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Strenght For Today

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Message for THE LORD'S DAY MORNING, May 14, 2017

Christian Hope Church of Christ, Plymouth, North Carolina

by Reggie A. Braziel, Minister

Strength For Today

II Corinthians 12:7-10 (NKJV)

Each year as Mother's Day approaches I really wrestle with

whether or not to preach a Mother's Day Sermon.
Sermon Early on in my
ministry I believed that mothers looked forward to hearing a good
Mother's Day Sermon and they would be greatly disappointed if I
didn't preach one.

But the longer I have been in the ministry I have reached

the conclusion that many mothers aren't offended if I
don't preach a Mother's Day Sermon. In fact, many have
told me over the years that they would just as soon hear
a good gospel message than to hear a Mother's Day Sermon.

And so to all you mothers and grandmothers here today, we love

you and we honor you and we appreciate all that you have done and
still do for us,
us, and we wish each and everyone of you a very Happy
Mother's Day.
Day. And I hope you won't be too upset with me if I
preach a message that will not only encourage you as mothers,
but encourage all of us who are here today.


One of the most rewarding things the LORD has ever given me the
privilege of doing in all my years in the ministry was preaching on
a daily radio program back in the late 1990's and early 2000's called
“Strength For Today.” I had the honor of sharing that broadcast
with Bob Moulden , Elbert Lilly, Dolan Baker and Bill Pollock. Perhaps
some of you can remember listening to that program.

The strange thing about preaching on the radio is you don't

know how many people are listening or if anyone is even
listening at all. But over the seven year run of that
broadcast, we preachers came to realize that GOD WAS

Just as the title of our radio program suggested, there were lots
of people out there listening who just needed “Strength For Today.”
They just needed hope and encouragement and strength from the
word of GOD that God was going to see them through a difficult
circumstance or trial they were going through.

Perhaps it is you who needs STRENGTH FOR TODAY. Maybe you are
dealing with some marital issues.....or family issues.....or health
issues......or work-related issues that are weighing you down with
discouragement and a sense of hopelessness and despair.

Maybe your greatest concern right now is not whether

you have the strength to make it through another week or
another month or another year. Maybe your greatest
This morning as we look at the example of the apostle Paul, my
prayer is that GOD will use this message to strengthen and
encourage all of us as we face our daily struggles.

Please turn with me in your Bibles to II Corinthians chapter twelve.

And let's read verses 7-10.

II Corinthians 12:7-10 (NKJV)

7 And lest I should be exalted above measure by the

abundance of the revelations, a thorn in the flesh was
given to me, a messenger of Satan to buffet me, lest I be
exalted above measure.

8 Concerning this thing I pleaded with the Lord three times

that it might depart from me.

9 And He said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for My

strength is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore most
gladly I will rather boast in my infirmities, that the power
of Christ may rest upon me.

10 Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in

needs, in persecutions, in distresses, for Christ’s sake. For
when I am weak, then I am strong.

In the kingdom of GOD everything is exactly opposite to the way
the world thinks.

In the kingdom of GOD..........

• We conquer by surrendering.
• We find rest by taking upon ourselves the yoke of Christ.
• We reign by serving.
• We are made great by becoming small.
• We are exalted when we are humble.
• We become wise by being fools for Christ’s sake.
• We are made free by becoming bondservants.
• We become first by placing ourselves last .
• We win through losing.
• We live by dying.

And here in our scripture text, Paul tells us in verse 10......

WEAK, then I am STRONG.”
“When I am WEAK, STRONG.” I will have more to say
about that a little later.

I have just two simple points to share with you in today's
First of let's consider........

I. The TRIAL Paul Faced (vs. 7,8)

In verses 1-6 of this twelfth chapter of II Corinthians Paul writes

about a supernatural experience the LORD had given him
that none of the other apostles ever experienced. In fact, no
man before or after Paul experienced what he did.

Paul wasn't sure if it was an “in the body” or “out of body”

experience. All he knew is that he was caught up into
heaven and there he saw things no man had ever seen
before and he heard things that no earthly tongue can even
begin to describe.

When that supernatural experience was over, Paul could

have easily have boasted about having seen things no man
had ever seen and heard things no man had ever heard, but
the LORD made sure that didn't happen.

Verse 7 “And lest I should be exalted above measure by the

abundance of the revelation, a thorn in the flesh was
given to me, a messenger of Satan to buffet me, lest I
be exalted above measure.”
What Was Paul's “Thorn-In-The-Flesh?”

That's the “million dollar” question that has been debated by

theologians and Bible scholars virtually since the time Paul
wrote this second letter to the Corinthians.

The possibilities are endless! Some believe Paul's “thorn-in-

the-flesh” was epileptic seizures. Some believe it was a
speech impediment or chronic earaches. Some believe Paul's
“thorn-in-the-flesh” was his estranged wife who was a constant
source of discouragement. Some believe it could have been
an on-going battle with “fleshly temptations.” Others believe
it was the relentless persecution that Paul endured every
where he preached. Some even believe Paul's “thorn-in-
the-flesh” was his grotesque physical appearance.

