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Customer Service Management in Hospitality Industry

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Literature Review

Table of Contents

ABSTRACT........................................................................................................................................................... 3

1 INTRODUCTION:......................................................................................................................................... 4

1.1 IMPORTANCE OF TOPIC:.........................................................................................................................................4

1.2 PROBLEMS AND ISSUES:.......................................................................................................................................4
1.3 RESEARCH STRATEGIES:.......................................................................................................................................5
1.4 PROPOSED DISCUSSION:......................................................................................................................................5

2 LITERATURE REVIEW:................................................................................................................................. 6

2.1 CUSTOMER SERVICE MANAGEMENT IN HOSPITALITY INDUSTRY:....................................................................................6

2.1.1 Issues and Challenges in Customer Services Management in hospitability Industry:............................6
2.1.2 Labor Cost, shortage, and Turnovers impacting Customer Services Management:..............................7
2.1.3 Vain Customer Relationship Management, Competition Based Brand Switching and Cost
2.1.4 Guest Sophistications, Innovation, Interactive Reservation Systems, and Technologies Necessities:...7
2.1.5 Data Mining and Big Data Management Issues:...................................................................................7
2.1.6 Economic Stability, Cultural Diversity, Staff Education and Language Issues:.......................................8
2.2 CUSTOMER SERVICE MANAGEMENT TRENDS AND POSSIBILITIES IN HOSPITABILITY:...........................................................8
2.2.1 Dimensions of Service Quality in Hospitality Sector:..............................................................................9

3 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION:.................................................................................................. 10

4 REFERENCES:............................................................................................................................................ 11

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Eminent and prestigious market names in the hospitability sectors are usually the regions,
countries and markets that are not only rich in beauty, however, ineffective customer service
management. The flexible infrastructural and communication platforms have made the tourist
attraction‘s associated focal points towards greater services as information, substitutions, diverse
offers selection and comparisons have become easier. However, hospitality industry tends to face
varied difficulties as some of the major issues as a labor shortage, ineffective customer
relationship management guest sophistication, innovation and technology based demand, cost
effectiveness maintenance and varied other has become hard to sustain. Therefore, the following
literature strives to analyze the possible gaps and proffer solutions for varied issues regarding
CRM software maintenance, social media promotions, education, training, competitive
compensations and others to maintain the quality of services required for higher satisfaction in
customer services management.

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1 Introduction:

Customer service management is considered as one of the highly essential rudiments in the
hospitality industry as it strives to provide best in class services in authentic, accurate, beneficial,
friendly manner. The high-quality CSM help in increasing the satisfaction level of the tourist
and customers as proper attention, services, facilitations and respect are given. In this regard,
below are given some of the important aspects associated with the theme of the subject matter in
particular (Cronin & Bullard, 2015).

1.1 Importance of Topic:

According to Nickson, (2013) customer service management is important and integral to be

maintained in the hospitality sector as, hospitality and tourism are all about superior guest
experiences, comfort, and enjoyment for the enhancements of satisfaction. Therefore, provision
of the effective customer service management facilitate in proffering the best in class customer
and patrons responsiveness, and also increases the operational effectiveness. timely, flexible,
attentive services increases satisfaction, creates delights and ensures for repetitions of services
and also help in increased cost ad expenditure control, maximization of the series revenues,
positive word of mouth and tourist reviews for higher tourist arrivals and overall economic and
company wise income generation opportunities (Johnson et al., 2013).

1.2 Problems and Issues:

In accordance with Galliers & Leidner, (2014) varied issues and predicaments have been
damaging the customer services management criterions that need to be excluded in an effective
manner to better attract, retain and sustain tourist attraction and services revenues. These issues
includes the labor cost issues, labor shortage based ineffective customer services, vain customer
relationship management, superior competition based brand switching, cost containments,
superior guest sophistication requirements, ineffective exploitation of interactive reservation
systems, guest room based innovation and technologies necessities, Data mining, big data
management issues (Lovelock et al., 2014). Not only this, however, Testa & Sipe, (2012)
claimed that ineffective services management damages the environments, community and also

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raises economic stability issues as GDP revenues of Tourism, cultural diversity, education and
language issues in customer services management.

1.3 Research Strategies:

In this regard, the issues and predicaments of customer services management allied issues in the
hospitality industry would be well analyzed and examined by means of the secondary research
criterions. The literature review based on existing literature such as publications, cast studies,
articles, books and other relevant prices of work to better-proposed solutions (Bryman, 2015).

1.4 Proposed Discussion:

Thus, in the following literature analysis, discussions and investigation commencing the
problems and issues of the subject matter would be presented. It would be incorporated b the
theoretical considerations and customer service managements. Elements, factors impacting CSM
in hospitability, solution and trends would be demonstrated in particular.

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2 Literature Review:

2.1 Customer Service Management in Hospitality industry:

Uysal & Williams, (2013) elucidated that Customer services management is measured as a
process of enhancing the customer satisfaction for the sustainment of association, repetitive
purchases of services acquirements and loyalty purposes. In addition, Wei et al., (2013) claimed
that customer services management is considered as a complex and composite process as entails
the customer relationship management’s criterions, employee support, data integration and
effective monitoring and control for the effective results. On the other hand, So et al., (2013)
claimed that customer services management constitutes on five basic and elementary constitutes
counting the installed base management and administration, services contract managements, call
supervision services, an order based customer services as well as knowledge management
intended for the effective CSM.

