and damage.
12 1d8 12 +20ft Roll Martial Arts die for unarmed attack instead.
13 1d8 13 +20ft Can make unarmed strike as bonus action.
14 1d8 14 +25ft
15 1d8 15 +25ft
16 1d8 16 +25ft
17 1d10 17 +25ft
18 1d10 18 +30ft
19 1d10 19 +30ft
20 1d10 20 +30ft
he Paladin is a holy warrior who swears an
oath to uphold justice and righteousness. They Paladin Attributes
use their divine magic to heal the sick and Hit Dice: d10
injured and to smite the wicked. At higher Proficiencies:
levels, the Paladin gains more divine strength Armor: All armor. Shields.
and can use it to protect their allies and give Weapons: Simple weapons. Martial weapons.
them courage and to smite those who would
harm them.
Choose 2 from the following:
Athletics, Insight, Intimidation, Medicine, Persuasion, and
Pros Religion
Are both a tank and a healer Saving Throw Proficiencies:
Lots of combat proficiencies Wisdom
Access to both spells and weapons Charisma
Cons Primary Statistics Order
It is possible to lose powers when you break your oath, so You should put your stats from highest to lowest in roughly
you are at the DM's mercy the following order: Strength -> Charisma = Constitution ->
Limited Spells Everything else.
Excel at neither tanking nor healing
The Paladin Notable Skills
Level Feats Lay on Hands
1 Divine Sense, Lay on Hands
You have a pool of healing power that you can use as an
action. This pool is equal to 5 times your paladin level. You
2 Fighting Style, Divine Smite can use this pool to heal, or you can expend 5 hit points from
3 Divine Health, Sacred Oath it to cure a disease or neutralize poisons. Once emptied, the
pool does not refill until you take a long rest.
4 Ability Score Improvement
5 Extra Attack Spellcasting
6 Aura of Protection
Charisma is your spellcasting ability. At 2nd level you have 2
1st level spell slots.
7 Sacred Oath Feat Spell Save DC = 8 + proficiency bonus + Charisma Modifier
8 Ability Score Improvement Spell Attack Modifier = proficiency bonus + Charisma
9 -
10 Aura of Courage
11 Improved Divine Smite
12 Ability Score Improvement
13 -
14 Cleansing Touch
15 Sacred Oath Feat
16 Ability Score Improvement
17 -
18 Aura Improvements
19 Ability Score Improvement
20 Sacred Oath Feat
he Ranger is a warrior of the wilderness,
hunting the monsters that threaten civilization. Ranger Attributes
They learn both the ways of combat and Hit Dice: d10
nature's spellcasting as a druid does. When in
their element, no one is more competent than Proficiencies:
the Ranger, and even when they travel they Armor: Light armor, medium armor, shields
remain a fearsome enemy. Weapons: Simple weapons, martial weapons
Choose 3 from the following:
Pros Animal Handling, Athletics, Insight, Investigation, Nature,
Ranged Perception, Stealth, and Survival
High versatility
Able to cast spells Saving Throw Proficiencies:
Cons Dexterity
Some features rely on DM discretion Primary Statistics Order
Situational You should put your stats from highest to lowest in roughly
the following order: Dexterity -> Wisdom -> Constitution ->
Everything else.
Notable Skills
Natural Explorer
Choose one type of favored terrain: arctic, coast, desert,
forest, grassland, mountain, swamp, or the Underdark. When
you make an Intelligence or Wisdom check related to your
favored terrain, your proficiency bonus is doubled if you are
proficient. At 6th and 10th levels, choose an additional
While traveling for an hour or more in your favored terrain,
you gain the following benefits:
Difficult terrain doesn’t slow your group’s travel.
Your group can’t becom e lost except by magical means.
Even when you are engaged in another activity while
traveling (such as foraging, navigating, or tracking), you
remain alert to danger.
If you are traveling alone, you can move stealthily at a
normal pace.
When you forage, you find twice as much food as you
normally would.
While tracking other creatures, you also learn their exact
number, their sizes, and how long ago they passed
through the area.
