Research Proposal For Mphil
Research Proposal For Mphil
Research Proposal For Mphil
Research Proposal
A research is actually a road map showing clearly the location from where a journey
begins; the method of getting there and the destination to be reached.
A proposal is also known as a work plan, prospectus, outline, statement of intent, or draft
plan. It tells us
What will be done?
Why it will be done?
How it will be done?
Where it will be done
For whom it will be done?
What is the benefit of doing it?
Title page: This includes your name, department and supervisor/s, title: Proposal for
Thesis, and thesis title
Table of Contents
This includes a brief summary of your proposal, what your research will involve,
research questions or hypothesis, research methods and how you will analyse the data.
This sets out why you chose your topic - what prompted your interest in the topic; the
links with previous research; ways your thesis is different or unique; and states the
research objectives, questions or hypothesis.
Indicative literature:
A scholarly review of earlier work relevant to the concerned topic providing appropriate
history and recognizing the priority of the work of others and indicate the relevant
literature you have read so far sets your research in context. It identifies the direction you
will take from among the possible theoretical directions.
Include a timeline/action plan to guide you and keep you on track. For example estimate
the time needed for tasks and assign tasks for each week/month.
Outline the format of your thesis. Suggest how many chapters you will have, chapter
headings and the order of presentation.
Write about the anticipated outcomes/results of your research and also conclude how
these anticipated outcomes/results of your research will be applied or be used.
Bibliography/Reference List:
This section will contain all citations included in your proposal according to Harvard
style. It will be found at the end of the proposal.
Appendices: This section will include additional documents and materials such as
covering letters, consent forms, questionnaires, survey forms, and letters of introduction
to subjects etc which are relevant to your research.
Note: A quality/ standard proposal include:
Informative title;
Convincing abstract;
Clear research question;
Scientific background and rationale;
Good selection of research methods;
Ethical considerations; and
Realistic budget and time table.