On the other hand, Johnson et al., (2013) claimed it is determined that it’s not only about the
beauty of regions but the way people are treated, tourist are provided services that are customer
service management in particular matters a lot. Therefore, CSM has a direct impact on the
hospitality industry. Kandampully et al., (2015) claimed that mostly the effective CSM becomes
the basis for higher tourist attraction. The responsible and socially acceptable, environmentally
friendly services also create attraction and provided the basis for the revenues generation. Kim et
al., (2015) claimed that ineffective and bad quality customer services management creates a
negative perception, demotivates, for negative buzz and lower down the chances of survival.

2.1.1 Issues and Challenges in Customer Services Management in

hospitability Industry:

According to Huang & Rundle-Thiele, (2015) diverse issues and problems have raised the
considerations regarding the customer services management in the hospitality industry. Below
are given some of the major issues and challenges of the industry and associated entities:

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2.1.2 Labor Cost, shortage, and Turnovers impacting Customer Services


The superior customer services required effective and talented labors and employees to be
working, however, the lower compensation criterions and shortages in the tourism areas
increases the employee turnover and raises issues regarding the expenses of turnover cost and
indirectly less timely and ineffective services management (Testa & Sipe, 2012).

2.1.3 Vain Customer Relationship Management, Competition Based Brand

Switching and Cost Containments:

Ineffective customer services provision as nontimely services, lower responses, delays baggage
and luggage issues, conflicts, attendants, irresponsible behaviors, etc. increases issues. Not only
this, however, competition based tourism areas switching has been increased over the period of
time as the cost reduction considerations have lessened the quality of the services management
condition (Galliers & Leidner, 2014).

2.1.4 Guest Sophistications, Innovation, Interactive Reservation Systems,

and Technologies Necessities:

Lee et al., (2015) claimed that most issues and challenges have had raised die to the Augmented
guest sophistication has increased issues regarding the development of recreational activities,
experiences past, swimming pools, technologies and room based innovation solutions however in
cost effective manner that also seems mot impossible to do so. In addition, issues commencing
internet services, connections issues derives consumer mind towards other tourism brands and
increased issues for particular entities.

2.1.5 Data Mining and Big Data Management Issues:

Moreover, the issues regarding the big data managements for the higher customer services
management, data mining stipulations poses threats when not effectively managed. As the issues

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regarding data leakages and identity thefts also creates issues for the tourism companies in

2.1.6 Economic Stability, Cultural Diversity, Staff Education and Language


Customer services managements require integration of the personnel skills and maintenance of
the diversity to better provide services to the guest. However, the cost of hiring skilled
employees restricts the positive experiences that indirectly bring the reduction in the repetitive
services acquisition and lowered sales and GPD by means of tourism are generated (Cronin &
Bullard, 2015).

2.2 Customer Service Management Trends and possibilities in


According to Johnson et al., (2013) the new strategies, technologies and market tactics has
provided abilities to better cope up with the hospitality industry allied predicaments I particular.
In addition, as per the CRM based grounded theories the effective services managements comes
from the customer relationship management and CRM is marinated and achieved by means of
several important factors. It includes the physical, and online services in timely, friendly and
effective manners as CRM based software solution help in providing a basis for the consumer
interaction, demand tracing and strategic alignments in accordance (Testa & Sipe, 2012). The
new trends for the social media based tourist decisions were making require companies to more
effectively outline their marketing and communication approaches and promotional campaigns to
better awareness, attract and retain customer loyalty and associations. On the other hand, Huang
& Rundle-Thiele, (2015) stated that the customer relationship management software is
considered to be open to the most important aspects of software-based consideration help in
effective marketing, sales increment, demand forecast, integrated communication technologies
utilization, online reservations, promotion and varied other consumer-based interactive

2.2.1 Dimensions of Service Quality in Hospitality Sector:

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Moreover, as per the service quality model, varied factors impacts the customer satisfaction and
loyalty factors including the superior reliability, timely responsiveness, quality assurance,
demand and desires empathy and tangibles maintenance (Shahin & Shirouyehzad, 2016).

Source: Shahin & Shirouyehzad, 2016

These factors help in generating the services quality aspects and lead towards higher customer
and tourist satisfaction to demonstrates loyalty. Here is provided a diagram portraying the
process and dimensions of the services quality in particular intended for the superior service
management (Shahin & Shirouyehzad, 2016).

3 Conclusion and Recommendation:

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It has been analyzed from the above given analysis that hospitality and tourism industry is
considered as a major revenue provider to varied countries and regions around the globe.
However, in contemporary and competitive landscape, the commerce arrangements have been
escalated so as the globalization and transportation rate that is indirectly increasing the
considerations regarding effective and flexible tourism and hospitality facilities. This has also
increases the requirements for the effective service management’s possibilities to increase the
guest experiences tourist satisfaction, loyalty and association for the long term survival and
growth of the entities in tourism industry as well as overall industrial progressions. However,
several issues and challenges creates issues Nevertheless, novel trends provide opportunities for
growth and developments as well. In this regard, below are given some of the recommendations
and possible solution for the enhancements of the services management standards in hospitality

• Integrate the customer relationship management software to help in better administration

and controlling of the customer demand, relations, marketing promotions, and superior
customer experiences by means of timely information extraction, direct dealing, reviews,
concerns sharing and continuous interactions (Wei et al., 2013).
• Labor shortage turnover issues should be reduced by means of providing career growth
opportunities, competitive compensations as per the Compensation Act and educational
basis augments through cross-cultural, language and time management, CRM-based
training opportunities (Chen et al., 2016).
• Maintain the level of service quality, by means of integrating the configurable service
packages, flexible billing structures, prepayments processes, call queues, entitlements
assessment, estimation, online promotions, inventory management, hygienic food
availability and timely services provisions to maintain tourist satisfaction level higher
(Lovelock et al., 2014).

4 References:

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