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• Buat jawaban “in order” tidak diacak nomornya misal block 1, block 2 dan seterusnya (Jawaban untuk soal
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• Solve the relative dating problems in the ten blocks below. Write the
answers beside the blocks, with the oldest units at the bottom and the
youngest units on top. Include all events (folding, faulting, etc.).
• If the block has units with letters on them, put the letters in order from
oldest to youngest.
• Add words for erosion events, folding events, intrusions, faults, tilting, etc.
• If a fault (or other event) is labeled with a letter, refer to it as “Fault A.” If
there are several faults and they are not labeled, you may say “the fault on
the left” or the “fault on the right.” If a layer does not have a label,
determine the rock type from the lithologic symbol, or give its color. If the
block is not labeled at all (Blocks 7 and 8), use the lithologic symbols to
identify the rock types. Put the rock types and events (erosion, fault,
folding, tilting, and intrusion) in order from oldest to youngest, as you did
with the other diagrams.
After determining the sequence of events in the ten diagrams above, answer the following questions.
1. What type of unconformity is represented by Erosion A in Block 1?
2. What type of unconformity is represented by Erosion N in Block 2?
3. What type of igneous intrusion is shown in Block 3?
4. What type of fault is Fault A in Block 4?
5. What type of fault is Fault S in Block 5?
6. What type of fold is present in Block 6?
7. In Block 6, is the igneous rock a pluton, a lava flow, or both? Explain!
8. In Block 7, are the inclusions with x’s on them clasts, or are they xenoliths?
9. In Block 7, are the inclusions with v’s on them clasts, or are they xenoliths? Are all clasts with v’s on them
of that type, or are there other types as well? Explain!
10. What type of fault is present in Block 7?
11. What types of faults are present in Block 8? Identify each. Fault on the left? Fault on the right?
12. Are there two faults in Block 9, or is there only one fault? Explain!
13. What type of fault (or faults) is (or are) present in Block 9: normal or reverse?
14. In Block 9, what type of unconformity is found below unit L along erosion surface R?
15. In Block 10, what type of unconformity is found below unit A along erosion surface R?
16. What type of fold is the fold on the left in Block 10: an anticline or a syncline?
17. What type of fold is the fold on the right in Block 10: an anticline or a syncline?
18. Is the structure at P a clast or a xenolith?
19. Is the structure at D a clast or a xenolith?
20. Is the intrusion at L a dike or a sill?
21. Is the intrusion at K a dike or a sill?