Favored Enemy
Choose a type of favored enemy: aberrations, beasts,
celestials, constructs, dragons, elementals, fey, fiends, giants,
monstrosities, oozes, plants, or undead. Alternatively, you can
select two races of humanoid (such as gnolls and orcs) as
favored enemies. You have advantage on Survival checks to
track your favored enemies, as well as on Intelligence checks
to recall information about them. You may also learn their
he Rogue is a master of using their Expertise
and exploiting their enemies' vulnerabilities to Rogue Attributes
gain the upper hand in any situation. They do Hit Dice: d8
incredible damage whenever they spot a Proficiencies:
potential advantage, often by clever use of Armor: Light armor
stealth. At higher levels, the Rogue refines Weapons: Simple weapons, hand crossbows, longswords,
their skills and seldom fails in their objectives. rapiers, and shortswords
Tools: Thieves' tools
Sneak attack for heavy damage Skills:
Lots of skill proficiencies Choose 4 from the following:
Acrobatics, Athletics, Deception. Insight, Intimidation,
Investigation, Perception, Performance. Persuasion, Sleight
Cons of Hand, and Stealth
Low damage without sneak attack
Low AC, low HP Saving Throw Proficiencies:
The Rogue Intelligence
Level Sneak Attack
Primary Statistics Order
1 +1d6 You should put your stats from highest to lowest in roughly
2 +1d6 the following order: Dexterity -> Intelligence/Charisma =
3 +2d6
Constitution -> Everything else.
4 +2d6
5 +3d6
Notable Skills
6 +3d6 Sneak Attack
You know how to exploit a foe's distraction and can deal an
7 +4d6 extra amount of damage to your enemy equal to the value
8 +4d6 shown in the Rogue table.
9 +5d6 Cunning Action
10 +5d6 Can Dash, Disengage, or Hide as a bonus action every round
11 +6d6
of combat.
12 +6d6
13 +7d6
14 +7d6
15 +8d6
16 +8d6
17 +9d6
18 +9d6
19 +10d6
20 +10d6
he Sorcerer is a magic user gone wild. Instead
of finding their spells in some ancient tome, Sorcerer Attributes
the Sorcerer finds their power from within. Hit Dice: d6
Using this power the Sorcerer is able to Proficiencies:
manipulate their spells to do all sorts of crazy Weapons: Daggers, darts, slings, quarterstaffs, light
things. The Sorcerer can take shortcuts on crossbows.
spells, can duplicate spells, or can harness the
power of spells to deal even more damage. As the Sorcerer
levels up, so too does their repertoire of spells and Skills:
manipulations. Choose 2 from the following:
Arcana, Deception, Insight, Intimidation, Persuasion, and
Pros Saving Throw Proficiencies:
Metamagic Constitution
Very customizable Charisma
Primary Statistics Order
Cons You should put your stats from highest to lowest in roughly
Always uses virtually the following order: Charisma -> Constiution -> Everything
the same spells else.
Glass cannon
The Sorcerer Notable Skills
Level Sorcery Points Spells Known Metamagic
1 - 2
Earned at 3rd level.
You can twist your spells to suit your need.
2 2 3
Careful: Use a sorcery point to make a target
3 3 4 automatically succeed on a saving throw caused by one of
4 4 5 your spells.
5 5 6 Distant: Use a sorcery point to double the range of a spell.
If the range was touch, it is now 30ft.
6 6 7 Empowered: Use a sorcery point to reroll damage dice
7 7 8 equal to your Charisma modifier.
Extended: Use a sorcery point to double the duration of a
8 8 9 spell up to 24 hours and no less than 1 minute.
9 9 10 Heightened: Use 3 sorcery points to give a target
10 10 11 disadvantage on a saving throw caused by your spell.
Quickened: Use 2 sorcery points to make a spell that
11 11 12 takes an action only take a bonus action.
12 12 12 Subtle: Use a sorcery point to cast without somatic or
verbal components.
13 13 13 Twinned: When you cast a spell that does not have a
14 14 13 range of self and only targets one creature, you can spend
15 15 14 a number of sorcery points equal to the spell's level to
twin the spell onto a second target. Cantrips use 1 sorcery
16 16 14 point.
17 17 15
18 18 15 Charisma is your spellcasting ability. At 1st level, you know 3
19 19 15 cantrips, and you have 2 1st level spell slots.
Spell Save DC = 8 + proficiency bonus + Charisma Modifier
20 20 15 Spell Attack Modifier = proficiency bonus + Charisma
he Warlock is a powerful magic user who
made a deal with an otherworldly figure who
has granted them unimaginable power. These Warlock Attributes
magic users get invocations to increase the Hit Dice: d8
power of their abilities. These warlocks gain Proficiencies:
more magical abilities and learn how to use Armor: Light.
them to more devastating effects as they level Weapons: Simple weapons.
Choose 2 from the following:
Pros Arcana, Deception, History, Intimidation, Investigation,
Nature, and Religion
Lots of at-will magic
Very customizable Saving Throw Proficiencies:
Cons Charisma
Very low number Primary Statistics Order
of spell slots You should put your stats from highest to lowest in roughly
"Evil" stigma the following order: Charisma -> Constiution -> Everything
The Warlock else.