While we will never know for certain this side of heaven,

there are two very plausible possibilities of what Paul's
thorn-in-the-flesh may have been.

One very real possibility is that Paul suffered recurring

migraine headaches that were the aftermath of having
contracted malaria while preaching in the mosquito infested
region of Asia Minor. The word “thorn” actually means
“stake.” If you have ever suffered a migraine you probably
felt like someone had driven a “stake” right through your

Another very real possibility is that Paul's “thorn-in-the-flesh”

was poor eyesight. Some believe that when the Lord struck
Paul with blindness on the road to Damascus that he never
fully regained his sight as a constant reminder of that

In Paul's writings to the Galatians he mentions a couple of

things that certainly would lend credibility to “poor vision”
being his “thorn-in-the-flesh.”

Galatians 4:15b (NKJV) “...........”For I bear witness that, if

possible, you would have plucked out your own eyes and given
them to me.”

And then in Galatians 6:11 (NKJV) Paul writes, “See with what
large letters I have written to you with my own hand.”

Regardless of what Paul's “thorn-in-the-flesh” may have been,

it is obvious it was something Paul lived with every day....
something that weighed upon him......something he wished
he didn't have to struggle with. How do we know that?

In verse 8 Paul said, “Concerning this thing I pleaded with the

LORD three times that it might depart from me.”

And that brings us to our second key point. Let's consider.......

II. The TRUTHS Paul Learned (vs. 9,10)

In verses 9 and 10 Paul reveals two valuable truths he

learned about handling life's hardships that we too must

TRUTH #1: God's Grace Is Sufficient

Verse 9 And He said to me, “MyMy grace is sufficient for you,

you for
My strength is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore
most gladly I will rather boast in my infirmities, that the
power of Christ may rest upon me.

GOD didn't give Paul an EXPLANATION,

And that promise was, “My grace is sufficient for you.” In other
words, “I am going to give you something far better that
removing your “thorn-in-the-flesh.” “I am not only going to
give you the strength to live with your “thorn-in-the-flesh”
I am going to use your suffering to build your character and
make you a stronger,
stronger and a wiser,
wiser and a better man.

Charles Spurgeon once said, “God

“ will always honor our
prayers; He will either pay us in silver or in gold; and
sometimes it is a golden answer to prayer to deny us our
request, and give us the very opposite of what we seek.”

Sometimes the very thing we ask GOD to

take out of our lives is the very thing that
magnifies God's grace,
grace and God's strength
and brings GOD the most honor and glory!
illustration: Just after being fired as head coach of the
Houston Oilers, the late Bum Phillips said,
“There are two kinds of coaches in the NFL, them
that's been fired and them that's going to be.”

Well there are two kinds of Christians, too! Those who are
hurting and those who are going to hurt. The fact that the
apostle Paul, who is arguably the greatest preacher of the
gospel this world has ever known, lived with chronic
suffering of some kind tells us that regardless of how godly
we may be....regardless of how high our calling may be
none of us are immune to suffering and hardship.
from GOD ...none
In his book “Take Comfort” Bob Russell writes....

Just because you take your children to Sunday School doesn't mean
they will never use drugs. Just because you are a Christian
doesn't mean you'll never get cancer. Just because you tithe
does not mean you will never feel the tension of financial
strain. Just because you marry a Christian doesn't mean you're
going to live happily ever after. Just because you're driving to
Church doesn't mean you won't have an accident.” (TAKE COMFORT
by Bob Russell, p. 213, STANDARD PUBLISHING COMANY, Cincinnati, OH Copyright 1991)

Any time we struggle with an on-going trial or we go

through a very difficult situation it is our human nature to
ask “WHY?” “Why is this happening to me?” “Why has GOD
allowed this to happen?” “Why doesn't GOD do something?” We
are full of “why” questions!

Warren Wiersbe says there are three possible

reasons for our suffering:
Sometimes we Christians suffer simply because we are
human. We live in a “fallen world” full of sickness and
disease and accidents and tragedies; and being a
Christian doesn't make us immune to any of those

Sometimes we Christians suffer because of our

disobedience and foolishness. Christians often make
some very unwise choices in habits and lifestyle that
will eventually bring physical, emotional, or spiritual
ILLUSTRATION: When I was preaching in Mt. Vernon, Indiana there
was a dear, sweet lady in our Church by the name of Lorene Griffith.
When Lorene was a teenager she started smoking cigarettes. And
throughout her whole adult life she became so addicted to nicotine
that she was smoking 2-3 packs of cigarettes a day. Eventually she
developed emphysema and then lung cancer which took her out of
this world.

You see, sometimes we bring suffering and trouble upon

ourselves by our own unwise choices.

