The Constitutional Limitations
The Constitutional Limitations
The Constitutional Limitations
CONSTITUTIONAL LIMITATIONS - those limitations and limitations. There must be showing of an actual,
on the state's exercise of the taxing power specifically direct, and exclusive use and furtherance of such
provided by the particular provisions of the Philippine objectives in order to be exempt to prevent abuse and
Constitution. capitalization of such objectives to escape from tax.
a. Due process of law. , no person shall be deprived of h. Concurrence of the majority members of Congress
life, liberty or property without due process of law. in granting tax exemption. Tax exemptions are immunity
Substantive due process relates to the circumstances from a particular tax that is being imposed to others
and procedures in the passage of tax laws and ordinances similarly situated. The more exemptions, the less
Procedural aspects in the implementation of the tax laws collections. Accordingly, in order to control and to see to it
and ordinances. Applied to taxation, due process that only those necessarily entitled must be provided
mandates that there should be a valid law imposing a tax exemptions, the constitution require that such grant of tax
to a particular taxpayer, and should the taxpayer failed to exemption shall be concurred by the vote of the majority of
pay the same, it must be given each and every opportunity the membership in the Congress. It should be noted that
to explain itself and justify. No law imposing a tax, then the Philippines is on a bicameral congress, the senate and the
taxpayer shall not be collected such tax. On the other lower house, thus, granting tax exemptions are not quite
hand, granting that the taxpayer failed to pay in full but easy to legislate.
was not issued as assessment notice informing the facts
and the law of the assessment, still, the taxpayer could not i. Non-impairment of the jurisdiction of the Supreme
be held to pay. These are the essence of due process. Court on tax cases. This is in furtherance of the
The taxing authority, while implementing the necessary principles of check and balances. The jurisdiction of the
mandates of its office must give due respect to the lower courts are based on the mercy of the laws passed
established procedures the way it works in an organized for the purpose, thus, may be modified and revised from
society. time to time. However, in the case of the Supreme Court,
no law can take its power to become the final arbiter of tax
b. Equal protection of law. "...nor shall any person be cases.
denied equal protection of law". Equal protection relates to
how a particular tax measure or ordinance is being applied j. Veto power of the President in tax bills. Generally, on
to persons or class of persons similarly situated. Thus, if bills passed by Congress, the President is empowered to
two entities falling on the same classification shall be either approve or disapprove a bill as a whole. If approved
taxed similarly. Example, if an ordinance imposes a tax on or not acted upon within a certain period of time, it
technicians and it happened that in a locality there was a becomes a law, and if vetoed, it does not become a law in
single technician, such technician cannot complain for its entirety. Tax bills however, can be granted either fully
unequal application because the ordinance is made or partially. If a bill is granted partially, provisions which
applicable to all technicians belonging to the same class. are approved becomes part of the law while those
provisions vetoed upon becomes ineffective.
c. Non-imprisonment for non-payment of debt or poll
Freedom Of Speech And Of The Press (Art. III, Sec. 4,
tax. Debt refers to a civil obligation that is payable in
money or in kind, while poll tax or community tax refers to 1987 Constitution)
an charge or imposition administered by the local There is curtailment of press freedom and freedom of
government unit (LGU) where the taxpayer is located. The
prohibition admits the fact of inequality of distribution of thought and expression if a tax is
wealth in the society and provides for instances in extreme levied in order to suppress this basic right and impose a
poverty. This is likewise in furtherance of the basic
doctrine in civil law that civil liability does not put the prior restraint. (Tolentino vs.
person liable behind bars. Applied to tax, while poll tax is Secretary of Finance, GR No. 115455, August 25, 1994)
a basic mandate in the Local Government Code, its non-
payment does not entitle imprisonment. Non-Infringement Of Religious Freedom And Worship
(Art. III, Sec. 5, 1987 Constitution)
d. Non-impairment of obligations of contracts. To
A license tax or fee constitutes a curtailment of religious
impair is to damage or to harm and obligation referred to is
the duty or commitment imposed upon by the valid freedom if imposed as a condition for its exercise.
contract entered into by the contracting parties. Applied to
tax, a new tax law shall not be passed in such a way as to Differences between Tax Avoidance and Tax Evasion
impair or to prejudice the obligation of a contracting party
by virtue of a contract entered into with the state. This is to Tax avoidance
give due respect to the contractual terms the state is bind
with respect to its contract with private individuals. is generally the legal exploitation of the tax regime to
A theoretical example of this is, if an exemption is granted
one's own advantage, to attempt to reduce the
by the state by virtue of a contract with a private entity for
which a valuable consideration is involved, then no new amount of tax that is payable by means that are within
law could later be passed to prejudice said exemption. the law whilst making a full disclosure of the material
information to the tax authorities. Examples of tax
e. Rule of taxation shall be uniform and equitable. As
stated in uniform application above, uniformity relates to avoidance involve using tax deductions, changing
classification of taxpayers to be subjected to tax. Equitable one's business structure through incorporation or
on the other hand relates to the ability to pay the tax of establishing an offshore company in a tax haven.
those that belong to the same class. In other words, it
refers to how much will each pay and the constitution may be considered as either the amoral dodging of
requires that there must be a reasonableclassification and one's duties to society, part of a strategy of not
justification for the unequal imposition. supporting violent government activities or just the
right of every citizen to find all the legal ways to avoid
f. Separation of church and state. This is based on the
sad experiences during the Spanish regime where the paying too much tax
church had much to say about the governance of state.
Applied to tax, no public money from taxes shall be spent
for furtherance of religious activities. Thus, a municipality
cannot spend public funds for the celebration of its
municipal fiesta.