Spells Spell Slot Invocations
Notable Skills
Eldritch Invocations
2 3 2 1st 2 Earned at 2nd level.
3 4 2 2nd 2 Gain Eldritch Invocations equal to the value shown in the
4 5 2 2nd 2
Warlock table. These invocations provide additional benefits
to the Warlock's repertoire.
5 6 2 3rd 4
6 7 2 3rd 4 Pact Boon
Earned at 3rd level.
7 8 2 4th 4 Earn one of the following gifts from your patron:
8 9 2 4th 4
Pact of the Chain: You learn find familiar as a ritual. You
9 10 2 5th 5 can choose a normal form or a pseudodragon, quasit, or
10 10 2 5th 5 sprite. You can also let your familiar take your attack
11 11 2 5th 5 Pact of the Blade: You can use your action to summon a
12 11 3 5th 6 weapon of a form of your choice. You are proficient with it.
13 12 3 5th 6
This weapon is considered magical.
Pact of the Tome: You gain a spellbook called a grimoire
14 12 3 5th 6 of shadows. This book contains 3 cantrips from any class.
15 13 3 5th 7 They don't count against the number known.
16 13 3 5th 7 Spellcasting
17 14 4 5th 7 Charisma is your spellcasting ability. At 1st level, you know 3
cantrips, and you have 2 1st level spell slots.
18 14 4 5th 8 Spell Save DC = 8 + proficiency bonus + Charisma Modifier
19 15 4 5th 8 Spell Attack Modifier = proficiency bonus + Charisma
20 15 4 5th 8
he Wizard is a highly educated magic user that
makes use of a spellbook to destroy their Wizard Attributes
enemies. The Wizard is able to cast a wide Hit Dice: d6
variety of spells ranging from utility to the ever- Proficiencies:
glorious and well-placed fireball to decimate Weapons: Daggers, darts, slings, quarterstaffs, light
their enemies. With spellbook in hand, the crossbows.
Wizard is even more dangerous than an entire
army of foot soldiers. As the Wizard levels up, even more
spells are thrown into their arsenal of spells, and the Wizard Skills:
is able to cast even more spells than before. Choose 2 from the following:
Arcana, History, Insight, Investigation, Medicine, and
Pros Saving Throw Proficiencies:
Largest number of spells Intelligence
Group Play Wisdom
Can specialize Primary Statistics Order
You should put your stats from highest to lowest in roughly
Cons the following order: Intelligence -> Constiution = Dexterity ->
Can be complicated to play correctly Everything else.
The Wizard's Spell Slots Notable Skills
Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Spellbook
1 2 - - - - - - - -
At first level, the book contains 6 1st level spells of choice. In
order to cast spells, you must prepare them. To do so, choose
2 3 - - - - - - - - a number of wizard spells from your spellbook equal to your
3 4 2 - - - - - - - Intelligence modifier + your wizard level. You can change this
list of prepared spells during a long rest. When you gain a
4 4 3 - - - - - - - Wizard level, you can add two wizard spells of choice as long
5 4 3 2 - - - - - - as they are of the the approiate spell level(s).
6 4 3 3 - - - - - -
Arcane Recovery
7 4 3 3 1 - - - - - Once per day during a short rest you may regain spell slots.
8 4 3 3 2 - - - - - The spell slots can have a combined level that is no greater
than half your wizard level rounded up.
9 4 3 3 3 1 - - - -
10 4 3 3 3 2 - - - - Spellcasting
11 4 3 3 3 2 1 - - -
Wisdom is your spellcasting ability. At 1st level, you know 3
cantrips, and you have 2 1st level spell slots.
12 4 3 3 3 2 1 - - - Spell Save DC = 8 + proficiency bonus + Intelligence
13 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 - - Modifier
Spell Attack Modifier = proficiency bonus + Intelligence
14 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 - - Modifier
15 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 1 -
16 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 1 -
17 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 1 1
18 4 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 1
19 4 3 3 3 3 2 1 1 1
20 4 3 3 3 3 2 2 1 1
This PDF was made with "The Homebrewery", created by
/u/stolksdorf Thanks
Cover image by Jordan Grimmer at And finally I'd like to say thanks to the 2 people who helped input the data: suppuppow and OctopusQueen
Barbarian on Page 4 found on
Pan Flute found at
Bongos found on Amazon by Rhythm Band
Cleric/Undead image by Sickbrush at
Druid image by Crisjofreart at
Warlock image by captdiablo at
Ranger Image from the D&D 4e wiki at
Rogue image by Timkongart at
Wizard image by Yaron Granot at
Fighter image by Tsabo6 at