CONSTI 39 1 Consti
CONSTI 39 1 Consti
CONSTI 39 1 Consti
Lalit Khatana
appointment, the President shall consult the Chief Justice of India, the Governor of
the State (and also the Chief Justice of that High Court in the matter of appointment
A Judge of the High Court shall hold office until the age of 62 years. Every Judge,
permanent, additional or acting, may vacate his office earlier in any of the following
ways; (i) by resignation in writing addressed to the President; (ii) by being appointed
a Judge of the Supreme Court or being transferred to any other High Court, by the
allowances, as the Parliament may by law fix from time to time. According to the
revision in 1998 the salaries are: the Chief Justice Rs. 30,000 p.m.; any other judge
Rs. 26,000 p.m. In addition they will also be entitled to receive other prescribed
By providing the expenditure salaries and allowances the judges shall be charged on
the consolidated fund of State Article 360 (4) (b).These cannot be reduced except in
financial emergency. Nor can the allowances and rights be varied by Parliament to
The control of the Union over a High Court in India is exercised in the following
(i) Appointment, (Article 217), transfer from one High Court to another (Article 222)
and removal [Article 217(1)] and determination of dispute as to age of Judges of High
Courts [Article 217 (3)]; (ii) the Constitution and organisation of High Courts and the
power to establish a common High Court for two or more States (Article 231); and
(iii) to extend the jurisdiction of a High Court to, or to exclude it jurisdiction from, a
Union Territory, are all exclusive powers of the Union Parliament (Article 231).
different types of jurisdiction of the High Courts. It was presumed that the High
Court’s which were functioning with well- defined jurisdiction at the time of the
framing of the Constitution would continue with it and maintain their position as the
The Constitution, accordingly, provided that the High Courts would retain their
existing jurisdiction and any future law that was to be made by the Legislatures.
(3) the power to transfer cases to themselves pending in the subordinate courts
cases ordered to be transferred from a lower court involving the interpretation of the
The High Courts of Bombay, Calcutta and Madras exercise original civil jurisdiction
when the amount involved exceeds specified limit. In criminal cases it extends to
On the appeal side they entertain appeals in civil and criminal cases from their
subordinate courts as well as from their original side. For historical reasons and as a
result of the specific provisions in the Government of India Act, 1935, no High Court
has any original jurisdiction in any matter concerning revenue. In 1950 Constitution
military tribunals [Art. 227]. This power of superintendence is a very wide power in
as much as it extends to all courts as well as tribunals within the State, whether such
court or tribunal is subject to the appellate jurisdiction of the High Court or not.
though no appeal or revision against the orders of such tribunal was otherwise
However, this jurisdiction of High Court has been taken away in respect of
Act. 1985. If the High Court is satisfied that a case pending in a court subordinate to
After the case has come to the file of the High Court, it may dispose of the whole case
itself, or may determine the constitutional questions involved and return the case to
the court from which it has been withdrawn together with a copy of its judgement on
such question and direct it to dispose of the case in conformity with such judgement.
The Constitution, thus, denies to subordinate courts the right to interpret the
to the High Court a case which involves a substantial question of law as to the
interpretation of the Constitution and the case cannot be disposed of without the
determination of such question. The High Court may also transfer the case to itself
upon the application of the party in the case.
mandamus, prohibition, quo warrantor and certiorari, or any of them, for the
enforcement of any of the Fundamental Rights and for any other purpose.
The Constitution by Forty-second amendment omitted the provision “for any other
purpose”, but the Forty-fourth amendment has restored it. The peculiarity of this
Although the Supreme Court and the High Courts have concurrent jurisdiction in the
enforcement of Fundamental Rights, the Constitution does not confer to the High
Under Article 32 the Supreme Court is made the guarantor and protector, of
Fundamental Rights whereas in the case of High court the power to enforce
The jurisdiction to issue writs under these Articles is larger in the case of High Court
in as much as while the Supreme Court can issue them only where a fundamental
right has been infringed, a High Court can issue them not only in such cases but also
where an ordinary legal right has been infringed, provided a writ is a proper remedy
the power to punish for contempt of itself. The two characteristics of a court of record
are that the records of such a Court are admitted to be of evidentiary value and that
they cannot be questioned when produced before any court and that it has the power
to punish for contempt of itself. Neither the Supreme Court nor the Legislature can