And then sometimes suffering is a “tool” that God uses to

build godly character in us. In other words, suffering is
sometimes a “blessing” not a “punishment.” I believe that
is what Paul's “thorn-in-the-flesh” was. Despite the fact
Paul asked GOD three times to remove his “thorn-in-the-
flesh” Paul knew his infirmity was a blessing rather than
a punishment.

Remember what Paul said back in verse 7? And lest I should

be exalted above measure by the abundance of the revelations, a
thorn in the flesh was given to me, a messenger of Satan to buffet
me, (now listen closely!) lest I be exalted above measure.

What is Paul saying? He is saying, I know deep down in my

heart that this “thorn-in-the-flesh”.....this suffering I deal
with each and every day ultimately is for my own good.
God has allowed me to have this suffering to keep me
humble.......to “keep me from being puffed up with pride”......to
“keep me in my proper place.”
Brothers and sisters, WHAT IF that trial....that hardship....that
suffering......that problem......that burden......that difficulty that
we think is making our lives worse is actually “the tool” God is
using to mold us and shape us into the man or woman that GOD
wants us to be? What if that thing we have asked GOD to
remove from our lives is actually making us stronger, and
better, and more like Christ?

Anything that causes us to pray more.......Anything

more....... that drives
us to God's word more......Anything
more...... that causes us to lean on
GOD more and depend on GOD more and trust in GOD more is a

Any trial or suffering we go through that magnifies our

weakness and magnifies God's strength is a blessing. Any
trial or suffering that we go through that brings glory and
honor to GOD is a blessing.

This doesn't make our trials and suffering more pleasant, but
it helps us to understand that behind every trial, every
trouble, and every hardship we go through GOD HAS A


Several years ago some of you may remember me requesting prayer for my
dear friend Johnny Adkins who received second and third degree burns
over a great percentage of his body.

For months Johnny was confined to a bed in the burn unit at Baptist
hospital in Winston Salem. (NC) One day I was talking with Johnny on the
phone and he told me how GOD had used this terrible accident that nearly
took his life to open all kinds of doors for him to share Christ with his
doctors, nurses, and physical therapists.

Johnny has since gone to be with the LORD. But in those last two or three
years of his life, GOD used Johnny's suffering to bring great glory and honor
to Himself as many lives were touched by Johnny's testimony about his
faith in GOD despite his terrible scars and suffering.

In the midst of his suffering, Johnny Adkins learned the truth the
apostle learned and that is GOD'S GRACE IS SUFFICIENT.

That is the truth you and I must learn if we are to have

We must learn that GOD'S GRACE IS SUFFICIENT......GOD has
all we need......GOD will give us all we need......and GOD IS ALL

That brings us to the second truth Paul learned and that


TRUTH #2: When I am WEAK,

WEAK, then I am STRONG

v. 10 Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches,

in needs, in persecutions, in distresses, for Christ’s
sake. For when I am weak, then I am strong.

Paul is not saying, “It gives me great pleasure to suffer” or

“I really enjoy going through great trials and hardships.”
What Paul is saying is, “Since so many benefits result from
all my trials, and since all my hardships give me the
opportunity to become more like Christ and to grow closer
to Christ, I will rejoice in my sufferings.”
If you will stop and think about it, it is those times when
you and I are “the weakest” we are actually the strongest!

Most of us pride ourselves in being able to handle most

anything life throws at us. We like to think we are strong
enough to handle anything! But it is when we think we
are the strongest that we are actually our weakest. When
we trust in our own sufficiency rather than the sufficiency
of GOD we are as weak as weak can be.

Paul says, “For when I am weak, then I am strong.”

When we have exhausted all our resources.

When we have done everything we know to do.
When we have reached our limits.
When we have come to the end of ourselves.
When we have tried everything we know to try.

When we are at “wit's end” and cry out to GOD, “Dear

Lord help me, I can't do this !” That is when you and
I are the strongest.

When we STOP trusting in ourselves and START trusting

in GOD we become strong! When we STOP being so
self-sufficient and start relying upon the sufficiency of
GOD we become strong.

He Giveth More Grace

He giveth more grace as our burdens grow greater,

He sendeth more strength as our labors increase;
To added afflictions He addeth His mercy,
To multiplied trials He multiplies peace.

When we have exhausted our store of endurance,

When our strength has failed ere the day is half done,
When we reach the end of our hoarded resources
Our Father’s full giving is only begun.

His love has no limits, His grace has no measure,

His power no boundary known unto men;
For out of His infinite riches in Jesus
He giveth, and giveth, and giveth again.

(Annie Johnson Flint, “He Giveth More Grace” Copyright 1941,

renewed 1969, Lillenas Publishing Company )

I leave you with this closing thought. OUR FAITH cannot grow
without trials . If our faith is to grow we must go through trials
and hardships and problems. Life's troubles move us towards
GOD. Life's troubles move us to pray. And it is in the midst of our
greatest difficulties we learn what the apostle Paul learned and
And when BY FAITH we get a firm grasp on this
wonderful truth we will discover STRENGTH FOR

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